Negative self-talk during sport performance: relationships with pre-competition anxiety and goal-performance discrepancies.
Hatzigeorgiadis, Antonis ; Biddle, Stuart J.H.
The present investigation examined relationships between
pre-competition anxiety, goal-performance discrepancies, and
athletes'negative self-talk while performing. Two studies were
conducted with athletes who took part in middle-distance cross-country
events. The first (N = 38)focused on the relationships between negative
self-talk and the intensity and direction of anxiety. Cognitive anxiety
intensity had a stronger relationship with negative self-talk (r = .34)
than somatic anxiety intensity (r = .23). Furthermore, it was revealed
that individuals experiencing anxiety symptoms as facilitative reported
less negative self-talk than those experiencing anxiety symptoms as
debilitative. The second study (N = 36) examined anxiety components and
discrepancies between performance-goals and performance as predictors of
negative self-talk. Regression analysis revealed that cognitive anxiety
direction and goal-performance discrepancies were significant predictors
of negative thoughts (R2 = .41, p < .01), with discrepancies being a
stronger predictor (beta = .55) than cognitive anxiety direction (beta =
-.32). The results of the study indicate that quality of performance in
relation to pursued goals is a more potent factor determining negative
self-talk athletes experience while performing.
Inner speech is a characteristic of human kind (Fields, 2002).
Thoughts in the form of inner conversation deluge our mind and cognitive
theorists have long emphasized the link between what people say to
themselves and how they behave, suggesting that a person's thinking
can affect emotional and behavioral outcomes (Ellis, 1994; Meichenbaum,
1977). Meichenbaum (1977) viewed self-statements as indices of
individual's beliefs which may play a mediational role in
behavioral performance.
In the sport psychology literature, the study of inner speech has
been receiving increasing attention in the last two decades. Self-talk
(ST) has been described as a "multidimensional phenomenon concerned
with athletes' verbalizations that are addressed to
themselves" (Hardy, Hall, & Hardy, 2005, p. 905). Such
verbalizations allow individuals to interpret feelings and perceptions,
regulate cognitions and give themselves instructions and reinforcement (Hackfort & Schwenkmezger, 1993).
Two research paradigms have been mainly used for the study of ST in
sport (Moran, 1996), and both have primarily focused on the effects of
positive and negative ST on performance. On one hand, field studies have
examined ST as content of thoughts athletes experience. In such studies,
athletes' reports of ST during competitions have been related to
performance (e.g. Hatzigeorgiadis & Biddle, 2001; Van Raalte,
Brewer, Rivera, & Petipas, 1994). On the other hand, experimental
research has investigated ST as a cognitive strategy, where specific
cues are employed. In such studies, athletes are asked or trained to use
specific ST cues during task execution and effects on performance are
recorded (e.g. Hatzigeorgiadis, Theodorakis, & Zourbanos, 2004; Van
Raalte et al., 1995). Generally, the beneficial effects of positive and
the detrimental effects of negative ST on performance have been
supported in the sport literature (Van Raalte, et al., 1994; Van Raalte
et al., 1995; Wrisberg & Anshel, 1997); even though in some field
studies negative ST was not associated with impaired performance (e.g.
Dagrou, Gauvin, & Halliwell, 1991; Van Raalte, Cornelius, Brewer,
& Hatten, 2000). In contrast to the plethora of studies examining
the relationships between ST and performance, research in sport
psychology investigating antecedents of ST is sparse (Van Raalte et al.,
2000), urging Conroy and Metzler (2004) to suggest that determining the
origins of ST should become a priority in sport psychology research.
In contrast to the sport literature, a great deal of research
concerning the antecedents of ST, and in particular negative thoughts in
the form of worries, has been conducted in educational psychology. This
interest initiated when researchers tried to explain the relationship
between test anxiety and performance on cognitive tasks. Wine (1971)
suggested that interfering negative thoughts are a result of test
anxiety, and mediate the relationship between test anxiety and
performance. Considerable amounts of research have examined the
relationship between test anxiety and worries during task performance.
Overall, results have shown moderate but consistent relationships
between pre-task anxiety and worrying thoughts (Sarason, Pierce, &
Sarason, 1996). Furthermore, numerous studies in non-sport contexts have
supported the relationship between trait anxiety and negative ST (e.g.,
Ronan & Kendall, 1997; Treadwell & Kendall, 1996).
Investigating thought processes during task performance, Carver and
Scheier (1988) based on research conducted for over a decade (Carver
& Scheier, 1981, 1984, 1986) proposed a control process model of
behavior. They suggested that human behavior is regulated in a system of
feedback control. People establish goals in relation to certain values
and use these goals as reference points. When intentional behavior is
displayed they monitor themselves with regard to the goals and
accordingly adjust their actions in the direction of the reference
value, i.e., the behavioral standard. When, during this process,
discrepancies between intended and actual behavior (i.e., between goals
and performance) are detected, individuals experience cognitive
interference, particularly in the form of self-defeating thoughts and
negative self-evaluation. In brief, with regard to the interests of the
present study, the process control model postulates that negative
thoughts in the form of worry are a function of selfgenerated feedback
information individuals obtain while performing a task. Summarising the
above literature it can be identified that negative ST during task
performance relates to pretask anxiety, but more importantly to the
progress of the performed task.
In the sport psychology literature, Conroy and Metzler (2004) in a
study with students participating recreationally in physical activity
reported that trait sport anxiety could predict a tendency to experience
negative ST (beta = .37, p < .01). In a performance context, Van
Raalte et al. (2000) in a field study with tennis players found that
game circumstances predicted negative ST during sport performance. In
particular, they reported that negative ST followed lost points and bad
serves. Even though the study of Van Raalte et al. (2000) assessed ST
through observational measures, the results provide indirect support for
the idea that the progress of the competition influences the thought
patterns of athletes, thus supporting Carver and Scheier's
propositions. In another study examining the role of discrepancies
between goal and performance, Gaudreau, Blondin, and Lapierre (2002)
reported that such discrepancies were positively associated with
in-competition negative affect (r = .50, p < .01) and negatively
associated with in-competition positive affect (r = -.69, p < .01).
Stemming from the literature in test anxiety, the control process
theory, and the preliminary findings in the sport context, the present
investigation aimed to examine the relationship between pre-competition
anxiety, goal-performance discrepancies and athletes' negative ST
while performing. Two studies were conducted. The first focused on the
relationship between pre-competition anxiety and negative ST athletes
experience while performing. The second examined pre-competition anxiety
and goal-performance discrepancies as predictors of negative ST athletes
while performing.
Study 1
The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between
pre-competition anxiety and athletes' negative ST during
competition. Early test anxiety research suggested that anxiety hinders
performance because individuals high in test anxiety spent part of their
time ruminating over self-evaluating, self-defeating thoughts, which are
not relevant to the execution of the task (Wine, 1971). In accordance to
findings in test anxiety (Sarason et al., 1996), intensity of anxiety
symptoms was expected to have moderate relationships with frequency of
athletes' negative ST.
Research in sport anxiety has identified the need to move beyond
the intensity of anxiety symptoms. Led from findings supporting that
that pre-competition anxiety is not necessarily detrimental to
performance Parfitt, Jones, and Hardy (1990) proposed that in addition
to intensity of anxiety, researchers should also consider the direction
of anxiety. Direction of anxiety refers to the way athletes perceive
anxiety symptoms, and in particular whether athletes perceive these
symptoms as facilitative (helpful to performance) or debilitative
(detrimental to performance). Research has provided support for the
distinction between intensity and direction of anxiety, indicating that
anxiety symptoms can be perceived by athletes either as facilitative or
debilitative (Jones, Hanton, & Swain, 1994). Furthermore, the
direction dimension has shown greater sensitivity in identifying
differences in individual and situational variables than the intensity
dimension (Hanton, Thomas, & Maynard, 2004). More closely related to
the purposes of the present study, Jones and Hanton (2001) examined the
relationship between direction of pre-competition anxiety and
pre-competition feeling states. The results revealed than swimmers
perceiving their anxiety symptoms as facilitative reported more positive
(p < .01) and less negative (p < .01) feelings than athletes
perceiving their anxiety symptoms as debilitative. Therefore, anxiety
direction was considered along with intensity of anxiety symptoms.
As stated above, the purpose of this study was to explore the
relationship between precompetition anxiety intensity and direction and
athletes' negative ST during sport performance. Two hypotheses were
tested. First, in accordance to findings in test anxiety and cognitive
interference, it was hypothesized that pre-competition anxiety intensity
will be positively related to negative ST during performance, and this
relationship will be larger in magnitude for cognitive anxiety intensity
rather than somatic. Second, considering findings regarding the
dimension of anxiety direction, it was hypothesized that athletes
perceiving anxiety symptoms as facilitative will experience less
negative ST than those perceiving anxiety symptoms as debilitative.
Thirty eight athletes (27 males, 11 females) who took part in a
middle-distance (2.5 miles) cross-country event participated in the
study. Their mean age was 22.02 ([+ or -] 2.33) years, with an average
of 6.17 ([+ or -] 3.99) years of competitive experience.
The modified version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2
(CSAI-2; including the anxiety direction scale; Jones & Swain, 1992)
was used to assess intensity and direction of pre-competition cognitive
and somatic anxiety. The questionnaire comprised 18 items which assessed
intensity and direction of cognitive (e.g. "I have
self-doubts", "I am concerned about performing poorly"),
and somatic anxiety (e.g. "I feel nervous", "My body
feels tense") symptoms. Anxiety intensity was measured on a 4-point
scale (1 = not at all, 4= very much so). Anxiety direction was measured
on a 7-point scale (-3 = debilitative, 0 = neutral, +3 = facilitative).
The CSAI-2 is a well established and widely used instrument. In a
relevant review, Burton (1998) reported substantial evidence regarding
the validity and the reliability of the intensity scale. Even though the
direction scale has not been extensively validated, previous studies
have reported adequate reliability and evidence of discriminant and
predictive validity (Jones et al., 1994; Jones & Swain, 1992; Swain
& Jones, 1996). The self-confidence subscale despite being part of
the CSAI-2 was not considered. Self-confidence is closely related to
anxiety, but still remains an independent construct (Parfitt &
Pates, 1999). Considering that the study aimed to focus on anxiety
symptoms, and following Jones and Hanton's (1996) protocol, the
self-confidence subscale was not included in the analyses.
Negative ST during sport performance was assessed retrospectively,
after the conclusion of the competition. Considering that this was a
field study, in vivo thought assessment could not be applied and
therefore a retrospective assessment was employed despite the
limitations such an approach may contain. The 'performance
worries' subscale from the Thought Occurrence Questionnaire for
Sport (TOQS; Hatzigeorgiadis & Biddle, 2000) was used to
retrospectively assess negative ST athletes experienced during the race.
The choice of this TOQS subscale only was due to our purpose to assess
negative ST in the form of worries, and not other forms of interfering
thoughts. The 6-item scale (with the stem "During the race I had
thoughts ... ") assessed frequency of negative ST (e.g., " ...
that I am not going to achieve my goals", " ... that other
runners are better than me") on a 7-point scale (1 = never, 7 =
very often). Hatzigeorgiadis and Biddle (2000) provided adequate support
for the factorial structure of the instrument through confirmatory
factor analysis (CFI: .94; SRMR: .06) and evidence of dis- criminant and
concurrent validity. Further evidence regarding the validity of the TOQS
has been provided by Lane, Harwood, and Nevill (2005). Previous studies
have revealed satisfactory internal consistency with Cronbach's
alphas ranging from .77 to .90 (Hatzigeorgiadis & Biddle, 2002;
Lane, et al., 2005).
Permission was obtained from the race organisers to conduct the
data collection. Athletes were informed about the study on registration
for the race and were asked to volunteer. Those who agreed to
participate were given instructions regarding the data collection and
completed a form including informed consent and demographic
characteristics. Participants were asked to come to the start/finish
line where the research team's desk was situated before beginning
their warm-up routine. The modified CSAI-2 was completed before athletes
started warming-up, approximately thirty minutes before the start of the
race. Once each athlete had completed his/her race, he/she was
immediately asked to complete the TOQS.
Descriptive statistics, internal consistency coefficients and
correlations between the variables are displayed in Table 1. A one-way
MANOVA revealed that there were no differences in anxiety intensity and
direction and negative ST between males and females, F (6, 31) = 1.08, p
= .40, therefore subsequent analyses were calculated for the total
sample. Pre-competition cognitive anxiety intensity correlated moderately with negative ST (r = .34, p < .05). A weaker and
non-significant correlation was found for pre-competition somatic
anxiety intensity and negative ST (r = .23, p =. 16). Partial
correlations were subsequently calculated. The analysis was performed to
detect the degree to which covariance between cognitive and somatic
anxiety intensity influenced the identified Pearson's correlations
between anxiety intensity and negative thoughts. When controlling for
somatic anxiety intensity the correlation between cognitive anxiety
intensity and negative ST dropped slightly and became non-significant
(partial r = .28, p = .09), whereas when controlling for cognitive
anxiety intensity the correlation between somatic anxiety intensity and
negative ST dropped more emphatically (partial r =. 11, p = .49).
Subsequently, participants were divided into anxiety direction
groups. Following the recommendations of Jones and Swain (1995),
athletes having positive scores in both cognitive and somatic anxiety
direction were included in the facilitative group (n = 16) while those
having negative scores in both cognitive and somatic anxiety were
included in the debilitative group (n = 14). Mean scores in anxiety
direction for the two direction groups are reported in Table.
Analyses of variance were subsequently conducted to test for
differences in pre-competition anxiety intensity and negative ST during
performance between the two groups. Anxiety direction was the
independent variable whereas pre-competition anxiety intensity and
negative ST during competition were the dependent variables. The
analyses were conducted to explore (a) differences in negative ST during
performance and (b) whether such differences could be attributed to
differences in pre-competition anxiety intensity. One-way MANOVA was
calculated to test for differences in pre-competition cognitive and
somatic anxiety intensity between the facilitative and debilitative
anxiety direction groups. The analysis showed that the two anxiety
direction groups did not differ significantly in anxiety intensity, F
(2, 27) = 1.68, p = .21. Subsequently, one-way ANOVA was calculated to
test for differences in negative ST. The analysis revealed significant
differences between the two groups, F (1,28) = 6.95, p < .05,
[c.sup.2] = .20. In particular, athletes in the facilitative group
reported less negative ST than those in the debilitative group. Mean
scores in pre-competition anxiety intensity and negative ST during the
race for the two anxiety direction groups are displayed in Table 2.
Similarly to findings in educational psychology, pre-competition
anxiety was related to negative ST athletes experienced during
competition. Sarason, Sarason, Keefe, Hayes, and Shearin (1986)
suggested that in an evaluative situation anxiety symptoms are likely to
generate thoughts that reflect fears of failure and comparison with
others, and reported low to moderate correlations between test anxiety
and interfering negative thoughts (from. 10 to .41). In the sport
domain, Bird and Horn (1990) examined the relationship between cognitive
anxiety and mental errors in softball players. After dividing
participants into high and low groups on the basis of mental errors,
they reported that the group displaying more errors scored significantly
higher on cognitive anxiety compared to the low mental errors group.
Furthermore, Hatzigeorgiadis and Biddle (2000), in testing the
psychometric properties of the TOQS, reported cognitive anxiety to be
moderately related to performance worries during performance (r = .40).
However, in that study the analyses involved trait symptoms. In the
present study, both cognitive and somatic pre-competition anxiety
intensity were moderately correlated with negative ST, however the
relationship for somatic anxiety was weaker. Nevertheless, the
relationship between somatic anxiety and negative ST was higher compared
to results from educational psychology (Sarason et al., 1986), where
cognitive tasks are used, suggesting that in contrast to academic
settings, in sport the somatic condition is more strongly associated
with cognitive activation during performance.
In order to examine the role of anxiety direction, participants
were divided into groups according to their interpretation of cognitive
and somatic anxiety symptoms. Important in terms of effect size
differences between the two anxiety directions groups were detected in
negative ST reported during competition suggests that for athletes
perceiving their anxiety state as debilitative, pre-competition worries
were sustained during the event, whereas for negative ST during the
competition, which were reported retrospectively. The fact that the two
anxiety direction groups did not differ in pre-competition anxiety
intensity, but did differ inathletes perceiving anxiety symptoms are
facilitative such worries ceased once the competition started.
Summarising, the results showed that cognitive anxiety had a
moderate relationship with interfering negative thoughts athletes
experience while competing. Furthermore, it was revealed that even
though there were no differences in anxiety intensity between the two
anxiety direction groups, athletes perceiving their anxiety symptoms as
facilitative reported less negative ST than athletes perceiving their
anxiety symptoms as debilitative. The moderate only relationship between
pre-competition anxiety intensity and negative ST while performing
suggests that thought patterns are likely to change once competition is
under way. Based on this finding, the purpose of the second study was to
explore whether the progress of performance, and in particular
goal-performance discrepancies, is a more important determinant of
negative athletes' ST.
Study 2
To explain the relationships between test anxiety, negative ST in
the form of worrying thoughts, and performance, Carver and Scbeier
(1988) proposed the control process model of behavior. The model
identifies two major issues. The first issue is that worries are a
result of discrepancies between goals and performance individuals
identify while performing a task. The second issue is that the way
individuals react to such performance discrepancies depends on their
expectancies of goal attainment. The principles of the control process
model were adapted by Jones (1995) to accommodate advances in the sport
anxiety literature. Jones (1995) suggested that athletes'
expectancies of goal attainment may determine the way anxiety symptoms
are perceived. In particular, Jones suggested that athletes with
positive goal attainment expectancies will perceive anxiety symptoms as
facilitative, whereas athletes with negative goal attainment
expectancies will perceive anxiety symptoms as debilitative. In a
subsequent investigation, Jones and Hanton (1996) reported that with
regard to performance goals swimmers with positive expectancies towards
goal attainment interpreted their cognitive anxiety levels as
facilitative (scored positively on the anxiety direction scale; mean =
8.04), whereas uncertain swimmers and swimmers with negative
expectancies towards goal attainment interpreted their cognitive anxiety
levels as debilitative (scored negatively on the anxiety direction
scale; mean = -.3.00). Jones and Hanton's results provide
preliminary support for the validity of the adapted control process
model and encourage further research towards this direction.
Having examined the relationship between pre-competition anxiety
and negative ST, the purpose of the second study was to examine anxiety
and goal-performance discrepancies as predictors of athletes'
negative ST while performing. In accordance to Carver and Scheier's
(1988) framework, it was hypothesized that goal-performance
discrepancies will be a stronger predictor of negative ST.
Participants were 36 athletes (24 males, 12 females) who took part
in a different middle distance (2.7 miles) cross-country event (none of
them had participated in the first study). The mean age of participants
was 23.14 ([+ or -] 6.46) years with an average competitive experience
of 6.76 ([+ or -] 3.69) years. Instruments and procedures identical to
those in Study 1 were used. However, in addition, participants were
asked before the beginning of their warm-up routine to indicate their
time-goal for the upcoming race. Moreover, finishing times for each
athlete were obtained from the official results of the race. Discrepancy scores between time-goal and race-time were calculated after subtracting
time-goal from finishing time (the higher the score, the higher the
discrepancy between goal and performance).
Descriptive statistics, internal consistency coefficients and
correlations between the psychometric variables are displayed in Table
3. All indices were comparable to those obtained in Study 1. A one-way
MANOVA revealed that there were no differences in anxiety intensity,
anxiety direction and negative ST between males and females, F (5, 30) =
.87, p = .51, therefore subsequent analyses were calculated for the
total sample.
Hierarchical regression analysis was subsequently conducted to
reveal the degree to which negative thoughts could be predicted from
pre-competition anxiety intensity and time discrepancy. Two regression
models were tested with the two sets of independent variables (anxiety
and goal-performance discrepancies) entering the equation first
interchangeably. This method was selected to assess the relative
contribution of the independent variables in explaining variance of
negative ST after accounting for variance explained by each set of
independent variables (Edwards & Hardy, 1996; Tabachnick &
Fidell, 1996). A summary of the analysis is presented in Table 4. When
anxiety components entered the regression before time discrepancy,
cognitive anxiety direction was a significant predictor of negative ST
(adjusted [R.sup.2] =. 12). The addition of time discrepancy in the
second step raised the prediction significantly ([R.sup.2] change = .29;
total adjusted [R.sup.2] = .41). When discrepancy was entered first in
the regression (adjusted [R.sup.2] = .33), cognitive anxiety direction
(entering at the second step along with somatic anxiety) could still
account for a significant amount of variance in negative ST ([R.sup.2]
change = .08; total adjusted [R.sup.2] = .41).
Correlation analysis confirmed the moderate relationships between
anxiety intensity and direction and negative ST found in the first
study. The identification of moderate relationships between
pre-competition cognitive anxiety and negative thoughts during
performance in both studies indicates that the cognitive state of
athletes is changeable. In accordance with Carver and Scheier's
(1988) propositions, discrepancies between goals and performance were
found to be a stronger predictor of negative ST. However, it is
noticeable that despite the relatively large amount of variance
explained by goal-performance discrepancies in the second analysis
([R.sup.2] = .33), pre-competition cognitive anxiety direction could
contribute to the prediction ([R.sup.2] change = .08), suggesting that
the two predictors accounted for different parts of the variance of
negative ST. Thus, regardless of performance quality in relation to the
goal, interpretation of cognitive anxiety symptoms before the race was
associated with negative ST during the race. Furthermore, considering
that part of the variance was shared between the predictors, it appears
that in accordance with theoretical conceptualisations of anxiety
(Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, & Smith, 1990) cognitive anxiety
partly reflects anticipation of poor performance.
Nevertheless, the quality of performance in relation to the
expectations is the factor that mainly predicted the levels of negative
ST athletes experienced. This finding supports Carver and Scheier (1988)
control process model of behavior, suggesting that when athletes'
performance does not reflect their expectations, or when unexpected
difficulties arise during the competition, athletes tend to ruminate over performance-related, self-evaluative thoughts. Comparable findings
have been reported in another study examining cognitive and affective responses during sport performance. Gaudreau et al. (2002) calculated
discrepancies between goal and performance in golf players by
subtracting the scoring goal on an 18-hole stroke play competition from
the actual score after the conclusion of the competition. They reported
that goal-performance discrepancies could positively predict
in-competition negative affect ([R.sup.2] = .23, p < .01) and
negatively predict in-competition positive affect ([R.sup.2] = .46, p
< .01).
Somatic anxiety components, despite being moderately correlated
with negative ST, did not contribute to the prediction. Considering the
size of the sample, the lack of significant contribution should be
cautiously interpreted. Nevertheless, the results from the partial
correlations in Study 1 seem to confirm this finding. Considering that
the correlation between somatic anxiety intensity and negative ST
dropped when controlling for cognitive anxiety intensity, the results
suggest that the variance shared between somatic anxiety intensity and
negative thoughts is part of the covariance between cognitive and
somatic anxiety intensity. That is, the size of the relationship that
emerged between somatic anxiety intensity and negative ST can be
attributed to the relationship between cognitive and somatic anxiety
General Discussion
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the
relationships between the intensity and direction of anxiety with
athletes' negative ST while performing, and to assess
pre-competition anxiety components and discrepancies between goal and
performance as predictors of negative ST. Overall, the results of
indicated that regardless of pre-competition anxiety levels, performance
feedback information becomes an important determinant of ST during the
Considering the evidence supporting the detrimental effects of
negative ST on performance (Van Raalte et al., 1995; Wrisberg &
Anshel, 1997) the present findings have some important practical
implications with regard to the reduction of negative ST. The results of
the first study showed that athletes interpreting their pre-competition
anxiety symptoms as facilitative reported less negative ST during
competition. Athletes should understand that anxiety symptoms are a
normal reaction to competition. They should become familiar with such
responses and not solely concentrate on how to reduce anxiety symptoms.
In that way athletes are likely to reduce their negative ST during
competition. The results of the second study revealed that discrepancies
between goals and performance predicted athletes' negative ST,
suggesting that such discrepancies should be anticipated. To minimize
the possibility of large discrepancies and subsequently the occurrence
of negative ST athletes should strive for goals that are within their
At this point certain limitations of the present investigation
should be addressed. A first limitation is the methodological weakness
of self-reported ST. This limitation is not specific to this
investigation, but rather global when it comes to assess cognitions,
because thought sampling methods rely on self-reports. Retrospective
recall of thoughts has been criticised as dependent to memory and the
ability of individuals to be aware of the several thoughts they
experience. Nevertheless, as Moran (1996) noticed one cannot disregard
individuals' account of their own thought processes. Considering
that the purpose of the investigation was to explore relationships in
field, without interfering in the competitive environment, retrospective
recall was the most appropriate method. In attempting to minimize
relevant threats, in-competition ST was assessed immediately after the
conclusion of the competition.
Another shortcoming is the lack of methodological strength to
support timely the direction of causality in the identified
relationships. According to Carver and Scheier's (1988) model,
performance discrepancies which are responsible for the occurrence of
negative ST are detected by the individuals during task execution.
Individuals monitor performance in relation to the desired goal. The
assessment of perceived performance discrepancies during task
performance was not possible in this field study. Therefore, objective
discrepancies were assessed based on actual performance, assuming that
athletes were able to perceive such discrepancies. Once again,
considering the purposes of the investigation methodological designs to
examine causality were not applicable. Thus the identified effects can
only be supported through the theoretical assumptions of the control
process theory.
Finally, the results of the present investigation need replicating
and expanding due to the limited sample size. Field studies in which
pre- and post-competition assessments are administered are difficult to
implement and therefore rare in the sport psychology literature.
However, the consistency of the relationships between anxiety and ST in
the two studies strengthens the reliability of the results, at least for
this particular relationship.
Despite the identified limitations the present investigation
provides valuable evidence with regard to the antecedents of
athletes' negative ST. The present findings suggest that
precompetition anxiety and most importantly the quality of performance
in relation to pursued goals are important predictors of negative ST
athletes experience while performing. Based on the present field
results, further studies could explore in more depth the identified
relationships and experimental research could help support causal mechanisms regarding the antecedents of negative ST.
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Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis
University of Thessaly, Greece
Stuart J.H. Biddle
Loughborough University, UK
Address Correspondence To: Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis, Department of
Physical Education & Sports, University of Thessaly, Trikala, 42100,
Greece, Phone: 30 24310 47009, E-mail:
Table 1. Study 1: Descriptive statistics and correlations
Descriptive Cronbach's
statistics alpha
1. Cognitive anxiety intensity 17.61 5.72 .85
2. Somatic anxiety intensity 16.47 3.24 .70
3. Cognitive anxiety direction -.82 8.97 .85
4. Somatic anxiety direction 1.00 7.61 .81
5. Negative self-talk 2.97 1.39 .79
Pearson's Correlations
1 2 3 4
1. Cognitive anxiety intensity --
2. Somatic anxiety intensity .38 * --
3. Cognitive anxiety direction -.25 -.06 --
4. Somatic anxiety direction -.31 -.01 .77 ** --
5. Negative self-talk .34 * .23 -.34 * -.32
* p <.05, ** p <.01
Table 2. Study 1: Mean scores in anxiety intensity and direction and
negative self-talk for the two anxiety direction groups.
Anxiety direction
Facilitative Debilitative
(n = 16) (n = 14)
Cognitive anxiety intensity 15.50 [+ or -] 4.89 19.14 [+ or -] 5.82
Somatic anxiety intensity 15.81 [+ or -] 2.61 16.36 [+ or -] 2.98
Cognitive anxiety direction 6.38 [+ or -] 5.12 -7.71 [+ or -] 7.60
Somatic anxiety direction 6.50 [+ or -] 4.60 -6.21 [+ or -] 6.54
Negative self-talk 2.30 [+ or -] 1.15 3.61 [+ or -] 1.55
Table 3. Study 2: Descriptive statistics and correlations
Descriptive Cronbach's
statistics alpha
1. Cognitive anxiety intensity 18.53 3.08 .70
2. Somatic anxiety intensity 16.86 3.13 .72
3. Cognitive anxiety direction 4.89 8.39 .80
4. Somatic anxiety direction 5.11 8.00 .90
5. Negative self-talk 2.06 .84 .70
Pearson's Correlations
1 2 3 4
1. Cognitive anxiety intensity --
2. Somatic anxiety intensity .37 * --
3. Cognitive anxiety direction -.26 -.17 --
4. Somatic anxiety direction -.25 .07 .67 ** --
5. Negative self-talk .34 * .29 -.37 * -.24
* p <.05, ** p <.01
Table 4. Study 2: Summary of the hierarchical stepwise regression
analyses on negative self-talk
Beta t F change
Analysis 1
Step 1 5.40 * .12
cognitive anxiety direction -.38 -2.32 *
Step 2 12.56 ** .29
cognitive anxiety direction -.32 -2.37 *
performance discrepancies .55 4.13 **
Analysis 2
Step 1 17.05 ** .33
performance discrepancies .59 4.13 **
Step 2 12.56 ** .08
performance discrepancies .55 4.13 **
cognitive anxiety direction -.32 -2.37 *
* p <.05, ** p <.01