Learning for entrepreneurship in heterogeneous groups: experiences from an international, interdisciplinary higher education student programme.
Lans, Thomas ; Oganisjana, Karine ; Taks, Marge 等
1. Introduction
Entrepreneurship education (EE) has gained popularity
internationally (Katz 2003). Non-business higher education scholars are
also increasingly acknowledging the added value of fostering
entrepreneurial competence among students in light of new career
paradigms and the need for lifelong learning (Nab et al. 2009). As a
result, the number of courses, programmes, summer schools and positions
in EE in Europe has grown rapidly (European Commission 2008).
Nonetheless, European research shows that 1) European graduates have a
poor opinion of higher education as a contributor to their
entrepreneurial competence (Allen and Van der Velden 2009); 2) the
traditional teaching methods used by teachers such as lectures,
literature reviews and examinations only contribute to a limited extent
to student learning for entrepreneurship (Gibb 2002); 3) teachers find
it difficult to effectively introduce the elements of EE (McCoshan et
al. 2010); and 4) EE is seldom a priority in teacher education
programmes (European Commission 2011).
From a scholarly point of view, most of the scientific work on EE
has drawn upon Ajzen's theory (1991) of planned behaviour with an
EE focus on the stimulation of entrepreneurial intentions (Krueger et
al. 2000). EE should stimulate the development of intentions to start a
business, which can be further predicted by antecedents as perceived
behavioural control, social norms and attitudes (Krueger et al. 2000).
However, work carried out from this perspective reveals little
information about the underlying learning processes which either foster
or hinder entrepreneurial learning. Greater insight into such factors is
necessary from not only a theoretical point of view, as research on EE
is a relatively young endeavour (starting in the 1990s), but also from a
practical point of view as the aforementioned European challenges with
regard to EE need to be addressed.
In order to help narrow this gap, we summarize the experiences of a
European Summer School (ESS), which had the aim of developing
entrepreneurial competence on the part of international students from a
variety of non-management and non-business backgrounds.
The ESS challenged students to articulate personal entrepreneurial
goals and ambitions, translate these into entrepreneurial projects and
share these with other students via a wide range of learning activities.
In order to disentangle the specific factors associated with the
learning processes elicited by this ESS, the following research question
was posed: What factors are perceived by students to contribute to
entrepreneurial learning within interdisciplinary, intercultural student
groups? To answer the question, the daily reflections of 35 students on
the ESS activities were analysed.
2. Theoretical perspective
One of the first challenges in EE is defining the focus (Fayolle
and Gailly 2008). EE can be mainly about entrepreneurship, just like
chemistry or psychology are mainly about chemistry and psychology,
respectively. Learning about entrepreneurship may thus include economic
theory, social capital theory and trait or personality theory. However,
EE can also be about independent venturing and thus learning
enterprising behaviour and learning for entrepreneurship (Honig 2004).
EE can help or stimulate nascent entrepreneurs to further develop their
intentions and work out their ideas into a full blown business concept,
model or plan (Ardichvili et al. 2003). Finally, EE can also be seen in
the light of so-called intrapreneurship (Antoncic and Hisrich 2003),
i.e. being entrepreneurial within an existing organisation. This means
having an eye for opportunities, being proactive, taking risks, being
creative but also having sufficient self-regulation.
These perspectives have different learning foci and none of them
provide an overarching learning theory or model which can be used to
describe and understand learning within an EE context. Over the last
decade this has resulted in the emergence of the concept of
entrepreneurial learning (Cope 2003). As argued by many EE researchers,
the most effective way to promote student entrepreneurship is to
'push' students into entrepreneurship by structuring the
learning process as an entrepreneurial process (Hannon 2006, Hjorth and
Johannisson 2007, Hynes 1996, Kearney 1999). Within a higher education
entrepreneurial learning context, Rae (2003) speaks of
opportunity-centred learning. Opportunity refers to the heart of
entrepreneurship, namely the recognition, evaluation and pursuit of
business opportunities resulting in new products, services or processes
for the market or industry (Shane and Venkataraman 2000). In its
rudimentary form, a business opportunity is often an ill-defined market
need, product, service, technological advancement or invention for which
a market has yet to be defined (Ardichvili et al 2003).
Opportunity-centred learning then encompasses four interconnected
processes: 1) exploring the opportunity, 2) relating the opportunity to
personal goals, 3) planning to realize the opportunity and 4) acting to
make the opportunity happen (Rae 2003: 545). Via investigation and
discovery, students identify, select, explore and refine opportunities.
They thus move from the development of ideas regarding an opportunity to
a project which addresses the selected opportunity. The writing of a
business plan is one possible outcome of this process. Having passed
through the planning stage, students can then act upon their plan and
realize the opportunity. Their learning during these stages has often an
emergent, opportunistic, discovery-based and a highly social character.
Furthermore, reflection on what is working and what is not working, how
and just why but also what has been learnt and what will be learnt are
important elements of opportunity-centred learning (Rae 2003).
Although Rae's definition provides a clear starting point for
researching entrepreneurial learning, it does not completely capture the
complicated nature of the phenomenon. A helpful model to cluster
potentially important learning-related elements in a meaningful manner
is the Biggs (1993) 3P or presage, process and product learning model.
The model is an input-process-output learning model, which draws upon
three bins of learning-related factors--presage, process and product
factors--for understanding student learning. The model has been found to
provide a good starting point in the context of school-based learning
(Spelt et al 2006) but also in the context of learning in and for the
professions (Tynjala 2013).
In our research framework, presage factors are student factors and
factors in the learning environment which can contribute to
opportunity-centred learning. In our particular ESS context, the first
prominent presage factor is the fact that the students are from
different countries and have very different disciplinary backgrounds,
which means that they bring a wide variety of knowledge, skills,
experiences and goals to the learning context. Studies of EE have found
that students can indeed have a wide variety of entrepreneurial goals
including learning to be more proactive or creative, preparing to
inherit the family firm or building a high growth company (Lans et al.
2010, Taks et al. submitted). A second prominent presage factor is that
students have to actually work from the start in interdisciplinary,
intercultural groups. This is because teams are considered a major
vehicle for new venture creation and known to be responsible for many
successful start-ups today (Harper 2005). Building interdisciplinary and
intercultural, collaborative learning environments, projects and
programmes thus provides critical presage factors (Wilson 2008). As such
in our research framework, we understand "interdisciplinary and
culturally diverse groups" to be the following:
Two or more individuals who are from different disciplinary as well
as national/cultural backgrounds, who have been assigned interdependent,
entrepreneurial tasks and are jointly responsible for the final results,
who see themselves and are also seen by others as forming a collective
unit embedded in the entrepreneurial summer school and who manage their
relationships within this context (after Marquardt and Horvath 2001,
Popov et al. 2012:303).
Process factors--or the central part of the 3P learning
model--entail various learning-related activities (Tynjala 2013). To go
smoothly through the interconnected phases of opportunity-centred
learning, the student must be the active participant in learning and not
the teacher (Fiet 2000, Heinonen 2007, Jones 2006, McGill and Beaty
1992). Like entrepreneurship in reality, student learning during EE is
also mostly socially-mediated learning and thus depends on collaboration
and interaction with others. In our particular ESS context, this means
working together with others who have very different disciplinary and
cultural backgrounds. Based on a literature review Popov et al. (2012)
have identified five main factors which play a role in working in
heterogeneous student groups, namely 1) embracing members'
knowledge, experiences and skills; 2) communication; 3) problem solving
and decision making; 4) conflict management; and 5) leadership.
Firstly, embracing members' knowledge, experiences and skills
refers to the management of differences within the group. The knowledge,
experiences and skills which students bring to the group allows them to
create something new by interacting across traditional disciplinary
boundaries. Differences can benefit entrepreneurial outcomes by
providing a wide range of prior knowledge and a rich source of
entrepreneurial opportunities. In addition, students with no
entrepreneurial experience or nascent entrepreneurial intentions can
learn from those who already have an entrepreneurial background. If
differences arise and are not managed adequately, however, they can lead
to group problems, a lack of mutual understanding, decentralized
thinking and divergence in the collaborative learning process and
Secondly, the group communication factor refers to the reaching of
"full comprehension among all group members, as well as to collect
and disseminate necessary information related to the product of group
work" (Popov et al. 2012:305). Communication challenges arise from
mainly uneven levels of English proficiency but also culturally
conflicting communication styles (e.g. more direct versus indirect
manners of communicating).
Thirdly, entrepreneurial projects are essentially about problem
solving and decision making (Nickerson et al. 2004) in largely
open-ended tasks of a substantial size and with considerable complexity
(Nab et al. 2009). Within the collaborative learning group, individual
problem-solving and decision-making styles can vary considerably across
students and depend on their backgrounds, empathy and priority given to
individual versus group goals (Popov et al. 2012). Students from
different cultures can differ markedly in their perspectives on group
work and their procedural knowledge, i.e. assumptions about how to
collaborate and learn together (Cox et al. 1991).
Fourthly, conflict management is mentioned as an important factor
for working in heterogeneous groups. Entrepreneurship is about taking
risks, experimenting and pushing boundaries but at the same time working
towards mutual goals and resilience--all of which can create tension and
conflict. Further, from a diversity perspective, what is seen and felt
as conflict can differ considerably among the members of a group. For
some students, moreover, conflict may be a natural source for learning
while for others conflict is an impediment and therefore something to be
avoided at all times (Popov et al. 2012).
Finally, the last group of process factors which Popov and
colleagues derived from the research literature concerns leadership. In
group work, leadership refers to dealing with free riders, dominant
group members and a lack of motivation among group members (Popov et al.
2012). What is expected of a leader and just how leaders deal with
problems can also differ considerably from member to member of a
group--particularly when the members have different backgrounds.
All of the aforementioned processes should finally lead to concrete
products. From an individual learner perspective, the following EE
outcomes have been identified as critical: knowledge of entrepreneurship
(e.g. business economics), entrepreneurial behaviour and skills (e.g.
proactive behaviour, entrepreneurial self-efficacy) and increased
entrepreneurial intentions. More recently a multi-layer course of growth
from interaction with the environment to the development of competencies
and formation of beliefs to a final awareness of one's
entrepreneurial identity and mission has been shown to be a typical EE
outcome (Korthagen 2004, Mulder 2012, Oganisjana and Matlay 2012). The
products of opportunity-centred learning at the level of the group can
be a long list of local entrepreneurial ideas, selection of the most
promising ideas with argumentation and the development of a preliminary
business plan.
To summarize, the current literature on EE has drawn largely on the
Theory of Planned Behaviour (Krueger et al. 2000). However, work carried
out from this perspective reveals little about the learning processes
underlying EE and how to reach the objectives of EE (e.g.
opportunity-centred learning). The focus in the present study is
therefore on those factors which stimulate learning in
interdisciplinary, culturally diverse groups, namely: 1) embracing
members' knowledge, experiences and skills; 2) communication; 3)
problem solving and decision making; 4) conflict management; and 5)
leadership (Popov et al. 2012).
3. Method
3.1. Study context (European summer school)
The summer school consisted of a 10-day intensive program in 2012,
in which 35 professional and scientific bachelor students from the
Netherlands, Latvia and Estonia participated. The students were studying
in a variety disciplines: behavioural sciences, engineering and life
sciences. The ESS and its implementation in actual practice were both
designed to meet the requirements of opportunity-centred learning (Rae
Firstly, the students had to pass through all the stages of
activity which characterize a real enterprise. Starting with group
formation and idea generation and finalising the ideas they selected as
products or services with a market demand together with the resources
expected to be necessary in a business plan.
Secondly, traditional academic lecturing, which has been found to
not activate students' entrepreneurship (Gibb 2002, Hannon et al.
2005, Heinonen and Poikkijoki 2006, Sogunro 2004), was avoided during
the ESS. An interactive pedagogy was adopted instead, with the inclusion
of active business people, creative workshops, case studies, company
visits and group projects. Such an approach can be expected to enhance
deep learning. It has also been argued that the best EE results are
achieved when companies act as hosts for both students and teachers (Rae
2007) and when practising entrepreneurs and managers are integrated into
university-level EE (Heinonen 2007, Wilson 2008). The participants in
the summer school thus visited business incubators and companies to
learn more about the challenges which entrepreneurs face and the ways in
which they solve or attempt to solve these problems.
Thirdly, for the ESS, the students were divided into seven
interdisciplinary, intercultural groups. Each group was facilitated by a
teacher, and many of these teachers had their own businesses. This meant
that the teachers were able to draw upon their own conceptual and
theoretical knowledge but also upon their entrepreneurial experience
when working with the students. These facilitators were always available
to share their expertise when asked by members of the groups, but they
did not impose their opinions on the groups. At the end of each day in
the ESS, the groups shared their findings with the facilitators and were
given feedback and guidance with regard to the next steps to be taken.
Fourthly, the overall atmosphere created during the ESS was open,
friendly and flexible with professional facilitators providing support
the students needed. The range of activities offered by the ESS,
including the aforementioned company visits but also exploration of the
city, field research and participation in cultural and social programmes
outside the ESS provided plenty of space for collaboration. A crucial
role was played by the hosting institution, which provided fully
equipped, modern education premises and a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
The generally flexible and open atmosphere created for the ESS left
plenty of room for unplanned activities which emerged from the learning
situations and could thus be very relevant. For example, one of the
students already had her own business and the other students wanted to
learn from her experiences. This opportunity was thus provided.
Fifthly, all students were given opportunities to assess and
analyse each group's achievements during the different stages of
the project: 1) the initial screening of ideas 2) the selection of the
final product or service for development; 3) drafting of the business
plan; and 4) presentation of the final business plan. This created a
combined spirit of group competition and group collaboration. The
students were explicitly encouraged to share ideas, offer
recommendations and be constructively critical of each other's
intermediate results.
3.2. Design of the research and data analysis
Based on the theoretical perspectives and the stage of the project
development, reflection questions were constructed for completion at the
levels of the individual and the group. They were distributed on a daily
basis via e-mail. For instance, the students might be asked the
--What did you manage/ not manage to do well?
--What did you like/dislike?
--What was/wasn't interesting?
--What do you consider especially valuable?
--What challenges did you face in the group work?
--How did you overcome the challenges you faced?
The responses to the reflection questions were then analysed and
served two purposes. They helped us gain insight into the students'
learning processes, their awareness of their progress and their
awareness of the group's progress. They also provided essential
daily feedback for the facilitating ESS teachers such that a new focus
could be adopted or the focus of the group could be shifted as
The daily responses of the students to the reflection questions
gave us more than 60 pages of student experiences to analyse.
Qualitative content analyses (Mayring 2000) of the responses were
conducted between January 2013 and May 2013. To identify those factors
which played a role in the EE outcomes, a generic model of
intercultural/interdisciplinary student group work (Popov et al. 2012)
was called upon during the analyses. To reach mutual agreement on the
categories which emerged from the data and guarantee the validity of the
results, three researchers analysed the data independently to start
with. Subsequently, all results were compared, discussed and integrated
to develop an informative set of categories and identify what appear to
be critical factors (Mayring 2000).
4. Results
In general, the results confirm the power of working in
interdisciplinary, intercultural groups for entrepreneurial learning.
... the team is more important than the idea. When you don't
have a good idea, you can think a new one up. Without a good team, you
will not be flexible enough to think up a new idea. And without a good
team, it will not work at all. I will use this when I perhaps start a
company. (st.7-2)
Cultures can be very different and awareness about that is
important.... Our discussions are fun. We have different opinions. We
also shared information about our countries: multicultural diversity.
(group 2)
More in detail, the students' reflections showed the
importance of the factors identified by Popov et al. (2012) for working
in groups.
4.1. Embracing knowledge, experiences and skills
With regard to embracing students' experiences, knowledge and
skills, remarkable differences were observed within the groups. Some
students already had considerable entrepreneurial experience while
others had no such experience, and this could be seen to create tensions
within the groups at times, particularly as the ESS was intended for
students without a business background. When grouped with students with
a business background, the education students--for instance--reported
feeling low and intimidated by the entrepreneurially experienced members
of the group who wanted, in turn, to move fast, became impatient and did
not always try to understand the others in the group or show some
understanding. As one student clearly phrased:
As I do not have a business background, I sometimes feel insecure
about my role in the group, as other team members have advanced
knowledge of business and economics. I feel more like a student, but not
really a full member of the group, as there is little that I could
contribute. (st.5-1)
Differences in entrepreneurial experience were not automatically
capitalized upon by the students and used as an opportunity to learn
from each other although this did finally happen and the students
themselves came to the conclusion that this should be done at the ESS.
As one student remarked at the end:
... Because I did not have a background in that field, it helped me
to have colleagues who did. It was really good that my colleagues
already knew something .... I had this great opportunity to work with a
group of people who already knew something about the field .... They
taught us how to work on a business plan. (st. 1-1).
The analysis of the student responses to the reflection questions
further showed the skills which were valued in the group work to be more
generic entrepreneurial skills than domain-specific knowledge and
skills. In particular, students mentioned the importance of creative
thinking skills, seeking and seeing opportunities, social skills,
presentation and argumentation skills, and an intention to put all of
their skills into entrepreneurial practice. Furthermore, the students
pointed out the importance of such personal characteristics as being
open to change, optimistic, flexible, enthusiastic and willing to put
the acquired knowledge and skills into practice or at least attempt to
do this.
... to have patience and to divide up tasks ... Time management is
really important because our time is limited; do not worry if your
English isn't very good; pay attention to team progress, the team
work ... a little bit more flexibility. (st.1-3)
... how important it is to go and ask for expertise when you are
stuck, because that really helped me today. I will use this in my
further life ... Flexibility, social competences like communication and
you should also specialise yourself in something. (st.7-5)
You should have fun, not be too serious, but sometimes work hard
and be able to shout out when discussing with the team! ... independent,
brave, ready for challenges. Willing to take risks, but still realistic
and know when it is time to stop. (st.7-3)
I realized even more than before that a negative attitude is not
helpful at all. I learned that creativity can be quite fun (st.5-3)
From a pedagogical, teaching perspective, the students emphasized
the importance of having guided group activities before starting the
project work. For instance, the students emphasised the importance of
visiting companies together at the beginning of the programme.
... it was interesting to see the differences between company A and
company B regarding the work atmosphere and employee treatment. This
made me think about what I actually expect of my own workplace and what
kind of atmosphere I would like to work together in with others.
From company B, I learnt that first impressions are really
important--in order to become successful, you need to make a product
that makes a good first impression. It is important to have some
innovation from time to time. (st.6-1)
However, the companies should be comprehensible for everyone. Not
everyone was able to directly relate to multinationals or very
competitive, aggressive companies.
We realized that the group members had totally different
expectations and experiences during the company visits. Opinions about
the visits differed, partly because of personal preferences, cultural
and background differences and educational focus (group 3).
Related to product comprehensibility, the next important insight
provided by the students' responses to the reflection questions
concerned preparation of both the students and the companies before
visiting them. Given that many of the students did not have clear ideas
about entrepreneurship or a focus for their own entrepreneurship yet,
they found it difficult to ask questions and request relevant
As we had very little information about our project at the time, we
had difficulties preparing questions for the company visits. We did not
know what we might get out of the visits. What was the intended value of
the visits? .... We nevertheless saw that teamwork, attitude,
motivation, prestige and project management are really important. (group
The importance of entrepreneurs sharing their experiences with
students also stood out in the responses of the students to the
reflection questions.
When we visited the business incubator, I learned a lot more about
the process of starting a business--also from meeting people who had
been part of the business incubator, who shared their own start-up
experiences. As there is still a lot I need to learn about business, I
do not know which of the ideas might become useful yet. (st.5-1)
4.2. Communication
The second factor identified by Popov et al. (2012), namely
communication, was mentioned by the students as well. Students referred
to the importance of cultural awareness and being able as a group to
overcome language, cultural and education barriers. The students also
mentioned the importance of listening, sharing ideas, inspiring each
other, having positive group spirit and achieving mutual goals.
Openness, tolerance and patience were further mentioned as important.
... it is more helpful to talk even when you do not say everything
correctly, because I learn from mistakes I make.... (st.7-2)
Choosing an idea is difficult but with a good communication we are
able to overcome those difficulties. (group 4)
I could say I learned to be more patient, to be a better listener,
to communicate my thoughts in a creative and maybe also more clear and
organised way. I learned that my thoughts may be worth listening to even
if I have less background on the topic. (st.3-2)
I have already learned new things about Latvians and Dutch by
communicating with them. I have learned things about their language,
personalities and culture. (st.2-4)
4.3. Problem solving and decision making
While working on their projects, the students came across many
problems and thus the third factor identified by Popov et al. (2012).
These were problems which the students in the groups had to address both
individually and as a team. While their problem solving required them to
see the "bigger picture" and thus keep the context of the
overall business concept or model in mind, this was unfortunately not
always possible because it required an understanding of market
information, societal issues, supply-demand principles and marketing
channels as well as the needs, problems and pains of potential
We have understood that it is very hard to work on a project that
requires a lot of research and work, especially when the team mates are
from different fields of expertise and the communication is sometimes
hindered. (group 5)
Everyone has their own expertise and their own way of approaching a
problem.(group 4)
I liked getting an idea of the "concrete " form of a
business plan. To be honest, I did not really know what should be in
there before. Furthermore, I like that entrepreneurship is an on-going
process about problem solving: you always try to see opportunities when
a problem pops up. I like this way of "reframing" problems.
Teamwork is essential for the outcome. Language and cultural
barriers can be a problem for research. Don't try to change the
person, use his best qualities. (st.3-2)
Meta-knowledge about the problem solving process and awareness of
problem solving strategies seem to be key here.
Different people (probably depending on culture in my opinion) have
different strategies and views on problem solving. When working together
with people from different countries, I noticed that priorities were set
differently. This could create friction, but also open new windows.
Moving from the opportunity identification phase to the
exploitation phase of opportunity-centred learning (Rae 2003) meant a
substantial shift in the decision-making logic of the students. The
identification phase--which is characterized by experimentation,
creativity, play and discovery--was abruptly replaced by refinement of
ideas, production considerations, efficiency, selection and
implementation. During the exploitation stage, the students had to make
decisions, distribute tasks and manage their time effectively. The shift
from the first to the second phase opportunity-centred learning was
experienced by the students as difficult, but important.
I liked thinking of a business plan from the client's point of
view, what they can get out of it. By thinking and talking about it like
that, I understood the main point and necessity of our product even
more. (st.2-4)
We think more in detail about our project now. It is another point
of view, we now rethink everything. It offers more structure. It became
more real. Better understanding of the feasibility of the project.
(group 2)
I think that during the next days, after talking to our potential
customers, we will have to make many changes to our first ideas.
I liked getting through the difficulties we had to make the process
and the business idea itself better. It helped to see how a business
idea needs to be elaborated and what different things need to be
considered and come up.(st.3-1)
4.4. Conflict management
As the ESS progressed, some groups had to face internal conflicts,
the fourth factor described by Popov et al. (2012). In order to
effectively deal with such conflicts, students indicated the importance
of identifying problems at an early stage. The key to solving group
conflicts, in their opinion, is to identify and realize collective goals
through communication.
I learned that a clear and fully-defined aim is vital. I will
remember this in even the most mundane activities. (st.2-2)
I liked the part when we finally made a decision together. It was
usually worth arguing about. (st.7-5)
Furthermore, the prevention and solution of internal conflicts
requires team discipline, shared rules and roles, and also team
participation and input from all members of the group. From an
individual perspective, this requires listening and being open,
acknowledging different opinions, coping with insecurities and staying
4.5. Leadership
Finally, leadership or the fifth factor mentioned by Popov et al.
(2012) was mostly perceived as the necessity of having entrepreneurial
leaders. Such group leaders were perceived to engage others, recognize
opportunities, dare to take risks and detect failures before other
members of the group might do this.
It is hard to motivate people and especially in such a short period
of time. (st.7-3)
In a group, I really need someone to be a leader, both to exploit
my ideagenerating personality but also prevent me from mixing things up
and doing everything at the same time (prevent me from getting
distracted) - a group leader who needs to be stimulating at the same
time. (st.5-2)
I know my weaknesses, so I can tell that I am more of a team player
than a leader. I suppose that it is important to be a leader and have
strong communication skills and an ability to convince people, which I
am not always good at. (st.3-1)
5. Discussion
The research question posed in the introduction was: What factors
are perceived by students to contribute to entrepreneurial learning
within interdisciplinary, intercultural student groups? The results
showed that all diversity factors as described by Popov et al. (2012)
for group work were also highly relevant in the interdisciplinary,
intercultural summer school context of the present study. Nonetheless,
the general factors described by Popov and colleagues also showed
dynamics which appeared to be specific to the context of EE.
Particularly the factors embracing members' knowledge, experiences
and skills, problem solving and decision making and leadership showed
this context-specificity and are therefore discussed in the following.
Firstly, from the perspective of embracing the knowledge,
experiences and skills of the different members of the group, the groups
of students participating in the ESS can theoretically draw upon three
valuable sources for entrepreneurial ideas: the diversity in the prior
entrepreneurial experiences of the members of the group, the
national/cultural diversity of the group members (e.g. how problems are
solved in other countries) and the disciplinary diversity of the group
(e.g. adoption of different angles to explore an entrepreneurial
opportunity and the creation of something new by crossing traditional
disciplinary boundaries). However, our results show that having at least
some entrepreneurial experience was valued most in the groups and
therefore regarded as most important. The national/cultural and
disciplinary diversity within the groups were often not recognized by
the groups as an asset for the identification and generation of
entrepreneurial ideas. Tapping into group diversity may thus require
more effort on the part of group facilitators, who can--for
example--help students make what they as an individual can contribute to
an entrepreneurial idea more explicit. In other words, helping students
to develop a "professional" language for the sharing of each
other's ideas and thus creating a common ground. Gaining insight
into the backgrounds of the students in a group right from the beginning
can help establish a high-performing group - a group which capitalises
on its diversity rather than being constrained by it (McCorkle et al.
1999). Special attention must be paid to several background variables in
particular: prior domain knowledge, prior experiences with group work,
prior entrepreneurial experience and mastery of the specific skills
needed to perform the task at hand. Company visits can help in this
regard, provided that these visits address the importance of all three
sources of entrepreneurial opportunities (i.e. entrepreneurial,
disciplinary and cultural diversity) and that the students are able to
connect their backgrounds to what they see at the companies (i.e.
scaffolding company visits).
Secondly, joint problem solving and decision making posed one of
the major challenges in the intercultural group work as observed by
Popov et al. (2012). The combination of the problem solving and decision
making required by entrepreneurial projects together with the challenges
of working in a nationally/ culturally diverse setting, require groups
to find workable methods to proceed. If this takes too much time or
occurs with too much conflict, the group outcome is seriously
threatened. And in a number of studies, the group dynamics in culturally
diverse groups have been shown to differ to a large extent from those in
same-culture groups (see Williams and O'Reilly 1998). Culturally
diverse groups often suffer from process losses precisely because of
misunderstandings and coordination difficulties, and this has been found
to be the case especially when the students do not know each other and
must collaborate together for the first time (Anderson and Hiltz 2001).
Students working in culturally diverse environments may not overcome the
challenges of group work to achieve the potential rewards of such
collaboration, thus, without additional facilitation. Effective
entrepreneurial problem-solving and decision-making require more than
minimal guidance from EE teachers; they require active facilitation.
Given that the business opportunities of tomorrow (like in the field of
sustainability, see Lans et al. 2013) are often 'wicked
problems' or, in other words, problems which are difficult to pin
down, new pedagogical tools are needed to help students develop the
skills needed to tackle such problems. For example, implementation of
the eight stages which have been identified for the creative
problem-solving process could be stimulated (see Sawyer 2012).
Teachers/facilitators should make groups aware of the importance of the
problem-solving process and the problem-solving strategies adopted
within the group and give clear suggestions for addressing them in their
group (see Popov et al. in press).
Thirdly, entrepreneurial leadership is always needed at some point.
This type of leadership involves more than simply having a group leader
who effectively deals with free riders, dominance or lack of motivation
(Popov et al. 2012); entrepreneurial leadership requires someone who is
engaging, is proactive, is willing to take risks, has the achievement
motivation to really pursue ideas with passion. Watching for such
inspiring individuals while forming groups thus appears to be the key
here for facilitators.
Finally, some possible limitations on the present study should be
addressed at this point. The length of the study period allowed only
short-term learning experiences. The development of effective team
dynamics and teamwork requires time, however. In future studies,
moreover, greater attention should be paid to influences of specific
pedagogical interventions themselves (e.g. informed company visits,
aligned proactive group facilitation, etc.). In addition, not only the
reflections of students but also the reflections of their facilitators
should be analysed during such a ESS.
This allows corrective measures to be identified at an early stage
and subsequent interventions to be applied. This is of great importance
in intense and short-term courses as investigated in this study. Future
research would benefit from teacher reflections on such interventions
during the learning processes.
6. Conclusion
To conclude, we started this article with the observation that the
number of EE programmes is rapidly growing in Europe but that there is
room for improvement. Research on EE is nevertheless still young. At
present, most of the empirical work on EE is carried out from the
perspective of stimulating entrepreneurial intentions. Only limited
empirical research has been conducted on the entrepreneurial learning of
higher education students. The present research helped fill this gap by
exploring the learning of 35 non-business students who participated in
an intensive, intercultural, interdisciplinary, entrepreneurial summer
school. The results showed heterogeneity in the form of disciplinary and
cultural differences within student groups to contribute to their
learning in general and their opportunity-centred learning in particular
but also give rise to considerable confusion and misunderstandings
within the entrepreneurial education context. The present results can
help researchers, teachers and facilitators to better understand the
entrepreneurial student learning process and influence of working on
international, interdisciplinary projects. And with this improved
understanding, a start can be made on the development of effective EE
for higher education students.
The authors would like to thank the European Union (the ERASMUS
Lifelong Learning Programme) and StartLife for making the Baltic
Entrepreneurial Summer School possible.
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Thomas Lans (1), Karine Oganisjana (2), Marge Taks (3), and Vitaliy
Popov (1)
(1) Wageningen University, (2) University of Latvia, and (3)
University of Tartu
Thomas Lans
Education and Competence Studies
Wageningen University
P.O. Box 8130
6700 EW Wageningen
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0) 317 48 43 43
E-mail: thomas.lans@wur.nl