Big yards or green space? Buying patterns suggest homebuyers prefer their open space to be close to home.
Kopits, Elizabeth ; McConnell, Virginia ; Walls, Margaret 等
In many communities, particularly those on the urban-rural fringe,
most housing is located in subdivisions. Increasingly, those
developments are subject to "clustering" rules in which houses
must be located on a portion of the total land and the remainder is left
as open space. In some communities, the zoning law mandates clustering;
in others, clustering is recommended but not required.
This open space may be undisturbed forest or pastureland, or it may
include recreation facilities and trails. In some communities, the open
space may remain in agricultural use as grazing or cropland.
Proponents of clustering requirements argue that undeveloped areas
convey value, not only to the residents of the subdivisions themselves,
but also to the broader community by preserving more of the aesthetic
and rural character of the community and improving environmental quality
through habitat protection or water pollution reduction in the region.
In communities on the urban-rural fringe, clustering residential
developments may be one option in the local government's
"toolkit" for maintaining an agricultural base and curbing
Open space may provide benefits to subdivision residents, but
clustering means that those residents are living in a higher-density
setting compared to conventional subdivisions, with neighboring houses
in closer proximity to one another. Although the external benefits from
the preserved forest, recreation area, or other kind of open space may
be positive, it is unclear whether those benefits offset the loss
experienced by smaller lots and higher density.
That trade off is the focus of our study. We use data on
subdivision house sales occurring over the period 1981-2001 in a county
on the fringe of the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area: Calvert
County, Md. We examine how households value adjacency to open space and
more open space in the subdivision, as well as how readily they will
trade off those amenities with their own private lot space.
We find that private acreage positively affects prices, but so does
subdivision open space. Most interesting, we find that subdivision open
space does substitute for private lot size, but the magnitude of the
effect is small. Finally, having a lot that is adjacent to subdivision
open space appears to enhance the value of a house, particularly if the
open space is not too steeply sloped. However, we find no evidence of
willingness to trade off one's own lot size for adjacency to the
open space. We use the results of the estimated hedonic model to
simulate the effects on prices of jointly increasing open space and
reducing average lot size, holding the size of the subdivision constant.
We find average house prices are lower with the clustering, particularly
for lots not adjacent to open space.
Calvert County is located in southern Maryland, on the western
shore of the Chesapeake Bay. It has 101 miles of shoreline, along the
Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River to the east. The county has
historically had an agricultural economy consisting of small villages
and rural lands, but the past 20 years have seen considerable population
growth and the county has increasingly become part of the broad
Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area.
Most of the housing growth in recent years has been in low density
suburban subdivisions in the residential and rural areas of the county.
Figure 1 shows average lot sizes within the county during different time
periods. Although the average gross lot size, calculated as total
subdivision acreage divided by the number of houses, has remained
relatively high and constant over time, the average lot size net of open
space has declined. This provides some indication of the extent to which
clustering has been increasing in the county in recent years. Gross lot
size increased in the late 1990s following a major downzoning, but
actual house lots continued to fall in size slightly, reflecting more
open space in subdivisions.
In this study, we limit the sample to subdivisions that had at
least 10 house sales over the study period of 1981-2001. This allows us
to include 3,386 individual house sales within 89 subdivisions. The mean
lot size is 1.5 acres and subdivisions are, on average, 134 acres, with
a little over 20 percent of their land under easement as protected open
space. The degree of clustering varies considerably over the sample; 16
of the 89 subdivisions have minimal open space (less than 1 acre) and 20
subdivisions have over 40 percent of their acreage in open space.
We estimate an econometric model that explains the variation in
housing prices in terms of lot size, structural characteristics
associated with the house (e.g., age, number of bathrooms, square
footage), subdivision characteristics other than open space amenities,
accessibility measures, and open space attributes.
Because evidence from the literature suggests that the value of
open space amenities to residents may vary by proximity or the type of
open space (e.g., number of trees, usability, steepness), in our model
we include three subdivision open space variables: open space acreage, a
dummy for whether a house is adjacent to subdivision open space, and the
percentage of subdivision open space that is in steep slopes. We also
include interaction variables, which we discuss below, as well as
surrounding land-use variables, including adjacency to preserved
agricultural land.
RESULTS: LOT SIZE Households have a consistent preference for
larger lots, ceteris paribus. We calculate the marginal willingness to
pay for additional private acreage and subdivision open space at the
bottom of Table 1. We find that a 10 percent increase in private lot
size is associated with an approximately 0.6 percent increase in house
price, ceteris paribus. This suggests that for an average-priced house
in 2004 (about $300,000), an increase in lot size from 1 to 1.5 acres
would increase the house's price by about $9,000. The magnitude of
this estimate is robust across various specifications of the model,
including one with subdivision fixed effects.
The amount of open space in the subdivision, given subdivision
size, is also statistically significant and its effect on house prices
is positive, but small. A 10 percent increase in subdivision open space
is associated with a 0.1 percent higher average house price. The result
was also robust to alternative specifications of the model. That
suggests that increasing open space acreage from 20 to 30 acres would
increase sales price by 0.5 percent, or $1,500 per house (evaluated at
an average of $300,000), ceteris paribus.
The significant, negative interaction term between the amount of
open space and own lot size suggests that residents will trade off their
own lot size for the amount of open space in the subdivision. That is,
the positive effect of open space on the price households will pay for
housing (second variable in Table 1) is smaller the larger is one's
own lot size. Likewise, the positive effect of one's own lot size
on price will be smaller the larger the amount of open space in the
subdivision. Adjacency to subdivision open space also has a positive
effect on house prices, but the magnitude of the effect depends on how
much of the open space is in steep slopes. The greater the percentage of
open space that is steep, the smaller the impact that adjacency has on
house prices.
Perhaps our most surprising finding is that households are
unwilling to trade off their own lot size to be adjacent to open space.
One explanation for this may be that proximity to open space is less
valuable than having a view of forested or undeveloped areas.
RESULTS: OTHER VARIABLES Most of the other explanatory variables in
the model are significant and of the expected sign. Ali of the variables
describing house characteristics and variables measuring proximity to
commuting routes are significant at the 99 percent or 95 percent level.
The northern edge of the county marks the closest point in the county to
the urban centers of Washington, D.C., and Baltimore; moving the average
house one mile farther south reduces house price by a little more than 1
percent. Locating farther from the major highway in the county, state
Route 2/4, also significantly reduces sales price. Larger and newer
subdivisions tend to have slightly higher priced houses.
Some of the other amenities and surrounding land uses are important
in explaining house prices while others are not. Being on the water is
highly valuable: sales prices of waterfront houses (on the Patuxent
River or Chesapeake Bay) are found to be 30 percent higher than prices
of similar houses away from the water. However, being adjacent to
parkland, privately owned preserved farmland, or the open space area of
another subdivision, does not significantly affect housing prices.
CLUSTERING We can illustrate the overall effects of changes in
subdivision configuration by a simple simulation. We start with a
representative subdivision in our sample: 134 acres in size, with about
30 acres of open space and an average lot size of 1.5 acres. Holding
total subdivision size and the number of lots constant, doubling the
amount of open space to about 60 acres would require average lot size to
fall to 1.1 acres. Based on the results in Table 1, we rind that such an
increase in clustering (from about 22 percent to 44 percent) would
decrease the average house price by 1.2 percent (for a house not
adjacent to open space). The loss in value from the smaller lot size
dominates any increased value from more subdivision open space. The
additional clustering may also increase the probability of a house being
adjacent to the open space area, however, and that adds some value, For
houses on lots that become adjacent to subdivision open space as a
result of the increased clustering, we find the change in sale price is
minimal, decreasing by only 0.3 percent.
Our results suggest why we may not see many clustered subdivisions
on the urban-rural fringe without government regulations requiring such
clustering. Households appear to value strongly their own private lots.
While we do find in our analysis that households value having more open
space in their subdivisions, and they value having a lot that is
adjacent to subdivision open space, they do not value those amenities
nearly as much as a larger lot. Thus, reducing private acreage to
provide more public subdivision open space tends to lead to overall
reductions in house prices, all else equal.
One of the most important questions we wanted to address in this
study is whether households would be willing to trade off the size of
their own lot for open space in the subdivision. Clustering subdivision
development is being viewed as a way to reduce the development footprint and preserve open space in fringe communities. Our findings suggest that
there is some small willingness to trade off lot size for more
subdivision open space. One caveat to our findings is that they may be
specific to the community that we examined--one on the urban-rural
fringe with very large average lot sizes and a great deal of surrounding
open space and farmland. It is possible that households in those areas
value their large lots and also have adequate substitutes for
subdivision open space.
Our analysis only attempts to measure the effects of subdivision
open space on property values within the subdivision. The external
benefits of subdivision open space, such as aesthetic values and
ecological and environmental benefits, may accrue to the larger
community. Those benefits will not be capitalized into subdivision
property values. To the extent that they are important, they suggest
additional reasons why the private market may under-provide open space
and government intervention may be necessary.
* "'Open Space' Zoning: What It Is and Why It
Works," by R. Arendt. Planning Commissioners Journal, Vol. 5
(July/August 1992).
* "The Private Value of Public Open Space within
Subdivisions," by IL B. Peiser and G. M. Schwann. Journal of
Architectural and Planning Research, Vol. 10, No. 2 (1993).
* "The Trade Off between Private Lots and Public Open Space in
Subdivisions at the Urban-Rural Fringe," by E. Kopits, V.
McConnell, and M. Walls. American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
Vol. 89, No. S (2007).
* "The Value of a Suburban Forest Preserve: Estimates from
Sales of Vacant Residential Building Lots," by P. Thorsnes. Land
Economics, Vol. 78, No. 3 (2002).
* The Value of Open Space: Evidence from Studies of Non-Market
Benefits, by V. McConnell and M. Walls. Resources for the Future,
January 2005.
EPA National Center for Environmental Economics
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Resources for the Future
Elizabeth Kopits is an economist with the U.S. EPA National Center
for Environmental Economics. Virginia McConnell is a professor of
economics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and
senior fellow at Resources for the Future. Margaret Walls is senior
fellow at Resources for the Future.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do
not necessarily represent those of the U.S. EPA.
Table 1
What Homeowners Value
The effects of house, lot, and subdivision characteristics on sales
Variable Coefficient (t-stat)
Own lot size (acres, logged) 0.078 *** (10.423)
Variable related to subdivision open space:
Subdivision open space (acres, logged) 0.010 ** (2.279)
Percent of open space acres in steep slopes -0.024 (-1.140)
Subdivision open space x pct. steep -0.003 (-0.410)
Subdivision open space x own lot size -0.007 *** (-2.715)
Adjacent to own subdivision open 0.029 ** (2.181)
space (dummy)
Adjacent to own open space x pct. steep -0.059 ** (-2.327)
Adjacent to own open space x lot size 0.016 (1.512)
Other adjacency variables:
Adjacent to another subdivision's open 0.010 (0.582)
space area
Adjacent to water 0.300 *** (12.805)
Adjacent to undeveloped, unpreserved land -0.006 (0.741)
Adjacent to preserved farmland or parkland -0.012 (0.532)
House characteristics:
House size (square ft., logged) 0.280 *** (23.042)
Age of house -0.002 *** (-5.896)
Dwelling grade -0.090 *** (-6.845)
Number of full baths 0.073 *** (10.159)
Number of half baths 0.039 *** (5.437)
Fireplace (dummy) 0.037 *** (5.922)
Townhouse (dummy) -0.113 ** (-2.435)
Accessibility variables:
Distance to northern border -0.129 *** (-4.361)
(meters, logged)
Distance to Route 2/4 (meters, logged) -0.026 ** (-2.533)
Accessibility to town centers 0.000 (0.245)
Other subdivision variables:
Subdivision size (acres, logged) 0.026 *** (2.751)
Year subdivision was recorded 0.002 *** (75.502)
Subdivision in farm community district 0.011 (0.473)
Subdivision in residential zone -0.025 (1.241)
Subdivision in town center 0.037 (0.168)
Constant 4.792 (14.909)
Spatial autocorrelation parameter, [rho] 0.358 (41.269)
[R.sup.2] 0.7795
Elasticity of sales price with respect to: Marginal effect
evaluation at
variable means
Own lot size * 0.055 *** (7.15)
Subdivision open space acreage 0.006 * (1.75)
Adjacency to own subdivision open space 0.014 * (1.68)
* Marginal effect for interior lot, for lot adjacent to open space,
marginal effect is 0.070.
NOTES: Dependent variable is the natural log of house sale price.
Coefficients on sale year and census block group during, variables
are available upon request *** sign fret significance at 99% level,
** at 95%, * at 90%.