The questionable call for common carriage: is there a role for common carriage in an Internet-based world?
Yoo, Christopher S.
Over the years, advocates have periodically proposed extending
common carriage regulation--provision of service at
government-controlled uniform rates and service levels--to the Internet.
This debate was thrown into sharp relief last May 14, when the Federal
Communications Commission's second attempt to devise network
neutrality rules invited comment on whether it should subject broadband
Internet access to the regulatory regime that governs traditional
telephone service. But calls for common carriage have not been limited
to broadband Internet access. Others have endorsed extending common
carriage to a wide range of Internet-based services, including search
engines, cloud computing, Apple devices, online maps, and social
All too often, those who focus exclusively on the Internet era have
paid too little attention to the lessons of the legacy of regulated
industries. A mature academic literature exists analyzing the challenges
faced in the past when applying common carriage to industries such as
railroads, trucking, airlines, natural gas and oil pipelines, electric
power distribution, and traditional telephone service. Nondiscrimination
in rates--a key component of common carriage regulation--is difficult to
enforce when products vary in terms of quality or cost and does not
allow charging different prices to consumers whose demand elasticities
differ, a practice that can increase economic welfare. Common carriage
also provides weak incentives to economize, raises difficult questions
about how to allocate common costs, and deters innovation. At the same
time, it facilitates collusion by creating entry barriers, standardizing
products, pooling information, providing advance notice of any pricing
changes, and allowing the government to serve as the cartel enforcer.
Three historical examples--early alternatives to local telephone
companies known as competitive access providers, the detariffing of
business services, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)--provide
concrete illustrations of how refraining from imposing common carriage
regulation can benefit consumers.
The most important traditional rationale for the regulation of
common carriers is the presence of monopoly power. But the fact that the
market for last-mile broadband is becoming increasingly competitive is
steadily undermining that rationale.
The most recent data collected by the FCC indicate that as of
December 2012, 99 percent of U.S. households live in census blocks with
access to two or more fixed line or mobile wireless broadband providers
capable of providing the benchmark speeds of 3 Mbps downstream and 768
kbps upstream. Some 97 percent have access to three or more providers.
Faster service tiers are also becoming more competitive. For example, 96
percent of U.S. households have access to two or more providers offering
service at the higher standard of 6 Mbps downstream and 1.5 Mbps
upstream, and 81 percent have access to three or more. Even at the
highest tier reported (10 Mbps downstream and 1.5 Mbps upstream), 80
percent have access to two or more providers and 48 percent have access
to three or more.
The biggest change in the market is wireless broadband. Although
service based around 3G technologies remains relatively slow, wireless
broadband providers have begun co deploy a 4G technology known as Long
Term Evolution (LTE), which typically delivers much higher speeds.
Although some observers have expressed skepticism that LTE can ever be a
substitute for fixed line broadband, recent studies cited by the FCC
indicate that as of May 2013, the LTE offerings of Verizon, AT&T,
and T-Mobile were providing average download speeds of 12-19 Mbps, with
peak download speeds averaging between 60 Mbps and 66 Mbps. Late-arriver
Sprint is also providing download speeds that average 6 Mbps and peak
speeds that average 32 Mbps. And on the horizon is the next-generation
wireless technology known as LTE Advanced, which is already being
deployed in other countries and is capable of delivering speeds of up to
150-300 Mbps.
The FCC's most recent report on wireless competition indicates
that as of October 2012, 98 percent of U.S. residents live in census
blocks served by two or more 3G wireless providers, with 92 percent
being served by three or more and 82 percent being served by four or
more (in addition, of course, to the services offered by fixed line
providers). The 2012 data underrepresent the current competitiveness of
the market. As of the end of 2012, Verizon had extended LTE to only 83
percent of its service area, AT&T reached only 51 percent, and
Sprint and T-Mobile had not yet begun their LTE deployments. By the end
of 2013, Verizon had completed its LTE deployment and served 96 percent
of the U.S. population, AT&T reached 80 percent, and Sprint and
T-Mobile covered roughly two-thirds of the country. The market should
become even more competitive by the end of 2014, with AT&T projected
to complete its buildout and reach 96 percent of the population and with
Sprint and T-Mobile planning to cover 80 percent. Even smaller, regional
providers such as Leap, US Cellular, and C-Spire are beginning to deploy
the technology. Once those wireless providers complete the buildout of
their networks, the market should be even more competitive.
Although these markets are not perfectly competitive, empirical
studies indicate that markets with three firms are workably competitive,
with most of the competitive benefit occurring with the entry of the
second or third firm and minimal benefits resulting from entry in
markets that already have three to five firms. One must also bear in
mind that regulation is costly and typically falls short of replicating
the performance of a perfectly competitive market. Regulation thus turns
on a comparison of second-best outcomes. Although the poor performance
of unregulated monopoly justifies bearing the significant costs of
regulation, an unregulated oligopoly performs sufficiently better and at
some point tips the balance in favor of deregulation.
The case for imposing common carriage regulation based on market
power is even harder to make with respect to Internet protocol
(IP)-based services other than broadband Internet access. The markets
for VoIP, cloud services, wireless devices, and online mapping services
are all subject to robust competition. Even though the leading search
engines and social networking platforms have relatively high market
shares, the Federal Trade Commission recently concluded that the fact
that switching costs are low obviates the need for regulatory
Those who remain unconvinced that broadband Internet service is
workably competitive and instead believe that substantial market power
exists will continue to be concerned that companies will use that power
to implement pricing practices that will harm consumers. In particular,
they may advocate imposing regulation mandating nondiscrimination to
prevent providers from replacing flat-rate, unlimited-access pricing
with policies that charge different customers different prices for
different products.
The academic literature on common carriage reveals that while
mandating nondiscrimination sounds good in principle, it is difficult to
implement in practice. Ascertaining whether prices are discriminatory
requires far more than simply seeing whether firms are charging
customers the same price. Charging two customers the same price, for
example, could be discriminatory if providing the product or service to
those customers differs in terms of quality or cost. In addition,
prohibiting providers from charging customers different prices based on
the intensity of customers' preferences for the product, rather
than differences in quality or cost, would foreclose what economists
call "Ramsey pricing," which can be an efficient way to
recover fixed costs.
Differences in quality / Any nondiscrimination mandate must
evaluate whether any price differences are justified by variations in
product quality. As a result, common carriage regimes work best for
commodities for which product quality does not vary. Classic examples
include water, natural gas, and electric power.
For Internet-based services, the sources of variations in quality
are vast. As an initial matter, quality of service on broadband networks
varies along as many as four dimensions: bandwidth, delay, jitter, and
reliability. Whereas voice communications on the telephone network
operated only within a narrow range of service parameters, the services
that Internet providers offer and that applications demand can vary
widely. Indeed, the FCC has long cited the benefits from allowing more
diverse offerings as one of the reasons for declining to subject
enhanced services to common carriage regulation.
Moreover, the congestion control mechanisms embedded in the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) cause end users communicating with
distant locations to receive less bandwidth than those communicating
with nearby locations because of the simple fact that transmission
sessions with shorter feedback loops increase their sending rates more
rapidly than sessions with longer feedback loops. Further difficulties
arise from the fact that quality of service is also the joint product of
how other subscribers are using the network. If everyone generates
traffic at the same time, everyone receives lower quality of service in
ways that could justify cost differentials but that are difficult to
That is why many observers regard Internet-based services as
particularly ill-suited to common carriage regulation. For example,
cloud computing is based on networking services that are highly
differentiated and nonfungible in terms of service level and
functionality, with the needs of different customers varying widely.
Differences in cost / Regulators who implement nondiscrimination
mandates must also carefully scrutinize production technologies and
costs to see if price differences are justified by differences in cost.
The problem is that modern Internet access is provided through a wide
range of production technologies--including cable modem service,
fiber-based service, digital subscriber line (DSL) service, and wireless
broadband--that have different cost structures. As a result, cost
differentials are likely to be pervasive.
Even more importantly for our purposes, within the same production
technology the cost of providing service can vary widely between
customers. In network industries, the primary expense is the fixed cost
needed to establish the principal line providing service to a
neighborhood, which is large compared to the cost of connecting
individual subscribers to that line. The principal determinant of unit
cost is the density of subscribers in any particular area. An increase
in density permits fixed costs to be amortized over a larger number of
One would thus expect subscribers in more densely populated areas
to pay less than those in areas in which population density is sparser.
Most regulatory authorities mandate rate averaging to ensure that all
customers pay the same amount regardless of location. For example,
public utility commissions have generally set rates for local telephone
service that are uniform across entire states even though the real costs
of providing service vary. In this way, somewhat ironically, the
traditional implementation of common carriage violates fundamental
principles of nondiscrimination. Stated somewhat differently, by
implicitly requiring urban subscribers to cross-subsidize the
connectivity of rural subscribers, a uniform rate structure violates the
fundamental principle of nondiscrimination. Indeed, in its 2002 ruling
in Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC (535 U.S. 467), the Supreme Court
recognized that imposing such cross subsidies in the name of promoting
universal service represented "state-sanctioned
Implementing nondiscriminatory pricing is also greatly complicated
by the manner in which the cost of providing Internet service varies
over different parts of the day and different locations. Congestion
costs arise when multiple subscribers use the network at the same time.
The actual costs of providing service can thus vary widely from moment
to moment depending on actual usage. In addition, technologies such as
cable-modem service and wireless broadband aggregate traffic locally,
making subscribers' experience highly susceptible to the usage
levels of their immediate neighbors. This means that congestion can vary
geographically, with one node being saturated while an adjacent node is
not. Any pricing scheme that was truly nondiscriminatory would thus vary
from minute to minute as well as from place to place.
Such a regime would face significant implementation problems. The
localized nature of the Internet means that each network provider is
aware only of local conditions. It has no systematic way of discerning
the congestion levels in its downstream partners when it hands off
traffic. Although those channel partners could share that information,
network providers typically jealously guard data about the configuration
of their networks and the loads they carry. In addition, network
providers would have to provide extensive new systems to monitor and
propagate information about network usage and pricing at a timescale
relevant to actual costs. Moreover, although permitting traffic levels
to grow without any change in price so long as the network is slack
would reflect actual costs, such an approach would cause network
resources to become locked out as soon as they became saturated. Such
sharp discontinuities in network behavior can lead to wide-scale
disruptions and inefficient usage of network resources. Finally,
subscribers' ability to adjust to dynamic pricing is rather
limited. Indeed, research indicates that consumers cannot process
pricing plans that divide the day into more than three parts.
All of those considerations are likely to make nondiscrimination
mandates difficult to implement. They are also likely to cause
real-world prices to deviate from nondiscriminatory prices.
Demand-side price discrimination/Like all products characterized by
high fixed costs and lower marginal costs, services provided by network
industries confront a fundamental pricing problem. Academic scholarship
on networks and regulators has long recognized that price discriminatory
regimes such as Ramsey pricing can alleviate that problem.
As initial investments are amortized over increasingly large
volumes, average costs decay exponentially. Sources of scale economies
are typically exhaustible, however. As production volumes increase, the
cheapest sources of raw materials become scarce. At some point the
economies of scale become diseconomies of scale and variable costs
increase. Eventually, variable cost increases result in average cost
increases (indicated in Figure 1 by Q*). The larger the fixed costs, the
higher the quantity at which this crossover point will occur.
The maximization of economic welfare must satisfy two conditions.
First, price must equal marginal cost, otherwise further increases in
production would cause economic welfare to decrease. Second, price must
equal or exceed average cost, otherwise the producing firms will go out
of business. It is easy to identify prices that both equal marginal cost
and equal or exceed average cost if industry demand is sufficiently
large to permit multiple firms to produce volumes that exceed [Q.sup.*].
If, on the other hand, the total industry volume is less than [Q.sup.*],
no price-quantity pairs exist that both equal marginal cost and equal or
exceed average cost. Any prices that equal average cost and thus permit
the firm to break even necessarily exceed marginal cost and create some
degree of deadweight loss.
Monopolists seeking to maximize their profits will produce where
marginal revenue equals marginal cost (represented in Figure 2 by
[] and []. At that point, prices are inefficiently
high in that they exceed marginal cost. The traditional policy response
is to regulate rates to drive down the prices charged by the monopolist.
To be sustainable, however, the price must permit the monopolist to
recover its production costs, which requires that the prices equal or
exceed average cost. Absent price discrimination, the lowest sustainable
price that equals or exceeds average cost is represented in Figure 2 by
[P.sub.sus]. The fact that [P.sub.sus] exceeds marginal cost means that
it is inefficient and leads to a shortfall in production equal to the
difference between and [Q.sub.sus] and [Q.sub.eff]. The monopolist could
serve consumers between and [Q.sub.sus] and [Q.sub.eff] by charging them
prices that fall below average cost and compensating by charging other
customers prices that exceed average cost.
It is for this reason that economic textbooks regard price
discrimination as a necessary condition to maximizing economic welfare
in industries, like telecommunications, that require substantial
fixed-cost investments. Indeed, this is the insight underlying Ramsey
pricing, which allocates a higher proportion of the fixed costs to those
consumers who are the least price sensitive (and thus will reduce their
purchases only minimally even though prices exceed marginal cost) and a
lower proportion of the fixed costs to those consumers who are the most
price sensitive (and who will decrease their consumption sharply in
response to any increase in price).
The FCC has been reluctant to permit Ramsey pricing in the context
of unbundling out of concern that it would raise prices on those
elements that are the most difficult to replicate, which it believed was
inconsistent with the statute's focus on promoting competition. One
study estimated the welfare loss stemming from the refusal to implement
Ramsey pricing for local telephone service at approximately $30 billion
per year.
Even though broadband is workably competitive and nondiscriminatory
pricing is more difficult to implement than most people realize and
sometimes inefficient, some people still favor rate regulation. This
section describes the mechanics of how it has been implemented
historically and the negative consequences that have resulted.
Rate-of-return regulation focuses on the cost of the inputs
according to the formula R = O + Br, where R is the total revenue the
carrier is permitted to generate (sometimes called the revenue
requirement), O is the carrier's operating expenses incurred during
that particular rate year (such as taxes, wages, energy costs, and
depreciation), B is the amount of capital investments that must be
recovered over multiple rate years (also known as the "rate
base"), and r is the appropriate rate of return allowed on the
capital investment.
Once the total revenue requirement is set, prices are set for each
service in a manner designed to allow the firm to satisfy that
requirement. If there is only one product and one rate class, rates are
determined simply by dividing the total revenue requirement by the
number of units consumers are expected to demand. If, as is usually the
case, the regulated firm offers multiple products (e.g., local and long
distance services) and more than one class of service (e.g., residential
and business services), the calculus is considerably more complex.
Regulators then monitor the overall revenue and profit earned by the
regulated entity to make sure that unexpected variations do not cause
major deviations from the targets.
Determining the proper rate base / One of the most longstanding
challenges of rate regulation is how to value capital expenses that
comprise the rate base (B). Establishing the proper way to value the
costs that make up the rate base has proven to be one of the most
difficult problems in economic regulation. Indeed, in Verizon
Communications Inc. v. FCC, the Supreme Court characterized the word
"cost" as "a chameleon," "virtually
meaningless," and "protean."
The biggest controversy has surrounded whether the rate base should
be calculated based on historical or replacement cost. In 1898, the
Supreme Court's landmark case of Smyth v. Ames (169 U.S. 466) held
that the Constitution entitled regulated firms to rates based on the
"fair value" of their assets. And by fair value, the Court
meant the assets' current market value as measured by replacement
cost. This was soon met by a vigorous defense of historical cost by
Justice Brandeis in the 1923 case Missouri ex rel. Southwestern Bell
Telephone Co. v. Public Service Commission (262 U.S. 276). More
recently, regulatory authorities have begun to use an even more
stringent form of replacement cost, exemplified by the FCC's
adoption of Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost (TELRIC), used to
implement rates set under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This
calculation was based not on the replacement cost of the assets actually
purchased, but rather on the replacement cost of a hypothetical network
composed of the most efficient components if the network were rebuilt
from scratch today.
The debate between historical and replacement cost is not merely
academic. The choice between them can have dramatic implications for
both the rates paid by consumers and the returns earned by companies. In
a deflationary environment or one in which technological innovation is
driving costs down, replacement cost implies lower rates and historical
cost implies higher rates. But in an inflationary environment, such as
World Wars I and II, replacement cost causes rates to increase, while
historical cost implies lower rates. In addition, the uncertainty
surrounding replacement-cost determinations, particularly those made
around hypothetical combinations of assets, makes rate hearings costly
and maddeningly inconsistent.
The result is that, aside from TELRIC, regulatory authorities have
stopped their endless fights over how best to determine replacement cost
and generally relied on more stable and less arbitrary measures of
historical cost. Historical cost is not without its own drawbacks,
however. Guaranteeing a return on outdated technology can reward
obsolescence. One of the most difficult administrative problems
associated with common carriage regulation thus remains unresolved.
Lack of incentive to economize on costs / A second challenge with
rate-of-return regulation is that regulated firms have no incentive to
economize on costs. The cost-plus nature guarantees firms a return on
their expenditures, which dampens their incentive to economize and their
incentive to invest in cost-reducing improvements. Firms subject to rate
regulation may also avoid deploying new technologies that would render
their investments obsolete before they recover those costs.
Conversely, once investments are sunk, regulated firms are
vulnerable to regulatory opportunism in which regulators find
expenditures imprudent and deny recovery. The risk of such expropriation
can cause firms to underinvest systematically in their networks.
Determining the proper rate of return / Determining the appropriate
rate of return often proves even more difficult than determining the
appropriate rate base. The regulator must decide whether to focus on the
regulated entity's cost of capital or that of represented industry
participants, which are typically themselves regulated and thus do not
represent independent observations. The regulator must determine whether
to evaluate the current risk level or the one at the time the capital
expenditures were made. In determining the weighted average cost of
capital, regulators must take into account the different tax treatment
of each instrument. They must also decide whether the risk premium
includes protection against inflation or reflects pioneering new
services that are not yet proven. This determination is complicated by
the fact that small differences in rates of return can have dramatic
effects on the total revenue that the carrier is allowed to generate.
In the end, setting rates of return is as much about a political
bargain allocating benefits between consumers and firms as it is about
economics. Thus, it should come as no surprise that firms that operate
in multiple jurisdictions often find large differences in the rate of
return they are permitted to earn.
Setting prices and allocating common costs / The dynamism of
Internet-related markets makes it more difficult to set prices in an
efficient manner. As noted earlier, the most straightforward way to
generate individual prices is to divide the revenue requirement by the
projected demand. This yields good results when industry demand and
market shares are relatively stable. When demand is uncertain, however,
prices may give the regulated firm a windfall if demand unexpectedly
increases, or they may fail to meet the revenue requirement if demand
unexpectedly falls.
Another classic problem associated with rate-of-return regulation
is the reduction in pricing flexibility. As the user base becomes more
heterogeneous, users will want an increasingly diverse range of ever
more customized products. Some consumers may be willing to pay higher
prices for more features or higher quality. Others may wish to buy a
no-frills version at a cheaper price. The creation of new products will
inevitably require regulatory approval of new price-product
combinations. The inevitable lag means that regulation will cause the
product offerings and prices to be increasingly out of step with
consumer demand. The faster the rate of change, the more significant
this wedge will become.
Regulated prices suffer from an even more fundamental problem. They
deviate from marginal cost, the central policy prescription of
microeconomics. Of course, when fixed costs are high, it is impossible
to charge prices that both equal marginal cost and equal or exceed
average cost. In that case, the efficient outcome would charge in
inverse proportion to the elasticity of demand (Ramsey pricing). Again,
the average-cost approach to pricing embedded in rate-of-return
regulation is at odds with this outcome. Regulatory innovations, such as
price caps, were supposed to solve many--if not all--of those problems,
but failed to live up to their promise.
Facilitating collusion / A final drawback to common carriage
regulation is that it has long been recognized to facilitate collusion.
This is because common carriage tends to create entry barriers,
standardizes products and prices, pools information about price and
product changes, and puts the government in a position to mandate
adherence to particular prices.
Barriers to entry: Common carriage typically imposes access
controls. Both federal and state law require interstate carriers to
obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity before
constructing or extending any new facilities. At best, the clearance
process delays entry. At worst, it can block entry altogether, as
evidenced by Congress's enactment of a provision prohibiting states
from using the certificate process to forestall the emergence of
In addition, firms may use common carriage regulation as an entry
barrier. It has long been recognized that industry-wide regulation can
benefit incumbents (despite the additional costs of compliance) if new
entrants and fringe players find it harder to bear the regulatory
burden. Indeed, some firms have actively sought regulation in order to
create entry barriers.
Standardization of products and pricing: Cartels are much easier to
form and enforce when products are homogeneous. When products are
uniform, any coordination designed to reduce competition need only focus
on a single dimension: price. When products are heterogeneous, however,
any price agreement must take into account all of the ways that products
can vary. This makes agreements both harder to reach and to police. If
products are so customized that each is individualized, cartel cheating
may be almost impossible to detect or prevent.
Another practice that tends to undermine oligopoly discipline is
unsystematic price discrimination. Secret price discrimination is one of
the best ways for cartel members to cheat. Cartels also function best
when demand is more or less constant, which in turn helps ensure that
prices remain stable.
Common carriage has the effect of facilitating collusion along each
of those dimensions. Standardizing both products and prices makes cartel
agreements easier to reach and any defection from the cartel easier to
identify. At the same time, entry restrictions and the ratemaking
process can help stabilize demand.
Pooling of information and advance notice: Common carriage has the
effect of making all pricing information visible and easily available to
all other industry participants. In addition, it requires every provider
to announce in advance to all of its competitors any planned changes in
prices or product offerings. The loss of lead time dampens the incentive
to make price cuts.
Pooling of pricing information has long been recognized as a
facilitating practice that makes it easier to form and maintain a
cartel. As the FCC recognized:
Tariff posting also provides an excellent mechanism for inducing
noncompetitive pricing. Since all price reductions are public, they
can be quickly matched by competitors. This reduces the incentive
to engage in price cutting. In these circumstances firms may be
able to charge prices higher than could be sustained in an
unregulated market. Thus, regulated competition all too often
becomes cartel management.
Such information is particularly helpful to cartels if that
information pertains to changes in product or changes to price.
Ability to use government to enforce cartel pricing: Finally,
cartels need some means to enforce the cartel by preventing price
cutting. Cartels often find enforcement difficult because the members
must not reveal to the government that they are colluding.
Common carriage provides for an open and legal way to enforce
prices. By requiring that prices conform exactly to the published rate,
common carriage prohibits any deviations from the established price.
Under the filed rate doctrine, regulated entities cannot cut their
prices. Moreover, to the extent that these are enshrined in regulation,
any compliance with these prices is immune from antitrust scrutiny.
In addition, common carriage gives any member of the public the
right to challenge any proposed change to a tariff. Firms have routinely
used this authority to oppose price reductions proposed by their
competitors. As such, tariffing creates the same opportunity for
interference as competitor suits in antitrust law, where a less
efficient competitor can try to prevent its rival from competing on the
The imposition of common carriage thus facilitates collusion in a
wide variety of ways. The danger of expediting the formation and
maintenance of a cartel provides another important reason to resist
common carriage.
The argument that Internet consumers are better served by markets
than by common carriage regulation is based on more than just theory. In
this last section, I review three recent examples that describe how
common carriage regulation has hurt rather than helped consumers.
Competitive access providers / Long before the enactment of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, competition began to emerge in local
telephone service. The arrival of fiber optics fostered the emergence of
a new type of company known as the competitive access provider (CAP).
CAPs initially focused on offering long distance bypass services, which
allowed corporate customers to place long distance telephone calls
without having to access the Bell System's local telephone
facilities. The eventual expansion of CAP networks to cover the entire
core business districts of major metropolitan areas made it possible for
CAPs to offer local telephone service in direct competition with the
CAP-provided services possessed many advantages over those provided
by the incumbent local telephone companies. First, CAP networks tended
to employ more modern technology, which allowed them to offer a greater
range of features and a more attractive price structure than could the
incumbent local telephone companies. Unlike the incumbents, moreover,
because CAPs were not subject to common carriage regulation, they were
not required to provide uniform services according to published tariffs
approved by the FCC. As a result, they were able to respond more quickly
to market demands and to tailor pricing and terms of service to each
customer's needs. Lastly, the untariffed nature of CAP services
also allowed them to avoid the cross subsidies embedded in the system of
access charges created by the FCC.
Detariffing business services / The emergence of competition in
portions of the telecommunications industry has provided some impetus
toward eliminating tariffing requirements. State public utility
commissions have also been detariffing business services to permit
providers to tailor their offerings to individual customers' needs.
Individual businesses have begun to demand increasingly specialized
services. As a result, state public utility commissions have had to
entertain a growing tide of petitions seeking permission to deviate from
the published tariffs.
A similar move is taking place in local residential service, as
competition from wireless services is leading local phone companies to
request detariffing of rates (see "What Happens When Local Phone
Service Is Deregulated," Fall 2012). For example, Qwest asked the
Idaho Public Utility Commission to deregulate its rates in light of the
emergence of effective competition. The Idaho Public Utility Commission
rejected the petition because it was not persuaded by the evidence that
mobile telephony has become the functional equivalent of traditional
wireline telephony. Over time, state public utility commissions have
largely deregulated local phone service for businesses and have begun to
deregulate residential local phone services as well.
VoIP / The final case is interconnected VoIP. When VoIP was first
introduced, it was largely exempt from all of the obligations imposed on
local telephone service. This has changed over time. Beginning in 2005,
VoIP has become subject to universal service, e911, disability access,
number portability, and service outage reporting requirements.
What is interesting is the extent to which VoIP differs from
conventional telephony. Unlike traditional telephone service, VoIP rides
on a packet network that transmits data on a best efforts basis. As a
result, it is much less reliable than conventional telephony. Because it
rides on a general instead of a specialized network, it also consumes
more bandwidth.
At the same time, it is different from other types of Internet
applications. The Internet was originally designed around the TCP
protocol. It ensured reliability by requiring that every receiving host
send an acknowledgement to the sending host for every packet it
received. If the sending host did not receive a packet within the
expected time frame, it would simply resend it. This approach presumed
that reliability was more important than expediency and that if a packet
was dropped, the next available window was best used for resending a
dropped packet instead of sending a new one.
While this approach worked well for applications such as e-mail and
web browsing that were not particularly sensitive to delays of a
fraction of a second, the Internet's protocol designers soon
discovered that this design did not work well for packet voice. The
delays waiting for the retransmission timer to expire and for the packet
to be resent rendered the service unusable. Like all real-time
applications, packet voice is also more sensitive to jitter. As a
result, the protocol architects created a new protocol called the User
Data Protocol (UDP) that would send packets without waiting for
VoIP thus differs in important ways from both conventional
telephony and traditional Internet applications such as e-mail and web
browsing. Specifically, it needs different services from and imposes
different burdens on the networks on which it rides. Common carriage
runs the risk of lumping it together with applications that are quite
different. Doing so would potentially harm VoIP and interactive IP
video, with the effect on video being greater because of its greater
demand for bandwidth. As a result, I would resist the call by French
regulators for Skype to register as a conventional telephone company as
well as the proposal before the United Nations' International
Telecommunications Union to bring Internet interconnection into the
regime used to settle international telephone calls. Even more
importantly, homogenizing the networks' services may threaten
future applications that may place demands on the network that are
different still.
With increasing frequency, common carriage is being invoked as a
potential basis for regulating Internet-based services. The tone of
these invocations often suggests that this recommendation represents a
return to principles that are well established and relatively
Anyone calling for a return to common carriage must grapple with
the reality that common carriage has been the subject of extensive
criticism for the past half-century. The existence of controversy does
not by itself prove that imposing common carriage would necessarily be
bad policy. It does, however, suggest that proponents of common carriage
should actively engage with the institution's recognized
shortcomings. Such a large corpus of scholarship simply cannot be
* "A Clash of Regulatory Paradigms," by Christopher S.
Yoo. Regulation, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Fall 2012).
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CHRISTOPHER S. YOO is the John H. Chestnut Professor of Law,
Communication, and Computer and Information Science at the University of
Pennsylvania and founding director of the school's Center for
Technology, Innovation and Competition. This article is based on his
paper, "Is There a Role for Common Carriage in an Internet-Based
World?" Houston Lau>Review, Vol. 51, No. 2 (2013).