The dynamics of Bombay stock, US stock and London gold markets.
Mishra, Banamber ; Rahman, Matiur
The primary objective of this paper is to explore the long-run and
short-run dynamics among Bombay stock market, US stock market and London
gold market. Relatively simple cointegration procedures are implemented
using data from January 5, 1998 through November 19, 2003. There is
evidence of long-run and short-run dynamic relationships among theses
markets with marginal effects on one another.
The investors have recently renewed their interest in gold. This is
a good barometer of their mood. Rise in geopolitical risk, threat of
terrorism, low interest rates, apprehension of resurgence of inflation
due to brisk economic recovery and oil price spike, sagging U.S. dollar
and the rollercoaster stock market contribute to this shift to gold as
an alternative investment and useful hedge. Gold can be a refuge in
times of turmoil. When stocks are out favour, gold normally rises in
Much of gold's gain has come since September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks when many mainstream investors first turned to the
precious metal as an alternative to a shaky stock market. The momentum
has also carried into 2003. In January 2003 alone, gold price rose 6
percent while every major stock index was down. As of February 2003 the
gold price rose to $368 per ounce from $280 at the beginning of 2002.
Again, during the first two months of 2004 the price of gold oscillated
around $ 400 per ounce. During 1990s investors were fixated on soaring
technology stocks with muted inflation and ignored gold-related
investment strategies. Conjecturally, investors should periodically
rebalance their portfolios to keep small percentages of 5 to 10 percent
of their holdings in gold investments to offset the volatility of the
broader stock market due to gold's tendency in the opposite
direction. US dollar is currently weak against other major currencies.
Holding international stocks is another hedge against weak US dollar and
falling US stock market (Smith, 2002).
The price of gold remained fairly stable as a store of value for
about 140 years since dating back to 1833. The price of gold began to
change since 1971 after it was de-linked from US dollar at fixed price
of $35 per ounce by the Nixon Administration to avoid a gold rush. It
went up to $191 an ounce in 1975 before declining. The gold price
reversed in late 1976 and reached $612 an ounce in 1980 when the former
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Throughout 1980s and 1990s the price
of gold on average continued to fall and reached $294 in 1998. This was
primarily due to attractive stock market, strong US dollar, and low
inflation in the US since gold provides a classic hedge against
inflation (Chu, 1995; Ullman, 1994).
Among the emerging financial markets, the Bombay stock market (the
largest of 19 Indian stock markets) is very active and relatively stable
ranking 32nd in the world in terms of economic environment, information
exchange and social environment, considered together with 63 variables
in the wealth of nations triangle index (Black, 1997). In theory,
India's established stock markets, strong entrepreneurial culture,
high demand for equity-capital and a large English-speaking population
should be attractive to foreign investors (Karp, 1997).
To retract, India was one of the few Asian emerging markets to post
gains in 1994 to the extent of 8.6 percent in terms of rupee and 7.8
percent in US dollar term. The Bombay market capitalization value soared
to $127.5 billion by 30 percent and the number of listed companies
jumped by 35.2 percent to 4,413 during 1994 most of which are from
information technology and telecommunication sectors. The Bombay stock
market rose further by more than 670 points in 1997 despite the 1997-98
Southeast Asian contagion.
The factors that contributed to the aforementioned spectacular
developments in the Bombay stock market included political stability,
lower corporate tax rates and simplified duty structures for imports,
customs, and excise, a reduction in the minimum lending rate from 15% to
14% and its subsequent elimination, deregulations of interest rates by
withdrawing most controls, 5.6% economic growth in 1994-95,
convertibility on the current account, and doubling of foreign exchange
reserves to $19 billion in 1994 as compared to the preceding year. The
foreign exchange reserve was well above the $1 billion level during the
1991 balance of payments crisis (International Finance Corporation,
1995). To add further, India is looking forward to making rupee fully
convertible and aspires to be the world's next great economy.
However, tough macroeconomic criteria, such as, lower inflation and huge
drop in the budget deficit are set as preconditions to make a currency
convertible in the world market (IFC, 1995 and 1997). In light of the
above information, Bombay stock market presents a fascinating subject of
study in the global market environment. Furthermore, the Bombay stock
exchange has become more integrated with the NASDAQ and NYSE,
particularly after 1998 (Arshanapalli and Kulkarni, 2001).
The 2003 was a fantastic year for India. Foreign exchange reserves
passed $ 100 billion mark. The reported GDP growth rate was 8.4 percent
during the third quarter, and the stock market hit a record high. India
opened its doors in early 1990s. More and more Indians are now reaping
the benefits of globalization and liberalization. Indian companies,
exposed to further competition, have been forced to innovate, take risks
and cut costs. Indian success stories in pharmaceuticals and softwares
are common knowledge. The auto industry is another revealing success
story. Foreign companies' outsourcing to India is no longer seen as
exploitation, but rather as the generator of thousands of jobs per
month. Global integration is no longer resisted. It is rather seen as a
tool to sharpen their competitive advantages. The level of confidence is
extraordinary. What John Maynard Keynes called "animal
spirits" are infusing the Indian business culture. This is a major
departure for India from its past that was largely closed off to the
world since 1947 to early 1990s.
This paper examines the dynamics of US stock market, Bombay stock
market, and London gold market. This topic merits an in-depth
investigation for several reasons which include (i) growing importance
of the Bombay stock market and investors' rising interest in the
Indian stocks for international portfolio diversification, (ii)
increasing integration of the Indian economy with the US, and (iii) high
potentials of India to emerge as another economic powerhouse in Asia.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II outlines the
empirical methodology. Section III documents the results, as obtained.
Finally, section IV concludes.
Empirical Methodology
The empirical methodology is outlined as follows:
First, the nature of the data distribution of each variable is
examined by using the standard descriptive statistics (mean, median,
standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Second, a correlogram of the
explanatory variables is computed to identify the existence of
multicollinearity and its severity. Third, the time series property of
each variable is investigated in terms of the ADF (Augmented
Dickey" Fuller) test for unit root (nonstationarity) following
[Dickey and Fuller (1981),and Fuller (1996)].
The simple ADF test, as outlined in (Dickey and Fuller, 1981), is
implemented by estimating the following regression for each variable:
[DELTA][X.sub.t-1] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.0][X.sub.t-1] +
[L.summation over i=1] [[beta].sub.i][DELTA][X.sub.t-1] + [U.sub.t] (1)
where, [DELTA] = first difference operator, L = number of optimum
lags, t = time subscript and U = random disturbance term.
The ADF test is performed on [[??].sub.0] (the estimated value of)
to accept or reject the null hypothesis of unit root (Ho: [[beta].sub.0]
= 0) against its alternative (Ha: [[beta].sub.0] < 0). It is
necessary to draw some definitive inferences on stationarity/
nonstationarity property of each variable of interest to determine the
appropriate estimating statistical procedure(s).
In view of the evidence of nonstationarity in each variable and the
same order of integration of all the variables, the most appropriate
procedure to pursue is the cointegration methodology and the subsequent
estimation of the associated error-correction model. The absence of a
cointegrating relationship among the variables allows the application of
simple OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) to estimate the model without
risking misleading results stemming from spurious correlation.
For cointegrating relationship, the following steps are pursued:
[Y.sub.t] = [alpha] + [beta][X.sub.t] + [phi][Z.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
[X.sub.t] = [alpha]' + [beta]' [Y.sub.t] + [phi]'
[Z.sub.t] + [e'.sub.t] (3)
[Z.sub.t] = [alpha]" + [beta]" [X.sub.t] + [phi]"
[Z.sub.t] + [e".sub.t] (4)
where, Y = natural log of the Bombay stock market index (BSE30) in
US dollar term used as a proxy for Bombay stock market, X = natural log
of US S&P 500 used as a proxy for US stock market, Z = natural log
of London market gold prices per troy ounce in US dollar, e = random
disturbance term, and t = time subscript.
Equations (2) through (4) are estimated by OLS to retrieve the
estimated respective error-terms for subsequent uses in the following
ADF regressions corresponding to each of the above regressions in line
with (Engle and Granger, 1987):
[DELTA][[??].sub.t] = [PSI][[??].sub.t-1] + [k.summation over i=1]
[[PSI].sub.i+1][DELTA][[??].sub.t-1] + [v.sub.t] (5)
[DELTA][[??]'.sub.t] = [PSI]'[[??]'.sub.t-1] +
[k.summation over i=1] [[PSI]'.sub.i+1][DELTA][[??]'.sub.t-1]
+ [v'.sub.t] (6)
[DELTA][??]" = [PSI]" [[??]".sub.t-1] + [k.summation
over i=1] [[PSI]".sub.i+1][DELTA][[??]".sub.t-1] +
[v".sub.t] (7)
The null hypothesis of nocointegration (Ho: |[PSI]| = 0 or
|[PSI]'| = 0 or |[PSI]"| = 0) is tested against its
alternative. The rejection of the null hypothesis implies that the
residual sequence is stationary. Given that all variables are I (1) and
the residuals are stationary, one can conclude that the series are
cointegrated of order (1, 1). On evidence of such relationship, the
following error-correction models are estimated by simple OLS, as
suggested in Engle and Granger (1987):
Equations (8) through (10) are estimated by OLS. In case there is
no evidence of cointegration in any of equations (5) through (7), the
model is estimated with the exclusion of the relevant error-correction
term ([[??].sub.t-1] or [[??]'.sub.t-1] or [[??]".sub.t-1]).
The statistical significance of the estimated value of the coefficient
of the error-correction term, based upon the usual t- test, confirms a
long run unidirectional causal flow from the explanatory variables to
the dependent variable. The statistical significance of other estimated
parameters in equations (8) through (10) confirm feedback relationships
among variables. The optimum lag lengths are determined by the AIC
(Akaike Information Criterion), as developed in (Akaike, 1969).
Daily data are employed in this paper. The sample period runs from
January 5, 1998 through November 19, 2003. This sample period is
selected to focus on the period when Indian economy and financial
markets started gaining discernible momentum in a freer environment
created by market deregulations, increasing economic openness and
enhanced global interlinkages.
Bombay Stock Index is available in local currency (Indian Rupee)
that has been converted into U.S. dollar via relevant Rupee- Dollar
daily exchange rates as obtained from Gold prices have
been obtained from Bombay Stock Index (BSE 30) and U.S.
S&P 500 data have been obtained from
To examine the nature of the data distribution of each variable,
the standard descriptive statistics are reported as follows:
The descriptive statistics in Table 1 reveal near- normality in the
data distribution of each variable in terms of mean, median, skewness
and kurtosis (below the benchmark value of 4 for normality). The
numerics of mean and median are almost equal. The numerical values of
standard deviation are also very low. The distributions are slightly
skewed either to the left or to the right, as shown above.
To examine the time series property of each variable, the ADF test
statistics are reported as follows:
As shown in Table 2, the null hypothesis of unit root
(nonstationarity) cannot be rejected at 1 percent and higher levels of
significance. This is a clear affirmation of nonstationarity in each
time series variable. They reveal I (1) behavior being stationary on
first-differencing. Next, the cointregration regressions (5) through (7)
are estimated by retrieving the error terms from the OLS estimates of
regressions (2) through (4). The results are reported as follows:
The coefficients of the above lagged residuals corresponding to
equations (5), (6) and (7) respectively have the expected negative sign.
The null hypothesis of no-cointegration is overwhelmingly rejected based
upon the associated ADF statistics in comparisons with the critical
values at 1 percent and higher levels of significance. The evidence thus
confirms a cointegrating relationship (long-run equilibrium) among
Bombay stock market, US stock market and London gold market.
Finally, the associated error-correction models (8) through (10)
are estimated for long-run equilibrium causal relationships and
short-run interactive relations among the above markets. The results are
reported as follows:
The above table shows that there are long-run causal flows from US
stock market and London gold market to Bombay stock market. This is
reflected through the associated t-value of the coefficient of the
error-correction term ([[??].sub.t-1]). The coefficients of the relevant
lagged-values of US S&P 500, London gold prices and Bombay BSE 30
with their associated t-values and the overall F-statistic reveal
short-run dynamics among these markets. The DW-statistic at 1.993
indicates white noise. However, the adjusted-[R.sup.2] ([[bar.R].sup.2])
depicts that only 4.6 percent of the changes in Bombay stock market can
be explained by the changes in these markets.
Likewise, the estimates of model (9) are reported as follows:
Table 5 reveals long-run causal flows from Bombay stock market and
London gold market to US stock market. Relatively weak short-run
feedback relationship is evidenced among these three markets in terms of
lower F-statistic. The DW-statistic at 1.9998 indicates white noise. In
this case, the [[bar.R].sup.2] is even lower at 0.02 (2%).
Finally, the estimates of model (10) are reported as follows:
Similarly, there is evidence of long-run causal flows from Bombay
and US stock markets to London gold market in addition to short-run
interactive relationships among these three markets. The numerical value
of [[bar.R].sup.2] is about the same with low F-statistic. The DW -value
at 1.997 is an indication of white noise. Furthermore, the optimum lag
lengths in each model are determined by the AIC criterion.
The data on Bombay stock market, US stock market and London gold
prices in natural logarithmic form are nonstationary depicting I (1)
behavior. There is evidence of long-run equilibrium relationships among
them with feedbacks. The long-run causal flows are bidirectional.
However, the overall effects on one another are marginal in terms of
numerical values of [[bar.R].sup.2]'s and F-statistics.
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Banamber Mishra, Professor of Finance, McNeese State University,
Lake Charles, LA 70609. E-mail:
Matiur Rahman, Professor of Finance, McNeese State University, Lake
Charles, LA 70609. E-mail:
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
Descriptors Y X Z
Mean 4.40 7.05 5.69
Median 4.36 7.04 5.67
Std.Dev 0.20 0.16 0.10
Skewness 0.43 -0.24 0.84
Kurtosis 2.17 2.05 3.00
Table 2: ADF Statistics
Variables ADF Statistics Critical Values * Significance Levels
y -1.51 -3.43 1%
X -1.64 -2.86 5%
Z -0.93 -2.57 10%
First Differences
[DELTA]y -35.07
[DELTA]x -35.61
[DELTA]z -38.61
* MacKinnon (1996) One-sided P-values.
Table 3: Estimates of Cointegration Regressions
Associated Critical
Lagged Residuals Co-efficients ADF Statistics Values
[[??].sub.t-1] -0.03 -4.49 -3.44 *
[[??]'.sub.t-1] -0.04 -5.14 -2.86 **
[[??]'.sup.n.sub.t-1] -0.03 -4.28 -2.57 ***
(*) Significant at 1%, (* *) significant at 5%, and
(***) significant at 10%.
Table 4: Estimates of Model (8)
Variables Coefficients t-Statistic Prob.
[[??].t-1] -0.013 -3.027 0.0025
[DELTA][X.sub.t] 0.128 3.431 0.0006
[DELTA][X.sub.t-1] 0.178 4.734 0.0000
[DELTA][X.sub.t-2] 0.086 2.285 0.0225
[DELTA][X.sub.t-3] 0.076 2.018 0.0438
[DELTA][X.sub.t-4] 0.038 1.007 0.3139
[DELTA][Z.sub.t] -0.089 -1.890 0.0590
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-1] 0.024 0.518 0.6045
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-2] 0.083 1.738 0.0825
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-3] 0.110 2.319 0.0206
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-4] -0.039 -0.828 0.4079
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-1] 0.004 0.126 0.8996
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-2] -0.030 -1.097 0.2729
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-3] 0.028 1.004 0.3156
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-4] 0.041 1.497 0.1345
[R.sup.2] = 0.056, [[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.046, DW = 1.993,
n = 1298, F = 5.859
Table 5: Estimates of Model (9)
Variables Coefficients t-Statistic Prob.
[[??].sub.t-1] -0.015 -2.853 0.0044
[DELTA][y.sub.t] 0.072 3.478 0.0005
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-1] -0.024 -1.185 0.2361
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-2] 0.003 0.148 0.8824
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-3] 0.020 0.997 0.3182
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-4] -0.014 -0.666 0.5055
[DELTA][Z.sub.t] -0.098 -2.784 0.0054
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-1] 0.034 0.966 0.3342
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-2] -0.067 -1.888 0.0592
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-3] 0.023 0.661 0.5088
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-4] -0.043 -1.208 0.2274
[DELTA][X.sub.t-1] 0.015 0.533 0.5940
[DELTA][X.sub.t-2] -0.006 -0.208 0.8354
[DELTA][X.sub.t-3] -0.013 -0.453 0.6507
[DELTA][X.sub.t-4] -0.003 -0.118 0.9063
[R.sup.2] = 0.030,[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.019, DW = 1.9998,
n = 1298, F = 3.055
Table 6: Estimates of Model (10)
Variables Coefficients t-Statistic Prob.
[[??].sup.n.sub.t-1] -0.014 -2.802 0.0051
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] -0.030 -1.805 0.0712
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-1] -0.003 -0.193 0.8469
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-2] 0.031 1.904 0.0572
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-3] -0.010 -0.615 0.5385
[DELTA][Y.sub.t-4] 0.004 0.240 0.8105
[DELTA][X.sub.t] -0.059 -0.200 0.0069
[DELTA][X.sub.t-1] -0.004 -0.200 0.8412
[DELTA][X.sub.t-2] 0.019 0.867 0.3863
[DELTA][X.sub.t-3] 0.020 0.891 0.3729
[DELTA][X.sub.t-4] -0.032 -1.453 0.1465
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-1] -0.054 -1.929 0.0540
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-2] 0.065 2.301 0.0216
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-3] 0.029 1.043 0.2970
[DELTA][Z.sub.t-4] -0.014 -0.487 0.6265
[R.sup.2] = 0.029, [[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.019, DW = 1.997,
n = 1298, F = 2.963