Quality gifts: issues in understanding quality volunteering in human services.
Leonard, Rosemary ; Onyx, Jenny ; Hayward-Brown, Helen 等
As third-sector organisations delivering human services become more
dependent on government funding, they are becoming increasingly subject
to government demands for accountability (McDonald, 1999; Mulgan, 2001).
Such demands can effectively define "quality of service" but
not necessarily in a way that service providers and clients agree with.
Indeed the wide debates around issues of quality have often highlighted
differences between the perspectives of government and organisations
engaged in service provision.
Since the 1970s the focus has been on the evaluation of quality
outcomes. According to Gibson (1998), the governments' position is
that it is "commonsense" to set up accountability and
performance monitoring frameworks against desired outcomes. However
defining those desired outcomes is particularly difficult in human
services. For example, services in aging and disability often cannot be
expected to provide an improvement in the life circumstances of the
recipients, who nevertheless are very. pleased and comforted by
receiving help. Problems include the differentiation of process from
outcome, the direction of causality, and difficulties in data
collection. The perceived objectives of a program may also influence
satisfaction with outcomes. For example the outcome of the small amounts
of financial assistance given to those in hardship will be viewed more
positively if such handouts are viewed as a temporary measure than if
they are seen as necessary supplements to inadequate government benefits
(Wearing, 1998). However despite the recognition of difficulties, the
"commonsense" of government is prevailing and accountability,
requirements in terms of measurable outcomes are increasing. For example
the Australian government Department of Health (2004) lists lengthy and
exacting requirements for the accreditation of a nursing home or hostel.
Ironically, Postle (2002) found that increasing demands for paperwork by
government left managers less time for building relationships hence
there were increased tensions and staff problems which negatively affect
quality of service.
Debates about quality- have also related to the desirability of
adopting strategies from the for-profit sector such as benchmarking and
quality management. For example, Freeman (2001) recommends a best
practice model from the for-profit sector for the management of
volunteers. The model focuses on Enablers, including management
responsibilities, policies and procedures, documentation, continuous
improvement, and Operations including recruitment, training workplace
conditions, deployment monitoring and review. These lead to measurable
Results. It does not engage with the difficult issues such as
difficulties in identifying what constitutes a good result, or different
priorities among stakeholders. Even in the for-profit sector where
results are more easily measurable Quality Management approaches are
contested. Although supporters argue that QM methods empower employees
in their immediate work context, they have also been associated with
increased control by management and intensification of work practices
(Rees, 2001). Certainly such managerialism seems incompatible with the
coordination style preferred by volunteers in human services (Leonard,
Onyx & Hayward-Brown, 2004).
The present analysis takes a step back from the current debates in
the sector to examine the key issues in defining quality as described in
evaluation theory, the field within the social sciences where the
definition and measurement of quality has been most widely discussed.
These issues are used as a frame for examining how quality has been
understood in human services. Further, they serve as a way of examining
the data in the present study on clients', volunteers' and
coordinators' perceptions of quality.
Four dimensions for the identification of quality can be identified
from evaluation theory.
1. The Fixed-Contextual dimension. The Fixed approach is best
illustrated by early approaches to evaluation using the physical
sciences as their point of reference, for which it was assumed that the
function of things gave a clear indication of how quality should be
understood (eg clocks need to be accurate) The focus was the measurement
of quality with highly technical debates about educational and
psychological testing, which continue to the present time (Cliff &
Keats, 2003). In the 1930s, however, Tyler (Smith & Tyler, 1942)
introduced objectives-based evaluation, still a very. current form of
evaluation. This approach assumes that quality can be assessed by
measuring outcomes against stated prior objectives. Because quality is
defined at the point at which the objectives are set, it is open to
contextual variations.
2. The Expert-Experiential dimension. The majority of approaches to
evaluation assume that quality will be defined and measured by an
expert. The debate has mainly been about the type of expert required.
For example, by the 1960s there was recognition that objectives also
needed to be open to evaluation and it became the evaluator's role
to assess both objectives and outcomes. Quality, therefore, was now
defined by the evaluator, a professional expert external to a program.
For example, in the Connoisseurship Model of evaluation (Eisner, 1979),
evaluators, like connoisseurs of the fine arts, use their knowledge,
skill and taste to identify, quality. However in the 1980s, Guba and
Lincoln (1986) had introduced "Fourth Generation Evaluation"
in which they argued for equal standing for all stakeholders in the
evaluation of both program objectives and outcomes thus giving equal
status to the experiential knowledge of clients and staff.
3. The Single-Multiple dimension. When quality, is seen as fixed,
set by the objectives of a program or defined by an expert, there is
only a single concept of quality for any evaluation. In contrast Fourth
Generation Evaluation allows for multiple definitions, as each
stakeholder group may have their own ideas about a quality service. For
example, funding agencies, managers, staff, volunteers and clients may
have yawing ideas about what counts as quality. The possibility of
multiple definitions requires a radically different approach in which
negotiation becomes as important as judgement and measurement.
4. The Power dimension. Emancipatory approaches not only recognise
the many stakeholders but also their differences in power (eg Wadsworth,
1997). The least powerful are usually the "critical reference
group," the people who are receiving the program or services.
Emancipatory approaches argue that although all stakeholders need to be
considered, it is the critical reference group whose opinions must be
given precedence.
Organisations providing human services are under increasing
pressure from a range of sources to demonstrate quality. These sources
include new legislation (eg public health, occupational health and
safety, child protection, corporate reporting) new requirements for
government funding, which include a combination of bureaucratic and
market model expectations, internal pressures from their organisational
model (eg charity or community management). However, as shown in Table
1, the assumptions about quality for each of these expectations are
likely to differ widely.
Human service providers are affected by government pressures for
quality through legislation and through their funding contracts.
Governmental approaches to quality, have traditionally assumed fixed,
single, expertly defined levels of quality can be clearly identified and
apply across all sectors of society. Universal standards are developed,
often in response to severe abuses, and the focus is on protecting the
public from harmful practices. Legislation, (including sanctions), is
used to try to enforce the standards. So this approach emphasises
quality as singular and fixed and does not recognise the different power
contexts of people affected by the legislation. Indeed the universality
of standards creates equity., which is seen as the strength of this
approach as those with power are still subject to the law. Funding
contracts can also be used to try to enforce those receiving grants to
maintain adequate standards of service for clients and deter
organisations from judging people's entitlements according to their
own idiosyncratic values. Governments seem to see third sector community
service providers as extensions of government (Lyons, 2001) and
therefore subject to the same bureaucracy. From Weber (1978)
bureaucracy, can be understood as a form of control through rationality,
which involves professionalism, expertise, impersonality,
specialisation, hierarchy and rules. Thus in a bureaucratic view,
quality is defined by experts, fixed and singular with the intention to
control rather than empower.
A market approach to quality assumes that free market competition
will naturally lead to increases in quality. Customers indicate their
perception of quality by the amount they are prepared to pay for a
product. Effectively quality, becomes defined tautologically as whatever
market competition produces. In terms of the four dimensions, this
approach establishes quality from the choices of naive users (ie
experiential assessment, possibly informed by expert knowledge). There
is not necessarily any objective standard. Multiple positions can
co-exist through diverse products. The difference in positional power
among customers is not seen as relevant because it is natural that some
customers will have more choice than others. The power of the producer
to influence customer perceptions through advertising and other devices
is also seen as normal and desirable.
Over the last two decades many governments, including British and
Australian, have adopted 'the New Public Management' (George
and Wilding, 2002) believing that a market orientation will provide
better services for less cost. They have therefore artificially created
a market model for human service delivery (McDonald and Marston, 2002)
with competition amongst providers and the State purchasing services on
behalf of the client. However governments have not abandoned their
orientation towards accountability, and fairly rigid procedures.
The traditional charity model has been and continues to be a major
model for the provision of most human services, with many organisations
being associated with the Church. Indeed of the sixteen largest
multi-service non-profit providers, eleven were church sponsored and
several others had religious motivation but not a direct affiliation.
Ten of the eighteen largest aged care providers are also church
sponsored (Lyons, 2001). In the traditional charity model, organisations
are managed by boards of trustees, who are usually respectable citizens
such as clergymen, professionals and benefactors. All programs are
increasingly influenced by government regulation and scrutiny.
Nevertheless, in practice, the trustees are effectively only answerable to each other (Mulgan, 2001). Quality., as defined by such boards, is
likely to be informed by religious values, fixed and singular, assuming
the right of the board to make such judgements, however, any particular
board may take a pluralist or emancipatory approach.
Over the last 30 years, many organisations delivering human
services have developed under the community management model, which has
valued responsiveness to local needs, flexibility, and local input
(Darcy, 2002). Management committees committed to this model may,
therefore, assess quality in terms of local context rather than
universals. Those concerned with community development or having a
particular concern with the emancipation of minorities are also likely
to be conscious of issues of power in the definition of quality,
recognizing the values of the critical reference group as having
priority. Indeed under this model, the management committee should
include representatives of service users. The model supports diversity
among organisations in their values and programs. Under this model,
organisations may experience pressure to be responsive to clients and
local community needs.
Table 1 suggests that organisations providing human services under
the community management model will have a mismatch with definitions of
quality from bureaucratic funders. Although dimensions for the charity
model match those for bureaucracy, there are likely to be differences in
content as they appeal to different experts to identify the single,
fixed notion of quality. Further the mixture of a market approach with a
bureaucratic approach adds another layer of complexity. Given the
potentially conflicting pressures for quality experienced by human
service providers, the question arises of how those within the
organisation handle those pressures and ultimately whether the clients,
as the critical reference group, feel they are receiving a quality
The present research addresses the issue of quality from the
perspectives of the clients, volunteers and their coordinators in the
"Women Volunteers in Human Services" study. Previous analyses
found that the volunteers wanted to make a quality, contribution to
their community. Leonard and Hayward-Brown (2002) identified
'Efficacy, through Caring', 'Social Connection', and
'Recognition (versus Exploitation)' as the dominant themes,
which seemed to represent how the women constructed their voluntary
work. The metaphor of the gift appeared to encapsulate much of the
women's perspective. It was also found (Onyx, et al, 2001) that
volunteers and some coordinators had strong objections to many of the
regulations recently imposed by governments, which they felt impeded rather than facilitated quality service. These new requirements appeared
to the participants as subjecting them to the constant threat of
litigation and curtailed their main sources of fund-raising. Further, as
volunteers generally regard themselves as 'upstanding members of
the community', there was a sense of offence at such legislative
measures. In rural communities the subsequent loss of voluntary labour
was affecting service delivery and management. A number of services had
been closed due to inability to comply with precise and costly
regulations, leaving clients at far greater risk. Thus it can be
inferred that volunteers and some coordinators are not committed to
bureaucratic models of quality. Clients' views about quality may be
different again.
The present analysis uses a qualitative and grounded approach to
exploring clients', volunteers' and coordinators' notions
of quality in a service provided by volunteers. Simply by asking a
variety of non-experts about quality., these research questions imply
certain possibilities about its nature. It suggests that experiential
knowledge can make a contribution and that there may not be a single
objective notion, so that differently positioned stakeholders may have
different opinions.
Because the aim of the research was a deeper understanding of the
clients, volunteers' and coordinators' views of service
delivery, the research was conducted within a qualitative paradigm,
employing individual and focus group interviews. In all the interviews,
issues of quality were specifically pursued but also emerged from the
discussion of other topics. It should be emphasised that the sample was
small and purposive, not random. The purpose of the study was not to
generalize but to explore the dynamics of volunteers' work in
relationship to their organizations. Such exploratory research requires
qualitative analysis of in depth discussion for a limited number of
people. It is likely that the social mechanisms so identified may well
have broad applicability, though this will have to be established in
further research.
Participants. The research involved 10 focus groups and 20
individual interviews with women volunteers in human services, 20
individual interviews with clients, and 21 individual interviews with
coordinators. Roughly half the participants came from an urban and half
from a rural region of NSW, Australia.
Clients. Clients' ages ranged from 25 to 89 years. Sixteen
were female and four were male. Five were from a non-English speaking
background. Twelve did not complete their leaving certificate or HSC.
Half of the clients were married and half were single (never married,
divorced or widowed). The services they received were counselling,
support after major surgery, support with a new baby and ongoing help in
a day-care disability cottage, drug centre, parent support group,
hospice and senior citizen's group.
Volunteers. The 120 women who attended the focus groups ranged in
age from teens to eighties (Mean = 57 years). A third of the urban
volunteers but only 4% of the rural volunteers came from a non-English
speaking background. The 20 volunteers, who were individually
interviewed, ranged in age from 20 to 78 years (Mean = 53 years). Only
two came from a non-English speaking background. On average the
volunteers worked approximately nine hours per week.
Coordinators. The 21 coordinators ranged in age from 28 to 75 years
(Mean = 49.6 years). Three were male. Five were unpaid. Only one was
from a non-English speaking background.
The volunteers and co-ordinators worked for organisations which
provided a range of human services in palliative care, home maintenance,
family support, disability, cancer support, migrant education, day care
for frail aged and drug abuse, migrant support, prisoner welfare, youth
services, health services and auxiliaries, school activities, respite
care, country women's associations and breast cancer support.
Participants were recruited through newspaper advertisements,
telephone canvassing through community handbooks, and organisational
Focus Groups--Each focus group followed the same format, with the
same facilitator, and one other member of the research team. A standard
set of questions and accompanying prompts was adopted in each case. The
topics most relevant to the present analysis were: relationships to
clients, perceived outcomes of volunteering, how organisations should
work with volunteers.
Individual interviews with clients--The interview topics most
relevant to the present analysis were: their relationship with the
volunteers, and quality of service, areas of satisfaction or
dissatisfaction, making complaints, consultation about their service.
Individual interviews with volunteers The interviews were
semi-structured with topics similar to those for the focus groups with
further emphasis on support, training, coordination, supervision,
quality service for volunteers, and complaints procedures for clients.
Individual interviews with coordinators--he interview topics
relevant to the present analysis were: training and keeping volunteers
up-to-date, contact and feedback; dealing with inappropriate volunteer
behaviour, recent legislation, complaints by clients, quality, control
Focus group and individual interviews for coordinators and
volunteers ran for two hours. Clients did not speak for so long, usually
one hour. Individual interviews were held at a time and place suitable
to them (Most coordinators chose their office, clients chose their
home). Discussion was audio-taped and transcribed.
Analysis. A grounded approach was taken to the data analysis with
codes being developed as the data is interrogated. N*VIVO was used to
assist the process of documentation.
The results present separately the clients, volunteers and
coordinators' approaches to quality. Attitudes to regulation
published previously (Onyx, Leonard & Hayward-Brown, 2001) will not
be repeated.
The clients' view of quality
By far the most salient theme to emerge from the client interviews
was the importance of emotional safety in the service provision.
Emotional safety involved being able to talk openly without fearing a
judgemental response, or being reported to the authorities. For example
a drug user could admit he bad relapsed; mothers could admit they were
less than perfect; a person with a disability did not feel she always
had to be independent as possible; women from different cultural
backgrounds could relax knowing they would not face prejudice. It
involved being able to make requests without fear of being dismissed as
a nuisance and being able to make complaints without fear of losing the
It was important for clients to feel that volunteers had the time
to talk to them. They used the following language to describe the
support offered by volunteers: 'sounding board'; 'you can
go to them with problems'; 'a shoulder to cry on';
'they comfort us'; 'if you have something on your
mind' and 'the need for cuddles'. It is clearly important
to clients that space is provided for this emotional support--time to
talk and air their worries. Although there were generally very, strong
levels of trust shown by clients, some clients had concerns about
confidentiality. One disabled client referred to them as
Common experiences between volunteer and client were seen as a
source of safety. For example, parents appreciated that the volunteers
were also mothers themselves, and therefore understood them. Another
client related well to volunteers who had army connections, because her
husband had been in the army.
Clients valued continuity and stability'. Change was only
accepted if it was understood and seen to be reasonable. If there is to
be change, clients appreciated being asked for feedback. One client
commented on others who had left:
... they just could not get used to the idea at the time that things
were going to change and move on. This is the good thing about here,
you get your confidence dealt with, without you realising it and you
can cope with change in the structure and regularity. (SW Sydney)
The issue of loneliness and isolation seemed very strong for nearly
all the clients. The elderly, disabled, and young mothers all felt this
need for human interaction. As one young mother stated,
Isolation is a cancer ... it niggles away at everything, so you
become less confident. (SW Sydney)
In contrast, a safe environment with connections to others in the
community could provide the opportunity to build their self-esteem and
confidence. This seemed to particularly be the case in the context of
small groups and one to one contact.
Most clients referred to the caring behaviour of volunteers, which
they seemed to appreciate very much. Linked to this caring behaviour
were some very strong feelings about their close connection to the
volunteer. The volunteer was referred to as being 'like a
friend' or even 'like family'.
Clients spoke about their physical needs in a matter of fact
manner, but they were clearly pleased to have these needs met. These
needs included, looking after children; delivery of meals; serving of
refreshments, help with craft activities, help with some toileting, nail
care, scribe services, and provision of bus transport between venue and
home. Most of the clients used volunteers as a means of connection with
the wider community. In particular, cultural support, in terms of
translation and integration into the community, was important in the
urban centres where there were multicultural communities. Clients spoke
enthusiastically about the fun and enjoyment in the programs they
attended. Clients paid very, strong attention to every detail of the
physical support that they received. For example, one client spoke about
her concern about dirty tablecloths.
It would appear that structural and organisational concerns of
volunteer services were of very. low priority for clients. Some clients
did comment on improved resources, and their increased enjoyment as a
result. Clients were also grateful if organisations were able to offer
extra support at difficult times.
In terms of their service from volunteers, clients appreciated
flexibility in their availability. Clients were pleased when volunteers
listened to them and learned about their needs. Volunteers who took the
initiative, e.g. offering clients a drink without being asked, were seen
to be superior to others. Some volunteers also went beyond their normal
duties, for example, helping to organise a party, at a client's
home. Clients were aware of the volunteer's level of reliability
and commitment, and also their 'fairness' in the treatment of
each client.
Most clients reported being confident about making complaints, but
others would only do so with other clients. At one day-cottage for the
disabled, there was a complaints box and regular surveys. However, a
volunteer from this organisation said that the clients rarely spoke up
due to fears of losing the service or being seen to be ungrateful. Some
Management Committees had client representatives and one client took
advantage of this to voice her complaints, which were always addressed
in the newsletter.
Volunteers perspective
Efficacy through caring is the phrase the sums up the dominant
attitude to quality from the perspective of the volunteers. That is,
they want to make a difference through their work but they do so in the
context of a personal caring relationship. In the focus groups
volunteers spoke at every opportunity about the joy of caring for their
clients. These attitudes were more explicit for those working directly
with clients individually or in small groups. Most of the volunteers saw
their work as something 'very special,' a gift 'given
from the heart'. They believe that they should be respected for
what they do.
Clearly there was a mirroring of the needs of the clients for
emotional support in the volunteers satisfaction with providing care.
Like their clients, volunteers often likened their clients to friends or
family. They also spoke about the importance of hugging and some
volunteers said they would ignore instructions not to. Other volunteers
restricted themselves to touching hands from a concern with professional
Other similarities were on issues of confidentiality and increases
in client confidence. Volunteers gained huge satisfaction from signs of
increased confidence in their clients. Volunteers spoke at length about
clients' increased confidence, such as joining in activities,
gaming independence, or using their new English skills. It appeared from
both the focus groups and individual interviews that volunteers and
co-ordinators were very aware of confidentiality issues, but no doubt
there are occasional lapses.
The organisational ability of their workplace was less important
than the opportunity, for caring relationships. Volunteers raised issues
such as clear job descriptions, work that matched their ability,
background information on clients and organisation, information on
legislative procedures and responsibilities, training and orientation to
the job; obtaining advice and support. However, these were not the major
topics. Volunteers could handle a little disorganisation and were more
concerned about "over-control," an excess of rules and
regulations especially if they felt it demeaned their contribution.
Flexibility, of work schedules was particularly important to them.
Training and general preparation for volunteering was a common
theme of the discussion about 'What organisations should do'.
However, it was essential that the training be seen by the volunteers to
be directly relevant and necessary. Training was resisted when it was a
requirement of government regulations, but not seen as developing their
skills as volunteers. Most had learnt specific skills for their area of
volunteering eg office skills, use of technology, cosmetic care,
counselling and tutoring skills. In several cases, volunteering led
participants to seek out formal education.
Most volunteers also responded positively to co-ordinator
monitoring and supervision, as long as it was not heavy, handed. They
did not like to feel 'over-scrutinised' and liked to keep
their autonomy.
Coordinators' Perspective on Quality
Most co-ordinators in the individual interviews showed an
extraordinary, amount of concern for the welfare of their clients. Even
when they were not being directly asked about the clients, discussion
very often returned to these issues 'as the bottom line'. They
were conscious that the quality, of service to clients was the important
issue, above and beyond the concerns of volunteers.
Coordinators covered a wide range of issues in relation to their
concern for clients. Most mentioned adherence to confidentiality codes.
Three of the co-ordinators focused primarily on physical safety, issues.
Others spoke about protecting clients from volunteers who could
"drive them mad", the complexities in using male volunteers
when a woman is alone at home, and the problem of volunteers who are
more concerned about getting their own needs met, rather than meeting
the needs of the clients. A rural coordinator spoke specifically about
the problems raised by the competitive model of funding. When a small
group of volunteers is stretched trying to provide basic services, they
have no time and energy for the putting in an adequate submission for
the extra resources they need for their clients.
They have not got the time to do the research.... You have got no
The first step was the selection of appropriate volunteers. Many of
the co-ordinators spoke about the interview or training process as a
means of 'weeding out' inappropriate volunteers. Some referred
to strategies such as 'having a chat', making
'assessments' the use of references, using individuals such as
ex-clients who are known to the organisation. Formal police checks are
required in some positions, which was a significant cost to those
organisations and created problems when substitutes had to be found for
important services at short notice. So their concerns for clients
related to finding appropriate volunteers but their methods varied
greatly in the degree of formality.
Co-ordinators were generally positive about providing training for
volunteers. For some organisations, training may occur in such an
informal manner, that volunteers may not necessarily be aware that this
is what they are undertaking. Other organisations provide very formal
arenas for training, sometimes prompted by legislative requirements.
Only three out of the twenty-one co-ordinators stated that they did not
provide training programs. However those three coordinators did provide
'on the job' training. Most of the training involved
orientation programs or specific job skills (e.g. cosmetic care, dealing
with the elderly and dementia, assessment and referral skills). Some
organisations included First Aid and OH & S in their orientation,
and most gave guidelines about their policies and procedures. Two
co-ordinators referred to workshops on communication skills. Two had
longer training (eg 10 weeks for palliative care). Co-ordinators
generally reported positive responses to training from volunteers,
although four commented about some difficulties. These problems were
that training was only positively received if the volunteers can see the
need for it; that only those few who were interested attended ongoing
workshops; that there was some resistance to training, and that
management committees did not feel that they needed training.
When volunteers commenced work, quality was monitored through role
modelling by co-ordinator and other volunteers, a Buddy system, or
starting off slowly with only a few tasks. Ongoing monitoring of
volunteers occurred through coordinators' own informal observation
of volunteer, observations by other staff, regular face to face
meetings- both individual and group meetings, regular email contact,
feedback from clients, self-assessment by the volunteer, and checking
that jobs are completed.
Other concerns for clients related to strategies for improving
quality, of service. One co-ordinator spoke about putting herself in the
place of the clients - thinking about what she would like if she were in
their position. Another spoke about referring back to the goals of the
program, to make sure that they were 'on track'. A few
co-ordinators referred to the simple act of 'asking clients'
about their needs. For one co-ordinator, stability was the issue for
clients. She noted that they hated volunteer shifts being changed. The
importance of time with clients was raised by one co-ordinator, who
allowed for this in her schedule. Identifying families or individuals at
risk was an important issue for a co-ordinator in a youth centre. He
used all his contacts in a small local community to target children
'at risk'. A difficulty raised by one of the co-ordinators
related to managing conflict between the desires or needs of the clients
themselves and those of the client's family. Many coordinators were
experiencing some issues in resolving the different demands of funding
bodies, government regulations, volunteers, clients and their families
for quality services.
Four dimensions for the evaluation of quality were introduced in
the introduction, the fixed versus the contextual dimension, the expert
versus the experiential dimension, the existence of a single or multiple
positions on quality and the significance of power relations.
The results suggest that clients' perceptions of quality were
highly experiential and contextual with a strong awareness of their
relative lack of power. For clients, the social experiences were even
more important that the program provided. Signs of quality, for clients
were, warm personal relationships, feeling safe and accepted, reduced
anxiety, increased confidence, greater pleasure in life, more contact in
the community. Similarly in Waring's (1998) study of clients'
experiences of receiving welfare handouts, positive experiences were
associated with feeling supported and negative experiences were almost
all associated with being feeling put down by the agency. Such signs of
quality in a client's social experience are not easily measurable.
Psychological scales do exist to measure concepts such anxiety, life
satisfaction, self-confidence but, as Gibson (1998) found such
assessments are unlikely to be suitable for diverse and vulnerable
There were strong similarities between the volunteers' and
clients' views of a quality service as experiential and contexual
with volunteers also focussing on the personal aspects of their role.
For volunteers, therefore, bureaucratic approaches to quality such as
selection, training, detailed procedures and performance monitoring were
not "the main game." However, there was some appreciation of
the expert as knowledge and procedures were accepted and often valued by
volunteers as long as they were seen as clearly contributing to quality
outcomes as they perceived them. Procedures were resented if they were
seen as irrelevant red tape, insulting to the volunteers'
competence or unnecessarily curtailing their autonomy. Rural volunteers,
in particular felt their context was not being taken into account (Onyx,
et al, 2001).
Most coordinators appeared to have a mixed view of quality,
combining aspects of the expert and the contextual, experiential
approaches. So they tried both to follow prescribed procedures and also
to fulfil the clients' and volunteers' expectations. They
seemed to be engaged in a balancing act between the different quality
expectations. Despite the difficulty of managing the differing
expectations, there were very few- reports of feelings of conflict,
apart from the concern of coordinators in the focus groups about the
reactions of long-standing volunteers to new procedural requirements.
Only one coordinator explicitly adopted the fixed, expert approach and
she had replaced her management committee of clients, volunteers and
community with a board of professionals. Coordinators did not seem to
distinguish between legislative and funding body requirements. Only one
coordinator raised concerns about the market model, pointing out that it
was those services that were most needy that were least able to mount a
successful submission. As Lyons (2001) argues, this competitive model
privileges the large organisations, most of which are church sponsored.
However, we have also found many organisations working collaboratively
with other organisations (Onyx, et al., 2001) thus ignoring the demands
for competition.
The data support the notion that there are multiple rather than a
single position on the nature of quality. One example of a difference
between volunteers and clients was on the issue of volunteer
flexibility. Flexibility. of work times was highly valued by volunteers.
Clients, however, needed to develop trust, which takes time and
consistency in personnel and procedures. Given the clients'
aversion to change, the volunteers' right to vary their work times
needs to be negotiated against the clients' need for consistency.
Further, the demands for constant improvement in Quality Management
require constant change, which contradict the clients' desire for
consistency. Another example is that quality, as defined by policy and
procedures, discourages physical contact. In contrast a number of
clients and volunteers saw volunteering as essentially about a human
connection and physical contact is, therefore, a highlight of a good
voluntary service and could well be seen as a core indicator of quality.
The affect of power positioning on the assessment of quality was
well illustrated by the issue of making complaints. Although almost all
the client interviewed in this study said that they felt able to make
complaints about their current services, some would only do so with
others and it must be remembered that as research participants these
were people who were already willing to speak up. Volunteers and
coordinators reported that methods such as suggestion boxes and surveys
were not successful. Given the importance of personal relationships and
feelings of safety, by clients, it would be expected that clients would
only make complaints when they feel personally safe with the personnel
to whom they are complaining. Some coordinators made a point of
developing trusting relationship with all clients but this may not
always be feasible. Volunteers did not appear very conscious of
clients' sense of powerlessness. There were, however, important
ways in which volunteers empowered clients through encouraging new
activities, increasing their confidence and linking them to the
A critical reference group approach (Wadsworth, 1997) takes the
position that clients' views are paramount, but of course this
needs accessible information, time for careful consideration and
confidence by clients that their views are taken seriously. All
coordinators had a strong commitment to client welfare and would put
clients' needs before those of all others, including volunteers.
They could generally be said to take a "critical reference
group" approach to quality. But this was not necessarily the case;
some were highly focused on clients needs but allowed others to
determine what those needs were. The most strongly emancipatory was a
feminist group in which all volunteers were clients and clients
determined all the programs.
The stress of implementing the fixed, expert, singular
quality' procedures of new government requirements generally falls
to the management committees, paid workers and volunteer coordinators so
the possible contradictions arising from the differing understandings of
quality are most likely to affect the volunteer coordinators, rather
than volunteers or clients. It is reasonable that clients were not aware
of the organisational concerns with policy and procedures, as they tend
to be in the background in a well-run service. If the organisation of
services deteriorated, clients could become more aware of the processes
involved. Generally volunteers felt free to judge for themselves what
was necessary and to complain about or just ignore what they considered
to be unnecessary red tape.
Coordinators generally seemed to believe they could satisfy all
parties. However, there are inherent contradictions. As Weber (1978)
noted, the objectivity of procedures may objectify people and thereby
alienate the very people the service is for. Informality. was one way in
which coordinators managed the contradictions. For example, formal
assessment and review procedures, which might alienate maw volunteers,
are replaced by "having a chat", which can cover the same
content but in a manner that can highlight the current context and a
volunteer's personal experience. Similarly an open door policy can
avoid the need for formal grievances to be lodged. However with
increasing demands for formalised procedures such options may not be
possible. The reality, for most organisations is that they will
experience a degree of stress trying to comply with different types of
quality because they are subject to the requirements of the law and of
funding bodies on the one hand and have a commitment to their clients on
the other.
A first step in dealing with the tension is probably to recognise
the multiple perspectives on quality. At present it appears that the
debate is being silenced under the weight of bureaucratic requirements.
The framework presented here aims to contribute to the widening of
debate and the recognition of the diversity of positions. It is
important not to get lost in distinctions between process, activity and
outcome, when in practice they are hard to distinguish (Gibson, 1998).
It is perhaps more important to make sure all voices about quality are
heard. Equity is important but it is possible to have equity of access
without having uniformity of service. The critical reference group are
the least able to access information or to demand quality, as they
perceive it, and considerable resources are needed to facilitate their
participation. In particular it is necessary to treat with suspicion the
claims to universality in terminology such as "quality,
assurance" and "TQM" (total quality management). When all
perspectives cannot be satisfied, it is ultimately a political decision
as to whose interests prevail.
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Rosemary Leonard is an Associate Professor in Social Science from
the Research Centre for Social Justice and Social Change at the
University of Western Sydney. She is on the Management Committee of
Australian & New Zealand Third Sector Research.
Jenny Onyx is Professor of Community Management at University of
Technology Sydney. She is Director of the Centre for Australian
Community Organisations and their Management (CACOM) and on the Board of
the International Society for Third Sector Research.
Dr Helen Hayward-Brown is a sociologist and anthropologist and a
research fellow at the Research Centre for Social Justice and Social
Change at the University of Western Sydney.
Table 1. Dimensions of the definitions of quality
for each of the pressures on human service delivery
Fixed/ Expert/ Single/ Emancipatory
Contextual Experiential Multiple
Legislation & Fixed Expert Single All treated
Bureaucratic equally
Market Contextual Experiential Multiple No
Charity Fixed Expert Single No
Community Contextual Experiential Multiple Yes