Suboptimal vitamin D levels in pregnant women despite supplement use.
Li, Wangyang ; Green, Timothy J. ; Innis, Sheila M. 等
Vitamin D is important at all life stages, but attaining adequate
vitamin D during pregnancy may be especially important for the health of
both mother and child. Vitamin D inadequacy during pregnancy has been
associated with preeclampsia, the leading cause of maternal morbidity in
Canada. (1,2) Poor vitamin D status during pregnancy may also adversely
affect calcium homeostasis and skeletal mineralization in the unborn
child. Rickets, which still occurs in Canada, is found almost
exclusively in breastfed infants born to vitamin D-deficient mothers.
(3) In addition, a lack of vitamin D in utero or in early life may
increase the risk of type 1 diabetes, (4) asthma, (5) and low bone mass
(6) later in life. Circulating 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) is the best
indicator of vitamin D status as it represents vitamin D obtained from
both UV skin synthesis and dietary sources. (7,8) The optimal 25OHD
concentration in pregnancy is not known with certainty. In 2010, the
Institute of Medicine recommended that maintaining a serum 25OHD
concentration of approximately 50 nmol/L is desirable in all life-stage
groups. (9) In 2007, the Canadian Pediatric Society adopted a 25OHD
serum concentration of >75 nmol/L as "sufficient" for
pregnant and lactating women, and infants. (10)
Low 25OHD concentrations have been reported in pregnant women in
several countries, (11,12) yet there are few studies of pregnant women
in Canada. Factors that might predispose Canadian women to poor vitamin
D status include living at high latitude, low vitamin D intakes from
food, and for some individuals, darker skin pigmentation. Very few
Canadian women of reproductive age achieve the Recommended Dietary
Allowance of vitamin D intake of 600 IU. (9) However, over 80% of
pregnant women consume a multivitamin supplement at some point during
pregnancy. (13) It is unclear whether the amount of vitamin D provided
in prenatal supplements, typically 400 IU, is sufficient to achieve
optimal 25OHD concentrations.
Given the widening spectrum of adverse maternal and child outcomes
associated with a lack of vitamin D during pregnancy and the paucity of
Canadian data, we measured 25OHD concentrations in an ethnically diverse
sample of pregnant women living in Vancouver. We also explored the
determinants of 25OHD concentration such as season, ethnicity and skin
colour, as well as dietary and supplement intake of vitamin D.
Between February 2009 and February 2010, Vancouver (49[degrees]N)
women were recruited through BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre,
Douglas College prenatal programs, and Community Health Centres served
by Vancouver Coastal Health. Pregnant women (16-47 y) between 20 and 35
weeks gestation identified for low-risk delivery were eligible to
participate in the study. Women were not eligible if they had any
co-morbid conditions such as gestational diabetes, cardiac or renal
disease, HIV/AIDS, chronic hypertension, autoimmune disease, or
conditions associated with vitamin D malabsorption such as celiac
disease. The University of British Columbia Children's and
Women's Research Ethics Board approved this study and all
participants gave informed written consent.
Participants completed a health and demographic questionnaire that
included questions on pre-pregnancy weight, age, week of pregnancy,
smoking status, ethnicity, annual income and educational attainment. In
cases where the participants indicated that they belonged to more than
one ethnic group, a single ethnic category was assigned using a priority
system. If a non-European ethnicity was one of the groups reported, the
participant was assigned to the non-European ethnic category. Intake of
vitamin D from food sources including fortified foods and supplements in
a typical month during pregnancy was estimated using a validated
semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. (14) A non-fasting blood
sample was collected from each woman into an evacuated tube containing
heparin as an anti-coagulant. Plasma was separated from whole blood and
samples were stored at -80[degrees]C.
Skin colour was measured by reflectance colourimetry using a
handheld spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta Sensing CM-600d; Tokyo,
Japan). This instrument assigns an L* and B* value which represent the
relative brightness of colour (ranging from black to white) and degree
of pigmentation, respectively.15 Skin pigmentation is best described by
the Individual Typology Angle (ITA[degrees]): ITA[degrees] = Arc
Tangent[(L-50)/b)] x 180/[pi]. The lower the ITA, the darker the skin
colour. (16) Skin colour was measured at two sites: the inner upper arm
which represents constitutive or genetically inherited skin colour at a
non-UV exposed site and the outer forearm which represents both
constitutive and facultative (tanning) skin colour. (17)
Laboratory methods
Plasma 25OHD was determined by BC Biomedical Laboratories Ltd
(Surrey, BC) using a DiaSorin LIAISON[R] 25-OH Vitamin D TOTAL Assay, a
competitive chemiluminescence immunoassay used for the quantitative
determination of both 25OHD2 and 25OHD3 metabolites. (18) BC Biomedical
Laboratories Ltd. participates in the Vitamin D External Quality
Assessment Scheme, an external quality control program for 25OHD
measurement. (19) During the period in which 25OHD was determined for
this study (April 2010), all controls were within 8% of the assigned
mean value for the method.
Data analyses
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics 18.0 for
Macintosh (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL 2010). Plasma 25OHD concentrations
were normally distributed based on visual inspection of a histogram and
the Shapiro-Wilk Test (p>0.05). We calculated mean 25OHD
concentrations and compared results to three commonly used cut-offs for
25OHD. We used 25 nmol/L to define vitamin D deficiency (20) and two
cut-offs to define vitamin D insufficiency, 50 and 75 nmol/L.9,21
Vitamin D deficiency is the concentration of 25OHD below which the risk
of osteomalacia increases markedly. Vitamin D insufficiency is a lesser
form of deficiency, generally not associated with osteomalacia, but may
be associated with adverse health outcomes. Univariate comparisons
between maternal characteristics by 25OHD concentration were made by
ANOVA and [chi square] as appropriate. Multiple regression analysis was
used to examine the independent relationship between variables and
plasma 25OHD concentration. To estimate the effect of skin colour on
25OHD, we replaced ethnicity in the model with constitutive and
facultative skin colour measures.
Of the approximately 725 women approached to participate, 336
agreed, giving a response rate of 46%. Participant characteristics are
given in Table 1. The mean age of the women was 31 y (range=1647 y) and
46% of participants were of European ethnicity. The median (1st, 3rd
quartile) vitamin D intake was 640 (524, 816) IU, with 400 (400, 400) IU
coming from supplements and 220 (140, 310) IU coming from food. Overall
the mean plasma 25OHD concentration was 66.7 (95% CI 64.2-69.1) nmol/L.
Only 4 (1%) women had a 25OHD concentration indicative of deficiency
(<25 nmol/L). Based on cut-offs of 50 and 75 nmol/L, 24% and 65% of
participants were vitamin D insufficient, respectively. Table 2 displays
mean 25OHD concentrations and the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency
based on these two cut-offs by pregnancy characteristics. Mean 25OHD was
lower in women surveyed in winter compared to in summer; in women of
South Asian or Other ethnicity versus European ethnicity; in those
consuming <400 IU or no vitamin D supplement than in those consuming
[greater than or equal to]400 IU as a supplement; and in those consuming
<200 IU vitamin D from food sources. Characteristics associated with
having a plasma 25OHD concentration <50 nmol/L were being surveyed in
winter versus in fall; being of Asian or Other versus European
ethnicity; and consuming <200 IU of vitamin D from food versus
>200 IU of vitamin D from food. Vitamin D supplement use of <400
IU and being of Other versus European ethnicity were associated with a
higher prevalence of having a 25OHD concentration <75 nmol/L.
In multivariate analysis, season, ethnicity, vitamin D intake from
both food and supplements and skin colour had a significant impact on
25OHD concentrations (Table 3). Mean 25OHD concentrations were higher in
summer than in winter; in women of European (White) ethnicity compared
to women of Chinese, South Asian, and Other ethnicity; in those
consuming [greater than or equal to]400 IU/d of vitamin D from
supplements versus those consuming no supplements; and in those
consuming [greater than or equal to]200 IU of vitamin D from food
sources versus those consuming less. Darker skin colour at the upper
inner arm (UV unexposed) was associated with lower 25OHD concentrations,
while darker skin at the forearm (UV exposed) was associated with higher
Although vitamin D deficiency was uncommon (1%) in this
multi-ethnic group of pregnant women living in Greater Vancouver,
vitamin D insufficiency was common. Between 24% and 65% of women were
classified as vitamin D insufficient depending on the cut-off used for
25OHD. Vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with an increased
risk of adverse maternal1 and child health outcomes.4,6 As expected,
plasma 25OHD concentrations were higher in women surveyed in summer
versus in winter and in women of European ethnicity compared with women
of other ethnic groups. Over 90% of women were taking vitamin
D-containing supplements and most were receiving at least 400 IU/day.
Although supplement use was associated with higher 25OHD concentrations,
it did not appear to provide complete protection against vitamin D
For comparison, data from the recent Canadian Health Measures
Survey (CHMS) (22) provide the best population estimates of 25OHD in
Canadians. The mean 25OHD in the CHMS of 70 nmol/L for non-pregnant
women (20-39 y) is very similar to the mean in our study of 67 nmol/L.
However, White (European) women made up a greater proportion of
participants in the CHMS than in our study (82% versus 46%). Also,
vitamin D supplement use has not yet been reported for the CHMS, but it
was unlikely to be as high as in our study (>90%). The vitamin D
status of women in our study is somewhat higher than that reported in
studies of pregnant women in other regions of Canada. In the Arctic
(68[degrees]N), for example, the mean plasma 25OHD concentration of
pregnant women was 60 nmol/L for Whites (n=33), 52 nmol/L for Native
Indians (n=37), and 50 nmol/L for Inuit (n=51). (23) In another study of
predominantly White women living in and near St. John's,
Newfoundland, the mean 25OHD (47[degrees]N) was 69 nmol/L in summer
(n=304) and 52 nmol/L in winter (n=289). (24) Latitude, climatic
conditions, supplement use and fortified food consumption are potential
explanations for observed differences among Canadian studies.
A major source of vitamin D is through skin synthesis by the action
of UV light. (25) Anything that limits the amount of UV reaching and
penetrating the skin will affect 25OHD concentrations. Time of year (24)
and ethnicity (26) are well-described determinants of 25OHD. Although
mean 25OHD concentrations were higher in our study in summer than in
winter, the difference of only 12 nmol/L is somewhat smaller than
reported in other countries but consistent with the recent CHMS data for
non-pregnant women. (27) Melanin in skin acts as a natural sunscreen and
limits skin vitamin D synthesis and is thought to be the main reason
that vitamin D concentrations vary by ethnicity. (28) Markedly lower
25OHD concentrations in darker-skinned versus lighter-skinned ethnic
groups have been described in some studies. (11,22,29) In the US, for
example, the mean 25OHD for pregnant White women (77 nmol/L) was nearly
twice that of Black women (39 nmol/L), and a third higher than Hispanic
women (56 nmol/L). (26) Although in our study, ethnicity was a
determinant of 25OHD concentration, the effect was not as pronounced.
Women of European ethnicity had only a 9-13 nmol/L higher 25OHD
concentration than women from other ethnic groups. This may be because
the skin colour of Chinese and South Asians is not much darker than
Ethnicity is only a proxy measure for skin colour, which varies
greatly within ethnic groups. Reflectance colourimetry has been used to
provide quantitative measurements of skin colour. (30) Darker unexposed
(constitutive) skin colour has been associated with lower 25OHD
concentrations in some but not all studies. (17,31) We present the novel
finding in pregnant women that darker unexposed skin (lower ITA) is
associated with lower 25OHD concentration. We found this association
despite having only a very few women who were classified as tanned,
brown, or dark (n=13). We also found that darker exposed skin colour,
presumably a result of tanning, after correcting for unexposed skin
colour was associated with higher 25OHD concentrations. This is not
unexpected and has been reported in at least one other study of
non-pregnant adults. (17)
Over 90% of women took prenatal supplements containing vitamin D in
our study and the majority of these women were receiving at least 400
IU/d of vitamin D. Our findings support those of others that 400 IU/D
may not be sufficient to maintain optimal 25OHD in all women during
pregnancy. (32) We found that 60% of women in our study who received 400
IU/d or more vitamin D from supplements had 25OHD less than 75 nmol/L.
Indeed 20% of these women had plasma 25OHD concentrations less than 50
nmol/L--the concentration recently recommended by the Institute of
Medicine. Consideration should be given to increasing the amount of
vitamin D in prenatal supplements.
We found no association between pre-pregnancy BMI and 25OHD.
Obesity has been associated with lower 25OHD in some studies. (33) Very
few women were classified as obese in our study (n=23) and pre-pregnancy
weight was self-reported, which can be unreliable. Likewise there was no
difference in 25OHD plasma concentrations in women evaluated from 20-27
weeks gestation compared to women evaluated at 28-35 weeks gestation. It
might be expected that with the increase in plasma volume that occurs,
particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, 25OHD
concentrations might change during pregnancy. This study was limited to
women greater than 20 weeks gestation, which limits the conclusions
regarding the effect of gestation on plasma concentration of 25OHD.
However, in two recent studies, 25OHD was higher in the third compared
to the first or second trimester. (11,26) The authors attribute this to
longer duration of supplement use. (26)
Strengths of our study include a large sample size, a multi-ethnic
population and a complete assessment of the determinants of vitamin D
status. However, we do acknowledge a number of limitations. First, we
recruited a convenience sample of women and thus our results cannot be
generalized to the Canadian population or even to Vancouver. However,
the mean age of women in our study was 31 y, which is not markedly
different from the average age (29.9 y) of women giving birth in British
Columbia in 2007. (34) Although 50% of participants in our study were
not of European ethnicity, similar to the demographics of Vancouver,
women in our study were generally well educated and of high
socio-economic status. Further, recruitment bias may have occurred as
women with more healthful behaviours, such as supplement use, may have
been more likely to take part in the study than other women. Whether the
women in our study have higher or lower plasma 25OHD concentrations than
other Canadian pregnant women is not known. However, despite the study
participants being well educated and of higher socioeconomic status,
vitamin D insufficiency in this population was common. Based on those
two characteristics, it is possible that rates of vitamin D
insufficiency might be even higher in a representative population;
however, that could be counterbalanced by there being more women of
European ethnicity in a representative sample.
Second, we used cut-offs of 50 and 75 nmol/L to define
insufficiency but acknowledge that the evidence base to support these is
limited in pregnancy. Maternal 25OHD determines 25OHD concentration at
birth with infants having concentrations typically 80% of the
mother's. (35) When maternal 25OHD concentration in late pregnancy
was above 50 nmol/L, reduced bone mineral content was not seen in
offspring at 9 years of age. (6) The higher cut-off of 75 nmol/L is
based largely on observational reports of associations between 25OHD and
health outcomes in non-pregnant adults. (36,37) More research,
particularly prospective clinical trials, are required to establish the
minimum 25OHD required during pregnancy to reduce adverse maternal and
child outcomes.
In conclusion, vitamin D insufficiency was common in this group of
pregnant Vancouver women. Season and ethnicity were determinants of
25OHD but the magnitude of their effect was small. Most women took
vitamin D-containing supplements containing at least 400 IU, but this
did not ensure protection against vitamin D insufficiency. Consideration
should be given to increasing the amount of vitamin D in prenatal
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: August 16, 2010
Accepted: January 27, 2011
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Correspondence: Tim Green, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, UBC,
2205 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Tel: 604-822-0421, Fax:
604-822-5143, E-mail:
Wangyang Li, MSc, [1] Timothy J. Green, PhD, [1] Sheila M. Innis,
PhD, [2] Susan I. Barr, PhD, [1] Susan J. Whiting, PhD, [3] Antonia
Shand, MBChB, [4] Peter von Dadelszen, MBChB, DPhil [5]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Department of Food, Nutrition & Health, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
[2.] Department of Paediatrics, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC
[3.] College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, SK
[4.] Kolling Institute for Medical Research, University of Sydney,
NSW, Australia
[5.] Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Table 1. Characteristics of Women (n=322-336)
Characteristic n (%)
Age (years)
<30 129 (39)
[greater than or 206 (61)
equal to] 30
Gestation (weeks)
<27 113 (34)
[greater than or 219 (66)
equal to] 27
Season *
Winter 76 (23)
Spring 89 (26)
Summer 92 (27)
Fall 79 (24)
Constitutive skin colour
Very light 76 (23)
Light 171 (51)
Intermediate 47 (14)
Tanned 29 (9)
Brown 10 (3)
Dark 3 (1)
European 155 (46)
Chinese 66 (20)
South Asian 30 (9)
Other ([double 85 (25)
Characteristic n (%)
Vitamin D supplement (IU/d)
0 25 (7)
<400 45 (13)
[greater than or 266 (79)
equal to] 400
Vitamin D intake from food (IU/d)
<200 154 (46)
[greater than or 182 (54)
equal to] 200
Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/[m.sup.2])
<25 235 (73)
25-29.9 64 (20)
[greater than or 23 (7)
equal to] 30
<High school 5 (1)
High school 53 (16)
Trade/vocational 49 (15)
University 228 (68)
Family income per year
<$40,000 38 (11)
$40,000-<80,000 56 (17)
$80,000-<120,000 61 (18)
[greater than or 59 (18)
equal to] $120,000
Do not know 74 (22)
Do not want to say 48 (14)
Note: BMI=Body Mass Index.
* 'Winter' months: December 21-March 20; 'Spring' months: March 21-
June 20; 'Summer' months: June 21-September 22; 'Fall' months:
September 23-December 20.
([dagger]) Individual Typology Angle: Very Light > 55[degrees] >
Light > 41[degrees] > Intermediate > 28[degrees] > Tanned >
1[degrees]0 > Brown > -30[degrees] > Dark.
([double dagger]) Latin American 21 (6%); Other 15 (4%);
Black 12 (4%); Filipino 10 (3%); Southeast Asian 9 (3%);
Korean 6 (2%); Japanese 5 (1%); Iranian and Afghan 4 (1%); Arab 3 (1%).
Table 2. Plasma 25OHD Concentration and Prevalence of 25OHD
Insufficiency by Pregnancy Characteristics
n Mean (95% CI)
All 336 67 (64-69)
Age (years)
<30 129 65 (61-70) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 30 206 67 (64-70) (a)
Gestation (weeks)
<27 113 65 (60-69) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 27 219 68 (65-71) (a)
Season ([double dagger])
Winter 76 59 (55-64) (a)
Spring 89 67 (63-72) (ab)
Summer 92 71 (65-76) (b)
Fall 79 68 (63-73) (ab)
European 155 72 (69-76) (a)
Chinese 66 65 (59-71) (ab)
South Asian 30 60 (51-68) (b)
Other ([section]) 85 60 (56-64) (b)
Pre-Pregnancy BMI (kg/[m.sup.2])
<25 235 67 (64-70) (a)
25-29.9 64 69 (63-75) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 30 23 64 (55-74) (a)
Vitamin D Supplement (IU/d)
0 25 56 (46-65) (a)
<400 45 59 (53-65) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 400 266 69 (66-72) (b)
Vitamin D From Food (IU/d)
<200 154 64 (60-67) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 200 182 69 (66-72) (b)
Characteristic Plasma 25OHD (nmol/L)
Prevalence % (95% CI)
<50nmol/L <75nmol/L
All 24 (19-28) 65 (60-70)
Age (years)
<30 27 (19-35) (a) 70 (62-78) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 30 21 (16-27) (a) 63 (56-69) (a)
Gestation (weeks)
<27 26 (18-34) (a) 72 (63-80) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 27 22 (16-27) (a) 62 (55-68) (a)
Season ([double dagger])
Winter 37 (26-48) (a) 74 (64-84) (a)
Spring 19 (11-27) (ab) 62 (52-72) (a)
Summer 23 (14-31) (ab) 62 (52-72) (a)
Fall 16 (8-25) (b) 65 (54-75) (a)
European 14 (9-20) (a) 57 (49-65) (a)
Chinese 26 (15-36) (ab) 67 (55-78) (ab)
South Asian 40 (22-58) (b) 77 (62-92) (ab)
Other ([section]) 33 (23-43) (b) 75 (65-84) (b)
Pre-Pregnancy BMI (kg/[m.sup.2])
<25 22 (16-27) (a) 65 (59-71) (a)
25-29.9 25 (15-36) (a) 62 (50-74) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 30 26 (8-44) (a) 70 (51-88) (a)
Vitamin D Supplement (IU/d)
0 36 (17-55) (a) 84 (70-98) (a)
<400 29 (16-42) (a) 80 (68-92) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 400 21 (16-26) (a) 61 (55-67) (b)
Vitamin D From Food (IU/d)
<200 30 (23-37) (a) 69 (62-77) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 200 18 (13-24) (b) 62 (54-69) (a)
Note: 25OHD=25-hydroxy vitamin D; BMI=Body Mass Index.
([dagger]) Estimates within a column subgroup not sharing a common
superscript letter are significantly different (p<0.05).
([double dagger]) Winter: December 21-March 20; Spring: March 21-June
20; Summer: June 21-September 22; Fall: September 23-December 20.
([section]) Latin American, Black, Filipino, Southeast Asian, Korean,
Japanese, Iranian and Afghan, Arab, and other.
Table 3. Multivariable Model for Plasma 25OHD
Characteristic n [beta] nmol/L (95% CI)
Age (years) * 335 0.4 (0.0, 0.9)
Gestation (weeks) *
<27 113 Referent (a) ([dagger])
[greater than 219 4.2 (-0.8, 9.1) (a)
or equal to] 27
Season * ([double dagger])
Winter 76 Referent (a)
Spring 89 8.3 (-0.6, 17.3) (ab)
Summer 92 11.6 (2.7, 20.6) (b)
Fall 79 7.6 (-1.6, 16.8) (ab)
Ethnicity *
European 155 Referent (a)
Chinese 66 -9.0 (-17.6, -0.4) (b)
South Asian 30 -12.5 (-23.9, -1.0) (b)
Other ([section]) 85 -13.0 (-20.7, -5.3) (b)
Pre-Pregnancy BMI (kg/[m.sup.2]) *
<25 235 Referent (a)
25-29.9 64 1.1 (-6.1, 8.3) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 30 23 -0.4 (-11.8, 11.1) (a)
Vitamin D Supplement (IU/d) *
0 25 Referent (a)
<400 45 2.4 (-10.6, 15.5) (a)
[greater than or equal to] 400 266 13.2 (2.3, 24.1) (b)
Vitamin D Intake From Food (IU/d) *
<200 154 Referent (a)
[greater than or equal to] 200 182 6.4 (1.8, 11.1) (b)
ITA[degrees], Per 10[degrees]
Increase, ([paragraph]) *
Upper inner arm 336 5.6 (2.9, 8.4)
Forearm 336 -5.0 (-8.0, -2.1)
Note: 25OHD=25-hydroxyvitamin D; BMI=Body Mass Index.
* Adjusted for age, gestation, ethnicity, season, pre-pregnancy BMI,
vitamin D intake from supplement and food.
([dagger]) Estimates within a column subgroup not sharing a common
superscript letter are significantly different (p<0.05).
([double dagger]) Winter: December 21-March 20; Spring: March
21-June 20; Summer: June 21-September 22; Fall: September 23-
December 20.
([section]) Latin American, Black, Filipino, Southeast Asian, Korean,
Japanese, Iranian and Afghan, Arab, and other.
([paragraph]) ITA[degrees] (Individual Typology Angle): Very Light >
55[degrees] > Light > 41[degrees] >
Intermediate > 28[degrees] > Tanned > 1[degrees]0 > Brown >
-30[degrees] > Dark.
** Adjusted for age, week of gestation, ITA[degrees], season,
pre-pregnancy BMI, vitamin D intake from supplement and food.