A province-wide school nutrition policy and food consumption in elementary school children in Prince Edward Island.
Mullally, Megan L. ; Taylor, Jennifer P. ; Kuhle, Stefan 等
Concerns regarding the quality of children's diets and rising
rates of childhood obesity have received considerable attention in
recent years. (1-4) As of 2004, about 1.1 million (18%) Canadian boys
and girls aged 2 to 17 years old were overweight, and another half
million (8%) were obese. (5) School-age children in Prince Edward Island
(PEI) have the second highest rate of overweight (22%) in the country.
(5) These trends signify an important public health issue, given that
recent reports indicate that obesity in childhood and adolescence
persists or tracks into adulthood (6,7) and is associated with chronic
diseases and increased mortality. (8,9) Canadian studies indicate that
children's diets are not meeting current dietary recommendations,
with low intakes of Vegetables and Fruit, Milk and Alternatives and
Grain Products. (10-12) Dietary surveys suggest that children in PEI
have lower intakes of vegetables and fruit and higher intakes of low
nutrient density foods (low nutrients relative to energy content, such
as soft drinks or candy) (13) compared to Ontario children. (14) Since
poor diet quality and inadequate physical activity have been identified
as key determinants of the observed increase in childhood overweight and
obesity, there is an urgent need to implement preventive policies and
programs designed to improve diet and physical activity in Canadian
children. (15,16)
The school food environment is increasingly recognized as having a
significant influence over children's eating behaviours because of
the amount of time spent at school and the large percentage of food
intake consumed while at school. (4,15) Some studies have demonstrated
the effectiveness of policies in improving students' dietary intake
by modifying the school food environment. (16-22) One Canadian study
provided persuasive evidence, for the first time, that comprehensive
health promotion and wellness programs can have benefits for students.
(18,23) Students attending health-promoting schools in Nova Scotia were
less likely to be obese, had healthier diets and were more physically
active. The majority of Canadian provinces have indicated that they have
adopted new nutrition policies, but there have been few if any
systematic evaluations of these nutrition policies. (24)
In 2006, all PEI elementary and consolidated schools across the
province adopted school nutrition policies (SNP). (25,26) While policies
are adopted at the school district level, they are practically identical
and will be referred to in this paper as the "PEI school nutrition
policy" (PEI SNP). The PEI SNP addresses such issues as the quality
of food available in the school environment, student access to food,
food used in school fundraising initiatives, food safety, and nutrition
education. (25,26) This adoption of the PEI SNP provided an opportunity
for a "natural experiment" whereby we could examine whether
this nutrition policy is effective in enabling children to attain diets
that are more adequate according to Canada's Food Guide. (27) The
present study examines the temporal changes in food consumption of fifth
and sixth grade students prior to and following the implementation of
the school nutrition policy.
In Prince Edward Island, there are a total of 52 elementary (grades
one to six) and consolidated (grades one to eight) schools, all of which
had recently implemented the 2006 school nutrition policy. (25,26) In
2001/02, elementary schools in PEI were invited to participate in a
study that assessed food consumption among fifth and sixth grade
students; 11 schools (n=971, survey participation rate of 90%) agreed to
take part. The present study compares data collected in 2001/02 and
again in 2007 (n=555, survey participation rate of 59%) in 11 schools
common to both surveys, allowing us to assess changes in food
consumption associated with the introduction of the policy. This is part
of a larger study assessing children's dietary intake as well as
body weight over a five-year period starting in 2007. Food consumption
data were collected using a self-administered validated food frequency
questionnaire (28) designed to assess the frequency of consumption of 27
different groups of foods to help identify areas of concern, such as low
consumption of Vegetables and Fruits (VF) or Milk and Alternatives (MA),
or high intake of "low nutrient dense" foods (high in energy,
often from fat, but providing few nutrients). The number of servings of
foods in the VF group of Canada's Food Guide (27) per day was
calculated by adding responses to the frequency of consumption of
potatoes (other than french fries), salad, other vegetables, fruit, and
fruit juices as follows: "at least twice a day" = 2,
"once a day" = 1, "4 to 6 times a week" = 0.71 and
"1 to 3 times/week" = 0.28. The number of servings of MA was
calculated by adding responses to the frequency of consumption of milk,
cheese, yogurt/frozen yogurt, and ice cream using a similar scoring
system. Finally, the number of servings of LNDF was estimated in the
same manner (summing the number of servings of french fries;
cakes/cookies/pie/doughnuts; potato chips/tortilla/nacho chips/
cheesies/pretzels and other snack foods; candy/chocolate bars; and
regular (not diet) soft drinks), but was not compared to CFGHE since
there are no recommended number of servings for this group of foods. The
numbers of daily servings for the Meat and Alternatives and the Grain
Products groups were not estimated due to the limited number of foods
from these groups which were included in the questionnaire. The Eating
Behaviour Study (EBS) has been previously validated for use with Prince
Edward Island and Ontario school-aged children 9-12 years and was found
to provide a valid estimate of mean intakes most likely to be inadequate
in the diets of school children (e.g., fat, calcium, folate) when
compared to 24-hour recall data. (28)
We applied multilevel linear regression to compare pre-/post-policy
implementation differences in the consumption of Vegetables and Fruit,
Milk and Alternatives, and low-nutrient density foods with survey year
as a fixed effect and students nested in schools (random factor). The
observed number of daily servings of LNDF was subjected to a square root
transformation to achieve normally distributed data. We applied
multilevel logistic regression to compare the pre-/post-probability of
meeting Canada's Food Guide recommendations (27) for VF ([greater
than or equal to] 6 servings), MA ([greater than or equal to] 3
servings), and consuming less than 3 servings of LNDF daily. All
analyses were adjusted for the confounding potential of gender and grade
level. We further adjusted for the decline in the total number of daily
food servings from 2001/02 to 2007 (15.3 versus 13.4 servings,
respectively) by including it in the logistic regression models.
There was an even distribution of students between grade 5 and 6
and between girls and boys (Table 1). Table 2 shows that the mean daily
intakes of all food groups decreased between 2001/02 and 2007, with a
decline of almost one serving for LNDF. Modest declines for VF and MA
were also observed. The mean number of food servings declined from 15.3
servings in 2001/02 to 13.4 servings in 2007 (Table 2). In Table 3, we
adjusted our analyses for this temporal change in food servings to
represent changes in dietary intake proportional to total intake. Table
3 shows a statistically significant temporal decrease in the proportion
of low-nutrient density foods servings while the proportion of Milk and
Alternatives increased between 2001/02 and 2007, respectively. Girls
reported consuming proportionally more Vegetables and Fruit and less
low-nutrient density foods relative to boys (Table 3).
As shown in Table 4, students in 2007 were twice as likely to
report consuming less than three servings of low-nutrient density foods,
and were also more likely to consume the recommended servings of
Vegetables and Fruit than students in 2001/02.
This is the first study in Canada to assess the association between
the introduction of a province-wide school nutrition policy and
improvements in students' food consumption. The introduction of
this new province-wide school nutrition policy, as well as the contained
and small population of PEI that has poor dietary habits and high
overweight and obesity prevalence rates among both children and adults,
make PEI an ideal natural setting for this evaluative research. Our
findings are promising: when we compared student dietary intakes prior
to and following the introduction of a school nutrition policy, we found
a marked decrease in the likelihood that students would consume LNDF
such as potato chips, candy and pop. Students surveyed in 2007 were
consuming almost a full serving less of low-nutrient density foods than
students at the same schools prior to the policy. Even when the overall
decline in the number of food servings was controlled for, students in
2007 were still more likely to report consuming fewer servings of LNDF.
They were also more likely to have diets with more Vegetables and Fruit
and that meet Canada's Food Guide recommendation for Milk and
Alternatives, although these changes are more modest. These changes
parallel changes in the PEI school food environment over the same time
period, with decreases in low-nutrient dense foods such as potato chips,
hot dogs, soft drinks and fruit drinks (Taylor et al., unpublished).
Our findings are consistent with other studies that have
demonstrated an improvement in diet quality associated with the
introduction of school nutrition policies, (16-23) as well as a
reduction in the prevalence of overweight. (23) The consistency with the
Nova Scotia-based study is particularly relevant given the similarities
in age, socio-economic status and Maritime context.
One Canadian study had suggested that comprehensive, multifaceted
approaches to school nutrition programs have a larger impact on
students' diets than a single nutrition program or policy. (23)
While our observations of a reduction in unhealthy food choices are
promising, a larger impact may be expected from continued and broader,
multifaceted preventive programs where healthy choices are made readily
available and nutrition education becomes part of the core curriculum.
The quasi-experimental design of the present study precludes
conclusions related to causality. Given the challenges of applied
nutrition research in school settings, and the nature of policy
implementation in PEI, one cannot employ a randomized controlled
experimental design. It was not possible to randomize schools or include
control schools for evaluation purposes since all elementary and
consolidated schools in PEI had already fully implemented the policy as
of September 2006. With the growing evidence and awareness of the
importance of school environments for children's food intake,
weight status and future health, (15,18) it would have been unethical to
ask schools to function as a control school and refrain from using
preventive programs and policies. These early analyses of our PEI-based
research program included only those 11 schools that participated in
both the 2001/02 and 2007 surveys. The lower student enrolment rates and
survey participation rates due to differences in study protocol and
consent procedures of the 2001/02 and 2007 surveys may be a basis for
selection bias. Our findings, therefore, will need to be interpreted
with caution. Future analyses on temporal trends from 2007 onwards will
include all 44 PEI schools and measurements of heights and weights. An
additional limitation of the present study is that socio-economic
status, an established determinant of dietary intake, was not measured
in 2001/02 and was not considered in the present analyses. (16)
In summary, the present study demonstrated improvements in food
consumption parallel to the introduction of a province-wide nutrition
policy. These findings underscore the potential benefits of school
nutrition policies and the need for ongoing evaluation.
Acknowledgements: Supported by an operating grant from the
Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes Institute of the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research, and through a Canada Research Chair and an Alberta
Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Scholar Award to Paul
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: June 7, 2009 Accepted: October 8, 2009
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Megan L. Mullally, MAHSR (Master of Applied Health Services
Research), [1] Jennifer P. Taylor, PhD Nutritional Sciences, [2] Stefan
Kuhle, MD, mph, [3] Janet Bryanton, PhD, [4] Kimberley J. Hernandez,
MBA, [5] Debbie L. MacLellan, PhD, [6] Mary L. McKenna, PhD, [7] Robert
J. Gray, BEd, [8] Paul J. Veugelers, PhD [9]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Program Coordinator, Holland College, Charlottetown, PEI
[2.] Associate Professor, Department of Family and Nutritional
Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI
[3.] Research Associate, School of Public Health, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[4.] Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Prince
Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI
[5.] Project Manager, SNAP project, Department of Family and
Nutritional Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island; Sessional
Lecturer, Department of Family and Nutritional Sciences, University of
Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI
[6.] Professor, Department of Family and Nutritional Sciences,
University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI
[7.] Professor, Department of Kinesiology, University of New
Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
[8.] Sessional Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Prince
Edward Island; formerly District Principal for Instructional Support and
Communications, Eastern School District, Prince Edward Island
[9.] Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB
Correspondence: Jennifer Taylor, Department of Family and
Nutritional Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University
Avenue, Charlottetown, PEI C1A 4P3, Tel: 902-566-0475, Fax:
902-628-4367, E-mail: jtaylor@upei.ca
Table 1. Grade and Sex Distribution of Students
Participating in the Food Consumption Surveys in
2001/2002 and 2007 in Prince Edward Island
Survey Year
2001/02 2007
(n=971) (n=562)
Gr. 5 50.1% 49.8%
Gr. 6 49.9% 50.2%
Boy 51.6% 49.9%
Girl 48.4% 50.1%
Table 2. Number of Daily Food Group Servings among
Prince Edward Island Students in 2001/2002 and 2007
Survey Year
2001/02 2007
Food Group Mean (SD) * Mean (SD)
Vegetables and Fruit 3.97 (1.87) 3.59 (1.89)
Milk and Alternatives 2.99 (1.30) 2.88 (1.29)
Low-nutrient Density Foods 2.98 (1.89) 2.06 (1.45)
Total Daily Servings 15.3 13.4
* SD: Standard Deviation
Table 3. Changes in Servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
Milk and Alternatives, and Square Root-transformed
Servings of Low-nutrient Density Foods between 2001/02
and 2007 among Prince Edward Island Students
Vegetables and Fruit
[beta] (95% CI)*
Grade 6 (versus grade 5) -0.05 (-0.18,0.08)
Girls (versus boys) 0.32 (0.19,0.45)
2007 (versus 2001/02) 0.10 (-0.03,0.23)
Milk and Alternatives
P (95% CI)
Grade 6 (versus grade 5) 0.07 (-0.03,0.16)
Girls (versus boys) 0.05 (-0.05,0.15)
2007 (versus 2001/02) 0.18 (0.08,0.28)
Low-nutrient Density Foods
P (95% CI)
Grade 6 (versus grade 5) 0.02 (-0.03,0.06)
Girls (versus boys) -0.09 (-0.13,-0.05)
2007 (versus 2001/02) -0.18 (-0.23,-0.14)
* Positive values for survey year represent increased intake
in 2007 relative to 2001/02. [beta] coefficients and 95% confidence
intervals are estimated through multivariable multilevel linear
regression, mutually adjusted and further adjusted for the
total number of daily food servings.
Table 4. Relative Odds of Meeting the Recommended Intake
of Vegetables and Fruit, Milk and Alternatives, and
Low-nutrient Density Foods by Grade Level, Gender and
Survey Year among Prince Edward Island Students
Vegetables Milk and
and Fruit Alternatives
OR (95% CI)* OR (95% CI)
Grade 6 (versus grade 5) 0.90 (0.64,1.27) 1.08 (0.84,1.38)
Girls (versus boys) 1.40 (1.00,1.96) 1.07 (0.84,1.37)
2007 (versus 2001/02) 1.44 (1.00,2.07) 1.27 (0.98,1.64)
Density Foods
OR (95% CI)
Grade 6 (versus grade 5) 1.06 (0.82,1.36)
Girls (versus boys) 1.47 (1.14,1.90)
2007 (versus 2001/02) 2.14 (1.62,2.82)
* Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are estimated
through multivariable multilevel logistic regression,
mutually adjusted and further adjusted for the total
number of daily food servings.