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  • 标题:The importance of parental beliefs and support for physical activity and body weights of children: a population-based analysis.
  • 作者:Ploeg, Kerry A. Vander ; Maximova, Katerina ; Kuhle, Stefan
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:July
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:Insufficient physical activity (PA) is a proximate risk factor of childhood overweight. (6) In Canada, most children are not sufficiently active; (7) 9% of boys and 4% of girls accumulate the recommended 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous activity. (7) Promotion of PA is therefore a priority for the prevention of childhood overweight.
  • 关键词:Advertising campaigns;Body mass index;Body weight;Childhood obesity;Exercise;Health;Health promotion;Obesity in children;Parent and child;Parent-child relations;Parenting

The importance of parental beliefs and support for physical activity and body weights of children: a population-based analysis.

Ploeg, Kerry A. Vander ; Maximova, Katerina ; Kuhle, Stefan 等

Overweight and obesity in childhood are major public health concerns. They negatively impact self-esteem and academic performance. (1,2) Because overweight children tend to become overweight adults, an increasing number of children will face chronic disease in their lifetime. (3,4) In Canada, the prevalence of childhood overweight has more than doubled in the past decades. Recent estimates indicate that about 30% of children are overweight or obese. (5)

Insufficient physical activity (PA) is a proximate risk factor of childhood overweight. (6) In Canada, most children are not sufficiently active; (7) 9% of boys and 4% of girls accumulate the recommended 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous activity. (7) Promotion of PA is therefore a priority for the prevention of childhood overweight.

Parental beliefs and support for PA have been suggested as key areas for health promotion. Recent reviews report that parents influence children's PA behaviour by modeling and by supporting PA (e.g., being active together, encouraging PA). (8,9) However, research is limited and inconsistent when comparing the importance of parental PA beliefs and support for overweight relative to normal-weight children's PA. (10,11) Furthermore, the literature lacks generalizability because studies have not been population-based. Additionally, parental beliefs and support for children's PA have not been associated with children's weight status.

To support the development of health promotion strategies and interventions for the prevention of childhood overweight, our primary objective is to use a population-based sample of children and parents to assess whether parental beliefs and support for PA are associated with childhood overweight. We also aim to assess the association of parental beliefs and support with PA, and whether this association is distinct for normal-weight compared to overweight children.


Study design/setting

Raising healthy Eating and Active Living (REAL) Kids Alberta is a population-based study of grade 5 children and parents in Alberta, Canada. The survey was conducted in 2008 and 2010 and employed a one-stage stratified random sampling design as described elsewhere. (12) In 2008, 148 of 184 (80.4%) schools participated. We sent 5,321 students home with surveys containing parental consent forms for their parent(s) to complete and return to school; 3,704 (70%) surveys were returned, 3,645 (98% of the 3,704) students received parental consent, and 3,421 children completed student surveys, resulting in a participation rate of 64%. We repeated data collection among grade 5 students and parents in 2010 from the schools that participated in 2008. In 2010, 7 schools were closed or not available to participate; we replaced these schools with 10 additional schools. We distributed 5,597 home surveys from 151 schools; 3,687 (66%) home surveys were returned, 3,656 (99% of the 3,687) students received parental consent to participate, and 3,389 children completed student surveys, resulting in a participation rate of 61%. Among these children, 3,300 in 2008 and 3,285 in 2010 had complete responses on parental beliefs and support, self-report PA, and BMI scores and were considered in the analysis.

Assessment of parental beliefs and support

The parent survey included three questions related to beliefs and support that were adapted from the activity-related parenting practices scale by Davison et al. (13) These included: 1) how much do you personally care about staying fit and exercising; 2) to what extent do you encourage your grade 5 child to be physically active; and 3) how often do you or another parent/guardian usually engage in PA together with your child. The questions we used are available at: www.REALKidsAlberta.ca

Assessment of outcome measures

Physical Activity

The student survey included the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C). The PAQ-C is a validated 7-day recall instrument that provides a summary score for general PA for children, aged 8 to 14 years. (14-16) We derived the summary score by taking the mean score of 7 items, each scored on a 5-point scale. A summary score of 1 indicates low PA, whereas a score of 5 indicates high PA. The PAQ-C is a valid and reliable self-report measure for children's PA during the school year. (14,15)

Overweight and Obesity

Trained assistants measured children's standing height to the nearest 0.1 cm using stadiometers (Seca-Stadiometer, Germany) and body weight to the nearest 0.1 kg on calibrated digital scales (Health-o-meter, IL, USA). We asked children to remove their shoes for both measurements. BMI was calculated as kg/[m.sup.2]. We defined overweight using the International Obesity Task Force BMI cut-off point established for children and youth. (17) The cut-off point is based on the health-related adult definition of overweight (BMI [greater than or equal to]25), but is adjusted to specific age and sex categories for children.

Confounding variables

Analyses were adjusted for the confounding potential of gender, survey completion year, parental education attainment, and combined household income (which is known to be high in Alberta) (Statistics Canada, 2011).

Data analysis

T-test and chi-square tests were used to test for differences between the 2008 and 2010 samples. Because observations were clustered within schools, we applied random effects models with students nested in schools. For each of the parental beliefs and support variables, we first applied univariable linear regression models to determine their associations with children's self-reported PA. Second, we applied multivariable linear regression models to adjust for the confounding effects of gender, parental educational attainment, household income, and year (Model 1). Third, we considered all predictors simultaneously to quantify their independent importance for children's self-reported PA (Model 2). We repeated these analyses stratified by normal-weight and overweight or obese children. Estimates of the effect size were derived from each model and are presented as estimates of the Partial Eta Squared. Last, to assess the effects of parental beliefs and support for PA on childhood overweight, we applied logistic random effects models. Missing values for parental education attainment and household income were treated as separate covariate categories, however, we do not present their estimated values.

All analyses were weighted to account for the effect of the study design. Therefore, the estimates are population-based and apply to the grade 5 student population of Alberta, Canada. We used Stata Version 11 (Stata Corp, TX, USA) to perform the statistical analyses. The Health Research Ethics Board of the University of Alberta approved this study, including data collection and parental informed consent forms in 2008 and 2010.


There were no differences between the 2008 and 2010 samples (Table 1). Boys reported higher levels of PA relative to girls (p<0.001). Increased parental care about staying fit and exercising, parental encouragement of PA, and parental engagement in PA with their child were associated with increased self-reported PA among children (Table 2). Parental encouragement of PA, and engagement in PA together were independent determinants of children's self-reported PA (Table 2: Model 2 beta coefficients).

Overweight children whose parents cared "quite a lot" about staying fit and exercising were reportedly significantly less active compared to normal-weight children whose parents cared "quite a lot" (Table 3: [beta]=-0.07, 95% CI: -0.12, -0.03). Table 3 depicts similar findings for encouragement of PA ([beta]=-0.04, 95% CI: -0.08, 0.01) and engagement in PA together ([beta]=-0.07, 95% CI: -0.10, -0.03).

Parents and children engaging in PA together and parental care about staying fit and exercising were not associated with childhood overweight. The single statistically significant independent parent factor that was negatively associated with childhood overweight was increased parental encouragement. Relative to children whose parents encouraged PA "quite a lot", children whose parents encouraged PA "very much" had 22% lower odds of being overweight (Table 4: Model 2 OR=0.78, 95% CI: 0.68-0.89).


This study demonstrated that increases in parental care about staying fit and exercising, encouragement of PA, and parental engagement in PA with their child were associated with increased rates of self-reported PA among children. These gradients persisted after stratification based on weight status. A novel finding of this study was that the impact of parental encouragement of children's PA was also reflected in a lower prevalence of overweight.

Our findings are consistent with previous reviews indicating that parental beliefs and support for PA are positively related to children's PA, self-reported or otherwise. (8,9) We found that parental engagement in PA and parental encouragement of PA were stronger predictors of children's reported PA than parental care about personal fitness. Other studies report similar findings. (18,19) For example, McGuire et al. (19) showed that parental encouragement was significantly related to boys' and girls' PA, but parental concern about personal fitness was not related. These results are further supported by the fact that parental care about personal fitness reflects modeling behaviour, (20) which often less directly affects children's PA than more proximate forms of support. (21)

Colley et al. (22) reported that Canadian adults are not sufficiently active. Yet many parents report to engage in physical activities with their children. This study found that parental engagement in PA with their child was the strongest predictor of children's self-reported PA. This finding is consistent with some (23) but not all studies. (24) This discrepancy, however, may be an effect of children's age. The mean age of the children sampled by Adkins et al. (23) was 8.8 years, while the children sampled by Robbins et al. (24) were 11-14 years. There is some evidence (25) to suggest that as children move into adolescence, parental involvement in children's PA becomes less important and other types of support (e.g., encouragement and peer involvement) become more important. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report population-based results; therefore our results indicate that at a population level, targeting parents to encourage and spend time being active with their children may be an effective strategy to increase grade 5 children's PA.

We also found that increased parental care about staying fit and exercising, increased parental encouragement of PA, and increased engagement in activities were associated with increased rates of self-reported PA among both normal-weight and overweight children. These findings are consistent with those of others. (10,26) However, the associations were distinct for normal-weight and overweight children. For example, the association between parental encouragement and self-reported PA, while positive among both overweight and normal-weight children, was stronger among normal-weight children. This seems consistent with a study that found that family social support was positively associated with PA in normal-weight boys, but not in overweight boys. (11) The importance of parental encouragement on overweight children's PA may be influenced by the tendency of these children to report more barriers to PA. (27) Conversely, the associations between parental engagement in PA together and reported PA behaviour among normal-weight and overweight children were similar, suggesting that parental engagement in PA may help overweight children to overcome barriers to PA.

We also showed that encouraging PA was negatively associated with childhood overweight. Studies indicate that parent encouragement is mediated through psychosocial attributes such as improved self-efficacy and liking of and attraction to activity. (18,20) Health promotion strategies and interventions to increase children's PA and/or reduce childhood overweight should include programs to teach parents how to effectively support their children to be physically active. Rhea recommended introducing overweight children gradually to enjoyable activities that will build their sense of self-efficacy. (28)

Strengths of our study include our large representative sample, generalizability of our results, measured heights and weights, and a high response rate for school-based research. (29) A limitation relates to the cross-sectional design, and necessitates caution with respect to interpretations of directionality and causality. Also, self-report measures are prone to bias and may produce socially desirable responses to questions surrounding parental beliefs and support, and an overestimation of children's PA. (30) Objective measures of PA (e.g., pedometers) would provide a more accurate estimate of children's PA, however, pedometers may be logistically and financially challenging in large population-based studies, as was the case in this study.


We showed the importance of parental beliefs and support for children's PA and body weight status. Health promotion strategies and programs that educate parents on how to effectively support their child in developing an active lifestyle may contribute to increasing PA and preventing overweight among children.

Received: January 16, 2012

Accepted: May 26, 2012


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Kerry A. Vander Ploeg, [1] Katerina Maximova, PhD, [1] Stefan Kuhle, MD, PhD, [2] Aline Simen-Kapeu, MD, PhD, [1] Paul J. Veugelers, PhD [1]

Author Affiliations

[1.] School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

[2.] Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

Correspondence: Paul J. Veugelers, Population Health Intervention Research Unit, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, 3-50 University Terrace, 8303 112 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Tel: 780-492-9095, Fax: 780-492-5521, E-mail: paul.veugelers@ualberta.ca

Acknowledgements: We thank all grade 5 students, parents and schools for their participation, the evaluation assistants for the execution of the data collection, and Connie Lu for data management and validation. The research was funded through a Canada Research Chair in Population Health and Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Health Scholarship to Dr. Paul Veugelers.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Descriptive Characteristics of Grade 5 Children and Their
Parent(s) in Alberta, Canada Including Means (95% Confidence Interval)
and Prevalences

                                         2008 Prevalence

Mean age (95% CI)                      10.67 (10.66-10.68)
Proportion boys, %                            48.3
Overweight (including obese), %               28.5
Obese, %                                       6.7
Mean PAQ-C (95% CI)                     3.30 (3.28-3.32)
Parental educational attainment, %
  Secondary or less                           26.9
  College diploma                             39.7
  University or graduate degree               33.4
Household income, %
  [less than or equal to]$50,000              24.0
  $50,001-$75,000                             17.7
  $75,001-$100,000                            22.0
  [greater than or equal to]$100,001          36.3

                                         2010 Prevalence

Mean age (95% CI)                      10.88 (10.87-10.89)
Proportion boys, %                            49.2
Overweight (including obese), %               27.4
Obese, %                                       8.8
Mean PAQ-C (95% CI)                     3.32 (3.30-3.34)
Parental educational attainment, %
  Secondary or less                           25.1
  College diploma                             39.2
  University or graduate degree               35.7
Household income, %
  [less than or equal to]$50,000              24.0
  $50,001-$75,000                             17.6
  $75,001-$100,000                            20.4
  [greater than or equal to]$100,001          38.0

                                       Combined Prevalence

Mean age (95% CI)                      10.78 (10.77-10.79)
Proportion boys, %                            48.7
Overweight (including obese), %               27.9
Obese, %                                       7.7
Mean PAQ-C (95% CI)                     3.31 (3.30-3.32)
Parental educational attainment, %
  Secondary or less                           26.0
  College diploma                             39.5
  University or graduate degree               34.5
Household income, %
  [less than or equal to]$50,000              24.0
  $50,001-$75,000                             17.6
  $75,001-$100,000                            21.3
  [greater than or equal to]$100,001          37.1

Table 2. Prevalences and Associations (Beta Coefficient and 95%
Confidence Interval) of Parental Beliefs and Support for Grade 5
Children's PA in Alberta, Canada


Care about staying fit
    and exercising
  Not at all /A little bit      23.1
  Quite a lot                   46.1
  Very much                     30.8
Encourage PA
  Not at all /A little bit      13.1
  Quite a lot                   45.0
  Very much                     41.9
Engage in PA together
  Never or <1 time/week         39.3
  1-3 times/week                51.7
  [greater than or equal        9.0
    to]4 times/week


                             [beta]      95% CI           Effect
                                                     ([double dagger])

Care about staying fit
    and exercising
  Not at all /A little bit   -0.16    -0.19, -0.12         0.016
  Quite a lot                 0.00     --                  --
  Very much                   0.15     0.11, 0.19          0.015
Encourage PA
  Not at all /A little bit   -0.28    -0.33, -0.24         0.033
  Quite a lot                 0.00     --                  --
  Very much                   0.22     0.19, 0.25          0.040
Engage in PA together
  Never or <1 time/week      -0.44    -0.47, -0.41         0.163
  1-3 times/week              0.00     --                  --
  [greater than or equal      0.34     0.30, 0.38          0.035
    to]4 times/week


                                             Model 1 *

                             [beta]      95% CI           Effect
                                                     ([double dagger])

Care about staying fit
    and exercising
  Not at all /A little bit   -0.15    -0.18, -0.11         0.014
  Quite a lot                 0.00     --                  --
  Very much                   0.14     0.11, 0.18          0.013
Encourage PA
  Not at all /A little bit   -0.27    -0.31, -0.22         0.030
  Quite a lot                 0.00     --                  --
  Very much                   0.21     0.17, 0.24          0.036
Engage in PA together
  Never or <1 time/week      -0.44    -0.47, -0.41         0.171
  1-3 times/week              0.00     --                  --
  [greater than or equal      0.36     0.32, 0.41          0.045
    to]4 times/week


                                         Model 2 ([dagger])

                             [beta]      95% CI           Effect
                                                     ([double dagger])

Care about staying fit
    and exercising
  Not at all /A little bit   -0.02    -0.05, 0.01         <0.001
  Quite a lot                 0.00     --                  --
  Very much                   0.02    -0.01, 0.05         <0.001
Encourage PA
  Not at all /A little bit   -0.19    -0.23, -0.15         0.020
  Quite a lot                 0.00     --                  --
  Very much                   0.13     0.10, 0.16          0.019
Engage in PA together
  Never or <1 time/week      -0.40    -0.43, -0.37         0.147
  1-3 times/week              0.00     --                  --
  [greater than or equal      0.33     0.28, 0.37          0.040
    to]4 times/week

Note: We combined responses to the first two categories for each
question due to small cell sizes.

* Model 1 is adjusted for gender, household income, parental
educational attainment and year of data collection.

([dagger]) Model 2 is adjusted for parental care about staying fit and
exercising, encouraging PA, engaging in PA together, gender, household
income, parental educational attainment, and year of data collection.

([double dagger]) Partial Eta squared.

Table 3. Prevalences and Associations (Beta Coefficient and 95%
Confidence Interval) of Parental Beliefs and Support for Normal-
weight and Overweight (Including Obese) Grade 5 Children's PA in
Alberta, Canada


Care about staying fit and
  Normal weight
    Not at all /A little bit         16.1
    Quite a lot                      33.0
    Very much                        23.1
    Not at all /A little bit          7.0
    Quite a lot                      13.1
    Very much                         7.7
Encourage PA
  Normal weight
    Not at all /A little bit          8.9
    Quite a lot                      31.5
    Very much                        31.7
    Not at all /A little bit          4.3
    Quite a lot                      13.5
    Very much                        10.1
Engage in PA together
  Normal weight
    Never or <1 time/week            28.0
    1-3 times/week                   37.7
    [greater than or equal to]4       6.4
    Never or <1 time/week            11.3
    1-3 times/week                   14.0
    [greater than or equal to]4       2.6


                                  [beta]      95% CI      Effect Size.

Care about staying fit and
  Normal weight
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.15    -0.20, -0.11      0.011
    Quite a lot                    0.00     --               --
    Very much                      0.14     0.11, 0.18       0.011
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.24    -0.29, -0.19      0.014
    Quite a lot                   -0.08    -0.12, -0.04      0.003
    Very much                      0.09     0.02, 0.16      <0.001
Encourage PA
  Normal weight
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.29    -0.34, -0.23      0.024
    Quite a lot                    0.00     --               --
    Very much                      0.23     0.19, 0.27       0.033
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.32    -0.40, -0.24      0.016
    Quite a lot                   -0.04    -0.08, 0.00       0.001
    Very much                      0.13     0.07, 0.19       0.004
Engage in PA together
  Normal weight
    Never or <1 time/week         -0.43    -0.47, -0.40      0.117
    1-3 times/week                 0.00     --               --
    [greater than or equal to]4    0.32     0.27, 0.37       0.025
    Never or <1 time/week         -0.53    -0.58, -0.48      0.108
    1-3 times/week                -0.07    -0.11, -0.04      0.004
    [greater than or equal to]4    0.32     0.23, 0.41       0.007

                                             Multivariable *

                                  [beta]      95% CI      Effect Size.

Care about staying fit and
  Normal weight
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.14    -0.19, -0.10      0.010
    Quite a lot                    0.00     --               --
    Very much                      0.13     0.10, 0.17       0.009
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.23    -0.28, -0.18      0.013
    Quite a lot                   -0.07    -0.12, -0.03      0.003
    Very much                      0.09     0.02, 0.16      <0.001
Encourage PA
  Normal weight
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.27    -0.32, -0.21      0.022
    Quite a lot                    0.00     --               --
    Very much                      0.22     0.18, 0.26       0.030
    Not at all /A little bit      -0.30    -0.38, -0.22      0.014
    Quite a lot                   -0.04    -0.08, 0.01       0.001
    Very much                      0.13     0.07, 0.19       0.003
Engage in PA together
  Normal weight
    Never or <1 time/week         -0.43    -0.46, -0.40      0.123
    1-3 times/week                 0.00     --               --
    [greater than or equal to]4    0.34     0.30, 0.39       0.032
    Never or <1 time/week         -0.53    -0.58, -0.48      0.111
    1-3 times/week                -0.07    -0.10, -0.03      0.003
    [greater than or equal to]4    0.35     0.26, 0.43       0.011

* Adjusted for gender, household income, parental educational
attainment, and year of data collection.

([double dagger]) Partial Eta squared.

Table 4. Prevalences and Associations (Odds Ratio and 95% Confidence
Interval) of Parental Beliefs and Support for Childhood Overweight
Among Grade 5 Children in Alberta, Canada


                             Prevalence    OR      95% CI

Care about staying fit and
  Not at all /A little bit      23.1      1.08   0.93, 1.25
  Quite a lot                   46.1      1.00   --
  Very much                     30.8      0.87   0.75, 1.02
Encourage PA
  Not at all /A little bit      13.1      1.13   0.95, 1.34
  Quite a lot                   45.0      1.00   --
  Very much                     41.9      0.76   0.67, 0.87
Engage in PA together
  Never or <1 time/week         39.3      1.07   0.93, 1.23
  1-3 times/week                51.7      1.00   --
  [greater than or equal to]4   9.0       1.03   0.82, 1.30


                                 Model 1 *       Model 2([dagger])

                              OR      95% CI      OR      95% CI

Care about staying fit and
  Not at all /A little bit   1.06   0.91, 1.23   1.02   0.87, 1.20
  Quite a lot                1.00   --           1.00   --
  Very much                  0.90   0.77, 1.05   0.98   0.84, 1.15
Encourage PA
  Not at all /A little bit   1.11   0.93, 1.32   1.10   0.92, 1.33
  Quite a lot                1.00   --           1.00   --
  Very much                  0.78   0.69, 0.89   0.78   0.68, 0.89
Engage in PA together
  Never or <1 time/week      1.05   0.91, 1.21   1.00   0.87, 1.15
  1-3 times/week             1.00   --           1.00   --
  [greater than or equal to]41.01   0.80, 1.27   1.07   0.85, 1.34

* Model 1 is adjusted for gender, household income, parental
educational attainment and year of data collection.

([dagger]) Model 2 is adjusted for parental care about staying fit and
exercising, encouraging PA, engaging in PA together, gender, household
income, parental educational attainment, and year of data collection.