Overqualification and risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: evidence from the Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up study (1991-2001).
Smith, Brendan T. ; Smith, Peter M. ; Etches, Jacob 等
There is strong evidence demonstrating an inverse association
between socio-economic position (SEP) and mortality. (1) In
epidemiologic studies, SEP is typically measured as education,
occupation or income. (2) These indicators attempt to measure the
underlying construct of SEP, and consequently a degree of overlap exists
between them. However, these indicators often reflect a specific period
in the life-course and measure different dimensions of SEP, and
therefore should not be used interchangeably. (2-4) Studies have
attempted to understand the relationship between different SEP measures
and health. (5,6) Examining the effect of multiple SEP indicators in the
same study, both independently and simultaneously, can provide insight
into which SEP measures are the strongest predictors of mortality.
There has been a longstanding interest in social epidemiology
concerning the hypothesis that status inconsistency (i.e., having
contradictory SEP measures) is associated with adverse health effects. A
proposed pathway linking status inconsistency and poor health is via
"goal-striving stress", where stress results from an
individual's social class achievements (e.g., occupation) not
meeting their aspirations (e.g., education). (7) This stress may result
in neuroendocrine and immune system disruption and excess cortisol and
sympathetic hormone release, which may elevate the risk of mortality, in
particular from cardiovascular-related events. (8)
Overqualification--where educational attainment is higher than
occupational skill requirements--is a status inconsistency measure of
increasing relevance. In 2008, 28% of Canadians in non-management
occupations were overqualified, with higher rates among immigrant (9)
and younger workers. (10) While post-secondary educational attainment in
Canada is increasing rapidly, the occupational skill level distribution
of the labour market has not changed to the same extent. (10) These
trends suggest that the prevalence of overqualification will likely
continue to rise, underscoring the importance of understanding the
relationship between overqualification and health.
There are mixed results on the association between
overqualification and health, with some studies finding an association
with coronary heart disease (CHD), (11) all-cause and CHD mortality,
(12) declines in self-rated health (13) and adverse emotional outcomes.
(14) However, a more recent study found no association between
overqualification and cardiovascular disease (CVD). (15)
Comparison between studies has been hindered by the use of
conflicting methodologies and multiple definitions of overqualification.
This approach has led to mixed results, even within the same data
source. (16,17) While methodological debate continues, (18) a clear
articulation of which types of inconsistencies are being tested and how
these methodologies distinguish the effects of SEP and status
inconsistencies will help clarify this research area.
Recent studies examining the association between overqualification
and mortality have reported mixed results. The Canadian Census Mortality
Follow-up Study allows for a more meaningful measure of qualification
status as occupation is classified in terms of minimum skill
requirements, a measure that can be directly linked to an
individual's level of education attainment. Consequently, the
objective of this study was to determine whether education, occupation
and overqualification increase risk of all-cause and CVD mortality.
Study sample
The Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up Study is a nationally
representative population-based cohort of non-institutionalized
Canadians followed for mortality from 1991 to 2001. The cohort
encompasses a 15% sample of the adult population of Canada over the age
of 25 who completed the 1991 census long-form questionnaire
(N=2,735,152). Record linkage methods included probabilistic linkage to
income tax records. Linkage outcomes indicated that respondents who
could not be matched to income tax records were more likely to be
female, older than age 65, unmarried, or of lower income or educational
attainment. (18) Baseline data collected in the census long-form
questionnaire (1991) include data on various socio-demographic, family,
household and neighbourhood characteristics of each respondent.
Mortality was ascertained by linking census data to the Canadian
Mortality Database, identifying over 260,000 deaths in this sample. (19)
Statistics Canada estimates that 97% of all deaths to study subjects
were ascertained in the Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up Study. (19)
For the purpose of this study, we restricted the original sample to
respondents between 35-64 years of age at study baseline, working over
25 hours per week. These inclusion criteria are designed to account for
potential bias resulting from younger individuals being more likely to
be overqualified and less likely to die during the 10-year follow-up
period. Similarly, it is difficult to accurately estimate occupational
status in individuals over 64 years of age, and thus their exposure to
overqualification as they approach and begin retirement. Therefore, it
was assured that individuals had the opportunity to reach a
"status-defining" occupation and are representative of labour
force participants, whose exposure to overqualification was hypothesized
to result in inequalities in mortality. The final sample consisted of
1,091,800 subjects (421,600 women and 670,200 men).
Exposure measurement
Educational Attainment
Education was classified into four groups using academic
achievement. These included: <high school graduation, high school
graduation (including trades certificate), post-secondary certificate or
diploma, and university bachelor's degree or higher.
Occupation Skill Requirements
Occupation was categorized using the National Occupational
Classification (NOC) system. (17) The NOC, developed by Human Resources
and Development Canada, groups occupations based on minimum training
and/or education required to work in an occupation. Occupations were
classified into five categories: requiring no education (unskilled),
requiring secondary school education (semi-skilled), requiring
post-secondary education below bachelors level
(technical/skilled/supervisory), managers, and requiring bachelors
education or higher (professional).
Overqualification was defined as a mismatch between educational
attainment and occupational achievement. To examine the health
consequences of overqualification--above the health effects of
occupation alone--we specified statistical interactions between
education and occupation. Here, we examined whether the mortality risk
associated with a given occupation differs depending on the
respondent's level of education. We hypothesized that the effects
of occupation on mortality would differ by level of education, being
greater in overqualified respondents.
Outcome ascertainment
All-cause and CVD mortality were examined in this study. Underlying
cause and date of death were ascertained from the Canadian Mortality
Database. CVD mortality was classified using the World Health
Organization's International Classification of Diseases, Ninth
Revision (ICD-9) (20) for deaths occurring from 1991 through 1999 and
Tenth Revision (ICD-10) (21) for deaths occurring in 2000 or 2001.
Confounders included age, income adequacy, marital status, years
since immigration, ethnicity, Aboriginal origins, province of residence
and community size. Income adequacy, divided into quintiles, was
calculated as the ratio of total family income to the Statistics Canada
low income cut-off (LICO) for family and community size. (22)
Statistical analyses
Sex-specific Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate
hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) to test the
association between education and occupation (independently) on risk of
all-cause and CVD mortality. Follow-up was calculated from study
baseline (census day) until date of death or end of study (December 31,
2001), whichever comes first. All analyses were adjusted for age, with a
subsequent model adjusting for education or occupation (when not the
exposure of interest) and a limited set of possible confounders (age,
income adequacy, marital status, years since immigration, ethnicity,
Aboriginal origins, province of residence and community size). To
examine the effect of overqualification on all-cause and CVD mortality,
we evaluated two models: 1) an interaction term for education and
occupation in models that simultaneously adjusted for both variables,
and 2) a categorical variable specifying a respondent as overqualified,
qualified or underqualified. Analyses were conducted using SAS version
9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
The Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up Study was approved by the
Statistics Canada Policy Committee after consultations with the
Statistics Canada Confidentiality and Legislation Committee, the Data
Access and Control Services Division, and the Federal Privacy
Commissioner. The protocol for this research was reviewed and approved
by the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board of the University of
Table 1 describes the sex-specific distribution of baseline
covariates by qualification status. In both men and women, younger
workers were more likely to be overqualified, while older workers were
more likely to be underqualified for their occupation. Further, men and
women with no visible minority status were less likely to be
overqualified and more likely to be underqualified compared to visible
minority groups.
Age-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models showed a graded
inverse association between both education and occupation and all-cause
mortality in men (education: HR=1.94, 95% CI: 1.87-2.01 for <high
school graduation vs. university degree; occupation: HR=1.86, 95% CI:
1.78-1.95 for unskilled vs. professional occupation) (Table 2). In
women, education and occupation were inversely associated with all-cause
mortality in age-adjusted models (education; HR=1.55, 95% CI: 1.45-1.66
for <high school graduation vs. university degree; occupation:
HR=1.42, 95% CI: 1.32-1.53 for unskilled vs. professional occupation).
In both men and women, these associations were attenuated and remained
statistically significant in fully-adjusted models.
Age-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models demonstrated inverse
associations between both education and occupation with CVD mortality in
men (education; HR=2.01, 95% CI: 1.87-2.15 for <high school
graduation vs. university degree; occupation: HR=1.91, 95% CI: 1.75-2.07
for unskilled vs. professional occupation) (Table 2). In women, similar
inverse associations between education and occupation and CVD mortality
were observed (education; HR=2.45, 95% CI: 2.02-2.35 for <high school
graduation vs. university degree, and occupation: HR=1.96, 95% CI:
1.642.35 for unskilled vs. professional occupation). In both men and
women, associations were attenuated and remained statistically
significant in fully-adjusted models.
Limited evidence was found to support the hypothesized association
between overqualification and all-cause or CVD mortality. In the
analytic models estimating an interaction between education and
occupation, the interaction terms for both men and women were not
statistically significant on the multiplicative scale. In analytic
models estimating over- or underqualification via a categorical
variable, there was a weak association for men between overqualification
and all-cause mortality in the fully-adjusted model (HR: 1.06, 95% CI:
1.01-1.12 compared to the qualified group) (Table 3).
Overall, strong socio-economic gradients in all-cause and CVD
mortality were observed. These associations remained in fully-adjusted
models. Adjusting for education and occupation simultaneously attenuated
the mortality risk associated with each SEP measure. However, as in
previous studies, (23) level of education still displayed a stepwise
gradient for both all-cause and CVD mortality, while the occupational
gradient became less apparent. The lack of interaction between education
and occupation demonstrates a consistent effect of occupation on
mortality across educational strata. A weak association was observed
between overqualification and all-cause mortality in men. However,
overall these findings suggest that overqualification does not confer
additional all-cause or CVD mortality risk over and above that
associated with individual SEP measures.
Prior literature
Previous studies have demonstrated strong social gradients for both
education and occupation in all-cause and CVD mortality, (24) a finding
confirmed in this report. In addition, the overqualification hypothesis
was not confirmed in this study. These findings add to the mixed results
on the association between overqualification and health. Two recent
studies from Germany reported an association between status
inconsistencies and CVD, (11,15) although only one found an association
between overqualification and CVD. (11) However, these studies compared
status-inconsistent with status-consistent individuals, an approach that
does not differentiate between SEP and status-inconsistency measures. In
addition, the use of ordinal--sample-dependent--rankings of SEP measures
lacks a theoretical basis for quantifying both the level (as it groups
all inconsistencies together) and type of inconsistency. The present
study introduces a new measure of overqualification, making it difficult
to compare with previous studies. (11,12,15) However, the classification
of occupation by minimum skill level required allows a more accurate
classification of overqualification. One exception is management
occupations, which were included as an independent category as they
reflect a range of potential education attainments. A sensitivity
analysis individually classifying management occupations into occupation
skill requirement categories, defined in a previous study using the NOC
classification system, (13) did not change the study results.
Strengths and limitations
Our results should be interpreted taking into account the following
limitations. The duration of exposure to overqualification as well as
transitions between occupations are not captured in this study, as
exposure measures were only assessed at one time point. Therefore some
non-differential exposure misclassification may have occurred, which
would have biased estimates toward the null. Future studies are
necessary to better understand the time-dependent effect of
overqualification on mortality. There may be misclassification across
underqualified and qualified categories in our main independent variable
as on-the-job training and experience may be considered in place of
education by some employers. Unfortunately our data source did not
contain information on years of relevant work experience, so we were
unable to take job experience into account. In addition, immigrant
populations are more likely to be overqualified (9) and have
better-than-average health given the Canadian immigration system.
Therefore, we controlled for years since immigration. Sensitivity
analyses excluding all immigrants did not significantly change the
results from this study (data not shown). Further, information on
important mediators (e.g., health behaviours) of the relationship
between education, occupation, overqualification and mortality were not
available in this study. Mediators, such as time-dependent health
behaviours, have been shown to explain a portion of social inequalities
in mortality. (25) Finally, given the limited information on health
status available in this cohort, it was not possible to assess whether
the association between overqualification and mortality was potentially
confounded by this factor (e.g., individuals in poor health seek
occupations below their educational attainment).
A major strength of this study was the large sample size of a
nationally representative cohort of Canadians, which enabled us to test
the association between overqualification and all-cause and CVD
mortality. Moreover, we present a more direct measure of
overqualification and a statistical methodology that clearly
distinguishes between the effects of SEP and overqualification.
Education and occupation gradients in all-cause and CVD mortality
were observed in this study. However, there was little evidence that
overqualification resulted in additional all-cause or CVD mortality,
suggesting that the effects of occupation are consistent across
educational strata.
Received: January 20, 2012
Accepted: May 21, 2012
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Brendan T. Smith, MSc, [1,2] Peter M. Smith, PhD, MPH, [1-3] Jacob
Etches, PhD, [2] Cameron A. Mustard, ScD [1,2]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON
[2.] Institute for Work & Health, Toronto, ON
[3.] School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence: Brendan T. Smith, Institute for Work & Health,
481 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 2E9, Tel: 416-927-2027, ext. 2189,
Fax: 416-927-4167, E-mail: bsmith@iwh.on.ca
Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge the leadership of Dr.
Michael Wolfson in the creation of the Canadian Census Mortality
Follow-up Study.
Sources of funding: Funding for this research was provided by the
Canadian Population Health Initiative of the Canadian Institute for
Health Information, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the
Research Advisory Council of the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance
Board. Brendan Smith is supported through a Frederick Banting and
Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award, Canadian
Institutes of Health Research. Peter Smith is supported by a New
Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics According to Measure of
Status Consistency of Non-institutionalized Men and Women
Aged 35-64, Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up Study,
Canada (1991-2001)
n Deaths Qualified
Total Sample 670,200 34,750 37
University degree 118,400 3347 71
Postsecondary diploma 87,700 3113 50
Secondary graduation 260,900 12,686 32
<secondary graduation 203,300 15,604 17
Occupation skill
Professional 91,800 3029 69
Management 113,100 4705 37
skilled, supervisory 235,600 12,225 16
Semi-skilled 169,500 10,147 42
Unskilled 60,200 4644 58
Age group
35-39 169,000 2702 39
40-44 156,500 3833 40
45-49 122,400 4982 38
50-54 95,300 6482 34
55-59 76,400 8229 32
60-64 50,600 8522 31
Income adequacy
5: Highest 198,800 9649 42
4 172,800 8620 36
3 144,400 7450 35
2 100,400 5561 33
1: Lowest 53,800 3470 32
Marital status
Married 545,400 26,410 37
Common-law 38,400 1831 37
Widowed 4400 622 33
Separated 13,700 917 37
Divorced 26,300 2048 37
Never married 42,100 2922 42
Years since immigration
Non-immigrant 512,400 27,635 36
Immigrated at age <14 24,300 731 40
0-5 years 13,700 296 40
6-10 years 10,500 271 42
11-20 years 41,200 1265 41
21+ years 65,600 4507 36
Non-permanent resident 2500 45 40
Not a visible minority 618,100 33,139 36
Black 9000 305 42
East Asian 16,800 531 41
Latin American 1900 39 38
South Asian 12,200 376 43
South-east Asian/Pacific 5400 150 39
South-west Asian or Arab 6000 177 44
Multiple visible minority 800 33 41
Aboriginal origins
No Aboriginal origins 650,400 33,576 37
Not registered
Indian/band member 11,200 568 34
Registered Indian/
band member 8600 606 32
Alberta 62,600 2924 36
British Columbia 80,900 3717 37
Manitoba 27,500 1603 33
New Brunswick 16,700 857 35
Newfoundland 13,300 675 34
Northwest Territories 4700 216 36
Nova Scotia 20,700 1092 35
Ontario 247,800 13,027 38
Prince Edward Island 3100 180 33
Quebec 167,400 9138 38
Saskatchewan 23,900 1262 30
Yukon 1500 59 37
Community size
[greater than or equal
to]1,000,000 207,400 10,469 39
500,000-999,999 109,200 5366 41
100,000-499,999 99,900 5057 38
10,000-99,999 93,300 4943 36
<10,000 with
influence 151,200 8317 31
<10,000 no
influence 9200 598 28
Over- Under-
qualified qualified
(%) (%)
Total Sample 11 52
University degree 29 N/A *
Postsecondary diploma 24 26
Secondary graduation 8 60
<secondary graduation N/A * 83
Occupation skill
Professional N/A * 31
Management 13 50
skilled, supervisory 6 78
Semi-skilled 13 46
Unskilled 42 N/A *
Age group
35-39 14 46
40-44 13 47
45-49 11 52
50-54 9 57
55-59 8 60
60-64 8 61
Income adequacy
5: Highest 10 48
4 11 53
3 12 53
2 13 53
1: Lowest 14 54
Marital status
Married 11 53
Common-law 11 52
Widowed 9 58
Separated 12 51
Divorced 13 50
Never married 17 41
Years since immigration
Non-immigrant 10 53
Immigrated at age <14 13 47
0-5 years 28 32
6-10 years 22 36
11-20 years 18 41
21+ years 9 54
Non-permanent resident 25 35
Not a visible minority 10 53
Black 17 41
East Asian 20 39
Latin American 28 34
South Asian 24 32
South-east Asian/Pacific 34 28
South-west Asian or Arab 24 33
Multiple visible minority 19 39
Aboriginal origins
No Aboriginal origins 11 52
Not registered
Indian/band member 11 56
Registered Indian/
band member 10 58
Alberta 11 52
British Columbia 13 50
Manitoba 10 57
New Brunswick 9 56
Newfoundland 7 59
Northwest Territories 11 53
Nova Scotia 11 54
Ontario 12 50
Prince Edward Island 9 57
Quebec 11 51
Saskatchewan 9 61
Yukon 14 49
Community size
[greater than or equal
to]1,000,000 14 47
500,000-999,999 12 47
100,000-499,999 11 51
10,000-99,999 10 54
<10,000 with
influence 8 61
<10,000 no
influence 8 64
n Deaths Qualified
Total Sample 421,600 11,168 41
University degree 62,200 1039 71
Postsecondary diploma 86,600 1939 35
Secondary graduation 157,200 3954 46
<secondary graduation 115,600 4236 22
Occupation skill
Professional 73,800 1458 52
Management 38,400 937 35
skilled, supervisory 121,300 3226 23
Semi-skilled 148,900 4164 44
Unskilled 39,300 1383 63
Age group
35-39 115,500 1152 43
40-44 109,000 1735 43
45-49 81,300 1999 40
50-54 56,200 2139 38
55-59 38,400 2285 36
60-64 21,300 1858 36
Income adequacy
5: Highest 130,700 3160 44
4 107,500 2660 40
3 85,300 2275 39
2 60,900 1830 38
1: Lowest 37,200 1243 37
Marital status
Married 289,900 6793 40
Common-law 26,500 569 41
Widowed 14,000 835 38
Separated 14,900 426 41
Divorced 38,700 1321 41
Never married 37,700 1224 46
Years since immigration
Non-immigrant 322,300 8955 41
Immigrated at age <14 15,700 304 42
0-5 years 8900 120 40
6-10 years 7200 118 41
11-20 years 29,100 447 42
21+ years 37,000 1197 40
Non-permanent resident 1500 27 40
Not a visible minority 382,900 10,506 41
Black 8400 185 42
East Asian 12,200 222 41
Latin American 1400 15 42
South Asian 7300 99 41
South-east Asian/Pacific 6200 88 38
South-west Asian or Arab 2700 41 43
Multiple visible minority 700 12 40
Aboriginal origins
No Aboriginal origins 407,100 10,680 41
Not registered
Indian/band member 7600 221 38
Registered Indian/
band member 6900 267 35
Alberta 39,100 1027 41
British Columbia 48,600 1284 41
Manitoba 17,200 532 39
New Brunswick 10,000 231 42
Newfoundland 8100 199 40
Northwest Territories 3100 73 40
Nova Scotia 12,200 337 41
Ontario 162,600 4526 41
Prince Edward Island 2100 56 40
Quebec 103,100 2475 41
Saskatchewan 14,500 397 39
Yukon 1000 31 39
Community size
[greater than or equal
to]1,000,000 143,600 3681 42
500,000-999,999 72,400 1892 43
100,000-499,999 61,800 1701 42
10,000-99,999 55,500 1470 40
<10,000 with
influence 83,300 2254 37
<10,000 no
influence 4900 170 33
Over- Under-
qualified qualified
(%) (%)
Total Sample 14 46
University degree 29 N/A *
Postsecondary diploma 32 33
Secondary graduation 7 47
<secondary graduation N/A * 78
Occupation skill
Professional N/A * 48
Management 13 52
skilled, supervisory 7 69
Semi-skilled 20 36
Unskilled 36 N/A *
Age group
35-39 16 40
40-44 14 43
45-49 13 47
50-54 11 51
55-59 11 53
60-64 11 54
Income adequacy
5: Highest 12 44
4 13 47
3 14 46
2 16 46
1: Lowest 17 45
Marital status
Married 13 47
Common-law 13 46
Widowed 11 51
Separated 14 45
Divorced 14 44
Never married 17 37
Years since immigration
Non-immigrant 12 47
Immigrated at age <14 12 45
0-5 years 30 30
6-10 years 26 33
11-20 years 22 36
21+ years 13 47
Non-permanent resident 30 30
Not a visible minority 13 47
Black 18 41
East Asian 21 38
Latin American 29 29
South Asian 27 32
South-east Asian/Pacific 36 26
South-west Asian or Arab 23 34
Multiple visible minority 25 35
Aboriginal origins
No Aboriginal origins 14 45
Not registered
Indian/band member 13 49
Registered Indian/
band member 12 53
Alberta 15 45
British Columbia 17 42
Manitoba 13 48
New Brunswick 13 45
Newfoundland 10 50
Northwest Territories 12 48
Nova Scotia 14 45
Ontario 14 45
Prince Edward Island 15 44
Quebec 12 48
Saskatchewan 13 49
Yukon 22 39
Community size
[greater than or equal
to]1,000,000 15 43
500,000-999,999 14 43
100,000-499,999 14 44
10,000-99,999 13 47
<10,000 with
influence 12 51
<10,000 no
influence 10 57
* N/A or not applicable refers to situations where the
qualification status consistency category is not possible.
For example, it is impossible for individuals with the
highest level of education to be underqualified for their
occupation, or individuals with the lowest level of
education to be overqualified for their occupation.
Table 2. Cox Proportional Hazard Models Evaluating the
Association Between Educational Attainment and Occupational
Status With All-cause and CVD Mortality in Non-
institutionalized Men and Women Aged 35-64, Canadian Census
Mortality Follow-up Study, Canada (1991-2001)
Model 1 *
Men n Events HR 95% CI
University degree 118,400 3347 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 87,700 3113 1.30 1.24-1.36
Secondary graduation 260,900 12,686 1.62 1.56-1.68
<secondary graduation 203,300 15,604 1.94 1.87-2.01
Occupation skill
Professional 91,800 3029
Management 113,100 4705
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 235,600 12,225
Semi-skilled 169,500 10,147
Unskilled 60,200 4644
University degree 62,200 1039 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 86,600 1939 1.22 1.13-1.32
Secondary graduation 157,200 3954 1.37 1.28-1.46
<secondary graduation 115,600 4236 1.55 1.45-1.66
Occupation skill
Professional 73,800 1458
Management 38,400 937
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 121,300 3226
Semi-skilled 148,900 4164
Unskilled 39,300 1383
All-cause Mortality
Model 2 * Model 3
([double dagger])
Men HR 95% CI HR 95% CI
University degree 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 1.19 1.13-1.26
Secondary graduation 1.40 1.33-1.46
<secondary graduation 1.53 1.46-1.61
Occupation skill
Professional 1.00 1.00
Management 1.18 1.13-1.24 1.02 0.97-1.07
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 1.44 1.39-1.50 1.09 1.04-1.14
Semi-skilled 1.69 1.62-1.76 1.16 1.11-1.22
Unskilled 1.86 1.78-1.95 1.21 1.15-1.28
University degree 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 1.15 1.06-1.25
Secondary graduation 1.28 1.19-1.39
<secondary graduation 1.41 1.30-1.54
Occupation skill
Professional 1.00 1.00
Management 1.17 1.08-1.27 1.06 0.97-1.15
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 1.24 1.16-1.32 1.07 0.99-1.14
Semi-skilled 1.27 1.20-1.35 1.06 0.99-1.14
Unskilled 1.42 1.32-1.53 1.14 1.05-1.24
CVD Mortality
Model 1 * Model 2 *
Men HR 95% CI HR 95% CI
University degree 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 1.34 1.23-1.47
Secondary graduation 1.64 1.53-1.76
<secondary graduation 2.01 1.87-2.15
Occupation skill
Professional 1.00
Management 1.20 1.11-1.31
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 1.48 1.37-1.59
Semi-skilled 1.77 1.64-1.91
Unskilled 1.91 1.75-2.07
University degree 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 1.54 1.25-1.90
Secondary graduation 1.80 1.49-2.19
<secondary graduation 2.45 2.02-2.96
Occupation skill
Professional 1.00
Management 1.31 1.06-1.62
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 1.38 1.18-1.63
Semi-skilled 1.62 1.39-1.89
Unskilled 1.96 1.64-2.35
CVD Mortality
Model 3
Men HR 95% CI
University degree 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 1.22 1.11-1.34
Secondary graduation 1.38 1.27-1.50
<secondary graduation 1.52 1.40-1.66
Occupation skill
Professional 1.00
Management 1.04 0.95-1.13
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 1.09 1.00-1.19
Semi-skilled 1.20 1.09-1.31
Unskilled 1.22 1.11-1.35
University degree 1.00
Postsecondary diploma 1.40 1.12-1.74
Secondary graduation 1.61 1.29-2.00
<secondary graduation 2.01 1.61-2.51
Occupation skill
Professional 1.00
Management 1.06 0.85-1.33
Technical, skilled,
supervisory 1.02 0.85-1.23
Semi-skilled 1.11 0.92-1.32
Unskilled 1.22 0.99-1.51
* Adjusted for age.
([dagger]) Adjusted for age, education, occupation, income
adequacy, marital status, years since immigration,
ethnicity, Aboriginal origins, province of residence and
community size.
([double dagger]) When added to Model 3, an interaction term
between education and occupation for all-cause mortality was
not statistically significant (men: p=0.22; women: p=0.74).
([section]) When added to Model 3, an interaction term
between education and occupation for CVD mortality was not
statistically significant (men: p=0.25; women: p=0.16).
Table 3. Cox Proportional Hazard Models Evaluating the
Association Between Status Inconsistency and All-cause and
CVD Mortality in Non-institutionalized Men and Women Aged
35-64, Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up Study, Canada
n Events
Status Inconsistency
Qualified 247,100 11,051
Overqualified 76,000 3100
Underqualified 347,100 20,599
Status Inconsistency
Qualified 171,500 4141
Overqualified 57,600 1295
Underqualified 192,400 5732
All-cause Mortality
Model 1 * Model 2
HR 95% CI HR 95% CI
Status Inconsistency
Qualified 1.00 1.00
Overqualified 1.00 0.96-1.04 1.06 1.01-1.12
Underqualified 1.15 1.12-1.17 1.00 0.96-1.05
Status Inconsistency
Qualified 1.00 1.00
Overqualified 0.98 0.92-1.04 1.04 0.96-1.13
Underqualified 1.10 1.06-1.15 1.02 0.95-1.10
CVD Mortality
Model 1* Model 2
HR 95% CI HR 95% CI
Status Inconsistency
Qualified 1.00 1.00
Overqualified 0.97 0.91-1.05 1.05 0.96-1.15
Underqualified 1.12 1.08-1.17 0.96 0.89-1.03
Status Inconsistency
Qualified 1.00 1.00
Overqualified 0.97 0.83-1.13 1.19 0.98-1.46
Underqualified 1.13 1.03-1.24 0.90 0.76-1.07
* Adjusted for age.
([dagger]) Adjusted for age, education, occupation, income
adequacy, marital status, years since immigration,
ethnicity, Aboriginal origins, province of residence and
community size.