Children and poverty: why their experience of their lives matter for policy.
McDonald, Catherine
The existence and persistence of poverty is, arguably, one of the
most important issues to confront contemporary policy. Children's
poverty in particular has an enduring capacity to disturb us, and has
long been a central concern for policy researchers and policy makers
nationally and internationally. The enormous corpus of extant research
about children's poverty and the range of programmatic interventions undertaken by successive governments in this country, in
other countries, and internationally at for example, the level of the
United Nations and other transnational institutional bodies and forums,
is extraordinary. Nevertheless, children remain in poverty. Clearly
there are many complex and intersecting reasons for this, not least of
which is the maintenance and intensification of market capitalism with
its attendant inequalities, coupled with policy regimes internationally,
nationally and sub-nationally which prioritise individualism and
economic growth over collectivism and redistribution. Despite, or should
we say in spite of capitalist triumphalism, the moral, political, social
and economic imperatives for developing workable and effective responses
to children's poverty remain intact. And they demand our urgent
attention. Irrespective of the efforts of post World War Two Keynesian
welfare states and their more recent (transformed) workfare-informed
versions, the persistence of children's poverty in the face of
sustained economic growth in the advanced post-industrial economies
disfigures contemporary human society at what ever level one chooses to
view it. From a macro sociological and economic point of view, such a
state is not particularly surprising. Authors such Wintersberger (1994)
and Sgritta (1994) argue, for example: that state-promoted distribution
of resources between generations is distorted in that the older
generation benefit far more from welfare than do children
(Wintersberger, 1994: 239); and that the real politics of managing the
political impact of the baby boomers exacerbates these tendencies
(Sgritta, 1994: 352). These comments reflect a growing awareness that
'childhood is a variable'--specifically, a dependent
variable--with consistent and persistent outcomes related to it
(Qvortrup, 2000: 79).
This paper argues that we, in Australian policy research and policy
development, should adopt an approach to understanding children's
poverty that has fairly recently been developed by policy researchers in
the United Kingdom. Drawing on, among other things, the new sociology of
childhood, this approach (unlike most other policy responses to social
problems) begins not with the honed and sophisticated expertise of
highly educated and well read adult researchers and policy makers, but
with the seemingly naive knowledge of children. It is an approach which
suggests that children's perceptions and experiences of poverty are
(or should be) key knowledge for policy, accepted as having an
epistemological significance at least equal to the most robust
quantitative data generated via complex positivist research methods. It
is a position which proposes that, in Fraser's words (2004: 16),
'children are expert in their own lives'. While taking a
starting point from this mostly British work, this paper goes one step
further than our international policy research colleagues by attempting
to do what they, for the most part, partially undertake. That is, the
paper outlines in theoretical terms why children's voices matter.
Invoking the new sociology of childhood and complementing that with
sociology of identity, the paper begins to sketch a conceptual framework for understanding why policy scholars and policy makers should carefully
attend to the voices of their subjects--in this case, those of children.
Put simply, failure to attend to children's experiences,
perceptions and responses to poverty could, in policy terms, lead to
policy responses which miss the mark. Because this is work that is as
yet largely undone in Australian policy research, the paper outlines
some of the methodological implications for work informed by this
As well as taking up the challenge of arguing why children's
voices matter in policy, the paper also--coincidentally--addresses
another issue which plagues social policy research and analysis in
Australia; the role of social theory. While there are key exceptions in
the social policy tradition more broadly (see for example O'Brien
and Penna, 1998; Leonard, 1997), social policy and social theory has,
according to Jordan (2005) and arguing from a British perspective, long
enjoyed an ambivalent relationship. This ambivalence also occurs in the
Australian context and this paper represents a modest attempt to
overcome it. It does so by sketching the background to a case study
which illustrates the utility of social theory for social policy
research in that it allows nuance, depth and an orientation to useful
criticality to emerge. It allows us, for example, to move--albeit
tentatively--towards explanations of why, despite our strenuous and
persistent efforts, children's poverty persists. Hopefully, this
then allows us to move beyond a position that mostly accepts that our
anti-poverty policies, programmes and models of intervention are
necessarily appropriately constituted and/or targeted. Theory is a
practical instrument for any endeavour which purports to understand
children. It allows us to describe and analyse the institutional
settings which 'contain' and constitute children, and in which
their personal capacities are formed (such as programs aimed at children
and the impact of such ubiquitous settings such as families, schools,
and communities).
To undertake these two tasks the paper proceeds as follows. Part
one of the paper discusses the 'problem'--both of
children's poverty and of our approaches to it. Part two introduces
and draws on theory--in this case the new sociology of childhood and the
sociology of identity which--logically emerges out of any serious
engagement with the first body of theory invoked. In doing so, the paper
demonstrates the implications of this body of theory for our
understanding of children's poverty. Part three, outlines some of
the methodological implications of undertaking research into
children's poverty from this perspective and illustrate how such
research has a contribution to make to the overall genre of social
policy research in Australia.
Children's poverty
We all know and we all agree that children's poverty is an
issue which has such moral salience in contemporary society that it
cannot and will not be ignored, whatever perspective one adopts or
position one occupies. Politicians, parents, and the public all care
about children's poverty. This is born out in the investment, over
time, of a great deal of money and energy into learning about the
dimensions of, and perhaps more importantly, the implications of
children's poverty--both for themselves and for society more
broadly. Perhaps the principal reason we are concerned about
children's poverty (other than our emotional and/or philosophical
repugnance about the suffering of 'innocents') is articulated
in terms of children as a social investment, or put another way, our
collective interests in children as future adults (Harper, Marcus and
Moore, 2003; Lundberg, 1993). Although contested (see Bradbury, 2003 for
an overview of the debates) the general view is that childhood poverty
is associated with significant problems in adult life which impact on
the employment, health and overall wellbeing of individuals and their
families, as well as resulting in unacceptable collective costs of such
phenomena as crime, high morbidity and early mortality patterns
associated with lower socio-economic status (understood as a consequence
of childhood poverty) in adulthood.
We know, for example, that poverty affects children's health,
development, achievement and behaviour (Aber, Bennet and Conley, 1997;
McLoyd, 1998; Spencer, 2000; Draper, Turrell and Oldenburg, 2005; Zwi
and Henry, 2005). Currently, we know that children's ability to
participate in community activities, school activities and peer group
activities can be greatly restricted if children are poor (Attree, 2004;
Ridge, 2002). We know that poor economic circumstances have the
potential to impact on children's lives in a number of ways, for
example on their family relationships and circumstances, schooling and
educational achievements, access to developmental, and recreational
opportunities, and on their health (Finch and Saunders, 2001; Duncan and
Brooks-Gunn, 1997). We also know that the timing, depth and duration of
poverty are significant in the effect of poverty on children's
lives (Bradshaw, 2003, 2001; Brooks-Gunn & Duncan, 1997). We know
that childhood poverty has physical, cognitive, behavioural and
emotional outcomes: on mortality, morbidity, accidents, child abuse,
teenage pregnancy, homelessness, educational attainment, school
exclusion, youth crime, smoking, alcohol and drug use, suicide,
self-image, happiness and subjective well being (Bradshaw, 2002; 2001;
Morrell, Page and Taylor, 2001). In other words, as Attree (2006: 59) so
aptly comments, 'the costs of poverty are not only material, but
also profoundly social'.
The persistence of children's poverty in the face of our
knowledge about its impact is puzzling. While estimates of child poverty
vary according to the way it is defined and measured, commonly used
snap-shot measures of child poverty suggest that at the turn of the 21st
century, between 12 and 15 percent of Australian children were living in
income-poverty (Whiteford & Adema, 2007; UNICEF, 2007; Wooden &
Headey, 2005). Australia is placed in the middle to bottom end of league
tables of child poverty for member countries of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (estimates range from 3% in
Denmark to 22% in the United States) (UNICEF, 2007; Whiteford &
Adema, 2007; UNICEF, 2005).
Seminal contributors to the corpus of work known as the 'new
sociology of childhood' suggest some reasons for this persistence.
Arguing from the perspective of economics Wintersberger (1994), for
example claims that we commonly think of children in terms of the costs
they impose on society. Alternatively, he suggests we should (among
other things) think about children as one population cohort among
several--which may (or as he demonstrates, may not) be treated
favourably in terms of redistributive income security and other social
In all, the literature on children and poverty is both extensive
and disturbing. It is the latter because, particularly in the Australian
context, we have had as yet limited success in making significant
inroads into the problem. What is striking however, when scanning the
extant work done in charting the dimensions, extent and outcomes of
children's poverty is the extremely limited extent to which we
understand the experience of poverty from the perspectives of the
children themselves. As we know, much research on poverty--including
children's poverty--adopts a narrow definition, usually
operationalised in the form of income measures, and this is an approach
which leaves out quality of life issues. It also neglects another
dimension which is particularly important for policy: how people (in
this case children) respond to and manage their lives (McKendrick,
Cunningham-Burley and Backett-Milburn, 2003).
Policy research and development in relation to children often
focuses on adults--particularly the adults closely involved in shaping
children's lives. In doing so, such work assumes that adults speak
as proxies, uniquely capable of articulating issues that children,
perhaps, cannot. Relying on the insights of the new sociology of
childhood (James, 1993; James and Prout, 1990; Hutchby and Moran-Ellis,
1998), if we assume on the other hand that children are competent, then
social policies grounded in assumptions of non-competence or diminished
competence would not be grounded in reality and would (in fact probably
do) misjudge the subjects to which they speak. Increasingly, this is the
focus of a growing but as yet very small body of qualitative research (1) undertaken, predominantly in the United Kingdom and Ireland (2)
(Backett-Milburn, Cunningham-Burley and Davis, 2003; Daly and Leonard,
2002; Davis and Ridge, 1994; Dowling and Dolan, 2001; Ridge, 2002;
Roker; 1998; Willow, 2002) (3). All of these studies reinforce our key
assumption--that the experience of childhood matters. Backett-Milburn et
al (2003: 614) state in relation to health outcomes, for example, that
'if childhood experience is indeed creating and recreating
inequalities which affect health in adult life, clearly understanding
children's own perspectives and how they exercise agency in/and
make sense of the health cultures in which they grow up are missing
Among these studies, perhaps the most significant is the work
undertaken by Ridge (2002). In this seminal work, Ridge explicitly
nominates the dominance of adult-centric approaches to poverty in terms
of economic real-distribution and poor access to material resources.
Taking up the insights of the new sociology of childhood, she also
explicitly argues that by adopting a 'children as future
adult' perspective, much policy research on children's poverty
inevitably obscures their contemporary subjective experience and also
eclipses the complexities of their experiences along with the current
implications of those experiences for their day-to-day lives. In other
words, Ridge's approach helps us to appreciate that paying
attention to children's experiences of poverty helps us overcome
the abstracting tendencies of much poverty research, which constitutes
its subjects as collective categories in disembodied and de-humanised
ways. Further, her approach stands in contrast to the
'futurity' approach of much research (and associated social
policy which draws on the corpus) which positions children in the public
sphere as a form of future human capital.
It also overcomes the tendency in most research into
children's poverty to sequester them within the private sphere of
the family where we know little about the impact of unequal distribution
of resources. This, not surprisingly, feeds into the development of
policy instruments which, by targeting the family as the unit of
intervention, also obscures the potential real-distribution of
intra-familial resources in some families. Finally, and in her own
words: 'to truly understand the complex dynamics of poverty on
children's lives and their capacity for self-realisation, we need
to develop a greater understanding of children's discourse and
agency, and the meanings and interpretation they give to their lives and
experiences in the context of restricted social, material and structural
environments' (Ridge, 2002: 9). Important though Ridge's work
is to the developing genre of qualitative research into children's
experience of poverty and to social policy which is (potentially)
informed by it, Ridge's work (along with most other work in
the--albeit small--genre) identifies and asserts but does not articulate
the role or importance of the specific forms of personhood (identity)
which children develop and acquire in their passage through social
institutions. For example: 'Any understanding of childhood poverty
must encompass the discourse, agency and identity of the child'
(Ridge, 2002:141--italics added). But she does not
enumerate/explain/discuss why, for example, identity is important.
This 'why' question needs to be addressed, both
theoretically and empirically, and this is where this paper hopefully
contributes. Children living in poverty know they are different, and
know this from a fairly early age (Middleton, Ashworth and Walker,
1994). This knowledge and experience of 'difference' impacts
on their social relations: for example in terms of causing
embarrassment, exposure to bullying and through fear of social exclusion (Bakett-Milburn et al, 2003; Daly and Leonard, 2002; Ridge, 2002).
Further, the qualitative studies referred to earlier have indicated that
children become resigned to living in poverty (Middleton et al, 1994;
Roker, 1998), and actively develop a range of strategies to cope (Ridge,
2002). Children are, accordingly, resourceful in their attempts to
moderate and/or influence how they project themselves to others and how
they are seen. All of these insights suggest that children's agency
matters and that the identities they construct and propel are central to
their experience of poverty.
Theorising Children's Poverty
The contribution of the 'new' sociology of childhood
At the risk of oversimplifying what is a rich, robust and complex
body of interdisciplinary work (see, for example, Jenks, 2005; Prout,
2005; Corsaro, 2003; Mayall, 2002; James, 1993; James and Prout, 1990),
there are two key themes raised by the 'new' sociology of
childhood relevant to our purposes here. First, it can be understood as
a corrective to what were, in studies of childhood, the dominant
biologically-informed theoretical approaches, for example those promoted
by the broad corpus of development psychology (Prout, 2005). In this
respect, it is a reaction to tendencies in developmental perspectives to
objectify children, rendering them as immature adults in the making,
captured and propelled by an inevitable telos of cognitive, physical,
emotional and social development towards some idealised and imagined
end. The 'new' approach, while not rejecting the notion that
children develop and mature biologically and cognitively, suggests
instead that any approach which conceptualises childhood as a universal
biologically-determined condition misses the nuance and difference
arising from temporal, historical and social variance in the lives of
children. As Qvortrup (1994, p. 3) suggests, developmental approaches
position children as ontologically different from adults, a
'difference' which, ultimately, justifies a lowered regard for
their status vis avis adults and the exertion of adult power over
It is an approach which is also critical of the adult-centric
tendencies embedded in traditional accounts which suggest that childhood
is merely a period of socialisation, wherein children are drawn along a
trajectory leading them to the (preferred and dominant status) of adult.
The 'future-ism' or 'futurity' inherent in such
perspectives under-appreciates, or more accurately, obscures the
importance of the ongoing present. Childhood, this body of work
suggests, is a social and cultural institution. So children themselves
must, logically, be understood as social actors in their own right and
that their agency is important.
Second, it is an approach which argues that generation and the
generational order is key to understanding childhood. Here,
'generation' is conceptualised as social structure. Children,
it is argued, constitute a social group, an institution, a permanent
feature of society, a part of the social order. Children's daily
lives are structured by adults and by adult views of how their lives
should be lived (Mayall, 2000), social reproductive processes which are
very much taken-for-granted and rendered invisible in much the same way
as women's subjection was/is rendered invisible by the gender order
of patriarchy.
The 'new' sociology of childhood has much to offer us in
our quest to understand children's poverty and to evaluate and
develop policy which attempts to respond to children's poverty.
While acknowledging that there are many implications, here three are
drawn out, reflecting several dimensions of interest -in terms of our
understanding of the rights of children (or the ethics of our
understandings of children); in terms of the potential efficacy and/or
impact of policy; and in terms of methodological issues when undertaking
research designed to inform policy related to children:
1. In drawing our attention to the futurity in traditional
conceptions of childhood, the new sociology highlights the connections
between traditional accounts and modernist policy assumptions promoting
the 'promise' of childhood, for example, in the manner in
which policy responses to poverty are predicated upon assumptions about
the impact on individual and collective futures, and on children as a
form of human capital investment. Such assumptions are, suggests Prout
(2000: 306) 'unbalanced', and need to be accompanied by a
'concern for the present well-being of children'. In other
words, children have rights to human self-realisation as children, not
as embryonic adults. Such futurity has the capacity to render us deaf
and blind to issues experienced in the present and their impact in the
present (much less the future). The present is, in effect, a hostage to
the future--a future imagined by adults and imposed on the present of
the daily lives of children. Put at its most stark, a futuristic
orientation is not about children qua children at all. By contrast, the
new sociology of childhood renders children as people today, and (if the
human race does not become extinct) in an infinite series of consecutive
2. The new sociology of childhood not only allows us to appreciate
the logic (and ethics) of attending to the present, it also allows us to
do so in that it emphasises the competence of children as social actors
and as informants about their lives. Children are 'keen,
constructive and thoughtful commentators on their everyday lives at
home, at school and in the wider community' and as such, have a
richness of knowledge to offer that would be senseless to neglect
(Prout, 2002: 71). Further, by encouraging an approach to children as
competent, groups of children normally excluded from giving authentic
lived accounts of the impact of particular policy domains are given
voice. The experiences, for example, of the very young of childcare move
beyond the (no doubt well meaning but nevertheless adult-centric)
accounts of parents, and may well render our understanding of childcare
as a domain of intervention poorly, or at least, inadequately
understood. Such an assertion is supported by empirical work undertaken
in such domains by Clark (2003), Strandall (2000), and Corsao (1997).
Alternatively, policy research informed by the new sociology of
childhood encourages an approach in which the experience of disabled
children, for example, of segregated versus mainstream schooling are
brought into debates which also tend to be adult-centric in their
3. Taking seriously, the insights of the new sociology of childhood
imposes particular ontological, epistemological (and hence)
methodological imperatives on the undertaking of policy research,
encapsulated perhaps in the notion that such research is with children
not about children. As will be discussed in more depth in part three of
this paper and drawing out the three types of imperatives identified
above, this suggests that: a) children are competent social actors
enmeshed in power relations emanating out and through generation as
social structure, b) that children's knowledge is (at a minimum) as
valuable, authentic and significant as any other form of social
scientific knowledge, and c) that to attend to both a) and b) above,
qualitative participatory approaches are most appropriate in that they
attend centrally to issues of both power and representation in research.
In summary, the contribution of the new sociology of childhood is
one which suggests a particular ethic in that children are rights
bearing and are so in the present; that our location of children and
childhood in a generationally-engendered matrix of social relations
produces and reproduces unacceptable sets of social relations; and
provides ontological and epistemological validation for the use of
qualitative research methods in policy research related to children.
Finally, it is also a theoretical approach which suggests that
children's identity, especially as constituted in the present, is
central to our appreciation of their experiences--in this case--of
The contribution of the sociology of identity
The new sociology of childhood is predicated on an appreciation
that children actively construct their own identities and that identity
constitution 'works for children as much as it does for
adults' (Jenkins, 2004: 58, italics in original). The sociology of
identity is a subset of a broader intellectual project of understanding
identity that incorporates such diverse intellectual trends as
structural linguistics, Althusserian Marxism, psychoanalysis,
deconstruction and discourse theory. Here, we focus on that part of
identity theory which focuses on the social relations, practices and
techniques through which human beings acquire the characteristics and
attributes of a particular type of person. It is a body of theory which
draws upon such classical authors as Norbert Elias (1978), and
particularly for our purposes here, the work of Erving Goffman (1969;
1968). It also relies on contemporary theorists such as Pierre Bourdieu (1987) and Nikolas Rose (1996; 1989).
What does the sociology of identity contribute? It provides us with
a capacity to develop an understanding of the specific forms of
personhood that individuals acquire in their passage through social
institutions. It is a sociology which asks: what are the practices
within which human beings are located within particular regimes of the
person--for example, the regime of 'the child' (Rose, 1989)?
The sociology of identity encourages us to locate the
'"inner" in space' (Elias, 1978), or, in other
words, identity as a social artefact. If we accept the instruction
provided by the new sociology of childhood, that childhood itself is a
social institution with attendant identities, then addressing how those
identities are constituted is, as Jenkins (2004: 57-59) suggests,
logically consistent. This means that understanding how identities are
constituted cannot (or rather should not) be separated from appreciation
of the specific institutional, social and cultural milieu--in this case,
the lived experiences of children in poverty--in which they are formed.
In this section I will illustrate, albeit partially, some of what
the sociology of identity suggests, particularly in terms of the
individual processes of self-identification in the context of social
relations and social institutions. In doing so, I initially identify one
facet of children's agency. Further to that, I discuss how the
sociology of identity captures another form of, for want of a better
term, more 'active' agency on the part of children. Finally, I
will discuss some (theorised) potential outcomes of identity
categorisation, particularly for poor children, and finally, I end this
section with some concluding, but by no means comprehensive comments on
the significance of attending to children's identity.
So what does the sociology of identity tell us about children, and
more specifically, about the impact of children's poverty? First,
it suggests that identity construction occurs from quite early ages, for
example, from two to four years (Poole, 1994), in that from that time
children are able to illustrate self-identification through, for
example, telling stories about themselves and others. This, in turn,
suggests that children's poverty and its impact on their identity
matters from a very early age. Further, the sociology of identity
suggests to us that identities established in infancy and early
childhood are less flexible than identities acquired subsequently, thus
establishing that the lived experience of children over time matters.
The sociology of identity also suggests to us that selves, while
constituted interactively through internal and external definition in
the context of social institutions, are embodied (Jenkins, 2004). We
engage with the broader society and interact with others through the
medium of our embodied selves. In Goffman's (1969) terms, the
'presentation of self', and the strategies of 'impression
management' illustrate the performative dimension of identity
formation, a 'performance' undertaken by the embodied self as
actors supported by a variety of props. While acknowledging that we draw
on a variety of resources in processes of self-identification (for
example, social relationships constituted through the social
institutions in which we engage), the embodied nature of self suggests
the importance of a person's material capacity to achieve desired
corporeal representations of self--through, for example, clothing,
residential location, possessions. Given that identification is
dialectical, how others 'see' individual children is not the
only issue, how children see themselves is also important. In other
words, children's experience of poverty and its impact on their
identity is as much a function of their reading of themselves as it is
of others' reactions to them. This can be understood as the
individual order of identity experience--in Jenkins (2004) terms--the
'embodied individual and what-goes-on-in-their-heads'.
Second, by acknowledging the dialectical and interactional nature
of the process of identity formation, the sociology of identity provides
us with a conceptual framework for appreciation of the centrality of
children's agency over and above that suggested by the individual
order of identity. Again, Goffman's (1969) notion of impression
management encapsulates this. We all, children included, engage in
active negotiation of our identity. This suggests that we need to attend
to the strategies children pursue in negotiating constitutive social
relations in the contexts and institutional settings central to their
lives. Such insights complement those of the new sociology of childhood
which suggests that children acquire the capacity to engage competently
in the dialectic of identity formation (James, 1993). Indeed, work
exists in that genre which points, for example, to the moral competence
of children in the context of friendships and other relationships (Dunn,
2004, 1988).
The sociology of identity through, for example, the work of
Bourdieu (1988) and Rose (1999; 1989) suggests that identity is
consequential. That is, it has material outcomes in and on people's
lives, including those of children. In similar manner to the notion of
Goffman's 'spoiled identity' (1968) Rose, in the
tradition of Foucault, pointedly illustrates that certain identities
('subject identities' in his terms), constituted discursively
within particular regimes of power and 'truth', are
subsequently authorised by those same regimes to inhabit social spaces
and locations in which they access very particular sets of experiences.
He specifically nominates particular regimes of discipline and attendant
forms of intervention, in for example, institutional settings such as
those associated with the business of psychiatry. His insights however,
are equally applicable to the experiences of particular childhood
subject identities to the regimes of discipline and intervention in, for
example, educational settings. Bourdieu (1988) on the other hand,
illustrates the material outcomes of 'habitus'--that
constellation of personal attributes, dispositions, and characteristics
which constitute an identity--with its peculiar access to different
forms (and quantities) of economic, cultural and social capital. His
work suggests, for example, that cultural capital would moderate the
manner of children's engagement with forms of recreation and
leisure which, in turn and in combination with differential access to
the other forms of capital, would 'fix' children in particular
class locations. As Jenkins (2004: 50) suggests: 'The world is not
really everyone's oyster ... some identities systematically enhance
or diminish an individual's opportunities ... The materiality of
identification in this respect, and its stratified deprivation or
affluence, cannot be underestimated (italics in original)'.
Taken together, the new sociology of childhood and the sociology of
identity offer insights into the issues attendant to children's
lived experience of poverty. Both bodies of theory rest on similar
epistemological and ontological assumptions which, in turn, have quite
specific implications for how research into such experiences should be
undertaken. It is to this we now turn.
Researching Children's Lived Experience of Poverty--Some
Drawing on the new sociology of childhood and on the sociology of
identity this paper has suggested the following:
1. That children are not embryonic adults but are rights bearing
human beings of the same ethical status as adults.
2. That children are competent social agents on a number of levels.
3. That children's identity is constituted dialectically and
4. That children's identity is embodied, a status that has
material consequences.
5. That children enact strategies to 'manage' the
embodiment of their identity.
These insights suggest that children are constituted discursively,
and are not sociological dupes but active agents engaging in contexts in
which the social relations are themselves shaped by a generational (as
well as class, gender and racially constituted) social order. It
suggests an approach which can attend to both the influence of
structural processes as well as the children's agency in its
various forms, and the interactions between the two. Further, the
insights summarised above clearly suggest a particular epistemology which also presents as a particular ethic which acknowledges
children's agency, and more specifically, their competence. This
means that engaging in research about children's lived experience
of poverty has methodological implications at two
levels--ontologically/epistemologically and (for want of a better
descriptor) morally and politically. While not suggesting that each is
not implicated in the other, here the two dimensions are treated
separately to encourage appreciation of the nuances of both, and the
importance of attending to both in undertaking research into the lived
experience of children's poverty.
In regards to the first, it suggests an overall approach which is
constructivist, but within a framework that acknowledges the ongoing
regularities and impact of the social order. It is an approach which
draws, for example, on developments in feminist theory, such as
standpoint theory (Harding, 1991; Smith, 1974) which suggests that a
socially oppressed class (in this case--children) can access/have
knowledge unavailable to the socially privileged (in this case, adult
researchers and policy makers). In particular, this knowledge, from a
standpoint view, is knowledge of social relations and their constitutive
effects. It also draws on some of the recent developments in
ethnography--particularly critical ethnography. Building on traditional
ethnography, critical ethnography incorporates the tenets of critical
theory, thereby encouraging researchers to develop an appreciation of
the discursive production and reproduction of both social structures and
subject identities, as well as the implications of these dialogical and
discursive processes both in terms of the society and in terms of
(doubly) marginalised populations in society such as poor children
(Madison, 2005).
In regards to the second, the two bodies of theory employed suggest
a methodological approach which attends to an ethic and/or a politics
which suggests that research into children's lived experience of
poverty must be research that is with and by children, as well as about
and for children. This is a stance eloquently articulated by new
sociology of childhood scholars (4). It is one which suggests, for
example, children are represented in research in one of four ways: as
object, as subject, as social actor and as participant/researcher
(Christensen and Prout, 2002). And it is the latter stance which is most
appropriate for research with children. Clarifying why, Christensen
(2004: 165) suggests that researchers should not assume that a specific
approach or particular methods are needed for research with children
because children are children. Such a stance repudiates the ontological
and epistemological approach brought to understanding children implied
by the new sociology of children and by the sociology of identity. It
also repudiates the notion that children are competent social actors who
have worthwhile contributions to make not only about the content of any
research, but how it may best be undertaken.
Taking the ontological, epistemological, and ethical cum political
imperatives arising from research into children's lived experience
of poverty from both the new sociology of childhood and the sociology of
identity it becomes quite clear that research in this genre should, in
overall terms, be constructivist, critical, qualitative and
participatory. As such, it could not be more different from the bulk of
social policy research which has in the past (and will in all likelihood
in the future) explored children's poverty. It is also clear that
the methodological implications pose significant challenges to
researchers which, on one level, de-stabilise the dominant identity of
researcher-as--expert. Not only that, the methodological implications
challenge the very practical sets of activities--the practices--that are
undertaken in the name of 'research'. These challenges, when
accepted, have the capacity to assist researchers to develop
'knowledge' hitherto untapped in social policy.
This paper is clearly concerned with capturing children's
voices--particularly those of a doubly marginalised group, to facilitate
appreciation of the implications of their voices for social policy. As
Prout and Hallett (2003:1) suggest, social policy has not, as a rule,
thought about children as having a voice and as having a valuable
contribution to make to policy research, development, implementation and
evaluation. Social policies are, inevitably, sets of discourses which
are in a discursively constitutive relationship with social institutions
and social practices. As such, they also constitute children. A key
question posed, however, is what child do they assume? Clearly this is
one question, albeit a very important one, but as this engagement with
the new sociology of children and the sociology of identity suggest,
only part of the equation. Not only do we need to find a notional space
for children to be heard and understood in social policy, we need to go
one step further and develop understanding about how children--in the
complex contexts of their daily lives--constitute themselves. To do this
we need to engage with the ontological, epistemological and ethical/
political challenges posed by the theoretical approach. Then--and
perhaps only then--can we be in any way assured that our policy
'settings' are (more or less) on the same page as children
living with poverty.
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(1) Qualitative approaches to poverty are increasing in number, but
for the most part (as with most research undertaken on children's
poverty) they are undertaken and presented from the point of view of
families, particularly parents (mothers). See, for example, Hays, 2000.
(2) The author notes the extensive contribution also made by
scholars in the Nordic countries such as Qvortrup (2005, 2000, 1994),
Wintersberger (1994), Sgritta (1994).
(3) The author notes that there are some others such as Van der
Hoek (2005) from the Netherlands; Weigher (2000) and Percy (2003) from
the USA; and Taylor and Fraser (2003) from Australia.
(4) Here, we note that the methodological literature developed by
this body of knowledge provides an extensive and rich source of
eminently practical suggestions for how to undertake research within
this ontological, epistemological and political framework.