Paradigm shift in non-pesticidal management: a case study of POD borer management in Deccan Plateau.
Reddy, B. Suresh
Redgram is the major pulse crop grown in Zaheerabad region of
Deccan Plateau to an extent of 50,000 ha. The productivity is 137 kg/ha.
This low productivity is mainly due to the major pest attack by Gram pod
borer (Helicoverpa armigera). The extent of crop loss due to this pest
ranges from 20-80 per cent. There were no effective control measures to
manage the pest so far. The chemical sprays for control of this key pest
has resulted in resistance buildup in pest, total vanish of natural
enemies/predators, besides high residual toxicity in the end product To
control pod borer farmers of the Deccan plateau followed a series of
eco-friendly measures like deep summer ploughing, use of resistant
varieties, inter-cropping and mixed cropping, crop rotation, trap
cropping, erection of bird perches, spraying of jaggery solution,
broadcasting of puffed and yellow rice, manual collections and
destruction of larvae, shaking of plants, use of bio-pesticides by
farmers at different stages of pest growth. Hence, this study was taken
up by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) run by voluntary organization Deccan
Development Society (DDS) in Kalbemal village of Zaheerabad region to
investigate the ecological, economic, social and livelihood significance
of low external input pest management.
Food legumes or grain legumes, commonly known as pulses, occupy
particularly an important position in meeting protein needs of the
people in India. The problem of malnutrition associated with the protein
gap is closely related to the shortage of food grains. That is, if the
food grains production and supply are increased and they are made
available to the people, the problem of protein requirement can be
solved to a large extent.
Legumes play an important role in the agricultural economy of the
country. Out of total food grains coverage of 525.90 lakh ha. in 2009
pulses occupy an area of 137.07 lakh ha. with a productivity of 659
Kgs/ha. Major constraints in cultivation of pulses include poor genetic
potential; inadequate availability of quality seed; marginalsoils with
more than 85 per cent of it being grown under rainfed condition;
inadequate nutrition; pests; minimum support price and trade. Despite
these constraints and low yields (table 1), the pulse crops are
extensively cultivated for various reasons. The deep root system of some
of the pulse crops enables them to thrive with little moisture even in
the dry season. Because of its drought tolerance, pulse crops find
expression in crop mixtures. Pulses fix atmospheric nitrogen enhancing
soil fertility. Crops such as pigeon pea are adopted to harsh
environment and is particularly well suited to drought prone areas of
semi-arid tropics. Relative to other pulse crops it performs well under
marginal input conditions, a valuable asset to farmers with different
cropping strategies and objectives. It sheds large amount of leaves
adding organic matter to soil.
Pulse grains are used extensively for human consumption in a
variety of forms. In most parts of India pulses form an essential item
of the daily diet of the people. Protein being one of the important
factors supplying the building material for the body, the importance of
pulses in our diet can be easily appreciated. Redgram and Bengal gram
are the two major pulse crops grown in the dry land areas of the
country. In Andhra Pradesh too more than 78 per cent of the area is
still rainfed and the productivity is very low. It is estimated that the
country would need a minimum of 30.3 million tonnes of pulses by 2020
A.D. The per capita availability of pulses has been declined from
64g/capital/day (1955 to 1956) to less than 40g/capita/day as against
WHO recommendation of 80 gm/ capita/day. Like else where, even in
Zaheerabad region of Medak district in Deccan Plateau, Redgram and
Bengal gram are the two major pulse crops grown to an extent of 50,000
ha. and 15,000 ha. respectively. The extent of crop loss due to this
pest ranges from 20-80 per cent. Some times in serious cases it may be
complete crop failure. To combat the pest, farmers are being encouraged
to use pesticides by the private companies and till recently
agricultural extension departments. The pesticide consumption in India
has increased from 434 metric tones in 1954 to above 80,000 metric
tonnes in 2006-07. The total demand for pesticide in India may rise to
one lakh metric tones. The indiscriminate use of pesticide has created
lot of environmental problem (Economic Survey, 2008). It is alarming to
note that about 36.30 per cent of the total consumption of pesticides is
concentrated only in Andhra Pradesh. The out break of Helicoverpa
armigera in 1997 has lead to suicides of more than 250 farmers which is
due to the huge amounts of money spent on pesticides and still were
unable to control pest. The farmers entered into debt trap and found no
way of coming out of it and hence committed suicide. The indiscriminate
use of pesticides has lead to development of pesticide resistant strains
in insects, resurgence of pest species, direct toxicity to the
applicator, destruction of parasites, predators and other beneficial
organisms, accumulation of pesticide residues in the agricultural
commodities, poisoned food, water, air and soil (Sasi, 2000).
The kind of agriculture that was promoted in the last 50 years has
increased the dependence of farmers on the market for their inputs,
increased the cost of cultivation and more importantly created
ecological crisis. Major costs are incurred on pesticides. Though the
pesticides are being encouraged by the industry, public research and
extension bodies, there are successful grass roots experiences emerging
from farmers' innovations which call for a paradigm shift in pest
management. Non-pesticidal management of insect pests is a 'System
that maintains the insect populations at levels below those causing
economic injury, by having healthy crop and managing the population
dynamics in the crop eco-system'. It makes best use of natural
resources locally available and takes advantage of natural processes.
There are many alternatives available for managing pests (Kashyap, 1998
and Reddy, 1999). Even if a pest becomes hazard there are far safer
alternatives than spreading poison. Traditionally, farmers have been
using several practices to prevent the hazards of pests. Farmers of
Zaheerabad region are in the forefront of following such eco-friendly
practices without foregoing their good yields. Keeping this in view, the
DDS-Krishi Vigyan Kendra in collaboration with Centre for World
Solidarity (CWS) which is presently called as Centre for Sustainable
Agriculture (CSA) has conducted a massive campaign on this pest
management throughout Zaheerabad region from 1996 onwards through
various means with a thrust on farmer's traditional knowledge
systems. Many of the natural alternatives which are based on
farmer's traditional knowledge system are getting wiped out with
increasing modernisation. There is an urgent need to strengthen all such
wisdom. Hence, in this context the present investigation focused to
study the relationship between the pest, soil fertility, cropping
pattern and climate, describe the strategies adopted by marginal and
small farmers in the low external pest management of the redgram crop
and Investigate the ecological, economic, social and livelihood
significance of low external input pest management was taken up in the
year 2002.
Materials and Methods
The area selected for the study is a part of the vast region of the
Deccan Plateau in the South of India. But, agro-ecologically, the area
covered is Kalbemal village (Nyalkal Mandal) of the Zaheerabad region in
the Medak district of Andhra Pradesh. The Zaheerabad region is
characterised by laterite red soils as well as alluvial black soils and
because of their character host a wide variety of agricultural crops
including sorghum, a range of millets, pulses and oilseeds, all of which
grow under rainfed conditions. The diversity of this cropping system and
its capacity to grow on highly infertile soils, without demanding water
or external inputs, makes it uniquely significant for the survival of
ecologically sustainable agricultural systems. The methodology adopted
for the research was multifold and diverse according to the
peculiarities of each of these objectives. Secondary and primary data
were collected during the study. Primary data was collected through
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods and Focused Group
Discussions (FGDs). Semi-structured interviews with farmers adopting low
external input pest management (twenty) and conventional farmers (Five)
those who are using pesticides were conducted for gaining in-depth cost
benefit analysis. Secondary data was drawn from various sources like
Chief Planning Office, Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Government
Policies dealing with pesticides in Andhra Pradesh and Agriculture
Department. Personal interviews were held with other relevant
stakeholders such as Local Agricultural Officers, Development Workers
and leaders of women groups.
Results and Discussion
A close observation of the non-pesticidal management programme
implemented by the DDS-Krishi Vigyan Kendra between the year 1997 and
2002 revealed that the farmers have laid emphasis on two fundamental
aspects which are very critical in the pest management. The first one
includes enhancing soil fertility for building stronger and richer soil
which can be the first antidote to the pest attack and the second aspect
has been enhancing the biodiversity in the farms as the first defense
against insect pests. The study found that farmers had excellent
understanding of relationship between pests, soil fertility and mixed
cropping system. Along with biodiversity, soil fertility was the
fundamental principle followed in pest management. A soil with good
tilth and full range of balanced nutrients usually has the least amount
of insect and disease problems. In a mixed cropping system adopted by
farmers, an area of 1-2 acres houses on an average 15-20 varieties of
different crops altogether. Farmers display an excellent knowledge on
the relationship between their crops and the common pests and diseases
(Pionetti and Reddy, 2002, Reddy, 2010). Some times farmers grow trap
crops to protect or divert the pest and disease from the main crop. For
example Castor in Turmeric and Ginger, Marigold in Pigeon Pea. In each
crop he/she decides to grow, farmer adopts genetic mixture, with a view
of getting minimum yield through one of these varieties even during
extremely adverse climatic conditions. Farmers in dry lands have a big
pool of seed varieties in each crop. Each variety has unique qualities
like good grain yield, fodder yield, good taste, has medicinal value,
varied cooking time and ease in cooking, early or late maturing,
resistant to pest, resistant to disease, drought tolerant, easy
threshing, can with stand excess rain, can yield well even during uneven
lengths of monsoon, can do well even in marginal fertility levels.
Depending upon their need and situation, most of the farmers try to
select the varieties of each crop they grow by keeping in view most of
the above parameters (Satheesh, 2000 and Pionetti, 2005).
A farmer with small acreage specifically chooses only those
varieties, which are resistant to pests and diseases so that at least
some minimum yield is assured even during extremely adverse pest/disease
incidence. In the monocropping system, the movement of the pest or
spread of disease is easy as there is a single crop spread uniformly.
Whereas, the mixed cropping system itself acts as a physical barrier to
the movement of pests and thereby reducing the damage. Moreover, it
becomes difficult for the pest to locate its food in the mixed cropping
system. Interestingly some of the crops in mixed cropping system, will
be simultaneously source of food for natural enemies of crop pests. So
the more the variety of crops in a field, high is the population of
beneficial organisms which takes care of pest. This helps in avoiding
the use of any pesticide. In addition to these above two key principles
in pest management, the farmers of study village are following a series
of eco-friendly non-pesticidal management options, most of which are
based on farmer's traditional knowledge systems and locally
available inputs. Diverse non-pesticidal management options adopted by
the farmers include deep summer ploughing, mixed cropping, trap
cropping, bird perches, manual collection & destruction of larvae,
cow dung + urine extract, jaggery solution, chilli garlic extract, neem
seed kernel extract (NSKE), nucleo polyhydro virus (NPV), shaking of
plants. The results of the farmers who have adopted these series of
ecological options were highly encouraging. Initially the non-pesticidal
management programme started with 10 farmers in 1996 and in a span of
few years more than 10,000 farmers in the region adopt these
eco-friendly options. Several workshops covering aspects like quality
neem seed collection, role of biodiversity in pest management,
preparation of botanical pesticides, life cycle of pests, stages of
occurrence and growth of insects and role of natural enemies and their
identification etc. were organised every year before the pest attack.
Extension activities like field days, exposure visits, field visits,
wall paintings, cultural shows using local folk media and exchange of
experience between farmers were also conducted. All these activities
enabled us to learn about farmers' experiences on low external
input pest management.
As mentioned earlier thousands of farmers of the region are
directly involved in this movement covering a vast area. The
consolidation of the results from 1997 to 2002 revealed that the average
production of farmer adopting low external input pest management was in
Redgram crop was 283 kg/ha whereas for conventional farmer who used
pesticides was 208 Kg/ha. One has to remember that this crop was grown
in highly marginalised soils by the marginalised sections of the society
with whom DDS works. The average plant protection cost of farmers in
external input pest management was Rs. 150/ha. and for conventional
farmers it was Rs. 980/ha. The average net income of the farmers with
low external input pest management was 1623/ha. and for conventional
farmer it was Rs. 900/ha. In the years of severe pest outbreak, farmers
with low external input pest management have harvested 125-200 kg/ ha.
of yield. The study of table 2 gives us an overall idea about the
results of the programme in the region.
In Kalbemal village, the programme was implemented in both red soil
as well as black soil conditions. The yield of Redgram was much better
in black soil as compared to red soil due to good soil fertility, depth
and more moisture availability. The overall net income was also higher
where crop is taken in black soil. The intercropping and mixed farming
not only played an important role in increasing the net returns both in
black and red soils but also controlling the pest.
The non-pesticidal management methods which involved low external
inputs had great impact on the farmers. NPM has become a matter of faith
with the communities, improved the knowledge of farmers regarding pests,
natural enemies and expertise regarding botanical pesticides
preparations increased in the farming community. Women, specially dalits
became the leaders in the NPM of pests whom other village community is
approaching for KNOW HOW. It created a large group of master trainers in
the farming community who can play vital role in horizontal spread of
the NPM concept. This programme has reduced the dependency of the
farmers on the external inputs and mainly helped in systematising
non-chemical management of pests which the resource poor farmers of
Zaheerabad traditionally followed. Working with CWS has added a new
technological dimension and helped to improve understanding on
identification of beneficial and non beneficial insects, the stages of
occurrence and growth of insects, the points of time in which they need
to be controlled and some methods of control. It also brought some new
knowledge to control mechanisms through the use of pheromone traps and
such other novel methods and a right understanding of the stages and the
manner in which botanical pesticides to be used.
By conducting adoptive trials and various extension works, yield
gaps can be minimised in pulses (APARALU, 2005). Yield gaps in all pulse
crops can be bridged with adoptive trials in farmer's fields on
significance of sowing time, significance of spacing for better plant
population, growing of trap crops around pulse crops, significance of
crop rotation, inter cropping, multiple cropping, growing of resistant
verities, keeping pheromone traps, erecting bird perches, usage of
trichoderma to control writ. All these trials can demonstrate recent
advances in environment friendly pest management practices which can
maximise the crop yields. Through extensive training, exposure visits
and using print and electronic media awareness should be enhanced among
farmers about the importance of seed treatment with rhizobium culture
which enhances the nitrogen fixation and also knowledge regarding
varieties which are resistant to pests and diseases. Emphasising the
maintenance of optimum plant population and encouraging the farmers to
plough the land during summer to expose pests for hot sun rays are also
very important aspects to be emphasised.
Crop protection is a complex process which requires an
understanding of the interactions between the environment, methods of
farming and the predominant system of cultivation. Hence, crop
protection cannot consist of only one specific measure but requires a
suitable combination of methods depending on crop, climate and region.
Farmers have been following these series of ecological options which
were based on their own knowledge systems. In the areas where
monocropping and pesticides are used, the population of natural enemies
has drastically reduced resulting in the outbreak of even new pests,
which were secondary pests till recent past. Fortunately, the dryland
farmers even today adopts inter/mixed cropping, which not only improves
soil fertility but also checks the crop pests (Satheesh, 2000;
Butterworth et al., 2003 and Reddy 2010). All we have to do is to
encourage such practices and strengthen farmers' confidence in
their own practices. In the recent times, the spread of non-pesticidal
management or low external input pest management concept has been both
vertical and horizontal and transformed into movement in villages of
Andhra Pradesh. Using locally available, low cost inputs and traditional
knowledge, farmers are successfully managing this devastating pest
Helicoverpa with good yields and simultaneously adding to the overall
improvement of the environment. Environmentalists and majority of social
scientists feel that they have reached a stage where a policy towards
withdrawal of pesticides should be promoted through formal and informal
research as well as extension.
APARALU (2005): Lam farm Research Centre Guntur, Acharya N.G. Ranga
Agricultural University.
Butterworth, John., Adolph, Barbara., and Suresh Reddy, B. (2003):
How farmers Manage Soil Fertility: A guide to support Innovation and
Livelihoods, ITDG Publishing, London.
Economic Survey 2007-08 (2008): Government of India, Ministry of
Finance, Economic Division, NewDelhi.
Kashyap (1998): 'Farmers Innovatory Approach Towards Manging
Gram Pod Borer on Redgram', Honeybee Newsletter, Shristi,
Ahmedabad, Vol. 3.
Poinetti, Carine (2005): Sowing Autonomy: Gender and Seed Politics
in Semi-arid India, International Institute for Environment Development
(IIED), London.
Poinetti, Carine and Suresh Reddy, B. (2002): 'Farmers'
Perceptions of Crop diversity in the Deccan Plateau', SEEDLING,
Quarterly Newsletter of Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN),
Sasi K.P. (2000): When the Birds Stop Singing: A Study on the
hnpact of Pesticides, Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, Mumbai.
Satheesh, P.V. (2000): Crops of Truth: Farmers' Perception of
Agrobiodiversity in the Deccan Region of South India, Booksline,
Reddy Suresh, B. (1999): NPM-Way of Achieving Food Security, LEISA INDIA, AME, Banglore, September 1999.
Reddy Suresh, B. (2010): 'Assessment of Economic and
Ecological returns from Millet- based Bio-diverse Organic Farms
vis-a-vis Conventional Farms', CESS Monograph Series No. 8, Centre
for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad.
Reddy Suresh, B. (2010): 'Soil Fertility Managment in
Semi-Arid Regions: The Socio-Cultural, Economic and Livelihood
Dimensions of Farmers' Practices- A Case of Andhra Pradesh',
unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Dr.
B.R. Amedkar University, Hyderabad.
B. Suresh Reddy, Assistant Professor, Research Unit for Livelihoods
and Natural Resources, Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS),
N.O. Campus, Hyderabad, e-mail:
Table 1
Yield Gaps of Important Dryland Crops
Name of the Yield in (Kgs/ha) Yield in (Kgs/ha)
crop Experimental plot farmers field
Red gram 1800-2000 700-900
Green gram 1200-1400 500-600
Black gram 1400-1600 500-700
Bengal gram 1900-2400 800-1000
Horse gram 1200-1400 200-400
Soybean 1700-1900 800-1000
Castor 1200-1400 700-900
Mustard 1200-1400 300-500
Sesame 500-700 150-300
Sun flower 1000-1200 400-600
Jowar 3000-3400 1000-1200
Bajra 1900-2400 1000-1200
Ragi 2900-3900 1100-1300
Source: Agricultural almanac, Acharja N.G. Ranga Agricultural
University and District Agricultural advisory technological
transformation centre, 2009.
Table 2
Economics of Low External Input Pest Management in
Redgram with Intercrop in Black soil
Name Area Yeild in Plant
of the in ha. Quintols/ha. protection
farmer cost
Redgram Intercrop (Rs./ha.)
Jagannath 1.4 5.8 8.50 (a) 425
Mahamood 1.2 4.16 3.75 (b)
Miya 0.50 (c) 263
Maruthi 0.8 3.12 2.50 (b)
Patel 1.43 (c) 213
B.Kanthamma 1.2 3.87 2.50 (c)
1.25 (+) 350
M.Chandranna 0.6 5.83 6.66 (a) 288
Beerappa 0.8 5.00 1.87 (c) 375
Mustari 0.6 6.66 154
Manik Rao 1.6 5.31 5.00 (a) 269
Shankar 0.4 3.00 1.87 (b) 150
B. Tukaram 2.8 2.85 0.35 (a)
1.42 (b)
0.21 (c)
0.14 (d) 163
Name Total Gross Net
of the cost of Income Income
farmer Cultivation (Rs./ (Rs./
(Rs./ha.) ha.) ha.)
Jagannath 5361 13220 7859
Miya 3468 11558 8090
Patel 2280 10069 7789
4798 11050 6252
M.Chandranna 1981 12166 10185
Beerappa 3265 94378 6172
Mustari 2271 9333 7062
Manik Rao 4423 9906. 5484
Shankar 2208 7200 4992
B. Tukaram
2445 6685 4240
Source: Field study
Note: (a) = Jowar, (b) = Greengram, (c) = Blackgram; (d) = Niger,
* = Bajra; (+) = Field bean
Table 3
Economics of Conventional Farmers (control plots) in Redgram
Name Area Yeild in Plant
of the in ha. Quintols/ha. protection
farmer cost
Redgram Intercrop (Rs./ha.)
D. Laxmi 0.4 0.625 2.50 (a)
0.75 *
0.87 (d) 563
Khajamiya 0.4 2.12 1.50 (a)
0.87 * 937
Subhash Patel 0.4 2.87 2.50 (a) 1062
Saibanna 0.4 3.75 3.00 (b) 998
Mogulappa 0.4 1.5 4.37 (a) 1063
Name Total Gross Net
of the cost of Income Income
farmer Cultivation (Rs./ (Rs./
(Rs./ha.) ha.) ha.)
D. Laxmi
3165 4300 1135
2975 4400 1425
Subhash Patel 4357.5 5775 1418
Saibanna 6342.5 9150 2807
Mogulappa 3265 4725 1460
Source: Field study
Note: (a) = Jowar, (b) = Greengram, (c) = Blackgram; (d) = Niger,
* = Bajra; (+) = Field bean
Table 4
Economics of Low External Input Pest Management of
Redgram with Intercrop in Red soil
Name Area Yeild in Plant
of the in ha. Quintols/ha. protection
farmer cost
Redgram Intercrop (Rs./ha.)
P. Siddiram 0.4 1.10 3.75 (a) 125
D. Shivappa 1.2 1.30 0.93 (a)
0.72 (b) 163
Ashappa 2.8 2.00 0.89 (c)
4.28 (a) 225
N. Rangamma 0.8 1.25 5.00 (a) 175
P. Subhash 0.4 1.62 5.00 (a) 150
K. Jettappa 0.4 3.25 2.50 (a) 138
R. Ismail 0.6 0.83 3.33 * 130
N. Radhamma 0.8 0.93 2.50 (a) 150
Jothappa 0.8 2.00 0.62 (a) 125
Balwanthi 1.4 1.42 0.71 (b)
0.36 (c)
3.57 (a)
0.60 (+) 343
Name Total Gross Net
of the cost of Income Income
farmer Cultivation (Rs./ (Rs./
(Rs./ha.) ha.) ha.)
P. Siddiram 1235 4700 3465
D. Shivappa
1608 4190 2582
1612 6785 5173
N. Rangamma 1733 4750 3017
P. Subhash 725 5775 5050
K. Jettappa 625 6300 5675
R. Ismail 687 3875 3188
N. Radhamma 420 2812 2392
Jothappa 1958 3238 1280
3755 6405 2650
Source: Field study
Note: (a) = Jowar, (b) = Greengram, (c) = Blackgram; (d) = Niger,
* = Bajra; (+) = Field bean