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  • 标题:Classifying neighbourhoods by level of access to stores selling fresh fruit and vegetables and groceries: identifying problematic areas in the city of Gatineau, Quebec.
  • 作者:Gould, Adrian C. ; Apparicio, Philippe ; Cloutier, Marie-Soleil
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:November
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:Although there is much debate surrounding the exact pathways, geographic access to food is considered by researchers in the United States (US) as a risk factor for excess weight and obesity and for some chronic diseases linked to diet. (7-9) While some argue that proximity to a source of fresh fruit and vegetables (FV) is not a factor determining their consumption, (10) studies in the United Kingdom (UK) and the US have found that coping with poor geographic access to food may affect the type and quality of food purchased by households with limited means. (11,12)
  • 关键词:Food;Food supply;Geographic information systems;Groceries;Grocery industry;Grocery stores;Neighborhood;Neighborhoods;Produce industry;Public health

Classifying neighbourhoods by level of access to stores selling fresh fruit and vegetables and groceries: identifying problematic areas in the city of Gatineau, Quebec.

Gould, Adrian C. ; Apparicio, Philippe ; Cloutier, Marie-Soleil 等

The complex relationship between social and material deprivation and health status is well documented in Canada. (1,2) Diet, and in particular, the lack of access to an adequate diet, is just one among the numerous factors associated with social inequalities in health. (3) In light of the relationship between diet and health, much research has concentrated on the different elements that affect access to food. Disposable income is the primary factor determining whether a household has access to a sufficient quality and quantity of food to meet the dietary needs of its members. (4) Informational constraints also play an important role in determining whether all members of a household have access to a healthy diet. (5) Finally, having "physical" access to a source of food (referred to as geographic access) has also been the subject of much research. While there is some evidence showing that place of residence does not affect one's food security status, (6) the impact that poor geographic access may have on unhealthy eating patterns should not be underestimated.

Although there is much debate surrounding the exact pathways, geographic access to food is considered by researchers in the United States (US) as a risk factor for excess weight and obesity and for some chronic diseases linked to diet. (7-9) While some argue that proximity to a source of fresh fruit and vegetables (FV) is not a factor determining their consumption, (10) studies in the United Kingdom (UK) and the US have found that coping with poor geographic access to food may affect the type and quality of food purchased by households with limited means. (11,12)

A decade of research examining geographic accessibility and food access was summed up by Beaulac and colleagues in 2009:13 food deserts are consistently found in American cities, yet Canada, the UK and other Western countries show no systematic evidence of a correlation between poverty and poor geographic access to food. On the contrary, several Canadian studies conclude that lower income areas tend to have better accessibility than higher income areas. (14-16) Despite this evidence of overall better geographic access to food for the underprivileged in Canada, some neighbourhoods where access to food is poor and deprivation is high have been identified in cities such as Edmonton (AB) and London (ON). In addition, recent work linking poor food access with certain urban forms (17) and municipal zoning practices, (18) coupled with a growing concern over the decentralization of poverty in Canada, (19) establish the need for more empirical research into disparities in food access. Accordingly, this paper presents the results of a case study undertaken in Gatineau, Quebec, to establish whether there are areas where high deprivation coincides with poor geographic access to food stores.

The study area: Gatineau, Quebec

Since the 1960s, the city of Gatineau has developed as a low-density bedroom suburb of Ottawa (ON). It has a population of approximately 243,000 clustered around five formerly independent municipalities. In the past decade, Gatineau has expanded in a form typical of Canadian cities with populations under a million inhabitants: low-density suburban sprawl. (20) In 1999, the only supermarket in the central neighbourhood of Hull closed down. Supermarket closure in the city core is cited as one of the main processes leading to the formation of food deserts. (15,16) This observation raised the question: are there problematic areas in Gatineau and if so, can they be described based on their level of geographic accessibility?


The three main components of the study are as follows: 1) the characterization of the local food environment; 2) the creation of a local deprivation index; and 3) the measurement of geographic accessibility to the food environment. These components are brought together using a k-means cluster analysis and an overlay technique.

Local food environment

As in the study by Bertrand and colleagues, (21) the retail food stores included in this study have a minimum of seven square metres (75 sq. ft.) of shelf and floor space devoted to the sale of fresh FV. This excludes convenience and other small stores selling lemons and onions but not representing a substantial source of fresh FV. A list of food retailers was obtained from the Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du Quebec (MAPAQ) and crossvalidated using the Yellow pages. Each store was visited to measure the FV surface area and a handheld GPS was used to locate the stores on the map. Forty-five food retailers were retained for this study: 30 supermarkets, 8 grocery stores, 5 non-traditional food retailers, and 2 health food stores.

Deprivation index

Deprivation indices are common in public health research as they bring together a number of variables capturing a complex socioeconomic portrait. The present study combines five variables from the 2006 Canadian census into a composite index of social and material deprivation (see Table 1). The selection of these variables is inspired by the work of Pampalon and Raymond, (22) who validated the relationship between these variables and deprivation. Similar indices have been used in previous work examining geographic access to food stores in Canada. (14,16) The dissemination area (DA) was chosen as the unit of measurement since it is the finest scale at which socio-economic data are provided by Statistics Canada. The proportions for each variable were scaled between 0 and 1 and then summed to create the index. The values for the employment rate and household income were inverted to insure that they vary in accordance to deprivation; i.e., as income decreases, deprivation increases. The resulting composite index was divided into population quartiles; i.e., each quartile contains areas comprising 25% of the population of the study area (Table 1).

Accessibility measures

Potential geographic accessibility is measured to determine to what extent individuals residing in a specific DA have access to a given set of retailers. From the literature, we selected two measures representing proximity to a source of healthy food: a) the distance (in metres) to the nearest supermarket and b) the distance to the nearest food store of any type, including supermarkets. Two other measures representing variety of food offered within a walkable distance were also selected: c) the number of retail food stores and d) the total area devoted to the sale of fresh FV (in m2), both calculated for a 1 km radius from the DA centroid. To limit aggregation errors, (23) all accessibility measures were initially computed for each census block (CB) using street network distances. (24) Each measure was then weighted by the population of the CB and aggregated to the DA scale (see Apparicio and colleagues (14) for equations).


Cluster analysis

All four measures were integrated in the calculation of a k-means classification, a procedure creating mutually exclusive classes representing different "types" of accessibility. (25) After standardizing the variables, the procedure attributes each DA to a class based on the similarity of its characteristics to the other DAs, while at the same time the procedure seeks to create classes that are significantly different from each other. (26)

In addition to Spearman correlations calculated between the accessibility measures and the deprivation index, a Chi-square test was undertaken between accessibility classes and deprivation index quartiles. Finally, high deprivation areas (fourth quartile) were overlaid on a map with areas classified as having poor and intermediate accessibility.


After running a series of k-means clustering procedures (4 to 15 classes), the result from the procedure with six accessibility classes was retained as it had the highest pseudo-F statistic and cubic clustering criterion. (25) Table 2 presents average values for each class. For the three classes defined as having poor accessibility, the average distance to the nearest food store, including supermarkets, is 1.4 km or greater and FV variety within 1 km is limited (median=0 for both measures). Consumers living in intermediate areas are closer to other retailers than to supermarkets (632 metres compared to 2 km, respectively) and have on average only one store within walking distance and a limited FV availability nearby (16 m2). In the good areas, consumers are closer to the nearest supermarket (820 metres) and even if the average FV shelf space is greater (80 m2), they still have access to only one store within 1 km. Finally, the areas with excellent accessibility have two or more stores nearby (mean distance close to 600 metres for both measures) and a wide variety of FV (a mean of 2.4 stores and more than 200 m2 of FV within 1 km).

Gatineau's food gaps

More than 70% of Gatineau's poor currently live within walking distance of a retail food store selling fresh FV (Table 3). In fact, as deprivation increases, so does geographic accessibility to a healthy diet (p<0.0001 for all measures), which is illustrated by negative correlations between deprivation and the mean distances (-0.248 and -0.465 for the nearest supermarket and nearest store, respectively), and positive correlations between deprivation and the variety indicators (0.421 and 0.311 for number of stores and FV shelf space, respectively). Conversely, Table 3 shows that almost 30% of the most deprived DAs (Q4) have poor accessibility (Poor I and Poor II classes combined). These 32 DAs are inhabited by more than 18,000 people or 7.5% of the overall population of the city. Another 27.5% of Gatineau's deprived DAs - representing an additional 15,000 people or 6.4% of the overall population--have intermediate accessibility. Furthermore, the intermediate class itself is characterized by its association with deprivation as two thirds of all DAs in this type of environment are classified as deprived (30 out of 45). To illustrate these results, Figure 2 locates Gatineau's problematic areas by superimposing deprived areas with both poor and intermediate accessibility. This map shows the dispersion of such areas throughout the urbanized sectors.



Long-term exposure to stress and anxiety from living in an area with high levels of deprivation has been linked to deteriorating health at the individual level. (27) Add to this the cost and stress of coping with poor accessibility to a food store and the result is that those individuals living at or near the poverty line are at a greater risk of being pushed periodically (or permanently) into unhealthy eating patterns. (3,4) If, indeed, the geography of food access makes certain individuals living in food gaps more vulnerable to external factors (e.g., rise in gasoline prices) and to changes in their personal circumstances (e.g., change in employment status), then our results indicate areas where unconventional means may be needed to address food insecurity--such as the creation of food cooperatives, initiatives to increase the shelf space devoted to the sale of FV in existing stores, (28) farmers' markets (29) or urban gardening initiatives.

According to our results, areas with poor accessibility tend to be dispersed just outside the cores of the former municipalities of Gatineau; a pattern similar to that in Edmonton, AB. (15) A look at the morphological characteristics of these areas shows low-density inner-ring suburban areas intermingled with higher-density residential housing projects and even a mobile home park. Furthermore, according to the hypothesis of poverty decentralization in Canadian cities, rising proportions of low-income households are settling in low-density inner-ring suburbs. (19) The combination of these two elements may lead to an increase in the number and scope of Gatineau's food gaps and may also contribute to an increase in deprivation in existing food gaps.

The areas classified as intermediate food environments are found in the deprived areas at the centres of the original municipalities. It is difficult to predict how these areas will evolve over time; on the one hand, they appear to be at risk of becoming food gaps in the future, (15,16) yet on the other hand, city projects to revitalize former "main streets" may improve accessibility levels in these areas over time. Either way, in the intermediate areas, where the nearest supermarket is more than 2 km away, any small grocery store closure (or new store opening, for that matter) or even changes in the type of food sold in them will modify the foodscape. (30)

Finally, it should be noted that this study only considers potential geographic accessibility rather than measuring individual shopping behaviour. Further research needs to be undertaken to answer to what extent living in an area with poor geographic access actually affects food-purchasing behaviour and health and well-being. Answers to these questions, combined with our results, will help planners improve local food security policies.

Acknowledgements: Mario Corbeil and Philippe Garvie, Direction de Sante publique de l'Outaouais.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.

Received: February 1, 2012 Accepted: September 3, 2012


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Adrian C. Gould, MSc, Philippe Apparicio, PhD, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, PhD

Author Affiliations

Centre Urbanisation Culture Societe, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Montreal, QC

Correspondence: Marie-Soleil Cloutier, Centre Urbanisation Culture Societe, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, 385 rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H2X 1E3, Tel: 514-499-4096, Fax: 514-499-4065, E-mail: marie-soleil.cloutier@ucs.inrs.ca
Table 1. Mean Values of Deprivation-related Variables and Deprivation
Index According to Population Quartile

                                   Population Quartile
                                       (Mean Value)

                                      Q1              Q2

                              (Low Deprivation)

Proportion of separated,             12.5            16.8
  divorced or widowed
  persons (%)

Proportion of single-parent          10.7            15.9
  families (%)

Proportion of individuals         (%) 6.0            11.6
  aged 24 to 65 without a
  high school diploma

Employment rate (%)                  76.1            71.5

Median household income           $80,388          $58,383
  before taxes ($)

Deprivation index                    1.05            1.59

                                        Population Quartile
                                           (Mean Value)

                                  Q3           Q4             All
                                             (High           Areas

Proportion of separated,          19.8        24.8            19.1
  divorced or widowed
  persons (%)

Proportion of single-parent       21.6        30.2            20.6
  families (%)

Proportion of individuals         18.2        29.9            17.6
  aged 24 to 65 without a
  high school diploma

Employment rate (%)               64.2        54.9            65.6

Median household income        $44,917     $32,534         $51,283
  before taxes ($)

Deprivation index                 2.10        2.81            1.98

Table 2. Mean Values for Each Accessibility Measure
According to Accessibility Class

Accessibility Class      Nearest      Nearest Store
(Number of DA)        Supermarket *    ([dagger])

Very poor (n=13)          5371            5329

Poor II (n=63)            2802            2637

Poor I (n=140)            1443            1358

Intermediate (n=46)       2038             632

Good (n=94)                820             777

Excellent (n=36)           627             597

All classes (n=392)       1637            1637

                                           FV Shelf
Accessibility Class     Store Variety        Space
(Number of DA)        ([double dagger])   ([section])

Very poor (n=13)            0.00              0.00

Poor II (n=63)              0.00              0.00

Poor I (n=140)              0.00              0.00

Intermediate (n=46)         1.00             16.00

Good (n=94)                 1.00             80.50

Excellent (n=36)            2.36            224.00

All classes (n=392)         0.33             10.50

* The mean distance to the nearest supermarket (metres).

([dagger]) The mean distance to the nearest food store of any
type (metres).

([double dagger]) The median number of stores within a walkable
distance of 1000 m.

([section]) The median FV shelf space in stores within a
distance of 1000 m ([m.sup.2]).

Table 3. The Proportion of Dissemination Areas in Each Deprivation
Quartile Broken Down by Accessibility Class
(% of the Number of DAs in Each Class)

                             Accessibility Class
Deprivation Index
Population Quartile     Very Poor   Poor II   Poor I

Q4 (high deprivation)      0.0        4.6      24.8
Q3                         1.8       10.6      41.6
Q2                         3.2       24.5      39.4
Q1 (low deprivation)      11.1       30.6      38.9

                              Accessibility Class
Deprivation Index
Population Quartile     Intermediate   Good   Excellent

Q4 (high deprivation)       27.5       29.4     13.8
Q3                          11.5       26.5      8.0
Q2                          2.1        23.4      7.4
Q1 (low deprivation)        0.0        12.5      6.9

Chi-square = 95.812 (p<0.0001); Pearson
correlation = 0.359 (p<0.0001).