Taka-Dollar exchange rate and Bangladesh trade balance: evidence on J-curve or S-curve?
Rahman, Matiur ; Islam, Anisul M.
This paper examines the dynamics of Taka-Dollar exchange rate and
Bangladesh trade balance. The fairly standard bivariate cointegration
procedure is implemented by employing nominal data from the first
quarter of 1972 through the final quarter of 2003. The results indicate
weak evidence of the J-curve with significant short-run trade balance
deterioration and a sluggish improvement in the longer run. But these
results require interpretations with extra cautions.
In theory, exchange rate depreciations would reduce imports and
increase exports thereby contracting a country's trade deficit
provided the well-known Marshall-Lerner condition that the sum of the
export and import demand elasticities are at least equal to unity holds
(for details, see Kulkarni, 1994). Therefore, the effects of exchange
rate depreciations on exports, imports, and hence on trade balance are
neither guaranteed (depends at least partly on whether the
Marshall-Lerner condition holds) nor instant.
The traditional theoretically expected result may not be guaranteed
because the Marshall-Lerner condition or some of its underlying
conditions (such as infinite supply elasticity) may not hold. Further,
the expected result, even if it happens, may not be instant as the
exports and imports may respond to exchange rate adjustments with lags
and their response lag-structures may also be different. Magee (1973)
pioneered the J-curve theory to describe the effects of exchange rate
depreciations on trade balance. According to this theory, a
country's trade deficit worsens just after its currency depreciates
because price effects will dominate the effect on volume of imports in
the short run (see also Kulkarni 1994). In other words, the higher cost
of imports will more than offset the reduced volume of imports. Thus,
the J-curve depicts that a decline in the value of home currency against
a foreign currency should be followed by a temporary worsening in the
trade deficit before its longer-term improvement.
A small-open-economy model that captures some important features of
less-developed-country (LDC) economies can also reproduce the S-curve as
they have limited access to international financial markets for capital
formation and for smoothing effects of international terms of trade and
other exogenous shocks (Senhadji, 1998).
Bangladesh has a long history of persistently widening trade
deficit and a near-continual depreciation of the currency against major
currencies since her inception (Figure 2). A casual inspection also
provides some preliminary indication of the existence of long-run
relationship between trade balance and exchange rate (Figure 2).In
Bangladesh, exchange rate depreciation is used as a tool to rectify the
country's trade deficit in lieu of directly invoking restrictive
trade practices. In the international economic literature, the reactions
of trade balance to currency depreciations pose an important question.
For Bangladesh, this question is of high importance.
The broad objectives of this paper with a theoretical overtone
include (i) examination of a possible long-run equilibrium relationship
of trade balance with real effective exchange rate, foreign income and
domestic income; (ii) investigation of the direction of causal
relationship among the aforementioned variables; and (iii) application
of impulse response analysis to ascertain whether shocks to the real
effective exchange rate induce the trade balance to follow a J-curve or
S-curve trajectory. By implementing cointegration and error-correction
modeling, this paper offers valuable insights into the dynamics of
Bangladesh trade balance.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section II
briefly reviews some recent relevant literature. Section III discusses
the model and the empirical methodology. Section IV reports empirical
results. Section V offers conclusions and remarks.
The J-curve literature, in particular, is extensive and yet
evolving shifting the focus to the short-run dynamics that trace the
post-devaluation time-path of trade balance. The S-curve literature is
rather relatively very scant. The empirical literature on the evidence
of the J-curve is rather mixed.
Rose and Yellen (1989) studied the short-run dynamics between
exchange rate and trade balance. They found no evidence of the J-curve
for G-7 countries. Rose (1990) examined the relationship for a sample of
developing countries and found no evidence of the J-curve. Wilson and
Tat (2001) did not find any evidence of the J-curve for Singapore. Lai
and Lowinger (2002) did not find any evidence of the J-curve for Japan.
Bahmani-Oskooee and Ratha (2004) considered 18 major trading partners of
the United States (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Demark, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and U.K.) and were unable to discover
any J-curve pattern in the short run, although real depreciation of
dollar revealed favorable effects on the U.S. trade balance in most
In contrast, Mahdavi and Sohrabian (1993) found evidence of a
delayed J-curve for the USA. Demirden and Pastine (1995) also found
evidence of the J-curve for the USA. Kale (2001) found evidence of the
J-curve for Turkey. Lal and Lowinger (2002) found evidence of the
J-curve for a group of 7 East Asian countries (Indonesia, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand). Narayan (2004)
concluded that New Zealand's trade balance exhibited a J-curve
pattern following a depreciation of the New Zealand dollar. Kulkarni
(1994) found the evidence of the J-curve phenomenon for Egypt and Ghana.
In this study, Kulkarni also suggested the possibility of a shifting
J-curve phenomenon for these countries over time. In another study,
Kulkarni and Bhatia (2002) found the evidence of J-curve in six out of
seven different countries the authors examined, the Philippines, Kenya,
Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, China, and Spain (with the exception of
The dynamics of consumption smoothing and capital formation of
small-open-economies of LDCs give rise to the S-curve in the presence of
productivity shocks only (Senhadji, 1998). For these countries, the
trade balance determines the net foreign exchange receipts while the
terms of trade determine their purchasing power. Additionally,
Bahmani-Oskooee (1986b) found evidence of a W-curve for the U.S. current
account using quarterly data for 1973-1985. This describes that
subsequent to depreciation of the dollar, the current account
deteriorated for two quarters and then started improving for five
quarters, again deteriorated and finally improved.
Following Rose and Yellen (1989), demand for imports is given by
[D.sub.m] = [D.sub.m] = [D.sub.m] (Y, [P.sub.m]) and
[D.sup.*.sub.m], = [D.sup.*.sub.m] ([Y.sup.*], [P.sup.*.sub.m]) (1)
where [D.sub.m] ([D.sup.*.sub.m]) = the quantity of goods imported
by home(foreign) country, Y([Y.sup.*]) = level of domestic (foreign)
real income, proxied by the respective industrial output index,
[P.sub.m] = relative price of imported goods to domestically produced
goods, and [P.sup.*.sub.m] = analogous relative price of imports abroad.
The equations for the supply of exportables are as follows:
[S.sub.x] = [S.sub.x]([P.sub.x]) and [S.sup.*.sub.x] =
[S.sup.*.sub.x]([P.sup.*.sub.x]) ... (2)
where [S.sub.x]([S.sup.*.sub.x]) = supply of home (foreign)
exportables, [P.sub.x] = ratio of domestic price of exportables to the
domestic price level, P ; [P.sup.*.sub.x] = ratio of foreign price
currency price of exportables to the foreign price level, [P.sup.*].
Thus, the domestic relative price of imports can be written as
[P.sub.m] = E[P.sup.*.sub.x] / P = REX x [S.sup.*.sub.x] ... (3)
where, E = nominal exchange rate (number of domestic currency units per unit of foreign currency) and REX = real exchange rate. Likewise,
the relative price of imports abroad is
[P.sup.*.sub.m] = [P.sub.x] / REX ... (4)
In equilibrium,
[D.sub.m] = [S.sup.*.sub.x] and [D.sup.*.sub.m], = [S.sub.x] ...
The value of the home country's trade balance in real terms is
the difference between the value of exports and the value of imports in
domestic currency:
TB = [P.sub.x][D.sup.*.sub.m] - REX.[P.sup.*.sub.x] x [D.sub.m]
Equations (1) through (6) yield the following reduced form:
TB : TB(REX, Y, [Y.sup.*]). ... (7)
A log-linear variant of equation (7) with time subscript :
In T[B.sub.t], = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] ln[Y.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2] ln[Y.sup.*.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3], ln [REX.sub.t] +
[u.sub.t]. ... (8)
where, [u.sub.t] is the random error term and In is the natural
logarithmic transformation. Cointegration tests are applied to determine
the existence of long-run relationships among the variables. If the
series are nonstationary, integrated of order one I(1), and
cointegrated, the following estimating error- correction model is
specified based on (Engle and Granger, 1987):
where, TB = ratio of exports to imports, and [EC.sub.t-1] =
error-correction term.
Quarterly data from 1972. I through 2003. IV are employed in this
paper. Data source includes IMF's IFS CD ROM, December 2004.
Since quarterly world GDP data are not available for the sample
period and there are no effective real exchange rate data for
Bangladesh, the variables y and [y.sup.*] are excluded from the final
estimating regressions (8 and 9). Instead of effective real exchange
rate, Taka-Dollar Exchange rate is used for practical conveniences. All
the reported estimation results thus involve only two variables (trade
balance and bilateral exchange rate).
To begin with, the time series property of trade balance and
exchange rate for nonstationarity (unit root) is investigated by
implementing the fairly standard Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and
Phillips-Perron tests (Dickey and Fuller, 1979; Phillips and Perron,
1988). The results are reported in Table 1 as follows:
By comparing the estimated numerical values of both ADF and
Phillips-Perron test statistics ([MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
ASCII], respectively) with the McKinnon critical values at 5 per cent
and higher levels of significance, the null hypothesis of unit root
(nonstationarity) cannot be rejected for both trade balance and exchange
rate. Moreover, each variable in levels becomes stationary on
first-differencing. Consequently, it is inferred that each variable
depicts nonstationarity and I (1) behavior.
Next, the bivariate cointegration relationship is investigated by
implementing the Engle and Granger (1987) procedure. The results are
reported in Table 2 as follows:
The associated t-values of the intercept term and the slope
coefficient in the cointegration regression are statistically highly
significant as reflected in their respective P-values. The estimated
error terms are retrieved from the above cointegration regression to
specify the ADF regression for detecting possible bivariate long-run
IN ASCII]). The numerical value of [[??].sub.0] and the associated
pseudo t-values are statistically significant. This signifies the
existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between Bangladesh
trade balance and TakaDollar exchange rates. For Phillips-Perron test to
search for a cointegrating relationship, [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is considered. This test also clearly confirms
the existence of a cointegrating relationship between trade balance and
exchange rate (Table 3).
As both variables are nonstationary with first-order integration
and cointegrated, the associated error-correction model following Engle
and Granger (1987) is estimated. The results capturing the long-run and
short-run dynamics are reported as follows (Table 4).
The coefficient of the error-correction term ([EC.sub.t-1]) has the
expected negative sign and is statistically highly significant in terms
of the associated t-value. This confirms a unidirectional long-run
equilibrium (cointegrating) relationship stemming from exchange rate
changes to changes in Bangladesh trade balance. The lagged responses of
the changes in trade balance and exchange rate reveal bidirectional short-run dynamics. This is confirmed by the F-statistic, as shown
above. To add further, the 4-quarter optimum lag length is determined by
Akaike information criterion (AIC) as developed in (Akaike, 1969).
Finally, impulse response function as shown below in the Fig. 3
(top right part of the graph) reveals that a depreciation of Bangladesh
Taka against U.S. Dollar leads to an initial decline in the
export-to-import ratio indicating a deterioration of the trade balance
for first two quarters followed by an improvement since the fourth
quarter. But the rate of improvement beyond the 8th quarter seems
The above finding based on the top right side of Figure 3 weakly
suggests the tendency of a J-curve pattern of Bangladesh trade balance
with a near-flat-top indicating that the effect of a one-time
depreciation gradually diminishes in 8 quarters. This is somewhat
consistent with the delayed J-curve phenomenon.
The weak evidence of J-curve for Bangladesh suggests that
depreciation of Taka against U.S. dollar causes substantial trade
balance deterioration in the short-run relative to the long-run trade
balance improvement. So, depreciation of the external value of Taka
remains in question to bring a long-term benefit following a significant
short-term loss from foreign trade. Perhaps, frequent small doses of
depreciation of Taka without appropriate timing and tepid response of
trade has something to do with this observed J-curve pattern. To add,
there is considerable uncertainty surrounding the J-curve as the size
and the timing of the aggregate adjustment of the trade balance depend
on the size of the change in the exchange rate (Meade, 1988). However,
an understanding of the relationship between the trade balance and the
exchange rate is helpful to a pragmatic trade policy formulation.
Evidently, this study does not exhibit any evidence of S-curve
despite Bangladesh being a small-open-economy with a very limited access
to international financial market for capital formation. Perhaps, this
implies that Bangladesh is not unduly vulnerable to external shocks due
to an erratic exodus of short-term foreign capital that was in part,
responsible for the 1997-98 Southeast Asian Financial Crisis.
The findings of this paper indicate that exchange rate depreciation
to cure chronic trade deficit may not be a very useful policy tool for
Bangladesh as trade is affected by a host of other factors. Moreover, a
sectoral J-curve might portray a better picture of the trade dynamics as
compared to the aggregate J-curve since all segments of a country's
export sector are not equally responsive to exchange rate adjustments.
In closing, this study can be extended to other countries for different
sample periods for which comprehensive data in line with the theoretical
model are readily available. As a shortcoming, the results of this paper
should be interpreted with due cautions.
Thanks to the Editor of this journal and anonymous referees for
their helpful suggestions and comments. However, the usual disclaimer
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McNeese State University, Lake Charles
University of Houston-Downtown, Houston
Table 1
Results of the Unit Root Tests
A. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests ([DELTA][y.sub.t] = a + [b.sub.0]
[y.sub.t-1] + [k.summation over (j=1)] [b.sub.j] [DELTA][y.sub.t-j]
+ [e.sub.tk])
Variables Lags Level First Difference
EI 4 -2.88 (I,T) -4.83 * (I)
TB 4 -0.91 (I,T) -7.11 * (I)
B. Phillips-Perron Tests ([DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [[mu].sub.0] +
[[mu].sub.1][y.sub.t-1] + [k.summation over (j=1)] [[mu].sub.j]
[DELTA][y.sub.t-j] + [beta]D + [e'.sub.ik] with D as a dummy variable)
Variables Lags Level First Difference
FI 4 -2.50 (I,T) -7.81 * (I)
TB 4 -1.99 (I,T) -32.94 * (N)
Notes: (1) The McKinnon critical values (with intercept and trend)
are: (a) 1% = -4.07; (b) 5% = -3.46; and (c) 10% = -3.16 respectively.
(2) The McKinnon critical values (with intercept) are: (a) 1% = -3.48;
(b) 5% = -2.88; and (c) 10% = -2.58. (3) The McKinnon critical values
(without intercept and trend) are: (a) 1% = -2.59; (b) 5% = -1.94; and
(c) 10% = -1.62 respectively. (4) (a) * = significant at 1% level; (b)
** = significant at 5% level; and (c) *** = significant at 10% level.
(5) Letters in parentheses after the coefficients represent the
following characteristic included during the unit root tests and in
determining the McKinnon critical values as appropriate: I = Intercept;
T = Trend; and N = None (No Intercept or Trend).
Table 2
Long Run Engle-Granger Bivariate Cointegration Regression of LTBRI
on LEI: (LTB = a + b LEI + e,) or equation (8) with exclusions of
2nd and 3rd terms
Variable Coefficient Error t-Statistic Probability
C 3.144406 0.139287 22.57503 0.0000
LEI 0.290471 0.035014 8.295770 0.0000
R-square 0.353248 Mean dependent var 4.286968
Adjusted R-square 0.348116 S.D. dependent var 0.291164
S.E. of regression 0.235084 Akaike info criterion -2.880126
Sum squared resid 6.963308 Schwarz criterion -2.835563
Log likelihood 4.703911 F-statistic 68.819790
Durbin-Watson stat 1.062738 Prob (F-statistic) 0.000000
Table 3
Results of the ADF and Phillips-Perron Tests for Cointegration
A. Augmented Dickev-Fuller Tests *
Variables Lags Coefficients
RES (-1) 4 -4.06
B. Phillips-Perron Tests
Variables Lags Level
RES (-1) 4 -7.94
* The critical values are -3.37, -3.73 and -4.22,
respectively at 10%, 5% and 1% significance levels
(Engle and Yoo, 1987).
Table 4
Short-run Dynamics and the Error Correction Model Based on the
Engle-Granger Cointegration Regression (Estimates of equation 9
with exclusions of 3rd and 4th terms)
Variable Coefficient Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 0.002979 0.019461 0.153088 0.8786
DLTBRI(-1) -0.345431 0.115369 -2.994141 0.0034
DLTBRI(-2) -0.195592 0.102073 -1.916200 0.0579
DLTBRI(-3) -0.192990 0.091998 -2.097755 0.0382
DLTBRI(-4) 0.107781 0.081573 1.321289 0.1891
DLEI(-1) -1.217743 0.409561 -2.973286 0.0036
DLEI(-2) -0.468905 0.441390 -1.062339 0.2903
DLEI(-3) 0.112009 0.440499 0.254278 0.7997
DLEI(-4) 1.438840 0.427726 3.363929 0.0010
[EC.sub.t-1] -0.375088 0.111062 -3.377293 0.0010
R-square 0.482640 Mean dependent var 0.004788
Adjusted R-square 0.441434 S.D. dependent var 0.236839
S.E. of regression 0.177007 Akaike info criterion -3.385327
Sum squared resid 3.540458 Schwarz criterion -3.156694
Log likelihood 43.668150 F-statistic 11.712960
Durbin-Watson stat 2.179224 Prob (F-statistic) 0.000000