Presidential incentives, bureaucratic control, and party building in the Republican Era.
Rogowski, Jon C.
Scholars dating back at least to Neustadt (1960) have distinguished
modern presidents from their predecessors. According to Rossiter (1960,
106), the crises posed by two world wars and the Great Depression
combined with public demand for energetic leadership to provide the
presidency with greater influence over the nation's affairs than
ever before. Though scholars disagree somewhat on exactly when the
modern presidency was born, considerable research reflects
Greenstein's (1982, 3) observation that "the transformation of
the office has been so profound that the modern presidencies have more
in common with one another in the opportunities they provide and the
demands they place on their incumbents than they have with the entire
sweep of traditional presidencies from Washington to Hoover."
Focusing on modern presidents, scholars have made great headway in
understanding a range of presidential behaviors, including exercising
veto powers (e.g., Cameron 2000) and unilateral prerogatives (e.g.,
Howell 2003; Lowande 2014), capitalizing on expertise (e.g., Howell,
Jackman, and Rogowski 2013), appealing to the public (e.g., Canes-Wrone
2006), managing executive departments (e.g., Rudalevige 2002), and
centralizing and politicizing bureaucratic structures (e.g., Moe 1985).
It is not immediately clear, however, whether the insights from the
rich theoretical and empirical literature rooted in the study of the
modern presidency transfer to the study of presidents who served in
earlier years and who were likely to have quite different incentive
structures. Enhancing our knowledge about how earlier presidents
affected the nation's policy making is consequential not simply
because our understanding of the historical presidency is not as richly
detailed as it could be. Historical studies provide important
opportunities for revealing changes in the office over time and
exploring how these changes affected the relationships between the
presidency and the other branches of government, and answering these
questions has important implications for research programs on political
institutions more generally. Important contributions from existing
scholarship (e.g., Cohen 1988, 2012; Ellis and Wildavsky 1989; McCarty
2009; Skowronek 1993) underscore the value of probing presidential
history to better understand the development of the office and its
consequences for American government.
In this article I explore how late- nineteenth-century
presidents' incentives as party leaders affected the operation of
the administrative state. I contend that Republican-era presidents were
driven largely by their desire to build and support the party apparatus
and that their control over appointments and patronage well positioned
them to do so. Using data on the county-level distribution of post
offices between 1876 and 1896, I report evidence that the
president's strongest geographic bases of support were
disproportionate recipients of federal post offices. In a period of
decentralized party structures, these findings suggest that presidents
used federal resources such as post offices--and the patronage positions
they created--to reward their core constituencies and further their
party's goals. Importantly, the results also reveal that presidents
appeared to be successful in using the bureaucracy to meet these goals.
Consistent with research that calls into question periodization schemes
that distinguish modern presidents from their predecessors (Adler 2013;
Ellis and Walker 2007; Galvin and Shogan 2004; Klinghard 2005, 2010;
Skowronek 1993, 2002; Young 2011), the findings presented in this
article suggest that nineteenth-century presidents were more central in
directing government activity than is generally recognized, though their
efforts may have been in service of different goals.
The Presidency in the Republican Era
The advent of the modern presidency is widely believed to have
marked a turning point in American politics. The Progressive vision of
the president whose power was derived directly from the people began to
take shape in the late nineteenth century, gained steam with
Wilson's (1905) articulation in Constitutional Government, and,
according to proponents of the modern presidency thesis, had been fully
realized by the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt. Lowi (1986, vii)
argued that this transformation of the office was tantamount to the
founding of a "Second Republic" in which the country entered
"an entirely new constitutional epoch." A large body of
scholarship details how the public demands of, and authority provided
to, modern presidents paved the way for increasing the president's
advantages relative to other political actors through, for instance, the
institutionalization of the office of the presidency (Moe and Wilson
1994) and the increased use of unilateral prerogatives (Moe and Howell
The modern presidency paradigm thus rests on the claim that earlier
presidents enjoyed no such advantages. Prior to what Skowronek (2002,
748) termed the "big-bang transformation of the presidency,"
presidents are believed to have been relatively powerless and
ineffectual at guiding government policies. The vigor and leadership
displayed by Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, and Abraham Lincoln are
viewed as the exceptions rather than the norms. Though scholars disagree
about when exactly the modern presidency was forged (for a range of
opinions, see, e.g., Klinghard 2005; Lowi 1986; Tubs 1987), this
development is widely believed to have represented a sharp break with
the past.
Existing accounts do not allow much room for nineteenth-century
presidents to have affected the operations of the administrative state.
During this period, "national political power was vested chiefly in
Congress and not in the presidency" (De Santis 1963, 556). After
all, the presidents of this era--Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes,
James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, and
Cleveland again--functioned mostly as clerks of the administrative state
and stand in contrast to contemporary characterizations of a strong,
individualistic presidency. Skowronek (1993, 54) classified the period
from 1832 to 1900 as a Partisan era in which presidents were
"unabashed representatives of their party organization." The
clerical nature of the presidency left Lord James Bryce ([1888) 1995)
mostly unimpressed and prompted him to entitle a chapter of his book
"Why Great Men Are Not Chosen President." Studies of media
coverage in the nineteenth century further suggest that presidents were
not especially salient news figures. For instance, Kernell and Jacobson
(1987) show that newspaper coverage of national politics during this
time period focused far more on Congress than it did on presidents; to
the extent that presidents were the focus of news stories, the media
coverage usually emphasized the importance of presidential elections.
Presidents, Patronage, and Party Building in the Republican Era
Understanding the extent to which presidents directed governmental
behavior in earlier periods, however, requires specifying exactly what
presidents hoped to accomplish. Modern presidents are likely motivated
by different incentive structures compared with their predecessors.
According to Moe and Wilson (1994), presidents in the modern era are
fundamentally concerned with being regarded as strong leaders. This
incentive leads presidents to seek autonomy in political decision making
wherever it is possible. But presidents in earlier eras were not likely
driven by the same motivations. Instead, nineteenth-century presidents
were charged chiefly with brokering a national coalition of local party
organizations, and patronage appointments were the currency of
presidential power (Skowronek 1993; see also Galvin 2014). Above all
else, presidents were expected to further their party's goals and
contribute to party development (James 2000, 2005, 2006). Indeed,
nineteenth-century parties complained loudly when they believed the
president did not provide sufficient support for the party program. For
instance, just several months into his term, party insiders accused
Hayes of "a lack of devotion to the interests of his party"
(Stoddard 1889, 77), possibly as a means to secure greater compliance
from Hayes with party goals.
The incentives to serve the party likely led presidents to pursue
strategies in their administration that would reward and support their
party strongholds. Unquestionably, the most important tool at the
president's disposal was patronage. Indeed, the dispensing of
patronage accords quite well with what presidents engaged in
party-building activities would be expected to do. In his study of
presidential party building, Galvin (2010, 5) defines presidential party
building as efforts "to enhance the party's capacity to
provide campaign services; develop human capital; recruit candidates;
mobilize voters; finance party operations; and support internal
activities. By creating positions that state and local party
organizations could use to recruit party members and reward the party
faithful, the distribution of patronage would have easily accomplished
most if not all of these goals.
I examine how a president's partisan incentives affected the
establishment of local post offices and the valuable patronage positions
that accompanied them. The Postmaster General's Office was formally
responsible for designating new post offices, which created new
postmaster positions over which presidents had sole appointment
authority. According to Johnson and Libecap (1994, 104), "the
President was the key figure in the allocation of patronage, and the
party that controlled the White House essentially controlled the
allocation of patronage." If executive patronage was the currency
of presidential power in this period, no arm of the national government
afforded the president with greater power than the Post Office
Department, as local postmaster positions were prized by both local
parties and prospective officeholders and the post office was the
largest federal employer. For instance, Kernell and McDonald (1999)
report that members of Congress spent vast amounts of time meeting with
prospective local postmasters, on whose behalf legislators often lobbied
the president and the postmaster general.
However, though the president appointed the postmaster general
(along with other cabinet officials) with the consent of the Senate,
existing research leaves open the question of whether nineteenth-century
bureaucracies were responsive to the president. In fact, Woodrow Wilson
(1885, 177) pointedly declared that bureaucratic officials were
subservient to Congress: "[M]embers of the Cabinet, being confined
to executive functions, are altogether the servants of Congress.
Biographical accounts of postmasters general during this time period,
however, suggested that presidents granted broad autonomy to them to run
the department as they saw fit (e.g., Calhoun 1988). Recent work by
Mashaw (2012) argued that while appointment and removal powers provided
presidents with broad control over executive branch agencies, this
authority did not enable presidents to direct all administrative
activities. Thus, presidential success in achieving their partisan goals
depended upon the degree to which they influenced administrative
The Nineteenth-Century Post Office
The post office was one of the earliest indicators of the American
state, and its role in American society has been widely celebrated by
both contemporaries and historians. As early as 1833, Supreme Court
Justice Joseph Story (1833, 3:306) proclaimed the importance of the post
The post-office establishment has already become one of the most
beneficent, and useful establishments under the national
government. It circulates intelligence of a commercial, political,
intellectual, and private nature, with incredible speed and
regularity. It thus administers, in a very high degree, to the
comfort, the interests, and the necessities of persons, in every
rank and station of life. It brings the most distant places and
persons, as it were, in contact with each other; and thus softens
the anxieties, increases the enjoyments, and cheers the solitude of
millions of hearts. It imparts a new influence and impulse to
private intercourse; and, by a wider diffusion of knowledge,
enables political rights and duties to be performed with more
uniformity and sound judgment ... Thus, its influences have become,
in a public, as well as private view, of incalculable value to the
permanent interests of the Union.
Historians and scholars of American political development have
emphasized the importance of local post offices for connecting
communities and contributing to nationalization (e.g., Carpenter 2001;
Fuller 2003; John 1995; Mashaw 2012). In the era of state building, the
post office stood out as one of the only signs of the federal government
in local communities.
Political parties were likely to have placed great value on post
offices for reasons that extended beyond patronage. As Fowler (1943,
146) wrote, postal workers devoted much of their time to party work,
rather than to postal activities. For instance, upon assuming the
presidency, Cleveland complained that Republicans used their vast
network of local postmasters for electioneering purposes. Perhaps in
validation of Cleveland s complaint, Kernell and McDonald (1999, 796)
observed that local postmasters often inserted campaign literature into
local residents' mail. Thus, by using post offices as informal
bases of local operations, post offices would have been valuable hubs
for partisan activity.
Based on the discussion above, I hypothesize that presidents would
have had the strongest incentives to distribute post offices to their
core partisan constituencies. In doing so, presidents could largely
ensure that the post office would be controlled and staffed by their
co-partisans and thus supply the local party with patronage appointments
over which they could wield influence. This expectation contrasts with
what we might expect from presidents who were chiefly concerned with
electoral matters in which presidents may have perceived incentives to
shore up political support by distributing post offices to swing or
marginal constituencies. For instance, Kriner and Reeves (2015) show
that federal grants in the contemporary era are disproportionately
awarded both to a president s strongest partisan supporters as well as
electorally important swing states. Moreover, this expectation also
suggests that presidential incentives generated distinct patterns of
nineteenth-century state building in which resources such as post
offices were disproportionately awarded based on explicitly political
concerns and in ways that reflected the president's partisan
Data and Methods
My exploration of presidential influence over the establishment of
post offices builds upon recent research on the influence of the
president over the distribution of federal resources (Berry, Burden, and
Howell 2010; Dynes and Huber 2015; Kriner and Reeves 2015). I test the
hypotheses outlined above using data I collected on the distribution of
federal post offices from 1876 to 1896. These data were collected from
the United States Official Postal Guide (the Guide), published annually
(with monthly supplements) from 1874 to 1954. The Guide included a
complete listing of post office locations by county and state or
territory. These data were collected for even years, with two
exceptions: because I could not locate Guides for 1884 or 1888,1 used
information from Guides published in January 1885 and January 1889,
respectively, in their place. (1) Given the availability of the Guide,
the post-Reconstruction era is a nearly ideal time period to study the
distribution of post offices. Free mail delivery to larger cities began
in 1863, and by the time rural free delivery was initiated in 1896,
additional post offices were no longer needed to continue the expansion
of postal operations. (2)
Figure 1 shows the county-level distribution of post offices in
1876, 1886, and 1896.3 The median county had 16 post offices, and the
average was just over 20. However, the maps also indicate that the
variance was quite high, as post offices were not distributed evenly
across the country. Every county had at least one post office, but the
distribution was heavily skewed. As one might expect, the concentration
of post offices was greatest in the Northeast, and the number of post
offices increased substantially over time across the South and West. The
distribution of post offices also varied widely within states. For
instance, Douglas County, Wisconsin, in the northwest corner of the
state, had considerably more post offices than the more densely
populated counties around Madison, the state capital, and Milwaukee.
Indeed, the distribution of post offices correlated only weakly with
population. In 1896, for example, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (home
of Pittsburgh) had a population of just under 700,000, and 181 post
offices. In contrast, the city of St. Louis, Missouri, had a population
of 525,000 in the same year, but only 20 post offices. Thus, the high
variation in the number of post offices across time, states, and
counties suggest that political factors could have been an important
determinant in their distribution.
The hypotheses outlined above concern how electoral and partisan
context influenced the distribution of post offices. The party-building
hypothesis predicts that post offices were distributed to the states
that provided the president with the greatest support in the most recent
election. The electoral hypothesis predicts that post offices were
disproportionately targeted toward counties in swing states, as support
from these states would have been most critical for the president's
reelection chances and for ensuring his party's success in the next
national election. If post offices were distributed universally,
however, a state's support for the president in the previous
election should not be related to the number of post offices in that
state's counties. I assessed these hypotheses by coding states on
the basis of their support for the president in the most recent
election. Following Kriner and Reeves (2015), states won by the
president by more than 10 percentage points were labeled core states,
and states where the margin of victory was 10 percentage points or less
were coded as swing states. Thus, the omitted category comprises states
where the president lost by more than 10 percentage points and
represents hostile states.
Figure 2 displays a preliminary assessment of these hypotheses. For
each year, the height of the bars displays the average number of post
offices in counties located in core, swing, and hostile states. Several
key patterns are apparent in the figure. First, consistent with the data
presented in Figure 1, the average number of county-level post offices
increased steadily over this time period. More interestingly, however,
the distribution of post offices appeared to differ considerably based
on electoral and partisan context. In each year, counties located in
swing states had considerably greater numbers of post offices than
counties in hostile states. These differences were not insubstantial.
For instance, in 1876, the average county in states that strongly
opposed Grant in the 1872 elections had 8.5 post offices, compared with
an average of 16.4 post offices in counties located in states where
Grant narrowly won or lost. Similarly, in 1892, counties located in
states that had strongly backed Cleveland in the 1888 election rather
than the victor, Harrison, had an average of 16.3 post offices, while
states that had been closely contested in 1888 had an average of 30 post
offices per county.
Figure 2 also indicates that states that strongly supported the
president were generally advantaged relative to states that strongly
opposed the president. In 9 of the 11 years, counties located in core
states had greater numbers of post offices than counties in hostile
states. Finally, in every year except 1876, counties in swing states
also had considerably larger numbers of post offices than counties in
core states. Thus, the descriptive statistics suggest that a
state's partisan and electoral context was associated with the post
offices distributed among its counties.
However, the raw data, while informative, cannot definitively test
the hypotheses outlined above because of the many other county-, state-,
and year-specific factors that may also influence the distribution of
post offices. Thus, following other research on the distribution of
federal resources (Berry, Burden, and Howell 2010; Dynes and Huber 2015;
Kriner and Reeves 2015), 1 regress the county-level number of post
offices on the indicators for the state partisan and electoral context.
Because the distribution of post offices is highly skewed, I use the
logged number of post offices as the dependent variable. I also include
both county and year fixed effects in these models. County fixed effects
control for all time-invariant county characteristics that may also be
associated with the distribution of post offices, while the year fixed
effects adjust for differences in the allocation of post offices across
years. I also control for county population density (measured in
hundreds per square mile), as increased density (as a result of
population growth) is also likely to affect the allocation of post
offices. (4) All standard errors were clustered by county.
I also estimated models that include a variety of control variables
that may also affect the distribution of post offices. In particular,
previous research suggests that certain members of Congress are better
positioned than others to secure distributive resources. (5) Because the
distribution of post offices could have been influenced by a
legislator's partisan alignment with key government actors, I
included indicators for whether a county's House member was a
member of the House majority party (e.g., Cox and McCubbins 2005) or was
a co-partisan of the president (e.g., Berry, Burden, and Howell 2010).
Other research emphasizes the importance of membership on key
congressional committees (Deering and Smith 1997; Ferejohn 1974; Shepsle
and Weingast 1987). Thus, because both the Appropriations and Post
Office and Post Roads Committees played key roles in affecting post
office policies and priorities, I included indicators for whether a
county's congressional representative served on these committees.
(6) At the outset, however, I point out that the inclusion of these
additional covariates reduces the number of observations that are
included in the regression models, as counties that are split between
multiple congressional districts or located in states served exclusively
by at-large congressional districts cannot be directly mapped to a
specific legislator. Fortunately, however, these counties constituted a
relatively small fraction of the data set and were located mostly in
urban areas.
The results of these regression models are shown in Table 1. Column
(1) displays the coefficient estimates when the logged number of post
offices is regressed on the indicators for core and swing states and
population density. The coefficient for core state is positive and
statistically significant and indicates that counties located in core
states received about 8.6% more post offices than counties located in
hostile states. Given that the average number of post offices per county
was approximately 20, this translates into an average difference of
nearly 2 post offices. Aggregated to the state level, this result
suggests that providing political support to the president was a
significant boon to state parties who sought to use post offices and the
attendant patronage positions to reward faithful party operatives and
local supporters.
At the same time, the results in column (1) provide no support for
the hypothesis that counties in swing states were disproportionate
recipients of post offices. In fact, perhaps surprisingly, the
coefficient for swing states is negative and statistically significant
(- 0.025), indicating that counties in swing states received fewer post
offices than counties in both hostile and core states. While I am
somewhat reluctant to make too much of the negative coefficient, the
data clearly provide no evidence that post offices were systematically
directed toward counties in the most competitive states. Finally, the
coefficient for population density also indicates that increases in
density were associated with receiving greater numbers of post offices.
The results in column (2) largely corroborate these findings when
the additional control variables are included. The coefficient for core
state is again positive and statistically significant, indicating that
counties in states that strongly supported the president received about
6.4% more post offices than counties in hostile states. The coefficient
for swing states, however, again provides no evidence that post offices
were targeted to states in an effort to shore up their support in the
next election.
The results from these regression models provide strong support for
the party-building hypothesis. Counties in states that supported the
president at high levels, and thus were likely to have strong party
organizations, received substantially more post offices than counties
located in states that granted strong support for the president's
opponent. The data provide no support for the electoral hypothesis,
however. While post offices were disproportionately targeted to counties
in states that had previously provided strong support for the president,
counties in the most competitive states received no such advantage.
Thus, the results presented here suggest that presidents used their
positions to both reward and strengthen the party organizations that had
been the core of their electoral coalitions.
Recipients of Presidential Targeting
Presidents interested in advantaging their party operations were
unlikely to distribute post offices uniformly within states. Instead,
presidents committed to party building were likely to distribute post
offices to the areas that provided the strongest bases of support. Thus,
post offices were likely to be targeted in ways that reflected the
provision of electoral support within states. In particular, within core
states, counties that provided the highest levels of support were likely
to be prime targets for post offices.
To assess this hypothesis, I identified a core county as one that
provided the president with a margin of victory greater than 10
percentage points in the most recent election. I then interacted this
variable with the core state indicator. The interaction term thus allows
the relationship between core county and the provision of post offices
to vary based on whether the core county was located in a core state. If
presidents targeted post offices to help build their party, I expect
that they directed post offices not only to counties in states that
strongly supported them, but also to the counties that provided the
greatest support within core states. To assess this hypothesis, I
estimated the models shown in Table 1 and included these additional
The results are shown in Table 2. Consistent with the results in
Table 1, the coefficients in both columns (1) and (2) show that counties
in core states receive larger numbers of post offices than counties in
other states. The results also suggest that core counties received more
post offices than other counties, though the coefficient falls short of
standard levels of statistical significance in column (2). More
importantly, however, the coefficient for the interaction between core
state and core county is positive and statistically significant,
indicating that within states that were strong supporters of the
president, counties that provided the strongest bases of support were
disproportionate recipients of federal post offices.
Figure 3 graphically displays these differences. Using the
estimates from column (2) of Table 2, the plotted points show the
percentage point difference in the number of post offices distributed to
counties in core states, compared with counties in swing states and
hostile states. Positive values along the x-axis indicate that greater
numbers of post offices were distributed to counties in core states. The
horizontal lines are the 95% confidence intervals associated with these
differences. The dashed vertical line at zero indicates where these
plotted points would fall if there were no differences in the
distribution of post offices based on whether a county was located in a
core, swing, or hostile state.
The solid circles display the percentage point advantage in the
number of post offices received by noncore counties in core states.
Noncore counties in core states received 7.7% additional post offices
compared with counties in swing states and 5.9% additional post offices
compared with counties in hostile states. These differences are
themselves statistically distinguishable at p < .04. The advantages
were even larger for core counties in core states, which received 10.1%
more post offices relative to counties in swing states and 8.3% more
post offices than counties in hostile states. Thus, within core states,
core counties received an average of 2.4% more post offices than noncore
counties (p < .01).
The results presented here suggest that federal resources, such as
post offices, were concentrated within nineteenth-century
presidents' strongest partisan constituencies. Rather than use
federal resources to curry favor with electorally valuable states, as
contemporary presidents are found to do (Kriner and Reeves 2013), the
evidence suggests that nineteenth-century presidents saw incentives to
disproportionately distribute post offices within states that provided
the presidents' largest bases of support. These findings indicate
that presidents have long occupied valuable positions as head of the
executive branch and that they used this position to achieve key
Discussion and Conclusion
Understanding how political actors wield influence in the
separation of powers system requires examining their incentives and
capacities for acting upon them. In studying historical phenomena,
however, we must be attentive to whether incentive structures and
institutional capacities transfer seamlessly across time. In the case of
the presidency, this would seem to be a particular concern. In this
article, I have attempted to sketch some potential motivations for
presidential behavior prior to the modern era and present some
preliminary evidence to assess whether the data are consistent with what
those incentives may have led presidents to do. In so doing, the article
paints a portrait of a nineteenth-century presidency largely motivated
to dispense the perquisites of office to core partisan supporters, both
as rewards for loyal support and as contributions toward party-building
The results presented here suggest that presidential influence over
government activity is not confined to the modern presidency and that
presidents in earlier eras were likely motivated by different factors
than contemporary presidents. While incentives to display leadership
(Moe and Wilson 1994) and consolidate power (Howell 2013) may indeed
undergird the behavior of modern presidents, presidents in earlier eras
were largely motivated by partisan goals. These different sets of
incentives complicate efforts to compare presidential influence over
time. Presidents who served in earlier eras may not have been as
influential as later presidents, simply because they were not expected
to be, but instead sought to use the office in the service of building
and maintaining their party s organization and coalition. As the
findings in this article suggest, moreover, presidents appeared to be
influential in directing bureaucratic activity well before the modern
era. Thus, periodization schemes that conflate changing incentive
structures with changes in the president's institutional capacities
risk missing an important part of the story.
While the findings shown in this article are of some interest on
their own, the argument and evidence presented here need to be extended.
In canvassing the breadth of U.S. history, when were presidents
relatively more successful in accomplishing their goals, and when did
they fail? How did these patterns of success and failure vary with other
features of the institutional environment such as majority party control
of Congress, bureaucratic design, and changing electoral institutions?
How did institutional changes in the executive branch, such as civil
service protections and the creation of units such as the Executive
Office of the President, affect the president's ability to direct
government affairs?
These questions--all of which concern core components of research
programs on political institutions--can be studied by more thoroughly
integrating political history with approaches used to study contemporary
institutions. Scholars such as Adler (2013), Ellis and Walker (2007),
Galvin and Shogan (2004), and Klinghard (2005, 2010) have provided rich
and nuanced accounts of presidential behavior in earlier points in
history, while the evidence in support of theories about presidential
action in the modern era tends to be largely quantitative in nature
(e.g., Berry, Burden, and Howell 2010; Cameron 2000; Canes-Wrone 2006;
Howell 2003; Howell, Jackman, and Rogowski 2013; Kriner and Reeves 2015;
Lowande 2014). Following the approaches described by Wawro and
Katznelson (2014), scholarship on the presidency could be meaningfully
advanced by combining detailed, historical knowledge with quantitative
approaches designed specifically to explore how institutional changes
affected political outcomes of interest. Recent scholarship by McCarty
(2009), who shows how changing presidential incentives in the earlier
nineteenth century affected the issuance of vetoes, and Cohen (2012),
who shows how presidential agenda setting evolved over the course of
U.S. history, illustrate the advantages of such an approach. In so
doing, the field promises to make great progress in understanding not
only how presidents act in service of their goals within our political
system, but also, following Skowronek's (1993) call, how presidents
attempt to change the system itself and transform our politics.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The data used in this project relied on the hard
work of Chris Gibson, Alex Bluestone, Michael Byrne, Madelyn Josel,
Sophie Schuit, and Joe Sutherland. The Department of Political Science,
the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Office of Undergraduate
Research at Washington University in St. Louis provided generous
funding. I thank Richard Ellis for helpful suggestions on an earlier
version of the manuscript and Cameron Blevins, Will Howell, Richard
John, Doug Kriner, Terry Moe, John Patty, and Andrew Reeves for
stimulating discussions about the ideas presented in this paper.
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(1.) In addition, the only Guide published in 1876 that could be
located was missing the first page of entries, and thus data for about
half the counties in Alabama are missing for that year.
(2.) For instance, Carpenter (2000, 140) notes that the number of
post office locations peaked at 76,945 in 1901, and then reduced
considerably to 59,580 by 1910, as the expansion of delivery routes led
to the closing or consolidation of existing post office locations
(Kernell and McDonald 1999).
(3.) Some caution is warranted in overinterpreting these maps,
which were constructed using contemporary county borders. County names
and borders in the West, and particularly in then-territories, changed
during the time period under investigation and may have also changed
since that time. Though data on the distribution of post offices were
collected for all counties in all states and territories, some counties
do not have clear contemporary analogs, particularly in territories that
were settled over this time period such as Oklahoma, New Mexico, and
(4.) Data on county population density were obtained from
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
study #2896, "Historical, Demographic, Economic, and Social Data:
The United States, 1790-2002."
(5.) Sources for these data include David Canon, Garrison Nelson,
and Charles Stewart, "Historical Congressional Standing Committees,
1st to 79th Congresses, 1789-1947"; ICPSR study #3371,
"Database of [United States] Congressional Historical Statistics,
1789-1989"; and ICPSR study #8611, "Electoral Data for
Counties in the United States: Presidential and Congressional Races,
(6.) The Appropriations Committee handled appropriations for the
Post Office Department until 1885, at which point jurisdiction was
transferred to the Post Office and Post Roads Committee (see Schickler
and Sides 2000; Stewart 1989, chap. 3). The Post Office and Post Roads
Committee was solely responsible for legislation related to the
designation of post roads.
Jon C. Rogowski is an assistant professor of political science at
Washington University in St. Louis. His research interests include
political institutions, policy making, and public opinion, and he is
coauthor of The Wartime President: Executive Influence and the
Nationalizing Politics of Threat, which won the 2014 William H. Riker
Award for the best book in political economy from the Political Economy
Section of the American Political Science Association.
State Electoral Context and the Targeting of Post Offices, 1876-96
(1) (2)
Core state 0.086 ** (0.005) 0.064 ** (0.006)
Swing state -0.025 ** (0.007) -0.040 ** (0.007)
Population density 0.030 ** (0.007) 0.108 ** (0.033)
(100s per square mile)
Intercept 2.422 ** (0.008) 2.477 ** (0.013)
N (observations) 26,477 22,334
N (units) 2,539 2,388
Controls No Yes
** indicates p < .05 and * indicates p < .10, two-tailed
tests. The dependent variable is the logged number of post
offices in even years, 1876-96. Entries are linear
regression coefficients with standard errors clustered on
county shown in parentheses. County and year fixed effects
were also included. Control variables include indicators for
whether a county's House member was a member of the House
majority party, a co-partisan of the president, served on
the House Appropriations Committee, or served on the House
Post Office and Post Roads Committee.
Electoral Context and the Targeting Post Offices within
States, 1876-96
(1) (2)
Core state 0.075 ** (0.008) 0.059 ** (0.009)
Swing state -0.002 (0.008) -0.018 ** (0.008)
Core county 0.008 * (0.005) 0.005 (0.005)
Core state x Core county 0.027 ** (0.011) 0.020 * (0.010)
Population density 0.033 * (0.009) 0.134 ** (0.032)
(100s per square mile)
Intercept 2.536 * (0.007) 2.549 ** (0.013)
N (observations) 23,222 20,205
N (units) 2,536 2,386
Controls No Yes
** indicates p < .05 and * indicates p < .10, two-tailed
tests. The dependent variable is the logged number of post
offices in even years, 1876-96. Entries are linear
regression coefficients with standard errors clustered on
county shown in parentheses. County and year fixed effects
were also included.
Control variables include indicators for whether a county's
House member was a member of the House majority party, a
co-partisan of the president, served on the House
Appropriations Committee, or served on the House Post Office
and Post Roads Committee.