Visits to physicians for oral health-related complaints in Ontario, Canada.
LaPlante, Nancy C. ; Singhal, Sonica ; Maund, Jacquie 等
Canada's national system of health insurance, Medicare, has
become associated with the values of equity and solidarity. In general,
universal access to health care has become a reality, specifically for
physician and hospital services. Yet Canadian Medicare does not include
services such as oral health care. In Canada, oral health care is
primarily privately financed within a fee-for-service system delivered
in private dental offices. Most Canadians pay for this care through
employment-based dental insurance (62.6%) and/or through out-of-pocket
expenditures (31.9%). (1) In fact, only 6% of dental expenditures in
Canada stem from public programs, one of the lowest proportions among
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries.
(2) As a result, access to oral health care for people in Canada largely
relies on employment conditions and the ability to pay, leading to
uneven and inequitable access for many in the population.
Importantly, it has been well documented that low-income and other
socially disadvantaged groups show a higher prevalence of oral disease
while also facing the greatest financial barriers to accessing care. (1)
These oral health and access inequalities are exacerbated by the
patchwork of Canadian publicly funded oral health care programs. In
Ontario, Canada's most populated province, for example, there are
several publicly funded programs each with its own eligibility criteria
and administration, almost all focusing on at-risk children and adults
receiving social assistance. A recent report from leading provincial
stakeholders stressed the importance of unifying the current mix of
public programming and identified the need to expand Ontario's
public dental programs to reach other at-risk populations, such as
low-income adults and seniors. (3) In turn, the Ontario government is
now integrating all low-income children's programs into one program
named Healthy Smiles Ontario, which expands eligibility to low-income
children who have traditionally remained uninsured. (4) Yet despite the
expansion, there remain gaps in access to dental care, and for this
reason certain populations exhibit particular health-seeking behaviours.
To be sure, the costs of dental care and lack of public oral health
care programs mean that some socially marginalized groups have little
choice but to seek oral health care from other health providers, hoping
to avoid direct costs for dental treatment. It is not surprising, then,
that studies have found visits for oral health-related diagnoses in
hospital emergency departments to be over-represented by adults,
low-income groups, those without dental insurance and/or those who do
not qualify for public dental care programs. (5,6) Similarly, visits to
physician offices for oral health-related complaints are also expected.
In the US, while less is known about office-based physician visits than
about emergency department visits for oral health-related diagnoses, a
few studies have reviewed these visits. In 2001-02, slightly more than
200 visits per 100 persons occurred in primary care offices with a
principal diagnosis of diseases of the teeth and supporting structures.
(7) Another study, also done in the US, reported that physicians do not
have professional dental care training, so visits to medical
professionals for oral health problems are inappropriate and do not
provide high-quality care to those in need. (8)
In Canada, visits to physician offices for oral health-related
complaints are also expected to occur, yet they have not been studied.
Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the numbers and rates of
visits to physicians for oral health-related diagnoses in Ontario.
A retrospective secondary data analysis of health system
utilization in Ontario was carried out for visits to physicians for oral
health-related diagnoses. The target population was individuals who
visited physicians and who were given a diagnosis of oral health-related
issues. Data, stratified by age and sex, were extracted from
IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO, which is a knowledge repository that contains
clinical and administrative data collected from various sectors in the
Ontario health care system. The data accessed for this study were from
the Medical Services database, which contains all Ontario Health
Insurance Plan (OHIP) approved billing claims submitted by providers,
mainly physicians from a variety of settings. Salaried physician
services, such as at some community health centres, health service
organizations and academic institutions were excluded because they do
not bill OHIP for the services and so their billings do not flow into
the database. However, this should not affect our estimates, as salaried
physicians in Ontario serve less than 1% of the provincial population.
Included in a typical claim were service date, provider, patient,
fee schedule code, number of services (units) and diagnostic information
(not always required). The OHIP diagnostic codes 521 to 529,
specifically pertaining to diseases of the oral cavity, salivary glands
and jaws, were used in this study. All these codes are within the scope
of a dental practice; however, diseases of the salivary glands, such as
xerostomia, are also considered to be in the domain of general
physicians. (10) Although ICD 10 codes were introduced in 2000, ICD 9
codes, without the decimal place, have continued to be used to define
the Ontario health diagnostic codes in the Medical Services database in
the IntelliHEALTH data repository. This database does not have any
mechanism in place to validate the accuracy of the reason or diagnosis
for patient visits, which was recognized as a primary limitation of this
study. The codes included are described in Table 1.
Data were successfully obtained for 11 fiscal years (April 1 to
March 31) from 2001 to 2011. Age and sex adjustments were performed
using Microsoft Excel, and IBM SPSS Statistics 19 was used to perform
descriptive analysis. Crude rates were calculated by dividing the total
number of events (in this case, the number of patients visiting
physicians for oral health-related diagnoses) in a population by the sum
of a population in a specified year, typically expressed per 100,000;
this represents the actual experience of a population and should always
be examined when assessing the morbidity or mortality of a population.
(11) However, crude rates can be misleading when comparing across groups
or over time, as the distribution of major demographic factors, such as
age and sex, might differ. As a result, the rates were adjusted by both
age and sex simultaneously. Also, to demonstrate any potential
differences between sexes, sex-specific age-standardized rates were
calculated. Further, Kendall's tau, a simple method that can be
used when there are at least five time periods, was used to conduct a
time trend analysis of visits over the 11-year period. (12)
Rates were stratified into three age groups, 0-19, 20-64 and 65
years and above. These age groupings were selected because currently
publicly funded oral health care programs in Ontario target primarily
low-income children under the age of 18 (IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO would not
permit the 0-18 age grouping). As well, 65 years and older was selected
as there is some very limited public programming for seniors.
Along with assessing the extent of physician visits for oral
health-related diagnoses, we also wanted to understand the particular
complaints for which these visits were made. Therefore, proportions of
each specific code (521 to 529) were calculated overall and specifically
for each age group. Finally, South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Leadership Team, who oversee the licensed user of IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO,
approved the data collection and analysis carried out in its
organization as a collaboration with the dental researchers at the
University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Between 2001 and 2011, approximately 208,375 visits per year were
made to physicians for oral health-related diagnoses. There were an
average 1,298/100,000 patient visits per year made for these diagnoses:
1,381/100,000 for women and 1,215/100,000 for men. During the period of
observation, the rate of patients visiting physicians declined overall
and for both men and women specifically (Figure 1). Kendall's tau
correlation values confirmed these trends. Overall, there was a
significant negative correlation between number of visits and time
period (r = -0.745, p = 0.001). Importantly, when stratified by sex
there was a stronger correlation among men (r = -0.745, p = 0.001) than
women (r = -0.636, p = 0.006), which suggests that over the 11-year
period of observation the reduction in the rate of visiting physicians
for oral problems was greater among men than women. For each sex
stratified by age group, similar trends were observed, except for males
aged 20-64, among whom the rates remained almost constant over the
period of observation (Table 2).
Oral health-related diagnoses by physicians were mainly made for
six ICD-9 categories and, out of these six, three categories constituted
three quarters of the visits (Table 3). For ages 0-19 and 65+, a large
proportion of visits were made for soft tissue lesions (Figure 2). Among
those aged 65+, visits for diseases of the salivary glands were also
frequent as compared with other age groups; this was likely associated
with xerostomia, a prevalent condition in the elderly. (13)
The study described the number of patients visiting physicians in
Ontario for oral health-related complaints from 2001 to 2011, and
assessed age--and sex-standardized rates for these visits. The number of
people visiting physicians is arguably high--an average of over 208,000
people per year. Unfortunately, these figures cannot be compared with
visits for any other services, as most are covered under the publicly
funded health care system. Visits for eye care cannot be compared
either, as they are not billed through the government insurance plan,
even at a physician's office. Nevertheless, a study that
investigated visits to the emergency department for problems related to
the eye, including trauma, concluded that decisions to use the emergency
department arose from not merely the urgency of the situation but also
differences in insurance coverage. (11) Therefore, the current
literature does not provide any contextual comparator for the findings
in this article.
Over the period of observation, there was some reduction in visits
to physicians for these complaints, and this was not similar between men
and women. There appear to be more women visiting physicians than men.
The reasons for this need to be explored in future research, but it
could be speculated that the finding is due, in part, to the greater
number of women than men who are working at minimum wage jobs (working
poor) and who thus experience greater financial barriers to accessing
dental care. (14) In Ontario, women also tend to cite cost more often
than men as a reason for not seeking dental care. (15) In the US, with a
dental care system similar to Canada's, more women than men report
poor oral health alongside self-reports of financial hardship in
accessing dental care, (16) so it may be that a low-income status for
women is more strongly associated with poor access to dental care.
The differences between children, adults and seniors also need to
be considered, as diagnoses are different for each age group. The number
of visits appears to be increasing (as shown in Table 2) for adults and
seniors with slight decreases over the years for children. It will be
valuable to monitor the rate of physician visits for dental issues for
different age groups, since most Ontario government-funded oral health
programs focus on low-income children. With the absolute numbers of
visits exceeding 208,000 per year, there is arguably a significant waste
of public funds for patient care, by providers who do not have the
appropriate training, skills and tools to treat and who are billing the
provincial, publicly funded health insurance program for these visits.
As mentioned, we acknowledge that some of the oral problems, such as
diseases of the salivary glands, are not completely out of
physicians' scope of practice; however, had these patients received
equal opportunity to access dental care for their oral problems, a shift
in patient load for such problems to dental offices could be expected.
This could reduce the burden on the health care system and wait times in
physicians' offices.
Between 2001 and 2011, there were 2,303,920 visits billed to OHIP
by medical services for oral health conditions. The lowest OHIP fee
charges are for a Minor Assessment (A001), currently billed at $21.70,
and the Intermediate Assessment (A007), currently billed at $33.70; both
may be used to bill for these visits. This would amount to costs ranging
from $50 million to $78 million in the last 10 years. These are public
funds that could have been more appropriately spent on public dental
care programming to prevent and treat oral health problems. Clearly, the
government needs to consider a more efficient and effective means to
provide appropriate, timely and accessible oral health care for those
people who are inappropriately seeking oral health care from medical
providers. This evidence is a strong signal to policy-makers that they
need to align policy changes with public health need. Again, these oral
health needs are not being treated by the appropriate professional, and
this could result in treatments that do not improve and may exacerbate
the condition, as such problems tend to worsen over time. Additionally,
it is reasonable to assume that some of the acute conditions present in
this study could have been avoided with preventive and/or timely
curative oral health care.
It also appears that more adults and seniors than children are
seeking care in physician offices, again representing poor use of public
funds. Redirection of these funds and new public investment in expanded
public oral health care programs for low-income adults and seniors would
arguably be a more effective approach to caring for the oral health
needs of vulnerable populations. Ultimately, appropriate care at the
right time in the right setting can be achieved through the
implementation of healthy public policy.
The primary limitation for this study is that there is no means to
validate the accuracy of the diagnosis in the Medical Service database
that contains the OHIP billing claims of providers. As well, salaried
providers, including physicians who work in community health centres,
were not included in the data. The mandate of the community health
centre sector is to serve the most marginalized populations, who may be
more vulnerable to oral health complaints and face greater financial
barriers to accessing appropriate oral health care, so the number of
visits to physicians for oral health problems is likely even higher.
While an economic perspective is given, a more detailed economic
evaluation needs to be part of future research in this area. We also
recommend that future research investigate additional socio-demographic
variables that correlate with these visits as a means to target the most
vulnerable. Given the differences in Ontario in how oral health care
programming is administered in municipalities, regional differences
should be explored.
In conclusion, this study will help to inform policy debates
regarding the health care impacts of poor access to dental care. The
patchwork of different programs that currently exists in Ontario, the
gaps in population coverage and the unnecessary costs of incomplete care
provided in physicians' offices suggest the need for public policy
discussion on how to achieve a better oral health care policy for
vulnerable populations.
(1.) Health Canada. Summary Report on the Findings of the Oral
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Available at: (Accessed September
28, 2014).
(2.) Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Improving Access to Oral
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(3.) Aslanyan G, Feller A, Goel V, Hawkins R, Quinonez C, Sharma P,
Tetley A. Staying ahead of the curve: A unified public oral health
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Association of Public Health Dentistry, 2012.
(4.) Service Ontario news release. Giving more kids access to free
dental care: Ontario expands Healthy Smiles Program, Ministry of Health
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(14.) Block S. Who is working for minimum wage in Ontario? Report.
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2013;103(8):1507-15. PMID: 23327271. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301145.
Received: October 16, 2014
Accepted: January 27, 2015
Nancy C. LaPlante, MSc, [1] Sonica Singhal, BDS, MPH, MSc, [2]
Jacquie Maund, MA, [3] Carlos Quinonez, DMD, MSc, PhD, FRCDC [2]
Author Affiliations
[1.] South Riverdale Community Health Centre, Toronto, ON
[2.] Dental Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
[3.] Association of Ontario Health Centres, Toronto, ON
Correspondence: Carlos Quinonez, Dental Public Health, University
of Toronto, 521B-124 Edward St, Toronto, ON M5G 1G6, Tel: [telephone]
416-979-4908, ext. 4491, E-mail:
Acknowledgements: In-kind support from South Riverdale Community
Health Centre and Association of Ontario Health Centres.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. ICD-9 codes for oral health-related diagnoses
ICD-9 Code Major disease group
521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
522 Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
523 Gingival and periodontal diseases
524 Dentofacial anomalies, including
525 Other diseases and conditions of the
teeth and supporting structures
526 Diseases of the jaws
527 Diseases of the salivary glands
528 Diseases of the oral soft tissues
excluding lesions specific for
gingiva and tongue
529 Diseases and other conditions of the tongue
Source: Medical Service, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO Data, last refreshed April 2014.
Table 2. Number of visits to physicians per 100,000 for oral
health-related complaints, by age and sex: 2001
to 2011
Year Sex 0-19 20-64 65 Sex-specific
years years +years age
2001 Female 1438.3 1445.6 1346.7 1431
Male 1379.7 1191.6 1173.2 1229
2002 Female 1444 1459.8 1324.4 1438
Male 1372.1 1193.6 1184.5 1230.9
2003 Female 1394 1415.1 1270.8 1390.9
Male 1341 1169.3 1169.8 1206.6
2004 Female 1457.6 1444.4 1301.6 1428.3
Male 1392.1 1191.5 1169.5 1231.4
2005 Female 1380 1443.7 1297.4 1409.3
Male 1313.8 1201.9 1218 1228.8
2006 Female 1372 1436 1219.8 1392.2
Male 1301 1218.7 1165.3 1227.8
2007 Female 1317.6 1415.7 1218.7 1366.5
Male 1274.7 1205.9 1155.2 1212.5
2008 Female 1322.4 1399.9 1205.2 1355.8
Male 1288.2 1201.8 1134.7 1209.6
2009 Female 1246.5 1367.2 1198.8 1316.6
Male 1230.2 1191 1139 1191
2010 Female 1287.2 1374.1 1198.7 1330.4
Male 1255.2 1192 1155.1 1199.7
2011 Female 1283 1381.4 1223.1 1337.4
Male 1242.8 1198.8 1139.7 1198.7
Source: Medical Service, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO Data, last refreshed April 2014.
Table 3. Proportion of visits to physicians by ICD-9 code
ICD 9: Diseases of the oral cavity, Proportion
salivary glands and jaws
525: Other diseases of the teeth and 33.20%
supporting structures
521: Diseases of hard tissues 23.60%
528: Diseases of the oral soft tissues 18.10%
excluding lesions specific for gingiva
and tongue
527: Diseases of the salivary glands 9.20%
524: Dental facial anomalies, including 8.60%
523: Gingival and periodontal diseases 7.20%
Other 0.10%
Source: Medical Service, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO Data, last refreshed April 2014.
Figure 1. Physician visits per 100,000 for oral health-related
complaints in Ontario: 2001-2011
Medical Service, Ontario Ministry of Health and
Long-Term Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO Data, last
refreshed April 2014.
Female * Male * Age--and
2001 1431 1229 1329
2002 1438 1231 1334
2003 1391 1207 1298
2004 1428 1231 1329
2005 1409 1229 1318
2006 1392 1228 1309
2007 1367 1213 1289
2008 1356 1210 1282
2009 1317 1191 1253
2010 1330 1200 1265
2011 1337 1199 1267
Note: Table made from line graph.
Figure 2. Oral health-related diagnoses by age group
Medical Service, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO Data, last refreshed
April 2014.
0-19 20-64 65+
528: Diseases of the oral soft 23% 15% 23%
tissues excluding lesions
specific for gingiva and
527: Diseases of the salivary 3% 9% 19%
525: Other diseases of the 37% 34% 23%
teeth and supporting
524: Dental facial anomalies, 5% 10% 8%
including malocclusion
523: Gingival and periodontal 5% 7% 10%
521: Diseases of hard tissues 27% 24% 17%
Note: Table made from bar graph.