Understanding the economic fallacies of the intergenerational debate.
Mitchell, William ; Mosler, Warren
1. Introduction
Readers of this journal were introduced to the intergenerational (IG) debate and, in particular, some of the mainstream macroeconomic arguments by Coombs and Dollery (2002, 2004). In this paper, we critique
the mainstream position and argue that Federal Government fiscal policy
stance is flawed. We argue that the current policy will damage the
futures of many Australian citizens by undermining their ability to
confront some of the real issues that accompany an 'ageing
population'. We show that the Government posturing on the IG issue
fails to acknowledge that the real issues are the "real economic
re-allocations we may need to make to cope with an ageing
population" (McAuley, 2002). Furthermore, the debate has ignored
the necessity to enhance our public capital infrastructure in areas like
education which provides the best bridge into the future.
While government and business have supported the continued pursuit
of budget surpluses for many reasons, the theme underlying the
pro-surplus rhetoric is now centred on IG issues. It is claimed that a
number of federal programs (such as health, social security, and
education) are sensitive to demographic factors and with population
ageing, the budget 'blow out' will be unsustainable
(Commonwealth Treasury hereafter IGR, 2002: 4). So in addition to the
usual mainstream economic arguments about the surplus reducing pressures
on interest rates and the need to promote national saving, a new vehicle
of persuasion has been introduced with rhetoric designed to strike at
the heart of our life experiences--health and aged care.
To cement this persuasion into an 'analytical' framework,
the Federal government as part of it's rather misnamed 'Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998', published its long
awaited Intergenerational Report as Budget Paper No.5, one of the
2002-03 Budget documents (IGR, 2002). The IGR provided a forty-year
projection of Commonwealth spending and revenues assuming various
demographic and economic parameters. The IGR claims that the upsurge in
persons over 65 years of age will cause the cost of health and pension
support to blow out with increasingly fewer tax payers in the workforce
left to 'fund' the expenditure.
The IGR summarised the implications as follows: (a) the budget
cannot be allowed to reach the projected level because the increasing
public debt would push interest rates up and 'crowd out'
productive private investment; (b) increasing debt will also impose
higher future taxation burdens for our children which will reduce their
future disposable incomes and erode work incentives; (c) the private
sector must save more; (d) the economy must produce more jobs and people
must work longer to accumulate more funds to finance their own
retirements; and (e) higher levels of immigration are required to
reverse the ageing bias in the population.
The debate stimulated by the IGR has been confined to issues like,
the validity of the IGR's population and economic projections
(McDonald and Dowrick, 2002); challenges to the focus on reducing
spending rather than increasing taxation (McAuley, 2002); challenges to
the claim that ageing per se inevitably increases health spending as a
percent of GDP (Kinnear, 2002); and issues of intergenerational equity and fiscal sustainability (Coombs and Dollery, 2002, 2004).
While some of the Government's real aims are sound (for
example, to provide efficient and high quality health care), we argue
that the basic monetary assumptions of IGR are without any application
once there is a complete understanding of the dynamics of a fiat
currency economy operating with a floating exchange rate.
In addressing the way in which the IGR forces us to think about the
principles that underlie the role of government with a monopoly in fiat
(legislated) currency issuance we note the following three glaring facts
that describe macroeconomic outcomes in Australia over the last 10 years
or so: (a) the Government has been running record budget surpluses; (b)
the private sector has achieved record levels of indebtedness; and (c)
labour underutilisation (unemployment and underemployment) has persisted
at high levels. The three outcomes are related and driven by the first.
We argue that the pursuit of budget surpluses undermines the
capacity, of the economy to provide the resources that may be necessary
in the future to provide real goods and services of a particular
composition desirable to an ageing population. We suggest that by
achieving and maintaining full employment via appropriate levels of net
spending (deficits) the Government would be providing the best basis for
future growth in real goods and services. We conclude that in a fully
employed economy, the intergenerational spending decisions come down to
political choices sometimes constrained by real resource availability,
but never constrained by monetary issues, either now or in the future.
Unfortunately, the acceptance by most commentators in Australia of
the erroneous idea that the Federal government is financially
constrained has allowed the IGR to be represented as one of the major
issues facing the nation. Overlooked is the issue of our tolerance for
badly needed forgone real output, as evidenced by persistently high
levels of labour underutilisation. Real issues like this, which will
determine whether there is a real capacity by the population to enjoy
adequate health and aged care in the future, are being overshadowed by
an errant comprehension of monetary (non) issues.
We demonstrate that Federal spending is not inherently financially
constrained and does not have to be facilitated via prior taxation or
debt-issuance. We also refute the claim that budget deficits result in
higher interest rates in the future, with lower levels of capital
formation and economic growth as a consequence. These misconceptions
together lead to the nonsensical claim that by running surpluses now the
Government will be better able (because it has 'more funds stored
away') to cope with future spending demands.
We thus challenge the validity of these public debates at their
most elemental level and conclude that the mainstream position is
misguided at best.
2. Demographic trends in Australia
The IGR debate is initially motivated by the observation that
Australia's demography is projected to undergo substantial changes
over the coming years. Table 1 shows long-term projections of dependency
ratios (dependent cohort expressed as a percentage of the working age
population) for those 15 years and under, 65 years and over and total
dependents for the three ABS population projections.
The changes in the dependency ratios will be associated with
compositional changes in the demand for real resources and policy makers
will continue to make political choices to determine the distribution of
available real resources across the population (for example, converting
unused schools into aged care facilities). These choices will be
constrained only by real resource availability. Policy choices taken
today will also influence future resource availability. For example,
investment in education and research now will enhance our ability to
exploit technological and other productivity gains later. Achieving
higher levels of employment now (noting that some 1.8 million
Australians are currently without enough work, some without any) will
enhance the capacity of households to accumulate wealth (via savings) to
contribute to their own health and retirement welfare.
While the challenge is ahead in managing this political process, we
argue in the remaining sections that no matter how difficult these
'choices' might become there will never be a risk of
government insolvency.
3. Sketching a modern monetary macroeconomics
3.1 Sectoral accounting
How does government macroeconomic policy operate in a modern
monetary, economy distinguished by the use of fiat (rather than
commodity,) currency and flexible exchange rates (see Mitchell and
Mosler, 2002)? Under a fiat currency, the monetary, unit defined by the
government is convertible only into itself and not legally convertible
by government, for example, into gold as it was under the gold standard.
The currency has no intrinsic worth. The viability, of the fiat currency
is ensured by the fact that it is the only unit which is acceptable for
payment of taxes and other financial demands of the government.
While not emphasised in mainstream analysis, as a matter of
national accounting--the federal government deficit (surplus) equals the
non-government surplus (deficit). The non-government sector is the sum
of the private domestic and the foreign sectors. In aggregate, there can
be no net savings of financial assets of the non-government sector
without cumulative government deficit spending. In other words, the only
entity, that can provide the non-government sector with net financial
assets (net savings) and thereby simultaneously accommodate any net
desire to save and thus eliminate unemployment is the federal
government. It does this by net spending. Additionally, and contrary to
mainstream rhetoric, the systematic pursuit of government budget
surpluses is necessarily manifested as systematic declines in private
sector savings.
A simple example demonstrates these points. Suppose the economy is
populated by two people, one being government and the other deemed to be
the private sector (see Nugent, 2003). If the government spends 100
dollars and taxes 100 dollars (balanced budget) then private savings are
zero (private budget is balanced). Say the government spends 120 and
taxes remain at 100, then private saving is 20 dollars which can
accumulate as financial assets (in this case, 20 dollar notes although
to encourage saving the government may decide to issue an
interest-bearing bond). The government deficit of 20 is exactly the
private savings of 20. Now if government continued in this vein,
accumulated private savings would equal the cumulative budget deficits.
However, should government decide to run a surplus (say spend 80 and tax
100) then the private sector would owe the government a net tax payment
of 20 dollars. The government may agree to buy back some bonds it had
previously sold. Either way accumulated private saving is reduced
dollar-for-dollar when there is a government surplus. The government
surplus has two negative effects on the private sector: (a) the stock of
financial assets (money or bonds) it holds, which represents private
wealth, falls; and (b) private disposable income falls in line with the
net taxation impost. Some may retort that government bond purchases
provide the private wealth-holder with cash. That is true but the
liquidation of wealth is driven by the cash shortage in the private
sector arising from tax demands exceeding government spending. The
result is exactly the same when expanding this example by allowing for
private income generation and a banking sector.
Macroeconomics textbooks use a 'sectoral flows' framework
to summarise the accounting of income flows between the government,
private and foreign sectors. Total private savings equals private
investment, the government budget deficit, and net exports, as net
exports represent the net financial asset savings of non-residents.
Figure 1 shows the evolution of the federal budget (positive equals
surplus), the private domestic balance (positive indicates net saving)
and the current account deficit (positive means we are drawing on
foreign savings). It clearly shows that the private domestic sector has
been negatively saving over the period that the federal government has
been running budget surpluses.
The pursuit of government budget surpluses is a contractionary
policy position. Pursuing budget surpluses is necessarily equivalent to
the pursuit of non-government sector deficits. The decreasing levels of
net private savings 'financing' the government surplus
increasingly leverage the private sector and the deteriorating debt to
income ratios will eventually see the system succumb to ongoing
demand-draining fiscal drag through a slow-down in real activity. If the
aim was to boost the savings of the private domestic sector, when net
exports are in deficit, then as Wray (1998: 81) suggests "taxes in
aggregate will have to be less than total government spending."
3.2 Government spending is not inherently revenue constrained
Mainstream macroeconomics draws a false analogy, between private
household budgets and the government budget by claiming that like a
private household, the government has to "finance' its
spending. In other words, it is alleged to be financially constrained.
With three alleged sources of 'finance' available to
government (taxes, selling bonds and money creation), various scenarios
are constructed to show that budget deficits are either inflationary, if
'financed' by 'printing money' or squeeze private
sector spending (by pushing up interest rates) if 'financed'
by debt issue. Taxation is also considered to be a drain on private
enterprise and initiative.
Bell (2000: 617) says that the erroneous understanding that a
student will gain from a typical macroeconomics course is that "the
role of taxation and bond sales is to transfer financial resources from
households and businesses (as if transferring actual dollar bills or
coins) to the government, where they are respent (i.e., in some sense
'used' to finance government spending)."
What is missing is the recognition that a household, the user of
the currency, must finance its spending, ex ante, whereas government,
the issuer of the currency, necessarily must spend first (credit private
bank accounts) before it can subsequently tax (debit private accounts).
Government spending is the source of the funds the private sector
requires to pay its taxes and to net save.
Government spending is therefore not inherently revenue constrained
and is .typically facilitated by the government issuing cheques drawn on
the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The RBA will never 'bounce a
government cheque'! The recipients of the cheques (sellers of goods
and services to the Government or transfer payment recipients) deposit
them in their bank, and after clearance, credit entries appears in
accounts throughout the commercial banking system. Operationally, this
process is independent of any prior revenue, including taxing and
borrowing. How much the government spends today does not financially
diminish its ability to further spend in the future. Taxation is the
reverse of this process and bank entries reflect the draining of
liquidity from the private sector by the government. No real resources
are transferred to government. Nor is government's ability to spend
augmented by the adjustments to private bank accounts. The notion of the
government 'saving' its own currency is nonsensical.
3.3 Unemployment occurs when net government spending is too low
The purpose of government spending is to move real resources from
private to public domain to facilitate the government's economic
and social program. Once we realise that government spending is not
revenue-constrained then we have to analyse the functions of taxation in
a different light. The starting point of this new understanding is that
taxation functions to promote offers from private individuals to
government of goods and services in return for the necessary funds to
extinguish the tax liabilities. So the imposition of taxes creates
unemployment (people seeking paid work) in the non-government sector. As
a matter of accounting, for aggregate output to be sold, total spending
must equal total income (whether actual income generated in production
is fully spent or not each period). Involuntary unemployment is idle
labour unable to find a buyer at the current money wage. In the absence
of government spending, unemployment arises when the private sector, in
aggregate, desires to spend less of the monetary unit of account than it
earns. Nominal (or real) wage cuts per se do not clear the labour
market, unless they somehow eliminate the private sector desire to net
save and increase spending.
So unemployment occurs when net government spending is too low to
accommodate the need to pay taxes and the desire to net save. Wray
(1998: 81) says, "Normally, taxes in aggregate will have to be less
than total government spending due to preferences of the public to hold
some reserves of fiat money." Thus, in general, deficit spending is
necessary to ensure high levels of employment.
For a time, inadequate levels of net government spending can
continue without rising unemployment. In these situations, as is
evidenced in Australia over the last decade GDP growth can be driven by
an expansion in private debt. The problem with this strategy is that
when the debt service levels reach some 'threshold' percentage
of income, the private sector will attempt to restructure their balance
sheets to make them less precarious and as a consequence the demand for
debt slows and the economy falters. In this case, any fiscal drag
(inadequate levels of net spending) begins to manifest as unemployment.
3.4 Why does the federal government issue debt?
If government spending is not financially constrained then why does
it issue debt? While not financially constrained, the government's
budget position has liquidity impacts on the private sector. Government
spending and purchases of government bonds by the RBA add liquidity and
taxation and sales of government securities drain private liquidity.
These transactions influence the cash position of the system on a daily
basis and on any one day they can result in a system surplus (deficit)
due to the outflow of funds from the official sector being above (below)
the funds inflow to the official sector. The system cash position has
crucial implications for the RBA, which targets the level of short-term
interest rates as its monetary policy position.
After spending and portfolio adjustments have occurred, budget
deficits result in 'system-wide' surpluses (manifested as
excess reserves in the accounts commercial banks keep with the RBA). The
RBA offers the commercial banks a discount on the going short-term
interest rate for excess reserves. Competition between the commercial
banks to create better earning opportunities on the 'surplus"
reserves then puts downward pressure on the cash rate. But the
system-wide excess cannot be removed by intra-bank transactions because
for every liability there is a corresponding asset--that is, no net
financial assets can be created or destroyed by purely private
transactions. If the RBA desires to maintain the current target cash
rate then it must 'drain' this surplus liquidity by selling
government debt. In other words, government debt functions as interest
rate support via the maintenance of desired reserve levels in the
commercial banking system and not as a source of funds to
'finance' government spending. If the government did not issue
debt then the RBA would lose control of the target interest rate. The
extreme example is Japan which has near zero short-term interest rates
because the Bank of Japan does not 'drain' all the liquidity
being pumped in via their massive budget deficits. Nugent (2003) says
"that in Japan, with the highest public debt ever recorded, and
repeated downgrades, the Japanese government issues treasury, bills at
.0001%! If deficits really caused high interest rates, Japan would have
shut down long ago!"
With on-going budget deficits, the private sector may ultimately
refuse to hold any more cash or assets. In this case, the private sector
would increase its consumption spending. With private employment levels
rising in response to the increased consumption, the budget deficit
could be lower vet the economy still be operating at its real limit
(full employment). Whether this generates inflation depends on the
ability of the economy to expand real output to meet rising nominal
demand. That is not compromised by the size of the budget deficit.
4. The intergenerational myth in Australia
4.1 The fallacies in the Intergenerational Report
The crux of the Government's position is that it needs to run
'budget surpluses now' to 'save for the future'.
Using the analysis in Section 3, we can see that the IGR (2002: 1) claim
that the "The Commonwealth Budget recorded an accumulated cash
surplus of $23.7 billion from 1997-98 to 2000-01" is equivalent to
saying that non-government SA financial asset savings declined by $23.7
billion over the same period. Equally, the IRG (2002: 1) claim that
"During this period, Commonwealth government net debt, already one
of the lowest among the industrialised economies, has fallen from $82.9
billion to $39.3 billion" is equivalent to saying that
non-government holdings of government debt fell by the same amount over
this period. In other words, private sector wealth was destroyed in
order to generate the funds withdrawal that is accounted for as the
budget surplus.
The IRG (2002: 1) claims this accounting record is achieved through
"sound fiscal management ... [and] ... has provided the platform
for vigorous, low inflationary growth ... generating jobs and higher
incomes for Australians." Once we appreciate the equivalents noted
above we would conclude that this draining of financial equity
introduces a deflationary bias that has slowed output and employment
growth (keeping unemployment at unnecessarily high levels) and has
forced the non-government sector into relying on increasing debt
provided by overly enthusiastic 'financial engineers' to
sustain consumption.
These insights help us understand the errors in the logic
underpinning the IGR and the issue in general. Financial commentators
often suggest that budget surpluses in some way are equivalent to
accumulation funds that a private citizen might enjoy through saving.
The resonance with the US debate in relation to their Social Security
Trust Fund is manifest (Eisner, 1998; Penner et al, 1999). The idea that
accumulated surpluses allegedly 'stored away' will help
government deal with increased public expenditure demands that may
accompany the ageing population lies at the heart of the IGR
misconception. We repeat--the notion of government 'saving"
its own currency is nonsensical. The government can always spend if
there are goods and services available for sale. While it is moot that
an ageing population will place disproportionate pressures on government
expenditure in the future (Kinnear, 2002), we would argue that the
concept of pressure is inapplicable because it erroneously assumes a
financial constraint.
The IGR (2002: 1) considers that "taxpayers' funds"
will be squeezed. But the notion that taxpayers fund
'anything' is also erroneous. As we have seen, taxes are paid
by debiting accounts of the member commercial banks accounts whereas
spending occurs by crediting the same. The notion that 'debited
funds' have some further use is not applicable. When taxes are
levied the revenue does not go anywhere. The flow of funds is accounted
for, but accounting for a surplus that is merely a discretionary net
contraction of private liquidity by government does not change the
capacity of government to inject future liquidity at any time it chooses
(Mitchell and Mosler, 2002).
The mainstream claim that deficits lead to future tax burdens is
also problematic. The IGR (2002: 1) falls into this error claiming that
"if policies are not adjusted, the current generation of taxpayers
is likely to impose a higher tax burden on the next generation."
Government budgets are not a 'bridge' that spans the
generations in some restrictive manner. Each generation is free to
select the tax burden it endures. Taxing and spending transfers real
resources from the private to the public domain. Each generation is free
to select how much they want to transfer via political decisions
mediated through political processes.
When we argue that there is no financial constraint on federal
government spending we are not, as if often claimed, saying that
government should therefore not be concerned with the size of its
deficit. We do not advocating unlimited deficits. Rather, the size of
the deficit (surplus) will be market-determined by the desired net
saving of the non-government sector. Given this saving it is the
responsibility of the government to ensure that its taxation/spending
are at the right level to ensure that full employment is achieved.
This insight puts the idea of sustainability of government finances
into a different light. The IGR (2002: 1) logic is that forward planning is necessary "to ensure that governments will be well placed to
meet emerging policy challenges in a timely and effective manner."
What we know is that if the Federal government continues to run budget
surpluses to keep Commonwealth debt low then it will ensure that further
deterioration in non-government savings will occur until aggregate
demand decreases sufficiently to slow the economy down and raise the
output gap.
We agree that the goal should be to maintain an "efficient and
effective medical health system" (IGR, 2002: 1). Clearly the real
health care system matters by which we mean the resources that are
employed to deliver the health care services and the research that is
done by universities and elsewhere to improve our future health
prospects. So real facilities and real know how define the essence of an
effective health care system.
Clearly maximising employment and output in each period is a
necessary condition for long-term growth. The emphasis in the IGR (2002:
2) on "encouraging mature age participation in the labour
force" is clearly desirable and contrary to current government
policy, which reduces job opportunities for older male workers (Mitchell
et al., 2005). We can agree that anything that has a positive impact on
the dependency ratio is desirable and the best thing for that is
ensuring that there is a job available for all those who desire to work.
But this is about political choices rather than government
finances. The ability, of government to provide necessary goods and
services to the non-government sector, in particular, those goods that
the private sector may under-provide is independent of government
finance. Any attempt to link the two via fiscal policy
'discipline', will not increase per capita GDP growth in the
longer term. The reality is that fiscal drag that accompanies such
'discipline' reduces growth in aggregate demand and private
disposable incomes, which can be measured by the foregone output that
4.2 The irrelevance of the Futures Fund
In the 2005 Federal Budget, the Government announced the creation
of the Future Fund (FF) which it says was an "investment
fund--which will help us prepare for the coming changes"
(Commonwealth of Australia, 2005). Full details will be announced in the
upcoming 2005-06 Budget. The aim of the Future Fund is to
'spend' the excess taxation over spending on financial assets
so that by 2020 the stockpile of financial assets will fully cover the
unfunded Commonwealth superannuation liabilities. There are several
issues that relate to the operation of the Future Fund and the types of
assets it might accumulate which are not relevant here. Further the
accounting involved suggest that to achieve the targets on-going
surpluses of over $6 billion a year will be required (Nielson and Webb,
2005) which will prolong the fiscal drag and may prove impossible once
the private sector resumes saving.
However, given that the Future Fund will not increase the capacity
of Government to spend in the future (following Section 3), the real
question that Australian citizens, should be asking is whether an
accumulation fund held by our Government participating in local and
international equity, markets is a better way to 'spend' our
liquidity than: (a) to leave it in private hands; and/or (b) to build
public capacity in the form of better schools, universities, research
facilities, hospitals and community amenities.
5. Conclusion
This paper has made three major points. First, the idea that it is
necessary for the Federal government to stockpile financial resources to
ensure it can provide services required for an ageing population in the
years to come has no application. It is not only invalid to construct
the problem as one being the subject of a financial constraint but even
if such a stockpile was successfully stored away in a vault somewhere
there would be still no guarantee that there would be available real
resources in the future (see Foster, 1981). Second, the best thing to do
now is to maximise incomes by ensuring there is full employment. This
requires a vastly different approach to fiscal and monetary policy than
is currently being practised. Third, if there are sufficient real
resources available in the future then their distribution between
competing needs will become a political decision which economists have
little to add.
Long-run economic growth that is also environmentally sustainable
will be the single most important determinant of sustaining real goods
and services for the population in the future. Principal determinants of
long-term growth include the quality and quantity of capital (which
increases productivity and allows for higher incomes to be paid) that
workers operate with. Strong investment underpins capital formation and
depends on the amount of real GDP that is privately saved and ploughed
back into infrastructure and capital equipment. Public investment is
very significant in establishing complementary infrastructure upon with
private investment can deliver returns. A policy environment that
stimulates high levels of real capital formation in both the public and
private sectors will engender strong economic growth.
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Table 1: Dependency ratios by ABS demographic
scenario, 2005-2050
Low Scenerio
Aged Child Total
2005 18.1 28.7 46.8
2010 19.7 26.6 46.3
2015 23.1 25.1 48.2
2020 26.8 23.8 50.5
2025 30.7 23.0 53.7
2030 35.1 22.8 57.9
2035 38.3 22.8 61.1
2040 41.5 22.8 64.2
2045 43.0 22.3 65.4
2050 44.9 22.0 66.9
Medium Scenerio
Aged Child Total
2005 18.1 28.8 46.8
2010 19.5 27.0 46.6
2015 22.7 26.2 49.0
2020 26.2 25.9 52.1
2025 29.7 25.7 55.5
2030 33.5 25.8 59.2
2035 35.9 25.6 61.5
2040 38.3 25.4 63.8
2045 39.4 25.1 64.4
2050 140.7 25.0 65.7
High Scenerio
Aged Child Total
2005 18.1 28.8 46.8
2010 19.4 27.5 46.9
2015 22.5 27.4 49.9
2020 25.9 28.0 53.9
2025 29.6 28.3 57.9
2030 33.6 28.5 62.1
2035 36.6 28.2 64.8
2040 39.8 27.9 67.7
2045 41.9 27.7 69.6
2050 44.5 27.8 72.3
Source: ABS Demographic Statistics, Ausstats.
Scenarios are defined in terms of fertility,
migration and life expectancy. In the medium
and high scenarios all three components are
assumed medium and high, respectively. In the
Low Scenario fertility and migration are low
and life expectancy is assumed medium.