Restaurants, regulation, and the supersizing of America: empirical evidence challenges the belief that increased restaurant dining is the cause of American obesity.
Anderson, Michael L. ; Matsa, David A.
Obesity rates in the United States have grown rapidly in recent
years, and obesity has become a leading cause of preventable death.
Medical research has linked obesity to diabetes, heart disease, stroke,
and certain cancers. But while obesity represents a serious and growing
health issue, its underlying causes are not well understood.
One popular idea among public health advocates is that eating
restaurant food causes obesity. Restaurant food is often rich and
portion sizes tend to be large. Concerned policymakers are developing
new regulations on restaurants in an effort to fight obesity. For
example, in response to high obesity rates in low-income neighborhoods,
the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a law in July 2008
banning the opening of new fast food restaurants in a 32 square-mile
area containing 500,000 residents. "Calorie posting" laws are
in effect in cities such as New York and Seattle, and the recent health
care reform bill mandates calorie posting for all chain restaurants with
20 or more outlets.
If large portions and effective marketing lead people to eat more
when they go to restaurants than when they eat at home, then these
regulations may reduce obesity. But it is not obvious that the link
between eating at restaurants and obesity is causal. The increasing
prevalence of restaurants may in part reflect a greater demand for
The case against restaurants centers on correlations showing that
the frequency of eating out is positively associated with greater fat,
sodium, and total energy intake, as well as with greater body fat. These
correlations have been reproduced in a broad range of data sets and
study populations. Furthermore, the number of restaurants and the
prevalence of obesity have been rising for a number of decades. But
simple correlations between restaurant visits and overeating may
conflate the impact of changes in supply and demand. People choose where
and how much to eat, leaving restaurant consumption correlated with
other dietary practices associated with weight gain. A key question is
whether the growth in eating out is contributing to the obesity
epidemic, or whether these changes merely reflect consumer preferences.
The interesting causal parameter is how much more an obese person
consumes in total because he or she ate at a restaurant. If changes in
preferences are leading consumers to eat out more, regulating
restaurants may only lead consumers to shift consumption to other
sources rather than to reduce total caloric intake.
In a paper forthcoming in the American Economic Journal: Applied
Economics, we reexamine the conventional wisdom that restaurants are
making America obese. We assess the nature of the connection between
restaurants and obesity by exploiting variation in the supply of
restaurants and examining the impact on consumers' body mass. In
rural areas, interstate highways provide variation in the supply of
restaurants that is arguably uncorrelated with local consumer demand. To
serve the large market of highway travelers passing through, a
disproportionate number of restaurants locate immediately adjacent to
highways. For residents of these communities, we find that the highway
boosts the supply of restaurants (and reduces the travel cost associated
with visiting a restaurant) in a manner that is plausibly uncorrelated
with demand or general health practices. To uncover the causal effect of
restaurants on obesity, we compare the prevalence of obesity in
communities located immediately adjacent to interstate highways with the
prevalence of obesity in communities located slightly farther away.
The estimates suggest that restaurants--both fast food and full
service--have little effect on adult obesity. The differences in obesity
rates between communities adjacent to highways and communities farther
from highways are close to zero and precise enough to rule out any
meaningful effects. These results indicate that policies focused on
reducing caloric intake at restaurants are unlikely to reduce obesity
substantially, at least for adults.
But given that a typical restaurant meal contains more calories
than a home-cooked meal, it may seem surprising that greater restaurant
availability does not increase obesity. To understand why restaurants
have little impact on obesity, we examine food intake data collected by
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These micro data contain information
on all food items consumed by a large panel of individuals. We find that
people who eat large portions in restaurants tend to reduce their
calorie consumption at other times during the day; calories eaten in the
restaurant substitute (at least in part) for calories eaten at other
times that day.
These food intake results have broad implications for obesity
policy and general health and safety regulation. Economic theory implies
that regulating specific inputs in the health production function may
not improve outcomes if consumers can compensate in other ways. For
example, previous research has suggested that smokers react to cigarette
taxes by smoking fewer cigarettes more intensively. In the case of
obesity, consumers have access to multiple sources of cheap calories.
Restricting a single source--such as restaurants--is therefore unlikely
to affect obesity, as our findings confirm. This mechanism may underlie
the apparent failure of many interventions targeted at reducing obesity.
Despite their ineffectiveness, such policies have the potential to
generate considerable deadweight loss. Our results suggest that obesity
reductions are unlikely in the absence of more comprehensive policies.
Data The obesity data used in this study come from a confidential
extract of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The
BRFSS is an ongoing, large-scale telephone survey that interviews
hundreds of thousands of individuals each year regarding their health
behaviors. In addition to questions about demographic characteristics
and health behaviors, the survey asks each individual to report his or
her weight and height.
Although national BRFSS data are publicly available from the
Centers for Disease Control, the CDC does not release geographic
identifiers at a finer level than the county. To complete our study, we
requested confidential BRFSS extracts from states that include a much
finer geographic identifier: telephone area code and exchange (i.e., the
first six digits of a 10-digit telephone number). Eleven
states--Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, North Dakota,
Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, and Vermont--cooperated with our requests.
Sample years vary by state and overall cover 1990 to 2005.
Our measures of obesity include body mass index (BMI), defined as
weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A person
is considered overweight if he has a BMI of 25; he is obese if his BMI
is over 30. The average BMI in our sample is 26.6, the prevalence of
overweight individuals is 58 percent, and the prevalence of obese
individuals is 21 percent. These figures closely match national averages
over the same time period. Restaurant establishment data are from the
United States Census ZIP Code Business Patterns and include separate
counts of full service ("sit-down") and limited service
("fast food") restaurants for every ZIP code in the United
States. Ideally we would have individual-level data on frequency of
restaurant consumption to document the relationship between restaurant
consumption and proximity to an interstate highway. To our knowledge,
however, no existing data sets with this information have the necessary
sampling rates to provide a sample of meaningful size in our study
areas. Instead, we conducted our own survey on frequency of restaurant
consumption, described below.
Our goal is to measure the effect of restaurant consumption on body
mass. In this section, we examine the effect of restaurant availability
on body mass; in the next section, we confirm that restaurant
availability affects restaurant consumption. An analysis that assumes
restaurant placement is exogenously determined (i.e., uncorrelated with
other factors that could affect obesity) is unattractive. Both
restaurants and people choose where to locate, so restaurant
availability is likely to be correlated with other factors that could
affect weight. We address this issue by finding an instrumental variable
that satisfies two essential properties: first, it affects restaurant
availability, and second, it is uncorrelated with other determinants of
Distance Our instrument exploits the location of interstate
highways in rural areas as a source of exogenous variation in restaurant
placement. We compare two groups of small towns: those directly adjacent
to an interstate highway (0-5 miles away) and those slightly farther
from an interstate (5-10 miles away). For convenience, we refer to these
two sets of towns as "adjacent" and "nonadjacent,"
The interstate highways were designed in the 1940s to connect the
principal metropolitan areas and industrial centers of the United
States. As an unintended consequence, the highways lowered
transportation costs for rural towns that happened to lie on highway
routes running between major cities. Previous work has concluded that
highways may affect county-level economic outcomes, which might in turn
have some impact on obesity. To avoid this potential confounding factor,
our study uses a much finer level of geographic detail: ZIP codes and
telephone exchange areas. This geographic detail enables us to limit our
study to ZIP codes and exchanges whose centers lie within 10 miles of an
interstate highway. At this level, we expect all towns to benefit from
the lower long-distance transport costs that highways provide. We
therefore expect--and find--no systematic differences in economic
outcomes between the two groups of towns in our sample.
For a large group of individuals--through-travelers on interstate
highways--adjacent towns represent a more convenient service option than
nonadjacent towns. Since these individuals have many choices along their
route of travel, their demand is highly elastic with respect to distance
From the highway. Proximity to an interstate thereby increases the
supply of restaurants in towns adjacent to interstates, relative to
towns that are not immediately adjacent, For a reason that is
independent of local demand (as long as residents do not sort to
different areas based on the availability of restaurants, an issue that
we consider below). In a comparison of the two sets of towns, ZIP codes
located 0-5 miles from interstates are approximately 38 percent (19
percentage points) more likely to have restaurants than ZIP codes
located 5-10 miles from interstates. This is true for both fast food and
full service restaurants.
Figure 1 plots the distribution of distance to the nearest
restaurant for adjacent and nonadjacent ZIP codes. For ZIP codes without
restaurants, we use the distance to the nearest ZIP code with a
restaurant. Of course, the average distance for residents of ZIP codes
that contain restaurants is not zero. We calculate the distribution of
the distance from each Census block to the nearest restaurant for a
stratified random sample of 21 ZIP codes that contain restaurants.
Residents of these ZIP codes live, on average, 2.5 miles from their
nearest restaurant. To construct Figure 1, we sample (with replacement)
from the observed distribution of restaurant distance for each sample
ZIP code that contains a restaurant.
Figure 1 shows that the distance to the nearest restaurant is much
lower for residents of ZIP codes that are adjacent to an interstate
highway than for residents of nonadjacent ZIP codes. Most residents of
adjacent ZIP codes live 0-5 miles from the nearest restaurant, whereas
residents of nonadjacent ZIP codes are more likely to live 5-15 miles
away. These distances correspond to additional roundtrip travel times of
10-40 minutes. Given the extensive evidence in economics and marketing
that even small distances can have large effects on shopping patterns,
these distances represent a sizable financial barrier to restaurant
Regression analysis, presented in Panel A of Table 1, confirms the
statistical significance of the relationship between interstate
proximity and restaurant availability. The regression estimates indicate
that individuals in ZIP codes adjacent to interstate highways live 1.5
miles closer to their nearest restaurant than individuals in ZIP codes
nonadjacent to interstates. Although 1.5 miles may not seem far, it is
important to note that this effect primarily operates through the
differential in ZIP codes containing any restaurants at all. ZIP codes
adjacent to interstates are 17.5 percentage points more likely to
contain a restaurant than ZIP codes nonadjacent to interstates, and when
a ZIP code contains a restaurant, the distance to the nearest restaurant
falls on average from 10.2 miles to 2.5 miles.
It is also possible to calculate the effect of interstate proximity
on total restaurant price, which we define as the sum of meal costs and
travel costs. We translate the distance measure into a price measure
using conservative estimates of vehicle operating costs and travel time
valuation from the transportation and economics literatures. We estimate
total travel costs, including both vehicle operating costs and travel
time, at 70 cents per mile. This figure implies that the average cost
differential in restaurant access for ZIP codes adjacent to interstates
versus ZIP codes farther from interstates is $2.10 (1.5 miles x 2
directions (round trip) x 70 cents per mile = $2.10). As explained
above, this effect operates through the differential in ZIP codes
containing any restaurants at all. Proximity to an interstate reduces
the total restaurant price by an average of $10.80 for areas that would
not have a restaurant at all if not for the highway.
Figure 2 presents the distribution of BMI for towns adjacent to an
interstate highway and towns farther from an interstate. The two
distributions match up exactly, suggesting that restaurants have no
discernable effect on any part of the obesity distribution. Regression
analysis, presented in Panel B of Table 1, confirms the null
relationship between interstate proximity and obesity; interstate
proximity increases BMI by a statistically insignificant 0.002 points
(from an average of 26.6 points).
We combine the results of the regressions in Panels A and B of
Table 1 to estimate the effect on BMI of distance to the nearest
restaurant. Specifically, we divide the estimated effect of interstate
proximity on BMI (0.002) by the estimated effect of interstate proximity
on distance to the nearest restaurant (-1.5). Simply stated, a 1.5-mile
decrease in distance to the nearest restaurant is associated with a
0.002 point increase in BMI. We thus estimate that a 1-mile decrease in
distance to the nearest restaurant increases BMI by 0.0013 points (Panel
C of Table 1). This procedure is equivalent to estimating an
instrumental variables model in which interstate proximity is the
We can again translate our distance measure into a total restaurant
price measure by converting miles traveled into total travel costs at a
rate of 70 cents per mile. We calculate: 0.0013 BMI per mile / (2
directions (round trip) x 70 cents per mile) = 0.001 BMI per dollar.
Lowering restaurant access costs by $1 is thus associated with a
statistically insignificant 0.001-point increase in BMI.
The clear null relationship between interstate proximity and body
mass strongly suggests that restaurant availability does not affect
obesity. However, there are two alternative explanations for the null
relationship that merit consideration. First, although interstate
proximity correlates with restaurant availability, it is possible that
it has no effect on the frequency of restaurant consumption. Second,
residents of towns adjacent to the highway may differ from residents in
nonadjacent towns along dimensions that affect body mass. In that case,
a positive effect of restaurants on body mass may be masked by negative
effects of other factors on body mass. We consider these two
possibilities in detail.
Restaurant consumption The distributions of distance to the nearest
restaurant plotted in Figure 1 demonstrate that residents of nonadjacent
towns live significantly farther from their nearest restaurant than
residents of adjacent towns. But does this difference actually affect
restaurant consumption? Restaurant demand, for example, might be highly
inelastic with respect to travel distance, or savvy consumers might
choose to eat in a restaurant on days when they already travel to
restaurant towns for other reasons. To validate the relationship between
interstate proximity and restaurant consumption, we conducted an
original survey in a rural area that is representative of our study
population. Specifically, we surveyed customers at every fast food
restaurant lying within a 3,000 square-mile corridor of Interstate-5 in
northern California. Logistical constraints compelled us to focus the
survey on fast food restaurants and ignore full service restaurants;
however, fast food meals comprise almost two-thirds of all meals
consumed away from home and are presented in the obesity literature as
being particularly unhealthy. Our survey reveals that both interstate
and restaurant proximity have strong effects on frequency of restaurant
The area of northern California that we analyze is approximately
two-thirds the size of Connecticut. Centered on I-5 between Dunnigan and
Corning, CA, the study area is approximately 80 miles long and 40 miles
wide and contains 23 fast food restaurants, including McDonald's,
Burger King, Carl's Jr., Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried
Chicken, Quiznos, and Subway. We chose this area because it was the only
continuous interstate corridor with comparable population density to our
main analytic sample located within a 200-mile radius of either
Berkeley, CA, or Evanston, IL (the locations of our respective
universities). Over 11 nonconsecutive days in June and July 2008, we
approached 2,040 customers at all of these 23 restaurants and asked for
their town and ZIP code of residence. Ninety-three percent of those
approached responded to our short oral survey.
Using these data and ZIP code populations from the U.S. Census, we
derived the relative frequency of fast food consumption for each ZIP
code in the study area. The sampling scheme for these data is different
than for the Census or BRFSS data since we sample at the point of
consumption (the restaurant) rather than at the point of residence (the
ZIP code or telephone exchange area). Nevertheless, because we sample
from the entire universe of restaurants in the study area, both schemes
should produce similar estimates of per capita fast food consumption (up
to sampling error). As an example, suppose that we wish to measure the
number of California residents and Nevada residents attending the 2009
Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (AEA) in San
Francisco. One alternative would be to telephone a random sample of
California and Nevada residents and ask, "Did you register for and
attend the 2009 AEA Annual Meeting?" The other alternative would be
to stand at the AEA registration desk and ask each person who registers,
"What state are you from?" Both alternatives are valid and
would yield the same answer in a sufficiently large sample.
Logistically, however, in both the AEA scenario and our actual survey,
it is far less expensive to gather an equivalent number of observations
using a direct customer survey than a telephone survey. For this reason,
we conduct a direct customer survey,
The relationship between interstate proximity and restaurant access
is roughly similar in the survey area and in our main study area. For
example, interstate proximity increases the likelihood of having a
restaurant by 21 percentage points in the survey area and 19 percentage
points in our main analytic sample. Interstate proximity reduces the
average distance to travel to the nearest restaurant by 2.1 miles in the
survey area and 1.5 miles in our main analytic sample.
The survey data reveal that interstate proximity has an
economically and statistically significant effect on fast food
consumption. Residents of towns located 0-5 miles from I-5 visit
restaurants at a rate of 128 daily visits per 1,000 residents, while
residents of towns located 5-10 miles from I-5 visit restaurants at a
rate of 68 daily visits per 1,000 residents. This 47 percent decrease in
frequency of fast food consumption is significant at the 99.9 percent
confidence level. The relationship between fast food consumption and
restaurant proximity is also strong and statistically significant.
Residents of towns that contain a fast food restaurant visit restaurants
at a rate of 127 daily visits per 1,000 residents, while residents of
towns that do not contain a fast food restaurant visit restaurants at a
rate of 39 daily visits per 1,000 residents.
Overall, the results from the restaurant survey suggest that
residents in ZIP codes located 5-10 miles from the highway may consume
fast food at only half the rate of residents in ZIP codes located 0-5
miles from the highway. Interestingly, we estimate that the implied
demand response to a $1 change in travel costs is similar to existing
estimates of the demand response to a $1 change in menu prices. Even if
the exact magnitudes estimated from the survey data do not generalize to
our main analytic sample, the strong economic and statistical
significance of the survey results verify that highway proximity indeed
induces meaningful changes in fast food consumption and suggest that
restaurant proximity in general is a strong determinant of restaurant
Residential sorting There is little reason to believe that
proximity to interstate highways in the range we examine is correlated
with the determinants of body mass. Small towns that lie directly
adjacent to interstates do so only by historical accident, and all towns
in our sample enjoy the lower transportation costs associated with easy
access to highways. Nevertheless, people can choose where to live; in
principle, individuals with a preference for eating out might choose to
live in towns adjacent to interstates, and these individuals may have a
pre-existing tendency to be overweight or underweight.
To confirm that unobserved factors are not offsetting a positive
effect from restaurants, we analyze a wide range of observable
characteristics from disaggregated Census and BRFSS data. These analyses
show no evidence that people sort themselves according to proximity to
an interstate. Given that all observable characteristics are
uncorrelated with interstate proximity, it is likely that unobservable
characteristics are uncorrelated as well. Thus our instrument
(interstate proximity) is unlikely to be correlated with confounding
factors that could affect BMI.
Using BRFSS data, Figure 3 plots the distribution of an index of
predicted BMI for both groups of towns. The index consists of the
predicted values from a regression of BMI on a set of observed
characteristics: gender, age, the square of age, indicators for
educational attainment, employment, unemployment, and marital status, as
well as a full set of state-by-year indicator variables. This index
summarizes all of the observed characteristics for each individual,
weighting them in relation to their correlation with BMI, and provides a
more powerful test than examining the correlation between interstate
proximity and each characteristic individually. (Statistical tests of
each characteristic individually also find no significant differences,
however.) The plot in Figure 3 reveals that risk factors for BMI are
perfectly balanced across the adjacent and nonadjacent towns--the two
distributions match up precisely. This suggests that our research design
successfully approximates a randomized experiment--the instrument
appears uncorrelated with potential confounding factors. Tests using
Census data on gender, race, age, education, and household income also
find no significant relationship between interstate proximity and any of
these factors (results not shown).
Given the established correlation between eating out and obesity,
as well as the simple fact that restaurant portions have grown markedly
over the past several decades, it may appear surprising that restaurant
consumption has no significant effect on obesity. To reconcile these
facts, we analyze the causal mechanisms behind the limited effect of
restaurants on obesity. Two possible reasons why access to restaurants
would not affect body weight deserve particular attention. First,
individuals with higher caloric demand may eat out more often. The
correlation between obesity and eating out may thus reflect individual
choices rather than a causal effect of restaurants on obesity. We
describe this possibility as "individual selection." Second,
even if people do consume more calories at restaurants, they may offset
the additional restaurant consumption by eating less during the rest of
the day. We describe this possibility as "compensatory
behavior." To explore the relevance of the two mechanisms, we
examine food intake data collected by the U.S. Department of
The food intake data come from the Continuing Survey of Food Intake
by Individuals, conducted from 1994 to 1996, and include detailed
information about all of the food items consumed by several thousand
adults over two nonconsecutive days. We focus our analysis on obese and
overweight individuals who live outside of metropolitan areas because
they are more representative of the subjects in the preceding analysis.
We also drop a small number of observations with obvious coding errors,
leaving an analytic sample of 854 individuals.
We conduct two types of analyses using the food intake micro data.
First, we examine how caloric intake differs for meals eaten at
restaurants and meals eaten at home. Then, we examine how caloric retake
changes on days in which individuals eat at a restaurant rather than
exclusively at home. In particular, if individuals engage in
compensatory behavior by eating less before or after a large restaurant
meal, then we expect restaurants to have a larger effect on calories
consumed at a given meal than they do on total calories consumed
throughout the day.
Table 2 presents coefficient estimates from a regression of
calories consumed by an individual during meal or day t on a binary
indicator for whether the individual eats at a restaurant during meal or
day t (as well as a set of control variables). Panel A reports results
from the meal-level analysis. The sample ate 16.3 percent of their meals
at restaurants (Column 1). Column (2) presents results from a
between-individual estimator, which compares the average caloric intake
per meal for individuals that eat at restaurants to the average caloric
intake per meal for individuals that do not eat at restaurants. On
average, individuals who eat at restaurants consume 339 more calories
per meal than individuals who do not. This estimate is statistically
significant and sizeable: the average restaurant meal contains 50
percent more calories than the average home-cooked meal. Many of the
findings in the public health literature linking restaurants and obesity
rely on this sort of between-individual variation.
But some of the observed relationship between restaurants and
caloric intake across individuals may be due to selection: people who
frequent restaurants may eat more than those who do not, even when they
are not eating out. To address this possibility, Column (3) presents
results for a model that includes a separate indicator variable for each
individual in the sample (i.e., individual fixed effects). These results
use within-individual variation in restaurant dining to estimate the
effect of restaurants on caloric intake. On average, when a given
individual eats out, he consumes 238 more calories per meal than when he
eats at home (down from 339 calories per meal in the second column).
While the within-individual estimates control for the type of
selection described above, they do not capture any compensatory
reductions that may occur at other meals or at snack time. Both the
between- and within-individual estimates are therefore upwardly biased
estimates of the effect of restaurant meals on total caloric intake--the
between-individual estimate is biased because of selection and the
within-individual estimate is biased because it does not capture
compensatory behavior. Accurately measuring the effect of restaurants on
total caloric intake requires a daily-level analysis.
Panel B of Table 2 applies the same econometric models to data
measured at the daily level rather than the meal level. If calories
consumed throughout the day substitute for each other, then people will
compensate for larger portions at restaurants by consuming less
throughout the rest of the day. Consistent with this prediction, the
coefficient in the daily-level within-individual regression is
substantially less than the corresponding estimate at the meal level. In
fact, eating out increases intake over the entire day by only 35
calories--compared to an average daily caloric intake of 2,062 calories.
Since individuals eat out on average only 0.4 times per day, the total
effect of all restaurants combined only increases daily caloric intake
by 14 calories on average. This effect is too small to account for more
than a trivial fraction of the increase in BMI observed over the past
several decades. The result implies that, although individuals tend to
eat more at restaurants, they compensate to a substantial degree by
eating less throughout the rest of the day.
Interestingly, this conclusion is consistent with results on
calorie offsetting from controlled laboratory and field experiments in
which individuals are offered meals of varying caloric content. Subjects
offered more caloric meals tend to compensate by eating less later in
the day, while subjects offered less caloric meals compensate by eating
more later in the day.
Many policymakers and public health advocates design policies
intended to reduce the impact of restaurants on obesity, even while they
acknowledge that convincing evidence of such a link has proven to be
elusive. For example, the Food and Drug Administration recently
organized a forum in which participants proposed implementable solutions
to the challenge of obesity in the context of away-from-home foods, even
while the organizers cautioned that "there does not exist a
conclusive body of evidence establishing a causal link between the
availability or consumption of away-from-home foods and obesity."
Our findings indicate that the causal link between the consumption
of restaurant foods and obesity is minimal at best. Exploiting variation
in the distance to the nearest restaurant due to interstate highway
proximity shows that restaurant access and restaurant consumption have
no significant effects on obesity. Detailed analyses of food intake data
reveal that, although restaurant meals are associated with greater
caloric intake, many of these additional calories are offset by
reductions in eating throughout the rest of the day. We also find
evidence of selection individuals that frequent restaurants also eat
more when they eat at home. Furthermore, when eating at home, the food
intake data reveal that obese individuals consume almost 30 percent of
their calories in the form of "junk food" (ice cream,
processed cheese, bacon, baked sweets, crackers, potato chips and fries,
candies, soft drinks, and beer). Because obese individuals consume so
many calories from nutritionally deficient sources at home, it may not
be surprising that replacing restaurant consumption with home
consumption does not improve health (as measured by BMI).
Our results contribute to a literature suggesting that regulating
specific inputs into health and safety production functions can be
ineffective when optimizing consumers can compensate in other ways.
Although restaurants conveniently deliver calories at a low marginal
cost, they are only one source among many. While taxing restaurant meals
might cause obese consumers to change where they eat, our results
suggest that a tax would be unlikely to affect their underlying tendency
to overeat. But even if ineffective, such a tax has the potential to
generate considerable deadweight loss as consumers switch to less
convenient options. The same principle would apply to other targeted
obesity interventions as well. Future research and policy proposals may
find greater success if they are designed to account for the optimizing
behavior of the targeted subjects.
* "A Medium-Term Intervention Study on the Impact of High- and
Low-Fat Snacks Varying in Sweetness and Fat Content: Large Shifts in
Daily Fat Intake but Good Compensation for Daily Energy Intake," by
Clare L. Lawton, Helen J. Delargy, Fiona C. Smith, Vikki Hamilton, and
John E. Blundell. British Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 2 (1998).
* "Caloric Compensation for Lunches Varying in Fat and
Carbohydrate Content by Humans in a Residential Laboratory," by
Richard W.
Foltin, Marian W. Fischman, Timothy H. Moran, Barbara J. Rolls, and
Thomas H. Kelly. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 52, No. 6
* "Calorie Posting in Chain Restaurants," by Bryan
Bollinger, Phillip Leslie, and Alan Sorensen. NBER Working Paper 15648,
* "Taxes, Cigarette Consumption, and Smoking Intensity,"
by Jerome Adda and Francesca Cornaglia. American Economic Review, Vol.
96, No. 4 (2006).
University of California, Berkeley
Northwestern University
Michael L. Anderson is assistant professor of agricultural and
resource economics at the University of California, Berkeley.
David A. Matsa is assistant professor of finance at Northwestern
University's Kellogg School of Management.
This article is adapted from the authors' paper "Are
Restaurants Really Supersizing America?" forthcoming in the
American Economic Journal Applied Economics.
Table 1
Access to Restaurants And BMI
Effects of highways and restaurants
Panel A: Effect of highway proximity on:
i) Miles to nearest ZIP with restaurant -1.50 miles
ii) Any restaurant in ZIP code 17.5 percentage points
Panel B: Effect of highway proximity on:
i) Body Mass Index 0.002
Panel C: Effect of being 1 mile closer to a restaurant on:
i) Body Mass Index 0.0013
Observations 13,470
NOTE: This table reports regression coefficients. Panels A and B
report coefficients from regressions of the listed dependent
variable on highway proximity. Panel C reports the coefficient
from an instrumental variable, regression of BMI on restaurant
proximity (using highway proximity as the instrument). All
regressions control for state-by-year fixed effects. Standard
errors corrected for within-prefix correlation in the error term
are reported in parentheses.
Table 2
Restaurants and Calories
Relationship between restaurant meals and caloric intake
eaten in Between
restaurant individual Fixed effects Sample
that day estimator estimator size
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Panel A: Meal-level (mean = 697.8 calories)
Eat at restaurant 0.163 338.8 cal 237.6 cal 3,920
(46.0) (23.8)
Panel B: Daily-level (mean = 2,061.8 calories)
Eat at restaurant 0.408 214.2 cal 34.6 cal 1,591
(53.0) (41.1)
NOTE. This table presents in analysis of caloric intake by obese
and overweight rural individuals based on data collected by the
USDA. The sample includes individuals aged 18 or older on days in
which the person ate zero; one, or two meals at a restaurant.
Column (1) shows the frequency of restaurant meals (percent of
meals at restaurants to Panel A and average number of restaurant
meals per day in Panel B). Columns (2) and (3) report coefficient
from regressions with caloric intake as the dependent variable.
In Panel A, the number of calories consumed during a given meal
is regressed on an indicator for whether the food was from a
restaurant and a set of controls. In Panel B, the number of
calories consumed during a given day is regressed on the number
of meals consumed at a restaurant that day and a set of controls.
The controls include indicators for lunch and dinner (meal-level
regressions only), the day of the week, and whether an individual
reported eating more because of social occasion or extreme
hunger. Standard errors corrected for within-household
correlation in the error term are reported in parentheses.