The causality between salary structures and team performance: a panel analysis in a professional baseball league.
Jane, Wen-Jhan ; San, Gee ; Ou, Yi-Pey 等
Economists usually pay more attention to the relationship, rather
than the direction, of the linkage between salary structures and team
performance. Studies of professional baseball teams (Depken, 2000;
DeBrock et al., 2004; Wiseman & Chatterjee, 2003; Scully, 1974;
Sommers & Quinton, 1982), soccer teams (Garcia-del-Barrio &
Pujol, 2007; Lucifora & Simmons, 2003), and hockey teams (Idson
& Kahane, 2000; Jones & Walsh, 1988) normally treat team
performance as the dependent variable, and then search for relevant
factors that shape it. Recently, Horowitz (2007) provided a detailed
literature review looking into various measures of performance in sport.
This paper is one of the few research studies focused on the direction
of the linkage between salary structures and team performance. (1) The
direction of the linkage (e.g., the causality between salary structures
and team performance) is unclear and has rarely been rigorously
investigated in the literature. Hall et al. (2002) stressed that such a
link "plays a central role in the theory of team sports but is
seldom investigated empirically" (p. 149). Therefore, we focus on
two important concepts of salary structures, the total payroll and the
dispersion of salary, to investigate the causality between them and team
Total payroll and the dispersion of salary are important for
understanding both the relationship and the causal link between salary
structures and team performance in labor market theory. Since total
payroll for a sports team is more likely to be affected by its talented
players, a causality test between total payroll and team performance
will enable us to understand whether expenditure on playing talent, as
measured by the team's total payroll, will translate effectively
into performance (or success). In other words, the question we want to
answer is not whether a team with the highest total payroll, or an owner
with very deep pockets, as in the case of the New York Yankees in
baseball or Manchester United in soccer, is more likely to win a
championship, but whether a causal link between them exists or not.
While the possible relationships between salary dispersion and
organizational performance asserted by Tournament Theory (Lazear &
Rosen, 1981) and the Fair Wage-Effort Hypothesis (Akerlof & Yellen,
1990) have been investigated for decades, almost none of the studies in
the literature have focused on the issue of the direction of causality
between salary dispersion and organizational performance. The causal
link between salary dispersion and performance can help us to understand
why a team with high performance also has a high degree of internal
salary dispersion. One explanation would be that the team performs well
because salary dispersion creates incentives. Another explanation is
that the team performs well and shares rents with its workforce in such
a way that it increases salary dispersion. Therefore, we want to answer
the question by directly testing the direction of causality, rather than
via investigating the relationship (coefficient) between them.
The arrangement of the remaining sections of this paper is as
follows. First, we provide a short overview of the relevant literature,
followed by the Data Description and Empirical Model section, which
first describes the data of the Chinese Professional Baseball League
(CPBL) and then presents the empirical model that we used to deal with
the problem of heterogeneity when using panel data to perform a Granger
Causality Test. The section that follows presents the empirical results
and also provides a related discussion on professional baseball in
Taiwan. Finally, we summarize our main findings and conclusions.
Literature Review
Salary disparities and organizational performance have long been an
important topic of economic research. The two strands in this literature
generate opposing predictions. One strand focuses on incentives and
establishes a positive link between salary dispersion and firm
performance. Employees will work harder if there is more money to be
earned. Tournament Theory, as put forward by Lazear and Rosen (1981), is
one example in this strand. The second strand focuses on equity and
fairness (e.g., the Fair Wage-effort Hypothesis of Akerlof and Yellen
[1990]). In this, an increase in salary dispersion within an
organization may cause a breakdown of team cohesiveness and performance.
As formulated by Levine (1991), the Pay Equality Hypothesis predicts
that greater salary dispersion motivates jealousy and mistrust among
players on teams and reduces team performance.
A few studies find a loose association between team payroll and
performance in North American sports (Fort, 2003; Quirk & Fort,
1999; Sanderson & Siegfried, 1997; Scully, 1995; Zimbalist, 1992).
Quirk and Fort (1999) examined correlations between team payroll and
winning percentages using season averages for the four major North
American sports leagues over the period 1990-96. They found that the
rank correlations between payrolls and the team's winning
percentages were significant in the National Hockey League and the
National Basketball Association, but not in the National Football League
or Major League Baseball (MLB). Also, the correlation between team pay
and performance are significant in English soccer leagues (Szymanski
& Kuypers, 1999), and a strong team salary-performance relationship
is found for the leagues in England and Italy (Forrest & Simmons,
2002). Moreover, Zimbalist (1992) found that variation in average team
salary explained less than 10% of the variation winning percentage in
MLB between 1984 and 1989. He argued that this rather weak correlation
between average team salary and team performance may be due to the fact
that the team's owners fail to sign top-performing free agents, and
that the team also fails to pay players in accordance with their
performance. Scully (1995) argued that increased expenditures on players
and coaching and managerial talent is a necessary, but not a sufficient,
condition for improving a team's success.
Team performance should be driven by team payrolls in a competitive
labor market, in which salaries reflect marginal revenue product and any
gaps are removed by trading players for cash. European football, where
freedom of player movement is relatively unrestricted, is one example of
this (Hall et al., 2002). (2) The institutional barriers that govern the
limitation of a team's expenditure on salary, right to trade
players, draft rules, revenue sharing and so on, have made it more
likely that teams cannot use their financial advantage to buy success.
Policies aimed at improving balanced competition in a league can
affect the causal link between payroll and team performance. The
customary argument for competitive balance is couched in terms of
league-welfare optimality, and the quality of the games is determined by
the uncertainty of the outcomes of games between members of the league
(Vrooman, 2000). Therefore, the objectives of the teams in the league
are interdependent, because each game generates a zero-sum performance
metric. Under such circumstances, the over accumulation of talent, as
captured by team payroll, may actually lead to significantly negative
externalities and dominance by large-market teams. This is the so-called
Yankee Paradox. Ultimately, it can result in no games, no gate receipts,
and no Yankees. Rosen and Sanderson (2001) argued that the issue of
players' compensation reflected the distribution of talent, as well
as competitive balance, across teams, so variation in payroll dictates
different levels of competitive balance in a league. As in the case of
the New York Yankees in baseball or Manchester United in soccer, these
teams bring to the forefront the issue of whether teams with the highest
payroll or owners with the deepest pockets win championships.
Recent developments in econometric methodology extended the
application of Granger (1969) time-series causality tests to panel data.
The panel Granger Causality Test has been used in several settings in
recent reserch. For example, Hurlin and Venet (2008) analyzed the causal
link between financial development and economic growth. Their results
provide support for a robust causal link from economic growth to
financial development. Erdil and Yetkiner (2008) provided evidence on
income-health causality by employing a large micro panel data set with a
VAR representation. They found that one-way causality generally runs
from income to health in low- and middle-income countries, whereas the
reverse holds for high-income countries. Hoffmann et al. (2005) and
Bhaduri and Durai (2006) applied panel Granger Causality Tests to the
analysis of the relationship between FDI and pollution and dividends and
investment decisions. In this paper, panel Granger Causality Tests are
employed for two reasons. First, using the panel data can more broadly
illuminate possible causality across teams within a professional sport,
strengthening the implications. Second, the robustness of the possible
causality between salary payment and performance can be examined more
rigorously, and the estimates of the direction of causality can serve as
a valuable reference in the literature on the sports industry.
Based on this literature review, there exists some evidence of a
causal link between total payroll and team performance in professional
sports, but the existing evidence above is less than satisfactory for
two reasons. First, it remains to be seen whether this causal
relationship holds under different payroll specifications, like total
payroll vs. the dispersion of salaries within a team. Second, it remains
to be seen whether the causal relationship will be detected in panel
data, which contains more information across teams and time horizons. We
analyze panel data from professional baseball teams and players in
Taiwan to address these issues.
Data Description and Empirical Model
The difficulty obtaining data on salaries, payrolls, and
performance complicates the analysis of economic relationships in labor
research. Thanks to easy availability of data, professional sports
represents unique laboratory for testing labor market theories and
predictions. Professional baseball began in Taiwan in 1990, and the
Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) offers a rich source of data
for the study of salary structures of baseball teams. We collected an
unbalanced panel of salary data from seven CBPL teams, including 267
players, over the 10-year period from 1990 to 1999. (3)
An expanded Granger (1969) causality, based on the balanced panel
data model with fixed coefficients proposed by Hurlin and Venet (2001),
was employed to examine the causal link between payroll and performance.
The advantage of using panel data is that we can fully utilize
cross-sectional and time-series variation in the data, improving the
efficiency of the Granger Causality Tests. Cross-sectional heterogeneity
exists in any context; in order to correct for heterogeneity across
teams in this setting, a panel data model with fixed coefficients is
estimated as part of the model that is used to determine whether or not
causality between a team's performance and its salary structure
exists. (4)
Following the usual approach in panel Granger Causality Tests, we
suppose that, for each team i [member of] [1, N] and time period t
[member of] [1, T], the specification of the auto-regressive model is
represented as follows:
with [nu.sub.i,t]=[[psi].sub.i]+[[epsilon].sub.i,t] and
[[pi].sub.ji,t]=[[psi].sub.ji]+[[xi].sub.ji,t], where individual effects
of [[psi].sub.i] and [[psi].sub.ji] (j=1, 2) are assumed to be fixed
within each team. [[epsilon].sub.i,t] and [[xi].sub.ji,t] (j=1, 2) are
error terms, and they are assumed to be distributed i.i.d. (0,
[[sigma].sub.[epsilon].sup.2]) and i.i.d. (0,
[[sigma].sub.[epsilon].sup.2]), respectively. y is team performance, as
measured by the percentage of wins (WinP) and the total number of wins
(WinN) in each year. [X.sub.1i,t] and [X.sub.2i,t] are different
specifications of salary structure, namely, total payroll and the
dispersion of salaries within a team, respectively. Total payroll
(Totsal) is defined as the team's total monthly expenditures on
players. The salary dispersion on a team is measured by a discrete
Gini-coefficient formula (see Kendall & Stuart, 1969). (5) Judson
and Owen (1999) provide Monte Carlo evidence to show that the biased
fixed effects estimator developed by Kiviet (1995) generally outperforms
other estimators for balanced panels, even when T is small. For this
reason, the estimation of equations (1) and (2) above will rely on the
fixed effects estimator (cf. Kiviet, 1995; Bruno, 2005).
In terms of the direction of causality from salary structure to
team performance, there are four possible hypotheses in two major
categories, as shown in Table 1.
In the first category, we test the salary dispersion effect (i.e.,
whether the slopes of the Gini coefficients ([[beta].sub.1]) are
statistically significant when total payroll is included in the model).
If the null hypothesis [H.sub.10] is rejected, there is evidence of
Granger causality from salary dispersion to team performance. Such a
causal relationship exists in at least one team in the panel. In the
second category, we test the Granger-causality from total payroll to
team performance controlling for variation in salary dispersion. If the
null hypothesis [H.sub.20] is rejected, there is evidence of Granger
causality from total payroll to team performance. The possibility of
reverse causality from team performance to salary structure is examined
in null hypotheses [H.sub.30] and [H.sub.40], where salary dispersion
and total payroll are not included in equation (2). Here, Granger
causality from team performance to salary dispersion (or total salary)
exists if the respective null hypotheses are rejected. The test
statistic for the panel Granger Causality Tests are computed by means of
the following equation:
F = ([RSS.sub.2] - [RSS.sub.1]) / N/[RSS.sub.1] [TN - 2N - 1], (3)
where [RSS.sub.2] denotes the restricted sum of squared residuals
obtained under the null hypothesis, [RSS.sub.1] is the unrestricted
residual sum of squares of the model, and TN is the total number of
observations. The statistic has a Fischer distribution with N and
TN-2N-1 degrees of freedom, instead of the standard F distribution,
under the null hypothesis.
We check the robustness of our results by constructing different
specifications of the basic models described above. First of all,
current period observations of all variables are incorporated in order
to capture any instantaneous causality between team performance and
salary structure. Second, we use the relative total salary ratio,
denoted RTotsal and measured by the percent of total team payroll to
league total salary, rather than the team total payroll, Totsal, to
further investigate the causality between salary structure and team
Summary statistics for the variables used in this study are shown
in Table 2.
Empirical Results and Discussion
Prior to conducting the Granger Causality Tests, we tested for
stationarity in the variables included in the dynamic panel data model.
Fort and Lee (2006) provided a general process for investigation of
nonstationary behavior of sports data. Based on the Fort and Lee (2006)
process, the panel unit root test proposed by Im et al. (2003) was
applied to the variables in our paned data set. Based on this approach,
there is evidence of stationarity when the value of the test statistic
exceeds a critical value at a specific level.
The results of the stationarity tests on the variables of interest
are presented in Table 3. In terms of the team performance variables,
WinP and WinN, the model specification includes a constant term and a
time trend together with a number of lags of the dependent variable; 1,
1.5 and 21ags are tested separately. (6) Table 3 shows that the values
of the test statistics for WinP and WinN are statistically significant;
these variables appear to be stationary. Using the same method, the
variables Gini and Totsal also appear to be stationary. (7) Therefore,
all these variables can be included in the model estimated for the
Granger Causality Tests.
The basic results of the panel Granger Causality Tests between
salary structure and team performance are reported in Model 1 of Table
4. (8) In terms of the tests of causality from salary dispersion to team
performance, both of the F statistic values suggest rejection of
[H.sub.10] at the 1% significance level when controlling for variation
in total team payroll. The rejection of the null hypothesis suggests
that, for at least one team in the CPBL panel, past values of salary
dispersion are relevant when it comes to forecasting current team
performance. In terms of the tests of causality from total payroll to
team performance, null hypothesis cannot be rejected--there is no
evidence of a causal relationship when variation in salary dispersion is
controlled for. In addition, when the reverse tests of causality, from
team performance to salary structure, are conducted, as shown in Model
1, the corresponding F test values are low, indicating that the null
cannot be rejected.
In terms of the robustness checks, Model 2 in the second column of
Table 4 reports the results of regressions that include current period
observations of variables to account for any instantaneous relationships
in the data. Model 3 on Table 5 reports the results of regressions
containing the alternative payroll variable, relative total payroll
(RTotsal) instead of total payroll. (9) The presence of
heteroscedasticity may also be important in this setting, as the
variance of the equation error term may differ across teams. We control
for heteroscedasticity in these data using White's (1980)
correction. Table 6 reports the results of the causality tests
correcting for the presence of heteroscedasticity, and the causality
test statistics, which differ from those reported on Tables 4 and 5. The
test statistics are adjusted using the corrected standard errors, if the
null hypothesis of homoscedasticity can be rejected in that model
specification. In general, the evidence about causality generated from
the previous models still holds, and it tends to reinforce the
conclusion that salary dispersion Granger causes team performance. In
general, values of the test statistics on Table 6 are smaller than those
reported on Tables 4 and 5.
Based on the results of the causality tests presented on Table 4
and Table 5, the direction of the causality from salary dispersion
(Gini) to team performance (WinP and WinN) is confirmed. The results of
these tests are in fine with Tournament Theory or Equity Theory, which
stresses that salary dispersion improves team performance. In addition,
our empirical results also confirm that total payroll (Totsal) and
relative total payroll (RTotsal) do not Granger cause team performance
(WinP and WinN). Even though the literature stresses the importance of
the stock of human capital in an organization, the lack of a causal link
from salary structure to team performance may be induced by league
policies aimed at promoting competitive balance like the reverse clause.
In addition to the evidence that salary dispersion Granger causes
performance, the estimated coefficients in the salary dispersion
variable in the regressions are negative and statistically significant.
(10) Increasing salary dispersion is associated with decreased team
performance. Compared to the lack of support for wage fairness in the
existing research using MLB data (DeBrock et al., 2004), our results
indicate that teams with less salary dispersion perform better; evidence
from the CPBL supports Equity Theory. The results indicate an
interesting phenomenon: for a given the total payroll, a team with
larger salary dispersion (e.g., a team with both star players and
lower-talent players) has lower performance than a team with less
dispersion (e.g., for one with a large number of average, but not star
players) based on data from the CPBL.
DeBrock et al. (2004) also found that high-wage strategies are
associated with better won-loss percentage and higher attendance in MLB.
Based on our results, the former relation between wage strategies and
performance does not hold in the CPBL. The lack of Granger causality
from total salary to performance suggests that the effects of total
payroll are limited in the CPBL. Specifically, the reasons for the lack
of a causal link may be mainly attributed to the immobility of players
and a tacit agreement among team managers not to engage in trades. (11)
In contrast to the EPL's "freedom of contract" for
football players since 1978, the CPBL is less developed in the sense
that there are no clear rules regarding the trading of players. In the
CPBL, players are usually regarded as constituting part of the assets of
a team. In addition, tacit collusion between team managers makes it
impossible for the players to switch to other teams. Poaching good
players from other teams by offering higher salaries is not feasible. If
CPBL teams can spend money on good players outside the league, they may
have a chance to "buy wins." But since the average salary in
the data is $51,400 per year, this is not an attractive option for a
good player on the international market. Therefore, turning higher
salary expenditure into success is almost impossible in the CPBL under
existing conditions.
The evidence of Granger causation from salary dispersion to team
performance in the CPBL can be attributed to the flexibility of salary
adjustment in the league, and the relative immobility of the players.
Regular salary adjustment in the CPBL, unlike the relatively long-term
contracts (3 to 5 years) in other professional sports leagues in the
world, is quite common. The players in the CPBL are paid according to a
short-term contract, which is more like an agreement. (12) Restrictions
on player mobility in the CPBL are offset by very flexible salary
adjustment. When players' mobility within a league is totally
restricted and the internal salary dispersion is easily adjusted every
year, the redistribution of internal salary causes team performance to
improve. The flexibility of salary and the immobility of players may
contribute to the one-way causality from salary dispersion to
performance found here.
In this paper we provide a more comprehensive approach to
investigating the relationship between salary structure and team
performance by taking the dispersion of salaries as well as total
payroll of professional baseball teams in Taiwan into consideration when
examining the possibility that a causal link between salary structure
and team performance exists. We conducted the panel Granger Causality
Test to explore the possible causal links between salary structure and
team performance using panel data from the CPBL. Our results indicate
that Granger causality runs only from the dispersion of salaries to team
performance, but not vice versa. These results are robust to a number of
alternative model specifications, including heteroscedasticity
correction. Surprisingly, the evidence that salary dispersion granger
causes team performance is stronger when controlling for variation in
total payroll.
Our results give rise to two conclusions. First, our empirical
results confirm that both Tournament Theory, which stresses the
incentives of salary dispersion, and Equity Theory, which posits that
salary equity induces improved performance, affect the performance of
professional baseball teams in Taiwan. In terms of the effects of salary
dispersion, our results support Equity Theory, and imply that a team
with many average players performs better than a team with a mix of
super-star and less-talented players. Evidence of causality between
total/relative payroll and team performance, which emphasizes the
importance of the overall stock of human capital within an organization,
was not found. Therefore, the over-accumulation of talent, reflected by
large team payrolls, may actually lead to negative externalities. The
existence of a "Yankee Paradox" is supported by the evidence.
Second, the one-way causality patterns in the data suggest that
teams playing in a league with strict restrictions on the mobility of
players must rely more on internal salary adjustments, especially on the
dispersion of salaries, motivate players, and compensate for the fact
that players are not able to move among teams.
Finally, since the wage structure of a professional sports team
resembles that of a business enterprise, relevant theories of the effect
of wages on performance can be explored in order to understand more
about the wage structure and its influence on performance. In this paper
we have shown that both Tournament Theory and Equity Theory are relevant
for explaining the performance of professional sports teams. Therefore,
these results can provide important context when examining the
relationship between compensation structure and team performance.
Table A: Granger Causality Tests with Additional Control Variables
Direction of Granger Causality Model (4) Model (5)
F value F value
Gini [right arrow] WinN 7.76 *** 8.22 ***
RTotsal [right arrow] WinN 2.08 1.93
WinN [right arrow] Gini 0.80 0.66
WinN [right arrow] RTotsal 0.05 0.22
Gini [right arrow] WinP 9.06 *** 7.46***
RTotsal [right arrow] WinP 2.34 1.79
WinP [right arrow] Gini 1.11 0.91
WinP [right arrow] RTotsal 0.00 0.09
Notes: (a) *** denotes significance at the 1% level. The critical
value simulated by Huilin and Venet (2001) is 6.937 for the 1%
significance levels.
(b) The year dummies are included in the empirical model.
(c) The optimal lag-lengths for each equation is determined by
the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). (c) The year
dummies are included in the empirical model.
Table B: Results of the Coefficients of Salary Dispersion from
the VAR Model
Gini [right arrow] WinN Gin [right arrow] WinP
Model 1 (t-1) -179.7891 *** -1.9926 ***
(62.73) (0.63)
Model 2 (t and t-1) -115.3049 *** -1.3557 ***
(63.94) (0.67)
Model 3 (Rtosal) -172.9032 *** -1.9064 ***
(59.98) (0.61)
Model 4 (Control -177.0839 *** -1.9557 ***
variable: players' (63.55) (0.65)
average tenure)
Model 5 (Control -179.7891 *** -1.7007 ***
variable: players' (62.73) (0.62)
average age)
Notes: (a) *** denotes significance at the 1% level.
(b) Parentheses are the standard errors.
Table C: Determination of Optimal Lags by Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC)
Direction of Granger Causality Causality lags
Gini [right arrow] WinN
46.1629 * 47.2492
Totsal [right arrow] WinN
WinN [right arrow] Gini -47.7814 * -46.9648
WinN [right arrow] Totsal 215.2495 * 215.3734
Gini [right arrow] WinP
-25.6110 * -25.0827
Totsal [right arrow] WinP
WinP [right arrow] Gini -47.6065 * -46.6283
WinP [right arrow] Totsal 215.3824 * 215.6101
Note: * indicates the optimal lag.
Table D: Tests of Heteroscedasticity
Direction of Granger Causality Model (1) Model (2) Model (3)
Gini [right arrow] WinN
3.333 4.576 3.603
Totsal/ [right arrow] WinN
WinN [right arrow] Gini 5.976 * 0.090 5.976 *
WinN [right arrow] Totsal/ 7.027 * 6.962 * 3.740
Gini [right arrow] WinP
2.696 2.380 3.132
Totsal/ [right arrow] WinP
WinP [right arrow] Gini 5.864 * 0.140 5.864 *
WinP [right arrow] Totsal/ 7.816 * 6.624 * 3.640
Notes: * denotes significance at the 10% level.
Authors' Note
The authors thank Professor Ngo Van Long for his valuable comments.
We also thank two anonymous referees for valuable suggestions. All
remaining errors are, of course, the responsibility of the authors.
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Wen-Jhan Jane [1], Gee San [2], and Yi-Pey Ou [2]
[1] Shih Hsin University, Taiwan
[2] National Central University, Taiwan
Wen-Jhan Jane, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of
Economics. His current research focuses on the economics of sports,
specifically the topics of wage theory, competitive balance, and worker
Gee San, PhD, is a professor in the Graduate Institution of
Industrial Economics. His research focuses on labor economics and
industrial organization.
Yi-Pey Ou is a PhD candidate in the Graduate Institution of
Industrial Economics. Her current research focuses on technological
change and growth.
(1) Horowitz shows that bi-directional causality between annual
attendance and team performance on the field exists for teams in Major
League Baseball (MLB). Davis (2008) reports similar results.
(2) The Professional Footballers' Association succeeded in
establishing freedom of contract in 1977, and players are now almost
completely free to accept the best contract on offer. Players can sign
contracts and move without impediment at the end of their contracts.
Within the contract period, cash sales are permitted through the
transfer system under which a club losing a player may demand
compensation from the receiving club in the form of a cash payment
(i.e., a transfer fee). Therefore, European football also has a much
greater provision for the mobility of players.
(3) Due to data limitations imposed by the panel causality tests,
the data were restricted to a balanced panel. The N and T dimensions of
the panel are determined by the availability of salary and team
performance data. Some teams exited and some entered the CPBL in this
period. The most complete data were obtained from four teams from 1990
to 1999. The data was obtained from the "Professional Baseball
Journal" and the official website of the CPBL
(4) Different from the traditional literature on Granger Casualty
Tests in time series, the panel Granger Causality Test model proposed by
Hurlin and Venet (2001) mentions two methods for dealing with
heterogeneity among cross-sectional units: distinctive intercepts and
variable slopes. The former one is simple and intuitive.
(5) The Herfindahl index is not used as the measure of salary
dispersion because the potential range of the index is affected by the
team's roster size. Several measures of inequality are compared by
Allison (1978), who finds that both the Gini index and the coefficient
of variation are superior in many respects. Harrison and Klein (2007)
also recommend the same two measures to capture the effects of pay
(6) Because this test for panel unit roots allows a different
number of lag lengths for each equation, a lag-order of 1.5 refers to
the average of the lag lengths included in this test.
(7) We used the same model associated with team performance, but
the statistics were insignificant at the 10% level. Regarding the
different features in the time series between team performance and
salary structure, we tried the model without a time trend. The results
show that Gini and Totsal are stationary at the 5% level under
appropriately controlled lag structures.
(8) We used the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to determine the
optimal-lag length. In order to avoid the loss of degrees of freedom, we
followed Justesen (2008) and included lag-lengths up to two for yit,
xlit and x2it in the estimated equation. The results are shown in Table
C in the Appendix.
(9) In addition, Table A in the Appendix reports the results of
models that contain control variables for players' tenure and
experience. Model 4 and Model 5 include control variables for
players' average tenure and average team experience, respectively.
The results show that our conclusions are still robust after controlling
both tenure and experience.
(10) The results of the coefficients of salary dispersion from the
VAR model are listed in Table B in the Appendix.
(11) Unless the player is released by the original team manager, he
cannot become a free-agency player. Therefore, it seems that
player's contract is permanent in the CPBL. The trading of players
between teams is oriented by the employers. The rule of free agency was
not legislated until 2007. The new rule states that a player who has a
nine-year tenure is eligible to be a free-agency player, and the
starting point for tenure was 2003. That is, the first free-agency
players will emerge in 2012.
(12) Different from salary arbitration in other pro sports, the
manager adjusts the players' salaries every year after the end of
the season and the players have the right to bargain before the start of
the next season. Moreover, some teams also have a mechanism for
adjusting salaries in the middle of the season.
Table 1: Hypotheses for Granger Causality Tests
Salary structure [right arrow]
Team performance
Gini [H.sub.11]:[[beta].sub.1] = 0
[H.sub.11]:[[beta].sub.1] [not equal to] 0
Totsal [H.sub.20]:[[beta].sub.1] = 0
[H.sub.21]:[[beta].sub.1] [not equal to] 0
Team performance [right arrow]
Salary structure
Gini [H.sub.30]:[[eta].sub.1] = 0
[H.sub.31]:[[eta].sub.1] [not equal to] 0
Totsal [H.sub.40]:[[eta].sub.2] = 0
[H.sub.41]:[[eta].sub.2] [not equal to] 0
Table 2: Basic Statistics
Variable Mean S. D. Observation
WinP 0.515 0.085 40
WinN 46.575 8.424 40
Gini 0.202 0.069 40
Totsal (NT$) * 2,460,919 919,547.3 40
* The average exchange rate during our data period (1990-1999)
was roughly 1US$=28.066NT$.
Table 3: Panel Unit Root (IPS) Tests with Heterogeneous Individuals
Variable lags t-bar p-value
Gini 1 -2.221 0.095 *
1.5 -2.422 0.039 **
2 -1.407 0.442
Totsal 1 -2.040 0.162
1.5 -7.581 0.000 ***
2 -0.887 0.766
WinN 1 -1.852 0.703
1.5 -2.972 0.067 *
2 -2.751 0.095 *
WinP 1 -1.575 0.839
1.5 -4.399 0.000 ***
2 -4.189 0.000 ***
Notes: (a) Im et al.'s (2003) t-abr statistics for the panel unit
root. *** denotes significance at the 1% level, ** denotes
significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the
10% level.
(b) Under the original model with a constant and a trend term, the
test statistic for Gini and Totsal was insignificant at the 10% level,
so we tried the other specification to test the model without the
trend term.
(c) Based on the mean of the individual Dickey-Fuller t-statistics of
each unit in the panel, the IPS test assumes that all series are
non-stationary under the null hypothesis.
Table 4: Granger Causality Tests
Direction of Granger Causality Model 1 Model 2
F value F value
Gini [right arrow] WinN 19.96 *** 7.33 ***
Totsal [right arrow] WinN 3.04 1.36
WinN [right arrow] Gini 0.00 1.73
WinN [right arrow] Totsal 0.75 0.18
Gini [right arrow] WinP 17.99 *** 7.50 ***
Totsal [right arrow] WinP 4.30 1.40
WinP [right arrow] Gini 0.81 2.27
WinP [right arrow] Totsal 0.12 0.56
Notes: (a) *** denotes significance at the 1% level, ** denotes
significance at the 5% level, and * denotes significance at the
10% level. The critical values simulated by Huilin and Venet (2001)
are 4.315 and 6.937 for the 5% and 1% significance levels,
(b) The year dummies are included in the empirical model.
(c) The optimal lag-length for each equation is determined by the
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), and the results are listed in
Table C in the Appendix.
Table 5: Granger Causality Tests
Direction of Granger Causality Model 3
F value
Gini [right arrow] WinN 8.31 ***
RTotsal [right arrow] WinN 2.68
WinN [right arrow] Gini 0.00
WinN [right arrow] RTotsal 0.30
Gini [right arrow] WinP 9.64 ***
RTotsal [right arrow] WinP 2.92
WinP [right arrow] Gini 0.81
WinP [right arrow] RTotsal 0.41
Notes: (a) *** denotes significance at the 1% level. The critical
value is 6.937 for the 1% significance level.
(b) The year dummies are included in the empirical model.
Table 6: Granger Causality Tests Correcting for Heteroscedasticity
Direction of Granger Causality Model (1) Model (2) Model (3)
Gini [right arrow] WinN 19.96 *** 7.33 *** 8.31 ***
Totsal/ [right arrow] WinN 3.04 1.36 2.68
WinN [right arrow] Gini 0.29 1.73 0.29
WinN [right arrow] Totsal/ 0.59 0.28 0.30
Gini [right arrow] WinP 17.99 *** 7.50 *** 9.64 ***
Totsal/ [right arrow] WinP 4.30 1.40 2.92
WinP [right arrow] Gini 0.05 2.27 0.05
WinP [right arrow] Totsal/ 0.53 2.51 0.41
Notes: (a) The bold numbers are the value corrected for
(b) *** denotes significance at the 1% level.
(c) The year dummies are included in the empirical model.