A vision for chronic disease prevention and intervention research: report from a workshop.
Ashbury, Fredrick D. ; Little, Julian ; Ioannidis, John P.A. 等
Canada's population is aging. About half of Canadian seniors
report one or two chronic diseases and 24% have three or more long-term
co-morbidities. (1) The coexistence of multiple chronic diseases causes
disability and functional decline, high health care costs, and poor
quality of life. (2) This is occurring despite the fact many chronic
diseases can be effectively prevented and treated. (3) If every Ontario
resident changed only one risk factor, average life expectancy would
increase by 3.7 years. (4)
Canada's population diversity, geographical dispersion, the
federal-provincial split in responsibilities, and distinct provincial
decision-making processes challenge a pan-Canadian chronic disease
prevention strategy. Nevertheless, immediate action is needed to
identify, evaluate, refine and implement cost-effective interventions to
improve health. In Ontario, current research investments provide major
opportunities for chronic disease prevention, and may provide a good
model for Canada. However, in order to apply the evolving evidence base
for prevention interventions (5,6) to routine practice, we need:
a) theory to guide the program's design and implementation; 7
b) advances in research designs and measurement tools to evaluate
the efficacy or effectiveness of programs; 8-10
c) longer follow-up time to assess the duration of program effects;
d) more detail to direct engagement and delivery, including: how to
identify, recruit and retain the target audience, personnel training
requirements, infrastructure needs, and incentives for adoption; (11,12)
e) reduction of the costs of intervention research; and
f) knowledge translation/exchange to facilitate uptake of
efficacious strategies. (13)
Cancer Care Ontario's Population Studies Research Network
hosted a two-day workshop in January 2013, the objectives of which were
to create a prevention intervention research agenda, including
priorities for investigation and design considerations. This paper
highlights the main issues that emerged, including the potential
application of novel research designs, measurement tools, and new
approaches for recruitment and follow-up, cost reduction, and outcomes
assessment working with ongoing large-scale cohort studies that link
records across databases and integrate biological samples. This paper
discusses these issues in the context of the Ontario Health Study (OHS),
a large, population cohort research platform.
Considerable investments have been made in cohort studies in many
jurisdictions, including Canada. Examples include the Canadian
Longitudinal Study of Ageing, (14) a national study, and five provincial
cohorts with explicit plans for harmonization of exposure and outcome
information, brought together as the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow
(CPT) Project. (15) An emerging trend in many jurisdictions is citizen
science, (16) and increasing attention is being given to participant
engagement in research. The OHS, a component of the CPT Project, is a
motivating example: a large cohort in which enrolment and data
collection are Internet-based, it expends considerable effort to engage
The Ontario Health Study
The OHS is designed to follow Ontario residents over many decades.
Baseline data collection involves an online questionnaire, consent for
re-contact, and consent to link the baseline data to provincial
administrative health records to obtain detailed outcome information.
The baseline data are wide-ranging, containing information on identified
and potential risk factors for multiple chronic diseases, and personal
and family health histories. The initial questionnaire is followed by
in-depth investigation of a number of specific exposures, including
psychosocial and mental health status, nutrition, sleep patterns,
physical activity, and occupational and residential characteristics.
Blood, urine samples and physical measures are being collected from
large subsets of OHS participants.
The original design of the OHS incorporated both observational and
experimental components, with the focus in the first few years on the
former to develop the cohort and to collect participant data. The
longitudinal nature of the OHS and the rich sources of administrative
and medical records maintained by several provincial entities allow
measurement of health behaviours and outcomes unique to OHS
participants. Collection of communitylevel factors, including the built
environment, nutrition and tobacco policies, is also planned over the
course of follow-up. Now, with more than 225,000 participants enrolled,
the time is ripe to test interventions aimed at altering the exposure
patterns of the participants to optimize health and lessen their risk of
adverse outcomes. Indeed, some workshop participants suggested that the
OHS and other cohort research platforms offer an opportunity to embed
and test interventions that are designed to address population health
problems. Discussion of the potential for intervention research in
cohort studies precipitated some debate in that the design implies the
interventions would be individual-based, but previous studies have found
limited impact for such interventions. Furthermore, much emphasis is
given to the need for community-based interventions. (17,18) However, it
might also be argued that the Internet and related technologies to
facilitate recruitment and retention of participants and to aid data
capture have resulted in the "personalization" of the
community, thereby contributing to citizen science.
New approaches to intervention research within cohort studies
In addition to large sample sizes and informed consent protocols to
facilitate follow-up and record linkage, cohort research platforms have
other virtues: enabling longer-term follow-up to assess health outcomes
and the sustainability of effects; allowing comparison of participants
in an intervention with those who do not participate, during recruitment
and through follow-up; providing higher recruitment and adherence than
in de novo studies; and the potential for conducting intervention
research across jurisdictions because of harmonization efforts. (19)
Furthermore, cohort studies can facilitate a wide variety of
randomized controlled trial (RCT) designs. Cluster and stepped wedge RCT
designs randomize groups (e.g., hospitals, districts, provinces, and
schools) rather than individuals. In the latter design, each group
receives the intervention at a randomly allocated point in time. Other
RCT designs tend to randomize individuals rather than groups.
Participants in a "patient preference" RCT design are asked
which treatment they prefer and are then allocated according to their
preference. Those without preferences have their treatment group
allocated randomly. The Multi-LIFE design (20) extends this design by
allowing participants to choose from a large number of possible
randomizations and generates a factorial trial where joint effects can
also be assessed. Zelen (single randomized consent) designs randomize
individuals and then seek their consent to treatment. Those who are
randomized to usual care are not informed about trial treatments they
will not receive. The "cohort multiple" (cmRCT) design (21)
facilitates multiple Zelen-type RCT designs within a longitudinal cohort
of participants with the characteristics of interest. For each RCT,
eligible cohort participants are identified and a proportion are
randomly selected and offered the intervention. This process is repeated
for multiple further RCTs for the duration of the cohort study. The
cmRCT design is especially suited to open trials with "treatment as
usual" as the comparator (21) where outcomes are easily collected.
Both Multi-LIFE and cmRCT designs can accommodate multiple RCTs within
cohorts. The cmRCT is advantageous when the interventions are highly
desired in the wider population; most participants will choose the
interventions if they are allocated to them, otherwise the treatment
effects are weak. For interventions that are clearly desired by a
fraction of the population, the multi-LIFE design may maintain a
stronger treatment effect, since participants are willing to try either
the experimental intervention or the comparator without having a strong
preference. In the context of working with the OHS or any large cohort,
investigators will develop intervention research ideas that can target
either individuals or groups, and weigh the advantages and limitations
of different randomized designs to evaluate the reach, efficiency and
effectiveness of the proposed interventions.
Also, to enable the longer-term assessment of outcomes of
intervention research based on hybrid or alternative designs embedded in
existing cohorts, it is imperative that access be available to different
data sources that can be linked. The Institute for Clinical Evaluative
Sciences (ICES) is the repository for several databases funded and
maintained by the Province of Ontario, including OHIP billings, hospital
discharge data, all-causes mortality, cancer registry data, and outcomes
encounters, and other data. ICES has research agreements with many
agencies and groups, including the OHS. ICES makes data available (in
anonymized format) to researchers to investigate social and health
questions. Furthermore, there is a long history of probabilistic record
linkage in Ontario in circumstances where deterministic record linkage
is not possible. The record-linkage methods for resolving uncertainties
are well developed, (22) and, as such, intervention studies are possible
in existing large-scale cohorts where deterministic record linkage is
not available.
Challenges and open questions for intervention research
A number of important challenges and questions require
consideration when developing intervention research studies. First, most
intervention studies have excluded measures of cost and utility.
Stakeholders need cost parameters to determine priorities for
intervention funding within existing budgets.
Second, interventions potentially have implications for health
inequalities. Intervention research could target disadvantaged groups
with a view to reducing disparities or to improving health status.
Targeting disadvantaged populations would compensate for participation
biases that tend to result in the preferential inclusion of the
advantaged. However, even if inequities in health outcomes were to
occur, (23) could the results be considered successful if a net gain for
all health groups in a jurisdiction were achieved?
Third, time horizon, specificity of mechanisms, and appropriate
measures are interconnected questions that require further debate. The
large size of cohort studies allows small effect sizes that have
substantial population impact to be detected. Funders, however, may
resist waiting for longer-term outcomes, such as mortality reduction,
and therefore may insist on proxy measures (e.g., BMI or blood
pressure). Moreover, policy-making favours interventions whose specific
mechanisms of effect are known. Yet, if longer-term outcomes follow a
non-specific intervention, such as enrolling participants in an
activity, does it matter if etiological pathways are unknown or the
effects of postulated mechanisms remain uncertain?
Should interventions be tested at the individual or community level
(or both)? Numerous literature reviews invite skepticism about
interventions targeting individuals. Yet, technologies such as
smartphones may open up novel delivery options. OHS participants, for
example, who adopt technologies early, may become advocates for the
desired health change. Scaling up individual-level interventions to a
population level is very expensive. Translating community-level
interventions into cohort platforms requires large investments in
strategies to achieve participant buy-in and complex decision-making
protocols for intervention randomization designs. Yet, difficulties in
scaling up interventions should not discourage innovative designs.
Inspiration can be drawn from the success and subsequent scaling-up of
the North Karelia Project on CVD reduction and the more recent European
EPODE project to change environments and behaviour to reduce childhood
obesity. Effective stakeholder engagement strategies will help clarify
what questions can be addressed, what information is needed and how that
information is to be packaged, to aid decision-making.
It is certainly appropriate to recognize that interventions,
particularly those embedded within cohort research platforms such as the
OHS, will be complex (24,25) and that interventions are more likely to
succeed when theory-based. (26,27) The recent increased penetration of
social media as a channel to influence knowledge, attitudes and
behaviours may have implications for theory development. As yet, it
appears that intervention research projects to date have not
incorporated the potential for social media and other internet
technologies to enable dynamic tailoring, interactive education, and
self-monitoring. (28)
A prevention intervention research agenda is critically needed.
Ontario's current investments in and infrastructure for research,
including the Ontario Health Study large-scale population cohort, should
be leveraged to identify, evaluate, modify and implement cost-efficient
interventions to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality of
chronic diseases. Embedding research questions into existing cohorts
such as the OHS can optimize the advantages of these platforms to:
identify group and/or individual interventions; reduce the costs of
research; allow for the application of novel designs, including
randomized trials; embrace innovative delivery options that take
advantage of e-mobile and e-health initiatives; optimize participant
recruitment and retention; enable longer-term follow-up; and assess
impacts on health outcomes and measure cost-effectiveness. In addition,
strategies should be developed that identify and engage key stakeholder
groups to facilitate refinement of questions, delivery approaches, and
application of results. The proposed research agenda is anticipated to
yield relevant, scalable recommendations to achieve improved health.
Correspondence: Julian Little, PhD, Department of Epidemiology and
Community Medicine, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Road, RGN 3231,
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5, Tel: 613-562-5800, ext.8159, E-mail:
Sources of support: The workshop on which this commentary was based
was supported by Cancer Care Ontario. Neither the process of the
workshop nor the preparation of the commentary was influenced by the
Acknowledgements: Lyle Palmer was formerly Executive Scientific
Director of the Ontario Health Study.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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Received: May 17, 2013
Accepted: February 11, 2014
Fredrick D. Ashbury, PhD, [1-4] Julian Little, PhD, [5,6] John P.A.
Ioannidis, MD, DSc, [7,8] Nancy Kreiger, mph, PhD, [1,9] Lyle J. Palmer,
PhD, [1,10-12] Clare Relton, MSc, PhD, [13] Peter Taylor, PhD [14]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON
[2.] Illawarra Medical Health Research Institute, University of
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
[3.] Division of Preventive Oncology, University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB
[4.] Intelligent Improvement Consultants, Inc., Toronto, On
[5.] Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, University
of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
[6.] Canada Research Chair in Human Genome Epidemiology, University
of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
[7.] Stanford Prevention Research Center, Department of Medicine,
and Department of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University School
of Medicine, Stanford, CA
[8.] Department of Statistics, Stanford University School of
Humanities and Sciences, Stanford, CA
[9.] Prevention and Cancer Control, Cancer Care Ontario, Toronto,
[10.] School of Translational Health Science, University of
Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
[11.] Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON
[12.] Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON
[13.] Senior Research Fellow, School of Health & Related
Research (Public Health Section), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
[14.] Science in a Changing World Program, University of
Massachusetts, Boston, MA