The world KLEMS initiative.
Jorgenson, Dale W.
The World KLEMS Initiative was established at the First World KLEMS
Conference, held at Harvard University on August 19-20, 2010. The
purpose of this Initiative is to generate KLEMS data sets, consisting of
inputs of capital (K) and labour (L) at the industry level, together
with inputs of energy (E), materials (M) and services (S), for countries
around the world. These data sets will provide the framework for
analyzing the sources of economic growth at the industry level and will
fill a void in systems of national accounts. Growth of output, inputs,
and productivity at the industry level is also critical to understanding
changes in the structure of an economy especially the relative
importance of different industries and different inputs. Furthermore,
international comparisons of level differences based on purchasing power parities of outputs and inputs at the industry level provide a second
focus for KLEMS research. These comparisons are essential in assessing
changes in comparative advantage and formulating growth policy.
The EU (European Union) KLEMS study provides industry-level data on
the sources of growth for 25 of the 27 EU member countries. (2) Two
volumes have been published on the results of the study. Marcel Timmer,
Robert Inklaar, Mary O'Mahony, and Bart van Ark (2010 and 2011)
describe the data sets and analyze the sources of economic growth in
Europe at the industry level. These data sets are essential for tracing
the slowdown in European economic growth that preceded the current
financial and fiscal crisis to slower productivity growth and lower
levels of investment in information technology. The EU KLEMS project
also includes data sets for Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, and the
United States. Matilde Mas and Robert Stehrer (2012) present
international comparisons within Europe and between Europe and advanced
economies in Asia and North America. As European policy-makers focus on
removing barriers to the revival of economic growth, international
differences in the sources of growth have become central to the
development of new directions for policy.
The Second World KLEMS Conference was held at Harvard University on
August 9-10, 2012. The conference included reports on recent progress in
the development of KLEMS data sets, as well as extensions and
applications. (3) Regional organizations in Asia and Latin America have
now joined the European Union in supporting research on KLEMS data sets.
Due to the growing recognition of the importance of KLEMS data, an
effort is underway to extend the KLEMS framework to emerging and
transition economies. These include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China,
India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, and Taiwan. Brazil, Russia,
India, and China have been widely recognized as future leaders in the
growth of the world economy.
The Latin American chapter of the World KLEMS Initiative, LA-KLEMS,
was established in December 2009 at a conference at ECLAC, the Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. This chapter is
coordinated by ECLAC and includes seven research organizations in four
leading Latin American countries--Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.
(4) Mario Cimoli, Andre Hofman, and Nanno Mulder (2010) summarize the
results of the initial phase of the LA-KLEMS project.
The Asian chapter of the World KLEMS Initiative, Asia-KLEMS, was
founded in December 2010 and the first Asia-KLEMS Conference was held at
the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo in July 2011. (5) The
Asia-KLEMS Committee includes representatives of major Asian countries,
including China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.
International comparisons of patterns of output, inputs, and
productivity are very challenging, but have become crucial to growth
strategy in an increasingly globalized world economy. Research on
international supply chains has established the need for integration of
KLEMS data sets with information on trade. The World Input-Output
Database (WIOD) augments industry-level data sets for the countries of
the World KLEMS Initiative with data on international trade among these
countries. This project has produced a database that includes
industry-level patterns of production and trade for all of the
participating countries. The World Input-Output Database is a key
resource for empirical research on international trade and the process
of globalization. (6)
The New Framework for Productivity Measurement
The traditional approach to productivity measurement has been
greatly enhanced by the KLEMS accounting framework and the focus of
productivity measurement has shifted from the economy as a whole to
individual industries. (7) Paul Schreyer's (2001) OECD Productivity
Manual has established international standards for economy-wide and
industry-level productivity measurement. (8) The hallmarks of the new
framework for productivity measurement are constant quality indexes of
capital and labour services at the industry level and indexes of energy,
materials, and services inputs constructed from a time series of
input-output tables.
The first data set containing time series data on output, capital,
labour, and intermediate inputs, and productivity for all industries in
the United States was constructed by Dale Jorgenson, Frank Gollop, and
Barbara Fraumeni (1987). This study provided annual data for the period
1948-1979 and was recognized as the international standard in Paul
Schreyer's (2001) OECD Productivity Manual. Dale Jorgenson, Mun Ho,
and Kevin Stiroh (2005) updated the data set and revised it to include
data on investment in information technology. This demonstrated the
importance of KLEMS data in understanding the IT investment boom and
provided the framework for the KLEMS data sets and international
comparisons for Europe, Japan, and the United States presented in
Jorgenson (2009).
The key idea underlying a constant quality index of labour input is
to capture the heterogeneity of different types of labour inputs. Hours
worked for each type of labour input are combined into a constant
quality index of labour input, using labour compensation per hour as
weights. (9)
Similarly, a constant quality index of capital input deals with the
heterogeneity among different types of capital inputs. These capital
inputs are combined into a constant quality index, using prices of the
inputs with rental prices as weights, rather than the asset prices used
in measuring capital stocks. The KLEMS accounting framework employs the
concept of the cost of capital introduced by Jorgenson (1963). This
makes it possible to incorporate differences among depreciation rates on
different assets, as well as variations in returns due to the tax
treatment of different types of capital income, into the rental prices.
These prices also include asset-specific inflation rates that are
particularly important in analyzing the impact of investments in
information technology. (10)
The new framework for productivity measurement has posed the
challenge of developing a system of production accounts for individual
sectors of the U.S. economy. This is a set of accounts for outputs of
individual industries as well as inputs of capital and labour services
and intermediate goods for these industries in current and constant
prices. The basic accounting identity for each industry is that the
value of output is equal to the sum of values of the inputs. A complete
system of production accounts for the U.S. economy was constructed by
Jorgenson, Gollop, and Fraumeni (1987). The system incorporates a time
series of input-output tables in current and constant prices. (11)
Finally, industry-level data on output, inputs and productivity are
linked to aggregate data on the sources of economic growth by means of
the production possibility frontier introduced by Jorgenson (1966). This
allows for joint production of consumption and investment goods from
capital and labour services. Nicholas Oulton (2007) demonstrates that
Robert Solow's (1960) model of embodied technical change is a
special case of the model proposed by Jorgenson (1966). Jeremy Greenwood and Per Krussell (2007) employ Solow's one-sector model, replacing
constant quality price indexes for investment goods with
"investment-specific" or embodied technical change. The
deflator for the single output is used to deflate both consumption and
investment, while separate deflators are provided for consumption and
investment in the systems of national accounts discussed below.
The new framework for productivity growth measurement was adopted
by the Panel to Review Productivity Statistics of the National Research
Council, chaired by Albert Rees. The Rees Report of 1979, Measurement
and Interpretation of Productivity, became the cornerstone of this new
measurement framework for the official productivity statistics. This was
implemented by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. government
agency responsible for these statistics. Under the leadership of Jerome
Mark and Edwin Dean, the BLS Office of Productivity and Technology
undertook the construction of a production account for the U.S. economy
with measures of capital and labour inputs and total factor
productivity, renamed multifactor productivity. (12)
New Architecture
Dale Jorgenson and Steven Landefeld (2006) have developed a new
architecture for the U.S. national income and product accounts (NIPAs)
that includes prices and quantities of capital services for all
productive assets in the U.S. economy. The incorporation of the price
and quantity of capital services into the System of National Accounts
2008 was approved by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its
February-March 2007 meeting (United Nations, 2009). Schreyer,
then head of national accounts at the OECD, prepared an OECD Manual,
Measuring Capital, published in 2009. This provides detailed
recommendations on methods for the construction of prices and quantities
of capital services. In effect, the UN Statistical Commission reversed
the position of the System of National Accounts 1993, which had stated
that it was impossible to decompose income from capital (called net
operating surplus) into price and quantity components (United Nations
et. al., 1993:403).
The SNA 2008 (United Nations, 2009:415) estimates of capital
services are described as follows:
By associating these estimates with the standard
breakdown of value added, the contribution of
labour and capital to production can be portrayed
in a form ready for use in the analysis of
productivity in a way entirely consistent with
the accounts of the System.
The measures of capital and labour inputs in the prototype system
of U.S. national accounts presented by Jorgenson and Landefeld (2006)
are consistent with the OECD Productivity Manual,
SNA 2008, and the OECD Manual, Measuring
Capital. The volume measure of input is a quantity index of capital
and labour services, while the volume measure of output is a quantity
index of investment and consumption goods. Productivity is the ratio of
output to input.
The new architecture for the U.S. national accounts was endorsed by
the Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century
Economy to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce: (13)
The proposed new 'architecture' for the NIPAs
would consist of a set of income statements,
balance sheets, flow of funds statements, and
productivity estimates for the entire economy
and by sector that are more accurate and internally
consistent. The new architecture will
make the NIPAs much more relevant to today's
technology-driven and globalizing economy
and will facilitate the publication of much more
detailed and reliable estimates of innovation's
contribution to productivity growth.
In response to the Advisory Committee's recommendations, the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the BLS have produced an initial
set of multifactor productivity estimates integrated with the NIPAs.
Data on capital and labour inputs are provided by the BLS. The results
are reported by Michael Harper, Brent Moulton, Steven Rosenthal, and
David Wasshausen (2009) and will be updated annually. (14) This is a
critical step in implementing the new architecture. Estimates of
productivity are essential for projecting the potential growth of the
U.S. economy, as demonstrated by Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh (2008). The
omission of productivity statistics from the NIPAs and the 1993 SNA has
been a serious barrier to assessing potential growth.
Measuring Productivity at the Industry Level
Reflecting the international consensus on productivity measurement
at the industry level, the Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in
the 21st Century Economy to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce (2008:7)
recommended that the BEA should:
Develop annual, industry-level measures of
total factor productivity by restructuring the
NIPAs to create a more complete and consistent
set of accounts integrated with data from
other statistical agencies to allow for the consistent
estimation of the contribution of innovation
to economic growth.
The principles for constructing industry-level production accounts
are found in Fraumeni, Harper, Powers, and Yuskavage (2006).
Disaggregating the production account by industrial sector requires the
fully integrated system of input-output accounts and accounts for gross
product originating by industry as described by Lawson, Moyer, Okubo,
and Planting (2006), and Moyer, Reinsdorf, and Yuskavage (2006). Moyer
(2012) described plans to integrate the BEA's industry data with
the NIPAs, beginning with the benchmark revision of 2013, at the Second
World KLEMS Conference. The NIPAs and the 2007 benchmark input-output
table will be prepared within the same framework. The annual
input-output data will be revised periodically along with the NIPAs and
will form a continuous time series. The annual input-output data are
employed in the industry-level production accounts presented by Susan
Fleck, Steven Rosenthal, Matthew Russell, Erich Strassner, and Lisa
Usher (2012) in their paper for the Second World KLEMS Conference,
"A Prototype BEA/BLS Industry-Level Production Account for the
United States." This covers the period 1998-2010 for the 65
industrial sectors used in the NIPAs. (15) The capital and labour input
are provided by the BLS, while the data on output and intermediate
inputs are generated by the BEA.
Industry-level production accounts are now prepared on a regular
basis by national statistical agencies in Australia, Canada, Denmark,
Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden as well as the United
States. Augmented by production accounts from the EU KLEMS project
described by Timmer, Inklaar, O'Mahony, and van Ark (2010), these
accounts can be used in international comparisons of patterns of
structural change like those presented by Jorgenson and Timmer (2011).
The World KLEMS Initiative will make it possible to extend these
comparisons to numerous countries around the world, including important
developing and transition economies.
A Prototype Industry-Level Production Account for the United
States, 1947-2010
To illustrate the application of KLEMS data sets, I will summarize
the prototype production account for the United States for 1947-2010
constructed by Jorgenson, Ho and Samuels (2012b). The incorporation of
data on labour and capital inputs in constant prices into the national
accounts is described in Chapters 19 and 20 of the System of National
Accounts 2008, published in 2009. Jorgenson and Schreyer (2012) have
shown how to integrate a complete system of production accounts at the
industry level, such as provided by KLEMS data sets, into the System of
National Accounts 2008. The lengthy time series is especially valuable
for comparing recent changes in the sources of economic growth with
longer term trends.
In December 2011, the BEA released a new industry-level data set.
This has a number of features that are useful in constructing KLEMS data
sets. The data set employs the North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS). The NIPAs have been based on NAICS since the benchmark
revision of 2003. The new industry data set integrates three separate
industry programs: benchmark input-output tables released every five
years, annual input-output tables, and gross domestic product by
industry, also released annually. The annual input-output tables and
gross domestic product by industry form consistent time series. The
input-output tables provide data on the output side of the national
accounts along with intermediate inputs in current and constant prices.
Mark Planting, formerly head of the input-output accounts at the
BEA, has developed a time series of input-output tables in current
prices covering the 1947-1997 period on a NAICS basis. This incorporates
all earlier benchmark input-output tables for the United States,
including the first benchmark table for 1947. The BEA has linked these
input-output tables to the official tables for 1998-2010. Jorgenson, Ho,
and Samuels (2012b) have constructed input-output tables in constant
prices for 1947-2010 on a NAICS basis. This data set incorporates
input-output tables in constant prices from Jorgenson, Gollop, and
Fraumeni (1987) for 1948-1979, from Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh (2008) for
1977-2000, and from Jorgenson, Ho, and Samuels (2012a) for 19602007.
(16) We incorporate data on capital and labour inputs in constant prices
from the same sources to obtain an industry-level production account for
the United States covering the period 1947-2010. This KLEMS data set is
consistent with the BEA's annual input-output tables for 1998-2010.
I will illustrate the application of the prototype industry-level
production account by analyzing postwar U.S. economic history for three
broad periods. These are the postwar recovery, 19471973; the big slump
following the energy crisis of 1973, 1973-1995; and the period of growth
and recession, 1995-2010. To provide more detail on the period of growth
and recession, I will consider the sub-periods 1995-2000, 2000-2005, and
2005-2010--the investment boom, the jobless recovery, and the great
The NAICS industry classification includes the industries
identified by Jorgenson, Ho, and Samuels (2012b) as IT-producing
industries, namely, computers and electronic products and two
IT-services industries, information and data processing and computer
systems design. Jorgenson, Ho and Samuels have classified industries as
IT-using if at least 15 per cent of capital input in the industry was
associated with IT equipment and software in 2005. This sector now
comprises about 45 per cent of the U.S. economy. The IT-producing
industries include about 3 per cent, while non-IT industries make up the
remainder. (17) The IT-using industries are mainly in trade and
services, while most manufacturing industries are in the non-IT sector.
The NAICS industry classification provides much more detail on services
and trade, especially the industries that are intensive users of IT. I
will begin by discussing the results for the IT-producing sectors, now
defined to include the two IT-service sectors.
The contribution of each industry to value added is the growth rate
of value added for the industry, weighted by its share in value added
for the economy as a whole. Prices of computers and electronic products
have declined rapidly, relative to the GDP deflator, since the
commercialization of the electronic computer in 1959. This trend
accelerated with the switch from vacuum tubes to semiconductors around
1970. The two IT-services sectors have had declining prices, relative to
the GDP deflator, since around 2000. Chart 1 reveals a steady increase
in the share of IT-producing industries in value added since 1947. This
is paralleled by a decline in the contribution of the non-IT industries,
while the share of IT-using industries has remained relatively constant.
Chart 2 decomposes the growth of value added for the period 1995-2010.
The contributions of the IT-producing and IT-using industries peaked
during the investment boom of 19952000 and have declined since then.
However, the contribution of the non-IT industries has also declined
sharply and became negative during the great recession. Chart 3 gives
the contributions to value added for the 65 individual industries over
the period 1947-2010.
In order to assess the relative importance of productivity growth
at the industry level as a source of U.S. economic growth, we utilize
the production possibility frontier of Jorgenson, Gollop, and Fraumeni
(1987:301-342) and Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh (2005:361-416). This gives
the relationship between aggregate productivity growth and productivity
growth at the industry level. The growth rate of aggregate productivity
includes a weighted average of industry productivity growth rates, using
an ingenious weighting scheme originated by Domar (1961). In the Domar
weighting scheme the productivity growth rate of each industry is
weighted by the ratio of the industry's gross output to aggregate
value added. A distinctive feature of Domar weights is that they sum to
more than one, reflecting the fact that an increase in the rate of
growth of the industry's productivity has two effects. The first is
a direct effect on the industry's output and the second an indirect
effect via the output delivered to other industries as intermediate
The rate of growth of aggregate productivity also depends on the
reallocations of capital and labour inputs among industries. The rate of
aggregate productivity growth exceeds the Domar-weighted sum of industry
productivity growth rates when these reallocations are positive. This
occurs when capital and labour inputs are paid different prices in
different industries and industries with higher prices have more rapid
growth rates of the inputs. Under this assumption aggregate capital and
labour inputs grow more rapidly than the Domar-weighted averages of
industry capital and labour input growth rates, so that the
reallocations are positive. When industries with lower prices for inputs
grow more rapidly, the reallocations are negative.
Chart 4 shows that the contributions of IT-producing, IT-using, and
non-IT industries to aggregate MFP productivity growth are similar in
magnitude for the period 1947-2010. The non-IT industries greatly
predominated in the growth of value added during the postwar recovery,
1947-1973, but this contribution became negative after 1973. The
contribution of IT-producing industries was relatively small during this
period, but became the predominant source of growth during the big
slump, 1973-1995, and increased considerably during the resurgence and
recession of 1995-2010. The IT-using industries contributed
substantially to U.S. economic growth during the postwar recovery, but
disappeared during the big slump, 1973-1995, before reviving after 1995.
The reallocation of capital input made a small but positive contribution
to growth of the U.S. economy for the period 1947-2010, while the
contribution of reallocation of labour input was negligible. Both
reallocations were positive during the postwar recovery and both were
negative during the resurgence and recession, but very small in
Considering the period 1995-2010 in more detail in Chart 5, the
IT-producing industries were the most important source of productivity
growth during the period as a whole. The contribution of these
industries remained substantial during each sub-period - 1995-2000,
20002005, and 2005-2010 - despite the strong contraction of economic
activity during the great recession of 2007-2009. The contribution of
the IT-using industries was slightly greater than that of the
IT-producing industries during the first two sub-periods, but become
negative and small in magnitude during the period of the great
recession. The non-IT industries contributed positively to productivity
growth during the investment boom of 1995-2000, but were almost
negligible during the jobless recovery and became substantially negative
during the great recession. The contributions of reallocations of
capital and labour inputs were very small and negative during the period
as a whole and fluctuated from negative in 1995-2000 to positive in
2000-2005. Chart 6 gives the contributions of each of the 65 industries
to multifactor productivity growth for the period as a whole. The
computer and electronic products industry was the leading contributor to
U.S. economic growth during this period.
Research on the impact of investment in IT equipment and software
on economic growth is summarized by Jorgenson (2009). The prices of
capital inputs are essential for assessing the contribution of
investment in IT equipment and software to economic growth. This
contribution is the relative share of IT equipment and software in the
value of output, multiplied by the rate of growth of IT capital input. A
substantial part of the growing contribution of capital input in the
United States can be traced to the change in composition of investment
associated with the growing importance of IT equipment and software. The
most distinctive features of IT assets are the rapid declines in prices
of these assets, as well as relatively high rates of depreciation. The
price of an asset is transformed into the price of the corresponding
capital input by the cost of capital, introduced by Jorgenson (1963).
The cost of capital includes the nominal rate of return, the rate of
depreciation, and the rate of capital loss due to declining prices. The
distinctive characteristics of IT prices - high rates of price decline
and rates of depreciation - imply that cost of capital for the price of
IT capital input is very large relative to the cost of capital for the
price of non-IT capital input.
The contributions of college-educated and non-college-educated
workers to U.S. economic growth is given by the relative shares of these
workers in the value of output, multiplied by the growth rates of their
hours worked. Personnel with a college degree or higher level of
education correspond closely with "knowledge workers" who deal
with information. Of course, not every knowledge worker is
college-educated and not every college graduate is a knowledge worker.
Multifactor productivity growth is the key economic indicator of
innovation. Economic growth can take place without innovation through
replication of established technologies. Investment increases the
availability of these technologies, while the labour force expands as
population grows. With only replication and without innovation, output
will increase in proportion to capital and labour inputs. By contrast
the successful introduction of new products and new or altered
processes, organization structures, systems, and business models
generates growth of output that exceeds the growth of capital and labour
inputs. This results in growth in multifactor productivity or output per
unit of input.
Multifactor productivity growth was identified as the predominant
source of economic growth by Solow (1957). However, Chart 7 shows that
the productivity growth was far less important than the contributions of
capital and labour inputs. For the period 1947-2010 multifactor
productivity accounts for about 20 per cent of U.S. economic growth. The
contribution of capital input accounts for the largest share of growth
for the period as a whole, while the contribution of labour input
accounts for the rest. The great bulk of U.S. economic growth is due to
replication of established technologies rather than innovation.
Innovation is obviously far more challenging and subject to much greater
risk. The diffusion of successful innovation requires mammoth financial
commitments. These fund the investments that replace outdated products
and processes and establish new organization structures, systems, and
business models. Although innovation accounts for a relatively modest
portion of economic growth, this portion is vital for maintaining gains
in the U.S. standard of living in the long run.
The contribution of capital input exceeded that of innovation,
while the contribution of labour input was similar to that of innovation
during the postwar recovery, 1947-1973. The standard explanation for the
substantial importance of innovation during the period is the backlog of
new technologies available at the end of World War II. During the big
slump of 19731995, growth of inputs remained about the same. The
"slump" was due to the sharp slowdown in multifactor
productivity growth. The contribution of labour input increased in
importance, relative to the contribution of capital input. The
contributions of college-educated workers and investment in information
technology grew substantially, while the contributions of non-college
workers and non-information technology declined considerably. After 1995
the rate of U.S. economic growth continued to decline and the
contribution of non-college workers almost disappeared. Multifactor
productivity growth revived and investment in information technology
became the predominant source of the contribution of capital input.
Chart 8 shows that all of the sources of economic growth we have
identified contributed to the U.S. growth acceleration after 1995,
relative to the big slump. Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh (2008) have shown
that the rapid pace of U.S. economic growth after 1995 was not
sustainable. After the dot-com crash in 2000 the overall growth rate
dropped to well below the longterm average of 1947-2010. The
contribution of investment also declined below the long-term average,
but the shift from non-IT to IT capital input remained. The contribution
of labour
input dropped precipitously, accounting for most of the decline in
economic growth during the jobless recovery. The contribution to growth
by college-educated workers continued at a reduced rate, but that of
non-college workers was negative. The most remarkable feature of the
jobless recovery was the continued growth in multifactor productivity,
indicating a continuing surge of innovation. Both IT and non-IT
investment continued to contribute to U.S. economic growth during the
recession period after 2005, while multifactor productivity growth
became negative, reflecting a widening gap between actual and potential
growth of output. The contribution of college-educated workers remained
positive and substantial, while the contribution of non-college workers
became strongly negative.
The new framework for productivity measurement employed in
constructing KLEMS data sets reveals that replication of established
technologies through growth of capital and labour inputs, recently
through the growth of college-educated workers and investments in both
IT and Non-IT capital, explains by far the largest proportion of U.S.
economic growth. International productivity comparisons reveal similar
patterns for the world economy, its major regions, and leading
industrialized, developing, and emerging economies (Jorgenson and Vu,
2009). Studies are now underway to extend these comparisons to
individual industries for the countries included in the World KLEMS
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Dale W. Jorgenson (1)
Harvard University
(1) Dale W. Jorgenson is the Samuel W. Morris University Professor
with the Department of Economics at Harvard University. I am grateful to
Marcel Timmer and Bart van Ark for joining me in launching the World
KLEMS Initiative. I am also indebted to Mun Ho and Jon Samuels for their
collaboration on the new KLEMS data set for the United States for
1947-2010 described below. Finally, I would like to thank Andrew Sharpe
and members of the International Advisory Committee for the journal for
their helpful suggestions. Email:
(2) Updated data are available for the EU countries are posted on
the EU KLEMS website: http://
(3) The conference program and presentations are available at: jorgenson/WorldKLEMS.
(4) Additional information about LA-KLEMS is available on the
project website:
st.xsl&base=/la-klems/tpl-i/top-bottom.xsl. An overview of LA-KLEMS
is presented by Hofman (2012).
(5) Additional information about Asia-KLEMS is available on the
project website: 1_1.html. An overview of
Asia-KLEMS is presented by Pyo (2012). Updated data for Australia,
Canada, Japan, Korea, and the United States- the original participants
in the EU KLEMS study from outside the European Union-are posted on the
World KLEMS website: As data become
available from the Asia-KLEMS and LA-KLEMS projects, they will also be
posted on the World KLEMS website. More details are given by Timmer
(6) Information about WIOD is available on the project website: The relationship between
WIOD and World KLEMS is discussed by Timmer (2012).
(7) A detailed survey of recent research on sources of economic
growth is given in Jorgenson (2005). A survey of earlier research is
given in Jorgenson (1990).
(8) A brief history of World KLEMS is presented by Schreyer (2012).
(9) Constant quality indexes of labour input for the United States
at the industry level are discussed in detail by Jorgenson, Gollop, and
Fraumeni (1987:69-108 and 261-300) and Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh
(10) Constant quality indexes of capital input for the United
States at the industry level are presented by Jorgenson, Fraumeni, and
Gollop (1987:109-140 and 267-300), and by Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh
(11) Details on the construction of the time series of input-output
tables are presented by Jorgenson, Gollop and Fraumeni (1987:149-182),
and Jorgenson, Ho, and Stiroh (2005:87-146).
(12) A detailed history of the BLS productivity measurement program
is found in Dean and Harper (2001). The BLS (1983) framework was based
on GNP rather than NNP and included a constant quality index of capital
input. A constant quality index for labour input was incorporated in
1993 (BLS, 1993). The expert advisory group for the OECD Productivity
Manual was chaired by Edwin Dean, then Associate Commissioner for
Productivity at the BLS and leader of the successful effort to implement
the Rees report (Rees, 1979).
(13) The Advisory Committee was established on December 6, 2007,
with ten members from the business community, including Carl Schramm,
President and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation and chair of the Committee.
The Committee also had five academic members, including the author. The
Advisory Committee met on February 22 and September 12, 2007, to discuss
its recommendations. The final report was released on January 18, 2008.
(14) The most recent data set is available at:
(15) The most recent date set is available at:
(16) Data for 1960-2007 are posted on the World KLEMS website:
(17) The three industry categories are mutually exclusive. There
are 3 IT-producing industries, 34 IT-using industries and 30 non-IT
industries. More details are found at: