New international evidence on interactions between bank size, industrial production and trade.
Wang, Zijun ; Lo, Wai-Chung ; Fung, Hung-Gay 等
This study examines the influence of banking development and trade
on industrial production for a total of 26 countries. Generalized impulse response functions based upon vector autoregression (VAR) models
are utilized to provide insights into the dynamic relationship of the
banking development, trade growth and the growth of industrial
production. The results show that the three macro-series are related to
each other for most countries, and tend to have positive impacts on each
other. The relationships do not seem to be systematically-different
between industrialized countries and newly industrialized or developing
Key words: banks, industrial production, international trade and
VAR model.
JEL Classification:C32, F14, and G21.
Many economists view banks as traditional financial intermediaries,
which collect deposits and grant loans and thus they are critical for
allocating resources within an economy and for economic growth. This
view is challenged in a competitive financial market, in which firms no
longer rely solely on banks to raise capital for growth, leading to a
situation of so-called financial disintermediation. The firms can either
borrow directly from the financial market or issue securities (stocks or
bonds) domestically or globally to raise capital. Given the rapid growth
of financial markets, banks on one hand try to securitize their loan
portfolios to maintain competitiveness, and on the other hand they
become more involved in risk management for themselves and for their
customers in light of large interest rate and exchange rate volatility
[Mehta and Fung (2004)]. At the same time, banks are still subject to
heavy regulations by government to maintain interest rate stability to
achieve steady economic goals and inter-temporal smoothing of investment
and savings [Allen and Gale (2000)].
The above discussion raises the question what roles the banks play
in an open economy. It is important to assess the mechanism through
which banks affect economic growth and how they affect international
trade performance in a global environment. If banks directly affect
economic growth, this will confirm the traditional view of banks.
However, if we observe banks only indirectly affect economic growth, the
result will lead support to the assertion that banks are changing their
roles to become risk management and income smoothing in the economy. It
is hypothesized that banks improve trade through assumption of risk and
removal of information asymmetry for trade transactions across countries
because of increasing currency risk and payment uncertainty globally.
Empirical evidence indicates that financial market development
contributes to economic growth [see, for example, Levine and Zervos
(1998); Rajan and Zingales (1998)]. The connection of financial
development and economic growth is also widely studied [Levine, Loayza
and Beck (2000); Rousseau and Wachtel (2000)]. We complement the current
literature by studying the dynamics between the growth of the banking
sector and the growth in the industrial production.
This study also examines the trade-led growth hypothesis, and the
feedback/ interaction of economic growth and trade. Many studies such as
Feder (1983), Ram (1987), Serletis (1992), and Fung et al. (1994) have
supported significant relationship between trade and growth. We improve
these studies by incorporating the role of banks in these relationships.
We extend these studies using an impulse response analysis based on
vector autoregressions (VAR models) that have played an important role
in summarizing the dynamic interactions among the bank size, industrial
production, and trade over time. Since the variables in a VAR model may
be cointegrated [Johansen (1988, 1991)], we incorporate cointegration
structure in our analysis to avoid misspecification problem, along with
the generalized impulse response approach.
The paper provides several interesting findings. First, the banking
sector tends to lead growth in industrial production at a relatively
longer time horizon, while the growth in trade leads to the growth in
industrial production at a shorter time horizon. Second, the development
of the banking sector seems to be exogenous, but trade growth leads to
increase in bank size in trade-oriented countries. Third, industrial
production affects trade significantly, but we find that the impact of
bank size on trade is significant in industrialized countries, implying
that banks help facilitate trade growth by mitigating some of the risk
factors. Finally, trade appears to react more responsively to banking
development after the collapse of the Bretton Wood system, providing
additional evidence that banks)May a more important role in trade
transactions as Countries face more currency risk in a global economy.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 explains
the VAR modeling and the calculation of generalized impulse responses;
Section 3 briefly discusses the data; Section 4 reports and discusses
impulse responses of each of the three variables (bank size, industrial
production, and trade) to innovations in the other two variables. In
this section, we also briefly investigate how the interactions between
the variables may have evolved over time. The final section is the
Empirical Framework
Researchers often use either the recursive Cholesky factorization pioneered by Sims (1980), or a non-recursive strategy suggested by
Blanchard and Watson (1986), Bernanke (1986), and Sims (1986), among
others. Both methods rely on economic theory or other prior knowledge to
determine the ordering of variables in VAR models and provide
information about the linkages between innovations. Different orderings
may lead to quite different results depending on the degree of
correlations between different shocks. A particular ordering implies
that we impose a priori economic structure on the multivariate processes
(when the structure itself is often the subject of study).
Unfortunately, predictions of economic theory are often ambiguous.
Specifically, let [Y.sub.t] denote a (m x 1) vector of stationary
processes under investigation, where m is three (bank size, industrial
production, and international trade) in our case. The dynamic
relationship among these processes can be modeled as a VAR of order k,
where [Y.sub.t] = ([Y.sub.1t], [Y.sub.2t], ..., [])',
m is an (m x 1) vector of intercept terms, [F.sub.j] is (m x m)
coefficient matrices, [[epsilon].sub.t] is an (m x 1) vector of
innovations following a multivariate normal distribution with variance S. Furthermore, [[epsilon].sub.t] can be correlated only
contemporaneously. Model (1) has an infinite moving average
Note that in (2) we omit the part corresponding to the intercept
term in (1), since it is irrelevant in subsequent calculations. The
commonly used orthogonalized impulse responses is defined as
[partial derivative][Y.sub.t + s]/[partial
derivative][[delta].sub.j] = [[PSI].sub.s][Pe.sub.j], s = 1, 2, ..., ...
where P is recursive-form Cholesky factor of [SIGMA], [e.sub.i] is
the selection vector that has all elements equal to 0 except for the ith
element being 1. As a (m x 1) vector, equation (3) measures the change
of [Y.sub.t] at period t + s if [Y.sub.jt] were increased by one
standard deviation, [[delta].sub.j], at period t, where [[delta].sub.j]
is the squared root of the jth diagonal element of [SIGMA]. Under the
recursive assumption, [Y.sub.1t] is contemporaneously exogenous.
Furthermore, all other variables are allowed to be caused by innovations
from variables preceding them, but not the ones behind them. Therefore,
the traditional impulse responses in (3) critically depend on the
ordering of [Y.sub.t] since P does.
We use a generalized impulse response function developed by Koop et
al. (1996) and Pesaran and Shin (1998), which is invariant to the
ordering of the variables. We measure the effect of a particular shock
by integrating out the effects of other shocks to the VAR system using
the distribution of the errors. When [[epsilon].sub.t] follows a
multivariate normal distribution, Koop et al. (1996) show that the
(scaled) generalized impulse responses is given by
[partial derivative][Y.sub.t + s]/[partial
derivative][[delta].sub.j] =
[[PSI].sub.s][SIGMA][e.sub.j]/[[delta].sub.j], s = 1, 2, ..., ... (4)
Comparing (4) with (3), it can be seen that the variance [SIGMA] in
(4) replaces its orthogonalized factor, P, in (3). Therefore, the
generalized decomposition is invariant to the ordering of variables in
the VAR model. Recently Ewing et al. (2003) and Wang et al. (2003) apply
this generalized method to study the effects of innovations in other
macro variables or sectors/markets on stock returns.
To generate confidence intervals for the generalized impulse
responses (4), we use the bootstrap method proposed by Runkle (1987).
Specifically, we generate a complete set of artificial observations of.
[Y.sub.t] based on model (1) by re-sampling from the estimated
residuals. We calculate the generalized impulse responses based on the
estimated parameters from the simulated data. Repeating this process,
say, N times, we have an empirical distribution for the point estimate
in (4). Then, a 90% confidence interval is constructed based on the 5th
and 95th percentiles of the distribution. (1)
So far, we have assumed that the vector process [Y.sub.t] is
stationary. However, it is now widely recognized that many macro series
contain a stochastic trend, or they are nonstationary. Since the first
difference of [Y.sub.t], [DELTA] [Y.sub.t] = [Y.sub.t] - [Y.sub.t-1], is
stationary, [Y.sub.t] can be modeled as the following VAR in first
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [mu] + [k-1.summation over (j = 1)]
[[GAMMA].sub.j] [DELTA][Y.sub.t-j] + [[epsilon].sub.t]. ... (5)
It is possible that while the individual elements of [Y.sub.t] are
nonstationary, they may have common trends. Alternatively, there exist
some long run equilibrium relationships among them. Therefore, certain
linear combinations of these nonstationary series may be stationary. In
this case, the following error correction model is appropriate:
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [mu] + [PI][Y.sub.t-1] + [k-1.summation over (j
= 1)] [[PI].sub.j] [[GAMMA].sub.j][DELTA][Y.sub.t-j] +
[[epsilon].sub.t], ... (6)
where the new term [PI] [Y.sub.t-1] contains long-run equilibrium
information. Clearly, when [Y.sub.t], is a cointegrated process, a VAR
in first differences is misspecified. Note that model (6) nests model
(1) and (5). Specifically, let the rank of P be r. If 1 < r < m,
then [Y.sub.t] is cointegrated. If r = 0, then model (6) reduces to (5),
a VAR in first differences. Finally, if r = m, or [PI] is of full rank,
then (6) is equivalent to (1), a VAR in levels. This also implies that
all elements in [Y.sub.t] are stationary by themselves.
After the error correction model (5) is estimated, it is
straightforward to calculate the generalized impulse responses and
varianee deeompositions following the steps described earlier in this
section (for more details, see Pesaran and Shin, 1998).
The variables used to estimate equation (1) include three
variables: bank asset, industrial production (IP), and total trade
balance. That is, we have [Y.sub.t] = (bank asset, IP, trade).
Traditionally, researchers use the overall size of the banking sector to
study the effects of banking development. Certain researchers choose
other variables. For example, based on the argument that overall bank
sizes include the assets of various banking institutions and hence does
not focus on the credit provided by the banking sectors, Levine and
Zervos (1998) use the value of the loans made by commercial banks and
other deposit taking banks to the private depositors as a measure of
banking development. Since our purpose is to study the dynamic
relationships among the banking sector, the trade sector, and the
industrial production, we use the overall size of the banking sector as
a proxy of banking development.
We examine the dynamic relationships between these three variables
for 26 industrialized, newly industrialized and developing economies.
The choice of countries, data frequencies, and sample periods in the
analysis are mainly due to the availability of data. All series are
compiled from International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s International
Financial Statistics (IFS) database. The series of bank asset is
obtained by adding reserves, claims on government entities, claims on
private sectors, etc., under the section Bank Institutions. The reported
trade balances for Chile, Israel, Korea, Mexico, Uruguay are denominated
in U.S. dollars. We convert them into local currencies using period
average exchange rates (market rate). Depending on the nature of the
variables, different methods are used to fill the missing values.
Appendix A summarizes the sample information for each country. In
total we examine monthly observations of 21 countries and quarterly data
of 22 countries. Following the convention, all variables used in the
model are in logarithmic form. The period of study for each country
varies depending on data availability from the IFS. Some data series
start as early as 1958 and mostly end in 2002.
Empirical Results
To test the stationarity of each series, we first apply the
univariate Augmented Dickey-Fuller test (Dickey and Fuller, 1979). The
results are summarized in Appendix B for both monthly and quarterly
observations. Among 63 monthly series, there are only 3 having
t-statistic smaller than -3, appearing to be stationary. By the same
standard, 6 quarterly series appear to be stationary out of a total of
66. Further stationarity tests indicate that the first differences of
these series are all stationary. Given this evidence, we believe that
all three variables, bank size, IP and trade, are I(1) nonstationary
process with only a few exceptions.
We test the cointegration rank of [Y.sub.t] within the framework of
(6). The optimal number of lags, k, for equation (6) is chosen based on
minimization of Schwartz information criterion. While the maximum lag
order is set 24 for monthly data and eight for quarterly data, we also
impose a minimum of 12 and four lags for monthly and quarterly data,
Appendix C summarizes the chosen lag orders for 43 VAR models of 26
countries. For the monthly observations, 12 lags are appropriate for 11
countries, and 13 lags for the other 9 countries. The longest lag order
is 14 for French data. Similarly, four. lags are required for 8 VARs
with quarterly observations, and five lags for the other 12 VARs. We
also find that seven lags are needed in the French quarterly data.
Having determined the lag order k, we consider the cointegration
relations in the model. The cointegration rank is determined for each
VAR by implementing Johansen's (1988, 1991) trace procedure. The
results are reported in Appendix C. The second column shows that, for
monthly observations, the numbers of VAR that has cointegration rank of
0, 1, 2, and 3 are 14, 3, 2 and 2, respectively. Alternatively, we model
Bangladesh, Canada, Israel, Korea, and Netherlands as error correction
models with one or two cointegration relations, Austria and Japan as VAR
in levels. We model the remaining countries as VAR in first differences.
For the 22 quarterly VAR we find that the numbers of countries that have
cointegration rank of 0, 1, 2 and 3 are 13, 4, 1 and 4, respectively.
Note that we model monthly observations of Japan, and quarterly
observations of France, Japan, and Netherlands as VARs in levels, which
agree with the univariate ADF test results in Appendix B, where we find
that two or all three variables in these countries appear to be
Comparing column 2 with column 4, we can see that time aggregation
(from monthly to quarterly observations) leads to changes in the number
of cointegration relations for seven countries, but has no impact on the
other nine countries. Conditional on the lag order and cointegration
rank chosen above, we estimate model (1) by the maximum likelihood
method (the amount of output is large, hence not reported here. But both
the data and parameter estimates of the 43 VARs are available from the
authors at request).
Based on equation (4), we calculate the generalized impulse
responses of variable [Y.sub.i] to one standard deviation of innovation
in variable [Y.sub.j] (i, j = bank size, industrial production, and
trade). The responses are calculated for up to two years for
out-of-sample periods (it is 1 up to 24 periods for monthly data, and 1
up to 8 periods for quarterly data). To save space, we summarize the
results for s = 1, 6, 12, and 24 for monthly observations, and s = 1, 2,
4, and 8 for quarterly observations in Tables 1, 2, and 3. (Note: If 3
months is used in place of 1 month, all results reported in the paper
hold.) For same reason, we also omit all variables' responses to
their own innovations.
Impulse Responses of Bank Size
Table 1 summarizes the point estimates of generalized impulse
responses of bank size to innovations in the variables of industrial
production and trade for all 26 countries. Results based on monthly VAR
are reported in the upper part of the table for 21 countries, and those
based on quarterly VAR in the lower part for the remaining five
countries. To test whether the point estimates reported in the table are
significantly different from zero, we construct 90% confidence intervals
using the simulation method briefly discussed earlier. (2)
The first four columns of Table 1 show the impulse responses of
bank size to industrial production (IP). The results are mixed to
innovations in IP; some have significant effect while others do not. The
countries with insignificant IP effect are Austria, Denmark, Italy,
Japan, Pakistan, Philippine, Spain, and U.K. for the monthly data and
Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Uruguay and the U.S. for the
quarterly data. Many of these countries are industrialized countries
where the financial market is relatively well developed, implying that
banks in these countries are exogenous and thus not responsive to the
growth of the industrial production. Specifically, as financial markets
are well developed in industrialized countries, banks are not the only
source for financing. Thus, the growth of IP does not directly link to
the growth in the bank sector. On the other hand, banks indeed play the
vital role of channeling capital to firms in developing countries.
Expansion of industrial production would lead to the growth in the
banking sector in these countries. Our empirical results seem to be
consistent with the observed pattern of financial disintermediation in
the matured economies.
Columns 5 though 8 of Table 1 are the estimated changes in bank
size following one unit shock in the trade series. It appears that a
positive shock in trade significantly affect the bank size in 11
countries (Bangladesh, Canada, Denmark, India, Israel, Japan, Korea,
Mexico, Pakistan, U.K., and the U.S.). The two developed countries,
Japan and the U.S., which have negative effects of the impulse response,
are worth discussion. The banking systems in these two countries are
large and responsive to global competition and regulation. The negative
impact of international trade on bank size may take two different
routes. First, as the international trade grows, domestic banks expand
more aggressively internationally instead of focusing only on the
domestic market. The international expansion of banks at the expense of
the domestic market is an attempt to capture growing international
market and to follow their customers who invest abroad in other
countries. As a result, the relative domestic size of the banking sector
may suffer negatively.
Second, international trade entails risk of all types. Banks try to
expand their services through various hedging devices (involving
derivatives for risk management). The growth of the off balance items in
banks has been growing in recent years as a result of derivatives
transactions. This growth is not captured by the nominal size of the
domestic banking sector. In addition, the securitization of assets
further apparently makes the bank size appear smaller. In short, as a
result of trade growth and financial disintermediaiton, the size of the
banking sectors in the two countries will be affected negatively.
The mixed results of bank size to trade suggest that some countries
are not responsive to trade growth, although in trade'oriented
countries such as Korea and Mexico the bank size follows positively the
growth in trade.
Impulse Responses of Industrial Production
Table 2 summarizes the dynamic impacts of bank size and trade on
industrial production. Innovation in bank size generally has positive
effects on IP (Denmark, India, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Spain,
Australia, U.S.) However, the effects are significant and negative for
Bangladesh, Norway, Switzerland, and Uruguay. The results are
interpreted as indication that, in certain countries, the growth of the
bank size is not efficient in stimulating growth of the economy, and
thus may have an adverse effect on it. It is likely due to moral hazard problem, inefficiency, or a combination of the two.
The results in columns 5 through 8 of Table 2 clearly suggest that
trade has a significant positive impact on the domestic industrial
production, supporting the trade-led growth hypothesis in the
literature. For example, at period 1, the responses are positive in all
but three countries (Ireland, Netherlands, and Sweden).
Impulse Responses of Trade
The first four columns of Table 3 indicate that innovations in
banking industry have had significant impacts on a nation's total
trade balance in 13 countries. Experience in Korea is particularly
interesting. The impact of banking industry on trade is not only
positive and statistically significant, but also large in magnitude at
all four horizons. Evidence from Mexico is similar except that the
estimates are smaller in magnitude. These results suggest the banks in
these countries are progressive in promoting trade growth.
Table 3 also provides strong evidence in support of influence of
industrial production on trade. Growth in industrial production has
positive and significant effects on trade growth in all 26 countries.
Moreover, the influence seems to occur at the longer time-horizon. The
magnitudes of the parameter estimates in the table also show that the
impact of IP on trade is generally stronger in industrialized countries
than in newly industrialized or developing countries.
Sensitivity Analysis
We conducted several sensitivity analyses to check the robustness
of the results. First, it is possible that the relationships between the
three variables may evolve as an economy goes through different
development stages, the general economic environments of the economy and
the international financial environment change. In order to examine this
issue, we choose to look at the experiences of Korea and U.S. by
estimating model (1) and calculating impulse responses for rolling
windows of data (sub-samples). U.S. and Korea are chosen to represent
developed and new industrialized economies, respectively. For the Korea
data, we examine a sequence of 371 different sub-samples starting with
1962M1 to 1971M12, and ending with 1962M1 to 2002M10. Fixing the lag
order at 13 (which is based all sample information, see Appendix 2), we
re-estimate the cointegration rank for each sample using Johansen's
(1988, 1991) method.
Figure 1 contains plots of estimated impulse responses of bank
size, IP and trade to the remaining two variables in the VAR systems 12
months after shocks. Horizontal axes correspond to estimation end period
of each sub-sample. Two interesting points are worth discussing. First,
the collapse of the Bretton Wood system in 1971M8-1973M3 (a period
further hit by the first off crisis) had significant impacts on all
relationships among the three variables, although in different
directions. The impact of IP on bank size increased while its impact on
trade decreased following the crisis, reflecting the sensitivity of the
export-oriented Korean economy to the outside environment. The impact of
trade on bank size and IP also decreased. The positive impact of banking
industry on industrial production had a one-time increase after the
crisis, but has since remained. Second, the impacts of IP on bank size
are most significant before early 1980s, a period when Korea completed
its industrialization. The impact of bank size on trade was positive and
increased slowly for the whole sample period, only briefly disrupted by
the energy crisis.
Results for U.S. data are plotted in three panels of Figure 2. As
in the case of Korea, the first energy crisis also appeared to have had
significant impacts on U.S. economy. The influence of IP on bank size is
negative in early periods, but has become less significant over time.
Both bank size and IP have played increasingly important roles in trade
To provide more evidence about the impact of the collapse of the
Bretton Woods System on the dynamics of the three variables we divide
the sample into two periods: before and after the collapse. The crisis
period 1971M8-1973M3 (equivalently, 1971Q2-1973Q1) are excluded from the
samples. Table 4 summarizes the impulse response estimates in both the
pre- and post-crisis periods for The Korean and U.S. data. It can be
seen from the table that the dynamic relationships between bank size,
industrial production, and trade are in general strengthened after the
Researchers have found that temporal (time) aggregation may have
consequences on many characteristics of usual interests to researchers,
such as exogeneity, causality, cointegration, and common features
(Pierse and Snell, 1995; Marcellino, 1999). For example, in application
to a consumption function for the United Kingdom, Pierse and Snell
(1995) find that cointegration of consumption and wealth is rejected
with quarterly data but convincingly accepted with a longer span of
annual data. We examine both monthly and quarterly data for the same
countries for robustness. Generalized impulse responses of bank size,
IP, and trade for 16 countries based on quarterly data are analyzed.
Their results are quite similar with those in tables 1, 2 and 3 based on
monthly observations for the same countries and thus they are not
reported. The pattern suggests our results are robust and are not
affected by temporal aggregation.
Summary and Conclusion
This study examines the dynamic relationships among bank size,
industrial production, and trade for a total of 26 countries.
Generalized impulse response functions based upon vector autoregressions
are utilized to provide insights into the lasting issues. Our major
findings can be summarized as follows.
First, we have a better understanding on the relationship of
industrial production with bank size and trade. Although development in
the banking sector in certain countries leads to the growth in
industrial production, the pattern is not uniform across the sampled
countries. It seems that the influence tends to be effective at a longer
time horizon. On the other hand, there is strong evidence that the
growth in trade leads the growth in industrial production and the
influence occurs at a shorter time horizon.
Second, the development of the banking sector seems to be
exogenous. This is particularly evident in developed countries. Both the
growth in industrial production and trade do not show unambiguous effect
on the growth of bank size. However, there are some indications that
trade growth lead to increase in bank size in trade-oriented countries.
Third, the effect of industrial production on trade is significant
and positive for all the sampled countries. The effect of bank size on
trade is mixed, although the effect is more likely to be significant in
industrialized countries. This result suggests that banks help
facilitate trade growth by mitigating some of the risk factors by
providing more services (such as hedging) in international trade by
Fourth, the relationship among the variables may evolve over time.
We find that while the nature of the mutual influences (positive or
negative) remains largely stable over time, the magnitude tends to vary
during the sample periods.
Finally, the collapse of the Bretton Wood system that endorsed the
fixed exchange rate regime seems to have impact on the dynamic
relationship of the three macroeconomic series. Specifically, trade
appears to react more responsively to banking development after the
collapse of the Bretton Wood. This result provides some evidence that
banks play a more important role in trade transactions as countries face
more currency risk in a global economy.
Sample period
Sample period
Country Monthly Quarterly
Australia 1959Q3-2002Q1 (a)
Austria 1958M12-1995M12 1958Q1-1996Q4
Bangladesh 1976M3-2002M3 (b)
Canada 1957M1-2002M10 1957Q1-2002Q2
Chile 1978M12-2002M11 1978Q4-2002Q3
Denmark 1974M1-2000M6 1968Q1-2000Q2
France 1962M1-1984M12 1957Q1-1998Q2
India 1963M1-2002M8 (c)
Ireland 1982M12-1996M12 (d)
Israel 1974M2-1996M6 (c) 1975Q1-2001Q3 (d)
Italy 1973M12-1998M12 1962Q1-1998Q4
Japan 1963M1-2002M10 1957Q1-2002Q3
Korea 1960M1-2002M10 (d) 1960Q1-2002Q2 (d)
Malaysia 1971M1-2002M9
Mexico 1970M1-2000M1 1981Q1-1999Q4
Netherlands 1957M1-1997M12 1957Q1-1997Q4
New Zealand 1977Q2-2002Q3
Norway 1960M1-2001M4 (f) 1960Q1-2001Q1
Pakistan 1977M7-1992M6
Philippine 1986M12-2000M8 1986Q4-1999Q3
Spain 1964M1-1998M12 1961Q1-1998Q4
Sweden 1969M12-2000M12 1969Q4-2000Q4
Switzerland 1964Q4-2002Q3
U.K. 1987M1-2002M12 1963Q1-2002Q3
Uruguay 1979Q1-2002Q3
U.S. 1957Q1-2002Q3
(a.) Values of import (1990Q1-Q4) are fitted values using an AR(4)
model. (b.) All variables are nominal values. (c.) Value of industrial
production in 1970M12 is fitted using an AR(12) model. (d.) The price
deflator is price of industrial products. (e.) The price deflator is
price of industrial products. The missing value of the index for
1990M2 is the simple average of those of 1990M1 and 1990 M3. Import.
(1989M10-1990M2) is fitted value using an AR(12) model. (f.) Bank
asset (1987M1-M8 and 1987Q1-Q2) is fitted value assuming the same
growth rate in this period.
Augmented Dickey-Fuller test results by country
Monthly observations
Country Bank Industrial Trade
size production
Austria -2.755 -1.533 -1.315
Bangladesh -3.297 1.918 -1.840
Canada -1.377 -2.020 -1.293
Chile -0.791 -0.587 -0.446
Denmark -0.216 -0.445 -0.217
France -1.263 -1.836 -1.219
India -0.646 0.874 0.658
Ireland 2.995 0.874 0.367
Israel -2.078 1.027 -0.271
Italy -1.166 -1.952 -2.271
Japan -1.986 -4.452 -2.444
Korea -0.649 -2.384 -2.553
Malaysia -1.544 -0.613 -0.971
Mexico -1.242 -1.692 -1.478
Netherlands -2.601 -3.419 -1.437
New Zealand
Norway -0.275 -2.265 -0.996
Pakistan -0.407 -2.170 0.988
Philippine -1.044 -1.306 0.406
Spain 0.312 0.496 -1.364
U.K. 0.638 -1.278 -1.419
Quarterly observations
Country Bank Industrial Trade
size production
Australia 0.204 -2.613 -0.657
Austria -2.586 -2.222 -1.838
Canada -2.091 -2.319 -1.305
Chile -0.684 -0.068 -0.253
Denmark 0.182 0.075 -1.224
France -1.280 -2.913 -3.028
Israel -2.349 -0.781 -0.217
Italy -2.207 -2.060 -2.326
Japan -3.283 -5.268 -2.626
Korea -0.763 -2.552 -3.616
Mexico -0.782 0.437 0.574
Netherlands -2.998 -3.379 -1.498
New Zealand -0.489 -0.691 -1.119
Norway -0.347 -2.359 -1.006
Philippine -1.086 -1.971 -0.210
Spain -0.780 -3.430 -1.527
Sweden 0.147 0.357 -0.807
Switzerland -1.151 -1.398 -1.608
U.K. -1.474 -1.399 -1.541
Uruguay -0.738 -2.390 -2.936
U.S. -1.376 -1.428 -1.260
Note: A drift term is included in the test. We select the number of
lagged first-differenced terms by minimizing the Schwarz information
criterion, where a maximum of 24 lags for monthly data for 8 for
quarterly data) is considered. We also impose a minimum of 12 lags for
monthly data, and 4 1ags for quarterly data.
Lag order and cointegration rank in VAR by country
Monthly observations Quarterly observations
Cointegration Cointegration
Country Lag order rank Lag order rank
Australia 5 1
Austria 13 3 5 0
Bangladesh 12 2
Canada 12 2 5 0
Chile 13 0 5 0
Denmark 12 0 5 0
France 14 0 7 3
India 13 0
Ireland 12 0
Israel 12 1 4 1
Italy 13 0 5 0
Japan 13 3 5 3
Korea 13 1 4 2
Malaysia 13 0
Mexico 13 0 4 0
Netherlands 12 1 5 3
New Zealand 4 0
Norway 12 0 5 0
Pakistan 12 0
Philippine 12 0 6 3
Spain 12 0 5 1
Sweden 13 0 5 0
Switzerland 4 0
U.K. 12 0 4 0
Uruguay 4 1
U.S. 5 0
Note: We select the optimal lag order in VAR models by minimizing the
Schwarz information criterion, where a maximum of 24 lags for monthly
data (or 8 for quarterly data) is considered. We set a minimum of 12
lags for monthly data, and 4 lags for quarterly data. The cointegration
rank is determined by the Johansen's (1988, 1991) trace test.
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Zijun Wang, Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A& M
University, College Station, TX 77843, Email:
Wai-Chung Lo, School of Arts and Social Science, Open University of
Hong Kong, 30 Good Shepherd Street, Homantin, Hong Kong, Email:
Hung-Gay Fung, College of Business Administration, University of
Missouri-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63121,
(1.) Both bootstrap and normal approximation are asymptotically
valid methods to construct confidence intervals. However, in finite samples, they tend to produce wider confidence intervals than those of
underlying true distributions, which should be kept in mind in
interpreting the results presented later.
(2.) A point estimate is significant (marked by the symbol * in the
table) if its corresponding confidence interval does not contain zero.
Table 1
Generalized Impulse Responses of Bank Size to Innovations
in industrial production (IP) and trade (s periods out of sample)
Country To innovations in IP
Monthly data
s = 1 s = 6 s = 12 s = 24
Austria 0.10 -0.10 -0.03 0.11
Bangladesh 0.01 -0.05 * 0.03 0.03
Canada 0.07 0.14 0.40 * 0.89 *
Chile -0.01 0.15 * 0.26 * 0.34 *
Denmark 0.03 0.02 -0.08 -0.08
France -0.81 0.75 * -0.16 0.10
India 0.02 0.14 * 0.07 0.08
Ireland 0.04 0.43 0.74 * 0.86 *
Israel 0.27 * 0.27 * 0.23 0.18
Italy -0.02 -0.11 -0.34 -0.38
Japan 0.00 0.03 -0.15 -0.22
Korea 0.10 * 0.21 * 0.29 * 0.31
Malaysia 0.03 0.11 * 0.10 0.12
Mexico 0.14 0.20 0.95 * 1.07 *
Netherlands -0.18 0.06 0.37 0.40 *
Norway -0.03 0.09 * 0.08 0.08 *
Pakistan 0.03 -0.06 -0.03 -0.04
Philippine 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.01
Spain 0.28 -0.06 -0.36 -0.59
Sweden 0.03 0.09 0.23 * 0.34
U.K. 0.24 0.00 0.60 0.82
Quarterly data
s = 1 s = 2 s = 4 s = 8
Australia 0.08 0.07 -0.12 -0.23
New Zealand 0.04 -0.08 -0.32 -0.32
Switzerland -0.02 0.01 -0.08 -0.05
Uruguay -0.17 0.02 -0.02 -0.01
U.S. 0.05 -0.02 -0.12 -0.53
Country To innovations in trade
Monthly data
s = 1 s = 6 s = 12 s = 24
Austria 0.03 0.05 -0.08 0.08
Bangladesh 0.03 * 0.02 0.03 * 0.04 *
Canada -0.02 0.04 0.07 * 0.09 *
Chile 0.04 -0.01 -0.04 -0.06
Denmark 0.08 * 0.02 -0.03 -0.01
France -0.07 0.21 0.06 0.14
India 0.04 * 0.01 -0.01 -0.02
Ireland 0.00 0.11 0.25 0.26
Israel 0.09 * 0.09 * 0.06 0.11
Italy 0.02 -0.07 -0.07 -0.08
Japan 0.01 -0.03 -0.10 * -0.14 *
Korea 0.05 * 0.08 * 0.09 * 0.20 *
Malaysia 0.00 0.01 -0.03 -0.01
Mexico 0.06 * -0.15 -0.27 -0.20
Netherlands 0.06 0.17 -0.01 0.16
Norway 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.03
Pakistan 0.05 * -0.05 -0.04 -0.03
Philippine 0.01 -0.04 -0.07 -0.06
Spain 0.02 -0.04 -0.09 -0.08
Sweden 0.00 0.01 -0.03 -0.02
U.K. 0.06 * -0.03 0.08 0.07
Quarterly data
s = 1 s = 2 s = 4 s = 8
Australia 0.02 0.02 -0.03 -0.05
New Zealand 0.13 -0.02 -0.04 -0.05
Switzerland 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.04
Uruguay 0.20 0.05 -0.11 -0.11
U.S. 0.01 -0.06 * -0.12 * -0.22 *
Table 2
Generalized impulse responses of industrial production (IP) to
innovations in bank size and trade (s periods out of sample)
Country To innovations in bank size
Monthly data
s = 1 s = 6 s = 12 s = 24
Austria 0.04 -0.02 -0.01 0.00
Bangladesh 0.08 -0.24 -0.43 * -0.38 *
Canada 0.02 0.09 0.08 0.16
Chile -0.02 -0.14 -0.29 -0.46
Denmark 0.03 0.20 * 0.27 * 0.23 *
France -0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02
India 0.02 0.04 0.10 * 0.12 *
Ireland 0.02 -0.03 0.07 0.00
Israel 0.24 * 0.11 0.16 0.14
Italy -0.01 0.09 0.11 0.15
Japan 0.00 0.28 * 0.82 * 1.34 *
Korea 0.14 * 0.19 * 0.34 * 0.54 *
Malaysia 0.23 0.38 * 0.30 0.25
Mexico 0.03 0.09 * 0.08 0.07
Netherlands -0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.03
Norway -0.09 -0.21 * -0.10 -0.18
Pakistan 0.30 0.06 0.35 0.22
Philippine -0.02 -0.38 -0.08 -0.25
Spain 0.02 0.03 * 0.07 * 0.09 *
Sweden 0.04 0.02 0.10 0.16
U.K. 0.07 0.02 -0.01 -0.03
Quarterly data
s = 1 s = 2 s = 4 s = 8
Australia 0.03 0.16 * 0.40 * 0.46 *
New Zealand 0.00 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04
Switzerland -0.03 -0.31 * 0.08 0.02
Uruguay -0.08 -0.13 * 0.04 0.05
U.S. 0.09 0.43 * 1.02 * 1.59 *
Country To innovations in trade
Monthly data
s = 1 s = 6 s = 12 s = 24
Austria 0.09 * 0.10 * 0.01 -0.06 *
Bangladesh 0.03 0.03 -0.05 * -0.02
Canada 0.04 * 0.03 0.04 0.03
Chile 0.16 * 0.05 0.04 0.07 *
Denmark 0.13 * 0.09 * 0.10 * 0.08
France 0.26 * 0.09 0.07 0.07
India 0.05 * 0.01 0.00 0.00
Ireland 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.16
Israel 0.06 * 0.02 0.03 0.01
Italy 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.04
Japan 0.08 * 0.09 * 0.04 -0.05
Korea 0.07 * 0.03 0.09 * 0.15 *
Malaysia 0.22 * 0.20 * 0.06 0.11
Mexico 0.09 * 0.05 * 0.04 0.05 *
Netherlands 0.03 0.03 -0.01 0.02
Norway 0.08 * 0.00 0.00 0.01
Pakistan 0.13 * 0.01 0.03 0.04
Philippine 0.12 * -0.04 0.03 -0.03
Spain 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
Sweden 0.08 * 0.09 * 0.09 0.11
U.K. 0.04 * 0.08 * 0.10 0.10
Quarterly data
s = 1 s = 2 s = 4 s = 8
Australia 0.08 * 0.12 * 0.09 0.10
New Zealand 0.13 * 0.17 * 0.11 0.13
Switzerland 0.55 * 0.24 * 0.36 * 0.34
Uruguay 0.26 * 0.16 * 0.19 * 0.31 *
U.S. 0.07 * 0.09 * -0.02 -0.16
Table 3
Generalized impulse responses of trade to innovations in bank
size and industrial production (IP) (s periods out of sample)
Country To innovations in bank size
Monthly data
s = 1 s = 6 s = 12 s = 24
Austria 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.13
Bangladesh 1.71 * 0.03 -0.72 * -0.32
Canada -0.17 0.19 0.34 * 0.49 *
Chile 0.43 -0.14 -0.03 -0.73
Denmark 0.55 * 0.13 -0.16 -0.06
France -0.02 0.02 0.10 0.09
India 0.38 * 0.09 0.25 0.24
Ireland 0.00 0.17 0.31 * 0.25
Israel 0.76 * 1.05 * 0.70 0.63
Italy 0.13 0.33 0.30 0.41
Japan 0.27 -0.53 -0.43 -0.13
Korea 1.17 * 0.84 * 0.68 * 0.98 *
Malaysia -0.06 0.12 0.65 0.62
Mexico 0.11 * 0.26 * 0.31 * 0.33 *
Netherlands 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.02
Norway 0.00 -0.20 -0.21 -0.14
Pakistan 1.69 * 0.51 0.13 0.25
Philippine 0.11 0.58 0.91 1.33
Spain 0.03 0.02 0.09 * 0.12 *
Sweden -0.01 0.06 0.10 0.20
U.K. 0.46 * 0.81 * 0.57 0.50
Quarterly data
s = 1 s = 2 s = 4 s = 8
Australia 0.06 0.12 0.48 * 0.64 *
New Zealand 0.06 0.09 0.19 0.13
Switzerland 0.17 -0.05 0.15 0.19
Uruguay 0.41 0.10 0.39 0.31
ITS 0.13 -0.23 0.70 1.80 *
Country To innovations in IP
Monthly data
s = 1 s = 6 s = 12 s = 24
Austria 0.33 * 0.56 * 0.12 0.04
Bangladesh 0.13 0.27 * 0.42 * 0.30 *
Canada 0.93 * 1.38 * 1.67 * 1.59 *
Chile 0.75 * 0.29 * -0.01 -0.12
Denmark 0.74 * 0.57 * 0.52 * 0.46
France 1.12 * 0.80 * 0.58 * 0.61
India 0.45 * -0.17 -0.36 * -0.34
Ireland 0.23 0.61 * 0.53 * 0.63
Israel 0.61 * 0.27 0.78 * 0.60 *
Italy 0.32 1.01 * 0.72 * 0.69
Japan 1.04 * 1.36 * 1.71 * 1.39 *
Korea 1.06 * 0.57 * 0.75 * 0.81 *
Malaysia 0.50 * 0.45 * 0.23 0.35
Mexico 0.83 * 0.65 * 0.22 0.39 *
Netherlands 0.23 0.44 * 0.65 * 0.52 *
Norway 0.49 * 0.27 * 0.33 * 0.21 *
Pakistan 0.39 * 0.04 0.11 0.11
Philippine 0.41 * 0.23 0.03 0.11
Spain 0.02 0.47 0.54 0.73 *
Sweden 0.71 * 0.53 * 0.52 0.78
U.K. 1.08 * 2.23 * 2.24 * 2.20
Quarterly data
s = 1 s = 2 s = 4 s = 8
Australia 0.75 * 1.26 * 1.56 * 1.14 *
New Zealand 0.86 * 1.07 * 1.28 * 1.22 *
Switzerland 0.65 * 0.76 * 0.37 0.42
Uruguay 1.09 * 0.41 0.08 0.17
US 0.64 * 1.56 * 1.46 * 1.41 *
Table 4
Generalized impulse responses of bank size, industrial production
(IP) and trade: before and after the collapse of Bretton Woods System
To innovations in
Responses Bank size
Korea (before the collapse 1960M1-1971M6)
s = 1 s = 12 s = 24
Bank size
IP -0.10 0.21 0.40
Trade 0.19 0.33 0.19
Korea (after the collapse: 1973M4-2002M10)
Bank size
IP 0.18 * 0.22 0.13
Trade 0.83 * 0.85 * 0.85 *
US (before the collapse: 1957Q1-1971Q2)
s = 1 s = 4 s = 8
Bank size
IP -0.54 * 1.20 * 2.19 *
Trade 0.26 -0.59 0.48
US (after the collapse: 1973Q2-2002Q3)
Bank size
IP 0.24 * 1.28 * 1.73 *
Trade 0.20 1.05 * 1.67 *
To innovations in
Responses IP
Korea (before the collapse 1960M1-1971M6)
s = 1 s = 12 s = 24
Bank size -0.07 0.70 0.83
Trade 2.10 * 0.66 0.67
s = 12 s = 24 s = 1
Korea (after the collapse: 1973M4-2002M10)
Bank size 0.05 * 0.14 0.12
Trade 0.81 * 0.76 * 0.81 *
US (before the collapse: 1957Q1-1971Q2)
s = 1 s = 4 s = 8
Bank size -0.14 * -0.54 * -0.71
Trade -0.12 0.54 0.02
US (after the collapse: 1973Q2-2002Q3)
Bank size 0.17 * 0.16 -0.27
Trade 1.11 * 2.91 * 2.26 *
To innovations in
Responses Trade
Korea (before the collapse 1960M1-1971M6)
s = 1 s = 12 s = 24
Bank size 0.03 0.10 0.02
IP 0.05 * 0.07 * 0.06 *
s = 12 s = 24
Korea (after the collapse: 1973M4-2002M10)
Bank size 0.04 * -0.11 * -0.10
IP 0.13 * 0.01 0.01
US (before the collapse: 1957Q1-1971Q2)
s = 1 s = 4 s = 8
Bank size 0.01 -0.00 0.03
IP -0.02 -0.03 0.05
US (after the collapse: 1973Q2-2002Q3)
Bank size 0.02 -0.16 -0.36
IP 0.17 * 0.31 * 0.23