On productivity: the influence of natural resource inputs.
Topp, Vernon ; Kulys, Tony
MULTIFACTOR PRODUCTIVITY (MFP), which is measured as a residual
(the growth in the volume of output not explained by the growth in the
volume of labour and capital inputs), reflects other sources of change
in the productive capacity of an industry or economy as well as
technical change. This article looks at the effect of one of these other
possible sources of change, namely natural resource inputs.
Many natural resource inputs are not directly measured in the
national accounts, yet changes in their use in production or changes in
their quality can affect measured value added and hence MFP estimates.
in recent years, there have been sustained periods of strongly negative
MFP growth in three important Australian industries--mining,
agriculture, forestry and fishing (AFF or agriculture for short), and
utilities (electricity, gas, water and waste services) (chart 1).
changes in natural resource inputs appear to have been a major
contributor. This article draws heavily on two research studies
undertaken by the Australian Productivity Commission that looked at the
productivity performance of the mining industry (Topp et al., 2008) and
the utilities industry (Topp and Kulys, 2012).
For natural resource inputs to affect MFP growth in an industry
they must be changing, and they must be a significant input for the
industry. That is, the production of output must depend on the
availability and/or quality of the resource input. The most
straightforward example of industry reliance on a natural resource input
is rainfall in AFF. Rainfall is not included in the measures of inputs
to production when MFP is estimated for this industry although changes
in rainfall have a direct influence on agricultural output each year. As
a result, rainfall variability shows up as variability of output and
hence measured MFP, rather than as variability in the total quantity of
inputs used. MFP growth in AFF was negative at times during the last
decade or so, not because farmers became less technically efficient, but
because it did not rain as much.
Recent periods of slow or negative MFP growth in all three
industries mentioned can be attributed, at least in part, to large
reductions in the quantities (or qualities) of natural resource inputs
being used in production. If the quality or quantity of unmeasured
inputs is declining over time relative to measured inputs, estimates of
MFP growth will understate technical progress. Conversely, if the
relative quality or quantity of natural resource inputs increases,
estimates of MFP growth will overstate technical progress, giving an
impression that an industry has achieved greater technical progress than
is actually the case.
Declines in MFP growth that are the result of a decline in the
availability or quality of a natural resource input do, however, reflect
a real increase in the costs of production. (2) Hence, while this
decline in MFP does not reflect technical regress, it does reflect a
decline in the output that can be produced by the economy (all else
equal). This can be interpreted as a loss in productivity that is not
caused by a loss in productive efficiency. Rather it is caused by a
decline in natural resource inputs.
There are three main reasons why the quality or quantity of natural
resources available as inputs to production can change: natural
variability; (3) depletion through use or natural processes; and
diversion to competing uses. Whether any of these have a material impact
on MFP estimates is dependent on the particular situation. The three
industries provide some good examples of the contingent nature of this
Box 1 Multifactor Productivity Growth Measurement
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) generates estimates of
industry MFP using a conventional growth accounting framework
outlined in ABS (2007, 2012a) and Zheng (2005), and recommended by
the OECD (2001). Underlying the approach is an assumed production
[Y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t]f([K.sub.t], [L.sub.t], [I.sub.t]) (1)
where [Y.sub.t], [K.sub.t], [L.sub.t], and [I.sub.t] represent
output, capital, labour, and intermediate inputs (energy, materials
and services inputs) in year t respectively, and [A.sub.t] represents
multifactor productivity in year t.
After differentiating equation (1) with respect to time and making
a number of assumptions regarding the underlying production
function, f, the ABS derives an index of MFP growth that is
calculated from the equation:
where Y, K, L and I are as above, and [S.sub.K], [S.sub.L], and
[S.sub.I] are weights used for each input type reflecting their
contributions to total industry income (and which collectively sum
to 1).
MFP growth is thereby calculated as a residual, and reflects that
part of the change in output from one year to the next that cannot
be explained by the observed change in inputs.
When MFP growth is negative, it implies a decline in the efficiency
of production--that is, an increase in the overall quantity of
inputs is required to produce each unit of output--and vice versa
The ABS also produces an alternative measure of MFP which uses real
value added (real gross output minus real intermediate inputs) as
the output variable, with only labour and capital inputs appearing
explicitly in the production function as inputs. The findings
reported in this article are general and applicable to both
measures of MFP.
This article explores these issues in more detail, beginning with
why, when there are significant natural resource inputs, the methodology
used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to estimate MFP growth
can be an inaccurate measure of technical progress. The following
sections examine the role of natural resource inputs in the three
industries and why they are changing, and the effect that these changes
have had on measured productivity growth in these industries. The final
section explores possible implications for productivity measurement.
How MFP is Measured
The ABS uses what is commonly known as the
'growth-accounting' approach to derive estimates of MFP. Under
this approach, the annual rate of MFP growth is measured as a
residual--that is, it is the difference between the growth rate of
output and the growth rate of (measured) inputs. Both output and inputs
are measured in volume or quantity terms, and are represented using
index numbers. (Box 1 contains more information on the growth accounting
The standard interpretation of MFP growth is that it captures
disembodied technological progress, such as improvements in the way
businesses organize their production processes that allow them to reduce
input requirements per unit of output, or to produce a greater quantity
of out put from a given quantity of inputs (ABS 2012a:429). In practice,
however, the conventional growth accounting estimates of MFP reflect the
combined influence of any number of factors that might lead to a
difference between measured output growth and measured input growth
during a particular year or period. According to the OECD, many factors
other than technology are reflected in the MFP residual, including
adjustment costs, scale and cyclical effects, pure changes in
efficiency, and measurement errors (OECD 2001:20).
The Problem of Unmeasured Inputs When Measuring Technical Progress
To the extent that some important natural resource inputs are
either mismeasured or not measured at all before estimates of MFP growth
are calculated, greater caution is needed in interpreting changes in MFP
as measuring 'technical progress'.
In this case, better estimates of technical progress could be
obtained by directly accounting for any changes in the quantities of
natural resource inputs used in production before the productivity
residual is calculated. This would remove the influence of fluctuations
in these inputs from the residual so that it would better reflect
technical change (although other sources of change would still be
reflected in the residual). A more formal description of such a process
is outlined in Box 2.
An adjustment such as this would make the resulting MFP estimates
better indicators of technical progress, but the trade-off would be that
they no longer accurately reflect 'real costs.' That is, they
would no longer indicate changes in the average quantities of purchased
inputs (capital, labour and intermediate inputs) used to produce each
unit of industry output.
The Scope of the Effect
As mentioned, natural resource input quantity and/or quality can
change through natural variability, depletion through use or natural
processes, and diversion to competing uses. Both non-renewable resources
(such a mineral deposits) and renewable natural resources (such as
fisheries) can have natural variability. Both can also be depleted by
use, but for renewable resources this can be prevented if the resource
is used at sustainable levels. Non-renewable resources, on the other
hand, by definition will be depleted, although the impact on the
quantity and quality of remaining resources available to industry will
depend on the rate of discovery relative to use.
Regardless of whether a resource is renewable or not, the use by
industry can be restricted if the resource is diverted to other uses. At
an economy-wide level this affects productivity mainly if it reduces
their use in the market economy. (4) Where there are competing
non-market uses of the inputs, the main source of change is when
governments introduce (or increase) restrictions on the use of the
resource by industry.
Examples of the natural resource inputs that are important to
production in each of the three industries are provided below. While all
of these inputs are similar in the sense that they are
'unmeasured' inputs to production in the respective
industries, they are quite different in regard to the reasons why their
use in production can change over time.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Rainfall is an important unmeasured input to production for most,
if not all, activities in this industry. Although rainfall is a
renewable input, its quality or effectiveness as an input fluctuates
over time due to natural variations in its quantity. Too little rainfall
is usually the more serious concern, but too much rainfall leading to
flooding or water-logging, or rain at the wrong time, can also reduce
industry output with adverse implications for MFP. (5)
Box 2 MFP Growth Estimates When Resource Inputs are Significant
For industries that use significant quantities of natural resource
inputs in production a more realistic production function would be:
[Y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t]f([K.sub.t], [L.sub.t], [I.sub.t], [R.sub.t])
where [Y.sub.t], [K.sub.t], [L.sub.t], [I.sub.t] and [A.sub.t] are
as defined in Box 1, and R represents the volume of inputs of
natural resources and/or environmental services used in production.
An index of MFP growth would be derived as:
where Y, K, L, I and [S.sub.K], [S.sub.L], and [S.sub.I] are as
defined in Box 1, and [S.sub.R] is a weight commensurate to the
contribution of these inputs to total industry income.
In principle, the MFP growth estimates derived from equation 4
would better reflect "true" technical progress in industries where
inputs of R make up a significant share of total inputs, compared
with the estimates from equation 2 in Box 1.
Note that the measurement issue of concern is not just whether
inputs of R are large relative to conventionally measured inputs,
but whether they are both large and changing over time relative to
aggregate inputs of K, L and I. If inputs of R are constant over
time as a share of total inputs, then omitting R from the
production function will not influence the estimated growth rate of
MFP. In this case, there are no implications for the measurement
and interpretation of MFP growth. However, when quantities of R are
changing over time relative to conventionally measured inputs, the
MFP growth estimates derived from equation (4) will differ from
those derived from equation (2) in Box 1. In this case, equation
(4) is a better estimate of technical progress than equation (2).
Note also that measuring the quantity of natural resource inputs,
[R.sub.t], used in production (and the associated weight,
[S.sub.R]) is likely to be a non-trivial exercise. Diewert (2001),
for example, listed the problem of accounting for natural resource
inputs as one of a number of challenges for productivity
measurement and interpretation that is still to be resolved.
A simple illustrative example of how the quantity of natural
resource inputs might be measured in practice is to consider the
case of agriculture, where [R.sub.t] might be proxied by annual
rainfall (noting that variability in other seasonal conditions also
influences annual variability in production). Estimating the
corresponding contribution of rainfall to industry income
([S.sub.R]) is more complicated and is not attempted here. We note,
however, that in the standard growth accounting model [S.sub.R] is
effectively captured within [S.sub.K], as the latter is derived as
a residual and thereby reflects the (percentage) contribution to
industry income of all inputs to production other than L and I,
including any non-measured natural resource inputs. In general,
introducing natural resource inputs to the model should reduce
[S.sub.K], but leave [S.sub.L] unchanged.
Note that rainfall is not the only natural resource input that is
important to production in AFF. For example, the weather more generally,
including cyclones, heatwaves and frosts, contributes to volatility in
the effective contribution of natural resource inputs to production.
Other natural resource inputs are also important in AFF. For
example, land/soil is a critical natural resource input, although the
quantity of services it provides over time is likely to be much less
variable than that provided by rainfall. Underlying fish and forestry
stocks are also key determinants of production in these sub-sectors.
Studies of productivity growth in fisheries often include estimates of
fish stocks directly into the underlying production function in
recognition of the role they play in explaining changes in output over
time (see for example, Fox et al., 2003).
Ultimately, variations in the services provided by any of these
unmeasured inputs will be reflected in the estimates of MFP growth in
In the case of mining, the key unmeasured natural resource inputs
used in production are the underlying deposits of mineral and energy
resources being mined. Examples include coal seams, oil and gas fields,
and deposits of metalores and raw minerals. No amount of conventionally
measured inputs--labour, capital, materials, etc.--can produce a ton of
coal or a barrel of oil without a coal seam or an oil deposit from which
to extract it. These 'environmental goods' are therefore
essential inputs to production, and are non-renewable in nature. (6)
Importantly, the average quality of mineral and energy deposits
being exploited is not constant over time, but tends to decline with
cumulative extraction. (7) In general, better quality resource deposits,
such as those that are more accessible, of higher quality or grade, or
closer to markets and existing infrastructure, are exploited first (as
they generate higher profits), before miners move on to the next best
quality deposits. Box 3 explains the quality attributes of resource
deposits in more detail.
In the productivity measurement framework, any change in the
quality of an input is synonymous with a change in the quantity of the
input. Hence, a decline in the average quality of resource deposits
being mined should be considered to be a reduction in the average
quantity of inputs these deposits are providing.
Absent true improvements in mining technology, the general decline
in the quality (cost characteristics) of resource deposits being
exploited over time places upward pressure on the quantities of
conventionally measured inputs needed to produce each unit of output.
This has adverse effects on mining MFP growth.
The negative influence on mining MFP of declining resource quality
is likely to be more pronounced during periods of higher output prices,
as it becomes economical to mine less-productive (higher unit-cost)
deposits. This is an important point to consider in interpreting the
current decline in measured productivity in the Australian mining
industry. The opposite is also true: if commodity prices drop sharply,
mining firms are likely to cut back on production costs by closing or
reducing output at less productive (and hence less profitable) mines and
deposits, and this would have a positive effect on MFP growth.
In the case of utilities, the unmeasured natural resource inputs
used in production largely come in the form of renewable environmental
services inputs. There are three main types:
* Water catchments and their associated creeks and rivers provide
inputs to production in the water industry through their role as sites
for the capture, storage, and delivery of urban drinking water and rural
irrigation water.
* Waterways and oceans provide inputs to the water industry through
their use as sinks for the disposal of waste-water. Note that the more
polluted the waste-water being discharged, the greater will be the
effective quantity of inputs (in the form of waste assimilation
services) provided by the environment.
* The electricity supply industry derives inputs to production from
the atmosphere (air) by using it as a sink for the disposal of waste
products, most notably carbon dioxide. Again, the more polluted the
waste material, the greater the effective quantity of inputs (in the
form of waste assimilation services) provided by the environment.
Box 3 Quality Attributes of Mines and Mineral, Oil and Gas Deposits
The quality attributes of mines and resource deposits that
influence measured production costs (and hence MFP) include:
* the remoteness of deposits, including their distance from
infrastructure and markets for inputs and outputs;
* the depth of oil and gas fields below the surface, whether
onshore or offshore;
* the depth and nature of overburden above coal and other mineral
* quality parameters including grades, milling or processing
characteristics, and the extent of any impurities;
* the flow rates of oil and gas fields; and
* the complexity of surrounding terrain.
Ultimately, these factors play a large part in determining the
quantities of labour, capital, and intermediate inputs needed to
produce each unit of industry output.
Source: Topp et al. (2008).
Although not as straightforward to conceptualize as
'inputs' compared with the examples of rainfall in
agriculture, forestry and fishing or coal deposits in mining, the three
environmental services listed above are just as important to production
in the utilities industry as conventional inputs. Without these inputs,
production would either be impossible--no dam site, no reliable water
supply for example--or would require businesses to incur significant
additional costs. For example, if CO2 could no longer be discharged
directly into the atmosphere, fossil-fuel based electricity generators
would require some other means of disposal, such as a carbon capture and
storage facility. The latter would almost certainly come at a much
greater cost (in terms of conventionally-measured inputs) compared with
simply releasing waste material directly into the atmosphere. (In some
productivity studies, the issue of pollution is viewed as an unmeasured
negative output, rather than an unmeasured input of waste assimilation
services by the environment. Both approaches lead to the same conclusion
regarding the interpretation of conventional MFP estimates. See Box 4).
Drivers of change in the use or availability of environmental
There are a number of reasons why the quantity (or quality) of
natural resource inputs being used in utilities production might decline
over time relative to the quantity of conventionally measured inputs. In
relation to unmeasured waste-assimilation services provided by the
environment, there are limits to the maximum quantity of waste material
that can be safely assimilated on a renewable basis. Once these limits
are reached, producers will need to find alternate ways to process and
dispose of waste material. To the extent that these alternatives require
greater inputs of capital and labour inputs the consequence is lower
measured MFP than would otherwise be the case. (8)
Box 4 How to Treat the Issue of Pollution?
In some studies of productivity growth in the water and electricity
sectors, the issue of pollution is viewed as an unmeasured 'quality
of output' issue, rather than as an unmeasured 'quantity of inputs'
issue (see, for example, Murtough et al., 2001). In the former
approach, pollution is treated as a negative output, so that a
reduction in pollution is treated as an increase in the volume of
industry output, and vice versa.
Characterizing the use of the environment to dispose waste material
as an unmeasured inputs issue (rather than an unmeasured quality of
output issue) permits the use of the same conceptual framework--the
introduction of a single new input term R to the production
function, as described in Box 2--for all three industries. The
alternative would be to add an adjusted output term to equation (3)
in Box 2 to account for changes in the amount of pollution being
generated in the utilities industry, and to limit the R term to
covering the examples of rainfall in agriculture, forestry and
fishing, and resource deposits in mining.
Whatever the treatment, the implications for MFP are the same:
conventional estimates of MFP growth will be negatively biased
indicators of true technology change if pollution is reduced, and
vice versa. This is because, depending on how the issue is viewed,
either input growth is overstated (because the reduction in the use
of environmental inputs is ignored, while any increase in the use
of conventional inputs is counted), or because output growth is
understated (because the reduction in a negative output is not
In relation to the inputs to production that are provided by dam
sites, there are two issues that have implications for conventionally
measured productivity. First, the addition of new dams will tend to be
adverse for MFP growth on the basis that the quality (cost
characteristics) of dam sites is not distributed uniformly, and the best
sites tend to be developed first. (9) Absent true technical progress in
dam construction and operation, the conventionally measured costs of
supplying water from dams will tend to increase over time because new
dam sites will be less 'productive' (on average) than those
that have already been developed.
Second, because there are natural or physical limits on the number
of sites that are suitable for the construction of new dams, once all
such sites have been developed it will only be possible to increase
industry output by switching to alternate supply technologies. To the
extent that the latter require greater quantities of measured inputs per
unit of water supplied, any shift to non-dam sources of supply will be
adverse for conventionally measured MFP growth. (10)
Policy and/or regulatory changes can also influence the use of
natural resources in production
Apart from natural or biological limits, the quantity of natural
resources used as inputs to production in utilities is influenced by
policy or regulatory changes that alter the conditions of access to
environmental services. A good example is the adoption of stricter
pollution standards, which effectively reduce the extent to which
utilities businesses can utilize the capacity of the environment to
assimilate waste material. To the extent that any changes to policy or
regulatory settings ultimately require businesses in utilities to adopt
production technologies that are higher-cost (in terms of conventionally
measured inputs) and less intensive in the use of 'unmeasured'
natural resource inputs, the impact on measured MFP will be negative.
The Scale of the Effect
Some recent research provides quantitative and qualitative evidence
that the problem of unmeasured changes to the quantity and/or quality of
natural resource inputs being used in production has played a major role
in explaining recent periods of negative MFP growth in agriculture,
foresty and fishing (AFF), mining and utilities. Each industry is
considered in turn.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
In the case of agriculture, forestry and fishing, changes in
rainfall inputs can be substantial from year to year, although there is
less variability over the long term. The implication is that the impact
of changes in rainfall on industry output will usually be observed in
short-term (1-2 years) estimates of MFP growth, but will have less of an
impact on the average rate of growth over a longer period.
The link between annual changes in rainfall and annual changes in
MFP is quite strong. In Chart 2, average annual rainfall in the
Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) is used as a proxy for aggregate or
nationwide rainfall on the basis that the basin is a large and important
agricultural region that accounts for just under one half of total
industry output (around 40 per cent of total agricultural income and
over 50 per cent of the total value of cereals grown for grain). (12)
In years when there are widespread and significant declines in
average annual rainfall (major droughts), aggregate agricultural output
in Australia typically falls sharply, dragging down MFP (Chart 3). While
conventionally measured inputs like capital and labour can also fall
during major drought years, they do not generally fall by as much as the
reductions in output.
Widespread droughts in Australia often last just one year however,
and MFP generally recovers all of its 'losses' in the
subsequent year. Examples for the 1994-95 and 2002-03 droughts are
highlighted in Chart 3. Estimates of annual MFP growth are negative in
drought years, and rise above trend in drought recovery years.
Because these 'annual' events in agriculture, foresty and
fishing tend not to coincide with the beginning or end years of the
market sector productivity 'cycles' (which are chosen to help
smooth out the adverse influence of fluctuations in the business cycle
on the utilization of capital and labour inputs), they usually do not
affect the economy-wide MFP results over the productivity cycle. (13)
However, the extended period of below-average rainfall from 2006-07
to 2009-10 kept strong downward pressure on agricultural MFP over
multiple years, and ultimately contributed to the below average MFP
result for the market sector as a whole during the most recently
completed productivity cycle--that is, the cycle which ran from 2003-04
to 2007-08. In this case the influence of rainfall on measured
productivity in agriculture, forestry and fishing was more pervasive.
In the case of mining, recent research suggests that the ABS
estimates of industry MFP are strongly influenced by unmeasured changes
in natural resource inputs (see Topp et al., 2008; Bloch and Zheng, 2010
and Loughton, 2011). Although the papers use different approaches to
quantify the size of the effect, the results are consistent and
unambiguous: a decline in the average quality of resource inputs into
mining is responsible for a large share of the poor MFP growth in the
industry. In this situation the ABS estimates of MFP in the mining
industry are strongly negatively biased indicators of technical progress
when viewed over the longer term (Table 1).
Importantly, the influence of resource depletion on the ABS
estimates of MFP need to be adjusted for temporal changes in the average
quality of deposits being mined if they are to be used as indicators of
technical progress in this industry. The studies noted above provide
alternative approaches to making such adjustments.
Major policy and preference shifts during the last 10 to 15 years
have combined with the natural pressures arising from a rapidly growing
population to substantially reduce the quantity of environmental
services available to this industry. As a result there has been an
increase in the rate of growth in conventionally measured inputs
(labour, capital, and intermediate inputs) per unit of industry output
(see Box 5).
A recent staff working paper published by the Australian
Productivity Commission found that these developments contributed to
strongly negative MFP growth in utilities between 1997-98 and 2009-10
(Topp and Kulys, 2012). In the water sector, the data showed strong
growth in investment in tertiary waste-water treatment plants over the
period, as well as the construction of high-cost sources of new water
supply. The latter included large-scale desalination plants in five of
the six mainland states of Australia.
Box 5 Policy and Preference Shifts in the Utilities Sector
The operating environment of water and electricity businesses has
changed in three fundamental ways during the last 10 to 15 years.
First, a paradigm change in thinking within the Australian urban
water industry led to a cessation in the construction of new urban
water dams, and a shift to the construction of manufactured water
alternatives, such as desalination and recycled water plants. In
effect, the industry moved from having an almost complete
dependence on a production technology dependent on natural resource
inputs (rain-fed dams), to a much greater reliance on supply
technologies that used greater quantities of conventionally
measured inputs (desalination and water recycling plants).
The shift to manufactured water technologies was partly in response
to an urgent need for new urban water supplies in Australia to meet
the demands of a rapidly growing population, and to counteract the
adverse effect on existing water supplies of an unexpectedly long
period of below-average rainfall. However, it was also a response to
growing community opposition to the construction of new dams,
largely on the basis that their environmental costs were too high.
In some states, natural limits on suitable sites for new dams had
also been reached, contributing to the speed and scale of the move
to non-dam supply technologies like desalination and recycling.
Second, regulatory changes during the period increased the minimum
standards of wastewater treatment in Australia. This led to the
construction of new or augmented water treatment plants. As with
water supplies, a growing population had increased the demand for
wastewater disposal services, and there was growing concern
regarding the environmental impact of continuing to rely on
conventional treatment methods, particularly the use of coastal
outfalls. The shift toward tertiary treatment of urban wastewater
reduced the use of the environment as an input to production, but
increased requirements of conventionally measured inputs.
Third, changes in energy policies in response to the threat of
climate change led to an increase in the share of electricity being
supplied via renewable and gas-fired power stations, and a
concomitant decrease in the share of output coming from coal-fired
power stations. The cut in allowable pollution lowered the use of
natural resources (the atmosphere) as an input to production, and
increased the average quantity of conventionally measured inputs
required per unit of output. Green energy typically requires
greater units of conventionally measured inputs per unit of output,
compared with coal-fired power.
In all three cases therefore, the reduction in the use of natural
resource inputs largely came about as a consequence of policy
and/or other decisions that were implemented to address
environmental issues, especially water and CO2 emissions. Against
the background of rapid population growth, natural limits on the
availability of suitable sites for new dams also contributed to the
decline in the availability of natural resource inputs, and a large
increase in the use of conventionally measured inputs.
Source: Topp and Kulys (2012).
Topp and Kulys also reported the impact on MFP of the move away
from coal-fired electricity generation in Australia between the late
1990s and 2010 due to the higher (conventionally measured) costs of less
emissions-intensive power sources. However, unlike mining where some
measures of resource quality are available, estimates of the change in
these environmental inputs are not available.
The motivations for the shift to higher cost production
technologies (in terms of conventional inputs) vary. In the case of the
shift to lower carbon emission power generation, Topp and Kulys cite
climate-change policies and initiatives. In the water sector, the shift
to more labour- and capital-intensive production technologies was
necessary to meet 'the requirements of government policies on,
among other things, water security, the management of environmental
impacts associated with the treatment and disposal of sewage, and the
quality of drinking water' (IPART, 2010: 27).
While some of the changes in utilities might have been driven by
changes in the quantity of natural resources available (such as rainfall
and high quality dam sites), others were driven by government decisions.
The latter reflected demand from the community for improved
environmental outcomes, such as reducing the impact of sewerage outfalls
on Sydney beaches, and reducing carbon emissions. Political promises not
to build new dams also had an influence, as did commitments to improve
the reliability of electricity and water supplies. (14)
Notwithstanding the fact that some investment decisions made in
response to regulatory and other market developments could have been
more efficient, the broader shift towards supply technologies that use
fewer natural resource inputs would appear to be an unavoidable
development for the utilities industry. As noted earlier, there are
natural or biophysical limits to the maximum quantity of environmental
services that can potentially be used each year by utilities, and
growing community concern regarding the appropriateness of certain uses
of the environment. This means that future output growth is likely to
continue to be based on supply technologies that depend more heavily on
conventionally measured inputs (labour, capital, and intermediate
inputs), rather than on the 'traditional' technologies that
used a combination of measured inputs and significant quantities of
unmeasured natural resource inputs. (15)
Assuming that businesses in the utilities industry continue to
shift towards the use of supply technologies that require greater
quantities of measured inputs but fewer units of (unmeasured) natural
resource inputs per unit of output, there will be further downward
pressure on measured productivity. This should be borne in mind when
assessing short- to medium-term developments in utilities MFP,
particularly if interested in the rate of technical progress in the
As new technologies that do not rely on natural resource inputs
begin to dominate industry production, the contribution to MFP of
declining natural resource inputs will dissipate. (16) In this scenario
the MFP estimates for utilities will eventually better reflect the
technical progress in the industry.
Where To From Here?
In AFF, mining, and utilities changes in the quantities of
unmeasured natural resource inputs used in production have had a
significant impact on industry MFP over the last decade. This effect of
declining natural resource inputs is likely to be much smaller, if at
all, in other industries simply because no other industries are as
reliant on these types of inputs. (17)
The effect of changes in natural resources inputs on value added is
captured in the ABS estimates of MFP, along with the contributions to
productivity of technical progress and other sources of changes in
output other than changes in the inputs of capital and labour. Adjusting
for the change in natural resource inputs is useful for estimating the
impact that these changes have on productivity. Such an adjustment would
also mean that estimates of MFP (adjusted) more closely measure
technical progress.
But making such adjustments is easier said than done. Part of the
reason is that the inputs in question are, unlike labour, capital and
intermediate inputs, not generally traded in markets. This makes it
virtually impossible to gather reliable information on their use in
production in a way that could be readily incorporated in the standard
growth accounting framework. Accordingly, unpacking the broader industry
trends in MFP will remain an important means of understanding these
sources of changes in productivity.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2007) Information paper:
Experimental Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity, Cat. no.
5260.0.55.001 ,ABS, Canberra,
http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/ 170445 C4888E9D2
5CA257 34E0019D4CC?opendocument (accessed 1 May 2013).
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012a) Australian System of
National Accounts: Sources, Concepts and Methods, Cat. no. 5216.0, ABS,
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012b) Estimates of Industry
Multifactor Productivity, Australia: Detailed Productivity Estimates,
2011-12, Cat. no. 5260.0.55.002, ABS, Canberra.
Australian Productivity Commission (2011), Australia's Urban
Water Sector, Report No. 55, Final Inquiry Report, Canberra.
Australian Productivity Commission (2012) Electricity Network
Regulatory Frameworks, Draft Report, Canberra.
Barnes, P. (2011) Multifactor Productivity Growth Cycles at the
Industry Level, Productivity Commission Staff Working Paper, July.
Bloch, H. and S. Zheng (2010) Australia's mining productivity
paradox: implications for MFP measurement, Centre for Research in
Applied Economics Working Paper Series 201012, Bentley, Western
Australia: Centre for Research in Applied Economics, Curtin Business
Diewert, W.E. (2001) "Which (Old) Ideas on Productivity
Measurement Are Ready to Use?" in New Developments in Productivity
Analysis, C.R.
Hulten, E.R. Dean and M.J. Harper (eds.), NBER Studies on Income
and Wealth, Volume 63 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), pp.
Fox, K.J., R. Grafton, J. Kirkley and D. Squires (2003)
"Property Rights in a Fishery: Regulatory Change and Firm
Performance," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
vol. 46, pp. 156-177.
IPART (Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South
Wales) (2010) Review of the Productivity Performance of State Owned
Corporations. Other Industries--Final Report, July, IPART, Sydney,
Productivity_Performance/Review_of_the_Productivity_Performance_of_State__Owned_Corporations (accessed 1 May 2013).
Loughton, B. (2011) Accounting for National Resource Inputs in
Compiling Mining Industry MFP Statistics (Draft), Australian Bureau of
Statistics staff paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of
Economists, Canberra, July.
Murtough, G., D. Appels, A. Matysek and C. A. K. Lovell (2001)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Productivity Growth of Electricity
Generators, Productivity Commission Staff Research Paper, AusInfo,
OECD (2001) Measuring Productivity: OECD Manual, OECD, Paris.
Topp, V. and T. Kulys (2012) Productivity in Electricity, Gas and
Water: Measurement and Interpretation, Productivity Commission Staff
Working Paper, March.
Topp, V. and T. Kulys (2013) On productivity: the influence of
natural resource inputs, Staff Research Note, Productivity Commission,
Topp, V., T. Kulys, L. Soames, D. Parham, and H. Bloch (2008)
Productivity in the Mining Industry: Measurement and Interpretation,
Productivity Commission Staff Working Paper, December.
Zheng, S. (2005) Estimating Industry Level Multifactor
Productivity: Methods and Experimental Results, Research paper, Cat. no.
1351.055.004, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, July.
Vernon Topp and Tony Kulys (1)
Australian Productivity Commission
(1) The authors are economists at the Australian Productivity
Commission (APC). An earlier version of this article was released as an
APC working paper (Topp and Kulys, 2013). The APC is the Australian
Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of
economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of
Australians. Its role, expressed most simply, is to help governments
make better policies, in the long-term interest of the Australian
community. The Commission's independence is underpinned by an Act
of Parliament. Its processes and outputs are open to public scrutiny and
are driven by concern for the well-being of the community as a whole.
Further information is available at www.pc.gov.au. Emails:
vtopp@pc.gov.au; tkulys@pc.gov.au.
(2) Note that measures of productivity do not provide any
information about allocative efficiency - whether the allocation of
resources to production is optimal in terms of maximising national
income. Productivity focuses only on the supply side--the production of
goods and services--and not on whether these are the goods and services
that best meet demand. Since welfare depends on price effects as well as
volume changes, the use of MFP as an indicator of welfare or broader
economic health has obvious limitations.
(3) Natural variability is often temporary, but can reflect
long-term trends. Moreover variability in unmeasured resource inputs can
be positive as well as negative--for example, a sustained period of
higher than average rainfall provides an effective increase in the
quantity of unmeasured natural resource inputs used in agriculture, and
this would generally have a positive effect on conventional measures of
MFP for this industry.
(4) If a resource is diverted to another industry, then one
industry's loss is another's gain and productivity is only
affected to the extent that the use of the resource in the industries
makes a different contribution to the overall volume of production.
(5) Major adverse weather events also affect other industries, such
as the impact of the 2011 floods on coal mines in Queensland. As large
water users, industries like mining and utilities can also be adversely
affected by prolonged droughts, either because of reduced output growth
(for example, reduced hydro-electricity production), or because of
higher costs associated with the need to buy water.
(6) New deposits of mineral and energy commodities occur naturally,
but at a time scale (millions of years) that is too slow to consider
these resources 'renewable.
(7) The discovery of large, high-quality deposits could temporarily
increase the average quality of mines in production. Ultimately however,
it is more likely that new discoveries will attenuate but not eliminate
the long-term decline in the average quality of mineral and energy
deposits being mined.
(8) Note that exceeding the maximum sustainable capacity of the
environment to assimilate waste might jeopardise the ability of the
environment to provide a given quantity of waste-assimilation services
on a renewable basis. This is similar in principle to the maximum
sustainable yield concept in fisheries, whereby overfishing can cause a
collapse in the fishery. It is also similar to the issue of land
degradation, whereby excessive or inappropriate use of land ultimately
causes yields to fall substantially, rather than being sustainable.
(9) This is similar to the resource depletion argument in mining,
except that individual dam sites provide renewable inputs to production
(as long as it rains and river health is not compromised), whereas
individual mineral and energy deposits are eventually exhausted. The key
point is that new dams tend to be of lesser quality compared with
pre-existing dams, in the same way that new resource deposits in the
mining industry tend to be of lower quality than previously exploited
(10) At least until such time as non-dam sources have become the
dominant sources of water supply. At this point, MFP growth in the water
supply sector should more closely reflect any 'true'
efficiency improvements in the dominant supply technologies of the
time--desalination or water recycling, for example.
(11) Reducing the use of the environment as an input to production
(such as by ceasing to dump waste material in rivers and waterways, or
cutting emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere) may, of course, be highly
desirable from a social welfare point of view if the gain to the
community from this outcome exceeds the cost (part of which is reflected
in the decline in measured industry productivity).
(12) See Murray-Darling Basin Authority
(13) See ABS (2011) for a discussion of how the market-sector
productivity cycles are determined. Note that productivity cycles
identified specifically for the agriculture industry are generally
different from the cycles identified for the market sector as a whole.
For more information on industry-specific cycles, see Barnes (2011:
XVIII). Despite the variability, Australia includes agriculture, foresty
and fishing in its economy-wide estimates of MFP. However, in some
countries agriculture is excluded from aggregate productivity statistics
due to the impact of climatic variation on annual output.
(14) Studies of the urban water sector and the electricity
distribution sector by the Australian Productivity Commission have
criticized recent investment decisions on the basis that there were
cheaper or more efficient ways of dealing with growing demand for power
and water that should have been adopted first (APC, 2011 and 2012). To
the extent that this is true, some part of the recent decline in
measured MFP in this industry is excessive and could have been avoided.
(15) In contrast to mining, the generation of output in utilities
is feasible using technologies that use little or no environmental
inputs (or at least not those that are supply constrained). Moreover, it
is possible that all three types of natural resource inputs that are
currently used by the utilities industry could eventually be replaced by
conventionally measured inputs. For example, desalination and water
recycling plants could replace dams as the main source of urban water
supply; tertiary treatment plants could substantially reduce the use of
the environment to assimilate waste-water; and a carbon-free electricity
sector could eliminate the use of the atmosphere as a sink for CO2.
(16) This will also be the case if natural resource inputs become
'market' inputs, and hence are measured explicitly as inputs.
For example, as carbon pricing is introduced, what is effectively a free
input becomes a priced input (in the form of a carbon permit), and hence
is measured as an input in the conventional MFP framework.
(17) There will be parts of industries that are likely to be
affected, such as tourism, if a natural resource was used as the
Table 1
Estimates of the Impact on Mining MFP of Resource Depletion
(Average annual growth rates)
(proxy for
the rate
ABS of
Time period estimate technical
Study covered of MFP progress)
% pa % pa
Topp, Soames, Parham 1974-75 to 2006-07 0.01 2.50
and Bloch (2008)
Zheng (2010) 1974-75 to 2006-07 0.01 1.15
Loughton (2011) 1985-86 to 2009-10 -0.15 2.05