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  • 标题:Estimates of the number of prevalent and incident Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections in Canada, 2008.
  • 作者:Yang, Qiuying ; Boulos, David ; Yan, Ping
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:November
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:To provide a more accurate picture of the HIV epidemic, estimates of HIV prevalence (the total number of people who are living with HIV at a point in time) and incidence (the number of new HIV infections in a population in a defined period of time) are required, and the development of such estimates is a task undertaken around the world to monitor the HIV epidemic. (2-8) Estimates of HIV prevalence are important to help plan treatment and care services, and estimates of HIV incidence support the development and evaluation of prevention programs.
  • 关键词:AIDS (Disease);Canadian native peoples;Communicable diseases;HIV;HIV (Viruses);HIV patients;Indigenous peoples;Medical research;Medicine, Experimental;Public health

Estimates of the number of prevalent and incident Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections in Canada, 2008.

Yang, Qiuying ; Boulos, David ; Yan, Ping 等

The Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control (CCDIC) of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) monitors the epidemiology and trends of infectious diseases of public health importance in Canada, including HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). To help accomplish this, CCDIC conducts ongoing surveillance of diagnosed cases of HIV and AIDS and presents these national surveillance data in reports that provide a description of persons diagnosed with HIV or AIDS in Canada. (1) However, surveillance data do not fully reflect the magnitude of the HIV epidemic because such data are subject to reporting delays, under-reporting and changing patterns in HIV testing behaviours. Surveillance data also do not include individuals who are untested and undiagnosed.

To provide a more accurate picture of the HIV epidemic, estimates of HIV prevalence (the total number of people who are living with HIV at a point in time) and incidence (the number of new HIV infections in a population in a defined period of time) are required, and the development of such estimates is a task undertaken around the world to monitor the HIV epidemic. (2-8) Estimates of HIV prevalence are important to help plan treatment and care services, and estimates of HIV incidence support the development and evaluation of prevention programs.

We used surveillance data along with additional sources of information and statistical modelling to estimate the number of prevalent and incident HIV infections in Canada in 2008, including both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases.


We applied multiple methods to estimate the national number of prevalent and incident HIV infections in Canada in 2008, including the workbook method,6 two statistical modelling methods, (9,10) and an iterative spreadsheet model. (11) The workbook method focused on identifying populations that are at high risk of infection through their risk behaviours and these populations were classified according to the following exposure categories: men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), a separate category for persons with both risk behaviours (MSM-PWID), heterosexual/endemic (non-PWID heterosexual with origin in a country where heterosexual sex is the predominant mode of HIV transmission and HIV prevalence is high (primarily countries in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean)), heterosexual/non-endemic (non-PWID heterosexual who has had sexual contact with a person who is either HIV-infected or at risk for HIV, or heterosexual contact as the only identified risk) and other (primarily recipients of blood transfusion or clotting factor, perinatal and occupational transmission). (1) The number of prevalent or incident HIV infections was calculated for each population by multiplying an estimated prevalence or incidence rate by an estimated population size; data for these rates and populations were obtained from the Canadian research literature. The total estimated number of prevalent or incident infections for a province was the sum of the estimated number in each population. The statistical modelling methods calculated incident infections based on a parametric formulation of duration of time between HIV infection and the diagnosis of HIV infection; in brief, these models backcalculated HIV incidence from HIV surveillance data on diagnosed cases and from data on the HIV testing behaviour of these populations. (9,10) The iterative spreadsheet model incorporated elements of workbook and statistical modelling methods. (11) The results of these methods were averaged to generate exposure category-specific estimated numbers of prevalent and incident HIV infections in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Over 98% of HIV and AIDS cases in Canada are reported from these provinces. (1)

The remaining four provinces and three territories of Canada had insufficient data to use the above methods and we derived estimates for these provinces and territories by extrapolating from the above 6 provinces based on the respective proportions in provincial/territorial HIV surveillance data, stratified by exposure category. These surveillance data were obtained from the national HIV and AIDS surveillance reporting system (1) with enhancements from two sources: the Laboratory Enhancement Study in Ontario (12) and surveillance data from Quebec. (13) The overall national number of prevalent or incident HIV infections was calculated as the sum of the number across all provinces and territories.

Estimates of the numbers of prevalent and incident HIV infections among women and Aboriginal persons were derived from the overall estimates using the distribution of cases by reported gender and Aboriginal status from the national HIV and AIDS surveillance data, stratified by province/territory.

The number of undiagnosed individuals living with HIV infection in Canada was computed as the current number of prevalent infections (which includes both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases) minus the number of living diagnosed cases, for each exposure category and then summed. The number of living diagnosed cases was calculated as the cumulative number of diagnosed cases, adjusted for duplicates and under-reporting (using unpublished data from provincial and national HIV surveillance systems) and mortality (using data from Statistics Canada, provincial vital statistics, national reports of AIDS deaths1 and Canadian cohort studies (14-16)). We also validated these estimated proportions of HIV-infected persons who are undiagnosed by comparing with directly measured proportions from data in Canada's national second generation HIV surveillance program among people who inject drugs and among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (refs. 17,18; PHAC, unpublished data). In this program, participants are asked if they are aware of their HIV status and a blood sample is taken to directly assess HIV status.


Ranges of uncertainty for the national HIV estimates were developed based on a conservative consideration of results from a variety of modelled scenarios. This approach to uncertainty is similar to the approach taken in other fields (e.g., information theory and artificial intelligence) where information of varying quality is combined. It also relates to work in public health where decisions are based on expert judgement in addition to formal statistical inference. (19)


At the end of 2008, an estimated total of 65,000 (range: 54,00076,000) people in Canada were living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection (including AIDS), a 14% increase from the 2005 estimate (Table 1). The estimated prevalence rate in Canada in 2008 was 0.2% (range: 0.16-0.23%). Figure 1 presents the estimated number of prevalent HIV infections over time in Canada with associated ranges of uncertainty.


The estimated number of new HIV infections in 2008 was 3,300 (range: 2,300-4,300) which was about the same as the estimate in 2005 (Table 2). The estimated incidence rate in Canada in 2008 was 9.9 per 100,000 population (range: 6.9-12.9 per 100,000 population). The proportion of new infections attributed to the heterosexual/endemic exposure category was 16% whereas approximately 2.2% of the Canadian population were born in an HIV-endemic country. (20) Therefore, the estimated incidence rate in 2008 among individuals from HIV-endemic countries was 8.5 times higher than among other Canadians (72.5 per 100,000 population among people from HIV-endemic countries and 8.5 per 100,000 population among other Canadians). Figure 2 presents the estimated number of incident HIV infections over time and Figure 3 presents this trend by exposure category.

There were an estimated 14,300 (12,200-16,400) women living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection (including AIDS) in Canada (22% of the national total) at the end of 2008, compared to 12,200 (10,400-14,000) estimated for 2005 (Table 1). For incidence, there were 860 (600 to 1,120) new HIV infections among women (26% of all new infections) in 2008, very similar to the estimate of 845 (590 to 1,100) for 2005 (26% of all new infections) (Table 2). With respect to exposure category, a slightly lower proportion of new HIV infections among women was attributed to the heterosexual category in 2008 compared to 2005 (71% versus 73%), whereas a slightly higher proportion was attributed to PWID (29% in 2008 and 27% in 2005).

An estimated 5,200 (4,300 to 6,100) Aboriginal persons were living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection (including AIDS) in Canada in 2008, representing 8.0% of all prevalent HIV infections, compared to 4,200 (3,500 to 4,900) (7.4%) in 2005. An estimated 410 (300 to 520) new HIV infections occurred in Aboriginal persons in 2008 (12.5% of all new infections) and the corresponding figure for 2005 was 335 (240 to 430) (10.5%). Since Aboriginal persons represent 3.8% of the Canadian population,21 the HIV incidence rate among Aboriginal persons was about 3.6 times higher than among non-Aboriginal persons in 2008 (32.6 per 100,000 for Aboriginal population and 9.0 per 100,000 for non-Aboriginal population). The proportion of new infections in Aboriginal persons attributed to PWID was 66% in 2008 and 63% in 2005.


There have been 67,442 positive HIV tests reported to CCDIC from November 1985, when testing began, to December 2008, (1) which translates to about 70,400 after adjusting for under-reporting and duplicates. Of these, we further estimated that approximately 22,300 have died. Thus, there were an estimated 48,100 Canadians living with HIV infection in 2008 who were aware of their HIV-infected status. Since there was an estimated total of 65,000 persons living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection (including AIDS) in Canada in 2008, the remaining 16,900 (range of 12,800-21,000) persons, or 26% of prevalent infections, were unaware of their HIV infection. This figure was slightly less than the estimate of 27% in 2005. The estimated proportion of persons unaware of their HIV infection varied by exposure category (19% in MSM, 25% in PWID, and 35% in the two combined heterosexual exposure categories).


Approximately 65,000 Canadians were estimated to be living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV infection (including AIDS) at the end of 2008. This number will increase as new infections continue and survival improves due to new treatments, which will mean increased future care requirements. The estimated number of new infections occurring in Canada in 2008 was about the same as the estimated number for 2005; overall HIV incidence is not decreasing in Canada.

Estimated HIV incidence among the PWID exposure category in Canada in 2008 was slightly higher compared to the 2005 estimates. However, the HIV epidemic in this group shows different trends in different jurisdictions in Canada. In the majority of jurisdictions, the trend in reported newly diagnosed cases of HIV infection in PWID was stable or declining, (1) which is consistent with the trend in most high-income countries. The role of injecting drug use in national epidemics in Europe and the United States has declined over the past decade. (22) In contrast, injecting drug use was the main HIV exposure category among Aboriginal persons in Canada, and the overlap group of persons who both were Aboriginal and inject drugs accounted for the majority of the increasing number of new diagnoses of HIV infection reported in the province of Saskatchewan in recent years. (1) We found that HIV incidence among MSM in Canada increased from 1999 to 2005, but levelled off from 2005 to 2008. The re-emergence of the epidemic among MSM is clearly apparent in many high-income countries from 2000 to 2005. (22-24) Heterosexual HIV transmission (combined heterosexual/non-endemic and heterosexual/endemic categories) accounted for 36% of new infections in Canada in 2008, which is similar to the rate in Western Europe (29%) (22) and to the epidemic in the United States (slightly more than one third of new HIV infections). (2,22)

Despite widespread availability of anti-retroviral treatment and extensive promotion of HIV testing, an estimated 26% of HIV infections remained undiagnosed in Canada in 2008. This situation is similar to that in other high-income countries. For example, the proportion of HIV-infected persons who were undiagnosed was estimated to be 21% in the USA in 2006, (2) 30% in the EU in 2008, (25) and 27% in the UK in 2008. (26) We estimated that 19% of people living with HIV among MSM in Canada were unaware of their HIV-infected status, which is comparable with a recent report (20%) from Australia, (27) slightly lower than the rates estimated in the US (23.5%) (28) and the UK (26.9%), (26) and much lower than the rate from a survey in Scotland (41.7%). (29) We estimated that 25% of people living with HIV among those who inject drugs in Canada were unaware of their HIV status, which is similar to recent estimates in the UK (25.5%), (26) but higher than estimates in the US (14.5% of male PWID and 13.7% of female PWID). (28) We estimated that 35% of people living with HIV in the heterosexual exposure category in Canada were unaware of their serostatus, which is slightly higher than the rates estimated in the UK (27.1%) (26) and the US (26.7% of men and 21.1% of women). (28) The size of the undiagnosed group is difficult to estimate because without testing, its members are "hidden" to the health care and disease monitoring systems. It is important to reach this group since undiagnosed individuals are unable to benefit from available treatments or appropriate counselling to prevent the further spread of HIV. The transmission rate of HIV from undiagnosed persons is likely higher than from tested and diagnosed persons, (30) and studies have found that the frequency of high-risk sexual behaviour was reduced substantially after HIV diagnosis. (31) Stemming the HIV/AIDS epidemic requires increasing the number and proportion of people living with HIV who are tested and informed of their serostatus. (30)

The HIV estimation process in Canada used a combination of methods and included data from a wide variety of sources. However, the data available were not always sufficient for the methods to estimate exposure category-specific numbers. Several other limitations need to be acknowledged. Estimates for the Aboriginal subpopulation relied on ethnic variables in the HIV and AIDS surveillance data that were not consistently reported at the national level. Exposure category information in surveillance data was also incomplete and this may have led to the misclassification of some cases. Furthermore, insufficient information was available to distinguish infections acquired outside Canada from those acquired within. These national estimates do not necessarily reflect local trends in HIV prevalence and incidence. For example, we found that new HIV diagnoses among the PWID exposure category were stable or declining in the majority of jurisdictions, while there was a substantial increase in recent years in the province of Saskatchewan. (1) The estimates were not stratified by age because of insufficient data. Despite these limitations, these evidence-based estimates of prevalent and incident HIV infections portray a plausible picture of the epidemic in Canada in 2008 and provide a robust foundation to further the development of HIV/AIDS policies and programs.

Aboriginal people and people from HIV-endemic countries continue to be over-represented in Canada's HIV epidemic. These findings highlight the need for specific measures to address the unique aspects of the HIV epidemic within certain subpopulations. To successfully control the HIV epidemic in Canada, more effective strategies deployed on an appropriate scale are needed to prevent new infections and provide services for all key populations. In addition, the availability of high-quality data is essential for developing reliable estimates to better understand and monitor the full scope of the HIV epidemic in Canada.

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the contribution of provincial public health officials, HIV researchers and community representatives for their support and collaboration in producing these estimates. We thank the provincial and territorial HIV/AIDS coordinators, laboratories, health care providers, and reporting physicians for providing HIV and AIDS surveillance data. The authors are grateful to Susanna Ogunnaike-Cooke, Kristina Lalonde, Marissa McGuire and Jill Tarasuk of CCDIC, PHAC, for providing data in support of the estimates. In addition, we thank Jessica Halverson of CCDIC, PHAC, for providing constructive comments on the draft manuscript.

Received: March 2, 2010 Accepted: June 28, 2010


(1.) Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV and AIDS in Canada. Surveillance Report to December 31, 2008. Ottawa, ON: Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control, PHAC, 2009.

(2.) Hall HI, Song R, Rhodes P, Prejean J, An Q, Lee LM, et al. and HIV Incidence Surveillance Group. Estimation of HIV incidence in the United States. JAMA 2008;300(5):520-29.

(3.) CDC. HIV Prevalence Estimates--United States, 2006. MMWR 2008;57(39):1073-76.

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(10.) Schanzer D. New disease model estimates of the second wave in HIV incidence, Canada: A call for renewed HIV prevention. Congress of Epidemiology, Seattle, June 2006.

(11.) Remis RS, Swantee C, Liu J. Report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario 2008. Available at: http://www.phs.utoronto.ca/ohemu/ doc/PHERO2008_report_final_rev%20June2010.pdf (Accessed June 7, 2010).

(12.) Remis RS, Swantee C, Fearon M, Fikre Merid M, Palmer RW, Fisher M, et al. Enhancing diagnostic data for HIV surveillance: The Ontario Laboratory Enhancement Study (LES). Can J Infect Dis 2004;15(Suppl A):61A (Abstract 342P).

(13.) Ministere de la Sante et des Services Sociaux. Programme de surveillance de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodeficience humaine (VIH) au Quebec: Mise a jour des donnees au 30 juin 2008. Available at: http://www.msss.gouv.qc.ca/sujets/ prob_sante/itss/index.php?aid=263 (Accessed November 9, 2009).

(14.) Spittal PM, Hogg RS, Li K, Craib KJ, Recsky M, Johnston C, et al. Drastic elevations in mortality among female injection drug users in a Canadian setting. AIDS Care 2006;18(2):101-8.

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(16.) Krentz HB, Kliewer G, Gill MJ. Changing mortality rates and causes of death for HIV-infected individuals living in Southern Alberta, Canada from 1984 to 2003. HIV Med 2005;6(2):99-106.

(17.) Public Health Agency of Canada. I-Track: Enhanced Surveillance of Risk Behaviours among Injecting Drug Users in Canada. Phase I Report, August 2006. Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006. Available at: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ i-track/sr-re-1/pdf/itrack06_e.pdf (Accessed May 31, 2010).

(18.) Lambert G, Cox J, Tremblay F, Tremblay C, Alary M, Lavoie R, et al. Recent HIV testing behaviour among men having sex with men (MSM) in Montreal: Results from the Argus 2005 Survey (part of M-Track). 15th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Montreal, 2006. Available at: http://www.cahr-acrv.ca/english/ resources/abstracts_2006/abs/313.htm (Accessed May 31, 2010).

(19.) Grassly NC, Morgan M, Walker N, Garnett G, Stanecki KA, Stover J, et al. Uncertainty in estimates of HIV/AIDS: The estimation and application of plausibility bounds. Sex Transm Infect 2004;80(Suppl 1):i31-38.

(20.) Statistics Canada. Immigrant Status and Place of Birth (38), Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration (8A), Age Groups (8), Sex (3) and Selected Demographic, Cultural, Labour Force, Educational and Income Characteristics (277), for the Total Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census--20% Sample Data, Cat 97-564-xcb2006008, Census 2006. Available at: http://www.census2006.ca/english/census01/ products/standard/popdwell/SpecialNotes.cfm (Accessed September 16, 2009).

(21.) Statistics Canada. Aboriginal Ancestry (14), Area of Residence (6), Age Groups (8), Sex (3) and Selected Demographic, Cultural, Labour Force, Educational and Income Characteristics (227A). Catalogue no. 97-564-xcb2006001, Census 2006. Available at: http://www12.statcan.ca/ census-recensement/2006/rttd/ap-pa-eng.cfm (Accessed September 21, 2009).

(22.) UNAIDS. Report on the global AIDS epidemic. 2008. Available at: http://www.unaids.org/en/KnowledgeCentre/ HIVData/GlobalReport/2008/2008_Global_report.asp (Accessed November 9, 2009).

(23.) Sullivan PS, Hamouda O, Delpech V, Geduld JE, Prejean J, Semaille C, et al. and Annecy MSM Epidemiology Study Group. Reemergence of the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in North America, Western Europe, and Australia, 1996-2005. Ann Epidemiol 2009;19(6):423-31.

(24.) Hall HI, Geduld J, Boulos D, Rhodes P, An Q, Mastro TD, et al. Epidemiology of HIV in the United States and Canada: Current status and ongoing challenges. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2009;51(Suppl 1):S13-20.

(25.) EuroHIV. HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe: End-year report 2006. Available at: http://www.eurohiv.org/reports/ report_75/pdf/report_eurohiv_75.pdf (Accessed October 5, 2009).

(26.) Health Protection Agency: HIV in the United Kingdom: 2009 Report. Available at: http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/ HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1259151891830 (Accessed November 23, 2009).

(27.) Pedrana A, Stoove M, Guy R, El-Hayek C, Prestage G, Wilson K, et al. Estimating HIV prevalence and unrecognised HIV infection among men who have sex with men in Victoria. Available at: http://www.burnet.edu.au/freestyler/gui/ files//Prevalence%20Study-%20Final%20Report!%20Updated.pdf (Accessed January 26, 2010).

(28.) Campsmith M, Rhodes P, Hall I. Analysis of people with undiagnosed HIV infection in the U.S. 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2009). February 8-11, 2009, Montreal, Canada (Abstract 1036).

(29.) Williamson LM, Hart GJ. HIV prevalence and undiagnosed infection among a community sample of gay men in Scotland. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2007;45(2):224-30.

(30.) Marks G, Crepaz N, Janssen RS. Estimating sexual transmission of HIV from persons aware and unaware that they are infected with the virus in the USA. AIDS 2006;20(10):1447-50.

(31.) Marks G, Crepaz N, Senterfitt JW, Janssen RS. Meta-analysis of high-risk sexual behavior in persons aware and unaware they are infected with HIV in the United States: Implications for HIV prevention programs. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005;39(4):446-53.

Qiuying Yang, MD, PhD, [1] David Boulos, MSc, [1] Ping Yan, PhD, [1] Fan Zhang, PhD, [1] Robert S. Remis, MD, MPH, FRCPC, [2] Dena Schanzer, MSc, [1] Chris P. Archibald, MDCM, FRCPC [1]

Author Affiliations

[1.] Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON

[2.] Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Correspondence: Dr. Chris P. Archibald, Director, Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Communicable Disease and Infection Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, 100 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9, Tel: 613-941-3155, Fax: 613-946-8695, E-mail: chris.archibald@phac-aspc.gc.ca

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Estimated Number of Prevalent HIV Infections and Associated
Ranges of Uncertainty in Canada at the End of 2008 and 2005 by
Exposure Category, Sex and Ethnicity (Point Estimates, Ranges
and Percentages Are Rounded)

Classification                                 2008

                              Point           Range   Percentage

Exposure category *
  MSM                        31,330   25,400-37,200          48%
  MSM-PWID                     2030       1400-2700           3%
  PWID                       11,180     9000-13,400          17%
  Heterosexual/non-endemic   10,710     8300-13,100          17%
  Heterosexual/endemic         9250     6800-11,700          14%
Others Sex                      500         300-700           1%
  Female                     14,300   12,200-16,400          22%
  Male                       50,700   41,800-59,600          78%
  Aboriginal                   5200       4300-6100         8.0%
  Non-Aboriginal             59,800   49,700-69,900        92.0%
Total                        65,000   54,000-76,000         100%

Classification                                 2005

                              Point           Range   Percentage

Exposure category *
  MSM                        27,700   22,400-33,000          48%
  MSM-PWID                     1820       1200-2400           3%
  PWID                       10,100     8100-12,100          18%
  Heterosexual/non-endemic     9050     7000-11,100          16%
  Heterosexual/endemic         7860       5800-9900          14%
Others Sex                      470         280-660           1%
  Female                     12,200   10,400-14,000          22%
  Male                       44,800   36,600-53,000          78%
  Aboriginal                   4200       3500-4900         7.4%
  Non-Aboriginal             52,800   43,500-62,100        92.6%
Total                        57,000   47,000-67,000         100%

* MSM: men who have sex with men; MSM-PWID: men who have sex with
men and inject drugs; PWID: people who inject drugs; Heterosexual/
non-endemic: heterosexual contact with a person who is either
HIV-infected or at risk for HIV or heterosexual contact as the
only identified risk; Heterosexual/endemic: origin in a country
where HIV is endemic; Other: recipients of blood transfusion
or clotting factor, perinatal and occupational transmission.

Table 2. Estimated Number of Incident HIV Infections and Associated
Ranges of Uncertainty in Canada in 2008 and 2005 by Exposure Category,
Sex and Ethnicity (Point Estimates, Ranges and Percentages Are Rounded)

Classification                            2008

                             Point       Range    Percentage

Exposure category *
  MSM                         1450   1000-1900        44%
  MSM-PWID                      90      50-130         3%
  PWID                         570     390-750        17%
  Heterosexual/non-endemic     655     450-860        20%
  Heterosexual/endemic         530     370-690        16%
  Others                       <20
  Female                       860    600-1120        26%
  Male                        2440   1700-3180        74%
  Aboriginal                   410     300-520      12.5%
  Non-Aboriginal              2890   2000-3780      87.5%
Total                         3300   2300-4300       100%

Classification                            2005

                             Point       Range    Percentage

Exposure category *
  MSM                         1450   1000-1900        45%
  MSM-PWID                      85      40-130         3%
  PWID                         520     360-680        16%
  Heterosexual/non-endemic     630     440-820        20%
  Heterosexual/endemic         515     360-670        16%
  Others                       <20
  Female                       845    590-1100        26%
  Male                        2355   1610-3100        74%
  Aboriginal                   335     240-430      10.5%
  Non-Aboriginal              2865   1960-3770      89.5%
Total                         3200   2200-4200       100%

* See footnote to Table 1