Has Wal-Mart buried mom and pop? Does small business decline when Wal-Mart enters the market?
Dean, Andrea M. ; Sobel, Russell S.
Many believe the mega discount store Wal-Mart is a plague set upon
small "mom-and-pop" businesses. The instant Wal-Mart moves
into town, all small businesses are destroyed in its path, leaving
downtowns barren and empty.
This popular misconception has garnered significant media publicity
and widespread public acceptance. President Clinton's former
secretary of labor, Robert B. Reich, wrote in a 2005 New York Times
op-ed that Wal-Mart turns "main streets into ghost towns by sucking business away from small retailers." One of the largest
anti-Wal-Mart organizations, Wal-Mart Watch, released a report in 2005
claiming that a Wal-Mart expansion in Iowa was solely responsible for
the extensive closings of mom-and-pop stores, including 555 grocery
stores, 298 hardware stores, 293 building suppliers, 161 variety shops,
158 women's stores, and 116 pharmacies.
Are those claims true? In this article, we use rigorous econometric estimation techniques to examine the rate of self-employment and the
number of small-employer establishments in communities where Wal-Mart
has entered the market. We find that Wal-Mart has no statistically
significant impact on the overall size of the small business sector in
the United States. When all is said and done, there are just as many
small businesses that are just as profitable despite the presence of
The oft-cited estimates of Wal-Mart's alleged negative impact
on small businesses, such as the Iowa example, are misleading for
several reasons. First, many of those estimates, found in a series of
applied policy studies, lack formal econometric estimating procedures.
The studies simply compare averages for counties with Wal-Mart stores to
those without Wal-Mart stores. Although the studies have attracted
considerable media publicity, they are problematic and misleading
because of the deficiency of econometric analysis, which makes it
impossible to know whether the differences are statistically
significant. Furthermore, without the use of control variables found in
standard econometric analysis, the studies ignore the effects of other
economic and demographic factors that differ between counties with and
without Wal-Mart stores.
The second problem with previous studies is that, as part of the
data for "small business," they often lump in numbers from
competing mega-retailers such as Kmart, Target, and Home Depot. Those
retailers all suffer negative impacts as a result of Wal-Mart's
entrance into the market. Given that flaw, it is uncertain to what
extent the previous negative estimates can be used to approximate the
effect Wal-Mart has on true mom-and-pop businesses, as a Kmart's
store closing should not be counted in a true measure of the small
business failure impact of Wal-Mart.
The final two, and perhaps most noteworthy, problems with previous
studies are (1) they only use data for directly competing retail
business sectors, and (2) they only evaluate those sectors within the
specific county in which Wal-Mart opens, instead of the store's
broader area. Our research finds that a new Wal-Mart store results in
both the immediate failure of some small businesses and the emergence of
other small businesses--both in other sectors and in other counties. For
example, if a new Wal-Mart store opens, causing a directly competing
hardware store to close and subsequently a new antique boutique opens in
its place, the previous studies would only observe the failure of the
hardware store. Yet Wal-Mart saves consumers a significant amount of
money that they can then spend on other goods and services, and we would
expect this to result in more new business opportunities. For example,
if the money saved by consumers creates a greater demand for
recreational activity and, as a result, a whitewater rafting company
opens in a neighboring county, this new business would not be accounted
for in previous studies. We now consider this process in more detail.
The previous research on Wal-Mart's effects did not correctly
model the welfare-enhancing process of "creative destruction."
Creative destruction occurs when the introduction of a new idea or
product results in the obsolescence of other products. New inventions,
for instance, often result in the business failures of products
supplanted by now-outdated technologies. That is unfortunate for the old
businesses, but it benefits consumers and it frees money and resources
that can then give rise to new businesses and further advancements.
For instance, the locale of our university, Morgantown, W.Va., is
just one of many cities that have witnessed, first-hand, the process of
creative destruction unleashed by Wal-Mart. Shortly after a new Wal-Mart
store opened, Morgantown's popular downtown area was wrought with
empty storefronts. However, after only a brief period of time, the
once-empty storefronts filled with new small businesses. A former
women's clothing shop transformed into a high-end restaurant. A
former electronics store converted into an ice cream parlor. One by one,
each of the vacant stores filled with new businesses, such as coffee
shops, art galleries, and law firms.
This process of creative destruction is able to increase economic
efficiency by the reallocation of resources. Downtown retail space,
which prior to a Wal-Mart store opening would be extremely competitive
and allocated mainly to general merchandise stores, becomes an
economically viable location for more elaborate types of small
businesses once a Wal-Mart enters the area. Entrepreneurs who once could
not afford the high rents of the limited downtown retail space are now
granted an affordable opportunity to open their own businesses.
It is also important to consider the money consumers save by
purchasing goods at Wal-Mart's lower prices. That money, which was
previously spent on the same goods at more expensive room-and-pop
stores, can be reallocated to purchase specialty items in the boutique
shops. Emek Basker of the University of Missouri Columbia has found that
the opening of a new Wal-Mart store results in city-wide price
reductions of nearly two or three percent in the short run and
approximately 10 percent in the long run. Consumers will spend at least
some of that savings at other small businesses.
Because of its size, Wal-Mart's impact is easily observed in
U.S. aggregate-level data. As mentioned in the introduction, the
Wal-Mart expansion in Iowa has been blamed for the closing of 1,581
total business firms. The data would imply a failure of 11.3 percent of
all businesses in the state of Iowa. If computed as a percentage of only
small businesses, Wal-Mart would be responsible for the failure of
almost 30 percent of all Iowa small businesses. Have these immense
declines in small business activity really occurred? If the answer to
this question is yes, it will without a doubt be visible in aggregate
data on U.S. small business activity.
To begin an examination of the raw data, let us first view a
comparison on the expansion of Wal-Mart stores and the rate of
self-employment in the United States. The measurement of Wal-Mart stores
includes both the chain's traditional "discount stores"
and its "supercenters," while the rate of self-employment is
calculated by taking nonfarm proprietor employment as a percentage of
total nonfarm employment. Figure 1 provides this comparison for the 48
continental U.S. states.
As can be seen in Figure 1, over the time period in which the
number of Wal-Mart stores dramatically increased from just a few to over
2,500, there was also a continual increase in the rate of
self-employment. This overall upward trend in self-employment is just as
strong in the 1980s when Wal-Mart was rapidly expanding as it was in the
1970s. If the negative impact predicted by previous studies is correct,
we should see a dramatic drop in self-employment. However, rather than a
dramatic drop, the raw data suggest a nearly 50 percent increase in
self-employment during the time frame.
A simple time-series regression confirms the relationship between
Wal-Mart stores and self-employment seen in Figure 1. After controlling
for basic factors such as per capita personal income and the
unemployment rate, the regression results in a positive coefficient on
Wal-Mart, contrary to the predictions of previous literature. To view
those and other regression results not found in this article, please
refer to our forthcoming publication in Economic Inquiry.
A second and third comparison of Wal-Mart stores to the number of
establishments with one to four employees and the number of
establishments with five to nine employees may also be enlightening.
This measurement of mom-and-pop businesses is defined by the number of
retail establishments with one to four employees, or five to nine
employees, per 100,000 of state population from the U.S. Census Bureau.
However, the data are a bit more complicated to use because the U.S.
Census Bureau redefined the variable in 1998, causing a discontinuity.
Unfortunately, the data also are not available for as many years as the
self-employment data. Nonetheless, Figures 2a and 2b both demonstrate
the same pattern. Although self-employment has been steadily increasing
in the United States, the number of small establishments remains
practically unchanged since 1985.
Just by looking at the raw data, no evidence can be found to
validate the arguments of previous Wal-Mart literature. Wal-Mart's
alleged negative effect on the small business sector simply cannot be
found in the data. However, many factors can change over a 30-year time
period. For example, mom-and-pop businesses may have developed
Internet-based services that would make it easier to survive in the
marketplace, thereby hiding the alleged negative effect of Wal-Mart.
Because of such changes, a more rigorous cross-sectional analysis at a
single year in time is necessary to draw a more firm, concise conclusion
on Wal-Mart's true effect on the U.S. small business sector.
For the purpose of maximizing the number of control variables from
the U.S. Census, our cross-sectional analysis uses data for the year
2000. For this analysis, both the level and growth of small business
activity are examined.
RAW DATA To begin the cross-sectional analysis, it is also useful
to view the raw 2000 data to see if any obvious relationships can be
seen, before controlling for other factors. Table 1 presents data on all
small business measures for the five states with the highest and lowest
number of Wal-Mart stores per capita (per 100,000 population). Arkansas,
the home state of Wal-Mart and the state with the greatest population of
Wal-Mart stores, has slightly more than three stores per 100,000 people.
The other four states with the most Wal-Mart stores per capita are
Nevada, Mississippi, Missouri, and Alabama. The states with the fewest
Wal-Mart stores per capita are New York, New Jersey, California,
Washington, and Connecticut. The top five states, when averaged
together, have approximately 2.3 Wal-Mart stores per 100.000 people
while the five states with the least Wal-Mart stores per capita have
only 0.3 stores per 100.000 people. On average, the top five states have
seven times the number of Wal-Mart stores per capita as the bottom five
With such a discernable difference, if Wal-Mart has a negative
effect on the small business sector, the effect should easily be seen in
the states with the most Wal-Mart store per capita. As can be seen in
the data in Table 1, although the states with a larger number of
Wal-Mart stores do have somewhat lower rates of self-employment, they
actually have more small establishments per capita.
Do these patterns hold up across all 48 continental U.S. states?
Figures 3 and 4 show data for all states on the number of Wal-Mart
stores per capita and measures of small business activity. The
regression line has a positive slope for both Figures 3 and 4a; however,
the slope is not significantly different than zero. Both of these
figures are inconsistent with the hypothesis that Wal-Mart stores reduce
the number of small retail establishments. Interestingly, the slope of
the regression line in Figure 4b is actually positive and significantly
different from zero, which suggests that states with more Wal-Mart
stores actually have significantly higher levels of
five-to-nine-employee establishments.
REGRESSION ANALYSIS Econometric regression analysis will allow us
to control for other factors that may affect the size of the small
business sector to better isolate the effect of Wal-Mart. Other than the
number of Wal-Mart stores per 100,000 people, control variables such as
median age, percent metropolitan population, percent of population in
poverty, median family income (in thousands), percent of population
nonwhite, percent of population with a college degree, percent of
population male, and state land area (in thousands of square miles) are
also included. Those variables are traditionally used in any study of
The model is first estimated by means of an ordinary least squares
(OLS) regression. However, the OLS estimator can be biased and
inconsistent when spatial dependence exists in the data. Spatial
dependence can occur when there are unobservable geographic correlations
within the dependent variable, which in this case is the measurement of
small business activity. Because this dependent variable likely carries
spatial dependence, a simple OLS regression is not sufficient; spatial
econometric methods must be used to control for these geographic
patterns in the data. One may think of spatial models as analogous to an
autoregressive moving-average time-series model, but with lags occurring
over geographic distances rather than time. We use two specialized econometric models, spatial autoregression and spatial autocorrelation,
to control for a spatially correlated error structure.
Table 2 presents the results from both the OLS and spatial
estimation techniques. Highlighted at the top of the table are the
Wal-Mart coefficient estimates (the amount by which one additional
Wal-Mart store per 100,000 population would affect small business
activity), none of which are statistically significant.
The lack of statistical significance indicates that the number of
Wal-Mart stores has no significant effect on small business activity in
a state, measured by either self-employment or small establishments. The
estimates are consistent throughout each of the three different models.
Table 3 displays similar results to those in Table 2, except that
the dependent variable, the levels of small business activity, is
replaced with annual growth rates. The number of Wal-Mart stores is also
replaced with the annual growth rate of Wal-Mart stores. Even with this
redefinition of variables, the estimation results remain robust. Except
for one case, the Wal-Mart store variable continues to be statistically
insignificant. The case in which the relationship between Wal-Mart
stores and establishments with one to four employees is significant is
actually in the opposite direction as what previous literature would
claim--it shows a positive impact. This result occurs only once,
however, therefore it is not robust enough to be persuasive.
Taken as a whole, the estimates found in Tables 2 and 3 strongly
reject the conjecture that Wal-Mart has a significantly negative impact
on the overall size and growth of the small business sector in the
United States.
CONTROLLING FOR ENDOGENEITY Wal-Mart store locations may be
endogenous. For example, Wal-Mart stores may only be expanding in areas
where unobservable variables are also causing a more rapid growth in
small business activity, thus skewing our results. So it is worthwhile
to re-estimate the models accounting for this possibility. The issue of
endogeneity is addressed in two ways: a redefinition of the Wal-Mart
variable, and inclusion of a Wal-Mart store instrumental variable in the
First, the Wal-Mart store variable is replaced with a five-year
lagged value of the Wal-Mart variable, meaning that what was once a
value for the number of Wal-Mart stores in the year 2000 is now a value
for the number of Wal-Mart stores in the year 1995. Not only will this
variable redefinition uncover endogeneity issues, it will also address
concerns that the entrance of a new Wal-Mart store has a time lag effect
of small business activity.
Second, instrumental variable methodology is used to predict the
number of Wal-Mart stores in each stage, and in a second stage, we use
this predicted value in the regressions. The results from these
regressions are practically identical to the results from the previous
regressions. No model displays any significant relation between the
number of Wal-Mart stores per capita and the level of business activity.
BANKRUPTCY RATES We also examine whether there is a relationship
between Wal-Mart stores and bankruptcy rates in the small business
sector. Data on state-level business bankruptcy rates from the U.S.
Small Business Administration are collected and employed in the three
regression techniques discussed above. The regressions control for
demographic and socio-economic factors as well as spatial dependence.
The bankruptcy variable is measured as both a rate of all businesses as
well as bankruptcies per 1,000 state population.
The regression results for this alternative small business measure
mirror earlier results: Wal-Mart causes no significant harmful effect.
In fact, all coefficients are negative, which implies that bankruptcy
rates are actually lower in states with more Wal-Marts.
QUALITY OF NEW BUSINESS Thus far, the data have consistently
demonstrated that the overall size of the small business sector is
unaffected by the opening of a Wal-Mart store. Without a doubt, some
directly competing small businesses will fail when Wal-Mart opens.
Subsequently, the failure of those businesses will free up valuable
resources, making it possible for other new businesses to open. However,
some worry that the new businesses are in some ways inferior to the old
businesses they replace.
For example, what was once a long-standing profitable hardware
store may be replaced with a marginal diner with low revenue or
profitability. If this is indeed the case, the average sales or net
income of small businesses should visibly decrease as Wal-Mart has
Figures 5a and 5b illustrate the relationship between the number of
Wal-Mart stores and the average real net income and revenue of sole
proprietors. Both figures clearly indicate a uniform positive growth for
the "quality" of small businesses. In fact, small businesses
today both have higher revenue, and are more profitable, than in the
past (in real terms).
Our research suggests that the popular belief that Wal-Mart has a
significant negative effect on the size of the mom-and-pop business
sector of the United States economy is statistically unfounded. After
examining a plethora of different measures of small business activity
and growth, examining both time series and cross-section data, and
employing different geographic levels of data and different econometric
techniques, it can be firmly concluded that Wal-Mart has had no
significant impact on the overall size and growth of U.S. small business
There is no question that Wal-Mart does cause some mom-and-pop
businesses to fail. However, those failures are entirely compensated for
by the entry of other new small business elsewhere in the economy
through the process of creative destruction.
* "Has Wal-Mart Buried Mom and Pop? The Impact of Wal-Mart on
Self Employment and Small Establishments in the United States," by
Andrea M. Dean and Russell S. Sobel. Economic Inquiry, forthcoming.
* "Job Creation or Destruction? Labor-Market Effects of
Wal-Mart Expansion," by Emek Basker. Review of Economics and
Statistics, Vol. 87 (2005).
* "Selling a Cheaper Mousetrap: Wal-Mart's Effect on
Retail Prices," by Emek Basker. Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 58
West Virginia University
Table 1
Wal-Mart and Small Business
States with the highest and lowest number of
Wal-Mart stores per capita, 2000
Wal-Mart rate
stores per (percent
100,000 of total
population employment)
Top 5 State
Arkansas 3.067 16.175
Nevada 2.602 15.292
Mississippi 2.109 14.217
Missouri 2.020 14.900
Alabama 1.844 14.500
Average 2.328 15.017
Bottom 5 State
Connecticut 0.470 15.936
Washington 0.424 16.513
California 0.340 19.464
New Jersey 0.261 13.635
New York 0.084 14.107
Average 0.316 15.931
Number of Number of
establishments establishments
with 1 to 4 with 5 to 9
employees per employees per
100,000 100,000
population population
Top 5 State
Arkansas 220.805 123.999
Nevada 140.222 89.828
Mississippi 210.922 125.041
Missouri 190.556 114.687
Alabama 207.843 122.934
Average 194.070 115.298
Bottom 5 State
Connecticut 192.626 102.626
Washington 171.154 97.640
California 145.629 78.372
New Jersey 215.988 86.899
New York 220.299 83.319
Average 189.139 89.771
SOURCES: Wal-Mart; U.S. Census Bureau
Table 2
Does Wal-Mart Reduce Small Business?
Wal-Mart stores per capita as explanatory variable, 2000
VARIABLE Self Employment Rate
Constant -66.933 ** -51.274 * -49.688 *
(2.233) (1.751) (1.756)
Wal-Mart stores -0.109 -0.001 -0.152
(per 100,000 (0.229) (0.002) (0.385)
Percent -0.036 * -0.032 -0.031 *
metropolitan (1.750) (1.959) (1.898)
Median age 0.222 0.221 * 0.225 *
(years) (1.650) (1.868) (1.942)
Percent 0.207 0.139 0.142
in poverty (1.094) (0.825) (0.887)
Median -0.115 0.122 -0.111
family income (1.054) (1.333) (1.287)
(thousands $)
Percent -0.037 -0.027 -0.021
non-white (1.189) (0.964) (0.744)
Land area 0.013 0.012 * 0.010
(1,000 (1.644) (1.784) (1.598)
sq. miles)
Percent with 0.408 *** 0.378 *** 0.345 ***
college (4.018) (4.372) (3.600)
Percent male 1.448 ** 1.095 ** 1.029 *
(2.692) (2.050) (1.898)
Rho -- 0.188 0.301
(1.260) (1.364)
Lambda -- -- -0.220
LM-test -- 0.530 --
Observations 48 48 48
R-squared 0.652 0.730 0.744
Log-likelihood -109.448 -61.444 -33.607
INDEPENDENT Establishments with 1-4 Employees
VARIABLE (per 100,000 population)
Constant 90.075 -182.669 -236.980
(0.191) (0.440) (0.547)
Wal-Mart stores 2.203 0.954 -1.955
(per 100,000 (0.297) (0.167) (0.291)
Percent -1.273 *** -0.899 *** -0.983 ***
metropolitan (3.974) (3.676) (4.507)
Median age 6.925 *** 6.926 *** 6.730 ***
(years) (3.284) (3.962) (4.143)
Percent 0.541 -0.510 -0.500
in poverty (0.182) (0.207) (0.208)
Median -0.862 -1.502 -1.113
family income (0.504) (1.112) (0.823)
(thousands $)
Percent 0.193 0.419 0.060
non-white (0.397) (1.018) (0.141)
Land area -0.036 -0.086 -0.003
(1,000 (0.303) (0.893) (0.032)
sq. miles)
Percent with 4.401 *** 3.126 *** 2.347
college (2.762) (2.579) (1.496)
Percent male -2.619 2.181 5.137
(0.310) (0.302) (0.621)
Rho -- 0.442 *** 0.076
(3.435) (0.318)
Lambda -- -- 0.660 ***
LM-test -- 30.121 --
Observations 48 48 48
R-squared 0.615 0.678 0.773
Log-likelihood -239.156 -191.891 -162.983
INDEPENDENT Establishments with 5-9 Employees
VARIABLE (per 100,000 population)
Constant 180.046 76.651 104.764
(0.901) (0.373) (0.528)
Wal-Mart stores 3.933 1.712 3.539
(per 100,000 (1.247) (0.583) (1.113)
Percent -0.849 *** -0.683 *** -0.658 ***
metropolitan (6.243) (5.575) (5.358)
Median age 1.768 * 1.952 ** 1.819 **
(years) (1.974) (2.231) (2.127)
Percent -2.564 ** -3.047 ** -3.008 **
in poverty (2.031) (2.459) (2.470)
Median -1.419 * -1.883 *** -1.931 ***
family income (1.954) (2.782) (2.914)
(thousands $)
Percent 0.171 0.255 0.216
non-white (0.829) (1.227) (1.015)
Land area -0.045 -0.091 * -0.084 *
(1,000 (0.973) (1.815) (1.659)
sq. miles)
Percent with 1.832 ** 1.591 *** 1.811 ***
college (2.708) (2.626) (2.635)
Percent male -0.378 1.707 1.095
(0.106) (0.478) (0.313)
Rho -- 0.182 0.181
(1.450) (1.106)
Lambda -- -- 0.043
LM-test -- 1.144 --
Observations 48 48 48
R-squared 0.814 0.820 0.827
Log-likelihood -215.524 -157.502 -129.555
SOURCES: Wal-Mart; U.S. Census Bureau NOTES: t-statistics in
parentheses; asterisks indicate significance as follows:
*** = 1%, ** = 5%, * = 10%; ([dagger]) = no spatial dependence in the
Table 3
Does Wal-Mart Reduce Small Business Growth?
Wal-Mart store growth as explanatory variable
VARIABLE Self Employment Rate
Constant 22.063 10.808 11.045
(2.031) (1.199) (1.155)
Wal-Mart stores -0.020 -0.013 -0.023
(per 100,000 (0.846) (1.494) (1.286)
Percent 0.005 0.005 0.004
metropolitan (0.785) (0.880) (0.707)
Median age -0.092 * -0.097 *** -0.103 ***
(years) (1.972) (2.615) (2.829)
Percent 0.013 0.064 0.045
in poverty (0.200) (1.170) (0.871)
Median family 0.042 0.060 * 0.048
income (1.059) (1.889) (1.578)
(thousands $)
Percent -0.001 -0.011 -0.006
non-white (0.019) (1.297) (0.760)
Land area -0.003 -0.002 -0.002
(1,000 (1.232) (0.739) (1.077)
sq. miles
Percent with -0.045 -0.030 (0.029
college (1.408) (1.209) (1.189)
Percent -0.381 * -0.193 -0.181
male (1.978) (1.209) (1.064)
Rho -- 0.449 *** 0.571 **
(3.251) (2.478)
Lambda -- -- -0.269
LM-test -- 128.011 --
Observations 48 48 48
R-squared 0.393 0.533 0.637
Log-likelihood -45.304 -6.676 20.097
INDEPENDENT Establishments with 1-4 Employees
VARIABLE (per 100,000 population
Constant -31.983 * -26.825 * -34.979 **
(1.814) (1.705) (2.029)
Wal-Mart stores 0.279 0.051 *** 0.030
(per 100,000 (0.741) (3.293) (0.879)
Percent 0.015 0.018 ** 0.019 *
metropolitan (1.399) (1.987) (1.816)
Median age -0.248 *** -0.270 *** 0.257 **
(years) (3.274) (4.340) (3.889)
Percent -0.085 -0.183 ** -0.088 **
in poverty (0.779) (1.997) (0.902)
Median family -0.003 -0.071 -0.018
income (0.050) (1.294) (0.304)
(thousands $)
Percent 0.028 0.050 *** 0.028 *
non-white (1.645) (3.342) (1.814)
Land area -0.005 -0.006 -0.005
(1,000 (1.042) (1.630) (1.185)
Percent with -0.026 -0.024 -0.022
college (0.509) (0.590) (0.461)
Percent 0.835 ** 0.813 *** 0.911 ***
male (2.671) (2.865) (2.808)
Rho -- -0.189 -0.134
(1.259) (0.547)
Lambda -- -- 0.149
LM-test -- 0.163 --
Observations 48 48 48
R-squared 0.574 0.706 0.662
Log-likelihood -77.065 -30.422 -7.197
INDEPENDENT Establishments with 5-9 Employees
VARIABLE (per 100,000 population)
Constant -27.824 -42.076 ** -35.501 *
(1.543) (2.550) (1.806)
Wal-Mart stores -0.019 -0.001 0.007
(per 100,000 (0.486) (0.069) (0.235)
Percent 0.013 0.015 0.013
metropolitan (1.186) (1.580) (1.224)
Median age -0.091 -0.099 -0.097
(years) (1.171) (1.481) (1.420)
Percent 0.094 0.119 0.111
in poverty (0.838) (1.220) (1.226)
Median family -0.030 -0.032 -0.024
income (0.456) (0.565) (0.423)
(thousands $)
Percent -0.012 -0.009 -0.009
non-white (0.683) (0.556) (0.613)
Land area -0.001 -0.001 -0.002
(1,000 (0.123) (0.256) (0.500)
Percent with 0.019 0.027 0.019
college (0.368) (0.608) (0.472)
Percent 0.603 * 0.888 *** 0.757 **
male (1.886) (3.014) (2.014)
Rho -- -0.377 ** -0.046
(1.981) (0.098)
Lambda -- -- 0.467
LM-test -- 27.782 --
Observations 48 48 48
R-squared 0.208 0.341 0.456
Log-likelihood -63.290 -34.333 -5.999
SOURCES: Wal-Mart; U.S. Census Bureau NOTES: t-statistics in
parentheses; asterisks indicate significance as follows:
*** 1%, ** = 5%, * = 10%; ([dagger]) = no spatial dependence in the