Between a rock and a hard place: smoking trends in a Manitoba First Nation.
Riediger, Natalie D. ; Lukianchuk, Virginia ; Lix, Lisa M. 等
The harmful effects of smoking are well established and include
damage to cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic systems and
development of certain cancers. (1-4) In the general populations of the
United States and Canada, prevalence of smoking has decreased
substantially since the 1970s and smoking initiation has also dropped.
(5-7) Though some challenges remain, including flavoured tobacco
products and the increasing popularity of smokeless tobacco options like
e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco, strong public health efforts have
contributed to decreases in smoking prevalence and initiation.
Smoking continues to be a major health issue among some
populations. Indeed, significant disparities in prevalence and
initiation are found among some population groups, including those in
lower socio-economic strata and some marginalized populations. (7,8) In
Canada, one population group for which a disparity in smoking remains is
First Nations. While there has been an overall decrease in smoking
prevalence among Canadian Aboriginal populations, (1) including First
Nations, the Canadian Aboriginal population has a smoking prevalence
that is three times higher than the general Canadian population. (1)
There is also a higher burden of smoking-related conditions in First
Nations populations, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
diabetes-related neuropathy. (3,4,9-11) Although there are other
contributing factors to the chronic disease burden among First Nations,
smoking must be considered one of the major ones.
The purposes of this paper are to estimate and compare smoking
prevalence over two time periods in Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation as
well as estimate second-hand smoke exposure among adults, children and
youth, and age of smoking initiation. The community with which we
partner has a disproportionate burden of smoking-related chronic disease
compared to the general population, (10-13) and this study aims to
examine one particular risk factor, smoking, that can be targeted
through policy.
The study community is Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation, located in
southwest Manitoba, Canada. The nearest large urban centre is Winnipeg,
nearly 200 km away, and the community is accessible year round by road.
The total on-reserve population in 2011 was approximately 4100 people,
50% of whom were under 19 years of age.
Data from the 2002/2003 Diabetes Screening Study were included as a
baseline sample for the repeated cross-sectional design. Detail
regarding the 2002/2003 screening study can be found elsewhere. (11) The
second cross-sectional study (2011/2012) occurred between July 2011 and
June 2012 and has also been previously described. (10) Both studies were
approved by the University of Manitoba Health Research Ethics Board.
All adults [greater than or equal to]18 years of age and
non-pregnant were invited to participate in both study periods
(convenience samples). A random sampling strategy was not considered
acceptable to the study community. Inclusion criteria were: a registered
member of Sandy Bay First Nation or a registered member of another First
Nation but living in Sandy Bay. A total of 482 community members
participated in 2002/2003 or 44% of the eligible population. The sample
was representative of the community at the time of data collection
according to age, sex and employment status. (11) The 2011/2012 sample
recruited 596 participants, representing 28% of the eligible population.
We have previously reported that the sample is also representative of
the population according to age and sex, based on age and sex
distributions of the community population. (10) Overall, 171
participants were included in both samples. We attempted to follow up
with previous participants from 2002/2003 as well as recruit new
participants in 2011/2012. Participants from 2002/2003 not included in
the 2011/2012 sample were those who either declined to participate or
had passed away, or who we were unable to locate.
The main outcomes were current smoking status, ex-smoking status
(among ever smokers), and number of cigarettes smoked per day (among
current smokers). Current smoking includes occasional smokers.
Ex-smoking status was determined based on a positive response to
ever-smoking status and negative response to current smoking status.
Secondary outcomes were the proportion of non-smoking participants who
report presence of smokers in the home other than themselves and the
proportion among those with any children <18 years old in the home.
Adults were asked about number of children in the home; multiple adults
from one home may have been surveyed, therefore a home with children was
likely counted multiple times. This proportion is therefore not an
estimate of number of children exposed to smoke in the home but rather a
crude indicator of the potential burden of smoke exposure among
children. Another secondary outcome was the age at which participants
currently 18-29 years old started smoking, which was determined by
subtracting the number of years they reported smoking from their age.
This assumes no significant time period of smoking cessation.
Statistical analysis
The study samples were described on age, sex, education, employment
(either part-time or full-time), marital status, and fluency in an
Aboriginal language using frequencies and percentages. Overall crude and
sex- and age-specific prevalence (95% confidence interval) of current
smoking, second-hand smoke exposure, and no exposure was estimated for
each time period. Among ever-smokers, the prevalence of ex-smoking
status was estimated. The proportion of respondents who were current
smokers or who were exposed to cigarette smoke at home and who had any
children <18 years old in the home was reported. Age groups were
categorized as: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50 years and older. Median
number of cigarettes smoked per day was reported for current smokers as
well as categorized into tertiles. Mean age of smoking initiation was
estimated for respondents who were 18-29 years old at the time of each
Differences between time periods were tested using chi-square
statistics for categorical variables, t-tests for continuous variables,
and non-parametric tests for skewed variable (i.e. number of cigarettes
smoked per day). A generalized linear model with random intercept was
initially fit to the data to test for differences over time; however
this model did not converge, indicating that the amount of dependence
was too minimal to adopt a parametric model for clustered data. For all
estimates, 95% confidence intervals were computed. All statistical
analyses were conducted using the current version of SPSS (version 22).
Statistical significance was set at [alpha] = 0.05.
There were a total of 482 participants in the 2002/2003 sample and
596 participants in the 2011/2012 sample. Both samples have been
described in Table 1. The 2011/2012 sample is significantly younger (p =
0.001) but has similar proportions of men and women (p = 0.131). There
was a significantly lower proportion of respondents who reported
speaking an Aboriginal language fluently and who were employed in
2011/2012 compared to 2002/2003 (p < 0.001 and p = 0.002). There was
also a significantly higher proportion of respondents with highest level
of education > grade 9 in 2011/2012 compared to 2002/2003 (p
The crude prevalence of current smoking was 74.0% (95% CI: 70.1,
78.0) in 2002/2003 and 80.0% (95% CI: 76.8, 83.2) in 2011/ 2012. The
crude prevalence of current smoking was significantly higher in
2011/2012 compared to 2002/2003 according to [chi square]-test (p =
0.020). A sex-stratified analysis indicated that smoking prevalence
increased significantly among men (p = 0.015) but not among women (p =
0.394). The sex- and age-specific prevalences of current smoking in both
time periods are illustrated in Figure 1. The largest increase in
prevalence of smoking between time periods was seen in the 50+ age
group. Among men in this age group, the crude prevalence increased from
60.5% to 77.6%, and among women, from 50.0% to 67.3%. The highest
increase in any other age and sex group was among men aged 18-29 years,
where the crude prevalence of current smoking went from 73.6% to 83.7%.
While there was variability in the change in prevalence over time among
the age and sex groups, none of these differences were statistically
Among ever-smokers, prevalence of ex-smoking status ranged from
9-13% among men and women in both time periods (Table 2). Crude
prevalence of ex-smoking was not significantly different between time
periods (p = 0.424). Among current smokers, there was not a significant
difference in number of cigarettes smoked per day between time periods
according to tertiles (p = 0.595) or medians (men: p = 0.299; women: p =
0.637) (Table 2). The number of cigarettes smoked per day according to
tertiles also did not differ between the sexes in either time period
(2002/2003 p = 0.394; 2011/2012 p = 0.897).
Among participants who were not current smokers, 58.5% (95% CI:
49.6, 67.4) and 76.5% (95% CI: 68.9, 84.1) reported at least one person
who smoked in the home in 2002/2003 and 2011/2012 respectively (p =
0.003). In other words, only 11.4% and 4.7% of the samples were not
current smokers and were also not exposed to second-hand smoke in the
home in 2002/2003 and 2011/2012 respectively. In 2011/2012, among those
who reported having any children under the age of 18 living in the home,
96.5% (95% CI: 94.8, 98.2) were current smokers and/or reported that
someone else smoked in the home.
Among current smokers 18-29 years old, the average age that they
started smoking was not significantly younger in 2011/2012 compared to
2002/2003 (independent sample t-test; p = 0.203). Among those 18-29
years old, the mean age reported at which they started smoking was 16.1
(SD: 3.36) years old in 2002/2003 compared to 15.6 (SD: 2.85) years old
in 2011/2012.
The proportion of current smokers in the study community in 2011
(80.0%) was considerably higher than the Canadian prevalence (19.9%).
(5) Similarly, the proportion of current smokers in 2002/2003, at 74.0%,
was higher compared to the general First Nations population in 2002.
According to the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs' review of the First
Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey, 62.4% of First Nation
adults are current smokers, including occasional smokers. (14)
Community-specific data from Sandy Lake First Nation, Ontario indicated
that 82% of youth aged 15-19 were current smokers (data collected
between 1993 and 1995). (4) This prevalence is similar to the prevalence
reported here for those 18-29 years old at 85.2% and 78.4% for men and
women respectively in 2011/2012.
Godel and colleagues (1) reported that the smoking prevalence is
slowly decreasing among the Canadian Aboriginal population. It must be
noted that their conclusion was drawn from multiple studies completed
during an earlier time period and across various First
Nations/Aboriginal groups. In contrast, the crude prevalence of current
smoking was significantly higher in 2011/ 2012 compared to 2002/2003 in
the study community. The largest increase in prevalence of smoking was
seen in the 50+ age group. This increase in current smoking prevalence
was likely partly driven by a cohort effect; that is, those previously
in the 40-49 year age group in 2002/2003 have now moved into the 50+ age
range, along with their high smoking prevalence. A second driving force
behind this increase in prevalence of current smoking appears to be an
increased number of young men beginning smoking. In addition, other
research has shown that over half of smokers on-reserve start smoking
between the ages of 13 and 16, (15) which is similar to the age of
initiation reported here. Therefore, the increase in smoking prevalence
is likely not driven by individuals over 18 years old who have now
started smoking.
The increase in smoking may be due to increased social pressures to
smoke. Others have shown that while parent and sibling smoking were not
associated with youth smoking, having friends who smoked was. (16)
Similarly, the presence of another smoker in the home was the strongest
risk factor identified for current smoking among Manitoba First Nations
pregnant women. (17) A qualitative study among BC First Nation women
also reported that smoking has an important social dimension, which
increases the pressure to smoke. (18) Specifically, Bingo halls were
identified as a social gathering, which promoted group smoking. (19)
Similarly, authors of a qualitative study including Australian
Aboriginal women reported social networks and the normalization of
smoking within these networks as a major theme in the initiation of
smoking in this population. (20) Although this discussion is based on
results from other Indigenous communities, which may not be applicable
to the study community, these results highlight the potential
'double-edged sword' role for possible relations between
tobacco use and social cohesion and social relationships among First
Nations communities.
Lemstra and colleagues (16) report that smoking youth in a
Saskatchewan First Nation were more likely to report stress as a reason
to start smoking compared to non-smoking youth. Previous qualitative
research in the current study community also indicates stress as a major
contributor to smoking (unpublished data). In addition, qualitative data
from a nutrition study recently completed with this study community
suggest smoking may be used as a coping strategy for dealing with hunger
and food insecurity (unpublished data). Therefore, beyond addiction,
these factors must also be taken into account when attempting to address
smoking rates in the community.
Policy strategies employed in the general population, such as media
campaigns, smoking cessation services, community awareness initiatives,
smoke-free spaces, litigation, and taxation of tobacco products, have
proven effective in reducing population smoking rates. (21,22) However,
in Canada as well as other developed countries, smoking rates have
decreased over time to a much greater extent among those with higher
levels of education compared to those with less education. (6-8)
Recently, Dwyer-Lindgren and colleagues (7) also report the persistence
of higher rates of smoking among American counties with large Native
American populations. These results indicate that the previously
mentioned policy strategies have been much less effective in low
socio-economic groups, including indigenous populations. This difference
in effectiveness of policy interventions targeting smoking may be
responsible for increasing or maintaining the health equity gap. In this
regard, Tjepkema and colleagues (23) have recently reported
disease-specific variation in the association between measures of
socio-economic status and age-standardized mortality rates of various
causes of death. Many of the largest gaps were for causes of death
closely associated with smoking, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and lung cancer.
Another important consideration in the discussion regarding smoking
among First Nations is the issue of sovereignty. Tobacco sales are an
important contributor to some First Nations economies and a source of
self-determination. Also, most of the previously listed policies are not
in effect on-reserve due to jurisdictional differences with regard to
tobacco. Tobacco products are exempt from taxation on-reserve, making
the average cost for a carton of cigarettes sold on-reserve to a First
Nation person 44% less compared to a carton purchased off-reserve.
According to Bill C-93, First Nation communities have the authority to
tax tobacco products sold to First Nation and non-First Nation people.
(22) However, as reported by the Canadian Revenue Agency in 2006, fewer
than 2% of bands tax tobacco. (22) A detailed commentary on the
implementation, benefits and challenges of a tobacco tax in a First
Nation community has previously been reported. (22) However, what is not
discussed by Samji and Wardman is the close geographical proximity
between some First Nation communities, particularly for the study
community, which suggests that individual community laws would be
ineffective. Additionally, Wardman and Khan (24) suggest that tobacco
taxation may not be culturally appropriate for First Nation communities
and the effectiveness of tobacco taxation on smoking rates in First
Nation communities has not been investigated. For any policy to be
effective, there must be agreement by more than individual First Nation
communities. Policies to address smoking on-reserve must also
acknowledge and allow for the important traditional use of tobacco for
First Nations people.
While we do not report the proportion of children exposed to smoke
in the home directly, our results indicate a high burden of exposure.
The proportion of children exposed to household second-hand smoke is
likely less than the 96% estimated here because we surveyed multiple
adults per household as compared to children directly; nevertheless, the
exposure prevalence is still very high. Smoke exposure among children in
the community is concerning for three reasons: second-hand smoke, role
modeling of smoking, and increased access. The dangers of second-hand
smoke for children have been well documented. (25,26) In 2008, a law was
instituted in Manitoba that prohibited anyone from smoking tobacco in a
motor vehicle with children under the age of 16. (27) As of 2010, seven
Canadian provinces and territories have enacted similar laws protecting
children from tobacco smoke in motor vehicles. (26) However, children
are not protected in the home, which further increases the likelihood
that children will take up smoking during their youth. This combined
with the decreasing smoking rate among the general Canadian population
suggests that the health equity gap will further increase for
smoking-related diseases between First Nations and non-First Nations
There are several important strengths and limitations of the study.
First, in keeping with the community-based participatory framework, the
researcher team will continue to work with the community to translate
the findings and support policy changes at the community level. Second,
this study provides a rich description of changes with regard to an
important public health-related behaviour in this population. With
respect to limitations, data for smoke exposure among children were not
collected in 2002/2003. Issues of sample dependence may also be
considered a limitation as well as representativeness of the study
samples. The study was limited by the convenience sampling strategy;
however, our community partners agree that the results reflect their
perceptions of community socio-demographic distributions and smoking
behaviours. Finally, there may be limited external generalizability to
other Canadian First Nations communities. However, it has recently been
reported using the Manitoba First Nations Regional Health Survey, that
smoking among pregnant First Nations women in Manitoba has also
increased from 1997/98 to 2008/2010. (17) Therefore, the rise in current
smoking in this community may reflect increasing rates in other First
Nation communities in Manitoba as well.
In conclusion, culturally appropriate public health and policy
initiatives are needed to address the burden of smoking in the First
Nations population. These efforts must be led by First Nations in
partnership with public health agencies and other government
organizations. This research also indicates that smoke exposure among
non-smokers has significantly increased and modeling of smoking to
children is high, which does not give rise to optimistic expectations
for lowered smoking prevalence or reductions in the health equity gap in
the near future.
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Received: December 4, 2014
Accepted: February 12, 2015
Natalie D. Riediger, PhD, [1,2] Virginia Lukianchuk, BN, [3] Lisa
M. Lix, PhD, [1] Lawrence Elliott, MD, [1] Sharon G. Bruce, PhD [1]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Department of Community Health Sciences, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB
[2.] Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB
[3.] Sandy Bay Health Centre, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation,
Marius, MB Correspondence: Dr. Sharon Bruce, PhD, Department of
Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba,
S113-750 Bannatyne Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3, Tel: 204-975-7745, E-mail: Acknowledgements: This study was funded by the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Manitoba Health
Research Council (MHRC). Natalie Riediger is the recipient of a CIHR
Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral
Award (2009-2012), an MHRC Studentship (2012-2014), a Manitoba Network
Environment for Aboriginal Health Research Award (2011-2013), as well as
top-up funding from the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine,
Faculty of Graduate Studies, and Department of Community Health
Sciences. We acknowledge the support of the study community and research
participants as well as all those involved in data collection.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Description of the study samples (n (%))
2002/2003 2011/2012
(n = 482) (n = 596) p-value
Men 230 (47.7) 313 (52.5) 0.117
Women 252 (52.3) 283 (47.5)
Age group, years
18-29 142 (29.5) 237 (39.8) 0.001
30-39 144 (29.9) 127 (21.3)
40-49 108 (22.4) 134 (22.5)
>50 88 (18.3) 98 (16.4)
Highest level
of education
< grade 9* 248 (53.0) 159 (27.2) <0.001
> grade 9 220 (47.0) 426 (72.8)
Yes 137 (28.8) 123 (20.6) 0.002
No 338 (71.2) 473 (79.4)
Marital status
Never married 184 (39.3) 189 (36.1) 0.070
Married/common-law 255 (54.5) 281 (53.7)
Separated/ 29 (6.2) 53 (10.1)
Speak an Aboriginal
language fluently
Yes 407 (86.2) 382 (64.1) <0.001
No 65 (13.8) 214 (35.9)
* Based on median split in 2003 sample.
* Based on x2 test.
Table 2. Crude prevalence (95% confidence interval) of
smoking-related behaviours in a Canadian First Nation community
Men Women
Current smoker 72.7 (66.9, 78.5) 75.3 (69.9, 80.7)
Ex-smoker * 8.8 (4.7, 13.0) 12.5 (8.0, 17.0)
Number of cigarettes
smoked/day ([dagger])
[less than or equal 25.8 (19.1, 32.5) 30.1 (23.4, 36.7)
to] 5 per day
6-11 per day 28.2 (21.3, 35.1) 34.4 (27.5, 41.3)
>11 per day 46.0 (38.4, 53.7) 35.5 (28.6, 42.5)
Median (IQR) 10.0 (5.0, 15.0) 10.0 (5.0, 12.0)
Men Women
Current smoker 81.4 (77.1, 85.7) 78.5 (73.7, 83.3)
Ex-smoker * 11.8 (8.1, 15.5) 13.3 (9.1, 17.4)
Number of cigarettes
smoked/day ([dagger])
[less than or equal 27.1 (21.6, 32.5) 32.1 (26.0, 38.3)
to] 5 per day
6-11 per day 33.3 (27.5, 39.1) 33.9 (27.7, 40.2)
>11 per day 39.6 (33.6, 45.6) 33.9 (27.7, 40.2)
Median (IQR) 10.0 (5.0, 12.0) 8.0 (5.0, 12.0)
* Among ever-smokers.
([dagger]) Among current smokers.