Coping with failure: The effects of self-esteem and coping on changes in self-efficacy.
Lane, Andrew M. ; Jones, Liz ; Stevens, Matthew J. 等
Self-efficacy has been described as the guardian angel of
successful performance (Terry, 1989). There has been a great deal of
research support for a positive relationship between self-efficacy and
performance in a number of different contexts including sport (Bandura,
1997; Moritz, Feltz, Fahrbach, & Mack, 2000; Stajkovic &
Luthans, 1998). Self-efficacy is defined as the levels of confidence
individuals have in their ability to execute courses of action or attain
specific performance outcomes (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). Personal
efficacy expectations are proposed to influence initiating behavior and
how much effort will be applied to attain a successful outcome in the
face of difficulties and setbacks (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997).
Meta-analysis results for self-efficacy and sport performance
relationships lend support to its predictive power (Moritz et al.,
Bandura (1977, 1986, 1997) suggested that self-efficacy judgments
derive from the cognitive processing of information from four principle
sources; 1) performance accomplishments (Feltz, Landers, & Raeder,
1979, George, 1994), 2) vicarious experiences (George, Feltz, &
Chase, 1992, Gould & Weiss, 1981), 3) verbal persuasion (Feltz &
Riessinger, 1990), and 4) emotional arousal (Feltz, 1982, Feltz &
Mugno, 1983). Performance accomplishments are proposed to be the most
dependable source of self-efficacy. Performances perceived successful
are proposed to raise self-efficacy, whereas performances perceived
unsuccessful are proposed to lower self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997). It is
important to recognize the cognitive nature of self-efficacy. The
cognitive appraisal of information from the four sources is proposed to
influence self-efficacy and not the objective information per se.
One variable proposed to influence the appraisal process is
self-esteem. Previous research has found that self-esteem plays an
important role in the formation of psychological states such as
self-efficacy (Campbell, 1990; Brown & Mankowski, 1993; Dodgson&
Wood, 1998; Kernis, Brockner, & Frankel, 1989; Moreland &
Sweeney, 1984). Research has found that individuals low in self-esteem
tend to respond to experiences in a balanced way; positive events lead
to positive psychological states and negative events lead to negative
ones. By contrast, high self-esteem individuals tend to embrace positive
events but disregard or offset the potentially debilitating effects of
negative events, and this is associated with maintaining positive
psychological states (Brown & Dutton, 1995; Brown & Mankowski,
1993; Campbell, 1990; Dodgson & Wood, 1998).
The cognitive patterns associated with self-esteem are proposed to
explain these differential effects. Taylor and Brown (1988) suggested
that individuals high in self-esteem are able to access more positive
thoughts about themselves after failure. Hence, they maintain a positive
focus. By contrast, low self-esteem individuals are unable to utilize
this strategy, as they doubt the number of positive attributes that they
possess. It is proposed that both groups tend to desire success, but
high self-esteem individuals are more likely to reject and dismiss the
negative implications of failure, while low self-esteem individuals tend
to attribute negative events such as poor performance internally
(Dodgson & Wood, 1998). Thus, although self-efficacy derives from
sources that are based on performance (Bandura, 1997), self-esteem is
proposed to moderate the accessibility of retrieving performance
accomplishments from memory following failure.
The notion that individuals with low self-esteem suffer greater
negative consequences to failure suggests they use ineffective coping
strategies. Coping has been defined as "a process of constantly
changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external
and/or internal demands or conflicts appraised as taxing or exceeding
ones resources" (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984, p. 141). Empirical
evidence shows athletes use a variety of strategies to cope with
environmental demands (Crocker & Isaak, 1997; Giacobbi &
Weinberg, 2000; Gould, Eklund, & Jackson, 1993).
Coping strategies can be either problem-or emotion-focused (Folkman
& Lazarus, 1985). Problem-focused coping involves efforts to alter
or manage the stressor. These strategies include problem solving,
planning, and increasing effort. Emotion-focused coping involves
regulating the emotional responses that arise as a result of the
stressor. Examples of emotion-focused coping strategies include
behavioral withdrawal, wishful thinking, denial, and venting of
Although stressors often elicit both emotion-focused and
problem-focused coping, it is proposed that problem-focused coping
strategies are a more common approach when situations are perceived as
attainable and controllable (Folkman & Lazarus, 1985).
Emotion-focused coping strategies are proposed to predominate in
situations perceived as beyond the control of the individual.
Research investigating the relationship between coping and
self-esteem has shown that individuals reporting high self-esteem tend
to rely more on problem-focused coping than those reporting low
self-esteem (Terry, 1994). Although processes through which individual
differences influence coping have not been fully established, there is
some evidence that individuals high in self-esteem make more adaptive
choices in stressful situations (Taylor & Brown, 1988). In testing
their COPE measure, Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub (1989) found positive
relationships between self-esteem and the problem-focused strategies
such as active coping, planning, and positive re-interpretation. Carver
et al. (1989) found low self-esteem was associated with using
emotion-focused strategies such as denial and behavioral disengagement.
It is important to note that this theory has been tested in general
psychology and has not been investigated in a sporting context. For
athletes, failure to succeed in an important competition can have
catastrophic effects on self-efficacy. Thus, it is suggested that
athletes must be able to access coping strategies that enable efficacy
to be maintained following defeat.
Collectively, the influence of self-esteem on changes in
self-efficacy has not been investigated in sport. The purpose of the
present study was twofold. The first purpose was to examine the
relationship between self-esteem and changes in self-efficacy following
defeat. The second purpose was to examine the relationship between
self-esteem and coping strategies. We hypothesized that individuals low
in self-esteem will report significantly greater reductions in
self-efficacy than individuals high in self-esteem. Further, given the
nature of self-esteem, it is hypothesized that individuals high in
self-esteem will employ more adaptive coping strategies, while low
self-esteem individuals will use more maladaptive coping strategies.
Participants were 91 (Male: N = 40; Female N = 51) national
standard tennis players ranging in age from 11 to 21 years (M = 16.23
years; SD = 3.22 years). They were moderately experienced players (M =
7.29 years; SD = 2.45), with 24 having competed internationally.
Self-esteem. Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965)
was used to assess self-esteem. Respondents completed the scale by
indicating their agreement with each of the 10 items (e.g. "On the
whole I am satisfied with myself", "I certainly feel useless
at times") on a 4-point scale (4 = strongly agree, 1 = strongly
disagree). After reversing the scoring for 5 negatively worded items, a
total Self-esteem score was obtained by summing the 10 responses. The
range of scores using this procedure was 10-40 with higher scores
indicating higher Self-esteem. In the present study, the alpha
coefficient was .82, hence indicating an internally reliable scale.
Coping. Crocker and Graham's (1995) modified version of the
COPE (MCOPE) was used to assess coping strategies. Nine subscales were
based on the original COPE measure (Carver et al., 1989): Seeking social
support for Instrumental reasons; Seeking social support for emotional
reasons; Behavioral disengagement; Planning, Suppression of competing
activities; Venting of emotions; Rumor; Active coping; and Denial. Based
on empirical research (Madden, Summers, & Brown, 1990), Self-blame,
Wishful thinking, and Increasing effort subscales were added.
Participants responded to the 48 items of the MCOPE (4 items to each
scale) on a 5-point Likert scale indicating the degree to which they
utilized each coping strategy.
Initial investigations of the internal consistency of the MCOPE
have shown alpha coefficients exceeding 0.60 for all subscales except
denial (0.42). Giacobbi and Weinberg, (2000) reported internal
consistency coefficients above 0.60 for all subscales. In the present
alpha coefficients were: Seeking social support for instrumental
reasons, alpha = .71; Seeking social support for emotional reasons,
alpha = .68; Behavioral disengagement, alpha = .73; Self-blame, alpha =
.78; Planning, alpha = .73; Suppression of competing activities, alpha =
.74; Venting of emotions. alpha = .71; Humor, alpha = .72; Increasing
effort, alpha = .77; Wishful thinking, alpha = .76; Active coping, alpha
= .71; Denial, alpha = .73. Thus all alpha coefficients were above the
.70 criterion for acceptable consistency (Tabachnick & Fidell, 1996)
except Seeking social support for emotional reasons, which was close.
Self efficacy. We used suggestions made by Bandura (1997) and
evidence from Moritz et al. (2001) as a guide to develop the
self-efficacy for tennis tiebreak competition. Moritz et al. (2001)
showed that the strongest self-efficacy and performance when there is
concordance between the measure of self-efficacy and performance. This
suggests that perceptions of self-efficacy should be directed at the
competences required in delivering performance. In order to do this,
researchers should conduct a thorough examination of competencies
underpinning performance. In the present study, tennis coaches (N = 2)
and tennis players (N = 6) were asked to describe competencies needed to
win a tiebreak competition. This led to a six-item Self-efficacy
questionnaire, namely;
1) 'How confident are you in winning the tie-break?;
2) "How confident are you of winning your service
3) "How confident are you getting more than 60% first serves
4) "How confident are you of winning the return points?"
5) "How confident are you of winning the rally points?"
6) "How confident are you of winning the important
Items were rated on a 10-point Likert scale anchored by 'no
confidence in ability to execute the task' (I) to 'absolutely
certain' (10). Self-efficacy perceptions for the six items were
combined resulting in one single Self-efficacy score giving a range from
6-60. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for pre-game Self-efficacy scores
was .82 and .92 for post-game Self-efficacy scores.
Self-efficacy questionnaires scores were subjected to Confirmatory
Factor Analysis (CFA) (Bentler, 1995; Tabachnick & Fidell, 1996).
Bentler (1995) argued that structural equation modeling provides a
rigorous test of theoretical proposals made by researcher about the
dataset. In the present study, it was hypothesized that Self-efficacy
items loaded onto a single factor (self-efficacy toward tennis tiebreak
competition). It was further hypothesized that the relationship between
Self-efficacy items and the hypothesized factor would be invariant across time.
Confirmatory factor analysis of Self-efficacy scores yielded
support for the single factor model before the first tiebreak
competition (Robust Confirmatory Fit Index: RCFI = .914). CFA for the
Self-efficacy scores before the second tie break competition showed
support for the single factor model (RCFI =.969). To test the invariance of relationships between Self-efficacy items and the factor, multisample
CFA was used. It should be noted that this was not a multisample
analysis, but a test-retest design. Equality constraints were placed on
relationships between the item and the factor. Results indicated support
for factorial invariance (CFI = .917) with Lagrange Multiplier Results
showing no significant differences between the relationship between
items and the factor.
Informed consent for participation was given and confidentiality
was assured to each participant. A tiebreak competition was set-up by
the second author who is also a tennis coach. Players were drawn against
a similarly ranked opponent (players were matched against either the
same, one higher or one lower rated opponent of the same gender). It was
anticipated that matching of ability would create a realistic,
competitive task that would subsequently produce an incentive for
meaningful performance.
Players completed the Self-esteem questionnaire and MCOPE before
warming-up. After warming-up, players completed the first Self-efficacy
questionnaire and then played a tiebreak following normal tennis rules.
After the first tiebreak, players were informed that they would compete
against a similarly rated opponent in another tiebreak and completed a
second Self-efficacy questionnaire. The second tiebreak was then played.
Following two matches, this yielded 59 players who lost a tiebreak. Data
from losing players went forward to the next stage of analysis.
As previous research (Crocker & Graham, 1995) has found gender
differences between ways of coping, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and
coping scores, data were compared by gender. If significant differences
emerged, gender would be used as a covariate in subsequent analyses. If
there were no significant differences, data for males and females would
be merged into a single file.
Based on a median split, participants were divided into a low
Self-esteem group (N = 24, M= 23.33, SD = 2.13) and a high Self-esteem
group (N 35, M= 31.63, SD 3.36). The difference in Self-esteem scores
between groups was significant with a large effect size (t = 9.19, p
<.001, Effect size -2.84).
To test Hypothesis 1, a repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to
investigate differences in Self-efficacy over time by Self-esteem group
(High/Low). For Hypothesis two, a Multivariate Analysis of Variance
(MANOVA) was conducted to investigate differences in coping strategies
adopted by high and low Self-esteem participants.
MANOVA to compare Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, and coping scores by
gender indicated no significant multivariate effect (Hotellings T = .29,
15, 43, p > .05). Further analysis indicated no significant
univariate differences (p > .05). Thus, data were merged to form a
single file. Descriptive statistics for Self-efficacy and coping scores
are contained in Table 1. Effect sizes are reported using the pooled
standard deviation method (see Thomas & Nelson, 1996). Thomas and
Nelson (1996) argued that an effect size of > 0.8 is large, around
0.5 is moderate, and < 0.2 is small.
A comparison of Self-efficacy scores over time by Self-esteem
groups is depicted graphically in Figure 1. Repeated measures ANOVA
results indicated a significant interaction effect ([F.sub.1,56]= 6.56,
p <.05) for the influence of Self-esteem on changes in Self-efficacy
over time. Results indicated that there was a significantly greater
decrease in Self-efficacy scores following defeat in the low Self-esteem
group (see Figure 1). Self-efficacy reduced by 23 .49% in the low
Self-esteem group, and by 11.37% in the high Self-esteem group. There
was a significant main effect for differences in Self-efficacy by
Self-esteem ([F.sub.1,56] = 4.00, p < .05) groups. As Table 1
indicates there was no significant difference between rated
Self-efficacy before the first tiebreak competition with a difference
emerging post-competition. ANOVA results indicated that Self-efficacy
reduced significantly over time ([F.sub.1,56] = 32.49, p <.01, Table
1). However, it has been suggested that it is not meaningful to
interpret main effects when there is a significant interaction, as it
implies an interaction does not exist (Pedhazur &
Pedhazur-Schmelkin, 1991).
MANOVA to compare Coping scores by Self-esteem groups indicated a
significant multivariate effect (Hotellings' [T.sup.2] 57.37,
[F.sub.12,46] = 4.19, p <.001). Univariate follow-up analysis
indicated that the low Self-esteem group reported significantly lower
scores on Seeking social support for instrumental reasons, Planning, and
Effort, with higher scores on Behavioral disengagement, Self-blame and
Humor. Discriminant function analysis was used to show the strength of
the association between Self-esteem and Coping scores. A direct
discrimination function analysis was performed using subscales scores of
the MCOPE as predictors of high Self-esteem group and low Self-esteem
group. Analysis showed that 50 participants (85%) could be correctly
classified as being either high Self-esteem or Low Self-esteem on the
basis of MCOPE scores [[X.sup.2] (N = 59) = 20.48, p <.05].
The aim of the study was to examine the influence of Self-esteem on
changes in self-efficacy following defeat. A second purpose was to
examine the relationship between self-esteem and coping strategies.
Although this line of investigation has received a great deal of
research attention in general psychology, it has received little
attention in sport psychology. Management of self-efficacy is proposed
to be an important part of the work of coaches and applied sport
psychologists, something that is particularly relevant to tennis
(Weinberg, Grove, & Jackson, 1992). Given the reciprocal
relationship between performance and self-efficacy, management of
self-efficacy is especially important following defeat. It is generally
agreed that applied interventions should be founded on a basis of theory
and research. Theoretically driven research to identify factors that
influence how players cope with defeat would provide an empirical basis
for the development of intervention strategies designed to manage
In support of the first Hypothesis (see Figure 1), results show
that the reduction in Self-efficacy was significantly greater in the Low
Self-esteem group following failure. However, it should be noted that
although the reduction in Self-efficacy was smaller in the low
Self-esteem group (11.37% as opposed to 23.49%), Self-efficacy still
reduced significantly following defeat. This result emphasizes the
impact of failure on self-efficacy. In support of the second Hypothesis,
results demonstrated significant differences in MCOPE scores between
Selfesteem groups. Low Self-esteem was associated with a tendency to use
coping strategies such as Behavioral disengagement, Self-blame and
Findings showing that Self-efficacy scores reduced significantly
following defeat is consistent with self-efficacy theory (Bandura,
1997). We suggest that identifying the role of self-esteem in the
processing of efficacy-related information might serve to further
clarify applying the conceptual framework proposed by Bandura (1997) to
sport. Consistent with self-efficacy theory, it is suggested that
cognitive appraisal of performance that is important (Bandura, 1997).
However, we suggest that self-esteem influences the appraisal process,
and particularly, the ability to retrieve performance accomplishments
stored in the memory. This approach is consistent with previous research
showing that individuals high in self-esteem are able to reject negative
events and focus on positive attributes, while individuals with low
self-esteem tend to internalize failure (Brown & Mankowski, 1993;
Dodgson & Wood, 1998). When an individual with low self-esteem
encounters failure, it reinforces the negative self-perceptions, and
losing tends to be attributed to stable internal causes.
The second purpose of the present study investigated the
association between self-esteem and coping styles. In the present study,
individuals reporting high Self-esteem indicated a tendency to adopt
more problem-focused strategies. As Table 1 shows, high Selfesteem
individuals reported higher scores on Seeking social support for
instrumental reasons, Planning, and Increasing effort, a finding
consistent with previous research (Carver et al., 1989). Seeking social
support for instrumental reasons was defined as "seeking advice,
assistance, or information" (Carver et al., 1989, p.269). The
authors noted that there are conceptual differences between seeking
social support for 'instrumental reasons' and for
'emotion reasons' (which involves seeking moral support,
sympathy or understanding), while acknowledging that they might often
co-occur. Recent research has questioned the independence of social
support scales based on the strength of their association (Eklund,
Grove, & Heard, 1998). The present study provides support for
maintaining separate social support variables when investigating
relationships between coping and self-esteem. The results show that
individuals low in Self-esteem are more likely to seek out social
support for emotional reasons, while those high in Self-esteem are more
likely to seek social support for instrumental reasons.
The results also lend support to the notion that individuals high
in Self-esteem tend to perceive situations as controllable and react
with a strategy aimed at changing the cause of the problem (Dodgson
& Wood, 1989). By contrast, individuals reporting lower Self-esteem
tend to perceive difficult tasks as beyond their control and
consequently tend to resort to using emotion-focused strategies reduce
the negative feelings associated with the stressor.
Findings from the present study indicating low self-esteem was
associated with using behavioral disengagement and wishful thinking as
coping strategies can be used to illustrate how failure can influence
self-efficacy. To disengage from a potentially stressful situation is
likely to increase the possibility of experiencing failure, and failure
is proposed to reduce self-efficacy. General psychology literature
suggests that low self-esteem individuals tend to choose to exit a
situation as a way of avoiding further humiliation (Baumeister, 1993).
In the present study, low self-esteem individuals reported
significantly higher scores on 'wishful thinking'. It is
suggested that although these individuals desire positive outcomes (they
utilized strategies such as "I daydreamed about a better
performance" and "I have fantasies or wishes about how things
might turn out"), they lack the belief that they are capable of
achieving such an outcome. In a situation where failure has been
experienced, or is perceived to be inevitable, it is proposed that low
self-esteem individuals do not believe that they can overcome the
challenge. Their fragile self-concept is associated with a tendency to
doubt their positive abilities and to focus upon their negative ones,
even to the point of overgeneralization (Carver & Ganellan, 1983).
What they desperately want to achieve becomes difficult due to the
perceived demands of the task outweighing the perception of ability.
The esteem literature has provided evidence to suggest that low
self-esteem individuals hold fragile, negative self-conceptualizations.
This perception is difficult to change as these individuals are caught
between wanting to enhance their self-perception but feel the need for
self-consistency (Baumeister, 1993). Applying a direct intervention to
enhance self-esteem might not be advantageous. The athlete's
frailties could be further revealed and a downward negative spiral in
self-efficacy could result. Indirect interventions may be more
appropriate, for example, teaching individuals how to cope with
stressful situations could potentially reduce the amount of negative
cognitions/emotions they experience each time they enter a difficult
achievement context. For example, problem-focused strategies, where
cognitions are directed toward the task, are more likely to produce
positive outcomes than strategies that disengage the performer from the
It is important to acknowledge the limitation of the self-efficacy
measure used in the present study. The self-efficacy measure was not
subjected to a rigorous validation procedure (Anastasi & Urbina,
1997). Although the self-efficacy measure showed evidence of face
validity, factorial validity, and internal consistency, it was not
subjected to a test of concurrent validity. Concurrent validity is
proposed to be an important stage in questionnaire validation as it
informs on the meaning of the construct under investigation (Anastasi
& Urbina, 1997).
Although the importance of showing evidence of concurrent validity
should not be underestimated, identification of an appropriate
self-efficacy measure to use as the criterion measure is problematic.
Recent research has emphasized the importance of developing
self-efficacy measures that assess the important behaviors of interest
(Bandura, 1997; Moritz et al., 2001). Bandura (1986, 1997) argued that
researchers should follow theoretical guidelines regarding specificity
of self-efficacy assessment and correspondence with criterial tasks.
Thus, the absence of an existing validated tennis-specific measure of
self-efficacy precluded a test of concurrent validity. It could be
argued that we could have used a general measure of self-confidence such
as the scale used in the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2;
Martens, Vealey, Burton, Bump, & Smith, 1990). Moritz et al. (2001)
included the CSAI-2 in their meta-analysis. It should be noted that the
CSAI-2 does not specify behavioral outcomes specific to tenn is.
Further, the self-confidence scale on the CSAI-2 comprises items such as
'I feel at ease' and 'I feel calm' which assess
perceptions of calmness rather than self-efficacy. Thus, we argue that
although a test of concurrent validity is desirable, it is difficult
when developing self-efficacy measure in specific contexts. We argue
that there is a need for further research to cross-validate the
self-efficacy scale used in the present study to a new sample of tennis
In conclusion, findings from the present study lend support for the
notion that self-efficacy is malleable, and that performance
accomplishments influence self-efficacy. Findings suggest that
self-esteem influences the interpretation of defeat, whereby individuals
high in Self-esteem protect self-efficacy more than individuals low in
Self-esteem. Further, results indicate that individuals high in
self-esteem use more adaptive coping strategies. Future work should
extend examination of relationships between self-esteem, coping, and
changes in self-efficacy in different samples.
Table 1
Preferred Coping Strategies and Self-Efficacy Levels for Losing Tennis
Players (N = 59)
Pre tie-break Self-efficacy for 37.47 6.83
tiebreak 1
Pre tie-break Self-efficacy for 28.67 7.37
tiebreak 2
Coping strategies
Seeking social support for 12.07 2.46
instrumental reasons
Seeking social support for 13.00 3.21
emotional reasons
Behavioral disengagement 9.67 2.77
Self-blame 15.73 2.12
Planning 13.07 2.89
Suppression of competing 12.20 1.82
Venting of emotions 12.80 3.88
Humor 11.87 4.45
Increasing effort 15.80 2.34
Wishful thinking 14.67 3.13
Active coping 14.73 2.15
Denial 9.67 2.82
High self-esteem
M SD t
Pre tie-break Self-efficacy for 40.82 7.12 1.68
tiebreak 1
Pre tie-break Self-efficacy for 36.18 8.47 2.49 **
tiebreak 2
Coping strategies
Seeking social support for 13.78 2.47 -2.45 *
instrumental reasons
Seeking social support for 12.76 3.09 0.27
emotional reasons
Behavioral disengagement 6.79 2.28 4.31 **
Self-blame 14.28 2.20 2.36 *
Planning 15.08 2.36 -2.91 **
Suppression of competing 13.95 3.56 -1.85
Venting of emotions 10.87 3.72 1.82
Humor 9.61 3.77 2.06 *
Increasing effort 17.42 2.35 -2.44 *
Wishful thinking 12.01 2.83 3.27 **
Active coping 15.59 2.30 -1.34
Denial 9.38 2.29 0.42
Pre tie-break Self-efficacy for -.48
tiebreak 1
Pre tie-break Self-efficacy for -1.32
tiebreak 2
Coping strategies
Seeking social support for -.69
instrumental reasons
Seeking social support for .08
emotional reasons
Behavioral disengagement 1.11
Self-blame .67
Planning -.75
Suppression of competing -.66
Venting of emotions .51
Humor .54
Increasing effort -.69
Wishful thinking .88
Active coping -.39
Denial .11
Hotellings' [T.sup.2] = 57.37, [F.sub.12,46] = 4.19,p <.001
** p <.01
* p <.05
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Address Correspondence To: Dr. Andrew Lane, School of Sport,
Performing Arts, & Leisure, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway
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