Evidence of informed trading in Single stock futures market in the national stock exchange of India Ltd.
Sadath, Anver ; Kamaiah, Bandi
This paper examines the role of Single Stock Futures (SSF) market
in the National Stock Exchange(NSE) of India ltd. in facilitating
trading for investors with better information with respect to the
fundamentals of securities traded. Given the leverages of trading in the
derivatives market, the informed traders are expected to migrate to the
futures market. In that case, the direction of causality would be from
futures market to spot market. This causal relationship between spot and
futures market is analyzed by using the Granger causality test. The
results, in general, show that SSF market leads spot market and trading
volume of futures market contains useful information for market
It has been suggested by Black (1975) that investors acting upon
the fundamental values of the stocks may shift their investment avenue
from the stock market to the derivatives market due to economic
incentives provided by reduced transaction costs, capital requirements,
and trading restrictions. Copeland (1976) considers volume as a proxy
for information arrival. He assumes existence of an initial equilibrium
where they all possess an identical set of information. Then allow a
single piece of news to be generated. As each individual receives it, he
reacts by shifting his demand curve. Finally, when all individuals have
received the news, they once again possess an identical set of
information and a new equilibrium is established. Anthony (1988)
hypothesizes that if information trading takes place predominantly in
the option market, one would expect to observe a lead-lag relation for
the options/shares trading volumes. This proposition can be easily
extended to the SSF market as the SSF is based on the common shares like
stock options.
If there are alternative markets in which informed traders can
profit from their information, then where informed traders choose to
trade may have important implications not only for security price
movements, but for the behavior of related prices as well. This suggests
that transactions in derivative markets may be an important predictor of
future security price movements. Purchasing a futures contract is
futures trade that would be used by traders informed of good news, and
it can be called as positive futures trade. Selling a futures contract
could be termed as negative futures trade, as they would be entered by
traders acting on the bad news. In a pooling equilibrium a positive
option trade provides a positive signal to all market makers, who then
would increase their bid and ask prices. Similarly, a negative option
trade depresses quotes. Because market participants can learn from
trades in both markets, option trades would affect subsequent behavior
of the stock market. Easley et al says that it is because of the option
trading behavior of informed traders that the volumes of particular
types of option trades have predictive power. If, instead, options are
used only as hedging vehicles, then all option trades would be
liquidity-based (i.e., un-informative) and we would not expect to find
any link between option volumes and stock prices.
The asymmetric information model in market microstructure
elaborates that the migration of informed trader causes a reduction in
the proportion of informed traders in the underlying security market.
Consequently, the competitive risk neutral market maker will reduce
bid-ask spread due to lower adverse selection costs in trading with
informed trading. Narrower spread means declining volatility since
transaction price lies within the spread.
This paper investigates the preference of the informed traders for
trading in the SSF market by analyzing the trading volume in the spot
and futures market. It is well known that the information asymmetry
exists in the financial market. Therefore, following the sequential
information flow hypothesis, stock futures volume increases should
precede volume increase in the spot market, surrounding information
release. In this sense, SSF trading is expected to lead trading in spot
The rest of the study is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a
brief note on the Sequential Information Arrival Hypothesis. Section 3
reviews the previous literature related to this topic. Nature of the
data and research methodology are explained in section 4. Section 5
presents the empirical results followed by the conclusion.
The sequential information arrival model developed by Copeland
(1976) offers a framework for the study of this dynamic adjustment
process. The sequential information arrival process begins with the
asset market in equilibrium. A single item of information then arrives
at the market. In previous informational studies using equilibrium
analysis, all market participants are assumed to become informed
simultaneously. The sequential information arrival model assumes that
only one trader observes the information initially. This trader
interprets the news, revises his beliefs, and trades to arrive at a new
optimal position. The outcome of this series of events is the generation
of transaction volume and a new equilibrium price. After the market
arrives at this. new equilibrium, the next investor becomes informed
and, after a similar sequence of events, a second temporary equilibrium
is achieved. This process continues until all traders are informed and
results in a series of momentary equilibria. When the last trader
receives the information, the market reaches a final equilibrium. The
sequential process allows one to observe the path of trades, prices, and
volume. In addition this model provides a more realistic model for most
information events. The sequential information arrival model does not
change the capital asset pricing literature in any way. Instead, it adds
to it by giving a better understanding of the parameters which affect
volume as well as its relationship with price changes.
Previous researches on the informed trading are mainly based on the
option markets. Anthony (1988) had analyzed the interrelation of stock
and option market trading volume in the context of shares listed in the
NYSE and options in the CBEO. By using Granger causality methodology, he
had identified that informed trading takes place in option market as
trading volume of call options leads trading in the underlying shares,
with a one-day lag. Easley et al. (1998) had attempted to examine the
informational links between options markets and equity markets by using
option volume and stock prices. Their empirical testing reveals that
stock prices lead option volume implying that options market is
dominated by hedgers. They also found that particular option volumes
lead stock prices. This result is strongly consistent with option
markets being a venue foe information-based trading. Thus, their work
recognizes volume playing a key role in the process in which markets
become efficient.
Chakravarty et al (2004) have applied the Hasbrouk's (1995)
methodology to time series of stock prices and implied option prices to
measure the relative share of price discovery occurring in the stock and
option markets. They found a significant price discovery in the option
market. They find evidence that the proportion of information revealed
first in the option market varies across stocks. Option markets tend to
be more informative on average when option trading volume is high and
when stock volume is low, when option effective spreads are narrow, and
when stock spreads are wide. Manster and Rendleman (1982) used Granger
causality test to identify the lead-lag structure between derivative
prices and stock prices. They hypothesized that if informed trader
migrated to derivatives markets, the derivative prices should predict
the underlying stock prices. They have empirically found that informed
trading takes place in the derivative markets. Stephan and Whaley (1990)
investigated the interrelationship between option and stock prices using
intra-day data and found no causal relationship between them. The
evidence that derivative prices lead the stock prices does not always
imply superior information in derivative market over the stock market.
There can be noise trading in the derivative markets. Khanthavit (1996)
separated noise trading from the informed trading by observing the path
of prices after trading. Information based trading will cause permanent
price changes whereas the effect of noise trading on prices will be
temporary. Vijh (1990) tested the informed trading by investigating
option volume and option price. He did not find any significant
relationship between the two variables and concluded that option trading
is not information based. Boluch et al (1997), in their study based on
the selected CBOE option volume and underlying stock prices, found
feedback trading in both markets. Adjustments in one market is quickly
reflected in the other market and it appears that neither market can be
used as a benchmark to predict activity in the other
The required data of daily frequency for this study is collected
from the official website of NSE. The data set consists of 28 stocks on
which SSF contracts started trading on November 9, 2001. Daily volume of
both underlying stocks and SSF contracts are used to analyse the causal
relationship between them. Daily turnover in both markets are considered
as a proxy for volume. The study covers the period from November 9, 2001
through the end of May, 2007.
This study uses the methodology adopted by Anthony (1988) who
analysed the relationship between stock and options volume listed in the
Chicago Board of Option Exchange (CBOE) by using Granger causality test.
The choice of the lag length of each series in the test is selected
based on the Akaike information criterion. If there is no informed
trading in the Single Stock Futures markets in the NSE, then trading in
the futures market would not cause the trading activities in the cash
market. However, according to Granger and Newbold (1986) if two time
series are taken at the actual levels, such time series may not be white
noise. This may cause large cross-correlations, thereby leading to
spurious results. To avoid this possibility, Granger and Newbold
suggested that the time series be initially identified and estimated.
Following Anthony (1988), the stock and option volume time series are
fitted with an autoregressive integrated moving average [ARIMA (p, d,
q)] model and used the residuals from these models as inputs in the
Granger causality model. In doing so, it is ensured that the series are
uncorrelated since the residuals indicate only unexplained variations in
the data. The next stage in the ARIMA (p, d, q) modeling is the
estimation of the just identified model from the available data. After
having estimated the tentative model, as final step in the modeling, the
diagnostic checking of the estimated model is undertaken so as to ensure
the adequacy of the model. A model is considered to be accurately
specified if the residuals from the estimated model are serially
uncorrelated or stationary. If they are found to be non-stationary, it
means that the estimated model does not fit the data properly so that a
new model has to be specified. Thus, ARIMA modeling is an iterative
process of identifying the underlying process in which a particular data
series has been generated or evolved.
As noted earlier, the empirical analysis begins with identification
and estimation of appropriate ARIMA models for the stock and futures
volume. This step is necessary to extract residuals from the models
which form the inputs for the Granger causality test. Table 1 presents
the values of p, d, q for the ARIMA models for the sample companies.
It is shown that most of the time series on stock volume and
futures volume are generated by an MA process of varying order. However,
most of the time series follows an MA (1) order. There are five time
series (companies) following ARIMA process with low order. The order of
integration in all time series is unity implying that all of' them
are non-stationary in the level form with high serial correlation and
first differencing will render them stationary. The adequacy of the
series identification and estimation was tested by analyzing the serial
autocorrelation of the residuals from the estimated models. The results
show that residuals are serially uncorrelated so that the estimated
models fit the data well.
The next step in the empirical analysis is to establish the
direction of the causality between stock and futures market so as to
corroborate the preference of informed traders. The causality test is
conducted by using pre-whitened residuals from the models fitted to the
data at the series identification stage. The results of the Granger
causality test are given in table 2. In column 2 of the table, the upper
value of the cell refers to the hypothesis that the futures volume do
not Granger cause the stock volume. The lower value refers to the
hypothesis that the stock do not Granger cause the futures volume.
The most important thing to be noted in the result is the rejection
of the null-hypothesis that stock futures volume do not Granger cause
the stock volume in the case of 20 companies out of 28 sample companies.
It is quiet evident that F-statistics of these 20 are statistically
significant at varying levels of confidence. Therefore, it is concluded
that the direction of causality runs from the single stock futures
market to the stock market and informed trading takes place in the
futures market. This result is consistent with the findings of Easley et
al (1998). In other words, the trading activity in *,he stock futures
market leads the trading activity in the stock market. The remaining
stocks in the sample stocks show either feed-back trading or existence
of no causality. Feedback relationship is surprising even after the
pre-whitening of the data series. However, it shows the existence of
instantaneous causality.
This study investigates the informational link between stock and
single stock futures markets in the NSE of India. The informed traders
may take positions in the futures market due to the leverages available
there so that stock market is expected to follow it. This study used the
daily trading volume in both stock and stock futures markets as proxy
for trading activity following Copeland's (1976) proposition.
Following Anthony (1988, Granger causality methodology is adopted to
determine the preference of informed traders. The overall results show
that the informed trading takes place in the single stock futures market
as the causality runs from the futures volume to the stock volume in the
case of majority of stocks. The most important implication of this study
is that volume plays a key role in making the market efficient as it
contains information useful for investors. Therefore, the relevance of
volume as an informant in the capital market with various investment
avenues must be recognized.
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University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Table 1
Identification of Arima (p, d, q) for
Stock and Futures Volumes
Stock Futures
Volume Volume
Company p d q p d q
ACC 0 1 1 0 1 1
BAJAJAUTO 0 1 1 0 1 1
BHEL 0 1 2 2 1 2
BPCL 0 1 1 1 1 1
BSES 0 1 2 0 1 2
CIPLA 0 1 2 0 1 1
DRREDDY 1 1 1 1 1 1
GRASIM 0 1 2 0 1 1
GUJAMBCEM 0 1 1 0 1 1
HDFC 0 1 1 1 1 1
HINDPETRO 0 1 3 0 1 3
HINDLEVER 0 1 1 0 1 1
INFOSYS 0 1 1 0 1 1
ITC 1 1 1 1 1 1
L&T 0 1 1 0 1 1
M&M 0 1 1 0 1 1
MTNL 0 1 2 0 1 2
RANBAXY 0 1 2 0 1 1
RELIANCE 0 1 3 0 1 1
RELPETRO 0 1 1 0 1 1
SATYAMCOM 0 1 1 0 1 1
SBIN 0 1 1 0 1 1
STROPTICAL 0 1 2 0 1 1
TATAPOWER 0 1 1 0 1 1
TATATEA 0 1 2 0 1 2
TELCO 1 1 1 1 1 1
TISCO 0 1 1 0 1 1
VSNL 0 1 1 0 1 1
Table 2
Causality Between Stock and Futures Volumes
Company F-Statistic of Causality
ACC 5.20 ** Futures to stock
BAJAJ 3.39 *** Futures to stock
BHEL 3.30 *** Futures to stock
BPCL 3.84 ** Futures to stock
BSES 3.17 *** Futures to stock
CIPLA 14.41 * Feed back
5.26 **
DRREDDY 3.38 *** Futures to stock
GRASIM 4.09 ** Futures to stock
GUJAMBCEM 3.87 ** Futures to stock
HDFC 4.24 ** Feed back
5.18 **
HINDPETRO 3.36 *** Futures to stock
HINDLEVER 4.52 ** Futures to stock
INFOSYS 1.27 No causality
ITC 4.83 ** Futures to stock
L&T 6.36 ** Futures to stock
M&M 3.14 *** Futures to stock
MTNL 3.02 *** Futures to stock
RANBAXY 1.65 No causality
RELIANCE 4.67 ** Feed back
18.59 *
RELPETRO 4.02 ** Futures to stock
SATYAMCOM 3.05 *** Futures to stock
SBIN 1.68 No causality
STROPTICAL 3.10 *** Futures to stock
TATAPOWER 4.26 ** Futures to stock
TATATEA 14.91 * Futures to stock
TELCO 5.81 ** Feed back
7.14 *
TISCO 0.56 No causality
VSNL 2.92 *** Futures to stock
'*', '**' and '***' respectively imply
significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels