Experimental investigation of Elliptical jet in coflow.
Mebarka, Hakem ; Abdelkrim, Hazzab ; Abdellah, Ghenaim 等
The objective of the present study is to investigate systematically
the mixing characteristics of an Elliptical jet with varying large
aspect ratio in a co-flow current using experimental technique.
Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique is employed to measure the
quantitative time-averaged and turbulent concentration fields of an
elliptic jet issuing into a co-flowing current and then get compared
with the previous experimental results of a round jet in the present
work. The spreading and mixing characteristics of an elliptical jet in a
co-flow including centerline concentration, centerline dilution decay,
turbulence intensity and axis-switching ... etc are discussed and
compared with circular jet. The experimental results with varying large
aspect ratio (AR=3, 6 and 10) at different downstream distance indicate
that: i) when x/D> 1.33 in the major axis plane and x/D> 1 in the
minor axis plane, the mean concentration, the turbulence intensity, are
self-similar and the mean concentration field appear to be Gaussian, ii)
axis switching phenomena happens at about x/D [approximately equal to]
7; iii) The experimental results using LIF further verify that the
Elliptic jet with varying large aspect ratio has also much higher
dilution in a co-flow than an equivalent round jet under the same flow
conditions (same momentum flux Me and same flow rate Q).
Keywords: Elliptical jet, Coflow, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF),
Centerline Dilution, Centerline Concentration, Axis Switching, Aspect
Jets are common configuration used in various mixing and thrusts
producing devices and several extinctive investigations have been made
on axisymmetric jets (e.g. Meslem, Nastase and Martin 2006 [1]; Gaskin and Wood 2001 [2]; Hua Ming and Tang 2001 [3]) and plane jets (e.g.
Kechiche and Benaissia 2004 [4]; Daeyoung, Ali and Joseph Lee 2003 [5]).
Studies on three dimensional jets (elliptic or rectangular jets) have
not been completely neglected but certainly have been insufficient (e.g.
Ho and Gutmark 1987 [6]; Kuang and Lee 2001[7]). Many studies have been
carried out in the past; they were usually focused on the study of
circular jets, however, there are other jet geometries available
(elliptic or rectangular), which may prove to be advantageous over
circular jets in term of mixing process.
Elliptical jet is an intermediate configuration between the two
simple, and extensively, asymptotic geometries circular and plane jets,
although the existence of two geometrical length scales (major and minor
axis planes) make it more complicated. Elliptical jet is lip-shaped
three-dimensional jet; the cross section area and velocity vary
nonlinearly with flow.
The elliptical jets mixing has important applications in the design
of combustors and the design of propulsion system (Papanikalaou and
Wierzba (2001) [8]). They have been studied in unforced and cold flow
studies. In addition elliptical jets have been used extensively as a
means of rapid dilution of a concentrate fluid discharge into the
environment (Husain and Hussain (1993) [9]). A considerable amount of
experimental investigations is available in the literature to define the
mixing entrainment and development of the flow fields of elliptic jets
[6], [9]. Their studies were limited, because they only focused on the
velocity measurements to scrutinize the mixing process of the elliptical
jets. Their results revealed that the flow field of elliptic jet was
characterized by the presence of the phenomenon of axis switching.
Moreover, it is found that a small aspect ratio elliptic jet entrains
surrounding fluid more effectively than a circular jet [6].
Despite the use of such nozzles by practitioners over the past
decade, there has been only limited research on the mixing
characteristics of elliptical coflowing jets in terms of the
concentration approach, which may provide a better understanding of
these phenomenons. In view of this reason this study is thus carried
out. A series of laboratory measurements by Laser Induced Fluorescence
technique (LIF) were applied to give concentration data that allows an
accurate determination of the jet properties. Moreover, this work is
also carried out to prove that even elliptic jet with varying large
aspect ratio can produce much higher dilution than circular nozzle.
Laboratory Experiment
Experimental Setup And Apparatus
A series of experiments were carried out in a 6m long, 0.2m wide by
0.3m deep arm field tilting re-circulating flume with toughened
transparent glass side walls (figure 1.a), to study the mixing
characteristics of elliptical coflowing jet. The jet was discharging
along the centerline of the flume through a 12mm internal diameter
circular pipe (D=12mm) fitted with an elliptical nozzle at mid-depth (~
0.14m) of the ambient coflow water. The jet fluid was fed from a bucket
of well mixed tap water and known concentration (~ 0.1mg/1) of the dye
tracer, rhodamine 6G ([C.sub.28][H.sub.3][N.sub.2][O.sub.3]C1). The jet
fluid was pumped to the jet nozzle by a submersible pump, and a
rotameter was used to adjust and monitor the rate of discharge. The flow
was visualized using Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique. A laser
sheet, produced by the beam of an argon-ion laser machine, illustrated
the measurement section which was at right angle to the axis of the jet
(see figure Lb). The laser induced fluorescent images of the jet was
captured by a Micro Nikkor 60mm CCD camera, which was fixed at a
distance of about 0.5m from the illuminated cross section. The
visualized images were digitized and stored in a Pentium4, 2.8G, and 1G
Ram computer. Each digitized image was an 8 bit, 1344 x 1024 pixel image
with a grey level intensity value varied within the range of 0 to 255.
For each set of experiment, the integration time of each frame of video
image was 60ms. Analysis of the time averaged images would enable the
determination of scalar concentration of the jet.
At different runs of the experiment, the jet nozzle, installed on a
movable trolley, was moved upstream to allow the fixed position laser
sheet and CCD camera to capture LIF images of the jet at different
downstream distance locations. The images were obtained for distance
ranging from 0 to 30 cm from the nozzle. The discharge of the jet flow
and the ambient coflow were measured by an Ultrasonic flow meter (figure
La). The velocity of the jet is determined by the relation (Q = A .
[U.sub.o]) where Q is the flow rate, A is jet exist area and [U.sub.o]
is the exist velocity. A schematic diagram showing the entire
experimental setup is shown in figure 1.
Experimental Conditions
The purpose of this work is to study the mixing characteristics of
elliptical coflowing jet and hence to determine the range where axis
switching of the jet takes place. For the data in the present paper, the
velocity of coflow was held fixed at (Ua = 10 cm/s), which correspondent
to a jet Reynolds number equal to 6712. The entire experiments were
performed for three typical aspect ratios (AR=3, 6 and 10), where the
aspect ratio AR can be defined as (AR= major diameter of the nozzle /
minor diameter of the nozzle = a / b). The major diameter of the nozzle
was a = 6mm and the minor diameter was b = 2, 1 and 0.6mm corresponding
to a nozzle exit area (A=37.69911, 18.84956 and 11.30973 [mm.sup.2])
respectively. The run parameters for the Elliptical jet experiments are
summarized in Table 1.
Experimental Results and Discussion
Centerline Dilution
Centerline dilution is an important engineering parameter; the
dilution at a point is defined as the ratio of the discharge
concentration to the concentration at the point. This is a measure of
the mixing capacity of discharge. The centerline dilution can be
expressed as [S.sub.c] = [C.sub.o] / [C.sub.m](x, y, z), where [C.sub.m]
and [C.sub.o] are the mean centerline concentration and initial tracer
The centerline dilution ratios ([S.sub.c] = [C.sub.o]/ [C.sub.m])
of the elliptic jet (aspect ratios 3 and 6) and the circular jet (aspect
ratio = 1) for the same momentum flux ([M.sub.eo] =5 x [10.sup.-4]) are
plotted in figure 2 against the normalized downstream distance (x /
[l.sub.m]), where ([l.sub.m]) is the momentum length scale, defined as
([l.sub.m] = [M.sub.eo.sup.1/2]/[U.sub.a]). Figure 2 shows that the
results are well fitted by a straight line passing through origin for
both elliptic and circular jets. The linear relationship between Se and
x/l n can be expressed as:
Elliptical jet; [S.sub.c] [approximately equal to] 6 .5014 x x
Circular jet; [S.sub.c] [approximately equal to] 4 .808 x
The analysis of the centerline dilution indicates that this high
aspect ratio elliptical jet undergoes a higher degree of dilution
(entrainment of the surrounding fluid) more than that of a corresponding
round jet when they are discharged at the same momentum flux
([M.sub.eo]). In previous three dimensional jet studies (elliptical
jet); it has been found that elliptical jet with small aspect ratio of
2:1 can entrain 3 to 8 times more surrounding fluid than a circular or
plane jet; referring to the work of Ho and Gutmark (1987) [6].
Now we find that even large aspect ratio elliptical jet can produce
higher dilution (entrainment) ([approximately equal to] 2 times) than
that in circular jet.
Concentration Characteristics
In order to get more understanding about the mixing characteristics
of elliptical jet in co-flow, the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)
technique is used to obtain the concentration field of elliptical jet.
A non-dimensional plot of the mean concentration (C) for all three
series of (AR) in different positions (x/D [approximately equal to]
0-20) are shown in figures 4, 5 & 6, in which the vertical
coordinates is (C /[C.sub.m]) and the horizontal coordinate is (r /
[b.sub.gc]); where C is the concentration at a radius (r), [C.sub.m] is
the centerline concentration and [b.sub.gc] is a characteristic radius
(in this case it is the radius at which the value of C / [C.sub.m]
equals to 1 /e (C / [C.sub.m] = [e.sup.-1]) (figure 3 refers)).
It is interesting to see that all the results data points collapse
nicely into one curve for both major and minor axis planes. This implies
that the concentration distributions profiles of all experimental runs
are self similar and they are normally assumed to have a Gaussian
concentration distribution [(C =
These results are compared to have a good agreement with the
concentration profiles of the Lip-shaped jet, referring to the work of
Kuang and Lee (2001) [7]. Figures 4 to 6 show the radial profile of the
time-averaged concentration of the elliptical coflowing jet of
experimental runs 1, 3 and 5.
Concentration Half-Width and Axis Switching
Elliptical jets are very turbulent in its initial stages in which;
it is observed to entrain relatively large amounts of ambient fluid. The
experiments also revealed that the elliptical jet undergoes an
interesting axis switching in which the major axis becomes the minor
axis farther downstream distance from the nozzle. This phenomenon has
been observed in many laboratory experiments on non-circular jets (Ho
and Gutmark 1987 [6]; Hussain and Husain 1989 [10] ... Etc).
In this study, the concentration half-width ([b.sub.gc]) at each
axis plane of every time averaged cross-sectional image is computed from
the Gaussian approximation of its corresponding radial concentration
profiles. Comparison of the jet half-width for the major axis plane and
minor axis plane of the jet enables the determination of the range where
axis switching occurs. Figure 8 shows the plot of the concentration
half-width with the downstream distance for experimental runs 1 to 4.
It's interesting to see that the effect of axis switching is
quite obvious. From the observation of time-averaged cross-sectional
images and the jet half-width computation, it is found that the
spreading rate in the two axis planes was noticeably different. Larger
spreading is observed in the minor axis plane than that in the major
axis plane, and this causes the jet to gradually decay from the initial
oblong shape to the ultimate circular shape (see figure 7). In the major
axis plane, the shear layer mainly spread into the potential core, while
the shear layer spread widely into the quiescent surrounding in the
minor axis plane. The jet grew almost linearly in the minor axis plane.
The jet width in the major axis plane remained constant or slightly
decreased until x / a [approximately equal to] 13.5, then, it began
growing. Beyond this region, no noticeable difference was observed
between the jet spreading in both planes, Ho and Gutmark 1987 found the
same trends in there work on small aspect ratio elliptic jet [6].
Only one such switch of the major axis of this jet has been
observed in the range of (4 < x / D < 13) at about x / D
[approximately equal to] 7 (see figure 7). These results are almost
similar to the results given by Ho and Gutmark 1987 [6]. According to the velocity measurement of Ho and Gutmark on elliptical jet; the first
axis switching occurred at about x / D [approximately equal to] 5 within
the range of their study. Work of Husain and Hussain 1993 [9] have shown
that axis switching occurred at x / [D.sub.e] [approximately equal to]
2.5 and could take place up to 100[D.sub.e], [10], where ([D.sub.e] =
[(a.b).sup.1/2]). For this work, switching may take place at far
downstream distance, but this cannot be studied in this experiment due
to the limitation of tracer dye concentration. Figure 7 shows the
Cross-sectional concentration images of experimental run 4 (Note the
switching of the major axis at the jet flows downstream distance).
Turbulent Characteristics (R.M.S Concentration Fluctuation Profile)
Turbulent intensities of the elliptical jet in coflow are measured
in the experiments. Some results are plotted in figures 9, 10 and 11 for
three different runs (run 1, 3 and 5). Figures 9 to 11 show the radial
profile of root mean square concentration ([C.sub.rms]) normalized by
the centerline maximum [C.sub.m] (turbulent intensity); in which
[C.sub.rms] = [square root of [bar.([C - [C.sub.mean])].sup.2].
The profiles in general show a double peak off the centerline. The
peak occurs at r / [b.sub.gc] [approximately equal to] 0.6 (at about x/D
[approximately equal to] 7 to 10), with maximum value equal to 0.23, and
the profiles are diminishing gradually towards both ends. The intensity
value ranged from 0.04 to 0.23 in the minor axis plane and 0.03 to 0.21
in the major axis around the centerline region. The overall turbulent
intensity increases with the downstream distance (x / D), indicating
higher turbulence as more ambient fluid is entrained into the jet.
According to the velocity measurements of Ho and Gutmark 1987 [6]
on elliptical jets, the velocity fluctuations had a two- peak profiles
initially, and evolved into a bell--shaped distribution after (x / D =
10), the peak values occurred at (x / D [approximately equal to] 10).
Our experimental results are compared to have a good agreement with the
results of Ho and Gutmark 1987.
Table 2 compares the concentration fluctuation statistics of
elliptical jet with previous studies on circular jets.
In this paper, the mixing characteristics of an elliptical jet with
varying large aspect ratio in a co-flow are investigated systematically
using laser induced fluorescence (LIF) technique and compared with
previous studies of elliptical jet and that of a round jet. The
experimental results show;
1. The mean concentration field, which provide the information of
the spread and dilution of jet in the ambient current, show that the
cross-section distributions of concentration are self-similar and appear
to be Gaussian in the ZFE;
2. Growing rates of the jet half-width in the two axis planes are
different when x/D is less than 13.5. After x/D is larger than 13.5, jet
half-width in two axis planes grow at approximately the same rate.
However, the present result suggest beyond a distance of around 13 D,
the dynamics of the jet mixing is similar to a round jet in coflow;
3. Only one such switch of the major axis of this jet has been
observed within the range of our study (up to about x / D [approximately
equal to] 7);
4. The experimental results using LIF further verify that the
Elliptic jet with varying large aspect ratio has also higher dilution in
co-flow than an equivalent round jet under same conditions (same
momentum flux).
Moreover, our laboratory experimental results are compared to have
a good agreement with the results of previous studies on elliptical jet
in coflowing ambient.
The research described herein was supported by Sediment Laboratory
of the Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Department at Hohai
University (Nanjing City, China).
Special thanks are given to Mr. M. Terfous A, Mr. J.B Poulet at
LGECO, INSA Laboratory of Strasbourg (France) and Mr. Tang Hong Wu at
Hohai University for their contribution and support in creating this
research work.
R.M.S Root--mean square
LIF Laser induced fluorescence
ZFE Zone of establishment flow
List of Symbols
A Cross-sectional area of the jet ([mm.sup.2])
AR Jet aspect ratio (AR = a / b)
[b.sub.g] Velocity half-width (mm)
[b.sub.gc] Concentration half-width (mm)
[C.sub.m] Maximum centerline concentration (mg/l)
[C.sub.rms] Root mean square concentration (mg/l)
[C.sub.o] The jet exit Concentration (mg/l)
D Normalized diameter (D =2.a, where a is the major
diameter; a=6 mm) (mm)
[l.sub.m] Momentum length scale (m)
M Momentum flux
Q Volume flux ([m.sup.3]/s)
[Q.sub.o] Jet exit volume flux ([m.sup.3]/s)
r Radial distance from the jet centerline (mm)
R' Jet to ambient Velocity ratio
[S.sub.c] Centerline dilution
[U.sub.o] Jet exit Velocity (cm/s)
[U.sub.m] Ambient Velocity (cm/s)
[U.sub.m] Centerline jet velocity (cm/s)
x, y, z Co-ordinates
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Hakem Mebarka (1), Hazzab Abdelkrim (1), Ghenaim Abdellah (2)
(1) Laboratoire de Modelisation et Methodes de Calcul Centre
Universitaire de Saida BP 138 Ennasr Saida 20002, Alegria E-mail:
hakima_hakem@yahoo.fr & hazzabdz@yahoo.fr
(2) Equipe de Recherche en Eau, Sol et Amenagement (ERESA) Institut
National des Sciences Appliquees de Strasbourg 24 boulevard de la
victoire-67084 Strasbourg, France E-mail:
Abdellah.ghenaim@insa-strasbourg fr
Table 1: Experimental Run Parameters
Run No Aspect Ratio Ambient Jet
(AR=a/b) Velocity Velocity
[U.sub.a] (cm/s) [U.sub.0] (cm/s)
1 3 10 3.684
2 3 10 3.50
3 6 10 5.202
4 6 10 3.50
5 10 10 6.705
Run No Velocity Ratio Nozzle Area Horizontal
R'=[U.sub.0] A ([mm.sup.2]) Distance
/[U.sub.a] X (mm)
1 36.84 37.69911 0,4,8,12,16,24,32,4
2 35.00 37.69911 0,4,8,12,16,24,32,4
3 52.02 18.84956 0,4,8,12,16,24,32,4
4 35.00 18.84956 0,4,8,12,16,24,32,4
5 67.05 11.30973 0,4,8,12,16,24,32,4
Table 2: Comparison of the Concentration Fluctuation of Elliptical
Coflowing Jet with Previous Studies on Circular Jet
[C.sub.rms]/[C.sub.m] Run 5 Run 3 Run 1
Centerline Value 0.04-0.21 0.05-0.20 0.03-0.18
Peak Value 0.23 0.23 0.21
[C.sub.rms]/[C.sub.m] Circular Circular
Coflow * Stagnant *
Centerline Value 0.18 0.15
Peak Value 0.22 0.20
* Chu (1996) [11].