Spatial location of Indian manufacturing industries--an exploratory analysis.
Kathuria, Vinish ; George, Avanti Susan
This study attempts to analyze the agglomeration of manufacturing
firms for the Indian context using an agglomeration measure given by
Ellison and Glaeser for 66 manufacturing industries in 21 major States
and Union Territories. The analysis yields that the extractive industries like Iron and Steel and Cement, Lime and Plaster, are highly
agglomerated and are found in those States where the raw material is in
abundance. The analysis indicates that the agglomerated industries are
mostly located in few States thereby pointing that the attempts made by
the Government to disperse the industrial units have not been quite
successful. Taking one step further, this study also looks at the
reasons that could be attributed to this clustering. The preliminary
econometric results indicate that the policy related factors that affect
the agglomeration in the case of India's manufacturing Industries,
are not alone, enough to create clusters. These along with other
non-policy related factors having spillover potential also contribute to
The spatial location of industries has always been a matter of
concern to policy makers all over the world. India is not different in
this respect. Ever since the planning era, efforts have been made, by
devising incentive policies to influence firm's location decisions.
Location theory gives a theoretical framework for studying the location
decisions made by firms and households based on transportation cost and
spatial differences in the accessibility of inputs and markets for
The literature has identified a number of factors influencing these
location decisions. Krugman (1991) in an influential work has summarized
five factors: (a) Costs of production and marketing i.e. all transaction
costs inclusive of transport costs, local wages, taxes, subsidies and
incentives; (b) Economies of scale; (c) Activity-specific backward and
forward linkages, proximity to buyers and sellers, and local amenities;
(d) Innovation and knowledge spillovers; and (e) Unpredictable chance
Any location, having the optimum of all the above factors, would be
the ideal one for a firm to locate. This process of
'agglomeration' (or cluster formation) concentrates many firms
into industrial regions or zones. The phenomenon occurs because these
firms realize monetary benefits from sharing specialized input factors.
A large geographic concentration of similar firms can also provide scale
economies in the production of shared inputs. Apart from this, the firms
that utilize the same technologies are more likely to collaborate with
one another to share information on the similar: problems faced by them
and ways to develop new technologies. (1) Thus we can say that clusters
are a geographically concentrated and interdependent network of firms
linked through buyer-supplier chains and/or shared factors (Lall and
Chakravorty, 2003). This idea of a 'cluster' hinges on the
inter-firm relations, which lowers production cost through the reduction
of transaction costs faced by firms. Therefore, for profit maximizing
firms, the presence of a well-developed network of similar firms in a
region is an important factor for their location decisions.
At the other end of the spectrum is 'industrial inertia'.
As changes occur in the production process and suitability of particular
raw materials shift, (2) the decline of locational advantages and
transport infrastructure takes place; old industrial areas subside gradually over a very long period (3) and may regenerate with new
footloose industry.
This issue of agglomeration is particularly important for
developing countries as they have relatively lower levels of overall
investment and economic activity is concentrated in one or a few growth
centers. The regions failing to attract dynamic industries are not only
characterized by low productivity, but also by lower relative incomes
and standards of living. In India, there is severe agglomeration of
industries. Although, there have been several moves made to achieve
spatial dispersal of industries through policy interventions such as
incentives, taxes, subsidies, licenses etc, the results have not been
desired. Growth biases continue to exist despite these policy incentives
to locate. The Annual Survey of Industries data for the year 2003
indicates that of the 23 two-digit industries, Maharashtra alone has a
concentration of 15 industries, followed by 5 in Tamil Nadu and 4 in
Prior to Independence, industries were mostly located in and around
port cities like Bombay, Calcutta or Chennai and to cities like Kanpur,
Agra etc. to supply to British Army needs. After Independence, few
centres of industries developed such as Baroda, Coimbatore, Bangalore,
Pune, Hyderabad and Faridabad. These new centres grew in those States
that already had established clusters i.e. Baroda grew out of the
clustering in Bombay and Coimbatore out of Chennai etc. Thus, cluster
formation at a number of places was an outcome of the existing clusters
rather than a consequence of the infrastructural facilities, made
available by the respective State Governments. The various efforts by
different governments did not result in equi-proportional pay-offs in
terms of the growth of under-developed or backward areas in different
States. In fact, the backward States remained so and most of the growth
continued to be imbalanced. (4)
Under this backdrop, two crucial questions arise. Why do these
growth obscurities exist today, inspite of the massive emphasis given by
the Government to overcome these? And How significant are policy
incentives in attracting firms? In this exploratory study we try to
answer these questions.
The remaining paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives the
literature review. Section 3 discusses the methodology employed. In
order to see whether clustering exist in Indian industry, one needs to
find out a measure of agglomeration for the industry. The calculation of
the agglomeration measure is the central objective of this paper. The
measure can be used to identify which industries are clustered and in
which States. The secondary objective of this study is to explain these
patterns. This however, is undertaken on a more exploratory scale and is
elaborated in Section 4, where an account of the data and variables are
given. The results are given in Section 5. Section 6 concludes, with the
summary and policy implications of this study.
There has been a growing literature both empirical as well as
theoretical, to measure agglomeration and to establish the causes of
agglomeration as well as the effects of agglomeration on productivity of
the industry. Important studies include Ellison and Glaeser (henceforth E-G), (1997) and Maurel and Sedillot (1997). The E-G paper theoretically
develops an agglomeration measure and applies this to the United States data. The paper attempts to find the relation of the measure with
natural advantage and spillovers (agglomeration externalities).
There have been similar studies conducted for the United Kingdom
(Devereux et al., 2002) and France (Maurel and Sedillot, 1997). The
latter, develops an index based on the E-G agglomeration measure. Their
measure too attributes the location decision of plants, to the benefits
accrued from natural advantage and/or spillovers generated by proximity
of other plants in the industry.
Once a precise quantitative measure is developed for agglomeration,
one can assess the relevance of different factors. Rosenthal and Strange
(2001) econometrically estimate the determinants of agglomeration for
the U.S. manufacturing industries using the EG index as a measure of
agglomeration. This study has been carried out at three levels; zipcode,
county and State. The study finds that the labor market pooling (5) has
the most robust effect at all three levels.
Aharonson, Baum and Feldman (2004) study the effects of the
determinants of agglomeration for the Biotechnology industry in Canada.
The study finds that R&D externalities increase as proximity
increases, thereby influencing productivity positively.
The study by Dohse and Steude (2003) utilizes the
'dartboard' approach developed by Ellison and Glaeser to
analyze the spatial concentration of 216 knowledge-based firms publicly
listed in the German Neuer Markt (New Market) with other firms. The
analysis shows that the Neuer Markt firms tend to be located in the
existing agglomerations of the other firms, i.e. they tend to cluster in
rich regions with high labor productivity and high density of economic
For developing countries, such as India, there hardly exists any
study looking into factors affecting agglomeration. One such study is by
Resende and Wyllie (2003) for the Brazilian industrial situation. The
study analyzes the effects of local infrastructure and local incentives.
The study finds that the former has positive effects while the latter is
insignificant in affecting location decision. Input utilization and
knowledge spillovers appear to have positive impact on agglomeration.
In the Indian context, the only study that exists is by Lall and
Chakravorty (2003). The study analyzes the agglomeration of the
manufacturing industries in the metropolitan regions of Mumbai, Kolkata
and Chennai. The results show that the theoretically expected spatial
relationships are not supported by empirical evidence i.e., industries
with same labor profiles and strong input-output relationships, do not
necessarily co-locate. The study finds that intra-metropolitan location
decisions are influenced by land market and State actions in the land
Limitations of Existing Work
The studies mentioned above are robust, however, there are avenues
for further research. Not much work has been done for developing
countries. Moreover, the role of the determinants of agglomeration such
as local infrastructure and policies etc, in explaining this phenomenon
is still not entirely clear. In any case, industrial agglomeration
cannot be solely explained in terms of sector-level variables. The
empirical literature has recognized that the latter class of variables
has only partial explanatory power but the analysis was not taken
forward in terms of the inclusion of additional explanatory factors.
The only study for India (Lall and Chakravorty, 2003) is in fact at
a highly aggregated level (three-digit), when cluster formation is
mainly at four-digit or even at five-digit level. Moreover, their study
concentrates only on three cities. The clustering in India is not only
at a much more disaggregated level, but also in different States. The
present study takes care of all these limitations. There exists no study
for India that is as extensive as this one, taking 21 States and Union
Territories (UTs) and 66 manufacturing industries at the four-digit
Using plant (factory) level data for the year 1997-98, from the
Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), this paper investigates the
locational choices of 66 manufacturing industries at the four-digit
level. The locational choice of these industries is studied in 21 States
and Union Territories (UTs) in the Indian sub-continent. (6) In order to
find the locational choice the paper first calculates the degree of
agglomeration in each of the industries and ascertains in which States
they are clustered. This is followed by testing the significance of
different factors affecting agglomeration. Thus, the primary objective
requires compiling an agglomeration measure, whereas the secondary
objective makes use of this measure and builds an exploratory
econometric model, to find out what factors influence this
Computation of Agglomeration Measure-E-G Index
The Ellison-Glaeser index is used as the agglomeration measure. (7)
It is a measure of the agglomeration in a region within one industry.
The measure takes into account, both the natural advantage gains (for
example Tea industry requires a certain climate) and the spillover gains
that accrue to a firm by locating near another firm (e.g., Chemical
industry agglomeration in Gujarat due to backward and forward linkages).
This index is developed, by observing the increase or decrease in
profits of the firms depending on the effect of agglomeration
externality. (8) The calculation of this index requires the estimation
of the Gini spatial coefficient (G) and the Herfindahl index (H) of
concentration for each industry. In order to compute G and H, employment
data for each industry-in the different States is needed. The index is
obtained by modeling the interaction between the location decisions of a
pair of plants within an industry. If T and 'm' are plants of
a particular industry 'j' in region 'i', then index
will be Corr ([], [u.sub.mi]) = [lambda], for '1' not
equal to 'm'. Thus, [] = 1 if the business unit T of a
particular industry 'j', locates in area 'i', 0
The E.G index for a particular industry 'j' is:
[[lambda].sub.j] = G - (1 - [summation over (i)][X.sup.2.sub.i])H / (1 -
[summation over (i)[X.sup.2.sub.i])(1 - H),
Where, G = Gini coefficient i.e. [summation over (i)([S.sub.i] -
[X.sub.i] = share of aggregate manufacturing employment in area i.
[S.sub.i] = share of the industry's employment in area i.
H = Herfindahl Index, [summation over (k)[Z.sup.2.sub.k]
[Z.sub.k] = kth plant's share on industry's employment.
The Gini coefficient is the raw geographical concentration measure.
From above, it is clear that with increases in G, gamma ([lambda])
increases, i.e. they are positively related. This is conceptually clear
to understand since the more manufacturing units located in one region,
the higher the agglomeration strength. H, the Herfindahl concentration
index of the industry, on the other hand varies inversely with gamma.
The intuitive explanation for this is as follows. If we take the extreme
case of an industry having only one plant, its location would have to be
in a single region. This, as per the Gini coefficient would portray the
industry as being highly agglomerated even though its choice of location
might have been completely random. The value of the Herfindahl in this
case would be high and as a result, lower the agglomeration index gamma
(g). Thus in order to avoid classifying an industry as agglomerated just
because it has a few numbers of plants; the inverse role of the
Herfindahl index is crucial.
The gamma ([lambda]) can be represented as the excess of raw
geographic concentration (G) on productive concentration (H). In other
words, it is an index of the industry geographic concentration,
controlling for the size distribution of the plants.
In general, the index describing the strength of the agglomeration
externalities that exist within an industry, takes values between minus
one and plus one. A highly agglomerated industry is that which has Gamma
([lambda]) larger than 0.05. Between 0.05 and 0.02 is a moderately
agglomerated industry and less than 0.02 is a completely randomly
dispersed industry.
Factors Affecting Agglomeration
The literature review (section 2) indicates that the agglomeration
in a region is because of two specific factors-those that are associated
with the agglomeration externalities and those that comprise natural and
cost advantages. The natural and cost advantages are at the State-level
whereas the agglomeration externalities usually pertain to the industry.
Factors like State Domestic Product (NSDP), infrastructure availability
(INFRA), kind of governance (GOV) and labour unionism (LABUN) in a State
are manifestation of its natural and cost advantages; whereas existence
of firms in a particular industry type (say software or biotechnology
etc.) indicate presence of innovation spillovers (INSP). Thus, the model
will be:
[[lambda].sub.j] = f ([NSDP.sub.i], [INFRA.sub.i], [INSP.sub.ji],
[LABUN.sub.i], [Gov.sub.i]), where 'j' is the industry and
'i' is the State
A more detailed account of these variables is given in next
section, which deals with the data and variables. The econometric model
used to find out the role of policy-induced variables is through
multiple linear regression using Ordinary Least Squares Estimates.
The data requirements for calculation of the E-G Index are the
distribution of employment of each industry in each State. This is
available from the ASI publication, but only for industries at a
two-digit level. Using data at such an aggregated level would render the
results meaningless, as, for example, it clubs two different industries
like plastics and rubber into one aggregate industry. Calculations of
results, using data pertaining to a more dis-aggregated level such as
five-digit or even four-digit level is required for robustness. In
absence of data on employment at higher disaggregated level, the value
of manufacturing output for each industry (15 industries at two-digit
level) in each State is used as a proxy instead of employment. This data
is available from the ASI, published by the CSO. Thus, the present study
has used the value of manufacturing output for the year 1997-98. (9)
Rationale for use of Proxy
The reason why employment data has been used by EG and MS to
estimate industrial agglomeration is to arrive at an accurate measure
for agglomeration of the labor employed in industry. The usage of value
of output data instead of employment shifts the focus away from labor
alone, towards other factors of production. Since the calculation of the
index is in terms of ratios, the actual working of the equation is not
affected. However, the interpretation of gamma is not straight-forward.
The gamma obtained using value of output gives us the concentration of
manufacturing output in a spatial location rather than the concentration
of the industrial labor in a particular location. While the gamma that
uses employment data attributes the agglomeration solely to labor market
pooling and information spillovers through labor, this cannot be said
for the gamma computed using value of output. The agglomeration as
computed using value of output, accounts for a mix of labor market
pooling, spillovers related to labor markets as well as the spillovers
with respect to capital technology or one of the two.
For example, in computing gamma with value of output data we could
have a situation of high agglomeration which is due to highly capital
intensive production techniques, with very little labor as in the case
of the Jamnagar (Gujarat) refinery. In this case the agglomeration
externalities would be high due to reasons other than labor spillovers,
since there is little labor involved. This however need not always be
the case, as in the case of Textile industry in Tamil Nadu, where the
high agglomeration due to high value of output can also be attributed to
labor. In using the gamma as proposed by E-G, the high agglomeration
implies high labor employment in industries, and those agglomeration
externalities are due to labor spillovers rather than any other, which
is not the case, when output data is used, as in the present study.
Computing Industry-wise Agglomeration
Upon deciding to use output as a proxy, the ASI publication in the
print form is used. (10) This data is at the five-digit industry level,
falling in 15 two-digit industries (as per the ASI classification) for
each State falling in approximately 5000 industries for 21 States and
In the next step, the five-digit level ASI industries are clubbed
into the four-digit level NIC (National Classification of Industries).
The clubbing reduced the industries to 79 four-digit level industries.
From this, the Gini coefficient is calculated for these 79 industries
using the method given in Section 3.
The CMIE (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy) publication gives
'product-wise' information regarding the Herfindahl index. To
make this compatible with the requirements of the agglomeration measure,
each product is matched with the industry and the average is taken as
the Herfindahl for that particular industry. Due to non-availability of
H-index for a number of products groups, the agglomeration index could
be computed for only 66 industries instead of 79 four-digit level
Factors Influencing Agglomeration
There are a number of factors that are expected to have an effect
on the agglomeration. On one hand, with the availability of
Infrastructure Availability, say roads, electricity (Elect),
tele-density (Tele), availability of loan (Idbi) etc. the expectation of
agglomeration rises. Similarly, a rich State (as measured by its NSDP)
is likely to attract more industries. On the other hand, presence of
strong Labor Unions indicates huge bargaining power in the hands of the
workers, which would exert a negative effect on industrial location in a
State and hence agglomeration. The two variables accounting for this
labour unionism as used in the study are-average number of disputes per
factory (Dispute) and average number of workers involved in disputes per
factory (Disworker). Since labour unionism raises input costs, the study
expects that the higher the input costs in a particular State, the less
likely the firm is to agglomerate in that State. A more skilled labour
force engenders large spillovers. This has been computed in the study as
a ratio of employees to workers (Mgtstaff). Similarly, industries like
electronics, pharmaceuticals, etc., which are more R&D intensive
tend to have a larger spillovers. This is measured as R&D intensity
of the industry (Rdi).
With respect to governance, three variables have been used-a
State's share of crime vis-a-vis all India crime (Crimeshare);
crime rate (Crimerate); and kind of governance (socialist or else)
(Social). For some of the factors like ratio of invested capital to
physical capital (capital) and number of factories per square Kin.
(Fact), a priori it is difficult to envisage a particular relation. This
is because the effect could go either way. If a state has already large
number of factories per unit area, it may attract more due to spillover
and other externalities. On the other hand, a large agglomeration may
increase labour mobility and hence increase the cost for the unit (also
refer footnote 5). Similarly arguments can be given for a State having
high ratio of invested capital to physical capital. Thus, a number of
variables are used to see their impact on agglomeration. Table 1 gives
the definition, source and expected sign of variables used in the
analysis and Table 2 gives the summary statistics of different
This section gives the results for both the objectives. Sub-section
5.1 gives the E-G index for 66 industries. Sub-section 5.2 gives the
pattern of location of these industries in different States. This is
followed by the results of the econometric model in subsection 5.3 that
investigates the impact of policy on the agglomeration of Indian
1. Agglomeration of Industries
Table 3 gives the E-G measure of few most and least agglomerated
industries. The E-G measure shows that at the State level, the most
localized four-digit industry is the Services Activities related to
Printing. Following close are the extractive industries in which
location decisions are based on the availability of the raw materials,
like metals and certain chemicals etc. Another expected result is the
localization pattern of the traditional industries whose locations are
more or less determined by the historical specialization of some
regions: leather, footwear, wearing apparel and carpentry. For example,
the leather industry in Chennai and Kanpur attributes its origin mainly
to Britishers so as to supply leather to its Army. The agglomeration of
the fishing industry can be seen by the fact that they have to be
located near coastal areas and so on. This general trend in Indian
industry is similar to the trends found in the U.S. manufacturing
industries and the French manufacturing industries as found by Ellison
and Glaeser (1997) and Maurel and Sedillot (1999).
From above table, it-is clear that the extractive and the
traditional industries are the most localized industries. The industries
with high technologies, like the pharmaceutical industries also come
within this category. The least localized industries are mainly food
products like fruits and vegetables, bakery products, grain mill
products etc. Other industries that fall into this category are
plastics, ceramics etc. This too follows the pattern found in the U.S.
and the French manufacturing industries.
Table 4 given below shows in what proportion each of the industries
at a two-digit level is agglomerated. From the table, it is clear that
the food industry (i.e., industry code 15) is not highly agglomerated on
the whole since approximately 90% of the industry comes under the less
that 0.02 category (i.e. least agglomerated). (11) On the other hand,
apparel industry (i.e., industry code 18) is highly agglomerated as it
has a gamma value greater than 0.05. Accordingly one can interpret other
industries too. From the table, it is clear that nearly one third of
industries are highly agglomerated, whereas nearly 3/ 5th industries are
2. Location Pattern-First 5 States
The pattern of location of each of the industries is obtained
through the product of each industry's agglomeration index (i.e.,
gamma) and the industry's share of manufacturing in each State
(i.e., [[lambda].sub.i] * [S.sub.i]). The product of the two can
facilitate in examining the patterns of industrial clustering i.e. which
industries are clustered in which States.
Table 5 gives a summary of the top five States where 15 highly
localized industries are located in. The manufactures of fish products
are found in greater proportion near the coastal regions. The industries
like textile and wearing apparel are most clustered in Tamil Nadu.
Pharmaceuticals are found mostly in Maharashtra and Gujarat. The rubber
products industry is located in mainly in Kerala and Delhi, while the
extractive industries like Iron and Steel and Cement, Lime and Plaster
are found in those States where the raw material is found in abundance.
Based on EG measure, it can easily be seen that Indian
manufacturing industry is highly agglomerated. The location of six most
agglomerated industries--Tanning and dressing of leather; processing
offish, manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and chemicals; footwear, iron
and steel; and rubber products indicate that the agglomerated industries
are mostly located in few States, namely Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. This implies that the policies adopted since
early fifties to disperse the industry have not been quite successful.
3. Factors Determining Agglomeration-Exploratory Results
A simple OLS model is run to test for the significance' of
different factors affecting agglomeration. The tests show the presence
of heteroscedasticity. To solve for this econometric problem, the
weighted least squares (WLS) method is used. It is to be noted that
model could not use all the variables as variables like Crime rate and
Crime share are found to be correlated. Variables such as Idbi, Elect,
ITI and Nsdp being in absolute numbers, introduce bias in estimates,
hence have been converted to the logarithm form. Table 6 reports the
results of the final model.
As expected it is found that, factors such as the R&D
intensities of the industries (Rdi) and proportion of high skilled
workers (Mgtstaff) are highly significant in affecting agglomeration.
The crime rates (Crimerate) and labor unions (LABUN) also have bearing
on the agglomeration. The coefficients of the LABUN variables (Disworker
and Dispute) are negative which implies that with more labor disputes in
a State, it is less conducive for an industry to cluster. Some of the
policy related variables within INFRA like electricity tariffs (Elect),
number of ITIs (ITI) indicate that a State having high electricity
tariff and less number of ITIs will have less agglomerated industries.
Similarly Capital invested indicates larger possibilities of Spillovers
and hence agglomeration. Surprisingly, disbursement of funds by IDBI has
a negative influence on the agglomeration. This implies that providing
funds may not induce firms to locate in an area, other factors influence
may be more.
The analysis, thus indicates that the policy related factors that
affect the agglomeration in the case of India's manufacturing
Industries, are not alone, enough to create clusters. These along with
other non-policy related factors like nature of industry (as proxied by
R&D intensity) or proportion of skilled workers (Mgtstaff) etc.
contribute to agglomeration.
This study attempts to analyze the agglomeration of manufacturing
firms for the Indian context. It measures the degree of agglomeration
using an agglomeration measure given by Ellison and Glaeser (1997) for
66 manufacturing industries in 21 major States and UTs of India. The
question of where these industries are clustered is also answered
through this study. The analysis yields that the extractive industries
like Iron and Steel and Cement, Lime and Plaster, are highly
agglomerated and are found in those States where the raw material is in
abundance. On the other hand, the industries like textile and wearing
apparel are mostly clustered in Tamil Nadu. Pharmaceuticals firms are
located mainly in Maharashtra and Gujarat and the rubber products
industry is located mainly in Kerala and Delhi. The analysis indicates
that the agglomerated industries are mostly located in few States,
namely Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. The evidence
thus points out that the attempts made by the Government to disperse the
industrial units have not been quite successful. Even with respect to 41
industries, which are found to be highly dispersed, the results need to
be looked with caution. This is because some of the policies like
backward area development etc. are at the district level. Even if a
State may be showing high industrialization and having all the
industries, they may be spread over few districts only, as in the case
of Gujarat, Maharashtra or Andhra Pradesh.
Taking one step further, this study also looked at the reasons that
could be attributed to this clustering in the Indian sub-continent using
a simple econometric model. The econometric results indicate that the
policy related factors that affect the agglomeration in the case of
India's manufacturing Industries, are not alone, enough to create
clusters. These along with other non-policy related factors having
spillover potential also contribute to agglomeration.
In the recent years, after 1991 liberalization, the role of the
State as regulator of industrial location has been substantially
curtailed. The effect of policy=related factors that influence
agglomeration are on the decline. Therefore, with the increasing
dominance of private sector led industrialization, we expect that
industries will be more spatially concentrated in leading industrial
regions. From the Government's point of view, State Governments can
implement those policies that are efficient for increasing the
competitiveness of the State. The factors that contribute most to
agglomeration externalities, whether policy-related or not, can be
observed from this study and kept in mind while formulating policies.
The study though sheds light on industrial clustering, has a number
of avenues for further research. As mentioned, while computing
agglomeration index, study uses output data. Use of employment data
instead of output values will be first improvement of the present work.
Similarly, the analysis elsewhere so far could not separately identify
the agglomeration externalities and the natural cost advantage. An
exercise identifying the contribution of the two would be a significant
addition to the literature. Another channel of future research is to
delve into the dynamics of agglomeration over time to learn more about
what induces a cluster to be formed and then eventually dissolve in
different regions.
The list of Manufacturing Industries. (Obtained from the latest NIC
classification of Manufacturing Industries on the SIA website).
Division 15: Manufacture of food products and beverages
Division 16: Manufacture of tobacco products
Division 17: Manufacture of textiles
Division 18: Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of
Division 19: Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of
luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear
Division 20: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork,
except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting
Division 21: Manufacture of paper and paper products
Division 22: Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded
Division 23: Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and
nuclear fuel
Division 24: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
Division 25: Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
Division 26: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Division 27: Manufacture of basic metals
Division 28: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except
machinery and equipment
The only difference between the index proposed by Ellison and
Glaeser and Maurel and Sedillot lies in the estimation of the Gini
coefficient, which is in the numerator of the agglomeration measure.
According to the E-G Index, G = ([s.sub.i] - [x.sub.i])2
And according to the index by Maurel and Sedillot, G =
([s.sub.i.sup.2] - [x.sub.i.sup.2])
Both the above G's, computed either way, can be interpreted as
a measure of the raw geographic concentration of an industry since they
are based on the comparison between the geographic patterns of
employment/value of output for one industry (measured by [s.sub.i]) and
the aggregate (measured by [x.sub.i]).
The difference ([s.sub.i] - [x.sub.i]) is positive when the
industry is over-represented in areas (i.e., where the industry is
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SJM School of Management, IIT Bombai, Powai
HSBC, Bangalore
(1.) Of late, the concept of IT park or bio-technology park
exploits these very characteristics of agglomeration. For an evidence of
the role of bio-technology park, refer Kathuria and Tewari (2006).
(2.) The two interesting examples of these are substitution of
Aluminum by copper in electrical installations and copper cable being
replaced by fibre-optics in telecommunication.
(3.) The decline of textile industry in Manchester (U.K.) and
Ahmedabad (India) are classical examples of this.
(4.) Source: Government of India, Ministry of Industry: Statement
on Industrial Policy (1991).
(5.) Labour market pooling is a phenomenon where clusters of firms
create a pooled market for workers with highly specialized skills that
are required by these firms (Krugman, 1991). Such a market works to the
advantage of producers (less labor shortages) as well as workers (less
unemployment). However, such a labour market pooling may have a
detrimental effect on the long-term employment, as attrition rate may be
higher. This is being presently felt in the software industry in
Banagalore, where units are shifting to smaller places like Chandigarh
so as to stem this attrition.
(6.) The States and UTs selected are: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar,
Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka,
Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil
Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Chandigarh, Damn & Din, Delhi, and
(7.) The index proposed by Maurel and Sedillot is a minor variation
of E-G Index. A brief comparison of the two is given in Appendix B.
(8.) For a detailed description of the construction of the E-G
measure, refer Ellison and Glaeser (1997).
(9.) The choice of 1997-98 is not arbitrary. It is governed by
availability of data for other variables supposed to have an impact on
(10.) Despite making enquiries in Delhi and Calcutta from the
government publication distributors and the CSO also, we could not get
hold of the data in electronic format.
(11.) This categorization based on [lambda] is same as used by
Ellison and Glaeser and Maurel and Sedillot in their studies.
Table 1
Factors Influencing Agglomeration-Definition and Expected Sign
Category Variable Source Sign
E-G Index (g) CMIE/ASI
NSDP per capita Log values of State Domestic Indiastat +
Products (Nsdp)
Infrastructure Teledensity (Tele)--Telephones Indiastat +
availability / 100 persons
(INFRA) Assistance by IDBI in Rs. Indiastat +
crores (Idbi)
Electricity tariff for Indiastat
Industrial users in paise/Kwh
No. of ITI's in each state (ITI) Indiastat +
Ratio of invested to physical ASI data
capital (capital)
Number of factories per square ASI data ?
Km. (Fact)
Surfaced to total roads per Press Info. +
[Km.sup.2] (Roads) Bureau
Number of Seaports per square Dept. of +
Km. (Sea) Coastal
Innovations & R&D intensity per industry, per Capital +
Spillovers State (Rdi) line.
(INSP) * Employees to worker ratio ASI data +
Labor unions No. of disputes per factory ASI data
(LABUN) No. of workers involved in ASI data
disputes per factory (Disworker)
Governance in Percentage share of crime to Indiastat
the State (Gov) all-India level (Crimeshare)
Crime rate (Crimerate) Indiastat
Socialist state (Social)-Dummy
variable takes value 1 for West
Bengal & Kerala, 0 for all
Note: * refers to those factors that are associated with agglomeration
externalities. All the other factors comprise the natural and cost
Table 2
Summary Statistics of Variables (N = 1386)
Variable Mean Deviation Minimum Maximum
1 Idbi 7.606 2.072 2.434 10.369
2 Elect 4.926 0.368 3.842 5.352
3 Dispute 0.0074 0.0086 0 0.0382
4 Disworker 5.921 7.322 0 24.127
5 Roads 0.0006 0.0019 0 0.0088
6 Crimerate 24.9 9.764 11.8 48.7
7 Capital 1.524 0.246 1.248 2.109
8 Mgtstaff 1.342 0.121 1.194 1.712
9 Rdi 0.176 1.028 0 23.13
10 ITI 4.553 1.653 0.693 6.524
11 Nsdp 9.147 0.386 8.343 9.844
Table 3
Agglomeration Measure for Most and Least Agglomerated Industries
Industry Gamma Gamma
Code Description value Rank
10 Most Agglomerated Industries
2222 Service activities related to printing 0.583 1
2891 Forging, pressing, stamping and
roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy 0.581 2
2892 Treatment and coating of metals; general
mechanical engineering on a fee or
contract basis 0.290 3
1920 Manufacture of footwear 0.212 4
2022 Manufacture of builders' carpentry and
joinery 0.212 5
1722 Manufacture of carpet and rugs 0.183 6
1911 Tanning and dressing of leather 0.181 7
2519 Manufacture of other rubber products 0.143 8
1532 Manufacture of starches and starch products 0.142 9
1810 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur
apparel 0.130 10
12 Least Agglomerated Industries
1513 Processing and preserving of fruit and
vegetables -0.207 55
1712 Finishing of textile. -0.225 56
1912 Manufacture of luggage, handbags, and the
like, saddlery and harness -0.231 57
2899 Manufacture of other fabricated metal
products n.e.c: -0.266 58
2520 Manufacture of plastic products -0.271 59
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral
2699 products n.e.c. -0.367 60
2720 Manufacture of basic-precious and
non-ferrous metals -0.381 61
1554 Manufacture of soft drinks; production of
mineral waters -0.418 62
1541 Manufacture of bakery products -0.473 63
2893 Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and
general hardware -0.489 64
1600 Manufacture of tobacco products -0.502 65
2813 Manufacture of steam generators, except
central heating hot water boilers -0.513 66
Table 4
Degree of Agglomeration of the Industries at a Two-digit Level
Number of four digit
industries with
Two digit No. of four [gamma]
Industry digit [gamma] (0.02, [gamma]
code Industries < 0.02 0.05) 0.05
15 16 14 0 2
16 1 1 0 0
17 4 1 2 1
18 1 0 0 1
19 3 1 0 2
20 4 1 0 3
21 3 3 0 0
22 2 1 0 1
23 1 1 0 0
24 9 5 1 3
25 3 2 0 1
26 8 4 0 4
27 4 3 0 1
28 7 4 0 3
Total 66 41 (62%) 3 (5%) 22 (33%)
Notes: The industry codes are given along with the description in
Appendix A. Figure in parenthesis gives percentage of total industries.
Table 5
Pattern of Location
Industry Code/ Description States
Processing and preserving of fish Kerala, A.P., Gujarat, T.N.,
and fish products Maharashtra
Manufacture of starches and T.N., A.P., Gujarat,
starch products Maharashtra, M.P.
Manufacture of prepared animal A.P., Gujarat, Maharashtra, U.P.,
feeds Punjab
Preparation and spinning of T.N., Gujarat, Maharashtra,
textile fiber including weaving Rajasthan, M.P.
of textiles.
Manufacture of carpet and rugs W.B., Kerala, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Manufacture of cordage, rope, T.N., Maharashtra, Punjab,
twine and netting Gujarat, M.P.
Manufacture of wearing apparel, T.N., Delhi, Karnataka,
except fur apparel Maharashtra, Punjab
Tanning and dressing of leather T.N., U.P., Punjab, W.B., M.P.
Manufacture of footwear T.N., Haryana, U.P., W.B., Punjab
Saw milling and planing of wood W.B., Maharashtra, U.P., Kerala,
Manufacture of builders' T.N., Maharashtra, Bihar, W.B.,
carpentry and joinery Gujarat
Service activities related to Maharashtra, Haryana, Kerala,
printing A.P., Assam
Manufacture of plastics in primary Gujarat, Maharashtra, U.P.,
forms and of synthetic rubber. Kerala, Rajasthan
Manufacture of pesticides and Gujarat, Maharashtra, A.P., T.N.,
other agro chemical products Rajasthan
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, Maharashtra, U.P., Gujarat,
medicinal chemicals & botanical A.P., M.P.
Note: A.P.--Andhra Pradesh; T.N.--Tamil Nadu; U.P.-- Uttar Pradesh;
M.P.--Madhya Pradesh; H.P.--Himachal Pradesh; W.B.-West Bengal;
Table 6
Determinants of Industrial Agglomeration-Econometric Results (N = 1386)
S.N. Variable Name Co-efficient Standard Error
(a) Idbi -0.00056 * 0.00009
(b) Elect -0.00174 * 0.00029
(c) Roads -0.47010 * 0.05610
(d) Capital 0.00252 * 0.00063
(f) ITI 0.00038 * 0.00006
(a) Disworker -0.00003 * 0.00001
(b) Dispute -0.05969 * 0.01883
3 Nsdp 0.00270 * 0.00033
(a) Rdi 0.00042 * 0.00024
(b) Mgtstaff 0.00479 * 0.00115
4 Gov
(a) Crimerate 0.00002 * 0.00001
[R.sup.2] 0.3573
F-statistic 43.62
Note: * indicates significance of variable at 10% level