Welfare impact of Central American Free Trade Agreement.
Adhikari, Deergha Raj
With an objective to eliminate tariffs and trade barriers and
expand regional opportunities for the workers, manufacturers, consumers,
farmers, ranchers, and service providers of all the countries, the
Central American-Dominican Republic-United States Free Trade Agreement
(commonly called DR-CAFTA) was signed on August 5, 2004. Originally, the
agreement encompassed the United States, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In 2004, the Dominican Republic joined the negotiations, and the agreement was renamed DR-CAFTA. For
simplification, we will call it CAFTA. This study attempts to evaluate
the impact of CAFTA on U.S. welfare. In the literature, there exist two
approaches to evaluating the impact of a trade policy: ex-ante approach
and ex-post (revealed preference) approach. The first approach attempts
to identify policy prescriptions that are welfare enhancing. But the
problem with this approach is that it assumes a functional form for the
measurement of welfare. Because, on one hand, if a single welfare
function is assumed for the whole country, the distributional issue will
be ignored as it will be difficult to rank social outcomes on the basis
of potential Pareto improvement and, on the other hand, if one welfare
function is assumed for each consumer and then all such functions are
aggregated to represent a country as a whole, then the aggregation
problem comes on the way, as consumers have diverse choices and
The second approach avoids such problems by getting rid of a
functional form assumption and by looking for some kind of indicator,
which can be examined to infer about the welfare impact of a trade
policy. A work by Ohyama (1972) derives sufficient conditions for
welfare improvement using the so-called revealed preference approach,
but it also suffers from same sort of distributional problems as it also
assumes a representative consumer. Later Grinols and Wong (1991) extend
Ohyama's results to many-consumer case and derive sufficient
conditions for a trade policy to be welfare-improving with the
restriction that the welfare weights of individuals be constant. Dixit
and Norman's work (1980, 1986) overcomes the limitations in Grinols
and Wong's model. However, their results derive the
welfare-improving condition for a trade policy rather than a trade
reform policy.
Later a work by Ju and Krishna (2000), builds on Dixit and
Norman's and derives sufficient conditions for a trade reform to be
welfare enhancing in many consumers case. However, the main problems
associated with the empirical use of their model are two folds. First,
it arbitrarily chooses two periods for welfare comparison. Second, it
has never been tested empirically.
There are two studies by Adhikari (2003, 2006) that examine the
impact of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the welfare of
the member countries. Other empirical studies done so far on the impact
of a trade policy mostly deal with the impact of the policy on certain
sector of an economy rather than the whole economy, for example, on the
impact of North American Free Trade Agreement on employment by U.S.
International Trade Commission (1997), on agriculture by U.S. Department
of Agriculture (1997), on auto and textile industries and U.S. trade
balance by DeJanvry (1996), on U.S. trade and industrial structure by
U.S. Department of Agriculture (1999), etc. One study by Trela and
Whalley (1994), although evaluates the welfare gains to U.S. of
liberalizing trade, but focuses only on the textile trade. Thus none of
these studies address the issue of welfare impact of Central American Free Trade Agreement. As such, our study aims to fill the gap in
international trade literature by evaluating the welfare impact of CAFTA
on U.S. economy at an aggregate level.
Section-2 of this paper will lay out the model and derive the
necessary and sufficient conditions for welfare improvement, section-3
will discuss about the data, section-4 will present the analyses and the
results, and section-5 will summarize the findings of this study.
Based on the work of Ohyama (1972) and Ju and Krishna (2003), we
derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for U.S. welfare
improvement as following.
Necessary Condition
Suppose E ([P.sup.i], [u.sup.j]) is the expenditure function of U.
S. representative consumer (which shows the minimum expenditure required
to achieve jth level of utility at ith level of price), C ([P.sup.i],
[u.sup.j]) is the compensated demand of U. S. representative consumer
(which shows the U. S. demand at ith price when utility is held constant
at jth level). The superscript 0 and 1 represent the level of price or
utility in the period before and after the implementation of CAFTA
(Central American Free Trade Agreement) respectively. Now, suppose the
representative consumer minimizes his expenditure initially, so that the
following equation will hold.
E ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) = [P.sup.0],C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) (1)
Where E ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) and C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) are the
expenditure and consumption bundle of the representative consumer
respectively and [P.sup.0'] is the price vector prevailed before
the implementation of CAFTA. Adding and subtracting [P.sup.0']C
([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]) from equation (1) yields,
E ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) = [P.sup.0']C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0])
+ [P.sup.0],C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]) _ [P.sup.0']C ([P.sup.1],
[u.sup.1]) (2)
Equation (2) can be reorganized as following:
E ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) = [P.sup.0'][C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0])
- C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]) + [P.sup.0']C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]) (2)
Since the expenditure function shows the minimum expenditure
required to attain a given level of utility at a given price level, the
following must be true.
[P.sup.0']C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]) [greater than or equal to]
E ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]) (4)
Where E ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1] is the minimum expenditure required
to attain a new utility level at a new price level prevailed after the
implementation of CAFTA. From (3) and (4), we have
E ([P.sup.0],[u.sub.0]) [greater than or equal to] [P.sup.0']
- [C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) - C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1])] + E ([P.sup.1],
[u.sup.1]) (5)
For E ([P.sup.1],[u.sup.1]) to be greater than E ([P.sup.0],
[u.sup.0]) or equivalently, for U. S. welfare to rise after the
implementation of CAFTA, the following has to be true.
[P.sup.0][C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) - C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1]] <
0 (6)
Inequality (6) means, for U. S. welfare to rise after CAFTA, the
new (post-CAFTA) consumption bundle must not be affordable at the old
(pre-CAFTA) prices. Now, suppose that X([P.sup.i], [V.sup.j]) is the U.
S. domestic supply at ith price and with jth factor endowment and that
the superscript 0 and 1 indicate the price and factor endowment levels
before and after CAFTA respectively.
Since (6) is a necessary condition, for [P.sup.0][X ([P.sup.0],
[V.sup.0]) - X ([P.sup.1], [V.sup.1])] > 0, the following is also a
necessary condition:
[P.sup.0] [C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0]) - C ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1])] -
[P.sup.0]'[X ([P.sup.0], [V.sup.0]) - X ([P.sup.1], [V.sup.1]) <
0 (7)
The necessary condition in (7) can be rewritten as
[P.sup.0][M ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0], [V.sup.0]) - M ([P.sup.1],
[u.sup.1], [V.sup.1]) < 0 (8)
This condition means that, for U.S. welfare to increase due to
CAFTA, the value of post-CAFTA U.S. import evaluated at pre-CAFTA prices
must be higher than its pre-CAFTA value. After simplifying (8), the
necessary condition can be rewritten as following.
[P.sup.0][M.sup.0] - [P.sup.0'][M.sup.1] < 0 (9)
where [M.sup.0] and [M.sup.1] are the Values of U.S, imports before
and after CAFTA beth evaluated at pre-CAFTA price. Now suppose the U.S.
implements the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and lowers
or eliminates tariffs and other barriers on trade with the CAFTA
members. For simplification we group all the CAFTA--members into group-B
and all other countries into group-C. Under Armington assumptions, the
necessary condition (9) now can be written as
The subscripts A, B, and C symbolize own country, group-B countries
and group-C countries respectively. The above condition can be
reorganized as following:
The first expression in the square bracket in (12) is the increase
in the value of U.S. imports from CAFTA-member countries, the second
expression is the increase in the value of U.S. imports from non-CAFTA
countries, and the third expression is the increase in the value of U.S
total exports (a negative sign in front of the value of imports implies
the value of exports) after CAFTA was signed, all values evaluated at
pre-CAFTA prices. So, the necessary condition implies that the sum of
the increase in the value of imports from CAFTA countries and non-CAFTA
countries must be greater than the increase in value of total U.S.
exports after the formation of CAFTA when all values are evaluated at
pre-CAFTA prices. Next we develop a sufficient condition for CAFTA to be
welfare enhancing.
Sufficient Condition
Following the same line of reasoning as (1) through (5), the
sufficient condition can be derived as following:
[P.sup.1][C ([P.sup.1], [u.sub.1]) - C ([P.sup.0], [u.sup.0])] >
0 (13)
This condition means the consumption bundle chosen by the
representative consumer before CAFTA must be affordable at post-CAFTA
prices. Since (13) is a sufficient condition, for [P.sup.1][X
([P.sup.1], [V.sup.1]) - X ([P.sup.0], [V.sup.0])] > 0, the following
is also a sufficient condition:
The sufficient condition in (14) can be rewritten as
[P.sup.1][M ([P.sup.1], [u.sup.1], [V.sup.1]) - M ([P.sup.0],
[u.sup.0], [V.sup.0]) > 0 (15)
By simplifying (15), the sufficient condition can be rewritten as
[P.sup.1][M.sup.1] - [P.sup.1][M.sup.0] > 0 (16)
Under Armington assumptions, the sufficient condition (16) can be
written as
The above condition can be reorganized as following:
So, the sufficient condition implies that the sum of the increases
in the value of imports from CAFTA countries and non-CAFTA countries
must be greater than the increase in value of total U.S. exports after
the formation of CAFTA when all values are evaluated at post-CAFTA
The data on U. S. import and export prices are collected from the
annual series of "International Financial Statistics"
published by IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the data on U. S.
imports from CAFTA-member countries as well as non-CAFTA member
countries and total U. S. exports are collected from different annual
series of IMF's publication called "Direction of Trade'.
The data on all the variables in the model are annual and cover the
years 1985-2005.
We choose year 2005 as the post-CAFTA year and 1990 as the
pre-CAFTA year to evaluate the values of U.S. imports and exports to
apply the necessary and the sufficient conditions. The reason for using
year 2005 as the post-CAFTA year is that, although the CAFTA was signed
on August 4, 2004, it was actually implemented in 2005. The rationale
for choosing year 1990 as the pre-CAFTA year is that the IMF has chosen
1990 as the base year for the computation of import and export price
We evaluate the values of U.S. imports (from CAFTA-members and
non-members) and the value of U.S. exports at pre-CAFTA prices by
multiplying the import/export value for each year by its corresponding
import/export price index for year 1990 and dividing the product by its
respective year's import/export price index. Similarly, to evaluate
the values of U.S. imports and exports at post-CAFTA prices we multiply
the respective value for each year by its corresponding import/export
price index for year 2005 and divide the product by its respective
year's import/export price index. Based on the modified data we
test the necessary and the sufficient conditions as following:
Necessary Condition (inequality (12))
Left Hand Side = (17,150-4,636) + (1,558,305 - 512,384) = 12,514 +
1,045,921 = 1,058,435
Right Hand Side = (845,650.1 - 393,106) = 452,544.1
Sufficient Condition (inequality (18))
Left Hand Side = (18,865 - 5,099.6) + (1,714,135 - 563,622.4) =
13,765.4 + 1,150,512.6 = 1,164,278
Right Hand Side = (904,000 - 420,230.3) = 483,769.7
Since the value on the left hand side is greater than the value on
the right hand side in both of the above inequalities, the data
satisfies both necessary and sufficient conditions for the CAFTA to be
welfare enhancing for the U.S. Therefore, we conclude that the CAFTA has
helped improve the U.S. welfare. Intuitively the above conditions means
that, aider the implementation of CAFTA, the increase in the value of
total imports must be greater than increase in the value of total
experts either evaluated at pre-CAFTA prices or post-CAFTA prices.
Meeting these conditions ensures that there will be more goods available
to the representative consumer (the country as a whole) for consumption
after the implementation of CAFTA.
Building on the work of Ju and Krishna, we develop necessary and
sufficient conditions for a trade policy to be welfare improving. We
apply ex-post approach to derive those conditions. The necessary
condition requires that, between the years 1990 and 2005, the sum of the
increases in the values of U.S. imports from countries within Central
American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and from countries outside CAFTA
be greater than the increase in the value of U.S. exports when all
values are evaluated at pre-CAFTA import/export prices. Similarly, the
sufficient condition requires that, within the same period, the sum of
the increases in the values of U.S. imports from CAFTA-countries and
non-CAFTA countries be greater than the increase in the value of U.S.
exports when all values are evaluated at post-CAFTA import/export
prices. We apply those conditions on U.S. data and found that the data
meets both of these conditions. Therefore, we conclude that CAFTA is
welfare-enhancing for the U.S.
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