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  • 标题:Currency devaluation and aggregate output in East Africa.
  • 作者:Upadhyaya, Kamal P. ; Rainish, Robert ; Phelan, John
  • 期刊名称:Indian Journal of Economics and Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0972-5784
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:December
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Indian Journal of Economics and Business
  • 摘要:This paper studies the effect of currency devaluation on aggregate output level in three East African countries using panel data. An empirical model that includes monetary, fiscal and exchange rate variables is developed. Two versions of the model, one with real exchange rate and another with nominal exchange rate and foreign-to-domestic price ratio are estimated. Before estimating the model the time series properties of the panel data is diagnosed. The estimated results suggest that currency devaluations are neutral to the economy in short and intermediate run but expansionary in the long run and the effect emanates from the change in foreign-to-domestic price ratio not from the change in nominal exchange rate.
  • 关键词:Foreign exchange;Foreign exchange rates;Monetary policy

Currency devaluation and aggregate output in East Africa.

Upadhyaya, Kamal P. ; Rainish, Robert ; Phelan, John 等


This paper studies the effect of currency devaluation on aggregate output level in three East African countries using panel data. An empirical model that includes monetary, fiscal and exchange rate variables is developed. Two versions of the model, one with real exchange rate and another with nominal exchange rate and foreign-to-domestic price ratio are estimated. Before estimating the model the time series properties of the panel data is diagnosed. The estimated results suggest that currency devaluations are neutral to the economy in short and intermediate run but expansionary in the long run and the effect emanates from the change in foreign-to-domestic price ratio not from the change in nominal exchange rate.

JEL classification: F31, F41


Devaluation of the real exchange rate is often considered a major tool in the stabilization of the foreign sector of an economy. It is argued that a devaluation or depreciation improves the terms of trade by raising the price of imported goods and service and lowering the price of exports, leading to an improvement in a country's trade balance. This improvement in the foreign sector expands aggregate output and employment in the overall economy. Some argue, however, that currency devaluation may not necessarily increase the level of output in a developing country. They even posit that devaluation may contract the economy. Specifically, it is argued that devaluation may lead to a negative real balance effect, resulting in lower levels of aggregate demand and output. At the same time it is also argued that currency devaluation distributes income from the group with a lower marginal propensity to save to the group with a higher marginal propensity to save. This may reduce aggregate demand, leading to a lower level of output in the economy (Krugman and Taylor 1978; Lizondo and Montiel, 1989). Secondly, a nominal devaluation can decrease aggregate demand through the negative real balance effect due to a higher price level which in turn may decrease the level of output. Finally, it is also possible that if export and import elasticity are very low the trade balance (measured in terms of domestic currency) may deteriorate leading to a recessionary effect in the economy. If that is the case then currency depreciation may lead to a lower level of output and employment in the economy.

Contractionary effects of exchange rate depreciation can also come through the supply side. Exchange rate depreciation raises the cost of imported inputs, leading to a decrease in aggregate supply. In addition, it may also raise the domestic interest rate and wage level through an increase in the price level. This may also decrease aggregate supply in the economy.

The relationships between currency devaluation and output growth have been investigated by a number of studies however the empirical findings of the effects of depreciations on the economy are mixed. Gylfason and Schmid (1983), and Conolly (1983) find that exchange rate devaluations have a positive effect on the economy. But, Gylfason and Risager (1984), and Branson (1986) find devaluation to be contractionary. Edwards (1986), in his widely cited study based on pooled time-series cross-section data from 12 developing countries, finds a small contractionary effect in the first year that becomes expansionary in the second year and neutral in the long run. Using econometric methodology developed by Wickens and Breusch (1988), Upadhyaya (1999) finds that devaluation has a neutral effect in the long run.

Some recent studies have examined the impact of currency devaluation by incorporating real exchange rate directly and alternatively by decomposing it into nominal exchange rate and relative price level (foreign-to-domestic price ratio). For example, Upadhyaya and Upadhyay (1999) find that devaluation generally did not have any effect on output over any length of time in the six Asian countries studied, and any effect uncovered came from changes in relative price level, and not from nominal devaluation. In another study, Upadhyaya, Dhakal and Mixon (2000) found currency depreciations were usually contractionary in selected Latin American countries, and that the contractionary effect came from nominal exchange rate, not from the relative price level. Upadhyaya, Mixon and Bhandari (2004) reported short run expansionary effects on output in Greece and Cyprus between 1969 and 1998 that emanated from both nominal devaluation and changes in the relative price level.

The present study is based on the panel data from three East African countries namely Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Since currency devaluation has been one of the elements of the structural adjustment program of the IMF and World Bank in developing countries, it is expected that this study will also help to evaluate the success of such programs.

The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 outlines the methodology of the study and the data. The empirical findings are discussed in section 3, and the final section presents a summary and conclusion.


Economic activity in a developing country is affected by a number of fiscal and monetary variables, particularly by the level of fiscal expenditure and the rate of change of the money supply (Edwards 1986, Khan and Knight 1981). Following this argument we include government expenditures and the rate of change of the money supply as fiscal and monetary variables that explain the level of aggregate output. Following Upadhyaya and Upadhyay (1999) we use two approaches to examine the effect of a change in the exchange rate on output. The first one includes the change in the real exchange rate directly, which is consistent with the idea that a nominal change in the exchange rate influences output only if it leads to a change in the real exchange rate. This approach considers only the effect of a movement in real exchange rates and disregards the combination of nominal exchange rates and foreign-to-domestic price ratios that generate such a movement. If the price level changes at the same rate as the nominal exchange rate then the real exchange rate remains constant (and has no effect on the output level). This method, however, ignores any asymmetric influence that an initial jump in the exchange rate may have on output vis-a-vis the effect of a gradual rise in the price level. Hence, an alternative model, including the nominal exchange rate (instead of the real exchange rate) and the relative price level is also estimated. This approach enables us to find out whether any effect originates from a change in the nominal exchange rate or from the relative price ratio.

Based on the above discussion the following empirical models are developed.

[Y.sub.t] = [b.sub.0] + [b.sub.1] + [G.sub.t] + [b.sub.2] [M.sub.t] + [b.sub.3] [RE.sub.t] + [b.sub.4][RE.sub.t-1] + [b.sub.5] [RE.sub.t-2] + [u.sub.1] (1)


In equations (1) and (2), Y is the aggregate output, G is government expenditure, M is the money supply (all in 1995 prices), E is the nominal exchange rate of domestic currency to U.S. dollars, [P.sup.*] is the foreign price level, and P is the domestic price level. G and M respectively represent the fiscal and monetary policy variables. World price is used as the foreign price level. The real exchange rate RE is defined as ([EP.sup.*]/P) and ([P.sup.*]/P) is the foreign to domestic price ratio (relative price level). Finally, u is the random error term.

Since an increase in government expenditure is assumed to be expansionary, the coefficient of G is expected to be positive. Likewise, the coefficient of M is also expected to be positive as an increase in the money supply is considered to be expansionary to the economy. The coefficient of the real exchange rate, RE, captures the effect of a change in the exchange rate on output and is the main concern of the present study. If it is negative, and statistically significant, ceteris paribus, any change in exchange rates negatively affect the real output. In that case, devaluations (exchange rate depreciations) are contractionary to the economy. However, if the coefficient of RE is positive and significant any exchange rate depreciation is expansionary to the economy. If it is insignificant then devaluation is neutral to the output growth. Since a change in the exchange rate in the current period can affect output with a lag, lagged values of the real exchange rates are also included in the estimation of the regression model. Inclusion of lagged values is also important because any devaluation can have different effect for different time horizons. For example, Edwards (1986) finds that exchange rate depreciations are contractionary in the short run, expansionary in the medium run, and neutral in the long run.

As mentioned earlier, this study is based on panel data from three East African countries namely, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The panel data series is constructed using the annual time series data from 1972 to 2006 for both Kenya and Tanzania and from 1992 to 2006 for Uganda. We could not use balanced sample for all three countries because some data for Uganda were missing before 1992. All the variables are measured in 1995 price and are in billion shillings. They are all collected from the International Financial Statistics, which is published by the International Monetary Fund.


As indicated above this study uses panel data from Kenya and Tanzania for a period from 1972 to 2006 and Uganda for a period from 1992 to 2006. Since the use of non-stationary data can produce spurious results it is important to test the stationarity of the data series. To ensure the stationarity of the panel data Levin, Lin and Chu (2002), Breitung (2000), and Im, Pesaran and Shin (2003) unit root tests are conducted. As reported in Table 1, the data series are found to be nonstationary at level hut are found stationary at the first difference level.

After establishing the stationarity of the data series a cointegration test is conducted. Since we have used panel data in our study we conducted Pedroni's panel cointegration test (Pedroni, 1999 and 2004). The test results are reported in Tables 2 and 3. As seen in the table, in both versions of equation, all the test statistics show that the null hypothesis of no cointegration can not be rejected at the conventional level of significance. This suggests an absence of long run relationship among the variables in both equations. Therefore equations (1) and (2) are estimated in the following first difference form without any error correction terms (Engle and Granger, 1987).

[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [b.sub.0] + [b.sub.1] [DELTA]G + [b.sub.2][DELTA]M + [b.sub.3] [DELTA] [RE.sub.t] + [b.sub.5] [DELTA][RE.sub.t-2] + [v.sub.1] (3)


The lagged values of RE, E, and [P.sup.*]/P are included to capture the short, medium, and long run effects of a change in the exchange rate on the aggregate output.

The estimation of the model using panel data from different countries requires that the unobserved country-specific variables are not correlated with the included right hand side variables. If they are correlated the model can generate misleading results. In order to address this problem we use fixed effects estimation (Pradhan, et. al. 2008). The fixed effects estimations of equations (3) and (4) are as follows:



Note: Figures in the parentheses are the t-values for the corresponding coefficient. ***, **, *, # significant respectively at 1%, 5%, 10 %, and 15% critical level.

Equations (5) and (6) are estimated results of equations (3) and (4) respectively. The overall results of the estimation seem to be fine in terms of the coefficient of determinant, the F-statistics and the direction of the coefficients. The Durbin-Watson values in both estimations, however, are found to be in the inconclusive range. To ensure that there is not an autocorrelation problem in our estimation we re-ran the regression with the AR(1) term and found the coefficient of this term to be statistically insignificant. This ensures that the estimations are not suffering from the problem of first order autocorrelation. In both form equations the estimation of the coefficient of government expenditure is positive and statistically significant. This indicates the government expenditures are expansionary in these countries. Unlike Upadhyaya and Upadhyay (1999) we do not find any crowding out effect of increased government spending on private sector output and aggregate output in these countries. The monetary variable (a change in money supply) is positive and statistically significant at the conventional level of significance indicating the effectiveness of monetary policy in these countries.

The focus of this study are the coefficients of the real exchange rate (RE), the nominal exchange rate (E) and the foreign to domestic price ratio ([P.sup.*]/P). The contemporaneous effect of a change in real exchange rate (RE) is negative though not significant. The effect of the lag of RE changes to positive and again is not significant. The two year lag of this variable is positive and statistically significant. This finding suggests that real exchange rate is either neutral or at best a little contractionary in the short run; a little expansionary (or even neutral) in the medium run; and expansionary in the long run (as indicated by the statistically significant coefficient of the two year lag of RE).

Equation (6) presents the regression result that decomposes the real exchange rate into the nominal exchange rate and the foreign to domestic price ratio. The results show that the nominal devaluation has no significant effect on the aggregate output level even at twenty percent critical level. The contemporaneous and one year lag effects of a change in the relative price ratio on the real output is not found to be significant. The coefficient of two year lag, however, is positive and statistically significant. Based on this finding it can be argued that whatever effect of devaluation (change in real exchange rate) has on output level, it comes from the change in the foreign-to-domestic price ratio and not from the nominal devaluation.


This paper studies the effect of currency devaluation on aggregate output level in three East African countries namely, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. For the analysis an empirical model is developed in which fiscal and monetary variables are included in addition to the real exchange rate. An alternative model which decomposes the real exchange rate into the nominal exchange rate and the foreign to domestic price ratio is also developed in order to identify whether any changes in the aggregate output is coming from nominal devaluation, relative price ratio (foreign to domestic price ratio) or both. Panel data comprising of annual time series data from 1972 to 2006 for both Kenya and Tanzania and from 1992 to 2006 for Uganda is used. In both versions of the model the time series properties of the panel data are diagnosed using panel unit root and panel cointegration tests prior to the estimations. Since the data series are found to be stationary at the first difference level and the hypothesis of no cointegration could not be rejected the model is estimated in the first difference form without an error correction term. The model is estimated using a fixed effect estimator in order to account for the country specific effect. The estimated results suggest that the currency devaluation is neutral in the short and intermediate run and the expansionary in the long run. The results show the expansionary long run effect comes from the foreign to domestic price ratio and not from the nominal devaluation.


Branson, H. William (1986), Stabilization, Stagflation and Investment Incentives: The Case of Kenya 1975-80 in, Economic Adjustment and Exchange Rates in Developing Countries (Eds) S. Edwards and L. Ahamed, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

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Gylfason, T. and Schmid, M. (1983), Does Devaluation Cause Stagflation?, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 16, 641-54.

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International Monetary Fund (various issues) International Financial Statistics, Washington, DC.

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Krugman, P. and Taylor, L. (1978), Contractionary Effect of Devaluation, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 8, 445-56.

Levin, A., Lin, C. F., and Chu, C. (2002), "Unit Root Tests in Panel Data: Asymptotic and FiniteSample Properties", Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 108, pp. 1-24.

Lizondo, J. and P. Montiel (1989), Contractionary Devaluation in Developing Countries: An Analytical Overview, IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 36, March, pp. 182-227.

Pedroni, P. (2004), "Panel Cointegration; Asymptotic and Finite Sample Properties of Pooled Time Series Tests with an Application to the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis," Econometric Theory, Vol. 20, 597-325.

Pedroni, P. (1999), "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with Multiple Regressors," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 61, 653-670.

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Upadhyaya, K. P., Mixon, D. and Bhandari, R. (2004), Exchange Rate Adjustment and Output in Greece and Cyprus: Evidence from Panel Data, Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 14, 1181-1185.

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University of New Haven, USA
Table 1
Panel Unit Root Test

           Levin, Lin & Chu        Breitung t-stat

Variable   Level       FD          Level       FD

E          -0.16       -3.36 ***    2.800      -1.43 *
RE         -4.42 ***   -7.46 ***   -4.99 ***  -10.18 ***
(P * /P)   -3.68 ***   -6.99 ***   -2.93 ***   -5.64 ***
G           2.22       -9.76 ***    2.99       -1.90 **
M           2.83       -3.95 ***   -0.17       -2.30 **
Y           0.76       -1.55 *      0.83       -3.94 ***

           Ira, Pesaran & Shin

Variable   Level       FD

E          1.05        -2.96 ***
RE        -3.19 ***    -7.63 ***
(P * /P)  -4.56 ***    -7.03 ***
G         -1.81        -3.42 ***
M          1.32        -5.33 ***
Y          0.60        -4.24 ***

***, **, * significant respectively at
1%, 5%, and 10% critical level.

Table 2
Pedroni's Panel Cointegration Test
(variables: Y, RE, G, M)

                 statistics   probability

v-statistics           0.62          0.33
rho-statistics         1.71          0.09
PP-statistics          0.27          0.38
ADF-statistics         1.32          0.17

Table 3
Pedroni's Panel Cointegration Test
(variables: Y, E, P* /P, G, M)

                 statistics   probability

v-statistics          -0.02          0.40
rho-statistics         1.67          0.10
PP-statistics         -0.65          0.32
ADF-statistics         1.93          0.06