"Until Next Week": the Saturday radio addresses of Ronald Reagan. (Articles).
Rowland, Robert C. ; Jones, John M.
There are two competing camps concerning the rhetorical legacy of
Ronald Reagan. The dominant interpretation in the media and also among
academic scholars is that Reagan was a skillful presenter of other
people's speeches, a master at using often maudlin stories to
oversimplify complex issues in support of an extremely conservative
agenda (Schaller 1992, 51; Schieffer and Gates 1989, 177-80; Edel 1992,
264, 267, 268, 279). Revisionists argue in contrast that Reagan's
rhetoric was quite substantive, that it skillfully mixed together
various themes to appeal to the widest possible audience, and that
Reagan himself played a key role in the creation of his rhetoric. Some
revisionists also argue that in his rhetoric at least, Reagan took far
more moderate positions than has been recognized. In this article, we
use an analysis of the 330 brief radio addresses that Reagan delivered
every Saturday for more than seven years of his presidency to support
the revisionist interpretation.
Reagan's Rhetorical Legacy
The dominant interpretation of Reagan's rhetoric among both
academics and the media has been to treat Reagan as simply a skillful
announcer for the conservative cause. In this view, Reagan mouthed an
essentially unsubstantive rhetoric, focusing on happy narratives about
the greatness of America to support an extremely conservative political
agenda (Lewis 1987; Weiler and Pearce 1992; Erickson 1985; Leyh 1986;
Johnson 1991). Advocates of this perspective can be quite harsh in their
assessment. For example, Richard Pious argued that for Reagan,
"personalities became more important than issues; metaphor,
analogy, and storytelling become more important than inconvenient facts;
emotion displaced reason in political argumentation" (1991, 507).
In a review of Edmund Morris's biography of Reagan, Steven R.
Weisman referred to Reagan's "habitual denials of
reality" and "eccentric standard of belief" as if these
positions were universally accepted (1999, 7). In addition, those who
uphold what might be labeled the conventional wisdom concerning Ronald
Reagan treat him as either captured by or a representative of the most
conservative wing of the Republican party. In this view, Reagan's
views were essentially indistinguishable from far-right politicians of
the late nineties and the early years of the twenty-first century such
as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Dan Quayle, and so forth. Put most
simply, the conventional wisdom is that Reagan's legacy could be
summarized as extreme conservatism, showmanship, and a rhetorical
practice empty of serious ideas.
The competing revisionist view of Reagan is quite different.
Advocates of this perspective argue that Reagan was not an empty suit,
that he was in fact the primary author of the core ideological positions
of his administration. Revisionists also argue that Reagan was an
adaptable rhetorician, not the simplistic teller of false stories
depicted in the work of many who take the dominant perspective (Busch
1997; Hoekstra 1997; Hantz 1996; Mervin 1989; Sloan 1999; Darman 1996;
Noonan 1990). Some revisionists go so far as to argue that Reagan
himself was a skilled wordsmith and one of his most effective
speechwriters (Satire 2000, 38; Skinner, Anderson, and Anderson 2001;
Medhurst 1998; Schultz 1993).
Some but by no means all of the revisionists also argue that Reagan
was not a far-right extremist. Rather, in their view, he supported his
agenda by assuming the role of a practical reformer who wanted to rein
in excesses in Washington and often took moderate and even progressive
positions. For instance, Gary Woodward noted surprising parallels
between Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt, including "their
attitudes ... that government can act in predictable and decisive
ways" (1983, 54) to improve the nation. Woodward particularly
emphasized Reagan's use of the phrase, "there's nothing
wrong with America that together we can't fix"; and he added
that "this liberal article of faith was preached many times along
the campaign trail, leaving conservative thinkers such as George Will with the conclusion that Americans today are more conservative than
Reagan" (ibid.). Thomas Preston noted that while Reagan disparaged
"government" as the culprit responsible for America's
economic problems, his disdain for government ceased when it came to
matters of national defense:
In passages pertaining to defense, the terms "waste" and "inefficiency"
disappeared entirely from association with government expenditure. Although
the term "government" did not appear in these passages, government
expenditure was advanced as a cure for America's weakness and was suddenly
no longer at the sufferance of the American taxpayer. (1984, 207)
In Preston's view, Reagan wanted to cut domestic programs that
he thought were wasteful or counterproductive but was not inherently
antigovernment. Similarly, in an analysis of Reagan's use of
argument, Enholm and Gustainis (1987, 55) concluded that Reagan was not
so much a conservative as a pragmatist.
The battle between the dominant and the revisionist views of Reagan
was, oddly enough, one of the key issues in the 2000 Republican primary
election contest between George W. Bush and John McCain. Both candidates
claimed to be the heir to Ronald Reagan and his revolution, but they
took very different tacks in their view of that revolution (Fineman
2000, 22). For Bush, the year 2000 was simply 1980 again. He defended
his views as essentially Reagan + 20. Thus, Bush claimed to be the real
Reaganite since he favored smaller government and wanted tax cuts, just
as Ronald Reagan had done five presidential elections before (Brooks
2000b, 10). McCain agreed with Bush that Republicans should look to the
Reagan era for inspiration, but he drew a very different conclusion than
the Texas Governor. McCain implied that if Reagan were active in the
year 2000, he would have embraced somewhat different policies than in
1980 because the times had changed (Brooks 2000a, 34). For McCain, the
essence of Reaganism was an inclusive and optimistic worldview that
recognized that while government should be limited, there are some tasks
that only government can carry out (Ferguson 2000, 45; Pooley 2000, 40;
Alter 2000, 37). The views of Bush and McCain concerning Reagan closely
match the battle between advocates of the conventional wisdom and the
Commentary on the early days of the Bush administration indicates
the continuing influence of Reagan on Republican politics. A number of
conservative commentators have noted that Bush combines conservative
policy positions with a sunny optimistic rhetoric and concluded that he
is enacting the perspective of Ronald Reagan far more than of his own
father. One of Reagan's primary advisors, Martin Anderson, pointed
out that in relation to military policy, Social Security, educational
vouchers, and tax policy, Bush's positions were quite similar to
Reagan's (Shenon 2001, A14). Walter Williams said simply,
"Voters may have thought they were electing Bush II, a moderate
Republican, but they elected Reagan II" (2001). Edwin Feulner,
president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, said
that the Bush administration was "more Reaganite than the Reagan
administration" (as quoted in Thomma 2001). Steven Thomma
summarized this view, arguing that "Bush follows in footsteps of
Reagan, not his father" (2001, A16). Some saw similarities between
the Bush administration and Reagan's two terms based on style as
well as policy. Jonathan Chait noted that conservatives have focused
"on the eerie parallels" between Bush and Reagan, including
the fact that they were both "popular, genial Sun Belt governor[s]
not overly burdened by the details of governance" (2000, 28).
The continuing importance of Reagan in Republican politics makes it
especially important to nail down his rhetorical legacy. Chait has
observed that "reflexive Reagan worship" and a tendency to
treat Reagan as "an omniscient figure" (2000, 26) dominate
conservative politics, a view that explains the movement to place a
monument to Reagan in each county in the nation and carve his face into
Mount Rushmore.
The rhetorical legacy of Ronald Reagan is a sharply contested
issue. Moreover, the rhetorical legacy of Ronald Reagan speaks to larger
issues relating to the status of public talk and the role played by
rhetoric in democratic decision making. If Reagan's undeniable
rhetorical and political successes can be traced to a positive but
essentially empty rhetorical practice, it indicates the presence of
grave structural problems in the public sphere. On the other hand, if
Reagan's rhetoric was neither empty nor as conservative as most
commentators seem to believe, then his role in American political life
may have been quite different from the conventional wisdom.
In this article, we use a close analysis of the more than 300 short
radio speeches that Reagan delivered at noon each Saturday to support
the revisionist interpretation of Reagan's rhetoric. The radio
speeches cover nearly the entirety of Reagan's two terms and
include talks on virtually every issue of public concern in the 1980s.
Having been inspired by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s, Ronald
Reagan followed in his footsteps fifty years later by using radio as a
medium to better connect with the American people. Beginning in 1982,
President Ronald Reagan presented 330 weekly Saturday radio addresses to
the American people, concluding nearly every address with his trademark
phrase, "Until next week, thanks for listening."
The radio addresses are an appropriate site to test the two
interpretations of Reagan's rhetoric because they were presented
during virtually the entire period of his presidency, included talks on
all of the major issues that defined his presidency (and many other
subjects as well), and were aimed at the nation as a whole rather than a
particular interest group. There is no question that Reagan was skillful
at adapting his message to particular audiences (Zarefsky,
Miller-Tutzauer, and Tutzauer 1984; Olson 1989; Enholm and Gustainis
1987; Paletz and Guthrie 1987; Rowland and Rademacher 1990; Smith 1979);
the contested issue concerns the defining character of the message he
presented when he spoke to all of the people. The radio speeches provide
a particularly good place to look for those defining characteristics.
The Radio Addresses
According to the press, Reagan turned to the radio addresses out of
frustration with the treatment his administration was receiving in the
media (Wired for sound 1982). He hoped to take his message directly to
the people. While the exact audience for the radio addresses is unknown,
they clearly reached a sizable group of people either directly or
through media reporting about the addresses. Press Secretary Larry
Speakes's "guess" that the number of stations carrying
the addresses was roughly one thousand (Martin 1984, 818) may have been
inflated, but it seems clear that a significant audience heard many of
the broadcasts. Approximately one quarter of the Mutual Broadcasting
Service stations carried the first series of speeches, reaching an
estimated audience of 1.5 million (ibid.), and both NBC and ABC also
made the broadcasts available to affiliates. While Reagan's
audience in any given week probably was in the low millions, over the
course of his two terms, he undoubtedly reached a significant segment of
the American people. Moreover, the broadcasts were designed to shape the
headlines in the Sunday newspapers and draw broadcast media coverage
(Clines 1982, 35), functions that clearly were fulfilled. A study by
Howard Martin found that Reagan "succeeded in securing substantial
attention from the same-day evening news reports of the two networks
with Saturday news broadcasts, CBS and NBC and from the New York Times
the next day" (1984, 817-18).
Originally, Reagan planned to present a series of ten radio
addresses mostly focusing on his administration's economic program.
However, the first series of addresses quickly led to a second, which
then led to the institutionalization of the Saturday radio address, a
practice that continued unbroken through the Bush, Clinton, and Bush
administrations. From April 1982 to the end of his presidency, Reagan
presented radio addresses on nearly every significant (and some that
were not so significant) policy controversy of the time and on a host of
ceremonial topics. The breadth of the subjects considered in the radio
addresses, combined with their impact and the fact that they covered
nearly the entire period of his two terms, makes them an appropriate
text base for drawing conclusions about the rhetorical practice of
President Ronald Reagan. A close consideration of the radio addresses
also may help reveal Reagan's personal role in the creation of his
rhetorical practice. There are 178 drafts of radio addresses containing
everything from handwritten edits to complete scripts in the Handwriting
Files, Speech Drafts Collection, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential
Library. The Handwriting Files consist of speeches that contain notes,
edits, or any other direct input from President Reagan. Surprisingly,
the radio addresses have received little critical attention. They are
not even mentioned in the foremost study of genres of presidential
discourse, Karlyn Kohrs Campbell and Kathleen Hall Jamieson's book,
Deeds Done in Words: Presidential Rhetoric and the Genres of Governance
(1990). One recent essay (Jones and Rowland 2000) focused on the general
rhetorical functions of the talks, but there has been no detailed
analysis of the content of the addresses.
In the remainder of this article, we use a critical analysis of the
radio addresses to draw conclusions to test the dominant and revisionist
interpretations of Reagan's rhetorical legacy. We analyzed the
speeches via a two-step process in which we first placed each address in
a thematic category and then identified the primary strategies and
support materials that were used to support that theme. Given that
Reagan presented more than three hundred radio addresses, close analysis
of stylistic or other textual details was not appropriate. Moreover, the
contested issues involving Reagan's rhetoric relate not so much to
how he presented his message but more directly to what he said. Was
Reagan's rhetoric defined by extremely conservative policies
presented in a kind of happy-talk style that was empty of serious ideas?
Reagan's mastery of style is well known; oddly, the key question
relates to whether there was any substance to go with that style and, if
so, what that substance was.
To answer that question, we first did a thematic analysis of each
address by placing it in one of seven categories: general defense of the
administration, domestic issues, foreign policy, defense policy or
anti-Soviet, social issues, epideictic, and campaign. In relation to
domestic issues, we also kept track of two subcategories (tax reform and
crime/drug policy) that were frequent subjects of the radio addresses.
In relation to defense or anti-Soviet, we kept track of three
subcategories (general defense, anti-Soviet, and Nicaragua).
Occasionally, Saturday addresses focused on more than one issue. In
these instances, however, the dominant emphasis was usually obvious. For
example, on July 30, 1983, Reagan spoke about "Organ
Donorship/Reform 88," (Reagan 1987, 126-27). While the title of
this talk listed two subjects, only the first two paragraphs mentioned
organ donation and the main focus was on government reform.
Second, we isolated the strategic patterns and support materials
found within each thematic category. Previous analyses of Reagan's
rhetoric have focused on five primary strategic categories: narrative
(including myth), value-laden symbol use, ideological appeals, rational
persuasion, and role-definition strategies based on Reagan's
persona (Lewis 1987; Fisher 1982; Rushing 1986; Smith 1979; Scheele
1984; Moore 1989; Medhurst 1984; Rowland 1986; Enholm and Gustainis
1987). Given the critical consensus on the importance of these strategic
categories, we used them as a starting point for the strategic analysis.
We paid particular attention to the quantity and types of rational
support materials cited by Reagan. If the "happy-talk" thesis
concerning Reagan's presidency is correct, there should not be any
significant quantity of evidence in the texts of the radio speeches,
which of course averaged only five minutes in length. On the other hand,
if the revisionist interpretation of Reagan's rhetoric is correct,
there should be a considerable amount of evidence cited in at least some
of the radio addresses.
Based on the identification of themes and the strategic patterns
found in the radio addresses, we draw several conclusions that,
considered as a whole, strongly support the revisionist interpretation
of Reagan's rhetorical practice. First, the radio addresses do not
reveal a conservative ideologue. Reagan took consistently conservative
positions on foreign and defense policy, but on domestic questions he
largely avoided issues of greatest concern to conservative Republicans
and defended his program as moderate. Even on defense policy, the radio
addresses reveal considerable ideological flexibility. Second, the radio
addresses were not defined by an empty-headed positive talk. Foreign and
defense addresses were shaped by a few ideological principles in
relation to whatever was the issue of the moment. In contrast, talks on
domestic issues were defined by a heavy reliance on statistics and other
support materials. Third, Reagan defended his approach as reforming
government rather than as opposition to government. Fourth,
Reagan's rhetoric was defined by an inclusive worldview in which
all Americans were included within the American dream. In contrast to
the stereotype that Reagan appealed primarily to angry white males, a
surprising number of the radio addresses were addressed to women and
members of minority groups. Fifth, a review of the radio addresses
included in the Handwriting Files indicates that especially in his first
term, Reagan was an involved principal in the creation of the radio
speeches and a skillful writer himself.
Thematic/Strategic Analysis
The Saturday radio addresses were quite short, averaging
approximately five minutes in length. The limited time available for the
addresses constrained Reagan to target almost all of the addresses on a
single theme. In the earliest period, a high percentage of the addresses
focused on a general defense of his administration's economic
program. After the initial series often speeches was completed, Reagan
broadened his coverage of issues. Over the following seven years, he
focused on any number of specific foreign, domestic, and defense issues
and gave general speeches on foreign and defense policy. He also often
spoke about the meaning of holidays or other ceremonial matters. For a
thematic breakdown of Reagan's radio speeches, see Table 1.
A thematic breakdown of Reagan's radio talks is quite
revealing. For example, it seems likely that Reagan's failure to
focus on defense issues in 1984 indicated his recognition of the fact
that many Americans had doubts about his anti-Soviet policies (Sweetness
and light between Washington and Moscow 1984, 29; Fromm, 1984, 28;
National security: The public's view on war and peace 1984, 394; A
look ahead from the nation's capital 1984). It is significant that
following the 1984 election, Reagan once again focused on the
anti-Soviet themes that had been common in 1983 but had been absent
leading up to the general election.
In the following subsections, we briefly summarize the
thematic/strategic analysis in six of the seven primary thematic
categories. We pay especially close attention to the first category,
general defense of the administration, both because this theme was the
focus of most of the early addresses and because the strategic pattern
found in this category is mirrored in whole or in part in most of the
other categories. We have excluded the campaign addresses from the
analysis because the partisan political focus made them quite
predictable in their content.
General Defense of the Administration
Reagan began the radio addresses as part of an advocacy campaign to
win support for his administration's economic program. This first
thematic category was the starting point from which all of the other
categories developed. After Reagan saw the value of using the brief
Saturday addresses to defend his administration's policies, he
branched out to use the same form in other contexts.
In the addresses defending his administration's program,
Reagan focused on three subthemes: general defense of policy; issue
management, which includes both explanation of the ideological support
for a position and an indication of what new policies the government
should embrace; and a claim that progress was being made. All three of
these subthemes were evident in the first of his Saturday addresses,
"Economic Recovery Program," which was presented on April 3,
1982. In that talk, Reagan began by stating that his goal was to provide
the people with answers about how "to get our economy back on
track" (Reagan 1987, 1). He then explained that his
administration's core ideology was "based on the belief that
high taxes had deprived people and business of incentives to the point
that we'd lost much of our ability to produce" (ibid.). Later,
he cited a reduction in interest rates (Reagan 1987, 2) to prove that
his program was beginning to work. He also defended his economic program
against those who were calling for higher taxes by arguing for
"stay[ing] the course" (ibid.), claiming that his program
could not have been expected to completely turn the economy around since
"it hasn't really started yet" (ibid.).
These three subthemes were evident in the radio addresses
throughout Reagan's two terms. Early on, Reagan focused on
defending his economic program and arguing that progress was already
occurring. For example, on May 8, 1982, he pointedly denied that his
program would "reduce Social Security payments" (1987, 11) and
noted that his budgets had not cut social programs at all but only the
rate of growth in social expenditures (1987, 11-12). On October 23,
1982, he refuted six "myths" about his economic program (1987,
38-40). On October 30, 1982, he attacked those who were calling for a
major public works program to cut unemployment by asking,
"Isn't that what we tried in all those seven other recessions
since World War II?" (1987, 41). His goal in these addresses
clearly was to reassure the people that his program was not radical. By
July 9, 1983, he was defending his program against the charge that it
unfairly cut services for the poor. He argued in relation to food
assistance that in fact "more people are being served, and the
grants for the neediest have been increased" (1987, 120).
At the same time that he was using the addresses to dispute
objections to his program, Reagan also claimed that his administration
was making great progress in fixing economic problems. On May 22, 1982,
Reagan cited a decline in government spending, a major reduction in
inflation, increased personal spending, and increased savings (1987, 7)
as evidence that his program was working. By February 5, 1983, he was
pointing to a 3.9 percent inflation rate; a nearly 50 percent cut in
interest rates; increases in automobile sales, factory orders, and
timber production; and reductions in unemployment (1987, 72). On June 4,
1983, he told his audience, "Yes, unemployment is too high. But it
fell slightly again in May and it will fall further" (1987, 110). A
few weeks later, he argued that "even the gloomiest critics have
had trouble denying that things are getting better for you and your
families" (1987, 119). And by October 15, 1983, his tone was
extremely positive: "Some very good news is sneaking up on you. The
quality of American life is improving again" (1987, 149). In his
second term, Reagan continued the focus on progress. For example, on
October 24, 1987, shortly after the stock market correction, Reagan
cited a variety of economic statistics indicating "strong growth
with a slight rise followed by an encouraging drop in inflation"
(Public Papers 1987, 2:1230). Even late in his second term, Reagan
continued to focus on the economic progress that had occurred in his
administration. In an address on June 18, 1988, he spent two long
paragraphs detailing all of the ways in which the economy had improved
since 1980 (Public Papers 1988, 1:793).
Reagan also used the speeches to manage his issue agenda. These
speeches functioned in a manner very similar to Roosevelt's use of
the "fireside chat" to explain the New Deal. In fact, Reagan
drew an explicit comparison between his goals and those of Roosevelt in
his October 16, 1982, address "The Economy" (1987, 37). In a
March 5, 1983, talk on "Employment Programs," Reagan explained
the difference between cyclical and structural unemployment to support
further action by his administration and justify to the public why
unemployment was lagging behind other economic indicators (1987, 79-80).
Reagan also used the short speeches to make the public aware of
future policies that his administration would be supporting. For
example, on November 6, 1982, immediately after the 1982 midterm election, Reagan laid out five legislative priorities that he said were
needed to continue making economic progress (1987, 43). Similarly, on
January 29, 1983, he responded to those who feared massive future budget
deficits by calling for the creation of a "standby tax" that
would go into effect if the deficit rose to "greater than 2 1/2
percent of the gross national product" (1987, 69).
Domestic Issues
Over the course of seven years, Reagan devoted more than seventy of
his Saturday radio talks to domestic issues. He covered any number of
specific issues in this time period, including student loans, crime and
justice, drugs, the environment, energy policy, space policy,
agriculture, welfare reform, counterterrorism, judicial appointments,
scientific research, school violence, education, highway construction,
and catastrophic health insurance. Despite the apparent diversity of the
subjects covered, a review of these talks reveals three subthemes: issue
management to set the stage for future action, defense of the
administration, and a general subtheme that the policies of his
administration were moderate and reasonable.
Reagan used many of the radio talks to bring an issue to the
nation's attention. For example, on September 11, 1982, he focused
on "Crime and Criminal Justice Reform" in an attempt to focus
public attention on his administration's proposed crime bill (1987,
25-27). On November 27, 1982, he spoke about a proposal to expand the
interstate highway system (1987, 49-50). On March 12, 1983, he laid out
his administration's education agenda, which included support for
tuition tax credits, a voucher system, educational savings accounts, and
other reforms (1987, 81-83). He continued to use the radio talks to lay
out his agenda throughout his two terms. For example, he devoted several
of the addresses in 1985 and 1986 to the topic of tax reform as part of
an advocacy effort that eventually resulted in the passage of a major
tax reform act in 1986.
The second subtheme, defense of the administration, is evident in
any number of the radio talks. On April 10, 1982, Reagan defended his
administration's record on education policy by arguing that cuts in
a student loan program would not impact loans, only administrative costs (1987, 3-4). He devoted the June 11, 1983, address to a discussion of
"Environmental and Natural Resources Management," claiming
that he supported a "sound, strong environmental policy." He
also spent several paragraphs denying that then-Secretary of the
Interior James Watt had implemented policies that threatened the
environment (1987, 111-12).
While Reagan sometimes defended his administration's domestic
policies against attacks that had been leveled against them, he also
often picked topics that were designed to show that the policies of his
administration were not extreme but moderate and reasonable. For
example, on January 7,1984, he focused on violence in schools. He first
discussed a growing trend toward violence in schools and then talked
about how the federal government could help teachers and administrators
"restore order to their classroom" (1987, 176). There is not a
hint of a conservative agenda in this talk. For example, some
conservatives argue that corporal punishment is the key to preventing
school violence or claim that prayer in school or posting the ten
commandments would result in safer schools. Reagan did not mention such
conservative proposals. In fact, in calling for the Department of
Education to "study" the problem and for the Department of
Justice to establish a "National School Safety Center," he
sounded more like a moderate Democrat than a conservative Republican.
Exactly the same point could be made about a May 19, 1984, talk in which
Reagan advocated a "Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Program" to help
employers hire more disadvantaged youth (1987, 212). Reagan used
noncontroversial policy positions (such as being against school violence
and for summer youth employment) to define his administration as
moderate and reasonable. The unstated assumption behind these talks was
that government action is sometimes needed to confront social problems.
While the domestic policy talks were similar in most ways to the
addresses defending his administration's economic program, there
was one important difference. The domestic policy talks were, in the
main, less ideological than addresses on economic policy. And they
became less ideological and more pragmatic over time. While early in his
administration Reagan focused on a conservative agenda on education,
including tuition tax credits and school vouchers, that approach largely
disappeared by the mid-1980s. For example, on September 8, 1984, he
focused on the progress that had been made in school reform. He cited
statistics indicating that reform was being successful and called for
continued action to improve SAT scores and decrease dropouts, but he did
not mention vouchers, tuition tax credits, or any other education issue
on the conservative agenda (1987, 242-43). A February 6, 1988, talk on
drug abuse also illustrates the decline of ideology over time. In this
address, Reagan supported drug treatment as opposed to drug prosecution
for drug users identified in government or business drug-testing
programs (Public Papers 1988, 1:181). In taking such a position, Reagan
actually endorsed a more liberal policy than that supported by many
One final point is evident in Reagan's radio talks on domestic
issues. He clearly understood the importance of husbanding his
rhetorical resources on important issues. For example, as part of his
effort to get a tax reform act passed, Reagan devoted eight radio
addresses to this topic in 1985 and 1986 as opposed to three talks on
tax policy in the previous three years. Once the reform act had passed,
the topic disappeared from the Saturday addresses. The topics covered on
domestic policy suggest that Reagan only talked about an issue if he was
trying to push it to the forefront of the national agenda, if his
administration was under attack, or if it was an issue that he was not
pushing but could use to define the administration as moderate.
Social Issues
One of the most revealing results of this analysis of Reagan's
radio speeches is that he did very little to support the agenda of the
extreme right. Reagan presented a total of four addresses on social
issues from 1982 to 1984. After that, he ignored social issues
altogether. In relation to social issues, Reagan gave two talks
advocating tuition tax credits to assist families in sending children to
private schools. (He also mentioned this subject in passing in other
early talks on education.) And he gave two additional talks defending
prayer in school.
It is striking that he did not devote a single radio address to
abortion, pornography, the decline of moral values, or other issues of
particular concern to conservative activists. It is also striking that
in the four speeches on social issues, Reagan went out of his way to
appeal to the moderate middle of the nation. For example, he began his
September 18, 1982, talk on "Prayer in Public Schools" with a
reference to Rosh Hashanah. He then discussed the "rich and varied
religious heritage we Americans are blessed with" and noted that
immigrants from "the first Thanksgiving ... to the boat people of
Southeast Asia-came with prayers on their lips and faith in their
hearts" (1987, 28). Reagan next emphasized that he supported
"voluntary" school prayer and argued that his proposal would
protect the rights of nonbelievers as well as believers. While school
prayer is a major issue mostly for Christian evangelicals, Reagan did
not focus on that audience but rather on reassuring others, especially
Jews, that he was concerned with protecting their rights.
The lack of focus on social issues and the moderate tone with which
he discussed those issues on the rare occasions that he considered them
indicate that Reagan viewed the radio addresses as a chance to broaden
his support rather than as a chance to energize his base.
Foreign Policy
In his first term, President Reagan focused his attention in the
Saturday radio addresses heavily on domestic policy, especially defense
of his administration's economic program. In the second term, in
contrast, he devoted much more attention to foreign policy in general
and, as his second term progressed, foreign trade in particular.
Reagan's foreign policy talks focused on four subthemes:
trips, trade, foreign policy reports, and the Western Hemisphere. Reagan
often used a presidential trip as the backdrop for a discussion of
foreign policy toward a particular country or region of the world. For
example, on June 5, 1982, in his first foreign policy address,
"Trip to Europe," Reagan reported from the Palace of
Versailles about a meeting with the other industrial powers in the
world. He presented a number of other similar addresses.
By Reagan's second term, his focus clearly shifted toward
trade. Reagan had discussed the subject earlier in his presidency. In
fact, Reagan's first radio address on trade came on November 20,
1982 (Reagan 1987, 47-49). He used the talk to defend the free market
system, explain the dangers posed by protectionism, and clearly state
his defense of free trade. The speech was both explanatory, in that he
explained how free trade would benefit the United States, and heavily
ideological, in that he developed a strong free trade position. Over the
next six years, Reagan talked about trade seventeen more times, in each
case hitting almost exactly the same themes as in his first talk on
trade. His final foreign policy radio address, delivered November 26,
1988 (Public Papers 1988, 2:1571-72), focused on almost exactly the same
main positions about foreign trade as had his first talk on the subject.
The one difference between the early and the late addresses on free
trade is that Reagan spoke on the topic far more often at the end of his
presidency than he had at the beginning. Twelve of Reagan's
eighteen Saturday addresses on trade were presented in 1987 or 1988.
The third subtheme in the area of foreign policy might best be
labeled a foreign policy report. Reagan sometimes used the Saturday
addresses to report to the American people about his foreign policy
goals. For example, on August 27, 1983, he spoke about the
"Situation in the Middle East" (1987, 134-36). In that talk,
he summarized U.S. peacekeeping efforts in Lebanon and the Sinai
Peninsula and outlined other foreign policy initiatives in the region. A
few weeks later, on October 8, Reagan focused an entire talk on the
"Situation in Lebanon," discussing the reasons for the
presence of Marines in that nation (1987, 147-49).
The final subtheme in Reagan's foreign policy radio talks was
an emphasis on the Western Hemisphere. Reagan often talked about U.S.
relations with Canada, Mexico, and Latin America. These talks generally
focused on the status of current relations between the United States and
nations in the Western Hemisphere. For example, he used a trip to Mexico
in 1988 to set the stage for a discussion of what he labeled the
"constructive and friendly" relations with Mexico and other
nations of Latin America on February 13, 1988 (Public Papers 1988,
It is important to note that Reagan's radio talks on foreign
policy were not as data driven as the domestic policy addresses. With
the exception of some of the talks on trade, which did contain a lot of
statistical and other data, Reagan did not cite anything approaching the
same quantity of evidence in discussing foreign as he did in domestic
policy. Instead of relying on data, Reagan's foreign policy talks
tended to be explanative in two different ways. His focus was both on
explaining what the U.S. policy was in a given region of the world and
on the reasons behind that policy. In this way, the foreign policy talks
were both heavily ideological and aimed at tapping into basic American
values such as freedom, peace, the value of the free market, the
importance of fair play, and so forth. Clearly, Reagan attempted to
recast public understanding of his administration's foreign policy.
In essence, he was saying that his administration was not radical but
simply right. His March 7, 1987, "Radio Address to the Nation on
Regional Conflicts," illustrates Reagan's approach. In the
talk, he boiled down American foreign policy goals in Central America to
basic value/ideological principles with which nearly all Americans
agreed: "Democracy, progress, and security--those are our goals in
Central America" (Public Papers 1987, 1:221). Reagan then justified
support for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua based on an analogy between
Nicaragua and Afghanistan. He explained that his goal was to help the
people of Nicaragua get "a chance" to "live without fear
of aggression, a chance for their people to choose their own
destiny" (1987, 222). Finally, he linked freedom for Nicaragua to
the larger goal of peace: "How much safer the world will be when
the Soviet leaders see Americans standing behind such a firm policy for
peace" (1987, 222).
Most of Reagan's foreign policy rhetoric can be reduced to two
simple, value-laden ideological principles:
* The United States should oppose tyranny.
* A strong foreign policy is the best guarantee of peace in the
Given these principles, evidence was much less important than in
other contexts. Once one knew the facts of a given case, the ideological
principles dictated the policy. This does not mean that Reagan's
foreign policy rhetoric remained static. It evolved in relation to the
particular issues on which he focused. The much greater emphasis on
trade in 1987 and 1988 than previously is evidence of this conclusion.
At the same time, shifts on an issue such as trade reflected a changing
policy environment and not a change in the essential ideology of the
Defense Policy or Anti-Soviet
In many ways, the least interesting of Reagan's Saturday radio
addresses were those that focused on defense policy or the Soviet Union,
topics that in the Reagan era were essentially synonymous. These talks
were quite consistent. Reagan used a particular event or issue to lay
out the administration's position. That position invariably was
based on a very few premises: tyranny (and therefore the Soviet Union)
is evil and must be opposed at all turns, freedom defines a good
society, and a strong defense policy is the best guarantee of peace.
The rhetorical pattern we have identified was evident on a host of
different topics. For example, on October 9, 1982, Reagan spoke about
"Solidarity and U.S. Relations with Poland" (1987, 33-35). The
particular subject of the address was a decision by the government of
Poland to outlaw the Polish labor organization Solidarity. In addressing
that subject, Reagan labeled Poland's action as "another
far-reaching step in their persecution of their own people" and
claimed that in the United States, "We are free by divine
right" (1987, 33, 34). He placed the ultimate blame for the
situation on the Soviets, who he said had applied "severe outside
pressure" to the government of Poland; and he defended tough
actions by the United States, including immediate suspension of
most-favored-nation status for Poland (1987, 34, 35). Reagan focused on
the specifics of what had happened in Poland and the U.S. response to
it, but he did so in a manner perfectly consistent with the basic
premises of his anti-Soviet position.
The same pattern is found again and again. On December 11, 1982,
Reagan supported "Production of the MX Missile" (1987, 53-55)
because the missile was needed to counter a mounting Soviet buildup. But
by building the missile, the United States could strengthen deterrence,
lessen the likelihood of war, and increase the chance of real arms
reductions. "And to achieve the arms reductions we want, we must
give the Soviets the incentive to negotiate" (1987, 55). Five and
one-half years later, on May 28, 1988, he attributed the successful
negotiation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty to
"Western firmness and resolve" (Public Papers 1988, 1:671). In
the period between these two speeches, Reagan touched on any number of
specific defense issues, including the nuclear freeze, the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan, the Soviet action in shooting down KAL flight
007, support for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, and so forth. But aside
from specific details, his approach was quite predictable.
The thematic analysis of the radio addresses on defense and the
Soviet Union suggests that Reagan had two primary goals when he focused
on these subjects. One goal was broadly explanative. As in the case of
his foreign policy rhetoric, Reagan wanted both to explain what his
policy was and provide the justification behind it. A good illustration
of the explanative character of the defense policy rhetoric can be found
in Reagan's October 22, 1983, address on "Arms Control and
Reduction" (1987, 152-54). In that talk, Reagan first affirmed his
"deep desire ... to reduce nuclear weapons and to make our world
more safe" (1987, 152). He then detailed what he viewed as a major
Soviet buildup in intermediate-range nuclear weapons and the failure of
the Soviets to agree to reasonable arms limitations on those weapons
(ibid.). His conclusion was that given this situation, NATO must deploy
more weapons to achieve the "parallel goal of deterrence and arms
reduction" (1987, 153). In this talk and many others, Reagan tied
an explanation of the development of U.S./Soviet policy to the
ideological premises we have identified. Clearly, Reagan assumed that
the majority of the American people shared his value/ideological
premises concerning the Soviets and believed that if his views were
cogently explained, public support would follow. A review of relevant
polling data suggests that he was right (Why the arms control talks
aren't getting anywhere 1983, 69; Good news and bad news for Reagan
on arms 1983, 18).
Reagan's other goal was to show the American people that his
administration's position on defense was neither dangerous nor
extremist. In many talks, he went out of his way to express his
commitment to arms control. This goal was especially evident in
Reagan's only two defense policy talks in 1984. On February 11,
1984, Reagan emphasized that "avoiding war and reducing arms is a
starting point in our relationship with the Soviet Union" (1987,
184). Five months later on September 29, he argued that "our two
countries have no more solemn responsibility than to reduce the level of
arms and to enhance understanding" (1987, 248). In these two talks
and many others, Reagan focused on convincing the American people that
the characterization of him as a warmonger was inaccurate.
Reagan's anti-Soviet and defense policy speeches remained
quite consistent over his two terms, but they did show evolution in one
important way. By the end of his administration, Reagan was suggesting
that the Soviet Union might be changing. On May 28, 1988, Reagan cited
encouraging developments in the Soviet Union relating to glastnost and
perestroika, including the release of prisoners of conscience from the
Gulag, greater opportunities for dissent, and emigration (Public Papers
1988, 1:672). But he then went on to note that "the basic structure
of the system has not changed in the Soviet Union or in Eastern
Europe" (ibid.). Reagan concluded that talk by arguing that the
only ultimate guarantee of peace would be to transform the Soviet Union
into a democratic society (ibid.). Clearly, Reagan's view of the
Soviet Union evolved, but he remained deeply distrustful of it and never
wavered in his support for the basic ideological premises we have
Going back to Aristotle, rhetorical theorists have recognized the
importance of epideictic or ceremonial discourse for reinforcing widely
shared values (Aristotle 1941, 1335) and setting the stage for
deliberative rhetoric. For example, Oravec argued that epideictic serves
a prepolicy function by providing "advice upon the future action of
the audience" (1976, 170), and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca noted
that epideictic "strengthens the disposition toward action by
increasing adherence to the values it lauds" (1969, 50). No
American political leader of the past half-century has used epideictic
more skillfully than Ronald Reagan. In the radio addresses, Reagan
demonstrated his mastery of the genre, the close linkage between
epideictic and policy discourse, and that his rhetorical practice was
far more inclusive than has been recognized by many commentators.
Reagan's epideictic radio addresses focused on four topics:
celebration of holidays, special events such as the beginning of the
Olympics, value-laden topics such as the importance of community or
volunteerism, and the meaning behind a particular trip. Of these topics,
most of the Saturday addresses focused on a particular holiday. In 1982,
for instance, Reagan spoke about Armed Forces Day, Labor Day, and
Christmas Day. In 1983, he spoke about New Year's Day, Easter and
Passover, Mother's Day, Armed Forces Day, Independence Day,
Veterans Day, the holiday season, and Christmas. In other instances,
Reagan focused on a special event, such as the beginning of the Olympics
(two talks) and the fortieth anniversary of the end of the war in the
Pacific or on special topics such as drunk driving, organ donation, the
status of women in American life (two talks), the status of minorities
in American life, and the American Red Cross. On just a couple of
occasions, he used a trip abroad as the backdrop for a ceremonial
On these topics, Reagan developed a number of themes. First, he
both reinforced basic American values and linked his administration to
those values. For example, in the first of his epideictic addresses,
"Armed Forces Day," which he gave on May 15, 1982, Reagan
focused on patriotism, referring to American soldiers as "the
ultimate guardians of our freedom" (1987, 13-14). Many similar
examples could be cited.
It is important to recognize, however, that Reagan both reinforced
basic values and drew on those values to redefine how people should look
at his administration. The most revealing talk illustrating that point
was presented on January 15, 1983, on the subject of "Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr." (Reagan 1987, 64-66). In the address, Reagan
attacked discrimination and bigotry and strongly praised King, Rosa
Parks, and others within the civil rights movement for their courage and
commitment to equality. He spoke of progress that had occurred in civil
rights but admitted that "traces of bigotry and injustice still
remain" (1987, 65). This address, it is important to note, predated
the creation of the King holiday. In his talk, Reagan reinforced values
like justice and equal treatment. But in so doing, he also tried to link
his administration to those values and redefine how African Americans viewed him. Surely, many African Americans would have objected to
Reagan's comment that only "traces" of bigotry remained,
but this false note aside, Reagan's use of epideictic as a means of
redefining Reaganism as pro-civil rights was important.
The second and third themes in Reagan's epideictic addresses
both relate to public policy. Reagan used the ceremonial talks either to
lay the groundwork for policy advocacy or directly to support policies
of his administration. Reagan's radio rhetoric amply supports the
conclusion of Oravec (1976) that epideictic can serve a prepolicy
function and, in fact, indicates that epideictic and deliberative
rhetoric may function as stages in a single talk.
A good illustration of how Reagan used epideictic to lay the
groundwork for policy advocacy is found in his talk about "Easter
and Passover" on April 2, 1983 (Reagan 1987, 88-90).
Characteristically, Reagan linked the two holidays so that he could
speak to the broadest possible audience of the American people. In the
first few paragraphs, he discussed the meaning of the two holidays,
concluding, "This is a time of hope and peace, when our spirits are
filled and lifted. It's a time when we give thanks for our
blessings-chief among them freedom, peace, and the promise of eternal
life" (1987, 88). Reagan then moved from this value affirmation to
a discussion of the bravery of the Polish people and their leader Lech
Walesa. He told the story of how an East German family had taken grave
risks to escape to the West. Reagan next told the story of how the crew
of an American warship had donated a day's leave to help the people
of an Australian town rebuild their community. Reagan then drew these
incidents together in concluding that the United States remains "a
force for good, the champion of peace and freedom" (1987, 90). In
this speech, Reagan indirectly supported his anti-Soviet policy by
linking it to basic American values, especially religious liberty.
Reagan's radio talks illustrate the key relationship between
value reaffirmation and policy advocacy. Our analysis suggests that
epideictic discourse often will be directly linked to the deliberative
conclusion that policy action is justified. That is clearly what
happened in many of the Saturday addresses. Reagan routinely began the
epideictic Saturday addresses with value affirmation in relation to a
particular holiday or special event, moved to a deliberative section in
which he used the now-reaffirmed values to support a policy judgment,
and then returned in his conclusion to the value-laden meaning of the
holiday. This pattern was skillfully adapted to maintaining the broadest
possible support among the people for his administration.
The analysis of Reagan's radio speeches reveals several
important implications for understanding the rhetorical practices that
defined the Reagan administration. These implications strongly support
the revisionist interpretation of Reagan's rhetoric. First, in the
radio addresses, Reagan was anything but a conservative ideologue.
Reagan took consistently conservative positions on foreign and defense
policy, but on domestic questions he largely avoided issues of greatest
concern to conservative Republicans. The dearth of speeches on social
issues is particularly striking. Reagan has the reputation of being
heavily influenced by the most conservative wing of the Republican
party, Christian fundamentalists. His rhetoric, both in substance and
style, reveals little to support this judgment. In the radio addresses,
despite his promises to the religious and others on the far right, he
really made very little effort on social issues such as pornography,
school vouchers, and abortion. Reagan rarely talked about the issues of
greatest concern to Christian conservatives, avoided the topic of
abortion altogether, and consistently reached out to all people of
faith, not any particular sect.
It is not merely that Reagan avoided issues of concern to the
Christian right. In fact, Reagan's domestic policy advocacy in the
radio addresses was relatively moderate in two important ways. On a
number of subjects, notably education reform, support for drug
treatment, youth employment programs, and even the environment in some
cases, Reagan defended policies that were surprisingly moderate.
Reagan's January 29, 1983, call for passage of a standby tax that
would go into effect if the deficit rose to "greater than 2 1/2
percent of the gross national product" (Reagan 1987, 69) is a
notable example of this point. Even on tax cuts, Reagan was willing to
Even more important, Reagan consistently defended his economic and
other domestic policies as moderate and reasonable. He pitched his
economic program as a long-overdue reform of a government that had
gotten too large. The explicitly antigovernment rhetoric that has been
so common among conservatives since the "Gingrich revolution"
in 1994 was notably absent. The fact that Reagan defended his policies
as moderate does not necessarily mean that they were in fact moderate.
In many cases, they in fact were quite conservative (Beck and Howard
1981, 24; A checklist of Reagan's promises 1980, 22; Truly needy:
Let them eat ketchup 1981, 43; Mosher 1981, 1466). But Reagan clearly
understood the need to present his policies in such a way that they
could appeal to the largest possible portion of the American people. In
this way, Reagan's domestic policy advocacy might be compared to
President Bill Clinton's famous comment that "the era of big
government is over" (1996, 258). Clinton clearly understood that
liberal or neoliberal policies could be defended to the public only if
those policies were presented as fundamentally different from an
earlier, "big government" liberalism. Similarly, Reagan
defended his positions as fundamentally moderate and quite different
from antigovernment conservatism.
Even on defense policy, the radio addresses reveal considerable
ideological flexibility. Reagan consistently defended a strong defense
policy as needed both to confront the Soviet Union and also to preserve
the peace. In that way, he claimed that his views were anything but
adventurous. Rather, he was the real advocate of peace. At the end of
his second term, Reagan also demonstrated a willingness to suspend
disbelief concerning developments in the Soviet Union. At a time when
many conservatives were calling Gorbachev's reforms a sham, Reagan
said, wait and see. In that way, he demonstrated a pragmatic streak,
both in relation to policy and rhetoric that was absent in the policies
advocated by many conservatives.
Many Republicans talk about their party as a "big tent"
encompassing many interests but aim their message at the religious right
and business interests almost exclusively. Reagan was different. He took
conservative principles and tried to make them as widely applicable as
possible. It seems likely that this inclusive approach is one reason
Reagan was able to win landslide victories at a time when Democrats
still controlled a sizable majority in the House of Representatives.
It is conceivable that Reagan consciously used the addresses to
counter the perception of many that he was an extreme conservative. It
is well known that Reagan was aware and concerned with what history
would say of him. It is possible that Reagan used the radio addresses to
shape both public and historical perceptions of his
administration's ideology.
Second, the radio addresses were not defined by an empty-headed
positive talk. In the domestic policy addresses in particular, one is
immediately struck by the fact that Reagan relied very heavily on
rational argument in general and statistical proof in particular. One
common stereotype of Reagan is that he was a gifted storyteller but not
intellectually able to rely on other forms of proof, such as statistics.
The radio speeches do not bear out this conclusion. In fairness, Reagan
occasionally used personal examples in these addresses. For instance, on
August 28, 1982, Reagan cited the example of Patricia Morgan, who
evidently had written to him about unifying the nation around his
economic plan (Reagan 1987, 22). And Reagan also sometimes used argument
by authority. However, more than any other kind of support, Reagan
relied on statistics. In the same speech that cited Ms. Morgan, Reagan
used more than a dozen different statistics. This address is
representative of Reagan's defense of his administration's
basic economic program throughout his presidency. For example, in
"Economic Recovery" on March 10, 1984, he cited ten
statistics, one expert, and several comparisons (1987, 193). Similar
evidence usage can be found in many of the addresses defending his
administration's record. On April 9, 1988, he cited more than
fifteen examples, statistics, and references to authorities in support
of his record (Public Papers 1988, 1:428-29). On September 10, 1988, in
his "Radio Address to the Nation on Education" (Public Papers
1988, 2:1152-53), Reagan cited statistics on both test scores and
attendance to argue that education had been improving over the eight
years of his presidency. The radio addresses were anything but empty
Rather than fluff, Reagan's radio speeches demonstrate
considerable rhetorical adaptability, especially in relation to strategy
choice. The radio speeches definitely refute the idea that he was merely
a skillful teller of tales. Reagan did use narrative in the radio talks,
especially in the epideictic addresses. However, the most important
conclusion in relation to strategy choice is that Reagan enacted the
Aristotelian principle that a skillful persuader should discover
"in any given case the available means of persuasion"
(Aristotle 1941, 1329). In relation to domestic policy and defense of
his administration's economic program, as we already have noted, he
relied heavily on statistical proof. The defense and foreign policy
addresses tended to be more ideological, with particular examples of
actions linked to basic value. In contrast, in the epideictic addresses,
he did rely more heavily on narratives and myth. The variation in
strategies used among the main topics considered in the radio addresses
indicates considerable rhetorical adaptability.
The 330 radio addresses as a group reflect both a consistent
ideological worldview and considerable adaptation on specific policy
positions as events occurred. Across the seven years of the radio
addresses, Reagan consistently defended the free market, supported
reduced government regulation and fiscal conservatism, and advocated a
tough defense policy. Aside from those basic principles, however, there
was considerable adaptation. By the end of his administration, he was
even arguing that the Soviet Union might be changing, a conclusion that
certainly was proved correct. Our analysis of the radio addresses
indicates unequivocally that Senator McCain was correct in suggesting
that Reagan's views would have evolved over time.
Third, Reagan defended his approach as reforming government rather
than opposition to government. We touched on this point earlier when we
discussed the moderate positions found in many of Reagan's
addresses. The important point is not just that Reagan tried to depict his policies as moderate but that he consistently defended his approach
as reformative of government, not in opposition to government. In his
first inaugural address, Reagan famously argued that government was
itself "the problem" that must be confronted to energize the
American economy (Public Papers 1980, 1:1). In the radio speeches, in
contrast, Reagan did not attack government per se. Rather, he described
his approach as reforming excesses in government. He was committed to
removing unnecessary bureaucracy, eliminating unneeded regulation, and
cutting wasted spending. But Reagan's radio addresses did not
utilize the extreme antigovernment rhetoric that has been so common
among conservatives who claim his mantle. It is clear that in the
post-Reagan years, the Republican party turned to the right of their
hero. As Mark Barabak has noted,
Indeed, in Reagan's absence, conservatism has become increasingly
associated with a series of negative stances--against abortion, against gun
control, against environmental protection--and with angry messengers like
two-time presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan and the Christian
Coalition's Pat Robertson. The adversarial approach was manifest in the
1995 shutdown of the Federal government, a political disaster from which
Gingrich--and the image of the GOP-led Congress--never completely
recovered. (1998, A1)
As we have indicated, Reagan's discourse, by contrast,
reserved a clear, though limited, role for government in areas ranging
from education to help for the needy (Reagan 1987, 38, 98, 119; Public
Papers 1985, 1:104).
Fourth, Reagan's rhetoric was defined by an inclusive
worldview in which all Americans were included within the American
dream. In contrast to the stereotype that Reagan appealed primarily to
angry white males, a surprising number of the radio addresses were
addressed to women and members of minority groups. In the radio
addresses, Reagan consistently aimed his appeals at the entire American
family. In a very early talk, "Economic Recovery Program," on
May 1, 1982, Reagan emphasized that his goal was to "be fair to all
our people." He then asked "where was the fairness in those
bankrupt spending policies that gave us double-digit inflation, record
interest rates, and a trillion dollar debt?" (1987, 10). Reagan
also consistently expressed compassion for those who were facing
difficult times. In "Economic Recovery Programs," delivered
October 30, 1982, he began by expressing his "feelings of sorrow
for those bearing the burden of unemployment" (1987, 40). In a
March 5, 1983, address on "Employment Programs," he focused on
two groups that had not been strong supporters of his
administration--African Americans and the elderly. Reagan explained to
his audience that fixing structural unemployment was important because
"behind those dry terms are people--black teenagers who desperately
want a first job and older workers grappling with the adjustment of
losing their life's work" (1987, 80). In his July 27, 1985,
"Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and
Minorities," he went further and argued that his
administration's economic policies could provide opportunity, what
Reagan called the "freedom train" so that "everyone who
wants to work can find a real job" (Public Papers 1985, 2:948).
Similarly, in the "Radio Address to the Nation on Education"
that was delivered on September 10, 1988 (Public Papers 1988, 2:1152),
Reagan first cited Thomas Jefferson and other founders who believed that
"education and democracy" go "hand in hand." Reagan
then said that this "precious heritage" must be preserved for
all Americans. "Whether of Asian, Hispanic, or African descent, no
matter what color, every American is the inheritor of our great cultural
In addition to defending his administration's policies in an
inclusive fashion, Reagan aimed a surprising number of the radio
addresses directly at members of minority groups or women. Reagan's
address on Martin Luther King's birthday in 1983 is particularly
instructive. One year before the official creation of the King holiday,
at a time when many conservatives still were deeply distrustful of King,
Reagan strongly embraced his legacy. In addition to the 1983 talk on the
meaning of Martin Luther King's life and a 1985 address on civil
rights, he spoke again about these subjects on January 18, 1986, the
occasion of the first national holiday celebration of King's birth.
He spent part of this talk arguing that his administration's
economic policies had aided African Americans, but the bulk of it was
spent praising King and reaffirming the value of equality. According to
Reagan, "our country will never be completely free until all
Americans enjoy the full benefits of freedom" (Public Papers 1986,
1:66-68). Reagan used the same tactic when he spoke about
"Opportunities for Women," on March 31, 1984 (1987, 198-99).
In this talk and others, Reagan preached an inclusive message to groups
such as African Americans and working women who, to say the least, had
not been strong supporters of his administration.
In the various radio addresses aimed at minority group members and
women, Reagan both embraced broadly inclusive values and argued that his
administration's policies would assist members of the groups in
question. Reagan did this at a time when he was getting very few votes
from members of minority groups. For example, in 1984, Mondale received
90 percent of the African-American vote (Shapiro and Fineman 1984, 58).
And while Reagan received relatively strong support from women, it seems
fair to guess that this support was not because women perceived him as a
strong supporter of women's rights.
Why, then, did Reagan take such an inclusive perspective? One clue
lies in the consistent value positions that are found throughout the
radio addresses. Reagan tied his administration's policies to basic
values such as freedom, opportunity, hard work, and so forth. And those
values in turn were tied to what might be labeled Reagan's mythic view of Americans and American destiny. A number of scholars have
discussed Reagan's mythic view of America. Moore (1989) described
Reagan's rhetoric as a "quest story" of this
nation's endless search for freedom. "While emphasizing the
greatness of all Americans," Reagan gave "the highest praise
to the so-called `regular folks.'" Moore quoted Reagan on
these heroes, "You know they're Americans because their spirit
is as big as the universe and their hearts are bigger than their
spirits" (p. 61). Since every American was capable of
"boundless, limitless achievement," it naturally followed that
every American, regardless of ethnicity, belonged to Reagan's
"family" as a potential American hero (ibid.). Similarly,
Craig A. Smith has written of Reagan's community of
"extraordinarily ordinary Americans" (1987, 221).
"MisteReagan's Neighborhood," according to Smith, is
composed of people of all demographic identities grouped together under
the canopy of "We the People." As heirs of a proud heritage
based on freedom and a self-evident morality, these heroes could
accomplish the impossible. The keys to their success lay not in the
individual's ethnic origin or creed but in "faith in our
heritage and the willingness to act boldly upon that faith" (1987,
The crucial point is that within his mythic worldview, all
Americans, regardless of race, creed, religion, and so forth were viewed
as heroic as long as they were committed to the basic values at the core
of the mythic system. Reagan spoke in an inclusive fashion to all
Americans because all were in his mythic system. Thus, Reagan was at his
very rhetorical core a more inclusive leader than other conservatives,
who have defended policy positions serving business, the wealthy, and
other interest groups. Reagan's policies helped those groups, but
the mythic core of his rhetorical system included all Americans.
Some have compared the so-called "compassionate
conservatism" of George W. Bush to the optimistic and inclusive
view found in Reagan's rhetorical practice. There would seem to be
one major difference in their approaches, however. Bush's
compassionate conservatism was by all accounts a tactical response to
the perceived excesses of Gingrich and others. Compassionate was simply
an adjective added to conservative to make policies that most
commentators have characterized as consistently conservative seem more
attractive (Edsall and Balz 2000, A1; Robinson 1999, 5). In contrast,
Reagan's very worldview was inclusive. If you fell into the
category of American, then by his standards you were special as long as
you embraced the values that defined American heroism. Reagan's
rhetoric indicates that he genuinely saw his policies as consistent with
an inclusive worldview. None of this proves that Reagan's policies
were in fact inclusive. Some of his administration's policies may
in fact not have been inclusive at all. In fact, a review of the radio
speeches raises the possibility that Reagan's inclusive mythology may have served as what Kenneth Burke refers to as a kind of
terminological blinder, a "deflection of reality" (1966, 115)
that prevented him from understanding that his policies did not aid all
Americans equally. At the same time, the inclusiveness of Reagan's
rhetorical practices, as evidenced in the radio addresses, is itself
notable. At a time when many conservatives were aiming their rhetoric at
white elites and some were continuing to take positions that verged on
racism, Reagan defended an inclusive view that privileged the category
of American over any race, creed, or other division. Given this
rhetorical practice, it is unsurprising that Reagan has been a
particular hero to many black conservatives such as Thomas Sowell,
Walter Williams, and Shelby Steele (Thornton 1981, 49; Singer 1981, 435;
Leo 2001, 11).
Fifth, a review of the radio addresses included in the Handwriting
Files in the Reagan Library indicates that especially in his first term,
Reagan was an involved principal in the creation of the radio speeches
and a skillful speechwriter himself. In a surprising number of cases,
especially early in his presidency, Reagan may have been the primary
author of radio addresses. The Handwriting Files for 1982 contain
complete drafts in Reagan's handwriting for five of the first ten
speeches. They included the initial address discussing Reagan's
economic recovery program, a speech on the Caribbean Basin Initiative,
an address on nuclear weapons, a talk dealing with taxes, and one that
discussed the federal budget and unemployment. These speeches outlined
and defended Reagan's basic programs in both foreign and domestic
policy. After the first year, Reagan may have continued to write his own
speeches from time to time. For instance, he may have authored the
October 6, 1983, speech on Marines in Lebanon. The Handwriting Files
(1983, Box 12, October 6) contain a complete draft of the speech in
Reagan's handwriting. This draft traced the history of American
military presence in Lebanon, justified his decision to send in troops,
and warned of the consequences of allowing the Middle East to be
incorporated into the Soviet bloc, reminding his listeners that the
United States depended on Middle East oil. He also pointed to efforts
that the United States had made to promote peace in the Middle East but
added that the presence of terrorists in Lebanon and five thousand
"Soviet advisers and technicians" in Syria made the U.S.
presence a necessity. This address and others like it indicate that
Reagan was an active participant in the creation and revision of his
discourse rather than simply a performer who repeated the words and
ideas of others.
The Handwriting Files also indicate that Reagan played a role in
the creation of the addresses even when he was not the primary author.
Careful examination of the early drafts of Reagan's radio addresses
from 1982, for example, reveal extensive inserts, deletions, and
interlineations in the president's handwriting. Out of twenty-eight
radio speeches presented that year, seventeen were either written or
edited by the president. Some of Reagan's edits focused on word
changes and other questions of style. He often shortened sections and
substituted simpler and more active language for passive or complex
constructions. Five of the seventeen speeches contained only these minor
But Reagan's editing extended beyond style and included
substantive changes that made the talks more ideologically focused. In
1982, seven early drafts contained this type of editing. An example of
this can be seen in his October 9, 1982, speech on Solidarity and U.S.
relations with Poland. At the end of the draft, the president inserted a
paragraph that summarized the basis for his commitment to freedom-a
fundamental component of his ideology:
Someone has said that when anyone is denied freedom, then freedom for
everyone is threatened. The struggle in the world today for the hearts and
minds of mankind is based on one simple question--is man born to be free or
slave? In country after country, people have long known the answer to that
question. We are free by Divine right. We are the masters of our fate and
we create governments for our convenience. Those who would have it
otherwise create a crime and a sin against God and man. (Handwriting Files
1982, Box 6, October 9)
Extending beyond the first year, there are additional examples of
Reagan's adding specific ideological substance to his addresses.
One such speech is the early draft of his July 9, 1983, address on
fairness. A memorandum from Communications Director Aram Bakshian noted
that this early draft had "incorporated your notes on the truth
about aid to the needy," including a section in Reagan's
handwriting asserting that inflation was "part of deliberate
government economic planning" that perpetuated poverty (Handwriting
Files 1983, Box 10, July 7). In this talk and a number of others, Reagan
focused the ideological content of the address.
All told, Reagan was the primary author or coauthor of 20 of the
330 radio addresses. He made stylistic and ideological edits on an
additional 34 speeches and stylistic edits on an additional 104
speeches. Overall, the Handwriting Files reveal Reagan as an active
participant in the creation of 158 of the 330 speeches. This data may
underestimate Reagan's actual influence on the radio addresses.
There are 152 speeches for which there is no draft at all in the
Handwriting Files at the Reagan Library. In many cases, these speeches
occurred during a foreign trip or while a pressing event such as
Gorbachev's 1987 visit to the U.S. was occurring. It is quite
possible that Reagan participated in the writing or editing of these
addresses as well. It has been the conventional wisdom in the media that
Ronald Reagan had a pleasant persona and was a brilliant presenter of
other people's words but that in other ways he was not rhetorically
skilled. Drafts of the radio addresses contained in the Handwriting
Files challenge this view. They indicate that Reagan was a skillful
writer and a gifted editor who was concerned with both the style and the
ideological substance of his talks. These findings are consistent with
other recent scholarship that has focused on drafts that Reagan wrote of
editorials and radio talks before he became president (Skinner,
Anderson, and Anderson 2001).
The analysis of the radio addresses of Ronald Reagan is revealing
both in relation to the genre of modern presidential rhetoric and
especially in regard to our understanding of the rhetorical practices of
the Reagan administration. In Deeds Done in Words, Campbell and Jamieson
made two points concerning the deliberative rhetoric of Ronald Reagan.
In their analysis of Reagan's State of the Union addresses, they
critiqued Reagan for "sharply tilting the character of the
addresses toward the ceremonial and away from the deliberative" and
cited the views of critics who have argued that Reagan was not willing
to risk "his personal popularity to achieve legislative ends"
(1990, 7). In the following paragraph, they then backed off this
judgment, noting that the attention span of the American people in the
media age may demand such a ceremonial rather than deliberative
While Campbell and Jamieson (1990) may have been correct that the
public cannot process extended policy analysis, ceremonial rhetoric by
itself cannot fulfill all of the functions of presidential rhetoric.
Presidents must use deliberative talk to support their policy agenda.
One means of fulfilling the deliberative function without overwhelming
the attention span of the average citizen is to package the deliberative
agenda of the administration in shorter works. The radio speeches are
the most important recurring example of this type of discourse. For
almost eight years, Reagan used them to make the public aware of his
proposals one or two policies at a time, to influence the media agenda,
and also to fulfill ceremonial functions. Since the radio addresses have
now endured into a fourth administration, it is arguable that they are
functioning as an emerging genre of presidential rhetoric. Further study
of the radio addresses of the two Bush administrations and the Clinton
years is needed to test this claim. Based on this study, it would seem
that Reagan understood the constraints posed by the mass audience in a
media age and helped create a new genre of presidential rhetoric as a
way around those limitations.
Ronald Reagan is often described as almost a cartoon figure:
extremist ideology, empty talk, skillful presentation but essentially
irrational positions, a teller of inspiring but fundamentally deceptive tales, and merely an announcer. The picture of Reagan that we have
painted in this article strongly supports a revised view of
Reagan's rhetorical legacy. Our analysis of the radio addresses
indicates that Reagan endorsed positions that were both more moderate
and more inclusive than is generally believed. It also demonstrates that
Reagan was an adaptable and skillful rhetor. Finally, the analysis, in
combination with a review of the Handwriting Files at the Reagan
library, indicates that Reagan was by no means a passive reader of other
writers' copy; he was an involved and skillful speechwriter.
As we noted at the beginning of this article, a number of political
commentators have argued that in advocating compassionate conservatism
and consistently enunciating an optimistic tone, George W. Bush has
taken an approach that is much closer to that of Ronald Reagan than that
of his own father. There may be something in this generalization, but
there is also an important difference between George W. Bush and Reagan.
A review of the radio speeches indicates that Reagan's rhetoric was
genuinely inclusive, far more moderate than has been realized, and that
Reagan's optimism came out of his mythic view of what it means to
be an American. In other words, there was a perfect consonance between
the content and style of Reagan's public talk. In the case of
George W. Bush, there is reason to doubt that the style and substance
are so consistent. Rather, they may reflect tactical adaptation to an
electorate increasingly skeptical of conservative ideas (Leibowitz 2000;
Dionne 1999, W18; Balz 1999, Al). It would appear that media stereotypes
concerning Ronald Reagan could be applied much more aptly to George W.
Bush than to Reagan himself.
In sum, the analysis of Ronald Reagan's 330 radio addresses
reveals a sophisticated and involved rhetorician who skillfully chose
among the available means of persuasion to appeal to the broadest
possible audience. This portrait strongly supports the revisionist
interpretation of Reagan's rhetorical legacy. It also goes a long
way toward explaining why Reagan was so successful while many of those
who claim his legacy have not achieved the same kind of success. Strong
conservatives, either in the religious or secular right, including Newt
Gingrich, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, many of the Republican leaders
in Congress, and others have not be able to achieve the kind of national
success for their version of conservatism that Reagan achieved in 1980
and 1984. They have been successful with conservatives, but they have
not been able to reach out to others such as the "Reagan
Democrats." And they have had very little success against centrist
Democrats such as Bill Clinton.
Why the change in political fortunes? Many conservatives blame the
people for not listening. But in reality, it is the conservative
activists who failed to listen. They claim to be the heirs to Ronald
Reagan, but in fact their rhetoric is far to the right of the
presidential rhetoric of "the great communicator" and much
less inclusive and optimistic. It is a supreme irony that in the debate
over Ronald Reagan's rhetorical legacy, it is the conservative wing
of his own party that is not listening.
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Thematic Breakdown of Reagan's Saturday Radio Addresses (N = 330)
Domestic (n = 71)
of the
tration Crime/ Foreign
(n = 80) General Tax Drugs Total (n = 54)
1982 12 2 2 4 3
1983 13 8 2 10 6
1984 6 9 1 3 13 7
1985 11 8 4 1 13 10
1986 13 6 4 10 7
1987 15 12 1 13 11
1988 10 3 5 8 10
Percentage 24.2 21.5 16.4
Defense (n = 57)
General USSR Nicaragua Total
1982 1 3 4
1983 1 8 9
1984 2 2
1985 2 8 1 11
1986 4 2 3 9
1987 3 6 2 11
1988 1 7 3 11
Percentage 17.3
Social Epideictic Campaign
(n = 4) (n = 47) (n = 17)
1982 2 3
1983 1 14
1984 1 6 9
1985 5
1986 10
1987 2
1988 7 8
Percentage 1.2 14.2 5.2
Robert C. Rowland is professor and chair of the Department of
Communication Studies at the University of Kansas. He has published
widely on rhetorical criticism, public argument, and the rhetoric of
Ronald Reagan.
John M. Jones is assistant professor of Communication at Pepperdine
University. His area of emphasis is the rhetoric of Ronald Reagan.