Updating the Canadian obesity maps: an epidemic in progress.
Gotay, Carolyn C. ; Katzmarzyk, Peter T. ; Janssen, Ian 等
Although obesity is a preventable condition, rates worldwide have
doubled since 1980. (1) Being overweight or obese is the fifth leading
risk factor for global deaths, (1) and excess weight significantly
increases the risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease,
stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. (2,3) While it is perceived as a
problem predominantly in industrialized nations, obesity is now a
growing concern in developing countries (4) and poses a financial burden
in many regions. In Canada, the estimated cost of obesity to the economy
was $4.6 billion in 2008, up approximately 20% from the year 2000. (5)
While province-specific Canadian data have been collected on an
ongoing basis, and the epidemic rise in obesity has been noted in
reports such as the recent Public Health Agency of Canada report,
Obesity in Canada, (5) provincial obesity surveillance maps have not
been published since 2002, when data from the 1995 to 1998 period were
presented. (6) Our approach to data presentation using colour-coded
depictions of changes in obesity rates over time--is a graphic way to
communicate the changing prevalence of obesity that is appropriate for
both public and professional audiences. The purpose of this paper is to
update Canada's obesity maps with data collected between 2000 and
2011 to more accurately reflect estimated obesity rates across Canada.
Sources of data were extracted from the Canadian Community Health
Survey (CCHS); data included self-reported height and weight for 2000,
2003, 2005, and 2007-11. The data were drawn from annual health
indicator profiles for each province as reported on the Statistics
Canada website, (7) except for the year 2000, where data were provided
in response to a request to Statistics Canada. (8)
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated for all eligible respondents
aged 18 and older based on their self-reported heights and weights, and
the dataset excluded all cases with missing information, as well as
ineligible respondents such as pregnant women. It should be noted that
the survey coverage excludes about 3% of the Canadian population,
specifically: persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal
settlements in the provinces; full-time members of the Canadian Forces;
the institutionalized population; and persons living in the Quebec
health regions of Region du Nunavik and Region des
Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James. In Nunavut, the coverage is limited to
the ten largest communities, which represents about 70% of the Nunavut
population. "Obesity" was defined as a BMI of 30 kg/[m.sup.2]
or greater. (9) Considerable research indicates that self-reports of
height and weight result in large underestimates of true obesity rates.
(10) Shields and colleagues analyzed the 2005 CCHS data and found that,
on average, self-reported weight was 2.1 kg less than measured, and
self-reported height was 0.7 cm more than measured, resulting in a lower
prevalence of obesity using self-reported data. (11) These
tendencies--to over-report height and under-report weight--were found in
both sexes. Shields and colleagues recommend adjusting self-reported
values (by 7%) or modifying BMI cut-off points for obese and overweight
categories to avoid underestimating the prevalence of obesity. (11) We
followed this suggestion and adjusted all self-reported data upward by
7%, retaining the widely-used BMI cutoff for obesity. Given that we are
using a correction based on national data for provincial-level data, all
figures should be regarded as estimates.
Table 1 shows the estimated percentage of Canadians who are obese.
Between 2000 and 2011, the percentage has increased by almost 18%. It
should be noted that most of this increase occurred in the first part of
this period, and prevalence was relatively stable, although still
increasing, between 2008 and 2011.
Figure 1 shows updated provincial obesity surveillance maps, based
on a model previously used by Katzmarzyk. (6) The figure includes data
for the Northwest Territories (NWT), Nunavut (NU) and Yukon which were
not available in the previous report. (6) The figure clearly
demonstrates increasing and sustained high estimated obesity figures in
some provinces and territories, particularly in NWT, NU, and the
Maritimes (Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward
Island). In fact, the 2011 prevalence exceeded 30% in all of these
areas. In contrast, British Columbia (BC) is the only province in which
fewer than one in five residents have been obese during any of the past
11 years, and both BC and Quebec have maintained prevalence below 25%
over the period. Yukon showed fluctuations in the prevalence estimates
over the years, with variation likely accounted for by the small sample
sizes in this area, which can give rise to wide confidence intervals,
unrepresentative samples and response rates, and/or dynamic cohorts due
to rapid population changes. (5,6,10,12)
Figures 2 and 3 show comparable maps for women and for men,
respectively. The results are largely similar, with higher estimated
rates in the Maritimes and lower rates in BC and Quebec (and for women,
in Ontario as well). There is a suggestion that rates for women in the
territories exceed those for men.
The trends illustrated in this report clearly indicate that the
estimated rates of obesity are on the rise in most Canadian provinces
over the past 11 years. However, there are a number of limitations to
these analyses and their generalizability. One is coverage: as noted
previously, the CCHS does not include certain populations, such as
Aboriginals who live on reserves or individuals in remote areas.
There are also limitations to the BMI classification system.
According to Health Canada's Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight
Classification in Adults, caution must be exercised when classifying
very lean or very muscular people as well as certain ethnic groups and
seniors. (9,13) Nonetheless, BMI provides a consistent, replicable
metric that allows the observation of time trends.
In addition, the correction for self-report that we are using is
based on national data which we have extrapolated to the provincial and
territorial level. However, since we are presenting the maps in terms of
a broad band of BMI levels rather than exact BMI values, this concern
should not have a major impact on our results.
In conclusion, depending on region, between one in three and one in
four Canadians can currently be estimated to be obese. This trend is
seen in all provinces and territories. There is possibly a levelling of
obesity rates: for the past four years, the percentage of Canadians
estimated to be obese has varied only about one percentage point (from
24.2 to 25.3 percent), in contrast to earlier years in this period of
observation when the percentage of obesity climbed more steadily
upwards. It remains to be seen whether future rates remain stable,
climb, or fall. Continued surveillance activities such as the Canadian
Health Measures Survey (14) will further inform efforts to quantify
obesity and its correlates. However, we have sufficient information
today to know that obesity constitutes a considerable challenge to
Canadians, both now and in the future. The impact of obesity on chronic
disease incidence takes time to emerge, and even if rates level off,
they are at historic highs.
These obesity maps make this point in a clear and immediately
apparent way, to illustrate the need for change. Efforts will be needed
at personal and societal levels - with the participation of health care
providers, social institutions, government, industry, and the public--to
achieve a return to healthy weights in Canadians. At a recent Canadian
Public Health Association annual meeting plenary address, (15) Dr.
Richard Jackson remarked that the state-specific, year-by-year
colour-coded obesity maps developed for the US by the Centers for
Disease Control were the "single most" persuasive information
he presented to policy-makers over the years. We are hopeful that our
maps can similarly contribute to the Canadian scene. Visual images such
as these use shapes and colours to provide a dramatic demonstration of
complex statistics in a way that transcends language differences and
creates a personalized connection to the data for the viewer.
Received: July 16, 2012 Accepted: October 22, 2012
Acknowledgements: This work received support from the CCS BCY and
portions of this work were presented at the Canadian Public Health
Association annual meeting in Montreal, QC in June 2011. We thank
Catherine Dick from Health Statistics, Statistics Canada, for providing
the data for the year 2000. Special thanks to Michelle Reid for
manuscript preparation.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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Switzerland: WHO, 2012. Available at:
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(5.) Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Institute for Health
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(6.) Katzmarzyk PT. The Canadian obesity epidemic, 1985-1998. CMAJ
(7.) Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey. 2012.
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(8.) Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey 2000.
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(9.) Health Canada. Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight
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(12.) Rowland ML. Self-reported weight and height. Am J Clin Nutr
(13.) Lemieux S, Mongeau L, Paquette MC, Laberge S, Lachance B.
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(14.) Statistics Canada. Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS).
Available at: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca:81/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=5071&lang=en&db=imdb&adm=8&dis=2 (Accessed
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(15.) Jackson R. Plenary II--Sustaining Health in a Changing
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Carolyn C. Gotay, PhD, [1] Peter T. Katzmarzyk, PhD, [2] Ian
Janssen, PhD, [3] Marliese Y. Dawson, BA, [1] Khatereh Aminoltejari,
MSc, [1] Nicci L. Bartley, BA [1]
Author Affiliations
[1.] School of Population and Public Health, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC
[2.] Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, LA
[3.] Community Health & Epidemiology, Kinesiology & Health
Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, ON
Correspondence: Carolyn Gotay, Cancer Prevention Centre, Faculty of
Medicine, School of Population and Public Health, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Tel: 604-827-4022, Fax: 604-822-4994,
E-mail: carolyn.gotay@ubc.ca
Table 1. Estimated Prevalence of Obesity in the Canadian
Population From 2003-2011, Adjusted Self-reported
Year CCHS % Self-reported Obesity Rate
2003 22.3
2005 22.8
2007 23.8
2008 24.2
2009 24.9
2010 25.1
2011 25.3