Physical activity and nutrition among youth in rural, suburban and urban neighbourhood types.
Shearer, Cindy ; Blanchard, Chris ; Kirk, Sara 等
Promoting physical activity (PA) and diet quality (DQ) during the
adolescent years is particularly important, as research suggests that
behaviours formed in adolescence extend into adulthood (1,2) and carry
consequences for long-term health. Past research has revealed that less
than 30% of 7th grade students in Nova Scotia met the recommended level
of PA (60 minutes per day, 5 days per week) to achieve health benefits,
(3) and their diets did not meet Canada's Food Guide (e.g., more
than 70% did not fulfill the daily requirement of 6-8 servings
[depending on age and sex] of fruits and vegetables), (4) making these
two behaviours an important focus for health promotion and intervention
Extant research has highlighted important socio-economic and
neighbourhood differences in PA and DQ. For instance, youth from higher
socio-economic backgrounds have been found to engage in more PA (5) and
to have better DQ (diets that have variety, adequacy, moderation and
balance) (6) than youth from lower socio-economic backgrounds. However,
the findings with regard to differences in neighbourhood type
(urban/suburban/rural) in PA and DQ are somewhat mixed. Some studies of
youth obesity have demonstrated higher rates of overweight and obesity
in rural than urban and suburban areas. (7) Other studies have revealed
lower rates of PA among youth from urban neighbourhoods than those from
rural and/or suburban environments, (8) whereas others have reported no
differences across neighbourhood types, (9,10) and some have
demonstrated higher rates of PA among urban than rural youth. (11)
Suburban contexts are often neglected in extant research. Suburban
neighbourhoods have characteristics of both rural and urban environments
in that they are better connected to urban centres than rural
environments, yet they may sit at a distance from points of interest
that are not walkable.
With regard to DQ, Veugelers et al. (12) reported a linkage between
rural environments and higher dietary fat and calorie consumption among
Canadian children. Yet, convenience and "fast-food"
outlets-key features of obesogenic environments (13,14)-are more
prevalent in urban areas. Thus, the urban environment may expose youth
to more unhealthy options and contribute to poor diet quality. (15) The
nutrition environment in the suburban context is also unique in that the
density of fast-food outlets may be much less than in urban
environments, but because of location outside the urban core more
frequent commuting may be required through areas where unhealthy foods
are readily available.
Better DQ has been shown in previous research to be associated with
improved health outcomes in adults, (16) but there is a paucity of data
on DQ and health in children. (17) A recent publication has demonstrated
an independent association between overall DQ and academic performance
in children, (18) suggesting that improving DQ may have impacts beyond
health outcomes alone. Given that few studies have considered the
potential influence of socio-economic status (SES) and neighbourhood
type on PA and diet in youth, (19) further research is needed to clarify
their potential importance for this population. Understanding
differences in DQ and PA for subgroups of this population is important
for the development of interventions aimed at improving the health
behaviours of youth. (12,20)
The purpose of the present study was to compare PA and DQ among
youth from schools of higher and lower SES in rural, suburban and urban
neighbourhood types. It was hypothesized that PA and DQ would be more
favourable in higher versus lower SES environments. It was also
hypothesized that SES and neighbourhood type would interact when
influencing PA. (21)
This research protocol was approved by the principal
investigators' institutional review board as well as the review
panel in place at the school board from which schools were recruited.
Schools in the Halifax Regional Municipality, NS, were eligible for
inclusion if they 1) enrolled students in Grades 7 through 9, and 2) did
not offer a French immersion program (as these schools draw a greater
proportion of students from areas outside the school's eligible
neighbourhood). Within the Halifax Regional School Board, 38 schools fit
these criteria; 5 were located in rural areas, 24 in suburban areas and
9 in urban areas. Six public schools were stratified by school-level SES
and neighbourhood type.
School-level SES was determined by the median household income of
the school's census dissemination area (a term used by Statistics
Canada to refer to a small area composed of one or more neighbouring
blocks, with a population of 400 to 700 persons), based on 2006 census
data. Urban, suburban and rural categories were designated through a
two-step process. The first step distinguished rural from urban using
the Statistics Canada population-based definition of an urban area. *
The Halifax Regional Municipality municipal planning guidelines
([dagger]) were then used to subdivide urban areas into urban and
suburban categories according to urban development patterns, including
housing density and a mix of commercial, institutional and recreational
uses. Urban areas had a mix of high-density residential, commercial,
institutional and recreational uses, whereas suburban areas had a mix of
low- and medium-density commercial, institutional and recreational uses
and a pattern of established neighbourhoods with low- to medium-density
residential uses. Eligible schools in each neighbourhood type were
organized by SES and divided into tertiles. One high and one low SES
school was randomly selected from the higher and lower tertiles. Only
one school that was approached declined to participate.
Participating urban schools were located in areas that had high
residential density and street connectivity, high sidewalk availability,
more mixed land uses and greater population density. Suburban schools
were located in areas with lower residential density and street
connectivity, and land uses that were spatially segregated. Finally,
rural schools were in areas that were automobile reliant, with low
residential density and street connectivity, no sidewalks, and schools
placed far from residential land uses.
Recruitment took place in one school at a time during the 2008 and
2009 school years. Students were recruited through presentations in each
7th to 9th grade classroom. Information packages, including consent
forms, were distributed to obtain parental consent; 27% of these forms
were returned for participation in the study. In addition to completing
surveys of dietary intake and health behaviours, students were asked to
wear an accelerometer and GPS (Global Positioning System) device (to
measure their geospatial footprint, which is not a focus of the current
report) for a period of one week. All participants were entered in a
prize draw for a gift card for participating. Furthermore, cash
incentives were provided to encourage participants to wear the equipment
($20 for 6 or fewer days of wear, $30 for 7 days). All surveys (diet and
health behaviours) and measurements (height/weight) were collected prior
to distributing the accelerometers to students.
Demographic Features
Students reported their ethnicity (identified from a list of
options, including "other" and space to describe) and sex
within the survey of health behaviours and dietary intake.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Students had their weight and height measured by trained research
assistants in a private area of the school. These measurements were used
to calculate BMI.
Physical Activity
PA was assessed objectively using the Actigraph GT1M (Actigraph:
Pensacola, FL) accelerometer (placed on the right hip) for seven
consecutive days. This accelerometer has documented evidence of
concurrent validity and inter-instrument reliability in several studies
of children and adolescents. (22) Students were asked to wear the device
for all waking hours of the day and to remove it for water-based
activities and contact sports. At least one valid day (i.e., 8 hours of
valid data) was required to be included in analyses; 92.7% of those who
wore an accelerometer met this requirement. Students averaged 4.14
(SD=1.49) days of valid data. Raw accelerometer counts were converted to
minutes per day of moderate (i.e., activities that cause youth to sweat
a bit and breathe harder) to vigorous (i.e., activities that cause youth
to sweat and be out of breath) physical activity (MVPA) using
age-specific count thresholds developed by Freedson and colleagues. (23)
Diet Quality
Nutritional intake was assessed by means of the Harvard
Youth/Adolescent Questionnaire (YAQ), (24) a validated food frequency
instrument suitable for adolescents in this age group. As DQ is best
represented in a composite measure, data from the YAQ were used to
calculate a Diet Quality Index (DQI) (24) for each student. DQI values
encompass dietary variety (i.e., overall variety and variety within
protein sources, to assess whether intake comes from diverse sources
both across and within food groups), adequacy (i.e., the intake of
dietary elements that must be supplied sufficiently to guarantee a
healthy diet), moderation (i.e., intake of food and nutrients that are
related to chronic diseases and that may need restriction) and balance
(i.e., the overall balance of diet in terms of proportionality in energy
sources and fatty acid composition). Scores ranged from 0 to 100, the
higher scores reflecting better DQ. The DQI has been useful in
cross-national comparisons of diet quality (25) and has demonstrated
important associations with other measures of healthy eating. (18)
Analytical plan
Demographic and descriptive statistics were generated, and a series
of zero-order correlations and between-subject ANOVAs were conducted to
identify potential covariates (sex, grade, ethnicity and BMI) for the
main analyses. Once identified, a series of 2 (SES: high vs. low) X 3
(neighbourhood type: urban, suburban, rural) analyses of covariance
(ANCOVA) were conducted on the MVPA per day and DQ variables.
Demographic data are presented in Table 1. Of the 380 students
recruited, 53% were male and 84% were white. Participant age ranged from
12 or less to 16 years, with somewhat greater participation among
younger students. This was reflected in the distribution by grade, which
revealed lower participation by grade 9 students at most schools.
Preliminary analyses showed that MVPA per day was significantly
related to sex (F[1,344]=23.64, p=0.00), grade (F[1,344]=5.34, p=0.01)
and BMI (r=-0.16, p=0.00), whereas DQ differed by ethnicity
(F[1,330]=6.02, p=0.02). Therefore, these were controlled for in
subsequent analyses.
Physical activity
With regard to MVPA per day, the ANCOVA showed a significant
school-level SES X neighbourhood type interaction (F[2,343]=4.56,
p=0.01) (see Table 2). Follow-up between-subject ANCOVAs were conducted
for high and low SES groups separately and showed that the effect of
neighbourhood type was only present for low SES schools (F[2,225]=14.49,
p=0.00). Least significant difference post-hoc analyses showed that low
SES urban students engaged in significantly more MVPA per day than low
SES suburban (p=0.00) and rural (p=0.00) students; however, MVPA per day
was similar for low SES suburban and rural students (p=0.71).
Diet quality
With respect to DQ, the ANCOVA showed a significant school level
SES X neighbourhood type interaction (F[2,330]=4.21, p=0.02) (see Table
2). Follow-up between-subject ANCOVAs were conducted for urban, suburban
and rural groups separately and showed that high SES urban students had
significantly better DQ scores than their low SES counterparts
(F[1,85]=14.41, p=0.00); however, there were no school-level SES
differences for suburban or rural students.
Physical activity
The health benefits of PA are well known, yet PA rates tend to
decline during the adolescent period.26 Understanding how PA rates vary
for subgroups during this phase of the lifespan can highlight possible
avenues for targeted interventions to improve youth health. Consistent
with our hypotheses, analyses revealed an interaction between SES and
neighbourhood type. Higher rates of PA were found among youth who
attended school in a low SES urban setting than among those who attended
school in low SES rural or suburban settings. The rural schools in our
study had larger catchment areas and required bussing of most or all
students, whereas bussing was less common in urban schools. Therefore,
active transportation to school may account for some of the difference
in MVPA in the urban and rural settings. Otherwise, there were few
differences noted among the low SES schools in their physical education
programming or the availability of facilities for use outside of school
time (e.g., all low-SES schools had a gymnasium with change rooms on
site as well as outdoor paved areas for PA, fields and running tracks
available to them either on or off school grounds; all reported that
students would have the option to participate in intramural programs
that involved physical activity five days per week).
This finding is consistent with previous research of adult PA,
which has typically found higher rates of PA in urban than rural areas.
(27) However, it is inconsistent with some research on children and
youth. In a review of studies examining the PA levels of children living
in different built environments, Sandercock et al. (8) found that most
studies either reported no difference among urban, rural and (when
examined) suburban environments or that children in rural and/or
suburban environments had higher PA levels than those in urban
environments. Most of the studies reviewed by Sandercock et al. (8)
employed either self- or parent-reports of child/youth PA, which are
vulnerable to overreporting, social desirability influences and
difficulty in recall. (28) Our study improves on the literature by using
objectively measured PA across three distinct neighbourhood types.
Furthermore, greater PA among rural children is often attributed to
outdoor play, which is more likely to occur in younger age groups than
the one studied here. (29)
Typically, explanations for rural-urban differences in adult PA
highlight the limited availability and accessibility of venues for
leisure-time PA and poor walkability of rural areas. (30,31) This
disparity is likely exacerbated when financial resources are lower.
Indeed, Parks et al. (21) found that rural, lower-income adults were
less than half as likely as suburban, higher-income adults to meet PA
recommendations. Canadian data indicate that parents from smaller
communities are less likely to report the availability of public and
private opportunities for PA and less likely to report that that those
opportunities meet their children's needs; (32) the data also
indicate that youth perceive a lack of opportunities close to home as a
barrier to physical activity. (33) Lower socio-economic regions are even
less likely to have venues for leisure-time PA than higher socioeconomic
regions, and where they do exist the limited financial resources of
residents may preclude their use. (34) In a qualitative examination, low
SES Canadian youth were more likely than their high SES counterparts to
report the proximity and cost of facilities as factors that determined
their participation in PA. (35)
The inclusion of a suburban comparison category represents a
further novel aspect of the current study, as few studies have gone
beyond the examination of simple urban/rural differences. (8) A pattern
of higher PA levels in children in suburban environments has emerged
when this category is considered. (36) In our study, however, rates of
youth PA were similar in suburban and rural settings regardless of
neighbourhood SES. This discrepancy may be rooted in differences in
measurement (our study measured PA objectively by accelerometers,
whereas Springer et al. (36) employed self-report measures).
Developmental differences may also play a role, in that Springer et al.
studied high school students. These older adolescents may have the
autonomy to drive to nearby centres for PA, whereas younger adolescents
may not. Suburban environments, by definition, are located outside of
the urban core. Therefore, opportunities for physical activities of
interest to this age group (at facilities such as rinks, skate parks and
recreation centres) may not be within walkable distance in either rural
or suburban neighbourhoods.
Diet quality
Consistent with our hypothesis, DQ was found to be poorer among
youth who attended school in the low SES setting than among their
counterparts who attended school in the high SES setting. However, this
pattern was found only for urban schools. Differences in the nutrition
environment and programming at these urban schools were few: the high
SES school had a vending machine for drinks whereas the low SES school
did not, and the low SES school offered a breakfast program whereas the
high SES school did not. Yet, neither of these offers a clear
explanation for the pattern of findings that emerged. Socio-economic
differences in DQ have been highlighted quite consistently in the
literature: 80% of articles reviewed by Hanson and Chen (5) revealed an
association between higher SES and greater DQ. Explanations for the
association between low SES and poor nutrition often highlight unsafe or
impoverished living environments with limited access to healthy foods
and/or limited knowledge of healthy eating practices.5 Further
exploration of this phenomenon in this sample is ongoing, with
preliminary qualitative analysis suggesting that accessibility of
healthy foods plays an important role in food choice (data not shown).
Much less research has focused on neighbourhood-type differences in
DQ. There is some indication that dietary fat and calorie consumption is
higher among rural youth and families. (12,37) Yet, research examining
the impact of the built environment features on youth health has
suggested that the accessibility of fast-food restaurants, which is
greater in urban than rural environments, is an important predictor of
obesity. (15) Although the current study did not find differences across
neighbourhood type, the low SES urban environment emerged as a setting
with particularly poor DQ. Perhaps by combining the economic and
geographic accessibility of unhealthy foods (especially fast food),
urban environments in lower socio-economic areas may be particularly
obesogenic. (38)
Several limitations need to be considered in interpreting the
findings of the current study. As in all correlational research, it is
important to acknowledge that the relations between neighbourhood type,
SES, PA and DQ presented here are not causal. Thus, we cannot conclude
that living in a low SES urban environment causes youth to engage in
greater PA or to eat foods that result in a lower DQ. Self-selection of
individuals and families into particular neighbourhoods may play an
important, albeit immeasurable, role in our findings. If neighbourhood
self-selection could be taken into account, differences found between
the six settings might be attenuated. Further self-selection into the
study is another limitation. Although the schools were randomly selected
from identified strata, only one school was chosen to represent each
stratum, limiting the generalizability of our findings. Furthermore, the
recruitment rate was somewhat low, likely because of the greater extent
of participant involvement (e.g., wearing and charging study equipment)
than in other studies, and grade 9 students may be somewhat
under-represented in comparison to students in grades 7 and 8. Also,
because schools were recruited one at a time, seasonal changes may have
affected different rates of PA across the six schools. With regard to
measurement, because accelerometers were required to be removed during
water and contact sports, the measure of MVPA did not include these
activities. Finally, because household income was not self-reported,
variations among students within the same school area are not taken into
account in these analyses. **
Despite these limitations, the current study contributes to an
improved understanding of the variation in PA and diet in adolescents
from more or less urbanized neighbourhoods in several ways. First, by
employing accelerometers to measure PA, this paper improves upon earlier
descriptive work that has used primarily self-report indices. Second,
investigations rarely consider both PA and dietary intake-i.e., both
sides of the energy balance equation within the same study, (19) which
is critical to a greater understanding of the role of the built
environment in obesity and other chronic diseases. This work provides
detailed descriptive information on youth PA levels and dietary intake
for concurrent consideration and reveals important differences in the
patterning of these health-related behaviours across school-level income
levels and neighbourhood types. Finally, studies that consider
neighbourhood types often include only rural and urban categories. By
considering the suburban environment, this study advances the current
understanding of health behaviours among youth in these geographic
areas. It suggests that neighbourhood type and SES interact and should
both, therefore, be carefully considered in identifying both areas of
risk (e.g., rural vs. urban areas) and target behaviours (e.g., diet
quality vs. physical activity) in the development of initiatives aimed
to promote PA and DQ among youth.
Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research's Institute of Human Development,
Child and Youth Health and Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and
Diabetes; and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, through the
Built Environment, Obesity and Health Initiative. The authors thank the
ENACT team, including its principal investigators Renee Lyons and Jill
Grant; co-investigators (not listed as co-authors) Michael Arthur,
Andrea Chircop, Patricia Manuel and Louise Parker; community and policy
partners Janet Barlow, Diana Dibblee, Amy MacDonald, Roxane MacInnis,
Michelle Murton, Clare O'Connor, Paul Shakotko and Jacqueline
Spiers; and staff and students Meredith Flannery, Andrew Harding, Nicole
Landry, Kathryn MacKay, Gillian McGinnis, Julie Rouette and Stephanie
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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* >1,000 persons per km2; see
([dagger]) See
** A separate analysis not included in the current article
controlled for home-level SES using a proxy measure that included
measures of income, education and unemployment based on the census
dissemination area of participants' home address. The inclusion of
this control variable had no impact on our findings but complicated the
report and thus was omitted.
Cindy Shearer, PhD, [1] Chris Blanchard, PhD, [3] Sara Kirk, PhD,
[3] Renee Lyons, PhD, [4] Trevor Dummer, PhD, [5] Robert Pitter, PhD,
[6] Daniel Rainham, PhD, [7] Laurene Rehman, PhD, [3] Chris Shields,
PhD, [6] Meaghan Sim, MSc [3]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS
[2.] Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
[3.] School of Health and Human Performance, Faculty of Health
Professions, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
[4.] Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation,
Bridgepoint Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
[5.] Population Cancer Research Program, Department of Pediatrics,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
[6.] School of Recreation Management & Kinesiology, Acadia
University, Wolfville, NS
[7.] Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS
Correspondence: Dr. Cindy Shearer, Atlantic Health Promotion
Research Centre, Dalhousie University, 1535 Dresden Row, Halifax, NS B3J
3T1, Tel: 902-494-2604, Fax: 902-494-3594, E-mail:
Table 1. Sample Characteristics by School-level Socio-economic
Status and Urban, Suburban and Rural Built Environments (N=380)
High SES (School-level)
Demographic Urban Suburban Rural
Characteristics n=45 n=25 n=4
Median income 54,827 62,834 50,325
of census Oct/Nov May/Jun May/Jun
area, $ Season
of data
Age, %
<12 53.3 12.0 20.3
13 40.0 56.0 35.9
14 6.7 16.0 32.8
15 0.0 16.0 9.4
16 0.0 0.0 1.6
Male, % 60.0 52.0 45.3
Grade, %
7 55.6 64.0 34.4
8 40.0 24.0 34.4
9 4.4 12.0 31.3
White, % 88.9 80.0 95.3
Mean (SD) BMI 19.0 (2.9) 20.8 (3.6) 22.5 (4.5)
Low SES (School-level)
Demographic Urban Suburban Rural
Characteristics n=63 n=97 n=86
Median income 26,641 47,821 30,527
of census Nov/Dec Mar/Apr May/Jun
area, $ Season
of data
Age, %
<12 31.7 14.4 11.6
13 36.5 36.1 33.7
14 25.4 37.1 38.4
15 6.3 11.3 15.1
16 0.0 1.0 1.2
Male, % 52.4 55.7 52.3
Grade, %
7 39.7 33.0 33.7
8 39.7 35.1 39.5
9 20.6 32.0 26.7
White, % 60.3 85.6 93.0
Mean (SD) BMI 21.9 (4.5) 22.8 (5.4) 22.5 (4.8)
SES=socio-economic status (school-level).
Table 2. Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) Per
Day and Diet Quality by School-level Socio-economic
Status and Urban, Suburban and Rural
Built Environments
Minutes of MVPA/Day Diet Quality
Mean (SD) * Median Mean (SD) * Median
High SES
Urban 71.52 (23.00) 69.83 67.29 (8.12) 69.76
Suburban 69.62 (41.90) 60.08 65.12 (8.27) 63.96
Rural 48.39 (32.41) 41.23 63.98 (8.02) 64.84
Urban 82.50 (39.13) 73.13 59.75 (7.06) 59.28
([dagger]) ([double dagger])
Suburban 55.00 (31.03) 48.00 63.02 (7.60) 63.55
([double dagger])
Rural 58.81 (30.63) 49.83 64.20 (7.67) 64.34
([double dagger])
* Means with different superscripts were significantly
different, p<0.05.
SES=socio-economic status (school-level).