Diet quality and feelings of worry, sadness or unhappiness in Canadian children.
McMartin, Seanna E. ; Willows, Noreen D. ; Colman, Ian 等
Mood disorders constitute an important public health concern
because they are prevalent, affect quality of life, are an established
risk factor for suicide, and are a source of substantive economic costs
to society. (1) Diet quality is an established public health concern
that contributes to excess body weight and consequent chronic diseases.
(2-4) Although some research points to a link between nutrition and
mental health, most of the extant literature has focused on adult
populations. (5-8) Studies examining the relationship between diet
quality and mental health in early adolescence found that children
consuming lower quality diets were more likely to have poor mental
health outcomes. (9-11) A prospective study from Nova Scotia found that
greater variety in the diet was significantly associated with a lower
rate of being diagnosed with internalizing disorder during the three
years of follow-up. (10) A study among Australian adolescents found
lower diet quality to be associated with poorer mental health outcomes
both cross-sectionally and prospectively. (9) Regional dietary
differences and distinct national regulations regarding food
fortification policies limit generalizations related to the importance
of diet for mental health. Broader evidence from more studies and local
evidence will allow to better tailor public health initiatives to
promote healthy eating and to improve mental health.
Studies have indicated that children suffering from depressive
symptoms that do not meet diagnostic criteria have higher rates of
depression and other mental health disorders in adulthood. (12,13)
Therefore, feelings of worry, sadness or unhappiness may represent an
early marker for poor mental well-being later in life. Given that other
studies have identified the longitudinal relationships of diet and
mental health, we sought to understand the importance of diet quality
for early markers of mental well-being, specifically feelings of worry,
sadness or unhappiness. This understanding is important to policy makers
to develop strategies for early public health interventions.
This study used data from the Raising healthy Eating and Active
Living Kids in Alberta study (REAL Kids Alberta), a cross-sectional,
province-wide survey examining diet quality, physical activity and
wellness of grade 5 students (aged 10-11 years) across Alberta, Canada.
The study, including data collection and parental informed consent
forms, was approved by the Health Research Ethics Board of the
University of Alberta. Details regarding the questionnaires used are
available through the project's website:
The data collection procedures have been described in detail elsewhere.
(14) In brief, surveys were administered in 2008 and in 2010. In 2008,
5,321 grade 5 students received a parent survey and parental consent
form. Of these students, 3,704 received parental consent to participate,
3,421 of whom completed the surveys (64% participation rate). In 2010,
3,687 of 5,597 grade 5 students received parental consent to
participate, 3,398 of whom completed the surveys (61% participation
rate). In concordance with established recommendations for the analysis
of food frequency data, we excluded subjects with calorie intakes of
less than 500, and of more than 5,000 kilocalories per day, (15) leaving
a total sample of 6,528 students.
Exposure of interest: Diet quality
Nutrient intake and dietary habits were examined using the Harvard
Food Frequency Youth/Adolescent Questionnaire (YAQ). (16) This
self-administered questionnaire is used to assess usual dietary intake
over the previous twelve months. The YAQ is designed for children and
youth aged 9 to 18 years, and has been validated among this age group.
On the basis of students' responses to the YAQ and Canadian
Nutrient Files, (17) we assessed nutrient intake, energy intake, and
daily servings of vegetables and fruit. On the basis of these
quantities, we calculated the Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I),
a commonly used index of diet quality that incorporates several dietary
characteristics. (18,19) The DQI-I score ranges from 0 to 100, with
higher scores indicating a higher diet quality. The DQI-I consists of
four component scores: 1) variety, 2) adequacy, 3) moderation, and 4)
balance. (18)
Outcome of interest: Feelings of worry, sadness or unhappiness
The EuroQoL for youth (EQ-5D-Y) is a modified version of the adult
EQ-5D instrument that measures health-related quality of life. (20) The
EQ-5D-Y is a widely used and validated instrument, and is translated in
25 languages. (20) Students are asked to describe the degree to which
they are currently feeling "worried, sad or unhappy", with
three response options: "you are not worried, sad or unhappy,"
"you are a bit worried, sad or unhappy" and "you are very
worried, sad or unhappy". For the purpose of this study, responses
to this question were dichotomized into two groups: "not worried,
sad or unhappy" and "a bit and very worried, sad or
unhappy" due to the small number of children indicating they were
very worried, sad or unhappy. For the sake of brevity, we refer to
feelings of worry and sadness, or mood, throughout this paper.
A parent survey provided information on socio-demographic
characteristics, including household income and parental education.
Student height and weight were measured by a trained evaluation
assistant to determine weight status. Weight status (normal weight,
overweight, obese) was defined using cut-offs established for children
and youth by the International Obesity Task Force. (21) Physical
activity level was determined from the student and parent surveys, based
on questions from the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children
(PAQ-C), a valid and reliable tool for assessing physical activity
level. (22) These questions formed a composite score from 1 (least
active) to 6 (most active).
Statistical analysis
Multilevel logistic regression methods were used to examine the
association of diet quality with feelings of worry, sadness or
unhappiness. These regression methods generated odds ratios for a 10%
change in diet quality score. All analyses were adjusted for energy
intake and seven categorical variables: gender, household income,
parental education, weight status, physical activity level, area of
residence and year of data collection. Total energy intake (kcal/day)
was controlled for in all analyses as per recommendations for food
frequency data. (23) Missing values for these variables were considered
as separate covariate categories in the regression models, but their
estimates are not presented. Population weights were applied to yield
provincial population estimates. Analyses were performed using Stata
Statistical Software (Release 11).
Table 1 shows that 32% of students reported feeling a bit worried
or sad and 3% of students reported feeling very worried or sad. In
univariate analysis, feelings of being worried, sad or unhappy were more
prevalent among girls than boys (42% vs. 29%), among children with low
as compared to high physical activity (48% vs. 24%), and among obese as
compared to normal weight children (42% vs. 35%).
Table 2 presents odds ratios adjusted for energy intake (Model 1),
energy intake and socio-demographic characteristics (Model 2), and
additionally adjusted for physical activity and body weight (Model 3),
for the association of diet quality with feeling worried, sad or
unhappy. Diet quality was significantly associated with these feelings:
for a 10% increase in diet quality score, the odds of feeling worried,
sad or unhappy decreased by approximately 10% (Model 3 (all students):
1-0.90 times 100%). Students with more varied and more adequate diets
had significantly lower odds of having these feelings. Greater dietary
balance was significantly associated with increased odds of feeling
worried, sad or unhappy.
Gender-stratified results (Table 2) showed that better overall diet
quality was significantly associated with lower odds of feeling worried,
sad or unhappy in girls only. Moreover, the importance of dietary
adequacy and moderation for these feelings was more pronounced in girls
than in boys. Finally, for both boys and girls, greater dietary balance
was associated with increased odds of feeling worried, sad or unhappy.
The current study is one of only a few that investigated the
relationship between diet and mood in children. The findings are
consistent with work that suggested a relationship between poor diet
quality and mental health problems in children. (9-11,24)
Many youngsters experience depressive symptoms that do not meet
criteria for a diagnosis, (13) that may in fact represent early markers
for mental health problems in adulthood. (12,13) Ravens-Sieberer et al.
(25) confirmed this by revealing a strong correlation of EQ-5DY
responses with borderline and abnormal mental health problems using the
same survey instrument (EQ-5D-Y) as was used in the current study. Our
observation that 42% of girls and 29% of boys report some degree of
feelings of being worried, sad or unhappy adds to the concern that
subclinical markers for future mental health problems are very
Two particular aspects of diet--variety and adequacy--were
significantly associated with decreased feelings of worry or sadness in
the current study. This suggests that exposing children to a variety of
foods--particularly foods that provide the essential nutrients required
for healthy development--can play an important role in reducing some of
the negative feelings experienced by children. In our earlier work,
better dietary variety was shown to reduce the probability of developing
internalizing disorders in subsequent years, (10) which draws further
attention to the importance of dietary variety. These findings are
therefore important to public health decision makers tasked with
improving mental well-being of youngsters and with preventing mental
disorders. Dietary moderation captures excess consumption of fat,
saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, and was found to have no
substantial or statistically significant associations with feelings of
worry or sadness. (18) Dietary balance captures the balance in energy
originating from carbohydrates, fat or protein and the balance in the
fatty acid composition of the diet. (18) Contrary to expectations, a
better dietary balance was significantly associated with increased odds
of feeling worried, sad or unhappy. Further nutritional research is
needed to clarify the importance of dietary balance for mental health
and well-being.
The study revealed that girls reported more feelings of worry,
sadness or unhappiness than boys, and the existence of gender
differences in the relationship of diet quality with mood. Various
factors may contribute to the gender differentials in the relationship
between diet and mood. These include the effect of diet on maturation,
(26) the fact that girls mature earlier than boys and that the
prevalence of mood disorders increases once girls enter puberty. (27-29)
In addition, female adolescents and adults are on average more likely to
under-report dietary intake than their male counterparts, which may
contribute to explaining the observed relationships between diet and
mood. (30-34)
There are several plausible biological mechanisms linking nutrition
and mental well-being. Some studies have revealed that diets low in
magnesium or high in glycemic load may lead to higher plasma C-reactive
protein levels. C-reactive protein is a marker of low-grade inflammation
and inflammation is considered to facilitate the development of
depression. (35,36) A western diet typically has a high glycemic index
(37) and a low magnesium content. (38) Other studies have suggested the
involvement of oxidative stress in several mental illnesses, including
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and autism. (39) Oxidative
stress may induce neuronal damage, modulates intracellular signaling and
ultimately leads to neuronal death. (39) Regular consumption of foods
rich in antioxidants, for example blueberries, grapes, apples, and
spinach, is demonstrated to have an inverse association with
age-associated pathophysiological and cognitive changes. (40) There is
evidence from animal studies that supplementation with extracts from
these foods reduces or blocks neuronal death, which further suggests
that interventions that promote healthy eating may reduce the public
health burden of mental health disorders. (39)
Limitations to this study should be noted. The cross-sectional
study design does not rule out the potential for reverse causality. It
may be that children feeling worried, sad or unhappy eat less healthy
foods. Both diet quality and feelings of worry, sadness and unhappiness
were self-reported, which is prone to error. In addition, the outcome
for this study was a single question about feeling worried, sad, or
unhappy, drawn from the EQ-5D-Y. However, other studies using one or two
questions have shown to be effective at identifying depression. (41-43)
Also the EQ-5D-Y has been shown to be adequate for identifying
individuals with depression and anxiety, (44) but EQ-5D-Y is not
considered a diagnostic tool. Future studies examining diet and mental
health may benefit from using a more sophisticated questionnaire in the
assessment of depression and anxiety.
Despite these limitations, this study had several methodological
strengths. For instance, this was a population-based study with a
relatively high response rate, as well as a large sample size. Also,
several socio-demographic and other factors were controlled for in the
analysis, allowing for a clearer interpretation of the role of diet
quality for the children's feelings, although we cannot exclude the
presence of residual confounding and influences of unmeasured
confounders. For example, children in settings that are not ideal for
diet or mental health have both poor diet and mental health.
Mental health disorders result in substantial economic costs to
society in addition to personal costs. Depression costs the Canadian
economy more than $14 billion per year. (45) The findings from the
current study suggest that diet quality plays an important role for
mental health in addition to physical health. We recommend that
consideration be given to diet quality as a preventive strategy to
improve both mental and physical health.
Acknowledgement: The authors thank the grade 5 students, parents
and schools for their participation in the REAL Kids Alberta evaluation.
Thanks also to the evaluation assistants, health promotion coordinators
and all others involved in the execution of the data collection, as well
as Connie Lu for data validation and management. This research was
funded through a contract with Alberta Health and through a Canada
Research Chair in Population Health and Alberta Innovates Health
Solutions Scholarship to Dr. Paul J. Veugelers. All interpretations and
opinions in this article are those of the authors.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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Received: January 24, 2013
Accepted: July 24, 2013
Seanna E. McMartin, MSc, [1,2] Noreen D. Willows, PhD, [3] Ian
Colman, PhD, [2] Arto Ohinmaa, PhD, [1] Kate Storey, PhD, [1] Paul J.
Veugelers, PhD [1]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Department of Public Health Sciences, School of Public Health,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[2.] Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, University
of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
[3.] Department of Agriculture, Food, and Nutritional Science,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
Correspondence: Dr. Paul Veugelers, Department of Public Health
Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, 3-50
University Terrace, 8303--112 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Tel:
780-495-9095, Fax: 780-492-5521, E-mail:
Table 1. Socio-demographic and Self-reported Feelings of
Worry, Sadness and Unhappiness Among Grade 5
Students in Alberta
% of Grade 5 % Reporting Feeling
Students Worried, Sad or Unhappy
No A Bit Very
Female 51 58 38 4
Male 49 71 27 2
Household income ($)
<50,000 16 62 34 4
50,001-75,000 12 63 33 4
75,001-100,000 14 66 31 3
>100,001 25 66 31 3
Not reported 33
Parental education
Secondary school or less 24 62 34 4
College 37 64 32 3
University 33 66 31 2
Not reported 5
Metropolitan area 47 64 33 3
City 39 65 32 4
Rural/town 14 64 32 3
Year of data collection
2008 50 62 35 3
2010 50 66 30 4
Physical activity level
Low level 3 53 44 4
Medium 87 63 33 3
High level 10 76 22 2
Body weight status
Normal weight 72 65 32 3
Overweight, not obese 20 64 32 4
Obese 8 58 38 4
Table 2. Odds Ratios (OR) With 95% Confidence Intervals for the
Association Between Indicators of Diet Quality and Feeling a Bit/Very
Worried, Sad or Unhappy
Model 1 * Model 2 ([dagger])
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
Diet quality 0.92 (0.86-0.98) 0.89 (0.84-0.96)
Variety 0.95 (0.92-0.99) 0.94 (0.91-0.98)
Adequacy 0.90 (0.84-0.96) 0.87 (0.82-0.93)
Moderation 0.96 (0.92-1.01) 0.95 (0.91-1.00)
Balance 1.06 (1.02-1.09) 1.05 (1.02-1.09)
Model 3 ([double dagger])
OR (95% CI)
All Students Boys Girls
Diet quality 0.90 (0.85-0.97) 0.94 (0.86-1.03) 0.89 (0.80-0.98)
Variety 0.95 (0.91-0.98) 0.93 (0.88-0.99) 0.96 (0.91-1.02)
Adequacy 0.89 (0.83-0.95) 0.91 (0.83-1.00) 0.87 (0.80-0.95)
Moderation 0.96 (0.91-1.00) 0.99 (0.94-1.05) 0.93 (0.87-0.99)
Balance 1.05 (1.02-1.09) 1.06 (1.01-1.11) 1.04 (1.00-1.09)
OR: odds rate ratio; CI: confidence interval.
All analyses weighted to yield provincial population estimates.
* Adjusted for energy intake.
([dagger]) Adjusted for energy intake, gender, household
income, parental education, geographic area, and year of
data collection.
([double dagger]) Adjusted for energy intake, gender, household
income, parental education, geographic area, year of data
collection, body weight status and physical activity level.