Costs of implementing and maintaining Comprehensive school health: the case of the Annapolis Valley Health Promoting Schools program.
Ohinmaa, Arto ; Langille, Jessie-Lee ; Jamieson, Stuart 等
Childhood overweight has become a major public health concern. In
Canada, the prevalence of overweight in childhood has increased
dramatically from 15% in 1977/78 to 26% in 2004. (1,2) School-aged
children embodied the bulk of this increase as rates for children aged
2-5 remained relatively unchanged. (1) There is mounting evidence that
childhood overweight persists into adulthood and is associated with a
number of co-morbidities including type 2 diabetes mellitus,
cardiovascular disease and some cancers, leading to a reduced life
expectancy and quality of life. (3,4) The health care costs of
overweight constitute a tremendous burden to society and are subject to
sharp increases. (5) Direct health care costs associated with excess
body weight in Canada were estimated to be $1.8 billion in 1997, (6) and
the overall annual national costs (direct and indirect costs) to be $4.3
billion in 2001. (5) The health care cost of diabetes in Canada has been
projected to nearly double between 2000 and 2016 from CAD $4.66 billion
to about CAD $8.14 billion. (7)
School-based programs have a great potential to prevent childhood
overweight because they reach almost all children and at an early age.
(8) Comprehensive school health (CSH) has been shown to be very
effective in preventing overweight and obesity. (9) CSH is an
internationally recognized framework for supporting both education and
health in a planned, integrated and holistic way. (10,11) CSH is the
preferred term by the Joint Consortium for School Health but is
synonymous with Health Promoting Schools, the term most commonly used in
Europe and Australia, and with Coordinated School Health, commonly used
in the United States. (11) Few primary prevention programs have included
economic evaluations, and to date, no studies have reported on the costs
associated with implementing and maintaining CSH. (12-14)
The Annapolis Valley Health Promoting Schools (AVHPS) program is a
CSH program with documented benefits regarding the prevention of
overweight and obesity. (9) For other schools, school boards and
governments, it is important to know the costs of this program as part
of their considerations to invest in CSH. The aim of the present study
is to estimate the societal costs of school-boardwide implementation and
maintenance of CSH.
The AVHPS program
The AVHPS project began in 1997 as a grassroots initiative by
parents and school staff at two elementary schools who had become
increasingly concerned about the poor eating habits, physical inactivity
and consequent health of their children and students. The initial
project brought together partners from education, health, recreation,
and food industry sectors to change the school environment and to make
"the healthy choice the easy choice" for students. This
included developing of healthy policies and practices, creating
supportive environments, enabling strong community leadership and
partnerships as well as providing personal skill development through
education. As a result of these changes, students in these schools
received more physical activity, had a variety of healthy food choices
and were more educated on health and nutrition matters. (15)
In 2003, the Children's Lifestyle and School Performance Study
(CLASS) revealed that students attending the AVHPS schools had healthier
diets, were more active, and were 59% less likely to be over-weight or
72% less likely to be obese relative to their peers attending schools
with no prevention programs. (9) These findings were instrumental to
expanding the AVHPS program to a school-boardwide program including 44
schools. The AVHPS program addresses a range of health issues, however,
the present study focuses on those related to the promotion of healthy
eating and active living.
Economic evaluation methods
The AVHPS program, like other primary prevention initiatives,
differs from health interventions as health benefits and health care
cost savings are expected to happen in the future, for the most part
decades later. This creates challenges related to estimating health
benefits, valuing future costs and discounting rates, and to whether one
should take a health care or societal perspective. (16,17) Additional
challenges may also originate from the fact that CSH has more diverse
incoming monetary and in-kind resources that include those from the
health sector, the education sector, parents, the school community and
local businesses.
Funding for the AVHPS program comes from several sources. The
school board receives government funding earmarked for CSH, for
Breakfast programs and for the School Food Policy. The school board
distributes these to their schools based on the schools' CSH plan.
The AVHPS program approves these plans and their budgets. The AVHPS also
receives support by individuals, firms and charitable organizations
either in the form of monetary donations or of free products, labour or
services. The monetary donations that supported healthy eating and
physical activity were tracked using data from school-based transaction
reports for the 2008-2009 school year. In most cases, these reports had
specified the intended use of the donation.
The funds were used mainly for two purposes: to enhance student
physical activity (during or after school) and to support school
nutritional programs. Although some of the costs incurred were from
investments in school kitchen equipment (like microwave ovens,
refrigerators) and physical education equipment, these costs were
relatively small and therefore not distinguished from operating costs.
In the fall of 2009, we reviewed the program cost accounts from all
schools of the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board (AVRSB) for the
2008-2009 school year. We also reviewed resources coming to the program
from the parents and the larger community using the AVHPS program
documents for each of the schools. There was no systematic
record-keeping of volunteer hours in support of CSH. We therefore
interviewed four schools at varying stages of implementation on volume
of volunteerism. We valued voluntary work using $10 per hour as an
estimate based on local wages for non-skilled persons. We expressed all
monetary values in Canadian dollars in 2009 values, but did not apply
discounting as all costs occurred in a single school year. We calculated
costs by school, per student and school-board wide.
The direct public funding to implement and maintain CSH totaled
$344,515, which translates to an average of $7,830 per school and $22.67
per student (Table 1). The public funding by the province constituted
$140,500 earmarked for CSH funds, $86,250 from the Provincial Breakfast
Program funds, $28,750 from the School Food Policy Program funds and
$17,545 from other public sources. The AVRSB also received $70,000 per
year in federal funding through the Sport Animator Program to support a
physical activity coordinator.
The AVHPS program further received $127,235 in the form of grants,
donations and fundraising, of which approximately 20% was for physical
activity and 80% for nutrition programs. The mean funding from grants,
donations and fundraising was $2,892 per school or $8.37 per student.
Two of the 44 AVRSB schools did not report incoming funding through
grants, donations and fundraising. The single largest donation received
was $11,216.
Each of the AVHPS schools reported to be supported by volunteer
time of staff and teachers. School facilities were reportedly used for
nutritional and after-school activities. The value of these resources is
not included in this analysis.
Table 2 summarizes volunteer activities along with acquired funding
in four AVHPS schools. The estimated value of volunteer work ranged from
$875 to $7,000 per year. On average, the value of volunteer activities
($3,368) approximated that of acquired grants, donations and fundraising
($3,561). In the estimation of the value of volunteer work, we
considered an hourly wage of $10. If we had used the minimum wage of
$8.60 in Nova Scotia in 2009, the value of the volunteer work would be
14% less. And if the volunteer work were valued at the average hourly
wage of $19.24, the value of the volunteer work would exceed the value
of the public funding.
All funds listed in Table 2 were acquired locally with the
exception of one school that obtained a $1,500 external grant in support
of physical activity. All four schools reportedly accepted food
donations with a mean value of about $2,000 per school (not including
renovations). On average, the combined grants, donations and fundraising
were about $7,000 per school, of which approximately 75% was for
nutritional programs. These may represent under-estimations as food
donations were not consistently reported or did not have any monetary
Declines in diet quality and activity levels with consequent
increases in body weights have resulted in an urgent need for preventive
actions. CSH addresses both education and health in a planned,
integrated and holistic way, and has been shown to benefit healthy
eating and active living. (9,11) Healthy eating and active living, in
turn, have been demonstrated to benefit learning. (11,18) This has
sparked increasing interests in CSH. However, a dearth of information on
costs associated with the implementation and maintenance of CSH may keep
public health decision makers from making the investment. The present
study describes the costs of the AVHPS program for which the benefits of
CSH had been described previously. (9) The study revealed annual public
costs of $344,515 for the school board, or on average, $7,830 per school
and $22.67 per student. Locally acquired grants, donations and
fundraising contributed $127,235, and the monetary value of volunteer
work was estimated to double this. The cost of CSH is estimated to be
approximately $10,700 per school and $31 per student. When further
considering the value of volunteer work, this became $13,600 per school
and $39 per student.
The costs for the AVHPS program seem similar to those of the Planet
Health study (19) and CATCH (20) that estimated costs of US $14 and US
$35 per student, respectively. As both the Planet Health study (19) and
CATCH (20) were found to be cost effective, the AVHPS program will
likely be as well if their school-board-wide expansion appears effective
in preventing overweight and obesity. The costs of the MCG FitKid
Project (21) and the New Zealand Apple project (14,22) were
substantially higher at US $956 and NZ $1,281 per student, respectively.
Our cost analysis was greatly facilitated by the systematic
financial documentation of amount and purpose of incoming funds by the
school board and AVHPS program. However, not all donations, and
particularly smaller donations, had been put on file. As such, we may
have underestimated those contributions. Similarly, the value of donated
foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, and breakfast cereals, were
often not given a dollar value. Also, none of the schools had a
systematic recording of volunteers contributing to in- and after-school
activities. We had therefore captured these for the four sample schools.
One may argue that revenues for schools and school jurisdictions may
change with the introduction of healthful foods. Studies have shown both
increases and declines in overall sales of foods. (23,24) Another study
showed that of 17 schools and school districts that tracked revenue from
fundraising after switching to healthier foods, 12 increased revenue and
4 reported no change. The one school district that did lose revenue in
the short term experienced a subsequent revenue increase after the study
was completed. (25) If the latter study findings would apply to the
AVHPS program, the costs to the schools and school jurisdiction would be
less than estimated in this study.
The Nova Scotia Government provides funding to the AVRSB to support
CSH in their schools. Other public funding supports breakfast programs,
the implementation of a school food policy and the organization of
physical activity in schools. As the school board's financial
management team has understanding and appreciation for the integrated
and holistic nature of CSH, the funds are pooled such that the
implementation of CSH is facilitated while ensuring that the purposes of
the funds are met.
The AVHPS program is recognized as a 'best practice'.
(15) It is a 'real world' example of a grassroots approach and
gradually evolved into an ongoing school-board-wide program. This
'real-world' program differs from most obesity prevention
programs that are researcher initiated. (12-14,19,20) Data collection in
researcher-initiated studies are generally most systematic, providing
better-quality data. However, 'real world' practice-based
evaluations are important as they provide better judgement of
feasibility, political acceptability and sustainability and they also
provide better estimates of actual cost of the CSH program. (11) The
combination of 'real world' practice-based evaluations and
researcher-initiated studies provides public health decision makers with
broader perspectives on costs and effectiveness that will facilitate
their consideration and decision making.
Acknowledgements: We thank the schools and the Annapolis Valley
Regional School Board for their valuable contributions to this work. The
present study was supported through a grant to Dr. Veugelers from the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, The Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Canada, and the Canadian Population Health Initiative. Dr. Veugelers
is supported through a Canada Research Chair in Population Health and an
Alberta Innovates--Health Solutions Scholarship. Jessie-Lee Langille is
funded through a Vanier Canadian Institutes of Health Research Graduate
Scholarship. All interpretations and opinions in the present study are
those of the authors.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: February 12, 2011
Accepted: May 24, 2011
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Correspondence: Arto Ohinmaa, School of Public Health, Department
of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta, 3-50M University
Terrace, 8303--112 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, E-mail:
Arto Ohinmaa, PhD, [1] Jessie-Lee Langille, MSc, [1] Stuart
Jamieson, [2] Caroline Whitby, [3] Paul J. Veugelers, PhD [1]
Author Affiliations
[1.] School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[2.] Annapolis Valley Regional School Board, Berwick, NS
[3.] Annapolis Valley Health Promoting Schools Program, Berwick, NS
Table 1. Total Direct Public Funding for the Annapolis Valley Health
Promoting Schools Program Schools During the 2008-2009 School Year
Programs Schools Students Total
(n=44) (n=15,195)
Range Mean Range Mean
CSH funds
Direct funding to 0-5041 1107 0-175.76 3.21 48,725
Program administration * -- 2086 -- 6.04 91,775
School Food Policy 0-2250 610 0-13.55 1.77 26,847
Provincial Breakfast 0-5364 2037 0-107.99 5.90 89,623
Sport Animator Program -- 1591 -- 4.61 70,000
Other public funding -- 399 -- 1.15 17,545
Total direct public -- 7830 -- 22.67 344,515
* includes liability insurance costs, and funds for some school
meetings and professional development.
([dagger]) includes matched funding for after-school program from
municipalities and from the Nova Scotia government.
Table 2. Costs Reported by Four Schools in the Annapolis Valley
Health Promoting Schools Program on Volunteer Work, External
Grants, Donations and Fundraising in the 2008-2009 School Year
School 1 Nutrition: 30 persons/week,
30 min/person = 15 hours
Value: 15 x $10 x 35 = $5,250
Physical activity: 1 person 5 days
a week; 1 hour/person = 5 hours
Value: 5 x $10 x 35 = $1,750
Total Value: 20 x $10 x
35 weeks =$7,000
School 2 Nutrition: 1 person/day,
30 min = 2 h 30 min
Value: 2.5 x $10 x 35 = $875
Physical activity: 0
Total Value: $875
School 3 Nutrition: 2 persons/day;
30 min each;
Value: 5 x $10 x 35 = $1,750
Physical activity: 0
Total Value: $1,750
School 4 Nutrition: 2 persons/day;
30 min each;
Value: 5 x $10 x 35 = $1,750
Physical activity: 1 person/day
lunch hour, 1 person one
morning/week = 6 hours
Value: 6 x $10 x 35 = $2,100
Total Value: $3,850
Overall Nutrition: $2,406
mean Physical activity: $962
Total Value: $3,368
Grants Donations
School 1 Nutrition: Nutrition:
Lunchtime program $400 Food donations $750
Physical activity: Money donations $3,568
Girls program $1,500 Other: Kitchen Facility $2,016
Total: $1,900 Physical activity: None
Total: $6,334
School 2 Nutrition: None Nutrition: Occasional food
Physical activity: None donation; value unknown (+)
Total: 0 Physical activity: None
Total: unknown
School 3 Nutrition: None Nutrition:
Physical activity: None Food donations $900
Total: 0 Money donations $295
Physical activity: None
Total: $1,195
School 4 Nutrition: None Nutrition:
Physical activity: None Food donations;
Total: 0 value unknown
Physical activity: None
Total: unknown
Overall Nutrition: None Nutrition: $1,882 (+)
mean Physical activity: $475 Physical activity: None
Total: $475 Total: $1,882 (+)
School 1 Nutrition: $3,542
Physical activity: None
Total: $3,542
School 2 Nutrition: None
Physical activity: $936
Total: $936
School 3 Nutrition: $335
Physical activity:
Significant sports teams
fund raising (+)
Total: $335 (+)
School 4 Nutrition: None
Physical activity: None
Total: 0
Overall Nutrition: $970
mean Physical activity: $234 (+)
Total: $1,204 (+)
School 1 Nutrition: $15,126
Physical activity: $3,650
Total: $18,776
School 2 Nutrition: $875 (+)
Physical activity: $936
Total: $1,811
School 3 Nutrition: $3,280
Physical activity: (+)
Total: $3,280 (+)
School 4 Nutrition: $1,750
Physical activity: $2,100
Total: $3,850 (+)
Overall Nutrition: $5,258
mean Physical activity: $1,671 (+)
Total: $6,929 (+)
(Total per student: $20.1)
(+) Includes donations/fundraising that were not expressed in monetary
value by the schools.