Organizational barriers and factors that contribute to youth hockey attrition.
Armentrout, Suzannah Mork ; Kamphoff, Cindra S.
Previous research indicates that approximately one-third of hockey
players do not return each year, with the peak time of attrition
occurring at about the Bantam level of play which is around age 13 to 14
(Gould & Petlichkoff, 1988). Over the last 20 years, researchers
have been concerned with the high youth sport dropout rates (Gould,
Fletz, Horn, & Weiss, 1982) and have examined attrition across a
variety of sports. Most studies of youth sport attrition have focused on
the influence of psychological factors such as participation motives
(e.g., Brodkin & Weiss, 1990; Ryska, Hohensee, Cooley, & Jones,
2002; Weiss & Williams, 2004) and perceptions of the social climate
(e.g., Molinero, Salguero, Tuero, Alvarez, & Marquez, 2006;
Petlichkoff, 1992; Weiss & Williams, 2004). While these factors are
indeed important in understanding how to make psychological and social
changes in order to reduce youth sport attrition, few studies have
examined the organizational and structural changes that could be made to
youth program management to decrease attrition. Thus, organizational
structural factors and policy deserve further attention in the ongoing
quest to attract youth sport participants and reduce their attrition.
Previous attrition research reveals a predominant and recurring
theme centered on leaving sports because of personal reasons. In
particular, participation conflicts with other interests. For example,
research on youth hockey attrition among boys conducted by the Duluth,
Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association (Knapp, 1999) revealed that the
most prevalent reasons for quitting youth hockey were the inter-related
responses of having "other interests" and "takes too much
time." Unfortunately, for those that leave the competitive levels
of youth hockey because it "takes too much time" there are few
recreational opportunities that would allow them to both pursue these
other interests and continue to play hockey at a less intense and
demanding level. Personal reasons are indeed important because many
children leave for these reasons. However, organizational barriers also
may play a role in attrition and deserve attention.
Youth may leave sport due to high levels of training at young ages,
which is often guided by organizational decisions. Wall and Cote (2007)
interviewed parents of current and former male minor hockey players
about their child's hockey participation using a retrospective
design to compare the sport histories of the current and former hockey
players. Results indicated that players who eventually dropped out of
the sport began their off-ice training at a younger age and spent more
time in off-ice training at ages 12 and 13 than the youth that continued
in ice-hockey. Although this research is important in understanding the
developmental activities that lead to youth sport dropout, it does not
sufficiently address the organizational changes that could be made to
decrease attrition.
A further examination of attrition research reveals that a more
in-depth examination is needed to understand the organizationai and
structural barriers to continued participation for boys and girls of all
skill levels. In ice hockey, Wall and Cote (2007) examined male dropouts
using the parents of elite hockey players, but non-elite athletes or
females were not examined. Knapp's (1999) study only investigated
boys while little emphasis has been placed on attrition reasons for
girls. It is important to determine and understand the organizational
barriers that cause both boys and girls of all skill levels to
discontinue participation. Recommendations could then be offered to
administrators of youth sport organizations to help them restructure or
expand existing youth programs to promote more broad-based and
continuing participation throughout the youth years and into adulthood.
Such participation plays a part in promoting long term physical activity
participation that addresses some of the societal concerns about
increasing incidence of obesity and overweight youth. Thus, the purpose
of this exploratory study was to establish a clear and specific
understanding of organizational barriers and personal reasons that may
lead youth to discontinue sport participation and to determine changes
that could be made to lead to continued involvement.
The Minnesota Hockey (MH) organization was used to examine youth
hockey attrition for three reasons. First, Minnesota Hockey programs
have the potential to impact a vast number of youth participants, as
over 35,000 boys and more than 8,000 girls participate in Minnesota
Hockey sponsored teams and programs each year (Minnesota Hockey, 2006).
Second, youth hockey is important to Minnesotans given that it is the
highest grossing high school sport (Minnesota State High School League,
2008a), and has the second highest hockey participation in the United
States (Minnesota State High School League, 2008b). Third, Minnesota
Hockey administrators were cognizant that organizational changes needed
to be made to enhance the quality of participants' experiences.
Therefore, the findings of this study could be implemented in the
Youth ice hockey parents or guardians were targeted instead of the
youth for three reasons. First, parents or guardians make the final
decision regarding whether or not to register their child to participate
in subsequent hockey seasons. While the child may indicate his/her
preference, the parent makes the ultimate decision to sign them up.
Second, the MN Hockey administrators were concerned that due to the
anecdotal evidence suggesting young ages at which attrition was
occurring, the youth may not be involved in decision making regarding
participation. For example, the parents may just make the decision their
child will not continue participating in hockey because it is just too
expensive and thus, the child was not involved in the decision. Thirdly,
parents may be more cognizant of organizational barriers than the youth.
For instance, youth might not be aware of the lack of structure in
practice or the politics that surround youth sport participation.
As such, the participants in this study were 237 parents or
guardians of boys and girls who had been ice hockey players. The
parents' ages ranged from 27-58 (M = 41.3 years, SD = 5.7).
Approximately 57% of the parents who participated in this study were
male (n = 137) and 43% were female (n = 97). The vast majority of
participants were Caucasian (n = 226) with high education levels as
about 92% of participants (n = 218) had at least some college education
and 63% (n = 149) had a least a 4 year college degree. Most participants
were married (n = 203) with an average of 2.7 children per household.
Close to 44% of the hockey households (n = 103) who responded to the
survey earned a combined income of more than $100,000, while 95% of the
hockey households (n = 226) surveyed earned a combined income of more
than $40,000.
The questionnaire included demographic information followed by
open-ended questions: (a) What is it that the child and his/her parents
liked about the organizations' programs and policies? (b) What is
it that the child and his/her parents disliked about the
organizations' programs and policies? (c) What are the reasons
their child/children gave for their decision to quit playing hockey? (d)
What would it take for them to want to come back to play with a MH
program? (e) What role did the coach's skill, expertise,
experience, attitude impact your child's decision to discontinue
involvement? And if it did play a role, what do you think could be
improved about the coaching? (f) What role did your child's
teammates play in influencing involvement?
All participants were recruited through a Minnesota Hockey
database. Parents' or guardians' e-mail addresses were
compared from one year to the next to determine the children who
discontinued involvement in hockey. For instance, if an email address
was present in 2005, but it was not present in 2006, the email address
was placed in the contact list for the study. The parent or guardian who
was listed on the database with the child was the one who was contacted.
Proceeding data collection, Institutional Review Board approval was
attained. Participant consent was obtained prior to initiating the
web-based survey. Participants were surveyed to 1) determine their
perceptions of the organizational barriers and personal reasons that
caused their son or daughter to discontinue hockey involvement, and 2)
determine the changes that could be made to lead their child to continue
Data Analysis
The demographic information was analyzed through descriptive
statistics such as percentages and distributions. The open-ended
responses on the survey were first read literally for what was
documented in the text (Mason, 2002) and no interpretation or inferences
were made. After the responses were read, the text was labeled with a
theme that reflected the meaning of the passage. Thus, text was grouped
into categories by theme. Each theme was carefully defined so that
categories were distinct from one another.
The majority of responses included multiple barriers and reasons,
which were separated in order to determine the frequencies at which a
barrier or reason was given. For instante when asked what reasons their
child discontinued participation the entire quote, "Too many late
night practices, not fun, too much hockey, coaches yelling" was
broken up into four subthemes: 1) too early or late practice times, 2)
not fun anymore, 3) too much time, and 4) coaches. In particular the
first part of the quote, "Too many late night practices" was
moved into subtheme 1, while the second part, "not fun" was
moved into the 2nd sub-theme. Subsequent parts of the quote were also
moved into the proper thematic category. In the results section, some
longer quotes are provided to illustrate the multiple organizational
barriers of personal reasons participants gave for attrition.
In order to enhance the trustworthiness of data, peer reviewers
triangulated the data (Cote, Salmela, Baria, & Russell, 1993). Three
researchers including the primary investigator, secondary investigator
and one undergraduate student reviewed the data. The primary researcher
developed the themes and then shared those themes and corresponding
definitions with the other investigators. Following this, the findings
from each question were labeled with their corresponding theme and
confirmed by all three researchers. Discussion and re-labeling of themes
continued until all three researchers came to an agreement.
The findings revealed that youth hockey players' attrition age
ranged from 4 to 17 years old with an average attrition age of 10 years
old. Close to 27% (n = 71) of the youth discussed by the parents were
girls, while approximately 73% (n = 189) were boys. Regarding the
open-ended questions, participants discussed multiple organizational
barriers and personal reasons for leaving the organization. As many
questions elicited numerous responses, the findings are presented in
terms of a "top five" most frequently occurring reasons for
each question. Sample quotes are provided to illustrate the thematic
findings, while longer quotes are included to demonstrate multiple
barriers or reasons.
Parent Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with the Youth Sport
For satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the youth sport
organization, the top five responses are illustrated in Table 1. The
aspect the parents liked the most was that the children had fun and
enjoyed participating (n = 45). For instance, one parent said his/her
child "loved playing hockey." Another stated, "he had fun
for so many years."
The next two most important features the parents were satisfied
with were the friendships their child formed through participation (n =
42) and the opportunity participation provided for personal and
character development (n = 35). Parents often indicated their child
enjoyed "playing with friends" and "being on a
team." Regarding the child's personal and character
development, parents said they liked that their child could learn to
"build a work ethic," "learn teamwork skills" and
"build social skills."
The fourth factor parents liked about the youth sport organization
is that they perceived it to be a well-run organization (n = 29).
Participants indicated the youth sport organization had "very
structured practices" and was "well organized." The fifth
most frequently occurring factor parents liked about the program is that
their child had the opportunity to learn how to play the game and could
develop hockey skills (n = 28). The parents indicated that their child
had the opportunity to learn "good hockey fundamentals" and
could work on "stick handling" or "skating skills."
The following quotes illustrate that participants often provided
multiple factors they were satisfied with regarding the youth sport
I have been a hockey mom for the past 20 years, and the program has
given my children an opportunity to belong, exercise, learn a
sport, learn how to participate as a team member, learn how to lose
with pride, and sportsmanship.
Another said, "the sport, the camaraderie, team building,
physical fitness, social part, occupies their time during winter"
were all factors this parent or guardian liked about the
program. One parent indicated, "it is a well run organization,
they stress the importance of development."
These factors parents liked about the youth sport organization are
not reflected in what they were dissatisfied with.
The top 2 of the 5 aspects that parents disliked about the youth
sport organization is that it required too much time to participate and
travel (n = 53), and that it was too expensive (n = 33). Parents
extensively discussed that the "season was too long" or it
required "too much practicing for young kids." Many times
parents simply said it was "too time consuming," there was
"too much traveling" or that "driving long distances was
too much." Regarding the cost, participants clearly indicated that
it was "too expensive" or that they disliked the "high
costs associated" with the programs.
The third factor the parents disliked was that due to the high
demand of ice rinks many of the practice times were either too early in
the morning or too late at night (n = 17). For instance in order to
obtain access to an ice rink, youth practices were sometimes at 5 or 6
A.M. or 9 or 10 P.M. In particular, parents said the "early morning
practices were tough" or that there were "unreasonable
practices times." The fourth and fifth factors that parents
indicated they disliked about the youth sport organization was that
there was too much politics involved for a youth league (n = 17) and
that it was too competitive (n = 14). For instance, parents said,
"too many politics [were] involved" and hockey was "too
competitive at young age levels." The following two quotes
illustrate that parents often indicated multiple factors they were
dissatisfied with regarding the youth sport organization, "He was 7
years-old, and politics were already involved. Too competitive for our
family's liking. Too much time invested for age group. Too
expensive." Another person indicated.
The amount of time required to participate. It was bad enough
having practice or games every day of every weekend, from basically
November to March, when our son was in the youngest group, then
when he moved up to an older level, it became four days a week.
That was too much.
Reasons for Discontinuing Participation
Many parents indicated multiple reasons their child quit playing
hockey. The top five reasons they stopped playing are provided in Table
2. Similar to the key factor they disliked about the youth sport
organization, parents indicated their child discontinued playing because
it took up too much time (n = 37). They often indicated there was
"too much time commitment." The second reason parents
indicated their child quit playing hockey was that s/ he wanted to
participate in other activities (n = 30). Some parents were vague and
said their child wanted to "pursue other interests," "try
something different," or "decided to take a break to try other
sports." Other parents were more specific and indicated their child
"wanted to take dance classes" or "try basketball."
The third reason the participants discussed related to their child
discontinuing participation in the youth sport organization was
financial reasons, specifically the high cost to participate in hockey
(n = 22). One participant indicated, "cost to play the sport is
unreasonable." Another said, "it was an expensive program for
the amount of practice and ice time available." The fourth most
frequent reason provided by the parents was their child did not have fun
anymore (n = 16). They simply indicated "it wasn't fun
anymore, why do something that isn't fun?" The fifth factor
that influenced why their child dropped out of hockey was that they
lacked an interest in the sport (n = 14). One parent said their child
was "sick of hockey." Two other parents indicated their child
"didn't care to play anymore" and "lost interest for
A few quotes demonstrate that parents often indicated multiple
reasons for quitting hockey. One stated, "he didn't want to
quit playing, I told him we can't afford it and we didn't have
the time". Another parent indicated,
Participation in hockey meant he could not participate in school
activities like ski club, plays, or other sports. By [age] 12 the
expectation was [to practice] 6-7 nights per week and participate
in summer development programs and leagues, although officially,
other sport were encouraged.
One said,
It was mainly a parental decision. The competition level is pushed
too far at too young of an age. The time commitment was
unreasonable and there was unreasonable financial commitment. There
was also a lack of an opportunity to play in a recreational league
and the politics related to the local hockey association were
Recommendations That Could Lead to Continued Organizational
The top five recommendations that could lead to continued
involvement in the youth sport organizational are included in Table 3.
The most frequently occurring answer was that it is too late and nothing
can be changed (n = 37). One person said, it is "too late now ...
he's into basketball & baseball. He would be so far behind the
skill level of the other children playing in his age group without the
past couple of years [of] experience." Another indicated, "Now
that she has been out of it for nearly a year, I don't think there
is probably anything that would get her back into playing hockey. She is
very competitive and would feel that her skills would not have kept up
since she hasn't been playing."
One key suggestion, and the second most popular response that
emerged from the findings regarding changes that the youth sport
organization could make to increase participation, is that the league
must be more affordable if their child was to participate in the future
(n = 31). A number of parents suggested there needs to be "lower
costs" and some even indicated "more financial
assistance" is needed. No specific fees or amount of financial
assistance was suggested by participants.
Next, the parents recommended less time commitment each week and/or
a shorter season (n = 28). Many parents gave specific suggestions such
as they needed a "shorter season" or "fewer
practices" if their child was going to return to play hockey. Other
parents recommended having "time off on some weekends" or only
"a 3-4 night commitment."
Parents also suggested offering more recreational opportunities
with a focus on fun and enjoyment (n = 16). For instance, one parent
said there needs to be "a program that is more for fun than skill
building" or one that is "geared towards the casual hockey
player." Another parent suggested having "a house league
program that allowed kids to have fun while getting some great
The fifth most frequent suggestion for change in the youth sport
organization was that the organization should focus on better coaches,
management, and leadership (n = 14). One participant said there must be
"improved coaching" while another indicated that the
organization needed "new members on the board." Two additional
parents said they need "better management" and "different
Two longer quotes that illustrate multiple suggestions offered by
participants are as follows,
At his age he enjoys the social aspects more than the sport, and he
may always be like that. He likes to skate, but not 6 days a week.
Maybe a program geared toward a casual hockey player with a focus
on enjoyment rather than one where everyone is trying to be the
best player.
Our son already wants to return to hockey, but we are unwilling
given the crushing schedule that goes with it. If the time
commitment were reasonable, we might consider it. The cost is also
prohibitive, at least for many, so that would need to be improved
Coach's Role in Discontinuing Youth Sport Participation
Findings indicated that for the majority of participants, the coach
did not play a key role in the child's decision to discontinue
playing hockey. Close to 67% (n = 111) indicated the coach played little
or no influence on their reason to discontinue. In fact, many parents
indicated that the "coaches were great." For the remaining 32%
(n = 53) of parents, the coach played a role in the child discontinuing
hockey. In a few cases, parents indicated the coach played "a
strong" role in why their child quit or the coach had
"everything" to do with why they stopped playing. Two parents
were very specific indicating the "coach's attitude was 75% of
the reason my kid quit" and "the coach was only concerned with
winning which negatively impacted my son." Other participants had a
concern with parents who coached their child's team and said,
"all our previous coaches were only concerned with helping their
own kids and their kids' friends, not the whole team."
Teammate's Role
The data revealed that 70% of participants (n = 102) indicated that
teammates did not play a role in their child's decision to stop
playing hockey. Two participants indicated that "my son really
liked the other players" and "both my girls liked their
teammates" when asked about the role their teammates had in their
child discontinuing hockey. Close to 19% (n = 28) indicted that
teammates contributed to their child's reason to discontinue
hockey. For example, two parents stated "my son was teased a lot
[by teammates]" and teammates were "mean and too
competitive." Additionally, one parent stated, "Since the
coach didn't require respect and discipline, the kids were little
brats to a select few."
The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the
organizational barriers and personal reasons youth discontinued sport
participation. Furthermore, changes or recommendations that could be
made to lead to continued involvement were also sought. Also,
suggestions for future research will be provided as well as practical
implications for sport administrators.
Attrition Age
The findings from our study revealed a much younger attrition age
than previous research. The average attrition age of youth hockey
players in this study was l0 years old compared to Ewing and
Seefeldt's (1989) findings that attrition peaked at 13-14 years
old. The average attrition age may be younger for hockey players due to
many of the reasons the participants discussed including the extensive
time, travel, and financial commitments that are required at young ages.
Another alternative to the younger attrition age round in this study
could reflect Wall and Cote (2007)'s findings that suggest youth
who dropped out of hockey began their off-ice training at a younger age
than those that continued playing hockey. Additional research should
determine if this attrition trend is occurring in a variety of sports
and the reasons a younger attrition age might be occurring. Perhaps
other sports that have a younger attrition age also require too much
time, travel commitments, or training at an early age.
Satisfied and Dissatisfied with the Youth Sport Organization
Parents indicated multiple reasons they and their children were
both satisfied and dissatisfied with the youth sport organization. For
instance, the findings revealed that the key factor the parents liked is
youth had fun and enjoyed playing. Fun and enjoyment also was the key
reason round by Ewing and Seefeldt (1989) for youth participating in
sport. Another two factors that emerged from this study are the
friendships that had formed while participating and learning skills.
These factors participants enjoyed about the organization were similar
to the motives Gould and Petlichkoff (1988) discussed in their
motivational model of youth sport participation which include, learning
new skills, fun, and affiliation reasons. Two additional factors that
the hockey parents indicated they liked about the youth sport
organization was that it was a well-run organization and that they
enjoyed the personal and character development the sporting opportunity
provided for their child. Organizational factors that influence
participation were not discussed in Gould and Petlichkoff's model.
Limited research has focused programmatic and organizational factors and
more research should be conducted in this area.
Findings also revealed a number of factors participants disliked
about the youth sport organization. For instance, parents indicated the
top factors they disliked were: Too much time is required for
participation and travel, it's too expensive, the practice times
were too early or late, there is too much politics, and it is too
competitive. Time commitment and an overemphasis on winning have been
discussed as reasons youth withdraw from sport (see Weiss &
Williams, 2004), but participants in this study emphasized too much
competition as a deterrent instead of an overemphasis on winning.
Perhaps hockey is even more competitive than other sports, but the
difference between the over emphasis on competition and winning is
unclear and further investigation into this topic could lead to better
understanding of the difference between those two factors. The remainder
of the factors (it is too expensive, too early or late practice times,
and too much politics) maybe specific to hockey, as a high demand for
indoor ice practice leads to higher costs and unusual practice time
compared to other sports.
Reasons for Hockey Attrition
The top reasons participants indicated they discontinued hockey
involvement are similar to what they disliked about the youth sport
organization. The most frequent factors the participants disliked were:
hockey takes too much time, they want to do other things/activities,
financial reasons, it is not fun anymore, and there was a lack of
interest/didn't like it. Gould and Petlichkoff's model
discussed different attrition factors such as, failure to learn new
skills, lack of affiliation, lack of thrills and excitement, lack of
exercise and fitness, and no challenge/ failure, but similar to our
study they indicated lack of fun as a reason for withdrawal. Similar to
the findings in this study, Fraiser-Thomas, Cote, and Deakin (2008)
found that swimmers dropped out when they did not have the opportunity
to participate in other activities because of the large time commitment
required to swim.
Likewise, Johns, Lindner, and Wolko (1990) indicated that over 65%
of gymnasts who withdrew from sport provided time consuming reasons for
withdrawal. Other reasons the gymnasts provided included losing interest
in the sport, too much pressure, and the expense. Similar to this study
that revealed financial reasons for discontinuing hockey, gymnastics
also reported prohibitive costs. In addition to this study, other
researchers have found that a key factor contributing to sport attrition
is that the children wanted to do other things (Gould, Feltz, Horn,
& Weiss, 1982; Knapp, 1999; Molinero, Salguero, Tuero, Alvarez,
& Marquez, 2006). Specifically, Molinero et al (2006) found that
having other things to do was the most important reason for youth sport
attrition, whereas other important reasons found in their study included
a dislike for the coach, perception of failure, and a lack of team
atmosphere. This study also revealed that coaches and teammates can
impact youth withdrawal from sport. The findings of this study as well
as recent research by Fraiser-Thomas et al., Johns et al., and Molinero
et al. suggest Gould and Petlichkoff's model should be revised.
Limitations and Further Research
Exploratory research, by nature, has limitations and one of the
limitations of this study is that only parents were surveyed to gain
information about why their child/children did hot return to play
hockey. Perhaps the child did not communicate the exact reason they did
not want to continue and as a result the findings may not accurately
reflect the child's perceptions. It also could be likely that
parents' perceptions differed from their child's regarding why
they did not want to continue participation. In the future, further
research should be conducted on attrition reasons in youth hockey to
confirm the results of this investigation. The current study should also
be extended by including both parents and their child to determine if
they indicate the same attrition reasons.
Other areas need additional examination beyond this. As revealed by
other researchers and this study, Gould and Petlichkoff's model
needs revision. Furthermore, few studies have asked participants for
their recommendations regarding what changes need to occur if young
athletes are to return to the sport participation and more work is
needed in this area. Also, future research should explore organizational
barriers to youth sport participation because few studies examine these
barriers. Gaining a better understanding of organizational barriers is
an important part to implementing informed programmatic changes in any
sport organization, and could be important in improving the experiences
of youth athletes.
Practical Implications and Recommendations for Youth Sport
The findings of this study provide a better understanding of
practical implications that youth sport organizations and other sport
administrators could use to retain youth participants or influence their
return to participation. First, the top four of the five factors that
participants indicated they disliked about the youth sport organization
(too much time is required for participation and travel, it's too
expensive, too competitive, and practice times are too early or late)
can all be addressed through programmatic changes. Administrators should
provide recreational opportunities for youth participants that require
less participation time and travel, as currently few opportunities for
youth exist with lower levels of commitment. Likewise, recreational
opportunities for youth should be affordable and offered during
reasonable hours. This would allow youth to participate in sport two or
three times a week, but still allow time to be involved in other
activities. Furthermore, based on the findings, youth sport programs
should be less focused on competition, with a stronger emphasis on fun
and enjoyment, developing friendships, as well as personal, character,
and skill development. The administrators of youth sport often only
offer competitive skill development opportunities that focus on winning,
practice four to five times a week, and travel to competitions on
weekends. The findings from this study reveal a demand for less intense
youth sport opportunities and youth sport administrators need to adapt
their programs to reflect this interest.
In addition, youth sport organizations should continue to enhance
coaching education programs to improve youth coaching and leadership.
Even though this study indicated that close to 68% of the participants
whose child stopped playing hockey indicated the coach had little-to-no
influence on their decision to not continue playing hockey, the coach
influenced approximately one-third of participants. Molinero and
colleagues (2006) found that the coach was the second most discussed
reason for attrition in young athletes in a number of different sports.
Furthermore, other researchers have suggested that coaches can have a
strong influence on whether or not youth dropout of sport (Scanlan &
Lewthwaite, 1988). As such, an emphasis on quality coaching and coaching
education should be a priority for youth sport programmers.
To conclude, a critical finding in this study is that once youth
leave the sport, few return. This provides evidence that youth sport
organizations need to take a proactive approach to increase
participation and decrease attrition rather than a reactive approach.
More specifically, youth sport organizations should spend their time and
resources examining how their programmatic offerings and other factors
such as access to facilities, fees, travel, and competition level
offerings may contribute to youth attrition. Once this has occurred, the
organizations should determine how these factors can be modified to
enhance participation opportunities for youth.
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Suzannah Mork Armentrout and Cindra S. Kamphoff
Minnesota State University
Address Correspondence to: Suzanna Armentrout, Department of Human
Performance, 1400 Highland Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato,
MN 56001. E-mail:
Table 1. Parental Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with the Youth
Sport Organization
Dissatisfied with the
Satisfied with the Organization Organization
1 Fun & enjoyment (n =45) 1 Too much time & travel (n= 53)
2 Friendships (n = 42) 2 Too expensive (n = 33)
3 Personal & character 3 Too early or late practice
development (n = 35) times (n =17)
4 Well run organization (n= 29) 4 Too much politics (n= 17)
5 Learning skills and how 5 Too competitive (n = 14)
to play (n = 28)
Table 2. Reasons for Discontinuing Participation
Reasons for Quitting Hockey
1 Too much time (N = 37)
2 Wants to do other things/activities (N = 30)
3 Financial (N = 22)
4 Not fun anymore (N = 16)
5 Lack of interest/didn't like it (N = 14)
Table 3. Recommendations That Could Lead to Continued Organizational
Recommendations for Continued Involvement
1 It is too late/nothing (N= 37)
2 More affordable (N = 31)
3 Less time commitment (N = 28)
4 More recreational opportunity/focus on fun (N = 16)
5 Better management/leadership/coaching (N= 14)