New AMS dates from Estonian Stone Age burial sites/UUED AMS-dateeringud Eesti kiviaja matmispaikadest.
Kriiska, Aivar ; Lougas, Lembi ; Lohmus, Mari 等
Kiviaegsete matmispaikade uurimine sai Eestis alguse 19. sajandi
lopukumnenditel, suurem osa teavet on kogutud aga 20. sajandi esimesel
poolel. Seni viimane kiviaegne matmispaik leiti 2003. aastal Tartu linna
lahedalt Veibrist. Vaatamata sellele et kiviaegse matmiskombestiku
uurimistraditsioon ulatub pooleteise sajandi taha, on seni parssinud
tolgendamist muuhulgas tapsete dateeringute puudumine.
Kuigi esimene radiosusinikudateering Eesti kiviaegsest matusest
tehti juba 1950. aastate lopul, mil analuusiti uhest Tamula I asula- ja
matrnispaigal (joon 1, tabel 1) avatud hauast leitud puitu, avanes
kiviaegsete inimluude kui vaga haruldase materjali ajaliseks maaramiseks
voimalus alles kiirendi-massispektromeetria (AMS) rakendamisega
radiosusiniku dateerimises. Esimesed AMS-dateeringud tehti Eestis 1990.
aastatel Kudrukula asulakohalt leitud inimluudest ja Naakamae
asulakohalt ning Tamula I asula- ja matmispaigalt leitud luustikust
(haud X). Tanu erinevatele uurimisprojektidele on 2000. aastatel tehtud
AMS-dateeringuid veel kaheteistkumnest luustikust.
Kagu-Eestis Suur-Ema 6e pohjakaldal Veibris paikneval matmispaigal
on valja kaevatud (2003) iiks nelikhaud (joon 2), kuhu oli maetud
selili-siruliasendis kolm last ja taiskasvanu. Kaks last olid
orienteeritud peaga kagusse ja taiskasvanu ning tema korval lamanud laps
asetsesid esimestega diametraalselt vastassuunaliselt. Samaaegselt hauda
pandud surnutel puudusid panused, kuid valistada ei saa uhe arvatava
Narva-tuupi savinou killu kuulumist kompleksi. Luuproov AMSdateerimiseks
voeti taiskasvanud indiviidi (luustik II) parerna kodarluu korpuse
osast. Dateeringuks saadi 6090 [+ or -] 45 [sup.14]C-aastat (Hela-1331).
Kesk-Eestis Meleski kulas kagu-loode-suunalisel voorel paiknevast
Kivisaare kiviaja matmispaigast leiti haudu juba 19. sajandi teisel
poolel ja seejarel (1903, 1908-1910, 1913, 1921, 1931, 1962, 1964-1965,
2002-2004) on sealt erinevate uurijate poolt valja kaevatud enam kui
paarkummend suhteliselt tervikuna sailinud luustikku ning uksikuid luid
rohkem kui kumnelt indiviidilt. Luuproov AMS-dateerimiseks voeti 1965.
aasta kaevamistel leitud 16unaedela-pohjakirde-suunalises madalas
ovaalses hauas paiknenud selili-siruliasendis panusteta lapseluustiku
(joon 3, 4) kolju fragmendist (1960. aastatel uuritud haudade
numeratsiooni kohaselt luustik 4). Dateennguks saadi 5450 [+ or -] 40
[sup.14]C-aastat (Poz-10840).
Kagu-Eestis Voru linna lahedal Tamula jarve kaldal paiknevalt
Tamula I neohitiliselt asula- ja matmispaigalt on aja jooksul
(1942-1943, 1946, 1955-1956, 1961, 1968, 1988-1989) valja kaevatud 25
rohkern voi vahem terviklikku luus tikku. AMS-dateeringud on tehtud
neist viiest (matused I, III, VII, VIII, XIX). I luustik kuulus naisele,
kes oli maetud peaga loode suunas paremale kiiljele koverdatud asendis
(joon 5, 6) koos mitmete panustega (nooleotsad, luuteravik, luueseme
katke jms). Reieluust voetud proovist saadi vanusemaarang 4680 [+ or -]
40 [sup.14]C-aastat (Poz-15645). III luustik (joon 7) kuulus mehele, kes
oli kirde-edelasuunalisse hauda asetatud kagardatult, jalad paremale
poole konksus (sarnas paiknes lulisammas otse), koos panustega
(hammasripatsid, ahinguotsa katke ja savinoukillud). Roidest voetud
proovist saadi vanusemaarang 4940 [+ or -] 40 [sup.14]C-aastat
(Poz10826). VII luustik kuulus lapsele (joon 8), kes oli maetud
pohja-louna-suunaliselt selili-siruliasendis koos rikkalike panustega
(kuustalb, luust noa katke, hammasripatsid, luuripats, merevaikripatsid,
luust loomakujukesed jms), molemas kaes sookure tiibade fragmendid.
Alaloualuust voetud proovist saadi vanusemaarang 5760 [+ or -] 45
[sup.14]C-aastat (Hela-1335). VIII luustik (joon 9) kuulus naisele, kes
oli kagu-loode-suunalisse puuokstega vooderdatud hauda asetatud
selili-siruli koos panustega (luust nooleotsad, kiltkivist kuustalb,
tulekivist koovits, luunaaskel, linnuluust toruhelmed, luuplaadist
antropo- ja zoomorfsed figuurid). Vasaku reieluu korpuse osast voetud
proovist saadi vanusemaarang 5370 [+ or -] 45 [sup.14]C-aastat
(Hela-1336). XIX luustik (joon 10) kuulus mehele, kes oli
edela-kirde-suunalisse hauda asetatud nii, et ifakeha jai selili, kuid
lifisamba alumine osa oli monevorra paremale keeratud. Kaasa oli pandud
panuseid (luuplaadist linnufiguur, hammasripatsid, linnuluust
toruhelmed). Reieluu korpuse osast voetud proovist saadi vanusemaarang
4925 [+ or -] 40[sup.14]C-aastat (Hela-1337).
Kirde-Eestis Purtse lahedal paiknevalt Sope matmispaigalt on alates
19. sajandi 16pust erinevatel aegadel leitud enam kui kumne inimese
luid, neist kaks on valja kaevatud (1926, 1933) arheoloogide poolt.
Proov AMS-dateerimiseks voeti 1933. aasta kaevamistel leitud naise
luustikust (matus II). Naine oli maetud loodekagu-suunalisse hauda
paremale kuljele, polved koverdatud, parem kasi pea all, vasak kehal
(joon 11), koos panustega (terve savinou, luunaaskel, joekarbi koda,
peotais vaikesi umaraid kivikesi). Paremast esimesest poialuust voetud
proovist saadi vanusemaarang 4090 [+ or -] 35 [sup.14]C-aastat
Loode-Eestis Ardu kulas paiknevalt matmispaigalt on leitud (1931 ja
1936) kaks luustikku. Proov AMS-dateerimiseks voeti 1936. aasta
kaevamistel leitud mehe luustikust (matus II). Mees oli maetud
pohja-16una-suunalisse hauda koverdatud jalgadega (joon 12) koos rohkete
panustega (venekujuline kivikirves, terviklik savinou, luust talb,
tulekivist talb, tulekivist laastkoovits voi nuga, luupoor, luust
naaskel ja sarveots). Vasakust kiHnarluust voetud proovist saadi
vanusemaarang 4110 [+ or -] 40[sup.14]C-aastat (Poz-10824).
Saaremaalt Tika kulast on juhuslikult kruusa kaevandamisel leitud
(1934) uks luustik koos vaheste panustega (luust ahinguots ja
noorkeraamika killud). Alaloualuust voetud proovist saadi vanusemaarang
4035 [+ or -] 35 [sup.14]C-aastat (Poz-10803).
Kesk-Eestis Puurrnani lahedal Kunilast on vaikeselt voorelt leitud
kiviaegseid matuseid juhuslikult ja kaks avatud arheoloogiliste
valjakaevamiste (1948) kaigus. Proov AMS-dateerimiseks voeti hauast
(matus II), kus paiknes vaid osaline voi osaliselt sailinud luustik koos
moningate panustega (tulekivist talb ja ihumiskivi). Alaloualuust voetud
proovist saadi vanusemaarang 3960 [+ or -] 40 [sup.14]C-aastat
Kagu-Eestist Tartu Karlova linnaosast on leitud kiviaegne
pohja-16una-suunaline haud, kuhu oli maetud selili-siruliasendis mees
koos moningate panustega (venekujuline kivikirves ja nooleots).
Alaloualuust voetud proovist saadi vanusemaarang 3805 [+ or -] 35
[sup.14]C-aastat (Poz-15499).
Saadud radiosusinikudateeringute pohhal voib Eesti kiviaegsed
maahaudkalmed jagada ajaliselt neljaks ruhmaks. Koige varasemad on
Veibri II (5210-4850 eKr(20)), Tamula VII (4720-4490 eKr) ja Kivisaare
IV luustik (4360-4230 eKr), kuuludes Eesti kiviaja praeguse
periodiseeringu kohaselt varaneoliitikumi. Koigi nimetatud haudade puhul
on tegemist selili-siruli matustega. Veibri I on (kui jatta korvale
moneti ebaselge kontekstiga oletatav Narva-tuupi keraamika kild)
panusteta nelikmatus, Kivisaare IV on panusteta uksikmatus ja Tamula VII
on rikkaliku hauainventariga uksikmatus. Viimane eristub teistest
selgelt ja selle dateering on vastuolus seniste tolgendustega.
Omaette ruhmana eristuvad Tamula VIII (4340-4050 eKr) ja X luustik
(4330-3970 eKr), paiknedes varaneoliitikumi ja keskneoliitikumi piiril.
Tamula X ja VIII matust korvutades torkab silma mitmeid sarnaseid
elemente. Tegemist on okstest alusele asetatud selili-siruli
uksikmatustega, mille orientatsioon suures osas korreleerub (vastavalt
lounakagu pohjakirre ja kagu-kirre). Molemale surnule on hauda kaasa
pandud rohkelt esemeid, kusjuures x luustiku juurest on saadud ka kuus
Kindlalt keskneolftilised on kolm luustikku Tamula I asula- ja
matmispaigast: Tamula I (3630-3360 eKr), III (3800-3640 eKr) ning XIX
(3790-3640 eKr). Varem on sama vahemikuga dateeritud inimluud
Kirde-Eestist Kudrukula asulast. Tamula III ja XIX mehe matused on
kullalt samased. Tegemist on kull vastas-orientatsiooniliste haudadega,
ent see-eest on sumud hauda asetatud uhetaoliselt: molema filakeha on
lebanud sirgelt, vaid nende jalad on olnud polvest paremale poole
koverdatud. Kehaasendi poolest kullalt samane on ka Tamula I naisele
kuulunud matus, kus sumu on samuti hauda asetatud osaliselt kagardatuna.
Ka panused on suhteliselt sarnased: I ja III hauas luuesemed ning
oletatavasti ka savinoukillud, III ja XIX hauas loomahammastest
ripatsid; teistest pisut erinev on XIX haua inventar, mis sisaldab ka
linnuluust toruhelmeid ning kaht luust linnufiguuri.
Hilisneoliitikumi kuulub uute AMS-dateeringute pohjal viis matust:
Ardu II (2880-2500 eKr), Sope II (2870-2490 eKr), Tika (2840-2470 eKr),
Kunila II (2580-2340 eKr) ja Karlova (2460-2130 eKr). Esimese kolmega
Was laastus samaaegne on ka varem dateeritud Naakamae matus (2890-2480
eKr) ja uks Tamula lokaliseerimata haud puidust tehtud dateeringu jargi
(2900-2300 eKr). Vaadeldavas alaruhmas on sumute kehaasend varieerunud:
Ardu II ja Sope II on kagarmatused, Karlovas ning Naakamael asetsesid
luustikud selili-siruliasendis, Tika ja Tamula maetute kehaasend ei ole
teada. Samuti erineb vaadeldavatel matustel panuseline materjal.
Naakamae matuse juurest on saadud vaid luust naaskel, Karlovas oli hauda
asetatud Karlova-tuupi kivikirves ja kivist nooleots. Kuna pole teada,
millise Tamula I asula- ja kalmistumatusega tapselt Tgemist on, siis ei
ole selle panuselist materjaf siinkohal voimalik analuusida. Sope II
luustiku juurest saadi aga noorkeraamiline savinou, luust naaskel ja joe
parlkarp. Samaselt Karlova matusele oli ka Ardu II luustiku juures
Karlova-tuupi kivikirves, lisaks sellele saadi sealt savinou, luutalb,
tulekivist talb, luust naaskel ja poor.
Kahtlemata kerkib ules kusimus saadud dateeringute
usaldusvaarsusest. Probleemsed on need eelkoige Tamula I asula- ja
matmispaiga puhul. Uute dateeringute valgusel on sinna maetud peamiselt
ajavahemikus 4340 kuni 3360 eKr, keskmistatud naitudena 4200 kuni 3495
eKr, arheoloogilis-kultuurilise periodiseeringu kohaselt tuupilise
kammkeraamika perioodil ja hilise kammkeraamika ajajargu algul. Erandiks
on Tamula VII haud (keskmistatult 4600 eKr), mis nendesse raamidesse ei
mahu ja peaks kuuluma varaneoliitikumi, Narva kultuuri aega. Need
dateeringud on aga vastuolus nii asula kui ka kalmistu senise
vanusemaaranguga. Matmispaik on dateeritud varem asulaga samaaegseks,
hilisneoliitikumi, oletades peamiselt stratigraafia jargi, et matmine on
toimunud elupaiga territooriumile.
Dateerimisel radiosusinikumeetodil esineb juhte, kus saadud
vanusemaarangud ei korreleeru teiste samast muistisest saadud
dateeringutega. Ebakolad voivad olla tingitud kas
radiosusinikudateeringust (mis omakorda on voinud tekkida proovi
votmisel tehtud vigadest, dateerimislabori tegematajatmistest proovi
puhastamisel vms) voi kogutud arheoloogilise materjah ebatapsest
tolgendamisest. Luude dateerimisel peetakse uheks peamiseks vea
tekkepohjuseks seda, et materjalilt ei suudeta reostust eemaldada.
Luumaterjali puhul on uheks oluliseks saasteallikaks huumuses olevad
happed, mille eemaldamata jatmine proovist voib tekitada olukorra, kus
saadud vanusemaarangud on tegelikkusest vanemad voi nooremad. Viimane
soltub aga eelkoige konkreetse leiukoha keskkonnast.
Tamula puhul on kindlasti pohjust olla ettevaatlik III luustikust
tehtud dateeringu puhul, kuna proovi tulemust on voinud mojutada
vahene--vaid 0,04% kollageeni sisaldus.
Uheks dateeringute usaldusvaarsust kontrollivaks mehhanismiks on
stabiilse isotoobi ([[delta]'sup.13]C) vaartus samas proovis.
Tamula I asula- ja matmispaiga proovides on see vahemikus -23,9[per
thousand] kuni -27,2[per thousand]. Uldjuhul peetakse normvaartuseks
-21/22[per thousand] ja korvalekalded tahendaksid
radiosusinikudateeringu ebaonnestumist. Selle kohaselt voiks kahelda
koigis Tamula I asula- ja matmispaigalt saadud inimluude dateeringutes.
Kuigi teoreetiliselt on toesti voimalik, et liialt madal
[[delta]'sup.13]C vaartus naitab proovi saastatust, juhtub
praktiliselt siiski harva, et proovi rikub uksainus normist korvale
kalduv parameeter. Eesti kontekstis ei ole Tamula I asula- ja matmispaik
mingi erand: samaseid madalaid stabiilse isotoobi vaartusi on saadud ka
teiste kivi- ning pronksiaja muististe dateerimisel. Probleemsete
matuste puhul on kahtlemata vajalikud korduvanaluusid.
Tuleb todeda, et kui uhe juhusliku madala [[delta]'sup.13]C
vaartusega proovi puhul Tamula I asula- ja matmispaigast voib veel
kahelda selle dateeringu relevantsuses, siis paljude proovide langemine
uhte ja samasse ajavahemikku annab kindluse, pidamaks vaaraks pigem
varasemat tolgendust kui saadud radiosusinikudateeringuid. Arvestades
hetkel olemasoleva materjaliga--nii stratigraafia, leiuaines kui ka
AMS-dateeringud matustest -, on toenaoline, et Tamula I asula- ja
matmispaiga puhul on tegemist kas: 1) eriaegsete muististega, kus
kalmistu eelneb asulakohale, voi 2) eriaegsete muististega, kus osa
matuseid eelneb asulakohale, teised on aga sellega samaaegsed.
Teiseks oluliseks aspektiks saadud dateeringute relevantsuse
kontrollimisel on esemeline materjal: kas ja mil maaral korreleeruvad
omavahel absoluutne ja esemelise materjali analuusil baseeruv suhteline
Varaneolftilised matused on reeglina vaheste panustega (Konnu ja
Narva Joaoru) voi puuduvad need sootuks. Nii Veibri kollektiivmatusest
kui ka Kivisaare IV hauast pole kindlaid panuseid saadud. Nende haudade
puhul ei ole voimalik taheldada dateeringutega mingit vastuolu. Siiski
toetab Veibri dateeringut oletatav Narva-tuupi keraamika kild luustike
juurest. Soltumata sellest, kas see on hauapanus voi ei, naitab see seal
toimunud varaneoliitilist tegevust. Ka Kivisaare IV haua lahialalt on
leitud Narva-tuupi keraammkkt, kusjuures moned killud paiknesid isegi
oletatavates lohutud haualohkudes.
Aarmiselt rikkalike panustega Tamula VII haud on samuti andnud
varaneoliitilise dateeringu. Juhul kui vanusemaarang on toene, tekib
vastuolu hauast leitud esemete pohjal saadavate dateeringutega. Leitud
merevaikripatsite puhul on tegemist hasti toodeldud esemetega, mille
samaseid on valmistatud enamikus keskneoliitilistes tootluskeskustes.
Nii konkreetset tuupi esemete kui ka uldse merevaigu kasutamisest enne
kammkeraamika kultuuri ei ole Eestist mingeid andmeid. Seni on merevaiku
peetud Eesti matmispaikadele omaseks hauapanuseks kesk- ja
hilisneoliitikumis. Samase vanuse ja arheoloogilis-kultuurilise taustaga
on ka kuustalvad. Soomes, kus selliseid esemeid tuntakse sadu, on need
mmased tuupilise kammkeraamika ajajargule, eriti selle nooremale osale,
neid kasutati veel ka hilisneoliitikumis. Eestis on neid seni seotud
eriti hilise kammkeraamika perioodiga, kuid aluseks sellele on just
Tamula I asulakohalt ja matmispaigalt saadud rohked eksemplarid. Seniste
teadmiste ja dateenngute alusel peaksid nii merevaik kui ka kuustalb
olema saadud AMS-dateeringust minimaalselt 400 aastat nooremad.
Tuleb aga arvestada, et viimati 2000. aastate algul taiendatud ja
korrigeeritud Eesti kiviaja kronoloogia ning periodiseering on loodud
keskneoliitikumi osas vaga vaheste siinsete dateeringute ja naabermaade
kronoloogiate alusel ning on seetottu samamoodi kahtluse alla seatav kui
Tamula VII haua dateering. Voimalusele, et tuupilise kammkeraamika
kultuurile (mis on aluseks keskneoliitilise alaperioodi eristamisele)
iseloomulikud esemed, sh merevaik, on tulnud kasutusele juba enne aastat
4200 eKr, osutab Zvejnieki kalmistu kollektiivhauast nr 274-278 saadud
dateering. Ka teised Zvejnieki merevaiguga varustatud hauad on
vordlemisi varaste dateeringutega, jaades siiski keskneoliitikumi
piiridesse. Praegu ei ole voimalik veenvalt toestada ei Tamula VII
luustiku dateeringute ekslikkust ega tuupilise kammkeraamika kultuuri
varasemat algust.
Vara- ja keskneoliitikumi piirile jaavad matused ja
keskneoliitikumiga dateeritavad kalmed on rikkalike panustega: esineb
nii roivaste kulge kinnitatud kaunistusi, tarbeesemeid kui ka
toidujaanuseid. Sel perioodil on markantseimateks esemeteks haudades
merevaikesemed (Tamula X) ja luust zoo- ning antropomorfsed figuurid
(Tamula VIII ja XIX). Valdavalt on tegemist siiski loomahammastest voi
linnu toruluudest ripatsitega (Tamula III, XIX), esineb ka luust
naaskleid (Tamula I) ja nooleotsi (Tamula I, III). See materjal
korreleerub nii olemasoleva kiviaja kronoloogiaga,
arheoloogilis-kultuurilise tausta kui ka uute dateeringutega.
Sama voib uldjoontes todeda ka hilisneoliitiliste matuste puhul.
Kaasa on pandud savinousid (Sope If, Ardu II, Tika), kivikirveid (Ardu
II, Karlova, Kunila), naaskleid (Sope II, Ardu II), talbu (Ardu II,
Kunila), joekarpe (Sope II) jms. Ainus kusitavus tekib Karlova matuse
puhul. Karlova-tuupi kivikirved--esemetiMp, mis on orna nimetuse saanud
just vaadeldava kalme jargi--on Eesti ala noorkeraamika kultuurde omane
materjal. Nimetatud kirvetuupi on peetud valjakujunenuks Uidne-Eestis ja
oletatud tugevaid Soome noorkeraamika kultuuri mojusid. Teisalt kuulub
aga samast hauast leitud fulliidist nooleots kokku pigem kammkeraamika
kultuuride esemekompleksidega. Karlova nooleots kuulub nn Pyheensilta-
voi Nylevi-tuupi, mis on levinud pohiliselt Soomes, Norras ja Koola
poolsaarel, uksikeksemplaridena ka Baltimaades, ja on dateeritud
hilisneoliitikumiga, kuigi monevorra on neid leitud ka juba tuupilise
kammkeraamika kultuuri asulakohtadest.
Eesti kiviaegsete matmispaikade AMS-dateeringud naitavad ilhelt
poolt matmiskombestiku kullalt suurt sarnasust kogu neoliitikumi valtel.
Erinevalt senisest domineerivast arvamusest, mille kohaselt maeti
neoliitikumis kuni noorkeraamika kultuurini surnuid pohiliselt
elupaikadesse, voib todeda, et teadaoleva materjali hulgas on peamiselt
siiski elupaikadest eraldi rajatud kalmistud. Valdavalt on tegemist
uksikmatustega (v.a Veibri nelikmatus). Kehaasendites tundub olevat enam
variatsioone hilisneoliitikumis, kuid nii selili-siruli- kui ka
kagarasend on olnud kasutusel juba alates varaneoliitikumist (Konnu
matmispaik Saaremaal). Tamula I matrnispaigas, kus ainsana on sailinud
puitu, eristuvad vara- ja keskneoliitikumi piiriga dateeritud matused
(VIII ja X), kus haua pohi on vooderdatud okstega. Tugevalt varieerub
neoliitikumi jooksul aga panuseline materjal nii koostiselt kui ka
hulgalt. Varaneoliitilistes kalmetes on hauapanuseid reeglina vahe voi
puuduvad need uldse, samas kui vara- ja keskneoliitikurni piiriga ning
keskneoliitikumiga dateeritavad hauad on rikkalike panustega.
Eriilmelise inventariga on olnud varustatud hilisneoliitilised
noorkeraamika kultuuri kalmed.
Investigation of Stone Age burial sites in Estonia was started in
the final decades of the 19th century when burials of that time were
found from several places during digging of gravel. The first Stone Age
burial was discovered in 1876 in the village of Kulasema on Muhu Island,
west Estonia (Tiitsmaa 1922; Indreko 1935, 206). Information on Stone
Age burial sites derives mainly from the first half of the 20th century.
(1) The last Stone Age burial site until now was detected from the
village of Veibri near Tartu, south-eastern Estonia, in 2003. Despite
the fact that the research traditions of Stone Age burials are a century
and a half long, interpretation of results has been hindered by lack of
exact dates and their resting on the relative chronology based on
findings and burial position, which in addition to other problems leaves
the graves without grave goods almost totally beyond analysis.
The first radiocarbon date from a Stone Age grave in Estonia was
obtained from the Tamula I settlement and burial site in south-eastern
Estonia (Jaanits et al. 1982, 82; Jaanits 1984, 192). In addition to
three samples from the cultural layer of the settlement site (2), the
twigs found under a skeleton in one grave (Jaanits et al. 1982, 82) (3)
were dated (Table 1). The first AMS dates in Estonia were taken from
human bones collected from the settlement site of Kudrukula,
north-eastern Estonia (Table 1; Lougas et al. 1996, 408, 405, table II).
In the case of Kudrukula, no complete skeletons have been found, the
bones derive from either destroyed inhumation burials or partial
burials. A skeleton found from the settlement site of Naakamae, Saaremaa
Island, and another from Tamula burial X were dated in the frames of the
same project (Table 1; Lougas et al. 1996, 412, table 3). Samples were
taken from a male skeleton (I) from Koljala, Saaremaa Island, and Tamula
burial XI (4), but unfortunately the samples did not contain enough
collagen for dating (Lougas et al. 1996, 408).
The need for absolute dates from Stone Age graves has been obvious
for a long time now (e.g. Lang & Kriiska 2001; Kriiska et al. 2005)
and within several research projects (5) samples of human bones from
several burial sites have lately been dated with the AMS method. By now
altogether 17 graves from ten burial sites have been dated (Table 1;
Fig. 1).
Burial sites dated in the 2000s
Yeibri burial site
The burial site is situated in south-eastern Estonia (Fig. 1) on a
flood plain on the northern shore of the Suur-Emajogi River (absolute
elevation up to 32 m a's.l.) in the village of Veibri on the border
of Tartu town approximately 130 m west of a Corded Ware Culture
settlement site (reg. no. 27195). It is a relatively plane area, which
is nevertheless distinguished from the surroundings by a low hill of
sand and gravel.
Research history
In spring 1997 Andres Tvauri and Andres Vindi, archaeologists from
the University of Tartu, discovered a Corded Ware Culture and medieval
settlement site in Veibri village. In the autumn of the same year,
preliminary research was conducted on the spot under the leadership of
Aivar Kriiska. It was ascertained that the cultural layer had been
extensively mixed in the course of later agricultural activity (Kriiska
1997) (6). In autumn 2003 the settlement site of Veibri attracted the
interest of archaeologists again because of the intensified construction
activity in the area. The same autumn the then inspector of the National
Heritage Board in Tartumaa, Kalle Lange, found human bones in the
neighbourhood of this settlement site. The bones were exposed on the
ground as the turf layer and part of the soil under it had been removed
with a bulldozer. As the site is not a typical burial site of historical
times by its location, a probability existed that the destroyed grave is
older; it was even supposed that the bones were connected with the
Corded Ware Culture.
In summer 2006 rescue excavations were carried out on the
endangered grave site under the leadership of Kristiina Johanson, Tonno
Jonuks and Mari Lohmus. In the course of the excavations a quadruple
burial (Fig. 2) with three children and an adult (7) was opened. Two
children, respectively skeleton I belonging to an 11-year-old child and
skeleton IV of a 4-year-old child, were orientated towards south-east
and the adult (skeleton II) and the child next to her (skeleton III; 5
years old) had been placed in the grave in the opposite direction with
the first two, i.e. orientated to north-west. All the inhumed
individuals lay in an extended supine position. The deceased, who had
apparently been placed into the grave together, lacked grave goods. A
probably Narva-type pottery sherd was found close to skeleton III (TU
1424: 98); however, its connection with the discussed grave is
problematic as the sherd was not found in the immediate vicinity of the
buried. No grave depression could be distinguished from the surrounding
soil: the dead had been inhumed into yellowish-grey gravelly moraine.
The middle part of the grave was somewhat deeper than its edges. The
fact that we are not dealing with a solitary grave is referred to by a
tubular bone exposed in the north-western end of the excavation and
human metacarpi gathered from a test-pit 20 m north-west of the opened
Dated burial
An AMS sample from the quadruple burial was taken from the bone of
the adult individual (skeleton II) as her bones were bigger and thus the
possibility that the sample might not contain enough collagen was
smaller than in the case of the children's bones. The dated bone
belongs to an adult, who lay in the grave depression in a
north-west-south-east directed position. The deceased had been placed
into the grave in an extended supine posture and her arms were pressed
tightly against her body with hands put under her pelvis (Fig. 2). The
upper part of the skeleton was well preserved until the pelvis, only the
higher part of the skull, destroyed by the bulldozer, was missing. The
legs of the dead had been removed by a later dig; only the proximal end
of the femur was preserved. As mentioned above, no grave goods were
accompanying the deceased. The sample for AMS analysis was taken from
the corpus (diaphyse) of the right radius.
Date: 6090 [+ or -] 45 BP (Hela-1331) (Table 1).
Kivisaare settlement and burial site
The Mesolithic and Neolithic settlement and burial site (reg. no.
13221) of Kivisaare is situated in Meleski village, central Estonia
(Fig. 1), in the central and south-eastern part of a small
south-east-north-west directed drumlin. The small drumlin surrounded by
a fen (absolute elevation up to 38 m a's.l.) is located
approximately 6 km from Lake Vortsjarv and 1.5 km from the Poltsamaa
Research history
The first graves in Kivisaare were discovered in 1882 during
digging for gravel on a small hill in the central part of the drumlin.
According to the local farmer Jaan Pekk, five skeletons were discovered
and destroyed then (Bolz 1914, 27). In the course of road building in
1903 another human skeleton was found and with farming in 1908-1910
seven more skeletons were unearthed there and registred by J. Pekk and
Martin Bolz (Bolt 1914, 27). Thereafter archaeological excavations have
repeatedly been conducted at Kivisaare: in 1910 six graves were opened
by Richard Hausmann (Ottow 1911, 154 f.), in 1913 Max Ebert and in 1921
Aarne Michael Tallgren both unearthed one burial (Tallgren 1921, 1).
Extensive excavations were made in 1931 by R. Indreko and in 1962 and
1964-1965 by Lembit Jaanits. Indreko (1931 a) unearthed two and Jaanits
(1965) four skeletons. In 2002-2004 archaeological excavations took
place under the direction of Aivar Kriiska. In the course of these bones
of approximately ten individuals were collected, including two
re-burials from probably the 20th century, but no in situ grave could be
detected (Kriiska et al. 2003, 34; 2004, 35 ff; Kriiska & Lohmus
2005, 33 ff.).
Altogether more than 20 relatively fully preserved skeletons and
loose bones from more than 10 individuals have been found from the drum]
in. (8) Age and sex have been determined for the human bones found in
the excavations of 2002. According to the determinations, men, women and
children have been buried on the cemetery, the oldest of the deceased
being over 35 and the youngest 2-3 years old. Unfortunately, it has not
been possible to date the inhumations more exactly; therefore, different
prehistoric periods have been suggested for the time of the burials.
Bolz (1914, 15), who started the research, dated the cemetery to the
Neolithic (9), Tallgren (1922, 49) to a time period that corresponds to
the Late Mesolithic by the currently valid periodization, Indreko (1935,
10) to the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, and before the beginning of the
new excavations one of the authors of the present article dated it more
widely--to the Mesolithic and Neolithic (Kriiska & Tvauri 2002, 35).
On the territory and in the surroundings of the cemetery there has
been a settlement site in the Mesolithic and the Neolithic (Narva, Comb
Ware and Corded Ware cultures) (Kriiska et al. 2003; 2004; Kriiska &
Lohmus 2005).
Dated burial
During the excavations of 1965 a child's grave was found in
the south-eastern part of the drumlin: skeleton 4 according to the
numeration of Jaanits (1965, 9). The child had been placed into a
relatively shallow oval grave (Figs 3 and 4; Jaanits 1965, 9), the
central part of which was deeper than the head (the skull was unearthed
12-15 cm from ground level). The outlines of the grave depression of a
maximum size of 1.6 x 0.6 m (Fig. 3) were exposed 16-17 cm from ground
The child had been placed into the grave in a
south-south-west-north-northeast directed position with its head
orientated towards south-south-west. The skeleton was poorly preserved
(Fig. 4): bones were shattered; nevertheless, it has been a whole burial
(Jaanits 1965, 9). Similarly to several other graves from the Kivisaare
drumlin, the discussed child's burial also lacked grave goods. The
sample for AMS analysis was taken from a skull fragment.
Date: 5450 [+ or -] 40 BP (Poz-10840) (Table 1).
Tamula I settlement and burial site
The Neolithic settlement and burial site (reg. no. 13804) is
situated in southeastern Estonia (Fig. 1), near the town of Voru, on
Cape Roosisaar (absolute elevation up to 71 m a's.l.) on the shore
of Lake Tamula. The Vohandu River and a stream connecting lakes Tamula
and Vagula flow out from the northern corner of Lake Vohandu near this
cape (Indreko 1945, 26; Jaanits et al. 1982, 78; Jaanits 1984, 183). In
some stages of the Stone Age the cape may have been an island (Maemets
1977, 210). The site was inhabited already in the Mesolithic (Tamula II
settlement site) (Ots 2002, 1). Due to the rise of the water level the
Neolithic cultural layer has become covered with peat, which has
abundantly preserved bone, antler and even wood.
Research history
The site was accidentally discovered in 1938 by Ida Kepnik, who had
lost her ring in the lake and found bone fragments while looking for it
(Indreko 1938). In different times altogether 25 burials have been
excavated from the cultural layer of the Tamula I settlement site. Due
to its location in peat (Jaanits 1988, 218) bone material has preserved
relatively well there enabling characterization of a total of 11 whole
burials. The first archaeological excavations on the site took place in
1942-1943 under the leadership of Indreko. In the first excavation year
the remains of three individuals (I-III) were found; these were located
in the lower part of the cultural layer 48-56 cm from ground level
(Indreko 1942, 2). During the excavations of 1946, which were conducted
by Harri Moora, the graves of four individuals (IV-VII) were opened
(Moora 1946). Next excavations on the Tamula I settlement and burial
site took place in 1955-1956, 1961 and 1968 under the direction of
Lembit Jaanits. In the first two excavation years the remains of 14 more
humans (VIII-XXI) were discovered in the lower and middle parts of the
cultural layer (Jaanits 1957, 80). The last excavations in Tamula until
now were carried out by Jaanits in 1988-1989; however, the last four
burials (XXII-XXV), of these a whole burial and three skulls, were
unearthed already during the excavations of 1961.
Until now the majority of the researchers have considered the
graves from Tamula I contemporary with the Comb Ware and Corded Ware
Culture settlement sites. This interpretation is supported by finds and
the position of graves in the cultural layer. For example, in the
excavation plot of 1942 the burials as well as find material
concentrated into its western part. According to this, it was supposed
that skeletons I-III had been placed inside dwelling houses (Indreko
1942, 2). Later the same interpretation was presented by Jaanits (1957,
94, 96). On the basis of burial position, lack of amber, and
stratigraphy the flexed burials (I, II, III, XIII, XIX, XXI, XXII) from
the Tamula I settlement and burial site have been considered to belong
to the final stage of the existence of the settlement and be connected
with the Corded Ware Culture or at least its influence on the people of
the Late Comb Ware Culture (Jaanits 1957, 97; Jaanits et al. 1982, 82;
Kriiska & Tvauri 2002, 80). The burials in an extended supine
position have been associated with the Comb Ware Culture (Jaanits 1957,
97). In the light of new dates these standpoints have been revised
(Lougas et al. 2007, 23).
Dated burials
Skeleton I
Skeleton I (Fig. 5) was found in 1942 from the south-eastern part
of the settlement site, near skeletons II and III. It belonged to a
25-35-year-old female lying on her right side in a flexed position (Ots
2006, table 11). Because of decay and sinking of soft layers the
position of her hands could not be documented. Only her left humerus on
the side of the skeleton can be seen on the excavation plan (Fig. 5);
the left ulna had probably lain on the body of the deceased. The woman
had been orientated from north-west to south-east, her head was directed
to north-west. The borders of the grave depression remained vague, the
arched north-western end of the grave depression can probably be noticed
only on one glass negative (Fig. 6). The skeleton had lain relatively
deep (48-58 cm from ground level); the depth of the frontal bone was 58
cm and that of the occiput 73 cm from ground level.
Although no clear border of the grave depression could be
determined and the skeleton was located in the middle of the settlement
finds, Indreko associated several finds--grave goods--with this burial.
Among others pottery sherds were collected above the kneecap of the
skeleton, from the left side of the skull and next to her left humerus
(Indreko 1942, 3). In addition to the ceramic vessel(?) bone arrowheads
(arrows?) were found by both the left and the right hand; a bone point
and a fragment of a bone artefact (Fig. 5) were also located by the
deceased; it is possible that fragments of animal bones as well as
nutshells and pieces of acorns can be associated with the discussed
burial. The sample for AMS analysis was taken from the femur.
Date: 4680 [+ or -] 40 BC (Poz-15645) (Table 1).
Skeleton III
Skeleton III (Fig. 7), also found in 1942, was located
approximately 1 m southeast of another skeleton and had been placed
parallel to it. The deceased, placed in the grave in the
north-eastern-south-western position, was a 25-35 years old male (Loze
2006, 316; Ots 2006, table 11). Similarly to the other skeleton the dead
had been placed into the grave in a flexed position: his legs were
flexed to right whereas his vertebral column lay straight (supine) and
his hands were placed crosswise over his stomach. The skeleton lay at a
depth of 48-56 cm from ground level. Similarly to several other burials,
his head lay somewhat higher than the rest of the body. With a slight
uncertainty Indreko considered the finds gathered in the vicinity of the
skeleton to be grave goods: tooth pendants, a fragment of a spear and
pottery sherds were found at a depth of 50-60 cm from ground level
(Indreko 1942, 4). The sample for the AMS analysis was taken from a rib.
Date: 4940 [+ or -] 40 BP (Poz-10826) (Table 1).
Skeleton VII
Skeleton VII in the middle of the burial site, which belonged to a
8 [+ or -] 2-year-old child (determined by Allmae; see Ots 2006, table
11) and was accompanied by rich grave goods, was relatively well
preserved (Fig. 8). The north-south directed skeleton lay in a 50-cm
deep grave in an extended supine position, both hands on its side. The
skull was prone to left and shattered, probably under the weight of a
boulder placed on it. A row of small notches was discovered on the
child's forearm (Moora 1946), which must have been made before the
inhumation of the deceased. This is indicated by the intact cultural
layer on top of the grave as well as by the undisturbed skeleton itself
(Jaanits 1947, 10).
Differently from several other burials, this deceased was
accompanied by rich grave goods (Fig. 8). Two amber pendants were found
beside the left temple bone and during later cleaning a fragment of a
bone knife was found next to these; two amber pieces were exposed above
the left collarbone. Two pebbles were found on the chest and a fragment
of a whistle-like tubular bird bone between the knees. Between the legs
of the deceased there was an adze with the so-called fingernail-shaped
blade (10) with a piece of a stone wedge placed on top of it. Tooth
pendants with drilled holes belonging to several different animal
species were discovered on different parts of the skeleton, for example,
bear fangs (11) were found at the lower part of the rib cage. A bone
pendant and worked bone fragments were found by the left elbow, etc.
Fragments of common crane (Gnus grus) wings had been placed into both
hands of the child. Two bone bird figurines were unearthed by the
skeleton. The sample for AMS analysis was taken from the lower
Date: 5760 [+ or -] 45 BP (Hela-1335) (Table 1).
Skeleton VIII
Skeleton VIII, which was discovered during the excavations in 1955,
belonged to a 18-25-year-old female (Fig. 9; Ots 2006, table 11). The
deceased was located two metres north of skeleton I (Indreko 1942) at a
depth of 60-65 cm from the present ground level. She had been laid on a
'bed' of branches and a wooden pole (12) had been put under
her head 'like a pillow' (Jaanits 1961, 60). The
south-east-north-west directed deceased was placed in the grave in a
supine position, legs extended and hands straight on the side (Jaanits
1957, 80). The deceased was also accompanied by abundant grave goods
(Fig. 9). The vicinity of the skull was an especially rich area with
three bone arrowheads, a slate adze with the fingernail-shaped blade, a
flint scraper, a bone awl and a polished bone stick found. Also the
lower mandible of a pine marten (Martes martes), tongue bone of an
European elk (Alces alces) and animal teeth were discovered in the
vicinity. As the bones lacked traces of working they probably did not
belong to the clothing of the deceased but were grave goods (Jaanits
1961, 60). In addition to these, pendants of dog (Canis familiaris),
marten and elk teeth as well as cylindrical beads of bird bones were
found near different parts of the skeleton. These had probably been
attached to the clothes of the buried (Jaanits 1957, 81 f.; 1961, 60).
Three anthropomorphic bone plate figurines and a fragment of a
two-headed snake figure (13) were discovered between her tibiae. The
sample for AMS analysis was taken from the corpus of the left femur.
Date: 5370 [+ or -] 45 BP (Hela-1336) (Table 1).
Skeleton XIX
The south-west-north-east directed skeleton, which was unearthed in
1956, belonged to a 20-30-year-old male (Ots 2006, table 11). The poorly
preserved skeleton was located in the south-western part of the burial
site. The deceased had been placed into the grave so that his upper body
was in a supine position but the lower part of his vertebral column had
been slightly turned to right (Fig. 10). His face was directed to left
and the left forearm had been bent towards his body from the elbow. The
skeleton was situated in the lower part of the cultural layer at a depth
of 40-47 cm from the present ground level (Jaanits 1957, 88). Two bird
figurines of bone plate, tooth pendants and cylindrical beads, which
probably formed part of a necklace (Jaanits 1957, 88) were found in the
grave. The sample for AMS analysis was taken from the corpus of the
Date: 4925 [+ or -] 40 BP (Hela-1337) (Table 1).
Sope burial site
The Stone Age cemetery is situated in north-eastern Estonia (Fig.
1), 4 km east of Purtse and 2 km south of Jabara (former Sope and
Jabara) village, on the lands of Metsavalja farmstead, on a small sandy
knoll on the bank of the Sope Stream (Jaanits et al. 1982, 102).
Research history
The first finds from the Sope burial site were collected in 1884 or
1889 when a skeleton together with a boat-shaped axe was unearthed at a
place of a cellar or during farming; the axe was said to have gone
missing in 1922 (Indreko 1933; 1935, 213). In 1904 or 1908 six more
skeletons were found while making headland; all these were later
reburied in the vicinity (Liiv 1924; Indreko 1933). Archaeological
excavations on the cemetery of Sope were carried out in 1926 by Moora. A
female burial in a strongly flexed position and with grave goods was
exposed on the area of a 9 x 24 m excavation plot (Moora 1926). In
1933-1934 excavations were conducted by Indreko, who found a complete
female skeleton in the first year of his fieldwork (Indreko 1933) and
documented single fords in the second year (Indreko 1934). As estimated,
altogether 10 individuals were buried in Sope. This makes it the largest
known Corded Ware Culture burial site in Estonia.
Dated grave
The dated female skeleton (II) lay in the grave depression on her
right side, knees flexed, right hand under her head, left hand on her
body (Fig. 11). The deceased was orientated from north-west to
south-east, her head was turned to north-west. At the foot of the grave
there were an almost whole ceramic vessel, a bone awl and a shell of a
freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) (14) (Indreko
1933). A handful of small round stones under her right shoulder had
apparently been placed there deliberately. Similarly to grave I it was
relatively shallow: the deceased was lying at a depth of 20-27 cm and
the bottom of the depression was only 35 cm from the present ground
level. The grave depression itself could not be distinguished from the
surrounding soil, it was only observed that the burial was surrounded by
clean sandy soil without pebbles (Indreko 1933). The sample for AMS
analysis was taken from the first metatarsal bone.
Date: 4090 [+ or -] 35 BP (Poz-10827) (Table 1).
Ardu burial site
The Ardu cemetery (reg. no. 18540) is situated in northern Estonia,
in the village of Ardu, on the lands of Hansumardi (15) farmstead, in
the area of the upper reaches of the Pirita River, 100 meters from the
river, on a gravel hill rising above the surrounding river plain
(Jaanits et al. 1982, 104).
Research history
In 1931 Peeter Metsis found human bones from a gravel hole by his
field track; among other things there was a skull on the right side of
which a stone adze was discovered (Indreko 1931b). It was a male burial
lying at a depth of 80-90 cm on his left side with his head turned
towards north. The excavation of the burial was completed in one day
(Indreko 1931b). In 1936 another skeleton was discovered there when
digging for sand for construction work: 'Das skelett wurde wie das
die vorige vom Gehilfen des Gehoftbesitzers beim Graben von Bausand
entdeckt, wobei die Schaufel auf den Schadel steiss' (Indreko 1937,
186). The workmen who had discovered the skeleton immediately gave
notice of the find whereafter rescue excavations were carried out there
by E. Saadre (Indreko 1937, 186). The skeleton was situated 1-1.5 m
south-east of the burial unearthed in 1931, and was also a male.
In spring 2006, in connection with digging a central heating
trench, preliminary investigations were completed at the site of the
cemetery. No new burials were detected in the course of these
investigations (Kriiska 2006).
Dated burial
The deceased (skeleton II) lay in the grave depression in the
natural sand layer on his left side with flexed legs (Fig. 12). His head
was orientated to north, legs to south. The skeleton was predominantly
anatomically correct, only the left humerus was in a 'wrong'
position. Most of the upper part of the vertebral column (cervical
vertebrae and single thoracic vertebrae) was not preserved and the lower
mandibula was missing (Saadre 1936). The skeleton lay at a depth of
100-125 cm from ground level. At the same height a 50-cm long darker
line, which partly continued over the bones of the left leg of the
skeleton, was detected in the sand. Indreko supposed that it was a
deposition of the decomposition of some organic material: for example a
wooden pole may have been placed in the grave (Indreko 1937, 186 f.).
According to the determination of the anthropologist Juhan Aul the
deceased was a 40-45-year-old 175-178-cm tall strongly built male
(Indreko 137, 198).
The deceased was accompanied by abundant grave goods (Fig. 12). A
Karlova-tyne battle-axe of diabase or porphyry was found left of the
skull and a whole clay vessel (altogether 10 sherds were found during
the excavation) was unearthed at the head. The vessel had shattered due
to the weight of the soil and some sherds had been removed during the
digging for sand. A bone adze had been placed by the right shoulder, a
flint adze near the right wrist and a bone awl and a piece of antler lay
by the bones of the right hand. A blade scraper or a knife of white
flint was found between the phalanxes of the left hand by the left hip
bone and a bone button between thigh bones (Indreko 1937, 186). The
sample for AMS analysis was taken from the left ulna.
Date: 4110 [+ or -] 40 BP (Poz-10824) (Table 1).
Tika burial site
The burial site is situated on the Island of Saaremaa (Fig. 1), in
the village of Tika, on a gravel hill slightly higher than the
surrounding landscape (Indreko 1939).
Research history
In 1934 a skeleton with a bone spearhead and Corded Ware sherds was
found in the forest of Tika when digging for gravel for road building
(Pold 1938). At Tutku, 4-5 km south of the mentioned place, three more
skeletons with pottery sherds by one of these were unearthed during the
same road construction works. In 1938 Indreko carried out excavations
there but inspection of the sites gave no results and no new skeletons
were discovered. Only a single human bone was collected from Tika, which
proved the existence of the burial site at the location (Indreko 1939).
Dated burial
The human bones found from Tika in 1934 were dated. According to
the information from eyewitnesses, the skeleton had lain in gravel
approximately at a depth of 30 cm from the present ground level (Indreko
1939) with its head directed to north (Pold 1938; Indreko 1939). A
ceramic vessel and a spearhead had been placed in the grave to accompany
the dead. The sample for AMS analysis was taken from the lower mandibula
(AI 3663: 2).
Date: 4035 [+ or -] 35 BP (Poz-10803) (Table 1).
Kunila burial site
The cemetery is situated in central Estonia (Fig. 1), 4 km
south-west of Puurmani on the western side of a small drumlin--on
Jaaniantsu hill. The Pedja River flows south from the
north-east-south-west directed drumlin (Jaanits 1949).
Research history
During digging for gravel in 1938 a stone axe (AI 3723) and human
bones were discovered in the Jaaniantsu drumlin at Kunila. In 1948
Jaanits conducted archaeological excavations on the site in the course
of which three excavation plots were opened (Jaanits 1949; [TEXT NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] 1985). The remains of two individuals were found
in one of these.
Skeleton I was situated at a depth of 50-60 cm in the ground.
According to Jaanits (1949, 3): 'I got the impression as if the
bones of skeleton I had been grouped in three sets the biggest of which
mostly included big tubular bones, south-east of this was the skull and
in south a smaller set contained some fragments of tubular bones.'
There were grave goods in the grave: a stone adze was obtained
north-west of the skull and a battle-axe by the right ulna in the
biggest bone set. In addition to these the grave contained wild boar and
beaver teeth (Lougas et al. 2007) as well as a point of the fang of a
wild boar, a flint blade and wood remains. On the basis of the items
Jaanits considered the burial to be a male one (Jaanits 1949, 5).
Besides the described skeleton also human bones in single smaller sets
were discovered on the area of the excavation plot; these were
documented as skeleton II (Jaanits 1949, 4).
It is possible that we are dealing with a somewhat larger cemetery.
In the course of the preliminary work Jaanits gathered information from
local people according to whom big bones and even an intact skeleton had
been found from the gravel pit before 1938 (Jaanits 1949, 2). However,
it is difficult to ascertain whether the bones were human or belonged to
Dated burial
Dated bones derived from burial II found west of burial I. The
first bone fragments were exposed already at a depth of 30-40 cm, but
the majority of the bones were unearthed at a depth of 50-65 cm from the
present ground level. Similarly to the first burial the dated skeleton
was only partially preserved with the bones being fragmentary: the
vertebral column was found with the cervical vertebrae lying east of the
rest, a mandibula with teeth and two loose teeth were found at the same
place. Single bones, among which the ends of the right and left radii
were distinguished, were collected south-east of the mentioned bones.
These lay 70-80 cm deep in the ground. An adze of white flint and a
grinding stone were obtained by the first described bone set. The bones
had been massive, which indicates that we are dealing with a male
skeleton (Jaanits 1949, 5). Jaanits (1949, 5) considered the reason for
the disturbance to be the burying of the 1st deceased. In his opinion
the two inhumations had been buried at different times, with skeleton II
buried first. Later destruction during digging for gravel or even a
partial burial cannot be excluded either. The sample for AMS analysis
was taken from the lower mandibula.
Date: 3960 [+ or -] 40 BP (Poz-10825) (Table 1).
Karlova burial site
The burial site (reg. no. 12977) is situated in south-eastern
Estonia (Fig. 1) in the centre of the town of Tartu, in the park of
former Karlova manor (Lougas & Selirand 1977, 273).
Research history
In 1910 a potter Napp and bricklayer Hans Kurrik discovered a human
skeleton during building a new cellar in the park of Karlova manor. The
find was inspected by R. Hausmann and others (Hausmann 1911, 60). The
burial site has not been excavated archaeologically.
Dated burial
The burial was located between the old cellar walls 30 cm deeper
than their footing. The grave had been dug into clayey, sandy and
gravelly soil where the deceased had been rested in a north-south
directed supine position, head turned to north. The arms of the
18-20-year-old male (Hausmann 1911, 66) were tightly against his sides,
his legs were extended and a 12 x 60 x 45 cm limestone slab had been
placed on his chest. Two grave goods were discovered: a blackish-green
Karlova-type battle-axe of diorite, which lay by his right hand, and a
phyllite arrowhead (arrow as a grave good?) on his left hip (Hausmann
1911, 60-61).
The majority of the bones were to some extent defective, thus for
example only three ribs had preserved from the body of the buried and
his skull had been shattered to pieces. Both arms had humeri as well as
ulnae and radii. Out of the lower extremities the right femur was
intactly preserved, which enabled calculating 170 cm or a little more
for the whole height of the deceased. The left side of the skeleton had
been damaged more and compared to the right limbs the left ones were in
poorer condition (Hausmann 1911, 65).
On the basis of the stone axe the discussed skeleton is connected
with the Corded Ware Culture. The sample for AMS analysis was taken from
the lower mandibula.
Date: 3805 [+ or -] 35 BP (Poz-15499) (Table 1).
On the basis of the obtained radiocarbon dates the Estonian Stone
Age inhumantion burials can be divided into four temporal groups. The
whole Neolithic (16) is represented, which allows following changes in
burial customs in considerably narrower temporal limits than it has been
done by the frame dates of archaeological cultures so far.
The earliest are the skeletons of Veibri burial II (5210-4850 cal
BC (17)), Tamula burial VII (4720-4490 cal BC) and Kivisaare burial IV
(4360-4230 cal BC), which according to the presently valid Estonian
Stone Age periodization (Lang & Kriiska 2001) belong to the Early
Neolithic. In the case of all these skeletons we are dealing with
extended supine burials. Veibri (if we leave aside the sherd of
Narva-type pottery the context of which is somewhat unclear) is a
quadruple burial without grave goods, Kivisaare IV a solitary burial
without grave goods and Tamula VII a solitary burial with a rich grave
inventory. The last burial is clearly different from the others and its
date contradicts with the current interpretations.
Tamula burials VIII (4340-4050 cal BC) and x (4330-3970 cal BC) are
discerned as a separate group, being dated to the border of the Early
and Middle Neolithic. Comparison of Tamula burials x and VIII reveals
several similar elements. Both are single burials in an extended supine
position that have been placed on a 'bed' of branches. Also
their orientation coincides largely (south-southeast-north-north-west
and south-east-north-west respectively). Both deceased were accompanied
by a rich variety of grave goods, six amber artefacts (three pendants, a
disc and two cylindrical beads) being found with skeleton X.
Three skeletons from the Tamula I settlement and burial site,
Tamula burial I (3630-3360 cal BC), III (3800-3640 cal BC) and XIX
(3790-3640 cal BC), are clearly Middle Neolithic. Previously also human
bones from the Kudrukula settlement site (Table 1) in north-eastern
Estonia have been dated to this time-span. The Tamula III and XIX male
burials are relatively similar. We are actually dealing with burials in
opposite directions but the deceased have been placed in the graves in a
similar way: both upper bodies have been laid straightly, only their
legs have been flexed from knees towards right. The body position of the
Tamula I female burial is quite similar as here the deceased woman has
been placed in the grave partly flexed as well. Also the grave goods are
alike: bone artefacts and supposedly also pottery sherds in graves I and
III, animal tooth pendants in graves III and XIX; the inventory of grave
XIX is slightly different from the others containing cylindrical beads
of bird bone and two bone bird figurines.
According to the new AMS dates, five burials belong to the Late
Neolithic. Of these Ardu II (2880-2500 cal BC), Sope II (2870-2490 cal
BC) and Tika (2840-2470 cal BC) skeletons are somewhat older than Kunila
II (2580-2340 cal BC) and Karlova (2460-2130 cal BC). Largely
contemporary with the first three is the Naakamae burial dated earlier
(2890-2480 cal BC) and an unlocalized burial in Tamula where the date
has been made from a wood sample (2900-2300 cal BC) (Table 1). The body
positions of the deceased in the discussed sub-group differ: Ardu II and
Sope II are flexed burials, in Karlova and Naakamae the skeletons were
laid in an extended supine position, the body positions of Tika and
Tamula are not known. Also the grave inventory of the observed burials
varies. Only a bone awl was obtained in the Naakamae burial, in Karlova
a Karlova-type stone axe and a stone arrowhead had been placed in the
grave. As it is not known which of the burials from the Tamula I
settlement and burial site we are dealing with, its grave goods can
unfortunately not be analysed at this point. A Corded Ware vessel, a
bone awl and a freshwater pearl mussel were obtained with the Sope II
skeleton. Similarly to the burial from Karlova, a Karlova-type stone axe
was found by the Ardu II skeleton. In addition, a ceramic vessel, a
flint adze, a bone awl and a bone button were collected with this burial
(more specifically on bone artefacts see Lougas et al. 2007).
Beyond doubt the question concerning the credibility of the dates
emerges. The dates are predominantly problematic in the case of the
Tamula I settlement and burial site. In the light of new dates the site
was used for burying between 4340 and 3360 cal BC, on average between
4200 and 3495 cal BC, according to the periodization of archaeological
cultures during the Typical Comb Ware Culture and at the beginning of
the Late Comb Ware Culture. Tamula grave VII (the average date 4600 cal
BC) is an exception not fitting in the above frames and it should belong
to the Early Neolithic period, after the periodization of archaeological
cultures to the era of the Narva Culture. These dates contradict with
the until now dominating age determinations of both the settlement and
the burial site. As mentioned above, the burial site has earlier been
considered contemporary with the settlement site, the Late Neolithic, as
it was judged on the basis of the stratigraphy that the deceased had
been buried on the territory of the settlement site. At the same time
the stratigraphy of the site is far from being unambiguously clear. In
his first writings on the Tamula I settlement and burial site Jaanits
(1947, 8; 1957, 94) is convinced that the burials are not earlier than
the settlement site as single finds reach deeper than the skeletons and
none of the grave depressions has been separated from the cultural layer
by a sterile layer. However, later Jaanits describes the burials as
having been situated 'in the lower part of the cultural layer or
directly under it' (Jaanits et al. 1982, 81). In view of the AMS
date from the 1990s the simultaneity of the burial and settlement site
of Tamula I has started to raise doubts (Lougas et al. 1996, 414; Lang
& Kriiska 2001, 92; Ots 2003).
Dating with the radiocarbon method may yield results that do not
correlate with other dates from the same site. The dissonances may be
caused either by radiocarbon dating (which in turn may be due to errors
in taking the sample, inaccuracy of the dating lab while cleaning the
sample, etc.) or incorrect interpretation of the gathered archaeological
material. In dating a bone one of the major reasons for errors is that
contamination cannot be removed from the material. An important
contamination source of bone material is humic acids, which, if left
unremoved, could cause the obtained dates to seem older or younger than
they actually are. This, however, depends on the environment of the
specific find place (Bowman 1995, 27).
In the case of Tamula we should be careful when interpretating the
date from skeleton III because the insufficient content of
collagen--only 0.04%--may have influenced the result. In fact already
samples with collagen content of 0.5-1% are considered problematic (van
Klinken 1999, 689).
One mechanism for checking the credibility of dates is the value of
a stabile carbon isotope ([[delta]'sup.13]C) from the same sample.
In the samples of the Tamula I settlement and burial site the value of
[[delta]'sup.13]C remains between -23.9[per thousand] and -27.2[per
thousand]. Generally the standard value is considered to be -21[per
thousand] to -22[per thousand] and deviations are regarded as a failure
of radiocarbon dating (van Klinken 1999, 689; Eriksson & Zagorska
2003, 164). Considering this we could have doubts about all AMS dates of
the human bones from the Tamula I settlement and burial site (see
[[delta]'sup.13]C values in Table 1). Although it is theoretically
possible that a too low [[delta]'sup.13]C value shows contamination
of the sample, practically it is rare that a single parameter that
deviates from the standard indicates at a contaminated sample (van
Klinken 1999, 692). In the Estonian context the Tamula I settlement and
burial site is hardly an exception in this matter: similar low values of
the stabile isotope have been gained when dating other Stone (18) and
Bronze Age (19) sites (see also Lougas et al. 1996).
Since every site is unique nothing final can be said about the
[[delta]'sup.13]C values of the Tamula I settlement and burial site
as indicators of possible contamination of the sample before comparable
studies of the cultural layer and the faunal remains of the settlement
site have been completed or special [sup.13]C analyses made with the
discussed value not obtained as a by-product of [sup.14]C analyses.
Considering the complex development of the Baltic Sea a specific ecology
of isotopes must be elaborated in this region (Eriksson 2003, 19) that
would enable adjusting for the situation where the
[[delta]'sup.13]C values of several sites exceed the standard
values valid in western Europe. In the case of problematic burials
repetitive analyses are undoubtedly necessary. Also settlement material
should be dated at the Tamula I site to enable explaining the
interrelationship of the settlement and the burial site.
To sum up, it should be said that while a single sample with a low
[[delta]'sup.13]C value from the Tamula I settlement and burial
site might refer to the date being irrelevant, then the falling of
recurrent samples into the same timespan suggests that the earlier
interpretations are false rather than the radiocarbon ones. Considering
the currently available material--stratigraphy (see Table 2), find
material as well as AMS dates from burials--it is possible that in the
case of the Tamula I settlement and burial site we are dealing with (1)
a site dated to different periods where the cemetery precedes the
settlement site or (2) a site dated to different periods where part of
the burials precede the settlement site, whereas the other part are
contemporary with it.
Another important aspect regarding the inspection of the relevance
of the dates is artefactual material: whether and to what extent the
absolute chronology correlates with the relative chronology based on the
analysis of the artefactual material.
As a rule Early Neolithic burials have few grave goods (Konnu and
Joaorg at Narva--e.g. Kriiska & Tvauri 2002, 49) or they are
completely lacking. No sure grave goods have been found with the
collective burial of Veibri or with Kivisaare skeleton IV. In the case
of these burials there is no contradiction with dates. However, the date
of Veibri is supported by a Narva-type pottery sherd in the vicinity of
the skeletons. Regardless of whether the sherd is a grave good or not,
it shows Early Neolithic activity at the site. Narva-type pottery has
been found in the immediate vicinity of Kivisaare burial IV as well
(Kriiska et al. 2003, 37) with some sherds in the excavations of 2002
gathered from the destroyed grave depressions.
Tamula grave VII, which was also dated to the Early Neolithic, is
extremely rich in grave goods (Fig. 8): amber pendants, pieces of amber,
tooth pendants, bone bird figurines, bear fangs, pebbles, fragments of
tubular bone, an adze with the fingernail-shaped blade, a fragment of a
bone knife, a bone pendant, a fragment of a cylindrical bead, bone
plates and their fragments (Lohmus 2005, table 2). If the age
determination is really true a contradiction must be stated with the
dates obtained on the basis of the find material.
The unearthed amber pendants (AI 3960: 265, 266) are highly crafted
artefacts and similar artefacts have been produced in most of the Middle
Neolithic amber working centres (Ots 2006, 29). No information about
specific artefacts or the use of amber before the Comb Ware Cultures can
be found in Estonia. Until now amber has been considered a typical grave
good for the Middle and Late Neolithic burial sites (Ots 2003, 96, 104).
Adzes with the fingernail-shaped blade are of the same age and
archaeological cultural background as well. In Finland where hundreds of
such artefacts are known, they are characteristic of the Typical Comb
Ware Culture period, especially of its younger part, and they have been
used even during the Late Neolithic (e.g. Edgren 1984, 43). In Estonia
they have been associated with the Late Comb Ware Culture period until
now but this is based on numerous examples from the Tamula I settlement
and burial site (for example Jaanits et al. 1982, 79). Current knowledge
and dates suggest that both amber and the adze with the
fingernail-shaped blade should be at least 400 years younger than the
AMS date.
It should be born in mind that the chronology and periodization,
which were supplemented and corrected for the last time at the beginning
of the 2000s (Kriiska 2001; Lang & Kriiska 2001) were created mostly
on the basis of the chronologies of the neighbouring countries and only
a few local dates. Therefore this chronology is as questionable as the
date of Tamula grave VII. The possibility the artefacts characteristic
of the Typical Comb Ware Culture (which is the basis for the
distinguishing of the Middle Neolithic), including amber, were used
already before 4200 BC is referred to by a date obtained from collective
burial no. 274 in Zvejnieki--4460-4330 cal BC (5545 [+ or -] 65 PB;
Ua-19810--Eriksson et al. 2003, table 1; Zagorska 2006, 101 f., table
IV). Other Zvejnieki graves with amber also have comparatively early
dates; nevertheless, they remain within the limits of the Middle
Neolithic. With the present information it is not possible to
convincingly prove either erroneousness of the date of Tamula skeleton
VII or the beginning of the Typical Comb Ware Culture; however, we
cannot ignore the dissonance while seeking new interpretations.
Burials dated to the end of the Early Neolithic-beginning of the
Middle Neolithic and to the Middle Neolithic have rich grave goods:
there are adornments attached to clothing, consumer goods as well as
food remains. Amber artefacts (Tamula grave X) and zoo- and
anthropomorphic figurines of bone (Tamula graves VII and XIX) are the
most exceptional fords in graves of that time. Predominantly we are
dealing with pendants from animal teeth or bird tubular bones (Tamula
graves III and XIX), also bone awls (Tamula grave I) and arrowheads
(Tamula graves I and III) occur. This material correlates with the
existing Stone Age chronology, the archaeological cultural background as
well as new dates.
The same can generally be said about the Late Neolithic burials.
Ceramic vessels (Sope II, Ardu II, Tika), stone axes (Ardu II, Karlova,
Kunila), awls (Sope II, Ardu II), adzes (Ardu II, Kunila), freshwater
pearl mussels (Sope II), etc. have been put in graves. The only question
is raised in the case of the Karlova burial. The Karlova-type stone
axes--artefact type that got its name after this burial--is a typical
material in the Estonian Corded Ware Culture. This axe type is
considered to have developed in western Estonia with strong influences
from the Finnish Corded Ware Culture (Jaanits et al. 1982, 111). On the
other hand, the phyllite arrowhead found in the same grave belongs
rather to the artefact complexes of the Comb Ware Cultures. The
arrowhead of Karlova belongs to the so-called Pyheensilta or Nylev type,
which is mostly distributed in Finland, Norway, the Kola Peninsula and
as single items also in the Baltic countries. They are dated mainly to
the Late Neolithic (Kriiska & Saluaar 2000 and references therein);
however, to some extent they have been found already from the settlement
sites of the Typical Comb Ware Culture (oral commentary by Petro
Pesonen, 5 November 2007).
AMS dating has brought about a real breakthrough in archaeology.
Small quantities necessary for the analysis enable the dating of rare
materials, including Stone Age human bones. New dates from a burial site
very often have not only offered additional information and answers to
existing questions, but have raised new problems and led to fresh
interpretations. Of the Baltic Sea area examples can be given from
Lithuania where together with new dates the perceptions of the
anthropological material inherent to specific archaeological cultures
have changed as well. For example, after dating the Turlojiske burial it
was ascertained that it was not a grave from the Nemunas Culture period
as it had been interpreted before (Antanaitis-Jacobs & Girininkas
2002, 17). The Donkalnis 4 burial, which had been considered to belong
to the Late Neolithic, turned out to be considerably older--Late
Mesolithic--thus referring to the unclear stratigraphy of the settlement
site (Antanaitis-Jacobs & Girininkas 2002, 16 f.). These graves have
earlier been considered the determinants of archaeological cultures and
thus the basis for the development history of anthropological types in
Lithuania. In Finland the ochre burials in cists connected to the Early
Neolithic so-called Jakarla group proved to belong to the Iron Age
(Edgren 1999, 323). AMS dates from the northern Latvian Zvejnieki
cemetery have been significantly supplemented and specified and have
therewith brought the earlier chronological borders into question. With
its 55 dates Zvejnieki is one of the best dated Stone Age burial sites
in eastern Europe (Zagorska 2006, 92; Mannermaa et al. 2007).
On the one hand AMS dates from Estonian Stone Age burial sites
demonstrate quite a great similarity during the whole Neolithic.
Differently from the so far dominating opinion according to which the
deceased were buried into settlement sites during the Neolithic period
until the Corded Ware Culture, we can now state that among the known
material cemeteries located separately from settlements prevail. Single
burials (excluding the Veibri quadruple burial) dominate. More
variations seem to be in body positions during the Late Neolithic, but
both an extended supine and a flexed position were used already since
the Early Neolithic (Konnu burial site in Saaremaa--Kriiska 2007, 18 and
references therein). In the Tamula I burial site where wood has
preserved burials dated to the border of the Early and Middle Neolithic
(graves VIII and X) are discerned where the bottoms of the graves have
been lined with branches. The composition and the amount of grave goods
strongly vary during the Neolithic. In Early Neolithic graves there are
as a rule few grave goods or these are lacking altogether, at the same
time graves dated to the period from the Early to the Middle Neolithic
and to the Middle Neolithic are rich in grave goods; Late Neolithic
Corded Ware Culture burials have been equipped with different inventory.
Until now 17 burials from 10 Estonian Stone Age burial sites have
been radiocarbon dated. These make up about one fifth of all the known
Stone Age burials here. The obtained radiocarbon dates enable much more
precise following of the changes in the burial customs in the area that
is now Estonia. At the same time the new information raises numerous
questions, among which the most important are: (1) Into which temporal
context do the observed burials belong on the basis of the dates? (2)
Can the dates be considered trustworthy and if so, how trustworthy? (3)
How do the dates of the burials relate to the grave inventory and
earlier interpretations?
The dates of the skeletons of the Tamula I settlement and burial
site are the most problematic. On one hand these contradict with the
opinion prevailing until now according to which the cemetery and the
settlement site are simultaneous and belong to the Late Neolithic, on
the other the skeletons have a disturbingly low value of the stabile
isotope ([[delta]'sup.13]C) and the amount of collagen was very
small in one sample. As the timespans where the human bones are dated
are often recurrent, then in our opinion there is reason to give up the
earlier interpretations and suggest that in the case of the Tamula I
settlement and burial site we are dealing with either sites from
different periods where the cemetery precedes the settlement site or
sites from different periods where part of the burials precede the
settlement site, the other part being simultaneous with it. Beyond doubt
the material of Tamula needs additional research and at least some
repetitive dating of the same skeletons.
On the basis of the obtained radiocarbon dates Estonian Stone Age
inhumation graves can be divided into four groups: Early Neolithic
(Veibri II, Tamula VII and Kivisaare IV skeletons), the end of the Early
Neolithic and the beginning of the Middle Neolithic (Tamula skeletons
VIII and X), Middle Neolithic (Tamula skeletons I, III, XIX and human
bones from Kudrukula) and Late Neolithic (Ardu II, Sope II, Tika, Kunila
II, Karlova and Naakamae skeletons). Although single burials were
connected with the Early Neolithic already before (Konnu, Joaorg at
Narva), now the tradition of inhumations can, on the basis of absolute
dates, be traced back into the Early Neolithic. All through the
Neolithic there were separate cemeteries in addition to burials in
settlement sites in Estonia. Single burials are dominating and deceased
were buried in an extended supine as well as a flexed position during
the period. At the same time the association and amount of grave goods
vary in temporal as well as in archaeological cultural sense.
The study was carried out with support of the Estonian Science
Foundation under grants nos 5098 and 6899, and base-funded project of
the University of Tartu 'Interdisciplinary archaeology:
interactions of culture and the natural environment in the past'.
The authors are grateful to the Estonian National Heritage Board, and to
Raili Allmae (MA) and Kristel Kulljastinen (MA) for completing the
drawings in the article.
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(1) In 1935 Richard Indreko published data on 19 graves and
altogether 59 burials (Indreko 1935, 202).
(2) 3600 [+ or -] 180 BP, (Ta-10), 4050 [+ or -] 180 BP (Ta-28),
4300 [+ or -] 70 BP (Ta-?) (Jaanits 1984, 192; Ots 2006, 42, fig. 7).
These are the first dates in the Baltic countries by the radiocarbon
laboratory whose activity began in 1957 at the Institute of Zoology and
Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE
IN ASCII]Bec et al. 1974, 177; Liiva et al. 1975, 7).
3 Unfortunately it is not clear which burial we are exactly dealing
with. Altogether eight burials--VIII, IX, X, XI, XV, XIX, XX, XXII--in
the Tamula I settlement and burial site had a 'bed' of
(4) It is not clear in Lougas et al. (1996) whether Tamula x or XI
was dated earlier and skeleton XI has been erroneously considered to
have been dated instead of skeleton x (Ots 2006, 42, joon 7). In order
to clarify the situation, boxes of both skeletons in the Institute of
History, Tallinn University, were inspected. Since the dated bone was
concha nasalis, and the box of the skeleton no. x contained bones of the
skull's inner part (such bones were absent in XI), then probably
no. X was actually dated in 1996.
(5) AMS dating has been financed by the Estonian National Heritage
Board and different research projects led by Aivar Kriiska, Lembi Lougas
and Kristiina Mannermaa.
(6) Finds in the Kabinet of Archaeology, Institute of History and
Archaeology of the University of Tartu (TO 568).
(7) Preliminary anthropological identifications were made by Raili
(8) Anthropological identifications were made by R. Allmae.
(9) It should be considered that the periodization used then was:
(1) Palaeolithic and (2) Neolithic. No absolute dates were offered by
(10) For adzes with fingernail-shaped blade see more in Jaanits et
al. 1982, 79 and Edgren 1984, 43.
(11) In the earlier literature (Moora 1946; Jaanits 1947; [TEXT NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] 1952) these were considered wolf fangs, but
according to the identification by L. Lougas we are dealing with bear
(12) Length 70 cm and thickness 6-7 cm (Jaanits 1957, 80).
(13) The snake figure was considered the leg part of a human figure
by Jaanits (1961, 62), at the same time the skilfully crafted 'head
parts' are very similar to the head of a snake found from Tamula
burial XIV.
(14) According to locals, mussel shells have been found with other
skeletons as well (Indreko 1933).
(15) In 1936 the farmstead was called by this name.
(16) The border between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic in Estonia
is the introduction of pottery (Lang & Kriiska 2001).
(17) Calibrated date 2 sigma.
(18) The value of [[delta]'sup.13]C on the charred layer on an
Early Neolithic pottery sherd from the Kopu I settlement site was
-26.3[per thousand] (Hela-843) (date published: Kriiska et al. 2005).
(19) The radiocarbon date from the Kihnu Moisakula settlement site
gave -25.8 for the value of [[delta]'sup.13]C, the indexes on the
charred layer on ceramic vessels from Assaku and Altkula were
respectively -27.29[per thousand] (Hela-837) and -25.0[per thousand]
(Hela-838) and on the charred layers on pottery sherds from Joaorg at
Narva -28.5[per thousand] (Hela-1021) and -28.0[per thousand]
(Hela-1020) (dates published in Kriiska & Lohmus 2004; Kriiska et
al. 2005; Kriiska & Lavento 2006).
(20) Kalibreeritud vanus, 2 sigma.
Aivar Kriiska, Chair of Archaeology, Institute of History and
Archaeology, University of Tartu, 3 Lossi St., 51003 Tartu, Estonia;
Lembi Lougas, Department of Archaeobiology and Prehistoric
Technology, Institute of History, Tallinn University, 10 Ruutli St.,
10130 Tallinn, Estonia;
Mari Lohmus, Chair of Archaeology, Institute of History and
Archaeology, University of Tartu, 3 Lossi St., 51003 Tartu, Estonia;
Kristiina Mannermaa, Department of Archaeology, Institute for
Cultural Research, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 38 F, Helsinki,
Kristiina Johanson, Chair of Archaeology, Institute of History and
Archaeology, University of Tartu, 3 Lossi St., 51003 Tartu, Estonia;
Table 1. Radiocarbon dates from Estonian Stone Age burial sites
Tabel 1. Eesti kiviaja matmispaikade radiosiisinikudateeringud
Site and Calibrated
number of date 1 sigma
the grave (a) Area [sup.14]C-year (BP) (cal BC) (b)
Veibri, SE 6090 [+ or -] 45 5200-4930
burial II Estonia
Kivisaare, Central 5450 [+ or -] 40 4345-4260
burial IV Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4680 [+ or -] 40 3520-3370
burial I Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4940 [+ or -] 40 3770-3650
burial III (d) Estonia
Tamula I, SE 5760 [+ or -] 45 4620-4540
burial VII Estonia
Tamula I, SE 5370 [+ or -] 45 4330-4070
burial VIII Estonia
Tamula I, SE 5310 [+ or -] 85 4250-4000
burial X Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4925 [+ or -] 40 3760-3650
burial XIX Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4080 [+ or -] 100 2860-2490
definite burial Estonia
Sope, NE 4090 [+ or -] 35 2850-2570
burial II Estonia
Ardu, Northern 4110 [+ or -] 40 2860-2580
burial II Estonia
Tika Saaremaa 4035 [+ or -] 35 2620-2480
Kunila, Central 3960 [+ or -] 40 2570-2350
burial II Estonia
Karlova SE 3805 [+ or -] 35 2300-2150
Kudrukula I NE 4770 [+ or -] 60 3640-3380
Kudrukula II NE 4860 [+ or -] 60 3710-3530
Naakamae Saaremaa 4125 [+ or -] 85 2780-2580
Site and Calibrated
number of date 2 sigma [delta]
the grave (a) Area (cal BC) [sup.13]C (c)
Veibri, SE 5210-4850 24.0
burial II Estonia
Kivisaare, Central 4360-4230 --
burial IV Estonia
Tamula I, SE 3630-3360 --
burial I Estonia
Tamula I, SE 3800-3640 --
burial III (d) Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4720-4490 27.1
burial VII Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4340-4050 25.8
burial VIII Estonia
Tamula I, SE 4330-3970 23.9
burial X Estonia
Tamula I, SE 3790-3640 25.0
burial XIX Estonia
Tamula I, SE 2900-2300 --
definite burial Estonia
Sope, NE 2870-2490 --
burial II Estonia
Ardu, Northern 2880-2500 --
burial II Estonia
Tika Saaremaa 2840-2470 --
Kunila, Central 2580-2340 --
burial II Estonia
Karlova SE 2460-2130 --
Kudrukula I NE 3660-3370 21.7
Kudrukula II NE 3780-3510 20.4
Naakamae Saaremaa 2890-2480 -16.0
Site and
number of
the grave (a) Area Lab. no. Sample material
Veibri, SE Hela-1331 Human, radius
burial II Estonia dext. corpus
Kivisaare, Central Poz-10840 Human,
burial IV Estonia cranium
Tamula I, SE Poz-15645 Human, femur
burial I Estonia
Tamula I, SE Poz-10826 Human, costa
burial III (d) Estonia
Tamula I, SE Hela-1335 Human,
burial VII Estonia mandibula
Tamula I, SE Hela-1336 Human, femur
burial VIII Estonia sinister
Tamula I, SE Ua-4828 Human, concha
burial X Estonia nasalis
Tamula I, SE Hela-1337 Human, femur
burial XIX Estonia
Tamula I, SE Ta-219 Wood from
definite burial Estonia bottom
unknown of grave
Sope, NE Poz-10827 Human, female,
burial II Estonia metatarsus I
Ardu, Northern Poz-10824 Human, male,
burial II Estonia ulna sin.
Tika Saaremaa Poz-10803 Human,
Island mandibula
Kunila, Central Poz-10825 Human,
burial II Estonia mandibula
Karlova SE Poz-15499 Human,
Estonia mandibula
Kudrukula I NE CAMS-6265 Human,
Estonia mandibula
Kudrukula II NE CAMS-6266 Human,
Estonia mandibula
Naakamae Saaremaa Ua-4822 Human, femur
(a) The numeration proposed by Lembit Jaanits in 1965 is used.
(b) All the calibrations by: Atmospheric data from Reimer et al.
(2004); OxCal v3.10 Bronk Ramsey (2005); cub r:5 sd:12 prob
(c) Presented only if submitted by the laboratory that
completed the dating.
(d) Too little collagen in the sample, which may have affected
the date.
Table 2. Location of the dated burials in the cultural
layer in Tamula
Tabe1 2. Tamula dateeritud haudade asukoht kultuurikihis
Year of
excavation, Date
Burial researcher (Bp) (a)
Tamula I 1942, Indreko 4680 [+ or -] 40
Tamula III 1942, Indreko 4940 [+ or -] 40
Tamula VII 1946, Moora 5760 [+ or -] 45
Tamula VIII 1955, Jaanits 5370 [+ or -] 45
Tamula X 1955, Jaanits 5310 [+ or -] 85
Tamula XIX 1956, Jaanits 4925 [+ or -] 40
Location in the cultural layer
(Jaanits 1957, table I),
Burial depth from ground level
Tamula I In lower part (b) (48-58 cm)
Tamula III In lower part (48-55/56 cm)
Tamula VII The lowermost border (c) (50 cm)
Tamula VIII The lowermost border (60-65 cm)
Tamula X In lower part (49-55 cm)
Tamula XIX In lower part (40-47 cm)
(a) Detailed information in Table 1.
(b) Im unteren Ted (Jaanits 1957, table I).
(c) An der untersten Grenze (Jaanits 1957, table I).