CFD analysis of axial annular diffuser with both hub and casing diverging at unequal angles.
Arora, B.B. ; Pathak, B.D.
The function of a diffuser is the efficient conversion of kinetic
energy into pressure. Many fluid-dynamical systems involve diffusion in
annular passages. Need for annular diffusers may arise from a necessity
to provide a central core to allow a coaxial shaft in a given situation.
Annular diffusers are widely used in engineering, in particular, as
outlet devices of pumps and turbines often located downstream of turbo
machinery in a number of applications. In aircraft application, annular
diffusers often operate downstream of compressors. Such diffusers handle
flows having substantial amount of swirl and unsteadiness made up of
turbulence and periodic flow components introduced by the turbo
machinery. The swirling component of velocity may arise either from the
presence of inlet guide vanes or any other components preceding the
diffuser, e.g., a compressor, or from rotation of the central shaft
through the diffuser. The introduction of presence of swirl alters the
flow field considerably and this affects the overall performance of a
Swirling flows through annular diffusers have been investigated by
Sovran and Klomp [3], Shrinath [4] Hoadley [7], Colodipietro et al. [8],
Shaalan et al. [9], Kumar [10], Lohmann et al. and Sapre et al. [10]
Agrawal et al. [14], Singh et al. [16, 20], Kochevsky [18], Mohan et al.
[19], Japikse, D [20], Kochevsky, A. N [21] and Yeung et. al [22]. These
investigators found improved diffuser performance with swirl till a
point after that it deteriorated. The performance of an annular diffuser
apart from swirl is dependent on a large number of geometrical and
dynamical parameters. The effectiveness of annular axial diffusers
worsens with flow separation. The separation of the flow can be
suppressed or shifted from one location to another with the help of
swirl. The efforts have been made to design an annular diffuser for no
flow separation [2,5,6], however little success has been achieved.
Literature on annular diffusers reveals that earlier studies have
been carried out either with parallel hub diverging casing and both hub
and casing diverging. The experimental/ analytical data on the pressure
recovery coefficient or coefficient of energy losses [1, 12] for a wide
range of geometrical parameters and swirl intensities are scant.
Experimental studies on annular diffuser [17] require sophisticated
instrumentation and complicated time-consuming procedures which is not
economically viable and thus has limited the research activity in the
field of annular diffusers [12].
The present study is therefore carried out to examine with the help
of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), the detailed flow behavior of
axial annular diffusers with both hub and casing diverging at unequal
angles for same equivalent cone angle of 10[degrees] and area ratio of 2
and 0.. For the present case angle of hub has been fixed at 5[degrees]
and the casing angle was varied according to area ratio and fixed
equivalent cone angle of 10[degrees]. Experimental velocity profiles
were obtained with the axial annular diffuser having hub parallel and
casing diverging and area ratio of the experimental diffuser was 2.01,
and equivalent cone angle of 10.09[degrees]. CFD analysis of the
diffuser with same configuration and dynamic parameters was carried out
with different turbulence models. The model which predicted the results
more closely with the experimental results was chosen for further
investigations. RNG k-[epsilon] model agreed reasonably well with the
experimental/available data. CFD Study has been carried out to predict
the effect of experimentally obtained inlet velocity profiles without
swirl (0[degrees]) and with inlet swirl angles of 7.5[degrees],
12[degrees], 17[degrees]and 25[degrees] on the performance of annular
The Experimental Setup
Figure 1 shows the actual experimental setup used for the present
investigation. The test rig consists of a single stage centrifugal
blower which delivers 1.5[m.sup.3]/s at 1m water gauge pressure. It
draws air from the atmosphere through a very fine mesh filter and
delivers it to a settling chamber through a well-designed conical
divergence. A symmetrical damper placed at the blower intake controlled
and kept the flow rate constant through the system. A piece of heavy
fabric serving as flexible coupling was used to seal the gap between the
blower and settling chamber in order to prevent the vibrations reaching
to settling chamber from the blower. The settling chamber is provided
with fine mesh screens and a honey comb section. The purpose of the
screens is multifold in serving as flow steadying and straightening,
reducing the level of turbulence and losses. It is further connected to
a constant-area annular duct made up of two commercial pipes; through a
smooth converging section. Smooth transition from the annulus to the
conical casing of the diffuser was ensured by inserting suitable metal
shims between flanges and the inside was finished off with plasticine.
Diffuser hub was made from cast aluminum and machined smooth whereas the
casing of the annular test-diffusers was made of transparent Plexiglas.
This was done to permit flow visualization inside the annulus so formed.
The air flowing through the diffuser was finally exhausted into the
The measurements of static pressure and yaw angle were made
manually with the help of Cobra probe, Traversing Mechanism and
Manometers. Figure 2 shows Annular diffuser Geometrical Parameters of
the half section as the diffuser has been taken as axially symmetrical
CFD Modeling
Annular diffuser geometry was sketched with proper meshing scheme
with the help of GAMBIT software. In the pre-study k-[epsilon]
turbulence models such as standard, RNG and realizable were tried on the
geometries for which experimental data were available. The results
obtained were validated with the available experimental results. The
boundary conditions fed at the inlet is the same velocity profile as
experimentally obtained with turbulence specification of 0% turbulence
and hydraulic diameter as calculated from the geometry of the diffuser
inlet. The outlet boundary condition is pressure normal to the pressure
outlet with turbulence specification of 0% turbulence and hydraulic
diameter as calculated from the geometry of the diffuser outlet. The
solution controls for momentum, swirl velocity, turbulence kinetic
energy and turbulence dissipation rate are second order up winding. The
convergence criteria for residuals are [10.sup.-6] for various
parameters involved in the present study such as continuity, velocity
components [v.sub.x], [v.sub.r],and [v.sub.Z], swirl, k and [epsilon];
the results were found to be stable.
The modeling was repeated for various mesh sizes varying from 50000
to 500000 mesh cells to attain the grid independence. It was found that
the model which approached more closely to the experimental results was
2D axisymmetric RNG "renormalization group" k-[epsilon]
turbulence model with moderate mesh size of 0.07cm. The RNG-based
k-[epsilon] turbulence model [15] is derived from the instantaneous
Navier-Stokes equations, using a mathematical technique called
"renormalization group" (RNG) methods. The same model has been
used for carrying out the analysis for other geometries considered for
the present study.
Governing Equations
The governing equations for 2D axisymmetric geometries are written
as follows: Continuity equation is
[partial derivative][rho]/[partial derivative]t + [partial
derivative]/[partial derivative]x ([rho][v.sub.x] + [partial
derivative]/[partial derivative]r ([rho][v.sub.r]) + [rho][v.sub.r]/r =
[S.sub.m] (1)
Where x is the axial coordinate, r is the radial coordinate,
[v.sub.x] is the axial velocity, and [v.sub.r] is the radial velocity.
Conservation of momentum [1] in an inertial (non-accelerating)
reference frame is described by
Where p is the static pressure, [??] is the stress tensor (described below), and [rho][??] and [??] are the gravitational body
force and external body forces (e.g., that arise from interaction with
the dispersed phase), respectively.
The stress tensor [??] is given by
Where [mu] is the molecular viscosity, I is the unit tensor, and
the second term on the right hand side is the effect of volume dilation.
For 2 D axisymmetric geometries, the axial and radial momentum
conservation equations are given by
[nabla] x [??] [partial derivative][v.sub.x] / [partial
derivative]x + [partial derivative][v.sub.r] / [partial derivative]r +
[v.sub.r] / r (6)
The tangential momentum equation for 2D swirling flows may be
written as
and [v.sub.z] is the swirl velocity
Pressure recovery Coefficient
The static pressure rise non-dimensionalised with respect to the
diffuser inlet dynamic head is defined as the static pressure recovery.
[C.sub.p] = [(p - [p.sub.i])]/1/2 [rho][v.sup.2.sub.i] (8)
For one-dimensional flow of perfect gas without any energy loss,
the ideal pressure rise for given diffuser can be computed by
considering energy conservation. The result is the ideal performance.
[C.sub.pi] = 1 - 1/[AR.sup.2] (9)
Grid Independence Test
The results of any computational model are based upon the meshing
created in the specified geometry. Meshing consists of nodes, cells or
grid. The size of the grid plays an important role in determining the
output of the physical model. Coarser the mesh size or smaller number of
meshes means the results obtained may not be accurate, on the other hand
finer meshing or large number of meshes no doubt will give the better
results. However with finer mesh the computation time increases
enormously. So grid size needs optimization in order to obtain the
results in lesser computational time without sacrificing pre determined
In the present investigation grid independence was carried out on
number of geometries with different models. One such grid independence
test is explained here. Annular diffuser whose both hub and casing were
diverging with equal angles on which experiment was also performed is
chosen. The inlet velocity profile for computational model was taken the
same profile which was obtained experimentally. The turbulence model
studied for the present test was RNG k-[epsilon] model. Four different
grids sizes were employed to examine the sensitivity of grid. The
various diffusers having different geometrical parameters will have
different number of grids depending upon grid size and geometrical
dimensions. In the present investigation the size of the grid has been
taken as a parameter to maintain the symmetry between various annular
diffusers. The grid size has been taken in terms of the size of the side
of a quadrilateral cell. The mesh sizes were varied from 0.06 to 0.09 cm
were employed to study the impact of grid size on the accuracy achieved
in comparison to experimental results and the computational time spent
to achieve the results.
Figure 3 shows with k-[epsilon] RNG model the results of mesh size
of 0.06, 0.07, 0.08 and 0.09 cm. The results of mesh size 0.06 and 0.07
remain almost same, thus mesh size of 0.07 cm has been considered for
the present CFD analysis to reduce the computational time without
foregoing the accuracy.
The same turbulence model was used to predict the performance of
axial annular diffusers with various geometries.
Results and discussion
Velocity Profile
Figure 4 and 5 show the longitudinal velocity profiles. These
profiles are represented as non-dimensional longitudinal velocity u/Um
as a function of diffuser passage height y/Ym for the area ratios 2 and
0 respectively. The velocity profiles are shown for various inlet swirl
angles 0[degrees], 7.5[degrees], 12[degrees], 17[degrees]and
25[degrees]. All the velocity profiles have been shown in terms of
non-dimensional velocity as the ratio of local longitudinal velocity to
the local maximum velocity of the transverse, where velocity is
required. The non-dimensional velocity has been shown as a function of
non-dimensional diffuser passage height of the particular traverse
(y/Ym). The hub position of the traverse is represented by y/Ym =0,
whereas y/Ym =1 represents the casing position. The graphs are shown at
various traverses of the diffuser passage at x/L= 0.1, 0.0, 0.5, 0.7 and
0.9 for all the area ratios and inlet swirl angles.
Figure 4 and 5, both illustrate that the flow is hub generated for
no swirl condition and there is shift in the flow from hub towards
casing when the swirl is introduced. The peak of the velocity at x/L
=0.9 occurs at y/Ym at 0. 45 for area ratio 2, whereas for area ratio 0,
it is at y/Ym =0.41. With the introduction of swirl, the flow is pushed
towards the casing.
The separation or reversal of flow is not observed on the hub as
well as on the casing wall even with the introduction of 25[degrees]
inlet swirl in both the diffusers of area ratio 2 and 0. However the
peak velocity shifts for flow without swirl as one move down the
diffuser passage towards the hub with the increase in the area ratio. It
is quite significant as viewed in the fig. 4 and 5. The peak velocity in
both cases shifts towards the casing side as the inlet swirl increases.
The velocity on the hub side decreases with the increasing swirl for
same area ratio and it is almost negligible for 25[degrees] inlet swirl.
It is also evident from the graphs of non swirling flow
(0[degrees]), that the location of maximum non dimensional velocity
shifts towards the hub for downstream of the diffuser passage. The shift
increases to larger extent with the increase in the area ratio for same
inlet velocity profile. This is due to the fact that the stall increases
at the casing wall with increase in the area ratio for same equivalent
cone angle diffusers. The stall tends to shift from casing to the hub
wall with the introduction of swirl as observed by examining the Figures
4 and 5. The shift is stronger with the increase in the inlet swirl.
Pressure Recovery Coefficient
Figure 6 indicates pressure recovery coefficient at casing wall
([C.sub.p]) for diffuser for area ratios 2 and 0 as a function of
non-dimensional diffuser passage x/L for various inlet swirl angles
0[degrees], 7.5[degrees], 12[degrees], 17[degrees] and 25[degrees].
[C.sub.p] increases with the diffuser passage in each case. The marginal
increase in Cp is sharp in the beginning of the diffuser passage and
later on it decreases with the diffuser passage.
For area ratio 2 diffuser, Cp is higher for increasing swirl. For
17[degrees] and 25[degrees] inlet swirl Cp is lower than the flow
without swirl beyond x/L = 0.99 and 0.55 respectively. Cp is highest up
to diffuser passage length of 0.06 for 25[degrees] inlet swirl. From
x/L=0.06 to 0.69 it is maximum for 17[degrees] inlet swirl, then from
0.69 till end it is for 12[degrees] inlet swirl.
For area ratio 0 diffuser Cp is lower than the flow without swirl
beyond x/L =0.64 and 0.00 for 7.5[degrees] and 25[degrees] inlet swirl
respectively. Up to 0.2 of diffuser passage length, Cp is highest for
25[degrees] inlet swirls, from 0.2 to 0.4, it is for 17[degrees] inlet
swirl and beyond that it is for 12[degrees] inlet swirl.
Validated CFG RNG k-[epsilon] model was used to predict the
performance of the axial annular diffuser. Following inferences have
been drawn from the predicted computational results for area ratios 2
and 3 for various inlet swirl angles.
1. As the flow proceeds downstream, the longitudinal velocity
decreases continuously irrespective of whether the inlet flow is
swirling or non-swirling.
2. Velocity profiles have different shapes at different locations
of the flow passage due to the development of boundary layer.
0. The maxima of velocity at any diffuser transverse is not at the
centre, rather it is towards the hub for non swirling flow, which shifts
towards the casing with the introduction of swirl.
4. With the introduction of swirl, the flow is pushed towards
casing wall thus making the flow stronger towards casing than hub wall.
5. Pressure recovery coefficient increases with the diffuser
passage. However the marginal recovery decreases with the diffuser
6. With the introduction of swirl the recovery is faster towards
the casing wall. The effect of swirl appears to gradually decay as the
flow proceeds downstream and the recovery is negligible or nil towards
the diffuser exit.
7. CFD analysis in the pre study is reasonably in good agreement
with the experimental data. The RNG k-[epsilon] turbulence model used in
the present work can be used to predict the flow behaviour in advance
and the pressure recovery coefficient can be computed.
A Diffuser annular area
AR Area ratio
[C.sub.p] Pressure recovery coefficient
F Force
I Unit tensor
L Diffuser length
P Static pressure
R Radius
Re Reynolds number
V Velocity in Y direction
x/L Non-dimensional axial length
y/Ym Non-dimensional radial length
[theta] wall divergence angle
[eta] Diffuser effectiveness
[rho] Density
[mu] Molecular viscosity
[alpha] Inlet Swirl angle
[??] Stress tensor
[zeta] Diffuser loss coefficient
c casing
h hub
i inlet
o outlet
r radial
x axial
z tangential or swirl
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B.B. Arora * and B.D. Pathak
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological
University, (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Delhi, India
* Corresponding Author E-mail: