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  • 标题:An investigation of the healthy migrant hypothesis: pre-emigration characteristics of those in the British 1946 birth cohort study.
  • 作者:Fuller-Thomson, Esme ; Brennenstuhl, Sarah ; Cooper, Rachel
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 期号:November
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:Often studied in the context of individuals migrating from lower- to higher-resource countries, the healthy migrant effect in those relocating from one high-resource country to another has been investigated in fewer studies (although there are exceptions (4,6,10)). Moreover, substantiating evidence of positive health selection, such as comparisons of pre-emigration health profiles with those of individuals remaining in the sending country, is lacking, especially evidence based on prospective data from a country of origin. Studying the movement of individuals between high-resource countries is important for a better understanding of how health is distributed within and across nations. In the current study, we use the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD), the oldest British birth cohort study, started in 1946, to investigate the healthy migrant effect among those leaving Britain by comparing their childhood health with that of their contemporaries who stayed. The UK's long history of emigration makes it a good country to study health and migratory selection processes. Moreover, because many of its post-war emigrants would have migrated to other Commonwealth countries, (11) this cohort provides a good case study of the relationship between health and migration among higher-income countries. Canada has historically received large numbers of British emigrants. According to 2011 census data, approximately 5% of adults aged 65 and older living in Canada were born in the UK. (12)
  • 关键词:Emigration and immigration;Immigrants;Morbidity;Mortality;Public health;Sociological research

An investigation of the healthy migrant hypothesis: pre-emigration characteristics of those in the British 1946 birth cohort study.

Fuller-Thomson, Esme ; Brennenstuhl, Sarah ; Cooper, Rachel 等

Increasingly, studies on large immigrant-recipient countries, such as Canada, (1,2) the US (3-5) and Australia, (6) reveal that immigrants have better morbidity and mortality outcomes than non-immigrants, once adjustments have been made for socio-economic position (SEP). Researchers propose that this may be due to the "healthy migrant effect": individuals who are in better health are more likely to choose to migrate (i.e., self-selection) and/or are given preference by receiving countries (i.e., external selection through health examinations of prospective immigrants). That is, factors contributing to the healthy immigrant effect may begin prior to migration itself. (7) This explanation is supported by research showing that immigrants have better health in their host countries than non-migrants in their countries of origin. (5) It is also consistent with evidence that positive health selection in migrant populations begins as far back as childhood. For example, several studies have shown that Mexican immigrants to the US are taller than their American-born counterparts (8) and their same-age counterparts who did not migrate or who migrated and then returned home. (9)

Often studied in the context of individuals migrating from lower- to higher-resource countries, the healthy migrant effect in those relocating from one high-resource country to another has been investigated in fewer studies (although there are exceptions (4,6,10)). Moreover, substantiating evidence of positive health selection, such as comparisons of pre-emigration health profiles with those of individuals remaining in the sending country, is lacking, especially evidence based on prospective data from a country of origin. Studying the movement of individuals between high-resource countries is important for a better understanding of how health is distributed within and across nations. In the current study, we use the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD), the oldest British birth cohort study, started in 1946, to investigate the healthy migrant effect among those leaving Britain by comparing their childhood health with that of their contemporaries who stayed. The UK's long history of emigration makes it a good country to study health and migratory selection processes. Moreover, because many of its post-war emigrants would have migrated to other Commonwealth countries, (11) this cohort provides a good case study of the relationship between health and migration among higher-income countries. Canada has historically received large numbers of British emigrants. According to 2011 census data, approximately 5% of adults aged 65 and older living in Canada were born in the UK. (12)

A number of indicators of childhood health are associated with adult health outcomes, especially cardiovascular and metabolic health and, thus, may be associated with successful migration. For example, low SEP and poor material living conditions in childhood have been associated with increased risk of morbidity (13) and earlier mortality. (14) Nutritional factors, such as having been breastfed, are also associated with adult health status. (15) Greater height (an indicator of better nutrition, less illness and higher SEP in childhood) is related to lower risk of coronary heart disease, although it may be linked to higher risk of some cancers. (16) Low birth weight is associated with increased cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. (17) Not surprisingly, poorer adult health status is predicted by having a serious illness in childhood. (18) In addition to predicting adult occupational prestige, (19) higher childhood cognitive ability is associated with improved longevity in adulthood. (20) Whether this is through socio-economic or biological pathways is a matter of debate. (21)

To further test the healthy migrant hypothesis, we also investigated age at immigration, which may play an important role in the healthy migrant effect. If self-selection is integral for determining the "hardiness" of those who migrate, adults who choose to emigrate under their own volition should have better health profiles than those who emigrate in their childhood. This speculation is supported for the outcomes of functional limitations (3) and cognitive decline (22) by studies of Mexicans migrating to the US; however, as far as we are aware, it has yet to be shown for those relocating between high-resource countries.

Finally, we explore another explanation for the unusually good health status of immigrants in host countries, called the "selective reverse migration hypothesis". This hypothesis suggests that immigrants who develop a serious illness are more likely than healthy immigrants to return to their native country, thereby lowering the observed morbidity and mortality rates of immigrants in the host country. Again, this explanation has been investigated primarily in Hispanic populations in the US. (3,8) Moreover, evidence in favour of it has been mixed, only some studies finding support among Mexican Americans. (3,8) If the childhood health status of emigrants who remain abroad is better than that of emigrants who subsequently return to their native country, this would provide evidence of reverse migration bias. This may be particularly true for source countries, such as the UK, which provide universal health care.

Using the NSHD, the goal of the current study was to compare the childhood, pre-emigration characteristics of the following: non-emigrants with that of emigrants; those who emigrated before the age of 20 with those who emigrated after age 20; and emigrants who remained abroad with those who returned to live in their native country. To our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind.


Study sample

The NSHD is based on a representative sample of 5,362 single, legitimate births in England, Scotland or Wales in March 1946. Subsequent waves of data collection have been conducted at least every two years during childhood and at regular intervals during adulthood, the most recent being an ongoing series of data collections completed in 2006-2011, when study participants were aged 60-64 years. (23,24) For more information about study design, please see Wadsworth et al. and Kuh et al. (23,24)


In each wave of the NSHD, if an individual was no longer available to be interviewed, information was recorded on whether the respondent had died, emigrated and/or was living abroad, refused to participate or could not be contacted. We classified all those who emigrated and/or were living abroad as "emigrants". Those respondents who were interviewed in at least one wave after the first wave in which it was recorded that they had emigrated or were living abroad were classified as "return emigrants".

The age at emigration was defined as the age of the birth cohort at the first wave of data collection in which the respondent was living abroad. For example, if the respondent had been interviewed in the UK in 1953 (at age 7) but had emigrated by the 1954 wave of data collection (at age 8), the respondent would have been classified as emigrating by age 8. Emigrants were divided into two groups: those who had emigrated before age 20 and those who had emigrated between ages 20 and 53. Age 53 was chosen as the upper limit in order to avoid post-retirement emigrants.

In total, there were 984 emigrants and 4,378 non-emigrants. Of the emigrants, 427 migrated before and 557 after age 20, 602 emigrants remained abroad, and 382 returned to Britain. The sample sizes varied slightly within waves of data collection as a result of non-response or missing data, and from wave to wave because of attrition.

We investigated a variety of variables known to influence adult health. Childhood SEP and material living conditions were assessed through six indicators ascertained in the early waves of data collection: father's occupation, mother's education, home ownership, housing quality, care of house and child, and parental involvement in child's education. Father's occupation, assessed when the respondent was aged 4, was categorized according to the UK Registrar General's social classification into five levels (I or II professional and managerial, IIINM skilled nonmanual, IIIM skilled manual, IV manual partly skilled or V nonskilled; and father dead). Mother's highest level of education assessed when study members were aged 6 was dichotomized into primary only versus higher than primary. Whether the respondent's childhood home was owned by the parents was assessed at age 6. A score of housing quality (range 0-3) was ascertained when the respondent was aged 4; one point was allocated for each of the following: dwelling in very good repair, dwelling built since 1919 and no overcrowding ([less than or equal to] 1.5 persons per room). Scores were divided into best, intermediate and worst. Also at age 4, care of the house and child was assessed. One point was allocated for each of the following: very clean house, very clean child, at least adequate shoes, at least adequate clothes and mother coped well. Scores were divided into best, intermediate and worst. Parental interest in the study member's education, based on comments made by class teachers when the child was aged 7 and on the records of the number of times parents visited the primary school to discuss their child's progress, distinguished parents with high, fair or low levels of interest.

Measures of childhood health included low birth weight, body mass index (BMI) at age 4, stunting at age 6 and having a serious childhood illness before the age of 5. Low birth weight was defined as < 2.5 kilograms. Body mass index at age 4 was divided into three categories: low (<-2 standard deviations [SD] of the mean), normal (between -2 and +2 SD) and high (> 2 SD). Individuals were defined as stunted in height at age 6 if their height was less than two SD of the average height of 6-year-olds based on 2007 World Health Organization measures. (25,26) Finally, if respondents had been hospitalized for a minimum of 28 days before the age of 5, they were classified as having had a serious childhood illness. We also measured whether the respondent had been breastfed according to mother's reports of this at age 2. Finally, childhood cognitive ability was measured at age 8 using tests developed by the National Foundation for Educational Research, which measured both verbal and nonverbal ability, including reading comprehension, word reading ability, vocabulary and picture intelligence. (27)

Data Analysis

Chi-squared tests were used to analyze categorical data and independent t-tests were used for continuous data. To adjust the analyses for other covariates, logistic regression was conducted. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. All analyses were undertaken using SPSS 21.


The results of the analysis testing the healthy migrant hypothesis are presented in Table 1. Note that the sample sizes varied slightly depending on the number of missing values in the measures used. Comparing the childhood characteristics of Britons who had ever emigrated with those who had never emigrated revealed that a larger proportion of emigrants-to-be had a higher SEP (measured by father's occupation and mother's education), better material living conditions (measured by housing quality, home ownership and care of house and child) and greater parental interest in their education (each p < 0.01). Also, a greater share of emigrants compared with non-emigrants were breastfed, not stunted and did not have a low birth weight or a serious illness in childhood (each p < 0.05). Finally, emigrants were taller and had higher scores on cognition in childhood than non-emigrants (each p < 0.001). The only childhood indicators that were not associated with emigration status were sex, BMI at age 4 and birth weight.

To further investigate the healthy migrant effect, we undertook a multivariable analysis with emigration status as the dependent variable. To avoid problems with multi-collinearity and to achieve parsimony in the final model we ran a preliminary model, which included the outcome and all six measures of childhood SEP and material living conditions, to determine which of the variables should be included in the final model. Only two variables remained statistically significant: father's occupation and housing quality. These variables were included in the final model, along with the variables most closely related to childhood health: low birth weight, having had a serious childhood illness by age 5, height at age 6 and cognitive ability at age 8. As shown in Table 2, when all factors were considered simultaneously, height at age 6, father's occupation, and cognitive ability at age 8 remained statistically significant. Specifically, the odds of emigration increased by 3% for every centimetre in height at age 6 (p < 0.01) and 36% for every one SD increase in cognitive ability (p < 0.001). Those with fathers who had an occupation in the professional or skilled manual labour categories had 56% and 34% higher odds respectively of emigrating than those whose fathers were partly or non-skilled manual labourers (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). In short, both childhood socio-economic and health factors, when mutually adjusted, predicted emigration from the UK.

Table 3 reports the results of the second descriptive analysis examining the hypothesis about age of migration. Comparison of the childhood characteristics of Britons who emigrated before and after age 20 revealed only one difference: Older emigrants had a marginally higher cognitive ability in childhood (p = 0.05). All other measures of childhood SEP and health were comparable across older and younger emigrants and, thus, further multivariate analysis was not undertaken. In sum, we found little evidence supporting the speculation that early-life characteristics relate to age at emigration.

The results of the third descriptive analysis investigating the selective reverse-migration hypothesis are presented in Table 4. Comparing return emigrants with those staying abroad shows that a greater share of returning Britons had a higher childhood SEP as measured by their mother's level of education (p < 0.05). All other factors were comparable. Again, further multivariate analysis was not undertaken because we found little evidence suggesting that childhood characteristics were related to return migration.


Consistent with the healthy migrant hypothesis, British emigrants born in 1946 had higher childhood SEP, better childhood health (indicated by height at age 6) and superior cognitive ability at age 8 than their counterparts who stayed in Britain. Moreover, each of these factors predicted emigration status, when all others had been controlled for. Our research adds to the literature on the healthy migrant effect in several important ways. First, we introduce support for the idea that the factors contributing to positive health selection in migrant populations begin as far back as childhood. Previous research has shown that Mexican immigrants are taller than their non-migrant counterparts and, thus, has implied that they also had better nutrition in childhood. (8,9) Our research is able to show this directly using prospective measures of childhood health. Second, we reveal that the healthy migrant effect can be found in a sample of those emigrating from a high-resource sending country. This finding suggests that positive health selection does not depend entirely on factors affecting individuals moving from a low- to a higher-income country.

Counter to the selective-reverse migration hypothesis, we found no evidence that emigrants with worse childhood health were more likely to return home. The only childhood indicator that differed between emigrants staying abroad and those returning home was mother's level of education, which was higher among return emigrants. This relationship was in the opposite direction than we had anticipated and was not corroborated by father's occupation, suggesting that it may have been a chance finding, especially given the multiple tests undertaken. However, it is also possible that higher maternal education is associated with greater perceived employment opportunities for the mother in her home country, especially if she had not been employed to her highest capabilities abroad. Further research is needed to explore this. The lack of support for selective-reverse migration is somewhat surprising given that returning emigrants would have regained access to the National Health Service, which is free for all British citizens. However, while this may have been an attractive option for some migrants who fell ill, it would not necessarily have made a difference for those ending up in Canada or another country with universal health care. That said, it is also possible that the original survey respondents would not have been quite old - or sick--enough to move back home for this reason.

The current study also reveals that age at emigration does not appear to matter with respect to the selection process for British emigrants, except when it comes to cognitive ability: Britons emigrating after age 20 had higher childhood cognitive ability at age 8. This finding deserves some attention. First, in contrast to what we had originally hypothesized it suggests that self-selection at the level of the parent may take into account the health of children. That is, with the exception of some special cases, we suspect that parents from high-income countries, particularly those from countries with universal health care, are not likely to choose to emigrate if they have unhealthy children. Second, if all else is equal with respect to childhood health, it makes sense that childhood cognitive ability, which predicts adult occupational prestige, (19) would emerge as an important selective factor for successful immigration in adulthood. Cognitive ability is related not only to enhanced ability to adapt to a new environment but also to the type of opportunity for which an adult may move. (28) By the mid-1970s, countries receiving large numbers of British emigrants, such as Canada and Australia, were increasingly focused on attracting the most skilled migrants (a policy that continues until today). (29) Immigration policies favouring highly skilled workers, therefore, would have further contributed to selection based on cognitive ability for at least some of the NSHD emigrants.

There are several study limitations that should be considered when interpreting our results. First, we lacked data on where Britons emigrated to or why, and so we cannot fully specify the selection process behind the healthy migrant effect observed in our data. Second, it is possible we misclassified some of those who could not be contacted or refused to participate as "nonemigrants" when they may have subsequently emigrated. Such an error would bias the results towards the null, rendering our results more conservative. Third, because factors underlying migratory selection processes are likely to vary according to the historical time period and regions of the world between which migrants are moving, our findings should not be generalized to other birth cohorts or sending populations. For example, while many Britons born in 1946 would have moved to other wealthy, English-speaking countries, such as Canada, more recent British emigrants are increasingly moving within the European Union (EU). (30) This shift in receiving countries may affect the strength of selection effects, especially given the ease with which migration has been possible between nations of the EU. Also, the selection processes underlying the health profiles of migrants moving between wealthy countries likely differ from those of migrants moving from poorer areas of the world to more economically advantaged ones. The latter, who are the most common types of migrant today, may be more strongly selected for their health because of the need to find work. (31)

Our finding that the childhood health of return migrants was similar to those who stayed abroad provides no support for the selective reverse migration hypothesis. Future research could more definitively test this hypothesis by also gathering data about the adult health of migrants and non-migrants. Finally, the sample sizes used for tests of the selective reverse-migration and age of migration hypotheses were relatively small. Consequently, these migrant-based analyses would have had less power to detect significant differences (especially for the categorical variables) than the main analysis using the full sample, although in many cases the direction of the observed association was opposite to that hypothesized.

In conclusion, using pre-emigration prospective data, we found evidence of a healthy migrant effect among Britons born in 1946. Moreover, differences found in the childhood characteristics of emigrants and non-emigrants suggest that the underlying selection processes likely began in childhood. In particular, British emigrants had higher childhood SEP, better childhood health (as indicated by greater height at age 6) and better cognitive ability at age 8 than their counterparts who stayed at home. We also found some evidence that adult emigrants were more strongly selected for cognitive ability at age 8 than those who emigrated before age 20. More research using prospective birth cohort data and a range of wealthy and less economically advantaged sending nations is needed to more fully understand the selection processes that underlie the healthy migrant effect.


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Received: July 13, 2015

Accepted: September 27, 2015

Esme Fuller-Thomson, PhD, [1] Sarah Brennenstuhl, PhD, [2] Rachel Cooper, PhD, [3] Diana Kuh, PhD, FMedSci [3]

[1.] Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

[2.] Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

[3.] MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL, London, UK

Correspondence: Esme Fuller-Thomson, PhD, Factor Inwentash Faculty of Social Work & Institute for Life Course and Aging, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M6S 3W6, Tel: ^416-978-3269, E-mail: esme.fuller.thomson@utoronto.ca

Funding: E. Fuller-Thomson is supported by the Sandra Rotman Chair in Social Work. R. Cooper and D. Kuh are supported by the UK Medical Research Council (Programme code: MC_UU_12019/1). The MRC National Survey of Health and Development is funded by the UK Medical Research Council.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Comparison of the childhood characteristics of
Britons born in 1946 who never emigrated versus emigrants

                                    Never emigrated

                                    N          % or

  Male                             2286       52.2%
  Female                           2092       47.8%

Socio-economic position & material living conditions

Father's occupation
  Professional or zmanagerial      809        20.8%
  Skilled non-manual               691        17.7%
  Manual--skilled                  1215       31.2%
  Manual--partly or non-skilled    1126       28.9%
  Father dead                       56         1.4%
Mother's education
  Primary only                     2417       65.1%
  More than primary                1296       34.9%
Parents own home, age 6
  Not owner                        2827       73.8%
  Owner                            1004       26.2%
Housing quality, age 4
  Best                             1982       51.6%
  Intermediate                     1025       27.7%
  Worst                            835        21.7%
Care of house and child
  Best                             1426       39.9%
  Intermediate                     939        26.2%
  Worst                            1213       33.9%
Parental interest in school progress
  Very interested                  1481       41.7%
  Average interest                 1715       48.3%
  Low interest                     356        10.0%

Health indicators

Serious illnesses
  No serious illness               3892       88.9%
  Serious illness                  486        11.1%
Height (cm), age 6                 3480    113.9 (5.4)
Stunted ([dagger])
  Yes                              204         5.9%
  No                               3276       94.1%
Birth weight (g)                   4346   3372.8 (552.3)
Low birth weight ([double dagger])
  Yes                              188         4.3%
  No                               4158       95.7%
Body mass index, age 4 ([section])
  Low                               37         1.0%
  Medium                           3383       95.1%
  High                             136         3.8%
Cognitive ability, age 8           3665    99.3 (15.0)
  Yes                              3037       75.7%
  No                               974        24.3%


                                    N         % or

  Male                             529       53.8%
  Female                           455       46.2%

Socio-economic position & material living conditions

Father's occupation
  Professional or zmanagerial      201       30.0%
  Skilled non-manual               133       19.8%
  Manual--skilled                  206       30.7%
  Manual--partly or non-skilled    119       17.7%
  Father dead                      12         1.8%
Mother's education
  Primary only                     342       54.4%
  More than primary                287       45.6%
Parents own home, age 6
  Not owner                        429       66.7%
  Owner                            214       33.3%
Housing quality, age 4
  Best                             409       59.4%
  Intermediate                     162       23.5%
  Worst                            118       17.1%
Care of house and child
  Best                             311       48.7%
  Intermediate                     164       25.7%
  Worst                            163       24.4%
Parental interest in school progress
  Very interested                  277       47.9%
  Average interest                 264       45.7%
  Low interest                     37         6.4%

Health indicators

Serious illnesses
  No serious illness               706        5.0%
  Serious illness                  37         5.0%
Height (cm), age 6                 581    115.1 (5.1)
Stunted ([dagger])
  Yes                              19         3.3%
  No                               562       96.7%
Birth weight (g)                   981   3393.2 (489.8)
Low birth weight ([double dagger])
  Yes                              28         2.9%
  No                               953       97.1%
Body mass index, age 4 ([section])
  Low                               8         1.3%
  Medium                           599       95.4%
  High                             21         3.3%
Cognitive ability, age 8           591    104.2 (14.5)
  Yes                              614       79.4%
  No                               159       20.6%

                                   p-value *

  Male                               0.38

Socio-economic position & material living conditions

Father's occupation
  Professional or zmanagerial       <0.001
  Skilled non-manual
  Manual--partly or non-skilled
  Father dead
Mother's education
  Primary only                      <0.001
  More than primary
Parents own home, age 6
  Not owner                         <0.001
Housing quality, age 4
  Best                              <0.001
Care of house and child
  Best                              <0.001
Parental interest in school progress
  Very interested                    <0.01
  Average interest
  Low interest

Health indicators

Serious illnesses
  No serious illness                <0.001
  Serious illness
Height (cm), age 6                  <0.001
Stunted ([dagger])
  Yes                                <0.05
Birth weight (g)                     0.25
Low birth weight ([double dagger])
  Yes                                <0.05
Body mass index, age 4 ([section])
  Low                                =0.74
Cognitive ability, age 8            <0.001
  Yes                                <0.05

SD, standard deviation.

* p value derived from chi-squared tests
for categorical variables and
independent t-tests for continuous

([dagger]) Individuals were defined as
stunted if their height was less than 2
SD of the average height of 6-year-olds
based on 2007 World Health Organization

([double dagger]) Low birth weight was
defined as <2.5 kilograms.

([section]) Low body mass index was
defined as <-2 SD of the mean, normal
was between -2 and +2 SD, and high was
>2 SD.

Table 2. Logistic regression of childhood characteristics
of British emigrants born in 1946 versus their
non-emigrating counterparts (sample with
complete data on all covariates n = 3529)

                                         OR (95% CI)         p-value

Socio-economic position & material living conditions

Father's occupation
  Professional or managerial             1.56 (1.15, 2.12)    0.03
  Skilled non-manual                     1.19 (0.85, 1.65)
  Manual--skilled                        1.34 (1.01, 1.78)
  Manual--partly or non-skilled          1.00 (Ref)
  Father dead                            1.56 (0.63, 3.84)
Housing quality, age 4
  Best                                   1.00 (Ref)           0.12
  Intermediate                           0.78 (0.61, 1.00)
  Worst                                  0.95 (0.72, 1.25)
Health indicators
  Low birth weight *                     0.68 (0.32, 1.42)    0.3
  Serious illnesses before age 6         0.88 (0.56, 1.39)    0.59
  Cognitive ability, age 8 ([dagger])    1.36 (1.20, 1.55)   <0.001
  Height (cm), age 6                     1.03 (1.01, 1.05)   <0.01
Nagelkerke R square                                   0.038
-2 Log likelihood                                     2696.4

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.

* Low birth weight was defined as <2.5 kilograms.

([dagger]) Per 1 SD change.

Table 3. Comparison of the childhood characteristics of
Britons born in 1946 who emigrated before
age 20 versus age 20 or older

                       Emigrant               Emigrant
                       <20 years              [greater
                                               than or
                                              equal to]
                                              20 years

                        N         % or            N
                               mean (SD)


  Male                 219       51.3%           310
  Female               208       48.7%           247

Socio-economic position & material living conditions

Father's occupation

  Professional or      39        25.8%           162
  Skilled non-manual   34        22.5%           99
  Manual--skilled      51        33.8%           155
  Manual--partly       24        15.9%           95
    or non-skilled
  Father dead           3         2.0%            9

Mother's education

  Primary only         61        50.8%           281
  More than primary    59        49.2%           228

Parents own home, age 6

  Not owner            85        67.5%           344
  Owner                41        32.5%           173

Housing quality, age 4

  Best                 100       58.8%           309
  Intermediate         43        25.3%           119
  Worst                27        15.9%           91

Care of house and child

  Best                 76        50.0%           235
  Intermediate         42        27.6%           122
  Worst                34        22.4%           129

Parental interest in school progress

  Very interested      38        42.2%           239
  Average interest     43        47.8%           221
  Low interest          9        10.0%           28

Health indicators

Serious illnesses

  No serious illness   178       95.7%           528
  Serious illnesses     8         4.8%           29

Height (cm), age 6     117    114.1 (4.9)        464
Stunted ([dagger])

  Yes                   2         1.7%           17
  No                   115       98.3%           447

Birth weight (g)       426   3372.3 (497.8)      555
Low birth
  weight ([double

  Yes                  16         3.8%           12
  No                   410       96.2%           543

Weight, age
  4 ([section])

  Low                   2         1.3%            6
  Medium               148       97.4%           451
  High                  2         1.3%           19

Cognitive ability,     90     101.4 (14.1)       501
  age 8

  Yes                  198       79.5%           416
  No                   51        20.5%           108

                          Emigrant        P-
                          [greater      value *
                          than or
                         equal to]
                          20 years

                            % or
                         mean (SD)


  Male                     55.7%         0.17
  Female                   44.3%

Socio-economic position & material living conditions

Father's occupation

  Professional or          31.2%         0.59
  Skilled non-manual       19.0%
  Manual--skilled          29.8%
  Manual--partly           18.3%
    or non-skilled
  Father dead               1.7%

Mother's education

  Primary only             55.2%         0.39
  More than primary        44.8%

Parents own home, age 6

  Not owner                66.5%         0.84
  Owner                    33.5%

Housing quality, age 4

  Best                     59.5%         0.77
  Intermediate             22.9%
  Worst                    17.5%

Care of house and child

  Best                     48.4%         0.57
  Intermediate             25.1%
  Worst                    26.5%

Parental interest in school progress

  Very interested          49.0%         0.23
  Average interest         45.3%
  Low interest              5.7%

Health indicators

Serious illnesses

  No serious illness       94.8%         0.62
  Serious illnesses         5.2%

Height (cm), age 6      115.1 (5.2)      0.77
Stunted ([dagger])

  Yes                       3.7%         0.29
  No                       96.3%

Birth weight (g)       3409.3 (483.4)    0.24
Low birth
  weight ([double

  Yes                       2.2%         0.14
  No                       97.8%

Weight, age
  4 ([section])

  Low                       1.3%         0.28
  Medium                   94.7%
  High                      4.0%

Cognitive ability,      104.6 (14.5)     0.05
  age 8

  Yes                      79.4%         0.97
  No                       20.6%

SD, standard deviation.

* p-value derived from chi-squared tests for categorical
variables and independent t-tests for continuous variables.

([dagger]) Individuals were defined as stunted if their
height was less than 2 SD of the average height of
6-year-olds based on 2007 World Health Organization

([double dagger]) Low birth weight was defined as <2.5

([section]) Low body mass index was defined as < -2 SD of
the mean, normal was between -2 and +2 SD, and high was >2

Table 4. Comparison of the childhood characteristics of British
emigrants born in 1946 who stayed abroad versus
emigrants who returned home

                        Emigrants          Emigrants--
                        --stayed         returned home

                      N         % or              N
                             Mean (SD)


  Male               334       55.5%             195
  Female             268       44.5%             187

Socio-economic position & material living conditions


  Professional or    115       29.4%             86
  Skilled non-       77        19.7%             56
  Manual-skilled     130       33.2%             76
  Manual-partly      66        16.9%             53
    or non-
  Father dead         3         0.8%              9

Mother's education

  Primary only       208       58.8%             134
  More than          146       41.2%             141

Parents own home, age 6

  Not owner          242       67.2%             187
  Owner              118       32.8%             96

Housing quality, age 4

  Best               231       59.4%             178
  Intermediate       86        22.1%             76
  Worst              72        18.5%             46

Care of house and child

  Best               160       45.5%             151
  Intermediate       100       28.4%             64
  Worst              92        26.1%             71

Parental interest in
school progress

  Very interested    154       47.4%             123
  Average interest   153       47.1%             111
  Low interest       18         5.5%             19

Health indicators
Serious illnesses

  No serious         397       94.7%             309
  Serious illness    22         5.3%             15

Height (cm),         326    115.1 (5.2)          255
age 6
Stunted ([dagger])

  Yes                 9         2.8%             10
  No                 317       97.2%             245

Birth weight (g)     599   3384.2 (479.2)        382
Low birth
weight ([double

  Yes                15         2.5%             13
  No                 584       97.5%             369

BMI, age
4 ([section])

  Low                 4         1.1%              4
  Medium             332       95.1%             267
  High               13         3.7%              8

Cognitive            332    104.7 (14.1)         259
age 8

  Yes                355       79.2%             259
  No                 93        20.8%             66

                      Emigrants--       P-
                     returned home    value *

                          % or
                       Mean (SD)


  Male                   51.0%         0.17
  Female                 49.0%

Socio-economic position & material living conditions


  Professional or        30.7%         0.09
  Skilled non-           20.0%
  Manual-skilled         27.1%
  Manual-partly          18.9%
    or non-
  Father dead             3.2%

Mother's education

  Primary only           48.7%         <0.05
  More than              51.3%

Parents own home, age 6

  Not owner              66.1%         0.76
  Owner                  33.9%

Housing quality, age 4

  Best                   59.3%         0.42
  Intermediate           25.3%
  Worst                  15.3%

Care of house and child

  Best                   52.8%         0.13
  Intermediate           22.4%
  Worst                  24.8%

Parental interest in
school progress

  Very interested        48.6%         0.54
  Average interest       43.9%
  Low interest            7.5%

Health indicators
Serious illnesses

  No serious             95.4%          0.7
  Serious illness         4.6%

Height (cm),          115.2 (5.0)      0.83
age 6
Stunted ([dagger])

  Yes                     3.9%         0.44
  No                     96.1%

Birth weight (g)     3407.3 (506.3)    0.48
Low birth
weight ([double

  Yes                     3.4%         0.41
  No                     96.6%

BMI, age
4 ([section])

  Low                     1.4%          0.8
  Medium                 95.7%
  High                    2.9%

Cognitive             103.5 (14.9)     0.34
age 8

  Yes                    79.7%         0.88
  No                     20.3%

SD, standard deviation.

* p value derived from chi-squared tests for categorical
variables and independent t-tests for continuous variables.

([dagger]) Individuals were defined as stunted if their
height was less than 2 SD of the average height of
6-year-olds based on 2007 World Health Organization

([double dagger]) Low birth weight was defined as <2.5

([section]) Low body mass index was defined as <-2 SD of the
mean, normal was between -2 and +2 SD, and high was >2 SD.