Electoral reform and the costs of personal support in Japan.
Carlson, Matthew M.
How does the choice of electoral rules affect politicians'
incentives to campaign on the basis of personalized support? This
article examines to what extent the adoption of new electoral and
campaign finance rules affects the incentive of politicians in
Japan's Liberal Democratic Party to rely on personal support
organizations called koenkai. The core of the analysis utilizes newly
collected campaign finance data. The empirical analyses confirm a
considerable weakening in the number of koenkai across systems as well
as a decreased need for politicians to spend money in the proportional
representation tier. These results highlight the importance of previous
organizational legacies as well as the efforts of political actors to
mitigate the effects of rule change on their election and reelection
KEYWORDS: Japan, LDP, campaign finance, electoral reform,
campaigns, personal vote, incumbency, rational choice, institutionalism,
mixed-member electoral systems
Mixed-member electoral systems have been adopted in Latin America (e.g., Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia), in postcommunist countries (e.g.,
Russia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania), and in the established democracies
of New Zealand, Italy, and Japan. These cases of reform have inspired
widespread interest in the challenges of institutional design and the
political consequences of mixed electoral systems. In this article, I
offer a detailed examination of a significant informal organization
associated with Japanese election campaigns: the koenkai, which refers
to "the use of a mass-membership organization with the function of
organizing large numbers of the general electorate" on behalf of a
particular politician. (1) Few scholars have focused on the fate of
koenkai in Japanese elections, which is lamentable for both theoretical
and practical reasons. On a theoretical level, a greater comprehension
of the koenkai is relevant for comprehending the effects of mixed rules
on the salient relationships between constituents and their members in a
democratic system. On a practical level, an increasing number of
citizens elect their representatives under mixed rules, and many other
countries are considering electoral reform. The choice of electoral
rules warrants critical attention, particularly as it may have
significant effects on a country's party and political systems.
The choice of electoral rules has been shown to affect party
systems in various ways, such as shaping the number of political
parties, (2) influencing how parties and candidates place themselves on
an ideological spectrum, (3) or determining the extent that politicians
find it necessary to cultivate a personal vote. (4) With emphasis on the
case of Japan, I examine how electoral rules shape incentives to
cultivate a personal vote through the use of personal support groups as
a main vote-gathering strategy for defeating competitors. Electoral
systems that encourage large parties to nominate multiple candidates in
each constituency are argued to generate strong incentives for
candidates to rely upon a personal vote, such as the use of support
groups, in order to distinguish themselves from other intraparty and
interparty competitors. (5) Yet precisely what happens to the personal
vote and support groups when an electoral system is changed? A study of
the evolution of koenkai in Japan affords an excellent opportunity to
consider how politicians and informal organizations adapt when a new
mixed-member electoral system is introduced.
I examine the evolution and incentives shaping the use of koenkai
in Japan with newly collected data on the number of registered koenkai
and annual expenditure data for Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
politicians. Because many of the previous studies have relied on
interview and case studies, the use of this data is valuable in
considering additional consequences of Japan's new electoral
system, including the impact of campaign finance reforms. Moreover, the
data is available for a nationwide sample and for multiple years. In
this article, I show how the incentives to create koenkai have changed
by comparing figures for the last three elections held in the prereform
system with the first three elections held in the postreform system. I
further consider to what extent politicians' incentives to maintain
koenkai in the new system are reflected in the amounts of money they
spend on an annual basis. I argue that the use of koenkai in
Japan's new electoral system will decrease in importance as many of
the original incentives fostering their creation cease to exist. I draw
upon combined insights from rational choice institutionalism as well as
historical institutionalism in order to elaborate on the role played by
political actors. Rational choice institutionalism assumes that
political actors react to institutional rules and adopt strategies that
increase their likelihood of gaining office. (6) In contrast, historical
institutionalism emphasizes the importance of path dependency to explain
why politicians cling stubbornly to campaign strategies developed in the
previous electoral system. (7) Following Pauline Luong, I adopt an
integrative approach that utilizes rational choice institutionalism and
historical institutionalism's respective insights. (8)
The article proceeds as follows. I begin by briefly discussing
Japan's prereform system and the general literature on mixed-member
electoral systems. I then turn to discuss insights derived from rational
choice institutionalism and historical institutionalism. Accordingly, I
examine the use of koenkai by LDP politicians in Japan's old and
new electoral systems. Finally, I discuss the implications of my
findings for the prospects of institutional change in Japan and in other
Campaign Strategies Under Japan's SNTV System
Few studies on Japan's prereform electoral system fail to
mention the ubiquitous role of personal support groups, the
clientelistic ties between politicians and constituents, and the high
costs of campaigning. From 1947 to 1993, Japan used a single
nontransferable vote (SNTV) electoral system, which is claimed to be one
of the electoral systems most likely to encourage a personal vote. (9)
With a typical range of three to five seats available in each
multimember district, larger parties like the LDP had little recourse
but to nominate more than one candidate in each district if they desired
to capture a majority of seats in Japan's more powerful lower
With individual LDP members facing both intraparty and interparty
varieties of competition, they found it useful to rely upon koenkai to
cope with uncertainty and help ensure their election and reelection. The
use of koenkai incurred considerably high financial costs to individual
politicians and contributed to a system where nearly four times more
money per capita is spent on politics than in Germany, the United
States, and the United Kingdom. (10) With scant emphasis on policy and
issue debates in election campaigns, politicians maintained koenkai by
spending exorbitant amounts of time and money holding regular meetings
with supporters, attending funerals and weddings, and organizing bus
trips to hot-spring resorts. Politics became extremely localized, which
left little time for politicians to focus on broader national issues.
The premise that politicians have incentives to cultivate personal
support rests on a common thread in the literature on legislative
behavior: politicians are motivated by their desire to seek reelection.
(11) In single-member district systems used in such cases as the US
Congress, it is argued that candidates can pursue both personal and
party vote-gathering strategies. In the United States, the personal vote
is used to refer "to that portion of a candidate's electoral
support which originates in his or her personal qualities,
qualifications, activities and record." (12) Support for candidates
on the basis of partisan affiliation, fixed voter characteristics such
as class and religion, and reactions to the state of the economy are not
part of the personal vote.
The concept of the personal vote is clearly applicable to Japan
prior to and after the adoption of the new electoral system. In the SNTV
system, voters faced two voting decisions. First, they had to decide
which party to support. Second, they had to decide which of the
same-party candidates to vote for in the multimember districts. Basing
his conclusions on the analysis of survey data, Ichiro Miyake shows that
as the number of candidates running from the same party increases, the
more the effects of candidate components and the personal campaigning
efforts of individual candidates matter. (13) His research also
indicates that the candidate components in Japanese voting decisions are
further salient in Japan's new mixed system. In a second study,
Miyake shows that candidate components exert strong effects when voters
evaluate districts that feature an incumbent competing against a
newcomer. (14)
In Japan's prereform and postreform electoral systems, the use
of koenkai is argued to be the most important mechanism used by Japanese
politicians to cultivate a personal reputation and a personal vote.
Scholars describe the use of koenkai and the variety of constituency
services they provide in the following terms: "There is often an
air of disguised bribery in many of these tours; constituents pay only
part of the expenses involved and the machines pay the balance."
(15) The extensive use of the personal vote fostered a strong and
embedded system of patron-client ties, which many argue is difficult to
alter. Many political reformers and scholars of Japanese politics expect
Japan's new electoral system will reduce corruption and the
expensive cost of elections and promote more policy and issue debates
between parties. In this article, I evaluate to what extent many
politicians in the LDP are willing or unwilling to abandon their
personal vote-gathering strategies mastered under the old regime.
Election Campaigns Under Japan's Mixed-Member System
In 1994, Japanese politicians adopted a mixed-member majoritarian (MMM) electoral system for the lower house that currently combines 300
single-member districts (SMD) with 180 proportional representation (PR)
seats. In addition, stricter campaign finance laws and a public subsidy
system for political parties were introduced. Many scholars debate to
what extent these changes will affect the campaign strategies of
Japanese politicians. (16) In this section, I briefly discuss some of
the broader literature on mixed-member electoral systems before turning
to some of the specific details of the Japanese case.
Mixed-member electoral systems are suggested to offer the
"best of both worlds"--both "majoritarianism and PR"
and "both personalized geographic representation and party
representation." (17) However, the political consequences of mixed
systems are far from uniform given their differences in such areas as
the specific rules governing the ballot or vote component, how the PR
and SMD tiers are linked, or the percentage of seats allocated to the PR
tier. In compensatory systems like New Zealand and Germany, the number
of seats parties can win in the PR tier is determined in part by the
number of votes cast or seats won in the SMD tier. In parallel systems
such as Russia, Mexico, and Japan, the number of seats and votes won by
parties in the PR tier are not adjusted based on their performance in
the SMD tier. As there is a wide configuration of mixed systems in use,
scholars are not in complete agreement as to whether such systems do
indeed offer the best of both worlds.
On analyzing aggregate election and survey data, many scholars have
reached a consensus that mixed systems are not simply the sum of their
component parts, but rather are systems with incentives and consequences
quite different from pure PR or SMD systems in isolation. (18) Scholars
frequently use the term contamination effects when referring to mixed
systems in order to describe the phenomena when the incentives of one
tier affect the behavior of political actors and organizations in the
other tier. One of the main findings in the literature is that the
parties' placement of candidates in the SMD tier can significantly
shape their electoral performance in the PR tier. Additionally, scholars
have examined the effects of mixed rules on other dimensions of the
political system such as strategic voting, the number of political
parties, and election campaigns. (19) However, few studies have detailed
the effects of mixed electoral rules on the specific campaign strategies
adopted by politicians and candidates.
In Japan as well as in other mixed systems, the rules that govern
the PR and SMD tiers are of no minor consequence for election campaigns
as they define the specific avenues by which parties and politicians
gain representation. First, candidates can compete purely in the
single-member districts, which they can win outright by capturing the
most votes. Second, the formal rules of the mixed system allow
parties' candidates to be listed simultaneously in the SMD and PR
tiers in what is called "dual candidacy." It thus becomes
possible to lose the SMD race yet be "resurrected" because of
a high ranking on one of the party's PR lists. (20) Finally,
parties may list candidates purely in the PR tier.
The specific avenues available for winning a seat may encourage the
greater or lesser use of koenkai in Japan's new system. Candidates
competing purely under PR do not face the immediate pressures of
interparty competition in the single-member district, which may require
candidates to develop strong personal ties to individuals and groups in
a single-member district in order to capture as many votes as possible.
Additionally, party leaders may opt to nominate candidates without
strong support networks to run on the party lists. On the other hand,
the use of dual candidacies by parties may "perpetuate the personal
vote and personal support organizations" of individual candidates
because of the primacy accorded to the single-member district. (21) This
article examines politicians' incentives to maintain their support
networks with emphasis on the different incentives and capabilities they
face in their efforts to win a seat in Japan's new system.
The Expected Impact of Electoral Rule Change in Japan
Many scholars anticipate that Japan's new mixed system will
weaken politicians' incentives to create and maintain personal
support groups. However, the explanations offered for why support groups
will weaken are attributed to different rule changes, which make it
difficult to ascertain the underlying causal mechanisms. Moreover, many
of the claims in the literature have not been subject to an empirical
test. In this section, I review some of the major claims in the
literature concerning the expected impact of Japan's new electoral
system on the campaign strategies of politicians, with a focus on some
of the major changes associated with the reform. I first discuss several
of the institutional changes claimed to be responsible for the expected
One of the main expectations in the literature is that the reform
should decrease the importance of koenkai in the new system because the
possibility of intraparty competition has been eliminated at the
election stage. If LDP politicians no longer face competition from other
members in their own party, and instead can compete against the policies
articulated by other parties' candidates, they will be less likely
to rely upon personalized support. Indeed, some claim that the end of
intraparty competition will render koenkai "unnecessary" and
allow parties the opportunity to organize local party branches. (22)
Another claim in the literature is that stricter campaign finance
laws and a new subsidy system for political parties may weaken the
influence of koenkai in the new system. Under the old campaign finance
regime, the disclosure limits were set at [yen] 1 million. At present,
however, the names of all donors who contribute more than [yen] 50,000
must be disclosed. Likewise, other changes were introduced with the goal
of curbing the potentially corrupt ties that exist between koenkai and
their financial supporters: corporations are no longer allowed to make
direct contributions to koenkai, and individual donors cannot contribute
more than [yen] 1.5 million per year.
In tandem with the new campaign finance laws, reformers introduced
a public subsidy system for political parties to mitigate the expensive
cost of election campaigns. Officials calculate the public subsidy to
political parties at [yen] 250 for each person in Japan, an expense that
totaled over [yen] 31 billion in 2006. (23) To receive the subsidy,
candidates are required to establish a local party branch in their
district. Along with the end of intraparty competition, the new
incentive for parties and candidates to create local party branches
could arguably weaken the use of koenkai in the new system.
The formal changes introduced by the new system, including the end
of intraparty competition and the new campaign finance regulations and
subsidy system for parties, are cited as major reasons why the use of
koenkai in Japan is likely to weaken. However, these explanations by
themselves are incomplete without factoring in the incentives and
capabilities of political actors. In their discussion of the likely
effects of the new electoral laws, some argue the rules would almost be
"certain to end up favoring conservative politicians who came up
under old party elites in the LDP." (24) In a similarly made
argument, others suggest there is little reason why incumbents would be
likely to abandon their support groups, further noting that their use
might actually increase. (25)
To date, there have been a few studies on the impact of
Japan's electoral reform on the role of support groups. (26) In the
most current study, Ellis Krauss and Robert Pekkanen rely on interviews
with Japanese politicians to evaluate the continued and new vote
mobilization functions of koenkai as a result of electoral reform. (27)
They argue that politicians continue to find koenkai useful as a tool
for catering to a broad and diverse range of interests in the new
single-member constituencies. Krauss and Pekkanen claim that politicians
"make 'embedded choices'--decisions made under
constraints and circumstances in part created by the extant system and
influenced by the temptation to reshape existing organizations to new
purposes rather than create new ones from whole cloth." (28)
However, their arguments are not based on a nationwide sample and do not
evaluate other impacts of reform on koenkai beyond their continued and
new vote mobilization functions.
In this article, I utilize a newly collected data source for
considering the impact of electoral rules and electoral rule change on
support groups: the campaign finance disclosure reports of Japanese
politicians. As previous studies have relied largely on interviews and
case studies to study the impact of reform on the campaign strategies
and vote mobilization efforts of Japanese politicians, the use of these
data is valuable in revealing additional consequences of the 1994
reforms, including revisions to the old campaign finance regime. At the
same time, the campaign finance data allow us to evaluate the impact of
reform using a nationwide sample of both winning and losing candidates
for a total of six elections.
Japanese politicians are required not only to register all of their
political organizations, including koenkai, with election authorities,
but also to report how much money they raise and spend throughout the
year. Using the campaign finance reports, I make use of two
indicators--the number of koenkai registered to each politician and the
amounts of money related to income or expenditure--to make comparisons
across Japan's new and old electoral systems and to analyze
politicians' incentives to use koenkai in the new system. I make a
theoretical distinction between incumbents and new candidates, which I
then apply to an analysis of the LDP. This distinction necessarily
highlights how differently situated actors face dissimilar incentives
and capabilities. I then offer empirical evidence that highlights the
fate and evolution of koenkai from 1986 to 2003.
The Role of Political Actors
The comparative literature on institutional change often frames
assumptions about political actors using insights derived from rational
choice institutionalism and/or historical institutionalism. In rational
choice institutionalism, it is assumed that political actors
deliberately design institutions based on the short- and long-term
preferences they may have or based on the strategies they expect other
self-interested actors will pursue. In the historical institutionalism
approach, individual agency is assigned a lesser role because structure
and history are deemed to be the most significant determinant in
creating or modifying institutions. In recent studies, scholars have
combined the insights from both approaches to explain institutional
change in such settings as former Soviet Central Asian republics.
Luong, in her study of institutional design in Kazakhstan,
Kyrgystan, and Uzbekistan, integrates assumptions from both approaches
to explain the establishment of electoral systems. By emphasizing the
potential areas of convergence between the perspectives, she seeks to
overcome the limitations of focusing on only one approach. Using this
integrative approach, her study concludes that "the adoption of new
institutions during a transition does not necessarily indicate either a
fundamental break with the past or its continuation, but rather a change
through continuity." (29)
Building on Luong and Krauss and Pekkanen, I argue that koenkai
remain as a residual legacy of Japan's previous system although
some of the original rationale for their existence has disappeared. (30)
Koenkai are additionally useful in the current electoral system as they
help alleviate the negative impact of the rule change on the election
and reelection prospects of politicians. In contrast to the previous
literature, my approach evaluates the evolution and current use of
koenkai in Japan by examining in detail how differently situated actors
face different incentives and capabilities in their quest to secure
victory. My argument consequently highlights an important theoretical
distinction between incumbents and new candidates.
In debates over the consequences of Japan's electoral system
change, a frequent claim is that incumbents are unlikely to alter their
campaign strategies perfected under the old regime, including their
extensive use of koenkai. (31) Instead, incumbents are expected to
convert whatever resource advantages or personal experience they
formerly had in order to win reelection under the new rules. Following
the insights of the historical institutionalism approach, it is assumed
that the weight of previous structures and traditions bear heavily upon
the campaign strategies of incumbents. From another perspective,
however, the koenkai could also be seen not as a "weight" or a
function of "tradition," but as an existing tool that
incumbents have at their disposal. When compared with incumbents, new
candidates may be disadvantaged in trying to utilize koenkai given the
different incentives and capabilities they face.
Because differently situated political actors will face different
propensities to use koenkai, it is likely that more senior members
within the same party organization may be the least likely to abandon
the use of koenkai and the personal vote. Moreover, increased seniority
and incumbency should translate into considerable fundraising
advantages, particularly as incumbents can rely on their name
recognition and extensive national and local connections. In contrast to
incumbents, candidates who have not previously won election to
Japan's lower house may place less emphasis on the use of personal
support groups. Not only might the influence of previous structural and
historical context not be as great, but also new candidates may be
disadvantaged given the variety of constraints they may face. New
candidates, for example, are likely to differ from incumbents in terms
of their ability to accrue financial resources, particularly because
many lack sufficient name recognition or extensive connections at the
local or national level. Consequently, they may have much less money to
devote to personal support groups and a personal vote.
The personal characteristics of candidates are further important to
party leaders when selecting which candidates should be allowed to
compete on behalf of their party organization. The dual use of SMD and
PR seats in Japan requires party leaders to strategize over which
candidates ultimately receive the party nomination. Thus far under the
new system, party leaders in the LDP have largely nominated incumbents
to occupy the highest positions on the party lists. As a result, the
incentives for these incumbents to use koenkai may be reduced but are
unlikely to completely disappear.
Politicians" Incentives to Create and Maintain Support Groups
In this article, I examine two incentives politicians face in their
use of koenkai. The first incentive is whether and to what extent the
reforms affect politicians' creation of support groups. Politicians
must formally establish their support groups with election authorities,
where they are required to provide a physical address and the name of
the manager in charge. Politicians can also dissolve koenkai by
submitting the necessary paperwork, which is sometimes done when an
organization will no longer be used. Thus, I use the total number of
support groups registered to LDP members as a measure of
politicians' incentives to create koenkai.
The second type of incentive is whether the reforms affect
politicians' maintenance of these groups. Once politicians create
support groups, they must calculate how many resources to allocate to
the organizations' activities and upkeep. Politicians with a large
membership base may need to allocate more financial resources and time
in comparison to politicians with smaller and newly established koenkai.
This article consequently relies on the year-round financial costs of
koenkai reported by LDP politicians as a measure reflecting
politicians' incentives to maintain them. However, as data are
unavailable prior to 1996, the analysis of this data is limited to the
new electoral system.
The incentive to create koenkai factors into the first of two main
questions posed in this article: To what extent did the electoral
reforms affect the number of support groups registered to LDP
politicians? By determining the average number of registered support
groups for LDP candidates in both systems, I am able to consider the
extent of change or continuity in their use. I also calculate the
average amount of income raised by LDP politicians for three SNTV
elections and for three elections under the new rules. This is necessary
to determine whether politicians are utilizing fewer groups but still
raising and spending more money.
The second question focuses on the incentives to maintain koenkai:
Since the reforms, to what extent do the personal characteristics of
politicians (e.g., incumbent status) and the new rules governing the SMD
and PR tiers affect the use of politicians' support groups? I use
the amounts of reported koenkai expenditures to examine whether there
are salient differences between incumbents and newcomers as well as
between pure PR, pure SMD, and dual-listed candidates in the new system.
Comparing Across Japan's Old and New Systems
In order to consider the effects of the 1994 reforms, I examine in
this section the average number of support groups for LDP incumbents and
newcomers who competed in the prereform and postreform systems. Annual
reports from Japan's old campaign finance system have not been
studied extensively because they have been difficult to collect and
analyze. Fortunately, a campaign finance book that was published on a
yearly basis in Japan prior to 1996 identifies all political
organizations related to individual Japanese politicians as well as the
amount of reported income for each organization. The original source for
this information is the yearly campaign finance reports politicians
submitted to both the former Ministry of Home Affairs and the electoral
commission in each prefecture.
By using this source book, it is possible to count the total number
of political organizations linked to individual LDP politicians and
candidates for the last three elections (1986, 1990, and 1993) held
under SNTV. (32) Moreover, it is possible to approximate a general
estimate of how much money politicians raised across all of their
organizations. However, it is necessary to state three caveats regarding
the use of total income for Japan's old electoral system. First,
the campaign finance regulations during that time encouraged politicians
to register multiple political support organizations in order to evade quantitative restrictions on the amount of money they may raise. (33)
Consequently, many of the support organizations may have been little
more than funding bodies used to collect money. The new regulations,
however, allow politicians to raise unlimited funds through their local
party branch and main fund agent--which should curb some of the original
incentives to register large numbers of groups. In addition, politicians
must disclose any contributions over [Yen] 50,000 from a previous
ceiling of [Yen] 1 million.
Second, the figures reported in the book for Japan's old
system are imperfect, as the income cannot be adjusted for any
double-counting of financial transfers that may occur between the
organizations of the same politician. Because politicians are allowed to
transfer money freely between their organizations, the total income for
all of their groups may be actually higher than the officially declared
levels. Finally, a third caveat is the likely possibility that
politicians in Japan and in other countries understate their actual
expenditures. (34) These caveats suggest some caution when using this
source of data to compare across Japan's two different electoral
systems and campaign finance regimes.
To derive similar indicators for the first three elections held
under Japan's new system, I rely upon the same source material in
order to count the number of support organizations affiliated with
individual candidates as well as the amounts of their annual income.
(35) There is one difference in the counting procedure followed for
determining the number of support groups. I do not include the newly
created party branches, which were created and envisioned as an
alternative organization to the koenkai. (36) However, it is necessary
to include the party branch and fund agent in calculating total income
for each politician. The main difference with the figures based on the
SNTV system is that I have corrected for any double-counting that may
occur if politicians transfer money between groups, which generally
reduced total income by a small margin for most LDP members.
Table 1 displays the average number of registered koenkai and total
income for LDP incumbents, newcomers, and all LDP candidates for a total
of six lower house elections between 1986 and 2003. The top half of the
table reports the average number of groups and income for three election
years under SNTV: 1986, 1990, and 1993. (37) The means for this period,
indicated in italic in the middle of the table, show that LDP members
averaged 13.9 support groups and reported approximately [Yen] 209.4
($1.9 million) in yearly income. An examination of the figures for the
two candidate types in each election year further reveals the greater
prowess of incumbents over new candidates. Indeed, a means comparison
test (results not shown) uncovered statistically significant differences
in the means for both the number of support groups and income for
incumbents and new candidates with only one exception in year 1986. (38)
The lower half of Table 1 shows the average number of groups and
income for LDP politicians that competed in 1996, 2000, and 2003 under
the new rules. (39) As indicated at the bottom of the table, the average
number of groups is 5.8 and [Yen] 102.2 ($964,000) for total income. If
we compare these figures with the previous system, recognizing some of
the caveats noted above, both the number of groups and yearly income
have been reduced to less than half from their levels under the old
system. Examining the case of incumbents, for example, shows a reduction
in the total number of groups from 9.2 in 1996 to 5.5 in 2003, with a
subsequent reduction in yearly income from [Yen] 133.6 ($1.3 million) to
[Yen] 117.1 ($1.1 million). When compared to incumbents, new candidates
registered considerably fewer groups and reported less income. (40)
The general trends captured in Table 1 support insights derived
from rational choice and historical institutionalism that institutions
such as the koenkai are modified and adapted in a process of change
through continuity. The use of the koenkai continues in the new system
despite the reduction in the number of registered groups and
politicians' total income. According to the rational choice
institutionalism approach, politicians' campaign strategies are
based on the short- and long-term preferences they may have or are based
on the strategies they expect other self-interested actors will pursue.
To this extent, the use of koenkai as well as considerable sums of money
appear useful to the election-oriented goals of LDP politicians.
In contrast, historical institutionalism would emphasize the
embedded nature of Japan's previous electoral system and campaign
finance regime on the present use of koenkai. Consequently, one could
attribute the power asymmetries between incumbents and newcomers in the
new system as both a continuation and change from the previous system.
However, the continued use and evolution of koenkai implies that
they may be less of a "weight" or a function of
"tradition" than this perspective might suggest. To the extent
that koenkai continue to be valuable, they can also be viewed as an
existing tool that political actors have at their disposal. Incumbents
still use koenkai, whereas new candidates find it more difficult to form
them. One possible reason is related to the different capabilities and
incentives incumbents and new candidates face.
The LDP's Use of Support Groups in the New System
Having examined the number of support groups and total income
reported by politicians, I turn to a second set of questions, which
focus on the power asymmetries between political actors as well as the
impact of the rules of the new system: What is the impact of candidate
characteristics such as incumbent status upon the use of koenkai? How do
the rules governing the SMD and PR tiers affect politicians' use of
support groups? To answer these questions, I rely on the total amount of
koenkai-based expenditure as an indicator of LDP maintenance costs for
the year.
A multivariate test helps gauge whether there is a marked
difference between pure PR candidates and those who compete as
dual-listed candidates. In both models, I include a dummy variable for
pure PR and pure SMD candidates to help ascertain whether they utilize
fewer groups than dual-listed candidates (the excluded category). I also
include two measures that tap important candidate characteristics:
incumbent status and the number of lower house terms politicians were
elected to previously. Incumbents and more senior LDP members are
expected to report a higher level of koenkai expenditures than
The models are tested separately for the first three elections held
under the new rules. This allows us to study to what extent the results
are fairly stable or change across time. Some scholars argue that it may
take several elections before the anticipated changes in campaigning,
policymaking, and political parties can be seen. (41) To the extent that
the first elections under the new rules are marked by transitional
change and uncertainty, the results for each election year may or may
not reflect a consistent pattern.
The results of the model are specified in Table 2, which presents
the effects of candidate characteristics and the other variables
detailed above on the koenkai-based expenditures of LDP politicians. As
captured here, the variable for pure PR candidacy is statistically
significant and is correlated negatively with koenkai expenditures in
two of the three election years. This means that pure PR candidates
spent [Yen] 16.8 million ($155,600) less than dual-listed members in
1996 and much less than this amount in 2003. This finding would support
the argument that pure PR candidacies require less maintenance on
koenkai than LDP members who are dual-listed. This result is significant
when controlling for incumbent status, which is necessary to account for
LDP nomination strategies to grant incumbents preference in pure PR
positions at the top of the party lists. However, there is no
statistical difference between the expenditures of pure SMD candidates
and dual-listed candidates.
For the remaining variables, the measures for incumbent status and
number of previous terms are statistically significant and positively
correlated with the level of koenkai expenditures, with the exception of
incumbents in 2003. LDP incumbents spent a sum of approximately [Yen]
7.32 to [Yen] 17 million ($63,000 to $157,000) more than newcomers. For
each additional term of office, LDP candidates spent approximately [Yen]
1.40 to g2.20 million ($13,000 to $19,000) more on their support groups.
Finally, the results reported in Table 3 suggest that the effects of
independent variables are not consistently uniform across the three
elections, which may highlight the unsettled electoral environment faced
by politicians in the new electoral system.
The analysis above examines only koenkai-based expenditures,
although politicians also spend money throughout the year through their
local party branch and fund agent. Politicians in the LDP designate an
official party branch in the SMD or PR tier in order to receive and
spend the newly created subsidy for political parties that was passed in
1994. Rules based on British practice allow them also to designate a
fund agent to receive and spend funds. (42) To better discern how
koenkai-based expenditures compare with party branch and fund agent
expenditures of LDP members, I have calculated in Table 3 the percentage
of koenkai, party branch, and fund agent spending to total spending. If
koenkai-based spending is indeed decreasing at the margins, have the
patterns of spending shifted more to the politicians' local party
The percentages of expenditures for koenkai, fund agent, and party
branch are reported first for pure PR candidates. In the 1996 election,
the largest percentage of expenditures for pure PR candidates was spent
on koenkai (38%) followed by the fund agent (36%) and party branch
(26%). By 2003, the percentage devoted to koenkai dropped to 23 percent.
Likewise, fund agent spending declined, whereas party branch expenses
increased from 26 to 47 percent. In the case of pure PR candidates, the
trend thus far suggests a decline in koenkai-based expenses and the
increasing financial importance of the local party branch organizations.
Listed below the pure PR candidates are the dual-listed
politicians. The majority of LDP members are in this category. From 1996
to 2003, the percentages of koenkai to total spending have declined from
27 to 20 percent. At the same time, the percentage of fund agent
spending in 2003 (51%) is considerably higher than the percentages in
1996 and 2000 (34% and 32%). In contrast, party branch spending in 2003
(29%) fell considerably below the percentages for the other years (39%
and 46%). Although there are only three data points thus far to examine,
the initial evidence for dual-listed members in the LDP indicates that
the percentage of koenkai spending to total spending dropped to 20
percent by 2003. The decline is further marked by increased spending
through the fund agent and party branch.
The decline in koenkai spending for dual-listed candidates may be
partially related to changes in the campaign finance laws. Currently,
politicians are allowed to accept contributions from corporations and
other organizations only through their fund agent or party branch.
However, politicians are allowed to transfer funds from their fund agent
and party branch to spend on their koenkai. To the extent that the new
campaign finance regulations help centralize the ebb and flow of money
through the fund agent and party branch, this may explain the decline of
koenkai expenses to total expenses.
Finally, the figures for pure SMD members are included just after
dual-listed members in Table 3. The percentage of koenkai to total
expenditure drops from 31 percent in 1996 to the mid-twenties by 2003.
In contrast, the percentage of fund agent to total spending increases
from 27 percent to the mid-thirties, whereas party branch spending is
relatively constant. In addition, an examination of the total amount of
expenditures in the far right column suggests that pure SMD candidates
in the LDP spent more on average than pure PR and dual-listed
candidates. However, the multivariate analysis in the previous section
uncovered no statistical difference between pure SMD and dual-listed
candidates in terms of koenkai expenditures. (44)
The financial costs incurred by LDP members in Japan suggest that
the dynamics of the new system still encourage strong incentives to
maintain a personal vote and support groups. In Table 3, the survival
and continued use of koenkai persists despite the newly created party
branches and the stricter campaign finance laws. This confirms claims
and interview data in the previous literature that politicians are
"influenced by the temptation to reshape existing organizations to
new purposes rather than create new ones from whole cloth." (45)
Japan's reforms appear to have impacted not only the continued and
new vote mobilization functions of koenkai, but also their number and
financial strength--a point that I consider further in the next section.
The widespread adoption of mixed electoral systems has generated
considerable interest in understanding the political consequences of
such systems. Focusing on the case of Japan, I examine in this article
politicians' incentives to use koenkai in the context of the 1994
reforms. Using insights derived from historical and rational choice
institutionalism, I highlight in my analysis some of the resilience of
the koenkai as a vote-gathering strategy for the LDP, which it continues
to use to win elections. A primary reason why the koenkai have not
disappeared in the new system is because of their utility for mobilizing votes. Despite the efforts of many political reformers to reduce the
personal vote with new legislation, the koenkai do not appear at any
risk of becoming extinct in the near future.
Most LDP politicians continue to rely on koenkai-centered
campaigns, which have organizational utility in gathering votes in
competition with other parties' candidates. The bulk of LDP
candidates are now dual-listed in the SMD and PR tier, which means to
win an SMD seat, they must capture a larger average of votes in
competition than was often necessary in the SNTV system. The incentive
to campaign on the basis of a personal vote becomes intensified, because
if they lose their SMD race, it may be possible to be resurrected to the
PR tier. (46) For the LDP, the shift away from a personal vote appears
to be complicated by the fact that koenkai still represent an effective
and winning strategy for collecting votes.
The impact of reform on the LDP, however, may be stronger or weaker
depending on whether politicians are incumbents or new candidates. In
contrast to new candidates, incumbents were expected to raise the most
funds and to cling stubbornly to their reliance on a personal vote and
support groups. These claims were partially supported by the use of
campaign finance data presented in Table 1. Incumbents clearly dominated
new candidates both in terms of the number of koenkai and in their
ability to accrue funds, which is likely related to the name recognition
and extensive local and national connections they possess. The evidence
also suggests that both incumbents and new candidates in the LDP
maintained and adapted koenkai in the context of Japan's electoral
shift. The average number of groups dropped from 13.9 to 5.8 while
income declined from [Yen] 209.4 ($1.9 million) to [Yen] 102.2 million
($964,000), although some caution is required given the limitations of
campaign finance data discussed earlier.
An alternative argument for the evidence presented in Table 1 is
simply that changes in the number and financial strength of koenkai do
not reflect the impact of new electoral rules--but rather are related to
factors that are partially or largely exogenous to the electoral system,
such as campaign finance regulations or changes to Japan's
political economy. In Table 1, for example, the figures suggest that
politicians' ability to raise funds has clearly diminished in
Japan's new electoral system--an observation that could be
attributed to multiple causes. The introduction of proportional
representation, for example, seems to curb politicians' incentives
to spend money on koenkai. At the same time, the results could be the
product of stricter campaign finance regulations or changes to the
supply side, such as the introduction of a public subsidy system or the
weakened position of donors to contribute to the LDP machine. (47)
The debate over causation is not inconsequential, particularly as
some could suggest that political reformers in Japan may only have
needed to tighten Japan's campaign finance system in the hope of
decreasing the personal vote and role of money politics. Indeed, if
reformers had not altered the existing campaign finance regulations or
passed the public subsidy for political parties, perhaps the average
number of koenkai would have remained the same despite the rule change.
It is hoped that future research can better disentangle the effects of
specific rule changes from each other.
Related to the task of sorting out the impact of campaign finance
regulations is an additional question that requires consideration. If
the koenkai have decreased in number or financial strength, what
organizational practices have taken their place for politicians'
vote-gathering strategies? One possibility is that politicians in the
LDP are resorting to greater media-based strategies, including the
effective use of campaign posters, literature, and the Internet.
Politicians may also rely more on volunteer groups, lesser-paid staff,
or the local party branch structure in their constituency. The
alternative argument previously suggested could link the emergence of
new organizational practices more specifically to the changes in the ebb
and flow of money rather than to the effects of new electoral rules.
In the case of the local party branches, the LDP headquarters
distributed an average of [Yen] 19.2 million ($181,000) to the main
party branches in the SMD tier in the year 2000. (49) Interestingly, in
ninety-two of the 300 single-member districts, LDP members transferred
an average of [Yen] 18.1 million from the party branch they control to
their koenkai, effectively blurring the distinction between the
individual politician and the political party. For this reason, the new
subsidy system is "reducing the formerly sharp distinction between
koenkai and party organization. But it has not changed the reality that
election campaigns are controlled by individual politicians operating
within a party franchise." (50) Clearly, new organizational
structures combining parts of the old and new systems continue to evolve
in election campaigns for Japan's lower house--both in response to
newly created incentives (e.g., electoral and campaign finance rules)
and the weight of structure and history on political parties.
By using new data to measure the evolution of koenkai in Japan, the
results of this study substantiate the claims and interview data of
Krauss and Pekkanen that koenkai have been maintained and continued
despite the electoral system change and stricter campaign finance
regulations. The evidence presented in this article suggests a decline
in the average number of koenkai and in their financial strength.
Moreover, the impact of reform appears to differ for incumbents and new
candidates within the LDP.
Japan's electoral reform additionally suggests the challenges
in analyzing the political consequences that follow when electoral rules
are changed. In political systems with a dominant political party like
the LDP, the effects of new rules on campaigning are shaped by the
powerful organizational legacies of the past as well as the efforts of
political actors to mitigate the effects of the rule change on their
election and reelection prospects. The introduction of a mixed-member
electoral system--as well as changes in campaign finance laws--can
substantially alter the preexisting equilibrium by introducing a new set
of incentives for politicians and parties to win a seat and to campaign
on the basis of a personal vote. In this context, old campaign
strategies are, not surprisingly, remolded and dressed in a new robe.
I am grateful to Ikuo Kabashima, Gabriella Montinola, Steven Vogel,
Ellis Krauss, Robert Pekkanen, Stephan Haggard, and three anonymous
reviewers for their suggestions on earlier drafts. I also wish to
acknowledge research funding from the Asian Studies Program at the
University of Vermont and from the Japan Program at the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology.
(1.) Gerald Curtis, Election Campaigning, Japanese Style (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1971), p. 128.
(2.) See Maurice Duverger, Political Parties, Their Organization
and Activity in the Modern State (New York: John Wiley, 1954); William
Riker, "The Two-party System and Duverger's Law: An Essay on
the History of Political Science," American Political Science
Review 76, no. 4 (1982): 753-766; and Gary Cox, Making Votes Count:
Strategic Coordination in the World's Electoral Systems (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1997).
(3.) See Ian Budge, David Robertson, and Derek Hearl, eds.,
Ideology, Strategy and Party Change: Spatial Analysis of Post-war
Election Programmes in 19 Democracies (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1987); Matthew Gabel and John D. Huber, "Putting Parties in
Their Place: Inferring Party Left-Right Ideological Positions from Party
Manifestos Data," American Journal of Political Science 44, no. 1
(2000): 94-103; and Michael Laver, ed., Estimating the Policy Positions
of Political Actors (London: Routledge, 2001).
(4.) See John Carey and Matthew Shugart, "Incentives to
Cultivate a Personal Vote: A Rank Ordering of Electoral Formulas,"
Electoral Studies 14, no. 4 (1995): 417-439; and Bruce Cain, John
Ferejohn, and Morris Fiorina, The Personal Vote: Constituency Service and Electoral Independence (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987).
(5.) Carey and Shugart, "Incentives to Cultivate a Personal
Vote," pp. 417-418.
(6.) See, for example, Kenneth Shepsle, "Institutional
Equilibrium and Equilibrium Institutions." In Herbert Weisberg,
ed., Political Science: The Science of Politics (New York: Agathon,
1986), pp. 51-81; and George Tsebelis, Nested Games: Rational Choice in
Comparative Politics (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990).
(7.) See, for example, Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and
Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992); and Sven Steinmo, Taxation
and Democracy: Swedish, British, and American Approaches to Financing
the Modern State (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993).
(8.) Pauline Luong, "After the Break-up: Institutional Design
in Transitional States," Comparative Political Studies 33, no. 5
(2000): 563-592.
(9.) Carey and Shugart, "Incentives to Cultivate a Personal
Vote," p. 429.
(10.) See Chalmers Johnson, Japan: Who Governs? The Rise of the
Developmental State (New York: Norton, 1996); and Hiroshi Mizuguchi,
"Political Reform: Much Ado About Nothing?" Japan Quarterly
40, no. 3 (1993): 246-257.
(11.) See, for example, Douglas Rae, The Political Consequences of
Electoral Laws (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971); and David
Mayhew, Congress: The Electoral Connection (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1974).
(12.) Cain, Ferejohn, and Fiorina, The Personal Vote, p. 9.
(13.) Ichiro Miyake, "Candidate Evaluation and Voting Choice
Under the Japanese Electoral System." In Bernard Grofman,
Sung-Chull Lee, Edwin Winkler, and Brian Woodall, eds., Elections in
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Under the Single Nontransferable Vote: The
Comparative Study of an Embedded Institution (Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 1999), pp. 153-180.
(14.) Ichiro Miyake, "Seito tohyo to kohosha kojin tohyo no
baransu: Shosenkyokusei ikoki no tohyo kettei" [The balance between
the party and personal vote: Determinants of the voting decision under
Japan's new electoral system], Leviathan 25 (1999): 7-31.
(15.) Haruhiro Fukui and Shigeko Fukai, "Campaigning for the
Japanese Diet." In Grofman, Lee, Winkler, and Woodall, Elections in
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Under the Single Nontransferable Vote, p. 127.
(16.) See, for example, Steven Reed and Michael Thies, "The
Consequences of Electoral Reform in Japan." In Matthew Shugart and
Martin Wattenberg, eds., Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: The Best of
Both Worlds? (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 380-403;
Otake Hideo, "Overview." In Otake Hideo, ed., How Electoral
Reform Boomeranged (New York: Japan Center for International Exchange,
1998), pp. vi-xxxi; Ray Christensen, "The Effects of Electoral
Reforms on Campaign Practices in Japan: Putting New Wine into Old
Bottles," Asian Survey 38, no. 10 (1998): 986-1004; and Steven
Reed, ed., Japanese Electoral Politics: Creating a New Party System
(London: Routledge Curzon, 2003).
(17.) Matthew Shugart and Martin Wattenberg, "Mixed-Member
Electoral Systems: A Definition and Typology." In Shugart and
Wattenberg, Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: The Best of Both Worlds? p.
(18.) Erik Herron and Misa Nishikawa, "Contamination Effects
and the Number of Parties in Mixed-Superposition Electoral
Systems," Electoral Studies 20, no. 1 (2001): 63-86.
(19.) See, for example, Thomas Gschwend, Ron Johnston, and Charles
Pattie, "Split-Ticket Patterns in Mixed-Member Proportional
Election Systems: Estimates and Analyses of Their Spatial Variation at
the German Federal Election, 1998," British Journal of Political
Science 33, no. 1 (2003): 109-127; Steven Reed, "Strategic Voting
in the 1996 Japanese General Election," Comparative Political
Studies 32, no. 2 (1999): 257-270; Karen Cox and Len Schoppa,
"Interaction Effects in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: Theory and
Evidence from Germany, Japan, and Italy," Comparative Political
Studies 35, no. 9 (2002): 1027-1053; and Matthew Carlson,
"Electoral Reform and the Evolution of Informal Norms in
Japan," Asian Survey 46, no. 3 (2006).
(20.) Alternatively, because parties may rank their candidates at
the same PR list positions, some candidates are selected through the use
of a "best-loser" provision, which is calculated on the basis
of their performance in the SMD tier by taking the number of votes the
candidate receives divided by votes won by the first-place finisher.
(21.) Margaret McKean and Ethan Scheiner, "Japan's New
Electoral System: La Plus Ca Change.... " Electoral Studies 19, no.
4 (2000): 447-448.
(22.) Reed and Thies, "The Consequences of Electoral Reform in
Japan," p. 395.
(23.) Information on amounts from Ministry of Public Management,
Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications' homepage, at
www.mha.go.jp (accessed May 1, 2006).
(24.) Harold Kerbo and John McKinstry, Who Rules Japan? The Inner
Circles of Economic and Political Power (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995),
p. 98.
(25.) See, for example, T. J. Pempel, Regime Shift: Comparative
Dynamics of the Japanese Political Economy (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998); and Gerald Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics:
Leaders, Institutions, and the Limits of Change (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1999).
(26.) For two of the first studies, see, for example, Otake Hideo,
"How a Diet Member's Koenkai Adapts to Social and Political
Changes." In Hideo, How Electoral Reform Boomeranged, pp. 1-32; and
Masahiro Yamada, "Nukaga Fukushiro: Climbing the Ladder to
Influence." In Hideo, How Electoral Reform Boomeranged, pp. 33-58.
(27.) Ellis Krauss and Robert Pekkanen, "Explaining Party
Adaptation to Electoral Reform: The Discreet Charm of the LDP?"
Journal of Japanese Studies 30, no. 1 (2004): 1-34.
(28.) Ibid., p. 28.
(29.) Luong, "After the Break-Up," p. 589.
(30.) For example, I concur with Krauss and Pekkanen's claims
that there is a path dependence to organizational development and that
politicians are likely "to adapt familiar forms to new rational
purposes in the new system" (Krauss and Pekkanen, "Explaining
Party Adaptation to Electoral Reform," p. 28).
(31.) See, for example, Hideo, "How a Diet Member's
Koenkai Adapts to Social and Political Changes"; Pempel, Regime
Shift; and Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics.
(32.) Seiji shikin zensho [Complete book of political funds]
(Tokyo: Nihon Kokusei Chosakai, various years).
(33.) Politicians only needed to disclose contributions over [yen]1
million. By creating multiple funding groups, they could instruct donors
to contribute up to the maximum limit for each group without disclosure.
For a discussion of the old campaign finance loopholes in Japanese, see
Michisada Hirose, Seiji to kane [Politics and money] (Tokyo: Iwanami
Press, 1989).
(34.) Gary Cox and Michael Thies, "How Much Does Money Matter?
'Buying' Votes in Japan, 1967-1990," Comparative
Political Studies 33, no. 1 (2000): 44.
(35.) The figures for 1996, 2000, and 2003 were gathered from Kanpo
[public registrar] (Tokyo: Ministry of Finance Printing Press) and the
Koho [prefectural gazette].
(36.) Reed and Thies, "The Consequences of Electoral Reform in
Japan," p. 395.
(37.) The Japanese campaign finance book did not report complete
figures for the year 1993. I opted to estimate the missing data for
specific organizations and total income using 1992 figures. For this
reason, the 1993 figures reported here are likely to be slightly lower
than if actual complete data had been used.
(38.) The means comparison tests used the t-test command in Stata
9. In 1986, the means of income for incumbents and newcomers are
statistically different from each other at any level greater than 7.3
percent. However, the test did not find a statistically significant
difference for the number of support groups. In 1990, the means for the
number of groups and income are different at any level greater than 0.0
percent. In 1993, the means for the number of groups are different at
any level exceeding 0.3 percent and income at 0.7 percent.
(39.) Included in this figure are the fund agents.
(40.) A means comparison test showed that the means for the number
of groups and income for incumbents and new candidates are statistically
different at any level greater than 0.0 percent for 1996, 2000, and
(41.) See, for example, Gary Cox and Emerson Niou, "Seat
Bonuses Under the Single Non-transferable Vote System: Evidence from
Japan and Taiwan," Comparative Politics 26, no. 2 (1994): 221-236;
and Peter Cowhey and Matthew McCubbins, "Conclusion." In Peter
Cowhey and Matthew McCubbins, eds., Structure and Policy in Japan and
the United States (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp.
(42.) The fund agent was originally limited to a maximum annual
contribution of [yen] 500,000 from corporations and [yen] 1.5 million
from individuals. In 1999, the law was revised to prohibit contributions
from corporations (and labor unions). In contrast, there are no
restrictions on donations from corporations, organizations, or
individuals to the party branch. These regulations would seem to favor
the creation and use of local party branches at the expense of the
koenkai and fund agent.
(43.) This trend, of course, is complicated by contamination
effects from the mixture of PR and SMD rules. Many pure PR candidates
are incumbents who are unlikely to disband their koenkai as they may
anticipate returning to the SMD tier in a future election.
(44.) The nonsignificant result may be related to the smaller
number of pure SMD candidates in the LDP, which may have made it more
difficult for statistical significance to be achieved.
(45.) Krauss and Pekkanen, "Explaining Party Adaptation to
Electoral Reform," p. 28.
(46.) This is possible through the parties' use of a
best-loser provision, which is calculated by taking the number of votes
the candidate receives divided by votes won by the first-place finisher.
(47.) Indeed, if politicians have less funds to devote to
personalized support, they may have opted to focus on a fewer number of
koenkai in their constituency--evoting their attention to koenkai
subunits that have enough vote-gathering potential to justify their
continued use.
(48.) It is also possible to argue that the effects of campaign
finance laws and electoral rules are interactive and to demonstrate
their interactive effects across a variety of electoral systems.
(49.) Matthew Carlson, "New Rules, Old Politics: Electoral
Laws and Campaign Strategies in Japan" (Ph.D. diss., University of
California, Davis, 2003), p. 84.
(50.) Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics: Leaders,
Institutions, and the Limits of Change, p. 166.
Matthew Carlson is assistant professor of political science at the
University of Vermont. He specializes in Asian politics, public opinion,
electoral systems, and human rights.
Table 1 Average Income and Number of Registered Support Groups
for LDP Members
Election Year Incumbents
Number of groups 14.0
Income ([yen] in millions) 255.0 ($2.4 million)
N 193
Number of groups 15.7
Income ([yen] in millions) 240.1 ($2.3 million)
N 249
Number of groups 16.0
Income ([yen] in millions) 204.2 ($1.9 million)
N 175
(mean # of groups) 15.2
(mean income) 233.1 ($2.2 million)
Number of groups 9.2
Income ([yen] in millions) 133.6 ($1.3 million)
N 202
Number of groups 7.1
Income ([yen] in millions) 129.9 ($1.2 million)
N 249
Number of groups 5.5
Income ([yen] in millions) 117.1 ($1.1 million)
N 215
(mean # of groups) 7.3
(mean income) 126.9 ($1.2 million)
Election Year Newcomers
Number of groups 13.2
Income ([yen] in millions) 163.9 ($1.5 million)
N 62
Number of groups 5.8
Income ([yen] in millions) 80.0 ($755,000)
N 53
Number of groups 6.5
Income ([yen] in millions) 98.2 ($926,000)
N 44
(mean # of groups) 8.5
(mean income) 114.0 ($1.1 million)
Number of groups 2.4
Income ([yen] in millions) 58.7 ($554,000)
N 147
Number of groups 2.7
Income ([yen] in millions) 57.5 ($542,000)
N 86
Number of groups 1.8
Income ([yen] in millions) 49.6 ($468,000)
N 117
(mean # of groups) 2.3
(mean income) 55.3 ($522,000)
Election Year All
Number of groups 13.8
Income ([yen] in millions) 232.9 ($2.2 million)
N 255
Number of groups 13.9
Income ([yen] in millions) 212.5 ($2.0 million)
N 302
Number of groups 14.1
Income ([yen] in millions) 182.9 ($1.7 million)
N 219
(mean # of groups) 13.9
(mean income) 209.4 ($1.9 million)
Number of groups 6.3
Income ([yen] in millions) 102.2 ($1.0 million)
N 349
Number of groups 6.9
Income ([yen] in millions) 111.1 ($1.0 million)
N 335
Number of groups 4.2
Income ([yen] in millions) 93.3 ($880,000)
N 332
(mean # of groups) 5.8
(mean income) 102.2 ($964,000)
Sources: Seiji Shikin Zensho, Koho [prefectural gazette] and Kanpo
[public registrar], various years.
Notes: Number of groups includes all fundraising bodies listed to
politicians. From 1996 to 2003, I do not include the newly created
local party branches as part of this number. All income figures are
adjusted for inflation (2000= 100). N represents the number of LDP
politicians for which data were available in the campaign finance
reports. Omitted are the cases where the number of groups could not be
Table 2 Regressions of Characteristics on Koenkai
Expenditures (LDP)
1996 2000 2003
IndependentVariables Election Election Election
Constant 12.60 *** 10.80 *** 7.64 ***
(2.85) (4.12) (2.75)
Pure PR candidate -16.80 ** -6.03 -7.22 **
(4.76) (5.07) (3.94)
Pure SMD candidate 5.37 -6.64 5.51
(6.70) (11.50) (6.51)
Incumbent status 17.00 *** 13.30 *** 7.32 **
(4.42) (5.22) (3.48)
Number of 2.10 *** 1.40 ** 2.20 ***
previous terms (0.62) (0.71) (0.62)
N 355 336 336
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.17 0.05 0.11
Sources: Seiji Shikin Zensho, Koho [prefectural gazette], and Kanpo
[public registrar], various years.
Notes: Estimates are ordinary least squares coefficients with standard
errors in parentheses. Dependent variable is the total annual amount
of LDP koenkai expenditures ([yen] in millions). The robust regression
results differ little from those above. These figures are not adjusted
for inflation.
* p < .05 ** p < .01 *** p < .001.
Table 3 Types of Expenditures for LDP Members by
Candidacy Type ([yen] in millions)
Fund Party
Year and Type Koenkai Agent Branch Total
1996 Pure PR 38% 36% 26% 38.5 ($356,000)
2000 Pure PR 30% 39% 32% 60.1 ($567,000)
2003 Pure PR 23% 30% 47% 33.5 ($289,000)
1996 Dual-listed 27% 34% 39% 100.0 ($926,000)
2000 Dual-listed 23% 32% 46% 109.5 ($1.0 million)
2003 Dual-listed 20% 51% 29% 91.2 ($786,000)
1996 Pure SMD 31% 27% 42% 142.8 ($1.3 million)
2000 Pure SMD 23% 34% 43% 118.0 ($1.1 milion)
2003 Pure SMD 24% 33% 42% 147.1 ($1.3 million)
Sources: Seiji Shikin Zensho, Koho [prefectural gazette], and Kanpo
[public registrarl, various years.
Notes: The percentages reflect the amount of spending through the
koenkai, fund agent, or party branch in relation to total spending
(combined total across these categories). Koenkai include multiple
groups for each LDP member, while fund agent and party branch are
officially set at one organization per LDP member. Due to rounding,
not all of the subcategory figures total 100 percent. These figures
are not adjusted for inflation.