Heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid in plain tube with longitudinal strip inserts by using computational fluid dynamics.
Reddy, M. Chandra Sekhara ; Rao, V. Vasudeva ; Sundar, L. Syam 等
A liquid is coolant is widely used in heat exchangers and
transportation vehicles to prevent the overheating or heat transfer rate
of equipments like electronic devices and heat exchangers. However a
convectional heat transfer fluid such as water or ethylene glycol generally has poor thermal properties. So many authors are put efforts
for dispersing small particles with high thermal conductivity in the
liquid coolant have been conducted to enhance the thermal properties of
the convectional heat transfer fluids. Choi [1995] and his team
developed nano-sized particles and obtained higher thermal conductivity
by engineering the particle dispersion in liquids, subsequently the
researchers Masuda et al. [1993], Lee et al. [1999], Wang et al. [1999],
Eastman et al. [1999, 2001], Das et al. [2003] mostly concentrating on
the determination of effective thermal conductivity of nanofluid.
Previous investigations on the convective heat transfer enhancement
of nanofluids have been reported as follows: Xuan and Li [2003] have
first time presented the empirical correlation for the estimation of
Nusselt number in laminar and turbulent flow condition using nanofluids
Cu particles. Wen and Ding [2004] observed that [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
nanoparticles when dispersed in water can significantly enhance the
convective heat transfer in the laminar flow regime and the enhancement
increases with Reynolds number, as well as particle concentration
compared to base fluid. Experiments with [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]/water
nanofluid in the laminar flow range of Reynolds number in the range of
700 and 2050 has been conducted by Heris et al. [2007] under isothermal wall boundary condition and observed enhancements of heat transfer to
take place with increase in Peclet number and volume concentration. Pak
and Cho [1998] developed the regression for the estimation of Nusselt
number in plain tube with [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid
under turbulent flow condition.
Some researchers are numerically investigated on the convective
heat transfer enhancement with nanofluids have been reported as follows:
Maiga et al. [2005] numerically investigated the heat transfer of
water/[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and ethylene glycol/[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
nanofluid under laminar flow condition. Namburu et al. [2009] have been
numerically obtained the heat transfer enhancement with CuO,
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Si[O.sub.2] compared to base liquid under turbulent
flow condition. Numerical analysis of laminar flow heat transfer of
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]/ethylene glycol and [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]/water
nanofluids in tube has been reported by Palm et al. [2004] and Roy et
al. [2004] and observed wall shear stress to increase with volume
concentration and Reynolds number. Putra et al. [2003] reported natural
convection heat transfer with [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]/water and CuO/water.
Experimental results are showing that further heat transfer
enhancement of nanofluid in plain tube is possible with inserts (like
twisted tape and longitudinal strip). Sharma et al. [2009], Sundar and
Sharma [2010a, 2010b] first time presented the empirical correlation for
the estimation of Nusselt number and friction factor in transition and
turbulent flow condition using water and different volume concentration
of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid.
Nanofluids in circular tube with and without longitudinal strip
insert data and empirical correlations are not available in the
literature under turbulent flow condition. The present study focuses
with the estimation of nanofluids heat transfer and pressure drop with
longitudinal strip inserts in a plain tube by using commercially
available FLUENT. 6.0. software. The data obtained from the numerical
analysis is compared with the data available in the literature.
Thermo-physical properties of nanofluid and geometry
The following equations of Pak and Cho [1998] are used for
calculating the thermophysical properties of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] and
Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid. The following data of Xuan and Li [2003] is used
for the thermo-physical properties of CuO nanofluid.
CuO nanofluid
S.No. Volume Density, Thermal
fraction, P, conductivity, K,
kg/[m.sup.3] W/m K
1 0.3 1014.22 0.6204
2 1.0 1051.61 0.6466
3 1.5 1078.32 0.6798
4 2.0 1105.03 0.712
S.No. Absolute Specific
viscosity, [mu] * heat, Cp,
[10.sup.-3], J/kg K
1 1.1152 4170.92
2 1.219 4143.99
3 1.360 4124.98
4 1.5021 4105.98
(Source: Xuan and Li [2003])
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid
[[rho].sub.nanofluid] = (1 - [phi]) [[rho].sub.base fluid] + [phi]
[[rho].sub.particle] (1)
[([C.sub.p]).sub.nanofluid] = (1-[phi]) [([C.sub.p]).sub.base
fluid] + [phi][([C.sub.p]).sub.particle] (2)
[[mu].sub.nanofluid] = [[mu].sub.base fluid] (1 + 39.11 [phi] +
533.9 [[phi].sup.2]) (3)
[k.sub.nanofluid] = [k.sub.base fluid] (1 + 7.47 [phi]) (4)
Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid
[[mu].sub.nanofluid] = [[mu].sub.base fluid] (1 + 5.45 [phi] +
108.2 [[phi].sup.2]) (5)
[k.sub.nanofluid] = [k.sub.base fluid] (1 + 2.920 [phi] - 11.99
[[phi].sup.2]) (6)
Mathematical Modeling
The nanopaticles in the base fluid may be easily fluidized and
consequently the effective mixture behaves like a single-phase fluid
Xuan and Li [2003]. It is also assumed that the fluid phase and
nanoparticles are in equilibrium with zero relative velocity. This may
be realistic as nanoparticles are much smaller than micro particles and
the relative velocity decreases as the particle size decreases. The
resultant mixture may be considered as a convectional single-phase
fluid. The thermal and physical properties are temperature dependent
under the operating conditions. The effective thermo-physical properties
are dependent upon the temperature and volume concentration. Furthermore
the assumption for single phase for a nanofluid is validating with the
experimental results of Pak and Cho [1998]. Under these assumptions, the
classical theory of single-phase fluid can be applied to nanofluid.
Governing equations
The problem under investigation is a three-dimensional steady,
forced turbulent convection flow of nanofluid flowing inside a straight
circular tube having diameter of 0.00853m inner diameter, 0.00913m outer
diameter and length of 1.5m. The fluid enters the circular tube with
uniform axial velocity and temperature. Plane the governing equation for
the fluid flow are Shih [1984]:
div([rho][bar.V]=0 (7)
div([rho][bar.V][bar.V]) = -grad([bar.P]) + [mu] [[nabla].sup.2]
[bar.V] - div([rho] u' u') (8)
div([rho] V [C.sub.p] T) = div (k grad [bar.T] - [rho][C.sub.p]
u' t') (9)
In the above equations, the symbols [bar.V], [bar.P] and [bar.T]
represent the time averaged flow variables, while the symbols u'
and t' represent the fluctuations in velocity and temperature. The
terms in the governing equations [rho] u' u' and [rho]
[C.sub.p] u' t' represent the turbulent shear stress and
turbulent heat flux. The terms are unknown and must be approximately
expressed in terms of mean velocity and temperature.
Turbulent modeling
For closure of the governing equations of fluid flow, empirical
data or approximate models are required to express the turbulent
stresses and heat flux quantities of the related physical phenomenon. In
the present numerical analysis, k = [epsilon] turbulent model proposed
by Launder and Spalding [1972] was adopted. k = [epsilon] Turbulent
model introduces two additional equations namely turbulent kinetic
energy (k) and rate of dissipation ([epsilon]). The equations for
turbulent kinetic energy (k) and rate of dissipation ([epsilon]) are
given by:
div([rho] [bar.V] k)= div {[([mu] + [[mu].sub.t])]/[[sigma].sub.k]
grad k} + [G.sub.k] - [rho][epsilon] (10)
div([rho] [bar.V] [epsilon])= div{[([mu] +
[[mu].sub.t])]/[[sigma].sub.3] grad [epsilon]} + [C.sub.1[epsilon]]
([epsilon]/k]) [G.sub.k] + [C.sub.2[epsilon]] [rho]
([[epsilon].sup.2]/k) (11)
In the above equations, ([G.sub.k]) represents the generation of
turbulent kinetic energy due to mean velocity gradients,
([[sigma].sub.k]) and ([[sigma].sub.[epsilon]]) are effective Prandtl
numbers for turbulent kinetic energy and rate of dissipation,
respectively; ([C.sub.1[epsilon]]) and ([C.sub.2[epsilon]]) are
constants and ([[mu].sub.t]) is the eddy viscosity and is modeled as
[[mu].sub.t]= ([rho][C.sub.[mu]][k.sup.2]/[epsilon]) (12)
Further information is available in Launder and Spalding [1972] and
Fluent [2005] for turbulence modeling.
Boundary conditions
The governing equations of the fluid flow are non-linear and
coupled partial differential equations, subjected to the following
boundary conditions. At the tube inlet section, uniform axial velocity
[V.sub.in] temperature [T.sub.in] turbulent intensity and hydraulic
diameter have been specified. At the outlet section, the flow and
temperature fields are assumed fully developed the flow and temperature
fields are assumed fully developed (L/D = 175.84). Outflow boundary
condition has been implemented for the outlet section. This boundary
condition implies zero normal gradients for all flow variables except
pressure. On the upper wall of the tube, the no slip boundary condition
was imposed. The wall is subjected to a uniform heat flux.
Results and Discussions
Nusselt number for water, [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Ti[O.sub.2] and CuO
nanofluid in plain tube
The tube has a diameter of 0.00853m inner diameter, 0.00913m outer
diameter and a length of 1.5m. The fluid enters the tube with a constant
inlet temperature [T.sub.in] of 300K and uniform axial velocity
[V.sub.in]. Constant Wall Heat Flux (CWHF) of 5658W/[m.sup.2] is applied
on the outer periphery of the tube and the GAMBIT model with boundary
conditions is shown in Fig. 1. The Reynolds number was varied from
2000-25000. In order to validate the computational model, the numerical
results were compared with the theoretical data available for the
conventional fluids.
Nusselt number correlations for single phase fluid
General correlations available in the literature for the estimation
of Nusselt number of single phase fluid are given below:
Dittus-Boelter [1930] correlation
Nu = 0.023 [Re.sup.0.8] [Pr.sup.0.4] (13)
Gnielinski [1976] correlation
Nu = 0.021 [Re.sup.0.8] [Pr.sup.0.5] (14)
The numerical Nusslet number of water in plain tube at different
Reynolds number is shown in Fig. 2 along with the data obtained from the
Dittus-Boelter [1930] and Gnielinski [1976] and it observed that
numerical Nusselt number is in very good agreement. The numerical
analysis is conducted in laminar and turbulent flow condition in both
the regions the numerical Nusselt number is close agreement with the
literature values.
The numerical Nusselt number of 1.0% volume concentration of
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid is shown in Fig. 3
along with the data of water. From the fig it is observed that
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid is having high Nusselt number compared to
water and other nanofluids under the same Reynolds number and same
volume concentration. The thermophysical properties of
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid is high compared to CuO and Ti[O.sub.2]
nanofluid under same volume concentration and the properties play vital
role for heat transfer augmentation. The numerical Nusselt number of
2.0% volume concentration of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2]
nanofluid is shown in Fig. 4. The Nusselt number of all nanofluids
increases with increase of Reynolds number and increase of percentage of
volume concentration.
Pressure drop for water, [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Ti[O.sub.2] and CuO
nanofluid in plain tube
The pressure drop across the tube is measured with the equation of
[DELTA] p = f(L/D)([rho][V.sup.2]/2) (15)
Friction factor correlation for single phase fluid
General correlation available in the literature for the estimation
of friction factor of single phase fluid is given below:
Blasius [1908] correlation
f = 0.316 [Re.sup.-0.25] (16)
The friction factor for water obtained from the numerical analysis
is shown in Fig. 5 along with the data of Pak and Cho [1998] and Blasius
[1908] and it is found that the obtained friction factor is very good
The friction factor of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2]
nanofluid at 1.0% volume concentration is shown in Fig. 6 along with the
data of base fluid and it is observed that [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid
is having high friction factor compared to other nanofluids. The
thermo-physical properties of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid is high
compared to CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid. The absolute viscosity causes
the enhancement in friction factor for all the nanofluids, comparatively
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid is having more. The friction factor of
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] at 2.0% volume concentration is
shown in Fig. 7 along with the friction factor of 1.0% volume
concentration. From the figure it is observed that the friction factor
increases with increase of Reynolds number and increase of volume
Nusselt number of water, [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Ti[O.sub.2] and CuO
nanofluid in plain tube with longitudinal strip inserts
Schematic diagram of the longitudinal strip inserts in a plain
tube, prototype of plain tube with longitudinal inserts of aspect ratio,
AR = 2 modeled in GAMBIT software is shown in Figs. 8a-8b and dimensions
of the inserts is shown in the Table 1. The boundary conditions of plain
tube are incorporated for the estimation of Nusselt number and friction
factor. The velocity boundary condition is used as inlet boundary
condition and the velocity of different aspect ratios of longitudinal
strip inserts are calculated based on the hydraulic diameter. The
pressure inlet, heat flux boundary condition is used as outlet boundary
condition and wall boundary condition.
The obtained Nusselt number from the numerical analysis of
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid in plain tube with
different aspect ratios of (AR = 1, 2, and 4) longitudinal strip inserts
at 2.0% volume concentration is shown in Fig. 9 along with the plain
tube data. The results shown that Nusselt number of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
nanofluid in plain tube with longitudinal strip inserts of aspect ratio,
AR = 1 is having high Nusselt number compared to the other nanofluids
under the same Reynolds number and same percentage of volume
Friction factor for water, [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Ti[O.sub.2] and CuO
nanofluid in plain tube with longitudinal strip inserts
Eq. (15) is used to estimate the friction factor of water,
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid at 2.0% volume
concentration in plain tube with different aspect ratios (AR = 1, 2 and
4) I shown in the Fig. 10 and it is observed that the friction factor
increases with increase of Reynolds number, increase of volume
concentration and it is also increases with decrease of aspect ratio of
the longitudinal strip inserts. From the figure it is observed that
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid in plain tube with longitudinal strip
inserts of AR = 1 is having high friction factor compared to other
nanofluids at same Reynolds number and same volume concentration.
The following conclusions are drawn from the numerical analysis
1. Heat transfer coefficient and friction factor of
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], Ti[O.sub.2] and CuO nanofluids in circular tube is
studied numerically.
2. The Nusselt number of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid increases
1.69 times, TiO2 nanofluid increases 1.04 times and CuO nanofluid
increases 1.147 times to the base fluid respectively at 2.0% volume
concentration and at 25,000 Reynolds number.
3. The increase in heat transfer coefficient of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
nanofluid increases 1.91 times, Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid increases 1.072
times and CuO nanofluid increases 1.33 times to the base fluid
respectively at 2.0% volume concentration and at 25,000 Reynolds number.
4. Compared to three different nanofluids [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
nanofluid is having high heat transfer rates.
5. The increase in friction factor of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] nanofluid
increases 1.091 times, Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluid increases 1.031 times and
CuO nanofluid increases 1.54 times to the base fluid respectively at
2.0% volume concentration and at 25,000 Reynolds number.
6. [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3], CuO and Ti[O.sub.2] nanofluids heat
transfer coefficient increases with increase of the volume concentration
and Reynolds number.
7. Prandtl number of nanofluid increases with decrease in operating
temperature, because the viscosity plays a predominant role. Pressure
loss increases with increase in the volume concentration of the
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* M. Chandra Sekhara Reddy, V. Vasudeva Rao and L. Syam Sundar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of
Science and Technology, Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad-501 301, A.P.,
* Corresponding Author E-mail: mekalacs@gmail.com
Table 1: Dimensions of longitudinal strip inserts.
S. No. Parameter Aspect Ratio, AR = W/H, m
1 2 4
1 W (width) 0.01 0.010 0.010
2 H (height) 0.01 0.005 0.0025