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  • 标题:High health care utilization and costs associated with lower socio-economic status: results from a linked dataset.
  • 作者:Lemstra, Mark ; Mackenbach, Johan ; Neudorf, Cory
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:May
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:The primary purpose of this paper was to use a linked dataset to compare actual health care utilization rates, high health care utilization patterns and overall costs between income groups in Saskatoon, Canada. The second purpose was to use regression analysis to determine which covariates were independently associated with high health care utilization after controlling for disease prevalence.
  • 关键词:Health care costs;Health surveys;Medical care;Medical care utilization;Medical care, Cost of;Medical economics;Medical records;Social class;Social classes

High health care utilization and costs associated with lower socio-economic status: results from a linked dataset.

Lemstra, Mark ; Mackenbach, Johan ; Neudorf, Cory 等

Persistent socio-economic inequalities are a costly economic deadweight in terms of higher expenditures on health care, income assistance, social services, correctional services and lost tax revenue. (1) Two reports from Canada and the European Union have concluded that disparities in socio-economic status account for 20% of total health care resources. (2,3) The concern, however, with using estimates of self-report health care utilization through telephone surveys is that the recall of 'number of contacts' with health care services does not demonstrate good validity. (4)

The primary purpose of this paper was to use a linked dataset to compare actual health care utilization rates, high health care utilization patterns and overall costs between income groups in Saskatoon, Canada. The second purpose was to use regression analysis to determine which covariates were independently associated with high health care utilization after controlling for disease prevalence.


The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) is administered by Statistics Canada with the central objective of collecting self-report health-related data at the level of health regions. (5) The CCHS consists of cross-sectional surveys in 2000/01, 2003 and 2005. The methodology of the CCHS has been documented in detail previously. (5)

Income status was based on the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) developed by Statistics Canada. (6) Cut-off points are adjusted for family size, population of area of residence, urban/rural differences and consumer price index. For example, a single adult in Saskatoon with an income less than $18,000, and a family of four with an income of less than $33,000, fall below the LICO and are therefore classified as low-income earners. High-income earners were those who made more than $80,000 per year. The remainder were classified as middle-income earners.

The review of health care utilization included hospitals (including emergency room and day surgeries), physicians (including specialists) and prescription medications. Saskatchewan has universal health coverage for all residents, with a centralized administrative database that collects information on all hospital separations, physician visits and medication usage. The positive predictive value of a primary diagnosis from hospital administrative data in Saskatchewan (for stroke) is 90%. (7) At the time of the CCHS survey, each respondent was asked to consent to having their self-report survey information linked with their provincial health records. The respondents' name and Saskatchewan Health Services number were collected at the time of interview. Saskatchewan Health completed the data linkage and provided the de-identified dataset to the researchers. The overall counts of utilization were collected for the year in which the survey was completed (i.e., health care utilization for 2005 if CCHS survey was completed in 2005) and then merged into one larger sample in order to increase precision of the estimates.

Hospital costs based on ICD-10 separation codes were calculated by Strategic Health Information Planning Services and Finance of the Saskatoon Health Region. The costs provided were direct departmental costs and do not include overhead (i.e., administration) or support costs (i.e., lab or medical imaging). The cost of physician visits was provided by Saskatchewan Health. For medications, the average cost per drug within each class was calculated using the Saskatchewan Drug Formulary.

The first comparison was one-year incidence counts of health care utilization for hospitals, physicians and medications by income group. The second comparison was to review high health care utilization of hospitals, physicians and medications by income group by calculating the upper 20th percentile of utilization overall. Once determined, each income group was reviewed independently to determine what percentage of users fell above or below the upper 20th percentile of overall users of hospitals, physicians and medications. The third comparison was the cost of hospitals, physicians and medications by income group in order to determine mean cost per user of hospitals, physicians or medications.

Three separate binary logistic regression models were built to describe the relationship between the outcome variables of a) high utilization of hospitals, physicians or medications (upper 20th percentile) in comparison to b) lower 80th percentile usage of health care. The covariates within the regression models included the demographics of age (12-39, 40-59 and 60 and above), gender and cultural status (Caucasian and Aboriginal). Health outcomes included self-report health (good/fair/poor compared to excellent/ very good) and self-report heart disease prevalence, diabetes prevalence and lifetime suicide ideation. Socio-economic status included family income (described above) and individual education (less than high school grad, high school grad and university education). Disease intermediaries included blood pressure (yes/no) and body mass index (obese/overweight versus normal/ underweight). Behaviours included physical activity (regular/ occasional/infrequent), smoking (daily versus other), alcohol usage (5 or more drinks at a time at least once per week or not in the past year) and consumption of fruits and vegetables (5 servings per day or not). Life stress was measured by current amount of stress in daily life.

A hierarchal well-formulated step-wise modeling approach was used instead of a computer-generated stepwise algorithm.8 In the final model, the unadjusted effect of each covariate was determined and then entered one step at a time based on changes in the -2 log likelihood and the Wald test. (9)

Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Saskatchewan Behavioural Research Ethics Board.


Over three cycles in 2001, 2003 and 2005, 4,103 residents of SHR were asked to complete the CCHS with 3,867 agreeing to participate (94.2%) and complete data available on 3,688 participants (89.9%). Of these 3,688 participants, 3,433 agreed to the data linkage with health records (83.7% overall). By individual cycle, the sample sizes were 1,174, 1,082 and 1,177. With all three cycles merged, the mean age was 46.3 (SD 20.32), females represented 55.2% of the sample and Caucasians represented 73.4% of the sample. In comparison to 2001 census data for SHR, the sample had a statistically significant difference in age (p=0.01) but not gender or cultural status. Based on the definitions of income discussed above, there were 785 low-income, 1,793 middle-income and 855 high-income participants; which is also consistent with the 2001 census.

At the cross-tabulation level, low-income residents were 27-33% more likely to be hospitalized and 36-45% more likely to receive a medication but were 5-7% less likely to visit a physician over a one-year period in comparison to middle- and high-income earners (Table 1).

The upper 20th percentile for health care utilization over one year was determined to be greater than 2 hospital visits, 32 physician visits and 29 medications. In comparison to middle-income residents, low-income residents had 56% more high users of hospitals, 166% more high users of physicians and 90% more high users of medications. In comparison to high-income residents, low-income residents had 28% more high users of hospitals, 226% more high users of physicians and 73% more high users of medications (Table 1).

The average cost of hospitals, physicians and medications over a one-year period for low-income residents who accessed health care was $7186. The average costs for middle- and high-income residents who accessed health care were $5266 and $5478. Low-income residents who used health care had 24-27% higher costs in comparison to middle- and high-income residents (Table 2). If we calculate health care costs for all low-income residents combined (regardless of access to health care), the average cost for all low-income residents is $4489 in comparison to $2964 and $2923 for all middle- and high-income residents; which equates to 34-35% higher health care costs overall.

After cross-tabulation, it was found that low-income residents have higher prevalence rates of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes (Table 3a). After stratification, those with higher disease prevalence were more likely to have higher health care utilization. However, in most cases, low-income residents were still more likely to have high health care utilization even after controlling for disease prevalence (Table 3b).

After multivariate logistic regression, high hospital utilization was independently associated with the covariates of heart disease prevalence, lower self-report health and higher age. High physician utilization was independently associated with the covariates of heart disease prevalence, lower self-report health, higher age and low income. High medication utilization was independently associated with the covariates of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, lower self-report health and higher age. The results are presented in Table 4.


In 2005, Saskatchewan residents paid $528,759,380 for physician services, $1,875,752,000 for health regions to provide mainly hospital services and $184,020,000 for prescription medications for a sum of $2,588,531,380 out of a total health care budget of $2,990,625,000 for a population of 1,020,966.10,11 In other words, every Saskatchewan resident consumed an average of $2929 health care costs in 2005. This is very similar to the $2964 average health care costs for all middle-income earners and $2923 average health care costs for all high-income earners calculated in this study.

According to the 2001 Canadian census, low-income earners in Saskatoon represented 17.1% of the entire population and, as such, should consume $511,396,875 of health care costs.12 However, this study demonstrates that low-income residents consume 35% more costs overall than anticipated in comparison to middle- and high-income residents. In other words, low-income residents in Saskatchewan consume an extra $178,988,906 in health care costs than if they were middle income.

The cross-tabulation finding that on average low-income residents access physicians less often, and hospitals more often, in comparison to other income groups has been demonstrated previously. (2,13) Low-income groups have more complex needs while at the same time have less continuous and comprehensive health care; which results in more usage of expensive services like hospitals. (3) In fact, the highest-income groups are the most likely to receive optimal primary care and obtain more referrals to specialists, which widens health disparities. (2)

In our study, low-income status was also associated with high health care utilization (upper 20th percentile) of hospitals, physicians and medications at the cross-tabulation level. However, after multivariate adjustment, low-income status had a reduced association with high health care utilization after controlling for disease prevalence. After controlling for the prevalence of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, low self-report health and age, the odds of high health care utilization dropped for low-income residents by 73% for hospitals, 60% for physicians and 58% for medications. The results suggest that most (but not all) of the disparity in high health care utilization for lower-income residents is associated with higher disease prevalence, and not merely a difference in utilization behaviour. This finding is consistent with the literature. (14,15) In these studies, the increased use of family physician and hospital services in lower socio-economic groups corresponded to higher needs resulting from poor health. (14,15)

The finding that high health care utilization is associated with higher age and lower self-report health is supported by a linked study from Nova Scotia. (16) Another linked study from Manitoba found high-cost users of medications were more likely to be low income, older in age and more likely to have a chronic condition; all of which are consistent with our results. (17)

The dataset is believed to be valid. First, the overall participation rate and consent to the data linkage was 83.7% in the sample with only a slight bias in age. Second, the utilization rates are believed to be accurate. For example, 84.6% of middle-income respondents within the sample visited a physician within one year while the annual statistical report for 2005 states that 83.6% of the Saskatchewan population accessed a physician within that year. (10) Third, the health care cost information from the sample is very similar to the costs from the annual statistical report presented above.

The limitation of the study is that it is cross-sectional, and not prospective, and as such cause and effect cannot be determined.

The Health Disparity Task Groups of the Federal/Provincial Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security concluded that the most appropriate and effective way to improve overall population health status in Canada is to improve the health of those in lower socio-economic groups. (2) The results from this study demonstrate that residents from lower socio-economic status are responsible for disproportionate usage of hospitals, physicians and medications; due mainly to differences in disease prevalence.

Received: August 25, 2008

Accepted: February 27, 2009


(1.) Hay DI. Economic arguments for action on the social determinants of health. Ottawa, ON: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006.

(2.) Health Disparity Task Groups of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security. Reducing health disparities--role of the health sector: discussion paper. Ottawa: Health Disparity Task Groups of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security, 2004.

(3.) Mackenbach JP, Meerding WJ, Kunst AE. Economic implications of socioeconomic inequalities in health in the European Union. European Commission, 2007.

(4.) Statistics Canada. Measurement of healthcare utilization in Canada: Agreement between surveys and administrative records. Proceedings of Statistics Canada Symposium 2003: Challenges in survey taking for the next decade. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2003.

(5.) Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey--Methodological overview. Health Rep 2002;13(3).

(6.) Statistics Canada. Income Research Paper Series: Low Income Cutoffs from 1994-2003 and Low Income Measures from 1992-2001. (Catalogue no. 75F0002MIE--no. 0002). Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2004.

(7.) Liu L, Reeder B, Shuaib A, Mazagri R. Validity of stroke diagnosis on hospital discharge records in Saskatchewan, Canada: Implications for stroke surveillance. Cerebrovascular Dis 1999;9:224-30.

(8.) Rothman KJ, Greenland S. Modern Epidemiology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1998.

(9.) Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S. Applied Logistic Regression. New York, NY: Wiley, 1989.

(10.) Government of Saskatchewan. 2005-2006 Annual Statistical Report. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Health, 2006.

(11.) Government of Saskatchewan. Public Accounts 2005-06 Volume 2: Details of Revenue and Expenses. Regina, SK: Government of Saskatchewan, 2006.

(12.) Statistics Canada. CANSIM Table 109-0200, 2001.

(13.) Nabalamba A, Millar WJ. Going to the doctor. Health Reports 2007;18:23-35.

(14.) Brownwell M, Lix L, Okechukwu E, Derksen S, De Haney S, Bond R, et al. Why is the health status of some Manitobans not improving? The widening gap in the health status of Manitobans. Report. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2003.

(15.) Veugelers PJ, Yip AM. Socioeconomic disparities in health care use: Does universal coverage reduce inequalities in health? J Epidemiol Community Health 2003;57:424-28.

(16.) Yip AM, Kephart G, Rockwood K. Linkage of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging to provincial administrative health care databases in Nova Scotia. Int Psychogeriatrics 2001;13:147-58.

(17.) Kozyrskyj A, Lix L, Dahl M, Soodeen R. High-cost users of pharmaceuticals: Who are they? Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, University of Manitoba, 2005.

Mark Lemstra, PhD, [1] Johan Mackenbach, MD, PhD, [2] Cory Neudorf, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, [1] Ushasri Nannapaneni, MA [1]

Author Affiliations

[1.] Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatoon, SK

[2.] Erasmus University, Netherlands

Correspondence and reprint requests: Mark Lemstra, Saskatoon Health Region, 101-310 Idylwyld Drive North, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 0Z2, Tel: 306-230-3911, E-mail: marklemstra@shaw.ca

Acknowledgements: The research was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. The authors thank Terry Dunlop, Lynne Warren, Tanis Kershaw and Ceal Tournier for their assistance, and Saskatchewan Health and Statistics Canada for the provision of data.
Table 1. Overall Health Care Utilization in One Year--Including Rates
of High Utilization

Health Care Utilization        Low Income   Middle Income   High Income
in One Year                    (n) (%)      (n) (%)         (n) (%)

# of people who                387 (49.2)   692 (38.5)      315 (36.8)
attended hospital
# of people who                618 (78.7)   1517 (84.6)     707 (82.6)
visited MD
# of people who                415 (52.8)   696 (38.8)      310 (36.2)
received RX

High health care utilization   Low Income   Middle Income   High Income
in one year*                   (n) (%)      (n) (%)         (n) (%)

# of people who                92 (23.8)    105 (15.2)      58 (18.5)
attended hospital
# of people who                169 (27.4)   298 (10.3)      126 (8.4)
visited MD
# of people                    123 (29.7)   108 (15.6)      57 (17.1)
who received RX

Health Care Utilization      Low vs. Middle Income  Low vs. High Income
in One Year                      RR (95% CI)             RR (95% CI)

# of people who                1.27 (1.16-1.25)       1.33 (1.19-1.49)
attended hospital
# of people who                0.93 (0.89-0.97)       0.95 (0.91-1.01)
visited MD
# of people who                1.36 (1.25-1.49)       1.45 (1.30-1.62)
received RX

High health care utilization  Low vs. Middle Income Low vs. High Income
in one year*                      RR (95% CI)              RR (95% CI)

# of people who                1.56 (1.21-2.00)      1.28 (0.96-1.72)
attended hospital
# of people who                2.66 (2.26-3.13)      3.26 (2.66-4.00)
visited MD
# of people                    1.90 (1.51-2.39)      1.73 (1.31-2.28)
who received RX

Total Sample size (N): 3433
Sample by Income status (n): Low Income = 785;
Middle Income = 1793; High Income = 855
* > 80th percentile for the overall group

Table 2. Total Costs of Health Care Utilization by Income Group

              Mean Costs for     Mean Costs for    Mean Costs for
                Low-income       All Low-income     Middle-income
              Users of Health    People [dagger]      Users of
                  Care *                            Health Care *

Hospital             $1,208.22           $594.40           $929.98
MD                   $2,852.24         $2,244.70         $2,016.07
RX                   $3,125.43         $1,650.20         $2,319.92
Total Cost           $7,185.89         $4,489.30         $5,265.97

              Mean Costs for     Mean Costs for    Mean Costs for
             All Middle-income     High-income     All High-income
              People [dagger]       Users of       People [dagger]
                                  Health Care *

Hospital               $358.00           $973.11           $358.10
MD                   $1,705.60         $2,013.59         $1,163.20
RX                     $900.10         $2,491.16           $901.80
Total Cost           $2,963.70         $5,477.86         $2,923.10

* Average cost per user of health care per income group
([dagger]) Average cost per person (regardless of actual utilization)
per income group

Table 3a. Prevalence of Self-report Health Outcomes by
Income Group

Disease Outcome            Low Income    High Income    P-Value
                             n (%)          n (%)

Has high blood pressure    163 (20.8)     115 (13.5)     0.000
Has heart disease           75 (9.6)       32 (3.7)      0.000
Has diabetes                59 (7.5)       37 (4.3)      0.018

Table 3b. Stratified Analysis for High Hospital, Physician and
Medication Use by Disease Outcome and Income Group

Variable                      High Users +   High Users +   P - Value
                               Low Income    High Income
Hospital use                       %              %
  Has high blood pressure         22.1           20.0         0.000
  Does not have high              8.8            4.7
  blood pressure
  Has heart disease               28.0           34.4         0.000
  Does not have heart             9.9            5.7
  Has diabetes                    25.4           16.2         0.002
  Does not have diabetes          10.5           6.2
Physician use
  Has high blood pressure         43.5           37.1         0.000
  Does not have high              23.4           13.0
  blood pressure
  Has heart disease               57.1           48.3         0.000
  Does not have heart             24.5           15.1
  Has diabetes                    44.6           45.7         0.003
  Does not have diabetes          26.2           14.9
Medication use
  Has high blood pressure         43.5           37.1         0.000
  Does not have high              23.4           13.0
  blood pressure
  Has heart disease               57.1           48.3         0.000
  Does not have heart             24.5           15.1
  Has diabetes                    44.6           45.7         0.003
  Does not have diabetes          26.2           14.9

Table 4. Crude and Adjusted Estimates for High Utilization
of Hospitals, Physicians and Medications

Variables                   Crude OR   Adjusted     95% CI     P-Value
A. Covariates of high
hospital use
  Has high blood pressure     3.79       1.20     0.79-1.81     0.377
  Has diabetes                2.77       1.20     0.69-2.09     0.514
  Has heart disease           6.38       1.66     1.02-2.72     0.041
  Good/fair/poor              4.08       2.60     1.68-4.04     0.000
  self-report health
  Age 60 and above           10.94       7.81     4.31-14.17    0.000
  Age 40-59                   2.40       2.98     1.59-5.58     0.001
  Low personal income         1.80       1.07     0.73-1.56     0.726
B. Covariates of high
physician use
  Has high blood pressure     3.19       1.37     0.97-1.91     0.066
  Has diabetes                3.27       1.44     0.90-2.30     0.127
  Has heart disease           6.23       1.95     1.24-3.07     0.004
  Good/fair/poor              3.04       2.14     1.60-2.86     0.000
  self-report health
  Age 60 and above            5.50       3.29     2.27-4.77     0.000
  Age 40-59                   1.90       2.15     1.50-3.09     0.000
  Low personal income         1.96       1.36     1.03-1.80     0.027
C. Covariates of high
medication use
  Has high blood pressure     6.18       2.87     1.90-4.35     0.000
  Has diabetes                6.40       4.27     2.46-7.41     0.000
  Has heart disease           5.04       2.73     1.63-4.58     0.000
  Good/fair/poor              3.52       2.59     1.61-4.17     0.000
  self-report health
  Age 60 and above           14.23       5.04     2.15-11.80    0.000
  Age 40-59                   4.39       2.67     1.10-6.44     0.029
  Low personal income         1.87       1.29     0.85-1.99     0.235

Reference categories for independent variables--Blood pressure--No;
Diabetes--No; Heart disease--No; Self-report health--Excellent/very
good; Age--12-39 Yrs; Income--[greater than or equal to] 80,000

A. High hospital use: [R.sup.2] = .217; Goodness-of-fit = .234
B. High physician use: [R.sup.2] = .297; Goodness-of-fit = .438;
C. High medication use: [R.sup.2] = .365; Goodness-of-fit = .640