Geographic differences in childhood overweight, physical activity, nutrition and neighbourhood facilities: implications for prevention.
Simen-Kapeu, Aline ; Kuhle, Stefan ; Veugelers, Paul J. 等
The prevalence of overweight among children in Canada has increased
dramatically from 15% in 1977/78 to 26% in 2004. (1) This increase
portends future increases in incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases, and other chronic diseases. (2,3) Documenting trends post 2004
and understanding the underlying factors are fundamental to public
Canadian studies have shown that rurally residing children and
youth are more likely to be overweight than urban residents. (4-6) In
North America, studies have revealed a higher overweight prevalence in
rural populations: diet, (7) physical activity (8) and low
socio-economic status (9) have been identified as potential reasons.
Limited access to parks and recreational facilities in
socio-economically disadvantaged areas hinders children from being
physically active and puts them at increased risk of becoming
overweight. (7,10,11) In addition, residents in neighbourhoods with poor
access to healthy foods have more fat in their diet and are more likely
to become overweight. (7,12)
The purpose of this present study is to investigate the urban-rural
differences in childhood overweight and its underlying causes in
The 2008 and 2010 Raising Healthy Eating and Active Living Kids in
Alberta (REAL Kids Alberta) surveys intend to evaluate the Alberta
Health and Wellness initiative, the aim of which is to promote healthy
body weights among children and youth. The present study reports on the
2008 observations. The study employed a one-stage stratified random
sampling design. The sampling frame included all elementary schools with
the exception of private (4.7% of all Alberta children), francophone
(0.6%), on-reserve federal (2.0%), charter (1.7%), and colony (0.8%)
schools. (13) Schools were stratified into three geographies: 1) urban:
Calgary and Edmonton; 2) towns: other municipalities with more than
40,000 residents; and 3) rural: municipalities with less than 40,000
residents. Schools were randomly selected within each of these strata to
achieve a balanced number of students in each stratum. Of the 184
invited schools, 148 (80.4%) participated. These schools were attended
by 5,594 grade five students, who received an envelope including a
parent consent form and survey to take home. Of the 3,758 (67.2%)
students who returned completed consent forms to school, 3,645 (97.0%)
had received parental consent to participate. Of these students, 3,407
were present when evaluation assistants visited the school to conduct
the survey, 6 students declined to participate, and 20 absent students
completed and mailed their surveys, resulting in 3,421 participating
students (61.2% of total student population in those schools). These
students, in the classroom under the supervision of a project assistant,
completed the Harvard Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ)14 and a short
survey on their physical activities.
Grade 5 students are primarily 10 or 11 years of age. The
questionnaires they completed are posted on
Standing height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm without shoes
using stadiometers and body weight to the nearest 0.1 kg on calibrated
digital scales. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing weight
(in kilograms) by height (in metres) squared. Overweight (including
obesity) was defined using the BMI cut-off points for children and youth
established by the International Obesity Task Force. (15)
Based on student responses to the FFQ and Canadian food table, we
estimated 1) number of daily servings of vegetables and fruits; 2)
percentage of energy from dietary fat intake; 3) diet quality index
(DQI), which is a composite index that encompasses diet variety,
adequacy, moderation and balance. (5,16)
Parent/guardian(s) and students responded to activity questions on:
a) travel to and from school; b) time spent to get to and from school;
c) frequency of child's activities outside of school hours; d)
activities at morning and lunch recess in the past seven days; and e)
frequency of involvement in sports and physical activities in the past
seven days. These questions, totaling 29 items, were for the most part
adopted from the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C)
which has previously been validated and demonstrated high reliability.
(17) The 29 items were the basis of a composite score ranging from 1 to
6. Participants with a score exceeding 3 were classified as
'physically active'.
We used questions from the 2006/2007 National Longitudinal Survey
of Children and Youth (NLSCY) on activities for parental assessment of
the number of hours ([less than or equal to]2 hours/>2 hours) per day
their child spent playing videos games, watching television or using the
computer out of school hours. (18)
Students responded to 13 questions on nutrition behaviours (Table
1) from the FFQ and the student survey. These questions were reduced to
five components (Table 1) using principal components analysis (PCA) (see
Statistical analysis). Students' responses to "place of family
supper" (Table 1, Q2 and Q3) and "eating fast food from
restaurant" (Table 1, Q4) did not substantially contribute to any
factor and are not included in Table 1.
Neighbourhood perception was assessed based on parents'
responses to eight questions (Table 1) from the Environmental Module of
the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), the
reliability and validity of which have been assessed. (19) These
questions were reduced to three components (satisfaction/services,
safety and sidewalks/parks) using PCA (see Statistical analysis).
Statistical analysis
PCA with subsequent varimax rotation reduced the 13 questions on
nutrition behaviours to five components (explaining 60% of the total
variance) with an eigenvalue >1 (Table 1): 1) family supper not in
front of TV (Q11 and Q12); 2) eat convenient/ready made foods (Q5, Q7
and Q8); 3) purchase high calories meals at school (Q9 and Q10); 4) eat
fast food from restaurant (Q13); and 5) skip meals (Q1 and Q6). PCA was
also used for item reduction of the eight neighbourhood perception
questions. Three components, explaining 64% of the total variance, with
an eigenvalue >1 were identified (Table 1): 1) satisfaction/services
(Q1, Q7 and Q8); 2) safety (Q2, Q5 and Q6); and 3) sidewalks/parks (Q3
and Q4).
Multilevel linear (% energy from dietary fat, DQI) and logistic
(overweight, nutrition behaviours, physical activity, and neighbourhood
outcomes) regression methods were used to examine geographic differences
for the various outcomes while accommodating the hierarchical data
structure whereby student observations cluster within schools. All
analyses were weighted to account for the design effect. All estimates
were adjusted for the confounding potential of students' gender,
parental educational attainment and household income. Analyses
pertaining to dietary outcomes were further adjusted for calorie intake,
as is recommended for FFQ data. (14) Missing values for educational
attainment and income were treated as separate covariate categories.
Stata Version 10 (Stata Corp, TX, USA) was used. This study was approved
by the Health Research Ethics Board of the University of Alberta.
The prevalence of overweight was 28.5% among grade five students in
2008, with 6.7% of the students being obese (Table 1). Compared to their
urban peers, students from towns and rural areas were more likely to be
overweight and to have parents with lower educational attainment.
Household income, however, was higher in towns and rural areas than in
urban areas (Table 1).
Students attending schools in towns and rural areas were more
likely to engage in more sports and have less screen time compared to
students attending urban schools, as per parent report. These
associations did not change after adjusting for child gender,
educational attainment and income (Table 2).
Students of schools in towns and rural areas had a poorer diet as
reflected in a lower consumption of vegetables and fruits, higher
percentage of energy from fat and a lower DQI (Table 1). These students
reportedly purchased high-calorie foods and snacks at school more often
compared to their urban peers (Table 2).
Parents in urban areas perceived their neighbourhoods as less safe
for their children to play outside (Table 1). In rural areas, access to
sport/recreational activities was comparable to urban areas, but
perceived access to stores in their neighbourhood to purchase vegetables
and fruits was lower compared to parents in urban areas (Table 1).
Parents residing in towns and rural areas were less likely to perceive
their neighbourhood as having good sidewalks/parks compared to their
urban counterparts (Table 2).
The present study showed that students attending schools in towns
and rural areas were more likely to be overweight, to have poorer diets,
and to perceive their neighbourhoods as safe than their urban
counterparts. These students, though, reportedly engaged more in sports
despite less access to playgrounds/parks and recreational programs.
These geographic differentials in physical activity, diet, and health
behaviours suggest the need for distinct approaches to prevention of
overweight and future chronic diseases.
Compared with the 2004 estimate of 23.6% overweight in 9-13 year
old Albertan children, (1) our 2008 observation of 28.5% in 10-11 year
olds shows a dramatic increase. We observed a higher prevalence of
overweight in less urbanized areas, which concurs with recent studies
conducted among children in Canada (4-6) and in the US. (20) Moreover,
childhood overweight prevalence is less likely to be observed in
geographies with high educational attainment, (21,22) as we noticed in
urban areas (data not shown). Education may provide parents with more
knowledge of the role of nutrition in health, awareness of child weight
as a health risk factor, and an understanding of feeding practices
conducive to healthy weight. (21)
We found higher prevalence of overweight and percentage of being
physically active among students attending schools in towns and rural
areas compared to students in urban schools. These findings are
congruent with some (23,24) but not all (4) recent research conducted
among children. Although differences in the samples, measures of health
behaviours and statistical methods could be incriminated, the
interaction between physical activity and weight is complex. Excess
weight may stem from excess caloric consumption, lower caloric
expenditure, or both. These students engaged more often in sports
despite reportedly limited access to playgrounds/parks and recreational
facilities, which is not in line with previous studies. (5,10,11) This
inconsistency could be explained by an over-reporting of
"structured" activities as well as time spent in sport
activities. (25) Studies using objective measures of physical activity
(pedometers, accelerometers) are required to confirm this speculation.
We observed that students in towns and rural areas consume less
vegetables and fruits, more dietary fat and have a lower diet quality.
Huot et al. (26) revealed in 2004 that rural diets were more likely to
be poor, high in fat and sugar and low in vegetables and fruits. The
home environment determines nutrition behaviours and diet intakes. (27)
Indeed, this study and previous findings (27,28) demonstrated that
children who ate meals while watching television on a daily basis had
lower quality diet than children who did so less frequently. Lower diet
quality among students from towns and rural areas compared to their
urban peers was also consistent with poor neighbourhood access to
healthy foods, as previously reported for other Canadian jurisdictions.
(5) In accordance with studies that describe the importance of the
school food environment, (5,29) the present study revealed a poorer
school food environment in towns and rural areas along with higher
overweight prevalence rates.
Strengths of the present study included its large sample, measured
heights and weights and its response rate, which is considered very high
for school-based research. Although similar results between objective
and self-reported physical activity have been reported, (30) this
research could benefit from use of objective measures such as
pedometers. The cross-sectional design necessitates caution with respect
to interpretations on directionality and causality. Parent proxy reports
of child's health behaviours may have introduced additional
measurement error. This is, however, less likely as we had used
validated and reliable questionnaires.
In conclusion, we observed a prevalence of childhood overweight in
Alberta that exceeds previous population-based data, (1) as well as
geographic differences in overweight, health behaviours and
neighbourhood characteristics. These findings suggest the contribution
of poor nutrition to the higher childhood overweight rates in towns and
rural geographies, and demand more research to reveal the magnitude of
the contribution. The present findings call for strengthening of
preventive initiatives aimed at enhancing healthy eating and active
living. These initiatives should acknowledge the distinct needs of
students in urban settings, towns and rural geographies.
Acknowledgements: We thank all of the grade five students, parents
and schools for their participation in the REAL Kids Alberta evaluation;
the research assistants and regional health promotion coordinators for
data collection; Connie Lu for data management and validation; and
Delone Abercrombie for coordinating the project.
This research was funded through a contract with Alberta Health and
Wellness and through a Canada Research Chair in Population Health and
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Scholarship to
Dr. Paul J. Veugelers. All interpretations and opinions in the present
study are those of the authors.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: May 22, 2009
Accepted: December 1, 2009
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Correspondence: Dr. P.J. Veugelers, School of Public Health,
University of Alberta, 650 University Terrace, 8303-112 Street,
Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Tel: 780-492-9095, Fax: 780-492-5521, E-mail:
Aline Simen-Kapeu, MD, PhD, Stefan Kuhle, MD, mph, Paul J.
Veugelers, PhD
Author Affiliations
Population Health Intervention Research Unit, School of Public
Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
Table 1. Characteristics of Grade Five Students and Their Parents
in Alberta, Canada, in 2008
Total Location of School
Urban Town Rural p
value *
Weight status
Overweight 28.5% 26.4% 29.8% 30.6% 0.04
Obese 6.7% 5.3% 7.9% 8.0% 0.01
Male 48.5% 49.3% 45.6% 48.8%
Female 51.5% 50.7% 54.4% 51.2% 0.30
Parental education
Secondary graduation or less 26.5% 24.0% 25.1% 30.5%
Postsecondary or college 39.9% 34.7% 45.5% 43.9%
University degree 33.6% 41.3% 29.4% 25.6% <0.01
Household income
[less than or equal to] 23.4% 28.3% 18.0% 19.6%
$50,001-$75,000 17.4% 17.6% 16.0% 17.8%
$75,001-$100,000 22.2% 20.1% 24.4% 23.9%
>$100,000 37.0% 34.0% 41.6% 38.7% <0.01
Physical activity
Out of school sports with a 15.7% 14.6% 18.1% 16.1% 0.16
coach [greater than or
equal to] 4 times a week
Out of school sports without 38.5% 31.5% 42.2% 45.7% <0.01
a coach [greater than or
equal to] 4 times a week
Out of school sports with 8.11% 7.0% 7.2% 9.9% 0.02
parent/guardian [greater
than or equal to] 4 times a
Screen time >2 hours a day 40.9% 44.0% 40.6% 37.5% <0.01
Being physically active 26.7% 23.7% 28.9% 29.4% <0.01
Nutritional habits and diet
Family supper at the table 83.1% 82.8% 83.6% 83.4% 0.85
[greater than or equal
to] 3 times a week (Q11)
Family supper in front of TV 18.6% 19.2% 17.5% 18.3% 0.60
[greater than or equal
to] 3 times a week (Q12)
Eat convenient/ready made 43.6% 41.7% 43.7% 45.8% 0.09
foods [greater than or
equal to] once a week (Q5)
Eat fried food at home 54.6% 55.4% 53.8% 53.8% 0.60
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q7)
Eat fried food away from home 41.0% 41.4% 39.5% 41.2% 0.68
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q8)
Buy sandwiches/meals high in 12.7% 9.0% 9.2% 18.9% <0.01
calories at school [greater
than or equal to] once a
week (Q9)
Buy snacks high in calories 8.7% 5.3% 7.4% 12.0% <0.01
at school [greater than or
equal to] once a week (Q10)
Eat fast food from restaurant 39.7% 39.5% 41.8% 39.1% 0.50
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q13)
Skip breakfast or lunch (Q1) 3.0% 2.8% 3.5% 3.2% 0.63
Having supper alone [greater 19.5% 19.2% 19.4% 20.0% 0.80
than or equal to] once a
week (Q6)
Meet guidelines for 26.0% 29.2% 21.5% 23.3% <0.01
consumption of vegetables and
% Energy from fat 27.5 27.0 27.8 28.0 <0.01
Mean Diet Quality Index (DQI) 61.0 61.8 60.1 60.3 <0.01
Neighbourhood perception and
Like my neighbourhood (Q1) 95.0% 94.7% 94.3% 95.7% 0.31
Access to sport/recreation 89.6% 89.0% 92.1% 89.4% 0.10
programs (Q7)
Access to stores to purchase 95.1% 96.9% 97.1% 92.0% <0.01
vegetables and fruits (Q8)
Safe to play outside (Q2) 93.5% 89.9% 94.9% 97.5% <0.01
Unsafe for my child due to 32.7% 34.3% 33.4% 30.2% 0.07
traffic (Q5)
Unsafe for my child due to 21.6% 30.4% 16.1% 12.5% <0.01
crimes (Q6)
Existence of good playgrounds 85.3% 88.8% 86.9% 79.9% <0.01
and parks (Q3)
Existence of sidewalks on 83.9% 96.1% 88.1% 65.3% <0.01
most of the streets (Q4)
Principal Components Analysis
Principal Component
Weight status
Parental education
Secondary graduation or less
Postsecondary or college
University degree
Household income
[less than or equal to]
Physical activity
Out of school sports with a
coach [greater than or
equal to] 4 times a week
Out of school sports without
a coach [greater than or
equal to] 4 times a week
Out of school sports with
parent/guardian [greater
than or equal to] 4 times a
Screen time >2 hours a day
Being physically active
Nutritional habits and diet Nutritional habits
Family supper at the table Component 1: Family supper not in
[greater than or equal front of TV
to] 3 times a week (Q11)
Family supper in front of TV
[greater than or equal
to] 3 times a week (Q12)
Eat convenient/ready made Component 2: Eat convenient/ready
foods [greater than or made foods
equal to] once a week (Q5)
Eat fried food at home
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q7)
Eat fried food away from home
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q8)
Buy sandwiches/meals high in Component 3: Purchase high-calorie
calories at school [greater snacks and food at school
than or equal to] once a
week (Q9)
Buy snacks high in calories Component 4: Eat fast food from
at school [greater than or restaurant ([dagger])
equal to] once a week (Q10)
Eat fast food from restaurant Component 5: Skip meals
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q13)
Skip breakfast or lunch (Q1)
Having supper alone [greater
than or equal to] once a
week (Q6)
Meet guidelines for
consumption of vegetables and
% Energy from fat
Mean Diet Quality Index (DQI)
Neighbourhood perception and Neighbourhood perception and
facilities facilities
Like my neighbourhood (Q1) Component 1: satisfaction/services
Access to sport/recreation
programs (Q7)
Access to stores to purchase
vegetables and fruits (Q8)
Safe to play outside (Q2) Component 2: safety
Unsafe for my child due to
traffic (Q5)
Unsafe for my child due to
crimes (Q6)
Existence of good playgrounds Component 3: sidewalks/parks
and parks (Q3)
Existence of sidewalks on
most of the streets (Q4)
Principal Components Analysis
Strongest Loading
Factors Score
Weight status
Parental education
Secondary graduation or less
Postsecondary or college
University degree
Household income
[less than or equal to]
Physical activity
Out of school sports with a
coach [greater than or
equal to] 4 times a week
Out of school sports without
a coach [greater than or
equal to] 4 times a week
Out of school sports with
parent/guardian [greater
than or equal to] 4 times a
Screen time >2 hours a day
Being physically active
Nutritional habits and diet
Family supper at the table Q11 -0.53
[greater than or equal
to] 3 times a week (Q11)
Family supper in front of TV Q12 0.57
[greater than or equal
to] 3 times a week (Q12)
Eat convenient/ready made Q5 0.51
foods [greater than or
equal to] once a week (Q5)
Eat fried food at home Q7 0.56
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q7)
Eat fried food away from home Q8 0.43
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q8)
Buy sandwiches/meals high in Q9 0.71
calories at school [greater Q10 0.69
than or equal to] once a
week (Q9)
Buy snacks high in calories Q13 0.73
at school [greater than or
equal to] once a week (Q10)
Eat fast food from restaurant Q1 0.90
[greater than or equal to]
once a week (Q13)
Skip breakfast or lunch (Q1) Q6 0.49
Having supper alone [greater
than or equal to] once a
week (Q6)
Meet guidelines for
consumption of vegetables and
% Energy from fat
Mean Diet Quality Index (DQI)
Neighbourhood perception and
Like my neighbourhood (Q1) Q1 0.55
Access to sport/recreation Q7 0.52
programs (Q7)
Access to stores to purchase Q8 0.49
vegetables and fruits (Q8)
Safe to play outside (Q2) Q2 -0.31
Unsafe for my child due to Q5 0.67
traffic (Q5)
Unsafe for my child due to Q6 0.62
crimes (Q6)
Existence of good playgrounds Q3 0.51
and parks (Q3)
Existence of sidewalks on Q4 0.79
most of the streets (Q4)
* [chi square]-tests and t-test (% energy from fat, DQI) were used
to assess geographic differences between regions. All estimates were
weighted to account for design effect.
Table 2. Geographic Differences in Relation to Physical
Activity, Nutrition and Neighbourhood Characteristics
Out of school sports with a coach 1.00
Out of school sports without a coach 1.00
Out of school sports with parent/guardian 1.00
Screen time (TV, computer, video games) 1.00
Being physically active 1.00
Family supper not in front of TV 1.00
Eat convenient/ready made foods 1.00
Purchase high-calorie foods and snacks 1.00
at school
Eat fast food from restaurant 1.00
Skip meals 1.00
Meet guidelines for consumption of 1.00
vegetables and fruits
% Energy from fat ([dagger]) 1.00
Diet Quality Index ([dagger]) 1.00
Neighbourhood satisfaction/services 1.00
Neighbourhood safety 1.00
Neighbourhood sidewalks/parks 1.00
OR (95% CI)
Out of school sports with a coach 1.30 (0.90, 1.88)
Out of school sports without a coach 1.60 (1.26, 2.04)
Out of school sports with parent/guardian 1.01 (0.67, 1.54)
Screen time (TV, computer, video games) 0.85 (0.66, 1.09)
Being physically active 1.19 (0.77, 1.84)
Family supper not in front of TV 0.83 (0.61, 1.13)
Eat convenient/ready made foods 0.90 (0.68, 1.18)
Purchase high-calorie foods and snacks 1.67 (1.13, 2.48)
at school
Eat fast food from restaurant 1.15 (0.90, 1.47)
Skip meals 1.48 (0.82, 2.68)
Meet guidelines for consumption of 0.50 (0.35, 0.71)
vegetables and fruits
% Energy from fat ([dagger]) 0.75 (0.32, 1.17)
Diet Quality Index ([dagger]) -1.71 (-2.62, -0.80)
Neighbourhood satisfaction/services 1.62 (1.21, 2.16)
Neighbourhood safety 1.39 (1.00, 1.92)
Neighbourhood sidewalks/parks 0.79 (0.61, 1.03)
OR (95% CI)
Out of school sports with a coach 1.32 (0.94, 1.84)
Out of school sports without a coach 1.57 (1.24, 1.99)
Out of school sports with parent/guardian 1.05 (0.70, 1.56)
Screen time (TV, computer, video games) 0.89 (0.59, 1.12)
Being physically active 1.09 (0.66, 1.78)
Family supper not in front of TV 0.87 (0.66, 1.14)
Eat convenient/ready made foods 0.92 (0.71, 1.18)
Purchase high-calorie foods and snacks 1.67 (1.14, 2.45)
at school
Eat fast food from restaurant 1.08 (0.84, 1.39)
Skip meals 1.59 (0.89, 2.86)
Meet guidelines for consumption of 0.70 (0.51, 0.94)
vegetables and fruits
% Energy from fat ([dagger]) 0.71 (0.28, 1.14)
Diet Quality Index ([dagger]) -1.02 (-1.92, -0.11)
Neighbourhood satisfaction/services 1.36 (0.98, 1.88)
Neighbourhood safety 1.34 (0.98, 1.85)
Neighbourhood sidewalks/parks 0.75 (0.58, 0.98)
OR (95% CI)
Out of school sports with a coach 1.16 (0.81, 1.65)
Out of school sports without a coach 1.94 (1.54, 2.44)
Out of school sports with parent/guardian 1.44 (0.96, 2.16)
Screen time (TV, computer, video games) 0.72 (0.58, 0.90)
Being physically active 1.44 (0.86, 2.41)
Family supper not in front of TV 0.82 (0.62, 1.08)
Eat convenient/ready made foods .95 (0.74, 1.21)
Purchase high-calorie foods and snacks 2.14 (1.55, 2.96)
at school
Eat fast food from restaurant 1.05 (0.83, 1.32)
Skip meals 1.25 (0.73, 2.14)
Meet guidelines for consumption of 0.61 (0.45, 0.83)
vegetables and fruits
% Energy from fat ([dagger]) 1.00 (0.61, 1.39)
Diet Quality Index ([dagger]) -1.45 (-2.19, -0.72)
Neighbourhood satisfaction/services 1.71 (1.20, 2.26)
Neighbourhood safety 2.52 (1.86, 3.42)
Neighbourhood sidewalks/parks 0.23 (0.15, 0.34)
OR (95% CI)
Out of school sports with a coach 1.21 (0.88, 1.66)
Out of school sports without a coach 1.87 (1.47, 2.37)
Out of school sports with parent/guardian 1.45 (0.99, 2.12)
Screen time (TV, computer, video games) 0.74 (0.60, 0.91)
Being physically active 1.34 (0.78, 2.29)
Family supper not in front of TV 0.83 (0.65, 1.07)
Eat convenient/ready made foods 0.95 (0.76, 1.19)
Purchase high-calorie foods and snacks 2.12 (1.57, 2.88)
at school
Eat fast food from restaurant 0.97 (0.76, 1.25)
Skip meals 1.29 (0.74, 2.24)
Meet guidelines for consumption of 0.67 (0.51, 0.88)
vegetables and fruits
% Energy from fat ([dagger]) 0.91 (0.51, 1.30)
Diet Quality Index ([dagger]) -1.20 (-1.90, -0.49)
Neighbourhood satisfaction/services 1.49 (1.08, 2.07)
Neighbourhood safety 2.44 (1.82, 3.26)
Neighbourhood sidewalks/parks 0.22 (0.15, 0.33)
* Odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval (CI) from logistic
regression adjusted for child gender, household income and
parental education.
([dagger]) Linear regression coefficient ([beta]) (95% CI)
adjusted for child gender, household income, parental education
and calories intake. All estimates were weighted to account for
design effect.