Racial discrimination, post-traumatic stress and prescription drug problems among aboriginal Canadians.
Currie, Cheryl ; Wild, T. Cameron ; Schopflocher, Donald 等
Aboriginal peoples experience a disproportionate burden of drug
problems with serious implications for health. (1,2) To date, we do not
have a common understanding of the determinants underlying these
disparities. Research suggests that a social determinant of particular
relevance for health disparities is racial discrimination. (3-7) In
Canada, racism and its impacts on Aboriginal health have received little
attention in the scientific literature. Racism is an ideology that ranks
some groups as inferior on the basis of their ethnicity or phenotypic
characteristics. (8) Racism informs action by justifying the prejudicial
attitudes and unfair treatment (discrimination) of individuals and
institutions against visible minorities. (8) Targets are aware of some
of the discriminatory behaviour directed at them, which often generates
significant levels of stress. (9)
A number of conceptual models have been used to describe the
impacts of discrimination on health. A prevailing paradigm is the stress
and coping framework. This model focuses on the psychological stress
associated with discrimination and the use of coping strategies to
control these reactions. (10) Currently, the boundaries of the framework
are being pushed by an expanding body of evidence suggesting that
individuals may have visceral reactions to discrimination that extend
beyond their psychological control. More than a dozen experimental
studies now document that discrimination causes visceral physiologic
stress responses across racial groups. (3) Discrimination has been
associated not only with poor mental health but also stress-induced
endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular dysfunction, shortened telomere
length, and other markers of accelerated aging. (11) Discrimination may
also reduce an individual's self-control resources, resulting in
less energy to elicit effective coping strategies and behavioural
choices. (3) Pertinent to this study, longitudinal research has shown
that discrimination results in prospective increases in substance use
over time. (7) Although the mechanisms through which discrimination
impacts substance use likely extend beyond psychological stress or
distress, explanations are often limited to these emotions. A few
studies have considered the impacts of discrimination on the development
of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (11-15) For example, a recent
study found PTSD symptoms can explain associations between
discrimination and health behaviour, including substance use. (5) Yet
research to date has not examined whether associations between
discrimination and substance use are best explained by symptoms of
psychological stress, distress or PTSD. The objectives of the current
study were to 1) examine associations between racial discrimination and
drug problems among urban-based Aboriginal Canadians, and 2) determine
whether these associations were best explained by symptoms of
psychological stress, distress or PTSD.
We organized and worked collaboratively with an Aboriginal Advisory
Committee comprising key stakeholders within the Edmonton Aboriginal
community. Together we set study priorities, selected measures and
decided how data would be collected. After a pilot study, it was
determined that an in-person survey would be administered to a
community-based sample of adults who self-identified as Aboriginal in
Edmonton. Random sampling was cost-prohibitive given Aboriginal adults
make up less than 5% of the population in this city. Instead,
participants were recruited using posters placed in public spaces (e.g.,
stores, malls, coffee shops) and organizations offering social,
educational, employment and housing opportunities. Advertisements were
also placed in community newspapers and e-newsletters. The range and
breadth of advertisement locations were carefully considered, taking
into consideration the socio-demographic profile and geographic
distribution of Aboriginal peoples in Edmonton. To increase
generalizability, snowball sampling was avoided. No advertising took
place in drinking establishments or treatment centres. Recruitment
adverts asked whether individuals were interested in taking part in an
Aboriginal health study and provided contact information to set up a
one-on-one appointment with a research assistant.
Data were collected from May to December 2010. Written consent was
obtained from all participants. The study protocol was approved by the
Human Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. Each
participant completed a questionnaire package by hand (mean completion
time = 70 minutes). Participants were asked whether they would like the
questionnaire read to them; all declined. An assistant remained in the
room at all times working at another desk to answer questions during
survey completion. Each participant was given an honorarium of $25 for
his or her time.
Outcome variables
Drug problems were assessed using two applications of the Drug Use
Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT), an 11-item psychometrically
validated screening tool for drug problems. (16) Scores range from 0 to
44. Validation research suggests that scores 2 standard deviations above
the mean may indicate a drug problem, which has translated to [greater
than or equal to] 6 for men and [greater than or equal to] 2 for general
populations. The DUDIT has sensitivity and specificity scores of 0.90
and 0.85 respectively when a cut-off of [greater than or equal to] 8 is
used in a clinical sample. (16,17) To assess prescription drug problems,
the first question was modified from "How often do you use drugs
other than alcohol" to "How often do you use prescription pain
killers, sedatives, tranquilizers or stimulants?" Remaining items
were modified by including "prescription" before
"drug" (e.g., how often over the past year have you taken
prescription drugs and then neglected to do something you should have
done?). To differentiate the second screen for illicit drugs, question 1
was modified to "How often do you use illegal drugs?"
Subsequent questions were modified by including "illegal" in
front of "drug" for each question. In the current study, the
internal consistency of the DUDIT was excellent (a = 0.91 and 0.92 for
prescription and illicit drug versions of the measure respectively).
Exposure variable
The Experiences of Discrimination (EOD) Scale is a valid and
reliable measure of self-reported racial discrimination that has been
used across many ethnic groups. (18) The situation score is derived by
counting the number of situations (0 to 9) in which racial
discrimination has been experienced. Previous research suggests that
Aboriginal Canadians experience high levels of racism; thus the scale
was adjusted to measure experiences in the past 12 months to achieve
sufficient variability. (19) Each question was worded as follows, with
information in brackets reflecting words added and X reflecting the
situation tested: (In the past 12 months) have you experienced
discrimination, been prevented from doing something, or been hassled or
made to feel inferior at X because of your (Aboriginal) race, ethnicity
or colour? Internal consistency of the measure in this study was good
([alpha] = 0.82). Additional EOD questions examined discrimination
experienced in childhood. (18)
The PTSD Checklist (PCL)-Civilian Version assessed PTSD symptoms.
(20) The measure assesses 17 symptoms occurring in the past month,
ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely). Items were summed to
obtain a total score (range = 17 to 85). A meta-analysis of the PCL
concluded that it is a well-validated measure with good temporal
stability, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent
validity across ethnically diverse populations. (21) In the current
study, internal consistency was excellent ([alpha] = 0.95).
Psychological Stress
The 10-item Perceived Stress and Coping Scale is one of the most
widely used measures of psychological stress. Items assess the extent to
which individuals have experienced symptoms of stress in the past month
using a 5-point scale from "never" to "often". (22)
Scores range from 0 to 40. In the current study, the internal
consistency was good ([alpha] = 0.85).
Psychological Distress
The 12-item General Health Questionnaire is a widely used
psychological distress screen. Items assess the severity of general
psychological distress in the past few weeks using a 4-point scale from
"much less than usual" to "more than usual". Scores
range from 0 to 36.23 In the current study, internal consistency was
good ([alpha] = 0.82).
Gender, age, marital status, education, employment and household
income were assessed. Consistent with previous studies, a large
percentage of Aboriginal adults left income blank (40.4%). (19) As this
was anticipated, participants were also asked if they had experienced
poverty in their lifetime (never, as a child only, as an adult only, all
my life). Few (2%) left this question blank. This variable was used to
adjust for poverty across the life course. To control for other forms of
trauma shown to influence PTSD and substance abuse, participants were
asked whether they had been separated from their parents in childhood
(yes or no) and whether they had experienced physical or sexual abuse in
childhood (yes or no). (24) Enculturation and acculturation were
measured using the Vancouver Index (25) and were controlled for in
models given that each has been associated with discrimination and
substance use. (19,26,27)
Analysis strategy
Associations between discrimination and drug problems were examined
using bootstrapped linear regression models and 95% confidence intervals
(CIs) (k = 5000). (28) All variables were analyzed in continuous form
and adjusted for confounders selected a priori using existing literature
(age, gender, education, marital status, unemployment status, life
course poverty, childhood trauma). Statistical interactions were
examined using Loess curves and hierarchical F tests; (29) none were
found. Mediation was examined using a multivariate approach to the
cross-products of coefficients method developed by Preacher and Hayes.
(28) A total of 5,000 random samples of the original size were taken
from the data with replacement, and the indirect effect (a*b) was
computed for each sample (Figure 1). The point estimate of the indirect
effect was the mean a*b value computed over the samples, with 95% CIs
derived from the obtained distribution of a*b scores. (24) If the upper
and lower bounds of these bias-corrected CIs did not contain zero, the
indirect effect was significant. Only values that reached conventional
levels of significance (p [less than or equal to] 0.05) were
The mean age of participants was 35.2 years (SD = 11.5, range = 18
to 79 years). The sample included approximately 20% more women than men,
which is consistent with the gender distribution of Aboriginal adults in
Edmonton (Table 1). (30) Reported household income and educational
attainment also matched population-based estimates. There were more
unmarried and unemployed participants than would be expected if random
sampling had been used. (30) About a quarter of the sample had never
lived in poverty, while 30% had lived in poverty all their lives. On
average, participants had lived in Edmonton for 15 years (SD = 12.3,
range 0.8 to 60 years).
Racial discrimination
Approximately 8 in 10 participants had experienced discrimination
due to Aboriginal race in the past year, most frequently in public
spaces, stores and restaurants, and at work. Krieger and colleagues
define high and moderate discrimination by situation scores of 3 to 9
and 1 to 2 respectively. (31) Using these criteria, 51.3% of Aboriginal
adults experienced high and 29.8% moderate levels of discrimination in
the past year (M = 3.3 situations, SD = 2.7, range = 0-9). Levels of
discrimination in the past year were positively correlated with levels
experienced in childhood (r = 0.49, p < 0.001), highlighting the
importance of viewing discrimination as a life course variable. The
extent to which participants were engaged in Aboriginal culture was
associated with more frequent discrimination in the past year (partial r
= 0.15, p = 0.008 adjusting for age, gender, education, unemployment,
marital status and poverty).
Discrimination and drug problems
The mean prescription drug problem score (4.63, SD = 8.53, range =
0 to 44) was lower than the mean illicit drug problem score (8.45, SD =
11.02, range = 0 to 44). Racial discrimination was significantly and
positively associated with illicit drug problems in an unadjusted model
(B = 0.59, 95% CI 0.12-1.10). After adjustment for covariates this
association was no longer significant (B = 0.18, 95% CI 0.32-0.66).
Unemployment, life course poverty and separation from parents in
childhood were the strongest correlates of illicit drug problems in this
study. Racial discrimination was significantly and positively associated
with prescription drug problems in unadjusted and adjusted models (Table
Post-traumatic Stress as a Mediator
Post-traumatic stress scores ranged from 17 to 85 (M = 40.0, SD =
15.9). Mediators of the association between discrimination and illicit
drug score were not tested given that the c pathway was not significant.
A mediational analysis of the association between discrimination and
prescription drug score began with a test of pathway a (Figure 1). Using
the Preacher and Hayes method, the association between past-year
discrimination (exposure) and PTSD symptomology (outcome) was tested in
a bootstrapped, fully adjusted model. As shown in Figure 2, PTSD score
increased by 1.22 points for each additional situation in which racism
was experienced over the past year. PTSD symptomology was also
significantly associated with prescription drug problems (i.e., pathway
Next, the indirect ab pathway was computed across 5,000 random
samples of the original size with replacement. The indirect effect (ab)
was automatically computed for each sample. The mean ab value (point
estimate) obtained from the bootstrapped distribution of ab scores was
0.18 (bootstrapped standard error [SE] = 0.06, bias corrected 95% CI
0.07-0.31). Given that the upper and lower bounds of the CI did not
contain zero, the indirect effect was significant, implying that PTSD
symptomology mediated the association between exposure to discrimination
and prescription drug problems. Discrimination was no longer
significantly associated with prescription drug problems once PTSD score
was included in the model (B = 0.33, p = 0.06), suggesting that PTSD
symptomology partially accounted for this association.
Testing Alternative Mediators
Psychological stress and distress scores ranged from 2 to 37 (M =
19.0, SD = 5.90) and 0 to 34 (M = 15.6, SD = 6.16) respectively. The
analysis described above was rerun to test these variables as mediators.
As shown in Table 3, psychological stress was significantly associated
with prescription drug problems (partial r = 0.18, p < 0.05) but not
with discrimination (partial r = 0.09, p > 0.05) in an adjusted
model. The indirect mean ab value was 0.05 (bootstrapped SE = 0.03, bias
corrected 95% CI 0.01-0.13) and thus non-significant, suggesting
psychological stress did not mediate the association between experiences
of racism and drug problem score. Similarly, psychological distress was
associated with prescription drug problems (partial r = 0.24, p <
0.01) but not with discrimination (partial r = 0.01, p > 0.05) in an
adjusted model. The indirect mean ab value was 0.007 (bootstrapped SE =
0.05, bias corrected 95% CI 0.09-0.09), suggesting psychological
distress did not mediate the association between experiences of racism
and drug problem score. In a final step, psychological stress, distress
and PTSD scores were examined as mediators in the same model, thus
adjusting for the covariance between them. PTSD remained a significant
mediator in this model (indirect mean ab value = 0.15, bootstrapped SE =
0.06, bias corrected 95% CI 0.05-0.29). Neither psychological stress nor
distress was statistically significant in the omnibus model.
High levels of discrimination were reported by Aboriginal adults
living in a mid-sized city in western Canada. Discrimination has been
associated cross-sectionally with lifetime prescription drug use and
prospectively with substance use problems. (7,32) This study builds on
these findings using more proximate measures, documenting a positive
association between racial discrimination experienced in the past year
and prescription drug problems in the past year. In a fully adjusted
model, prescription drug problem score increased by one-half point for
each additional situation in which discrimination was experienced in the
past year. This increase is substantial given validation studies
recommend women with DUDIT scores of 2 and men with DUDIT scores of 6
undergo diagnostic testing for a drug use disorder. (16,17)
This study also documents a positive association between racism
experienced in the past year and PTSD symptoms experienced in the past
month that could not be explained by other events such as childhood
separation from parents, abuse in childhood and exposure to poverty over
the life course. In mediation models, PTSD symptoms explained the
association between racial discrimination and prescription drug problems
among Aboriginal adults; general psychological stress and distress did
not. PTSD symptoms also explained this association when the covariance
between psychological mediators was controlled, suggesting that symptoms
specific to post-traumatic stress (e.g., feeling watchful/on guard,
feeling jumpy, feeling one's future may be cut short) explained the
association between discrimination and prescription drug problems rather
than general symptoms of stress (e.g., feeling stressed/worried, loss of
interest in normal activities, difficulty concentrating).
A model that may be derived from these findings posits that racial
discrimination results in states of distress and suffering consistent
with PTSD symptoms, and that Aboriginal adults who experience high
levels of racism may develop prescription drug problems in their efforts
to cope with these experiences. It is acknowledged that the current
study cannot infer temporal sequence. However, the form of
discrimination measured in this study is based on race, a characteristic
that does not vary within an individual over time. Thus, it may be
argued that race-based discrimination is a fixed marker over the life
course, making it, by definition, an antecedent to outcomes such as PTSD
and drug problems. (33) The current findings support this assertion,
documenting a positive correlation (r = 0.49) between levels of racial
discrimination experienced in childhood and levels of discrimination
experienced in the past year as an adult.
This study also found that Aboriginal adults living in an urban
setting who participated in their cultural traditions experienced a
backlash through more frequent experiences of discrimination,
replicating previous research in Canada and Australia. (19,26) Racial
identity development, which often includes increased cultural
participation, has been recommended as a coping strategy for racism.
(34) The current findings combine with others to suggest that this is
not enough. Efforts to strengthen Aboriginal identity and cultural
continuity in cities must take place alongside efforts to decrease the
amount of racial discrimination Aboriginal people experience in the
urban environment. These findings also suggest that future research
examining the impacts of Aboriginal cultural traditions on health should
consider discrimination as a potential confounder of these associations
in statistical models.
The limitations of this study include the use of a cross-sectional
design, self-report measures and a volunteer sample of participants.
Prospective studies are needed to replicate the associations documented
and test the temporal sequence of events implied by these findings.
Larger samples are needed to replicate the non-significant association
between discrimination and illicit drug problems after adjustment for
confounders, as this association has been documented both
cross-sectionally and longitudinally among other ethnic groups. (5,7)
The strengths of the study include guidance by an Aboriginal Advisory
Committee, past-year assessments of exposures and outcomes, the use of
validated measures, adjustment for confounders, and the testing of
alternative mediators.
Most efforts to address Aboriginal health inequities in Canada have
focused on the role Aboriginal people play in these disparities and the
changes these populations need to make to resolve them. The current
findings combine with others to call for an expanded focus.
Non-Indigenous Canadians may also play a role in the health inequities
observed. Discrimination arises from social arrangements that are
potentially remedial. (10) The findings of this study suggest efforts to
reduce the amount of racial discrimination experienced by Aboriginal
adults in cities may reduce PTSD symptomology and prescription drug
problems in these populations.
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PMID: 19127420. doi: 10.1007/s10865-008-9193-0.
Received: January 16, 2015
Accepted: June 5, 2015
Cheryl Currie, PhD, [1] T. Cameron Wild, PhD, [2] Donald
Schopflocher, PhD, [2] Lory Laing, PhD2
[1.] Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge,
Lethbridge, AB
[2.] School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
Correspondence: Cheryl Currie, PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Lethbridge--M3083 Markin Hall, 4401 University Drive,
Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4, Tel: 403-332-4060, E-mail:
Funding sources: This study was funded by the Alberta Gambling
Research Institute and the Alberta Centre for Child, Family &
Community Research (ACCFCR). C. Currie was salary-supported by awards
from Alberta Innovates: Health Solutions and ACCFCR during the course of
this research.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of sample
Characteristic Sample N (%)
Total sample 372 (100)
Aboriginal group
First Nation/Aboriginal 275 (76.6)
Metis/mixed ancestry 81 (22.6)
Inuit 3 (0.3)
Male 150 (41.4)
Female 212 (58.6)
Age quartiles (years)
18-24 83 (23.3)
25-34 92 (25.8)
35-44 97 (27.2)
[greater than or equal to] 45 84 (23.6)
Marital status
Never married 156 (43.2)
Married/cohabiting 139 (41.3)
Not currently married 56 (15.5)
<High school diploma 159 (45.2)
High school diploma 39 (11.1)
Some university/college 85 (24.1)
University/college degree 69 (19.6)
Employed full/part-time 96 (26.7)
Unemployed 159 (44.2)
Student 86 (23.9)
Retired or homemaker 19 (5.3)
Household income
<$10,000 54 (24.4)
$10,000-$19,999 48 (21.7)
$20,000-$39,999 57 (25.3)
$40,000-$59,999 24 (10.9)
[greater than or equal to] $60,000 39 (10.5)
Question not answered 150 (40.4)
Lived in poverty
Never 92 (26.0)
As a child 97 (27.4)
As adult 60 (16.9)
All my life 105 (29.7)
Table 2. Bootstrapped point estimates and bias-corrected
95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the direct effects of
racial discrimination on prescription drug problem score *
Model 1
B (95% CI) Standard [beta]
Racism score 0.74 (0.35, 1.15) 0.21 0.23
Life course poverty
Parental separation
Abuse as child
Model 2 Adjusted R2=0.17
B (95% CI) Standard [beta]
Racism score 0.51 (0.11, 0.93)# 0.20# 0.17#
Age 0.06 (-0.02, 0.15) 0.04 0.08
Gender -0.38 (-1.52, 2.27) 0.94 -0.02
Education -1.36 (-2.08, -0.71)# 0.36# -0.20#
Unemployed 2.62 (0.68, 4.43)# 0.97# 0.16#
Divorced/separated -0.70 (-3.20, 1.90) 1.30 -0.03
Life course poverty 1.01 (0.128 1.85)# 0.40# 0.13#
Parental separation 1.45 (-0.42, 3.33) 0.95 0.09
Abuse as child -0.86 (-2.83, 1.16) 0.97 -0.05
Enculturation -0.78 (-1.70, -0.07)# 0.41## -0.13#
Acculturation 0.90 (0.21, 1.63)# 0.35# 0.13#
* Significant results are provided in bold. Model 1 provides
an unadjusted estimate of the main exposure. Model 2 is
adjusted for covariates.
Note: Significant results are indicated with #.
Table 3. Pearson's r correlations between racial discrimination,
prescription drug problem score and potential
psychological mediators
1 2 3
1. Racial discrimination score 1.0 0.16 * 0.20 **
2. Prescription drug score 0.23 ** 1.0 0.31 **
3. PTSD symptom severity score 0.31 ** 0.36 ** 1.0
4. Psychological stress score 0.21 ** 0.27 ** 0.57 **
5. Psychological distress score 0.09 0.27 ** 0.37 **
4 5
1. Racial discrimination score 0.09 0.01
2. Prescription drug score 0.18 * 0.24 **
3. PTSD symptom severity score 0.48 ** 0.32 **
4. Psychological stress score 1.0 0.41 **
5. Psychological distress score 0.45 ** 1.0
Notes: Zero order correlations are represented below the
diagonal (of 1.0 values); partial correlations adjusted for
age, gender, education, employment, marital status, life
course poverty, enculturation, acculturation, separation
from parents in childhood, and abuse in childhood are
represented above the diagonal.
* p <0.05; ** p <0.01.