The Effects of Goal Orientation and Perceived Competence on Cognitive Interference During Tennis and Snooker Performance.
Hatzigeorgiadis, Antonis ; Biddle, Stuart
The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of goal
orientation and perceived competence on cognitive interference during
sport performance. The sample consisted of 182 snooker and tennis
players. The Thought Occurrence Questionnaire (TOQ) was used to measure
cognitive interference. The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport
Questionnaire (TEOSQ) was used to assess athletes' goal
orientation, while perceptions of competence were evaluated by a
three-item scale. Multiple Group Path Analysis was conducted to test the
structure of the relationship between the constructs. Results revealed
that while task orientation was negatively associated with
'thoughts of escape', irrespective of levels of perceived
competence, the relationship between ego orientation and 'thoughts
of escape' was moderated by perceived competence. congruent with
theoretical predictions, in the low perceived competence group there was
a positive relationship between ego orientation and 'thoughts of
escape', while in the high competenc e group the association was
not significant.
In sport psychology, and in achievement motivation in particular,
goal orientation theory (Nicholls 1984, 1989) has attracted a remarkable
amount of attention in recent years. However, despite its popularity,
only a limited amount of research has examined relationships between
goals and aspects of sport performance. Within this literature sport
anxiety has been the main focus of attention (e.g. Gould, Ecklund,
Petlichkoff, Petersen and Bump, 1991; Hall and Kerr, 1997; Martin and
Gill, 1991; Swain and Jones, 1992; Vealey and Campbell, 1988).
In sport it is common hearing athletes attributing their success to
their level and quality of concentration, or their failure to lack of
concentration. Furthermore, there are many times when athletes admit
that thoughts not connected to the task interfere with what should be
their only focus, that is personal performance. Though an important
aspect of performance, cognitive interference has been largely ignored
in sport psychology research. In contrast, a great deal of research
focusing on cognitive interference has been conducted in educational
settings. Here, cognitive interference has been described as task
irrelevant, self-preoccupied thinking including components of worry over
performance (Sarason, Sarason and Pierce, 1990). This paper explores
whether goal orientation is associated with thought occurrence during
sport performance.
Cognitive Interference
Educational research has taken place on the antecedents and the
effects of cognitive interference. Originally, it was suggested that
cognitive interference is a result of test anxiety (Deffenbacher and
Deitz 1978; Wine 1971), and a number of studies were conducted to test
this relationship. Sarason and Stoops (1978), applying a task presented
as an intelligence test, found that high test anxious individuals
displayed higher levels of cognitive interference than those low in test
anxiety. In particular, they reported that high test anxious individuals
were preoccupied during the task by how poorly they were doing, how
other people were coping, and what the examiner would think of them.
Zats and Chassin (1983) reported that during an anagram task high test
anxious children experienced qualitatively more negative and
task-irrelevant thoughts than moderate and low anxious children, while
in similar tasks others have found that high levels of test anxiety are
associated with more frequent negative and interfering cognitions during
performance (Bruch, Juster and Kaflowitz, 1983; Deffenbacher and
Hazaleus, 1985; Gallassi, Frierson and Sharer, 1981).
However, because not all differences in cognitive interference that
participants were experiencing could be attributed to test anxiety,
researchers tried to identify other factors that might stimulate, or
interact with, test anxiety in generating interfering thoughts. It was
revealed that cognitive interference was related to levels of study
skills (Culler and Holahan, 1980; Paulman and Kennelly, 1984), perceived
ability (Arkin, Detchon and Maruyama, 1982), previous performance,
perceived preparation, grade expectation, examination importance
(Hunsley, 1987), task difficulty (Arkin et al., 1982), and the degree to
which evaluation was involved (Zats and Chassin, 1985).
Progressively, research on test anxiety moved towards the
proposition that it impairs performance through interference from
self-preoccupying task worries and task irrelevant thoughts. Paulman and
Kennelly (1984), examining information-processing deficits in a
dual-task paradigm related to cognitive interference, found that
elevated cognitive interference scores were significantly associated
with lower test performance. Miculiner (1989), in a study concerning
learned helplessness, examined performance differences between those
high and low in cognitive interference in a memory and visual search
task following unsolvable problems. He reported that the more frequent
the participants' 'mind-wandering', the less accurate
their performance. This supported the view that excessive engagement in
self-concerned thoughts and in off-task cognitions are important
antecedents of performance deficits. Finally, Hoffman (1993) reported
that in a computer-based task, cognitive interference, and in particular
task-related wor ries, predicted poor performance.
In the sport psychology literature very few studies have been
concerned with cognitive interference. In one of these, Schwenkmezger
and Laux (1986) reported that high trait anxious handball players
responded to a highly stressful situation with increased worry, whereas
that was not the case for players with low trait anxiety. Furthermore,
they found that cognitive interference was negatively related to
performance. Man, Stuchlikova and Kindlmann (1995), with a sample of
football players, did not support the prediction that highly stressful
situations would evoke elevations in cognitive interference. However,
they reported that cognitive interference was predicted by
athletes' cognitive anxiety. Taking into account the above findings
it becomes apparent that the investigation of cognitive interference in
sports could reveal interesting as well as important aspects as to how
cognitions are related to sport performance.
Goal Orientations
To explain differences in behavior a vast amount of research in
sport psychology has been devoted to the examination of motivational
processes. Within this body of research achievement motivation has been
given considerable attention. One of the main theories in this domain is
the 'goal perspectives theory' (Nicholls, 1984, 1989), which
has proved to be valuable in explaining cognitions, affect and behavior
individuals display in achievement settings (Dweck, 1992). According to the theory, two main kinds of achievement orientation have been
identified in terms of the way people define success. One concentrates
on learning, mastery and self-improvement, where the task is the major
focus (task orientation), whereas the other focuses on normatively based
accomplishment and social comparison, where the self and the
presentation of the self are the points of reference (ego orientation).
Furthermore, according to the theory, perceptions of competence are of
particular importance for individuals displaying a high e go orientation
(Nicholls, 1984, 1989). In general, task orientation, in comparison with
ego orientation, especially in the case of low perceived competence, has
been shown to be connected with more adaptive patterns of cognitions
(Duda and Nicholls, 1992; Hom, Duda, and Miller, 1993; Walling and Duda,
1995), affect (Boyd, Callaghan and Yin, 1991; Duda, Chi, Newton, Walling
and Catley, 1995; Duda and Nicholls, 1992), and behavior (Graham and
Nolan, 1991; Solmon and Boone, 1993).
In the sport psychology literature one of the performance aspects
that has been related to achievement motivation is anxiety. However,
results have not been consistent. As Hall and Kerr (1997) indicate, the
reason might lie in the different ways researchers have conceptualized
and measured the two constructs of goals and anxiety. Vealey and
Campbell (1988), using a unidimensional measure of anxiety (SCAT) and
Ewing's (1981) technique to assess goals, found a negative
association between task orientation and anxiety, but no relation
between anxiety and ego orientation. Gould et al. (1991), also using
Ewing's conceptualization of goals, but a multidimensional measure
of anxiety (CSAI, children version) reported that achievement goals
failed to predict pre- or post-task state anxiety and indicated the need
for more valid measures of goal orientation. Swain and Jones (1992),
using the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ), reported a negative
relation between pre-competition cognitive anxiety and orientation tow
ards 'goal' (focus on personal standards), as compared to
orientation towards 'win' (focus on winning). However, Martin
and Gill (1991) did not support any relations between the SOQ subscales
and cognitive anxiety.
A possible justification for the lack of consistency for the above
findings is provided by recent advancements in goal orientation theory
(Nicholls, 1984, 1989) that provides a more sound conceptualization of
goal orientation and highlights the importance of perceived competence
as an important moderator between goals and cognitions, affect and
behavior. In relation to these advancements, Hall and Kerr (1997) found
that, for low perceived competence athletes, ego orientation (measured
30 minutes prior to competition) was positively related to cognitive
state anxiety two days, one day and 30 minutes prior to competition,
whereas the relation between task orientation and cognitive anxiety
(measured with the same temporal pattern) was negative. However, for the
high competence group the results did not show consistent patterns.
Overall, what is of more interest is that from all studies
examining goal orientation in relation to anxiety only the latter (Hall
and Kerr, 1997) has tested the hypothesis that perceived competence
moderates the relationship between ego orientation and anxiety.
Integrating Cognitive Interference and Goal Orientation
Considering the self-centered character of ego orientation in
comparison to the task-centered character of task orientation, and the
self-preoccupying nature of cognitive interference as opposed to a
task-related focus, a link between achievement goal orientation and
cognitive interference seems plausible and worthy of testing.
Dweck (1989) and Kanfer and Ackerman (1989) have proposed that an
ego orientation, through increasing the likelihood that individuals
focus too much attention on developing attributions regarding ability,
detracts from task performance. Cognitive activities of ego oriented individuals use up resources that otherwise could be applied to the
task, therefore hindering task performance. Moreover, taking into
consideration the way perceived competence influences ego-oriented
individuals' cognitions, it might be suggested that performance of
ego oriented individuals with low perceived ability, compared to those
with high perceived ability, would be more negatively affected by the
cognitive activities brought about by an ego goal orientation.
Diener and Dweck (1980), experimenting on paper and pencil tests,
asked the participants to verbalize their thoughts during task
performance. Ego oriented children, contrary to task oriented ones,
engaged in task irrelevant verbalizations, usually of a
self-aggrandizing nature. Hoffman (1993) examined the relationship
between ego orientations, cognitive interference and performance. Ego
orientation was found to be related to task-relevant worries, but no
effect was indicated for task-irrelevant thoughts. However, measures of
task orientation were not included, and thus comparisons were not
possible. In addition, perceived competence was not tested as a
moderator of the relationship.
In the sport context, Newton and Duda (1993), experimenting with
students across three bowling games, examined the relationship between
goal orientation and performance cognitive content. The only significant
result that emerged was that in one of the three games task orientation
was found to be negatively correlated with performance worry, and
positively correlated with keeping one's concentration. The lack of
consistency across the three games was attributed to the small sample
size and the noncompetitive environment in which the games took place.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the measures of cognitive content
were based on single-item responses.
The main purpose of this study, therefore, was to test the
theoretical predictions of goal orientation theory in relation to
cognitive interference in sport. Therefore, it was hypothesized that
cognitive interference will be negatively associated with task
orientation and with ego orientation for players with high perceived
competence. However, it was hypothesized that cognitive interference
will be positively associated with ego orientation for players low in
perceived competence.
Athletes representing two sports, snooker and tennis, were sampled.
The total sample consisted of 182 players (134 males, 45 females, 3 not
identified by sex) comprising 90 snooker players and 92 tennis players.
The mean age of the total sample was 30.4 years (standard deviation 12.9, range 15 - 57). Mean ages were 28.51 years for snooker and for
32.16 years for tennis. All players were non-elite, club members and
regular participants in local and regional competitions and leagues.
Participants represented 24 clubs (14 snooker clubs and 10 tennis clubs)
located in the south west of England.
Cognitive interference. Little attention has been directed towards
cognitive interference in the sports domain. Hence, it is not surprising
that instruments to measure cognitive interference specifically for
sports are not available. For this study, therefore, an instrument
developed in the academic setting - the Thought Occurrence Questionnaire
(TOQ; Sarason, Sarason, Keefe, Hayes and Shearin, 1986) - was employed.
The TOQ is a 28-item questionnaire that assesses the frequency of
thoughts that come to peoples' mind during task performance (see
Table 1). It consists of three subscales that are measured on a 7-point
Likert scale from 1 (never) to 7 (very often). The first has been
labeled 'task relevant worries' and includes statements such
as (while performing) "I think about how poorly I am doing",
"I think about what someone will think of me", and "I
think about my level of ability". The second subscale has been
named 'task irrelevant thoughts', and includes items such as
"I think about other activities", "I think about personal
worries", or "I think about something that might happen in the
future". The third subscale is called 'thoughts of
escape' and includes statements such as "I think about
quitting", "I think about how unhappy I am", and "I
think about how I cannot stand it any more". Initial validation of
the instrument in educational research has supported the factorial structure of the scale and revealed satisfactory internal consistency coefficients for its three subscales (Cronbach's alpha range: .84
to .91; see Sarason et al., 1986). To our knowledge, part of the TOQ has
been used in two cases in sport psychology, however its psychometric properties have not been tested. In particular, Schwenkmezger and Laux
(1986) and Man et al. (1991) used a shortened, single-factor version of
the scale after modifying it based on evidence of face validity.
Goal orientation. In contrast to cognitive interference, goal
orientation is a well-documented and widely researched area in sport.
For this study, the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire
(TEOSQ), a well-established and validated instrument in sport
psychology, was used (see Duda, 1993). The TEOSQ comprises 13 items
measured on 5-point scales from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
agree), following the stem 'I feel most successful in
snooker/tennis when ...'. Six of the items refer to task
orientation (e.g. "I learn a new skill by trying hard"), while
seven of the items refer to ego orientation (e.g. "I can do better
than others").
Perceived competence. Three items were employed to examine the way
athletes would estimate their level of perceived competence. The items
were taken from the perceived competence subscale included in the sport
version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI; McAuley, Duncan, and
Tammen, 1989) and were adapted accordingly for each sport. Participants
were asked to express their self-perceptions on 7-point scales.
At the initial stages of sampling a meeting with each of the club
managers was arranged. During this meeting the purpose of the study was
discussed and a sample questionnaire was presented. Furthermore, the
nature of participants required (i.e. regular competitors) was mentioned
and an estimation of the number of participants that could be included
in the sample. was obtained. In subsequent visits the questionnaire was
distributed to the athletes. With regard to the TOQ participants were
informed that our interest was related to thoughts they might have had
during past competitive performances. Finally, participants were
informed that confidentiality was guaranteed.
Purpose of the Study and Data Analysis
Considering that the complete TOQ has not been validated in a sport
context, the purpose of the present study was twofold. First, to examine
the validity of the TOQ as an adequate measure of cognitive interference
in sport and, second, to identify whether goal orientation is associated
with the cognitive interference athletes experience while performing. In
addition, the role of perceived competence as a moderator of such a
relationship was examined.
The instrument used to measure cognitive interference was tested
for factorial validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). All
instruments were tested for reliability through measures of internal
consistency (Cronbach's Alpha coefficient). Finally, path analysis,
through structural equation modeling using EC, was performed to identify
the structure of the relationships between goal orientation, perceived
competence and cognitive interference.
Factorial Validity for the Thought Occurrence Questionnaire (TOQ)
Information about the structure of the TOQ was taken from Sarason
et al. (1986), where the results of the initial validation of the
instrument in an academic setting, using exploratory factor analysis,
were presented (see Method). Accordingly, a three-factor solution was
tested. Evaluations of the assumptions of multivariate normality and
linearity indicated that there were no outliers among the sample. The
fit indices that emerged from the analysis are presented in Table 2 and
indicate a rather poor fit. A closer investigation of the results showed
that most of the items of the "task relevant worries" subscale
had low factor loadings and relatively high measurement errors (see
Table 1). Furthermore, examination of the residual matrix revealed that
the error variances of certain items were found to be highly correlated.
According to Joreskog (1993, p. 298), "if the model is
rejected by the data, the problem is to determine what is wrong with the
model and how the model should be modified to fit the data better."
As Joreskog (1993) proposes, to further investigate the model it can be
useful to examine each of the constructs separately, then to combine the
constructs in pairs and finally to evaluate the overall model.
Therefore, each of the subscales was tested in isolation. The fit
indices that emerged are presented in Table 2. The indices for the
"task relevant worries" subscale indicate a poor fit. As in
the previous analysis, the factor loadings were generally not
satisfactory, while the measurement errors were relatively high (Table
I). Furthermore, most of the items (seven out of nine) revealed high
error intercorrelation, indicating that these items "measure
something else or something in addition to the construct they are
supposed to measure" (Joreskog 1993, p.297). Therefore, this
particular subscale was excluded fro m further analyses.
The fit indices for the "task irrelevant thoughts"
subscale were slightly better, however still below normal acceptable
criteria (Table 2). Examination of the standardized residuals showed
that four of the items had high error correlation. These items were
excluded, while the rest were kept for analysis along with the third of
the subscales whose results were largely satisfactory. In particular,
the fit indices for the 'thoughts of escape' subscale were
marginally acceptable (Table 2). Examination of the results revealed
that only one of the items had a low loading and high measurement error
(Table 1), while the standardized residuals showed that it was the same
item whose error was correlated with other items' error.
Subsequently, the subscale was retained after dropping the item that
seemed to be problematic. The two remaining subscales were included in
the final confirmatory analysis. The fit indices that emerged from the
analysis are presented in Table 2 (B + C) and suggest that the modified
instrument w as appropriate for further analyses (see Table 1 for factor
loadings and measurement errors).
Reliability of the Instruments
Internal consistency of the subscales was measured with
Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Concerning the TOQ, in accordance with the initial psychometric evaluation by Sarason et al. (1986),
indices for both scales revealed highly reliable scales
('task-irrelevant thoughts': [alpha] = .89; 'thoughts of
escape': [alpha] = .89). Analysis also revealed satisfactory
reliability coefficients for the TEOSQ ('ego': [alpha] = .85;
'task': [alpha] = .72). Finally, the reliability coefficient
for the scale used to measure perceived competence was also high
([alpha] = .88).
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations
Means, standard deviations and the correlation matrix of the
variables are displayed in Table 3. This shows, in accordance with
contemporary sport psychology research (e.g. Duda and Nicholls 1992;
Fox, Goudas, Biddle, Duda and Armstrong 1994; Goudas, Biddle and Fox
1994), that the two goal orientations are essentially orthogonal. Task
orientation was negatively correlated with 'thoughts of
escape', but not significantly correlated with 'task
irrelevant thoughts'. Correlations between ego orientation and the
two cognitive interference subscales were close to zero. Finally,
perceived competence was negatively correlated with 'thoughts of
Path Analysis
The major objective of the study was to explore the relationship
between goal orientations and cognitive interference and test whether
perceived competence affected this relationship. One of the ways to test
for moderator effects is through multiple-group path analysis
(structural equation modeling). The sample is divided into groups
according to the hypothesized moderator and the path coefficients (testing the relationship between the independent and the dependent
variables) for each group are calculated and compared to each other.
According to Baron and Kenny (1986), calculating path coefficients is
preferred to correlations because correlation coefficients are
influenced by differences in variance in the independent variables as
well as differences in the measurement error of the dependent variables.
Separate analyses were calculated for the tennis and snooker
samples. Each of the samples was divided into high and low perceived
competence groups. The division between high and low competence was
based on mean scores for each sport sample; 4.45 for the tennis sample
and 4.36 for the snooker sample. After the two samples were split, 44 of
the tennis players were included in the high competence group and 48 in
the low competence group. For the snooker sample, the high competence
group comprised 51 players and the low competence group 39 players.
Splitting the samples according to the mean of the overall sample would
have resulted in an identical classification. One way ANOVA showed that
the mean differences in perceived competence between the high and low
groups were statistically significant (tennis F(1,90) = l65.47,p [less
than].05; snooker F(l,88) = 153.68, p [less than].05).
Subsequently, the hypothesized structural model was tested for each
of the four groups to test whether the model was meaningful. In
accordance with goal orientation theory (Nicholls, 1984, 1989), it was
hypothesized that for all high and low perceived competence groups task
orientation would be negatively associated with cognitive interference.
Furthermore, it was hypothesized that for the high competence groups ego
orientation would have a negative association with cognitive
interference, while for the low competence groups there would be a
positive relationship between ego orientation and cognitive
interference. The model that was tested for the four groups is presented
in Figure 1.
The fit indices that emerged from the analyses indicated poor fit
for the models. Examination of the residual matrices revealed that this
was due to high correlation between the error variance of the two
cognitive interference subscales in all models. In addition, the Wald
test revealed that the paths connecting task and ego orientation with
'task irrelevant thoughts' (for all models) should be dropped.
Dropping these paths would not improve the fit of the model, however it
would result in a more parsimonious model. Examination of the models
after dropping these paths revealed that the error variance of the
'thoughts of escape' subscale was highly correlated with the
variance of the 'task irrelevant thoughts' subscale (in these
models 'task irrelevant thoughts' did not have error variance
since it was not predicted by any variable). The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test revealed that setting the error variance of the 'thoughts
of escape' scale to correlate with the variance of the 'task
irrelevant thoughts' subs cale would improve the fit of the models
significantly (for tennis: high competence group [X.sup.2](1) change =
4.26, p [less than].05, low competence group: [X.sup.2](1) change =
13.43, p [less than].05; for snooker: high competence group [X.sup.2](1)
change = 4.66, p [less than].05, low competence group [X.sup.2](1)
change = 6.90, p[less than].05)
As Bollen (1989) suggests, with respect to the assumption of
isolation, residual variances must not be correlated with variances of
independent variables, since in this case effects of the independent
variables on the dependent are not isolated from effects of variables
that have not been included in the study (omitted variables). However,
in the present study, the estimation of the correlation between residual
variance of the 'thoughts of escape' subscale with the
variance of the 'task irrelevant thoughts' subscale is not
considered to violate assumptions of isolation since 'task
irrelevant thoughts' is not independent from 'thoughts of
escape'. Rather, this significant correlation suggests that in this
model, intervening variables explaining the co-variation between the two
variances have been omitted. Considering the character of cognitive
interference, which implies thoughts distracting to the concentration of
the performer, it seems reasonable to suggest that there should be some
factors [such as anxiet y (Zats and Chassin, 1985), or proneness to
distraction (Sarason et al., 1986)] that might explain this
co-variation. Therefore this particular modification was considered
The modified models that were tested for the two samples are in
Figure 2 (tennis) and Figure 3 (snooker), along with the standardized
path coefficients. The fit indices that emerged indicated very good fit
and are presented in Table 4. In support of the hypothesis, the paths
connecting task orientation and 'thoughts of escape' were
negative and significant for all high and low perceived competence
groups. Regarding the relationship between ego orientation and
'thoughts of escape', for the low competence groups the paths
were positive and significant, while for the high competence groups the
paths were negative, but rather low.
Subsequently, multiple-group analysis was performed separately for
each of the sport samples to test for invariance of regression weights
across competence groups. In this analysis the paths connecting task and
ego orientations with 'thoughts of escape' were set equal
Figure 3. The modified path model for the snooker sample. The regular
characters indicate the standardised coefficients for the low competence
group, while the bold characters indicate the coefficients for the high
competence group.
for the two perceived competence groups. In addition, the LM test
was calculated, which in the case of multiple-sample analysis indicates
whether improvement of fit can be achieved if the equality constraints are dropped. The LM test revealed that significant improvement of fit
could be obtained for both samples if the paths connecting ego
orientation and 'thoughts of escape' were freed, which means
that these paths should not be considered equal for the two perceived
competence groups. (for tennis: [X.sup.2](1)change = 3.77, p = .05; for
snooker: [X.sup.2](1) change = 4.62, p [less than].05). In contrast, the
LM indices for the paths connecting task orientation and 'thoughts
of escape' showed that the constraints were correctly imposed (for
tennis: [X.sup.2](l) change = 0.401, p [greater than].05; for snooker:
[X.sup.2](1) change = 0.158, p [greater than].04). In the final
analysis, the paths connecting ego orientations and 'thoughts of
escape' were set free to be estimated. The fit indices that emerged
for each sample are presented in Table 5, indicating that the models fit
the data very well.
Cognitive interference that athletes experience during performance
was examined in relation to their goal orientations and their
perceptions of competence. Results showed that task orientation was
negatively associated with thoughts of escape from the task, while
perceptions of competence were seen to be important in determining the
relationship between ego orientation and escaping thoughts. In addition,
it was indicated that advancements in the measurement of cognitive
interference are required to further explore its nature and role in
The Measurement of cognitive Interference and the Use of TOQ in
Sport Settings
The results concerning the evaluation of the TOQ were not
straightforward. The fit indices obtained from the original confirmatory
factor analysis failed to reach acceptable levels. Each subscale was
then tested separately and the analysis for the 'task relevant
worries' subscale indicated poor results. A possible reason for
this might be that while some items are clearly negative in nature (e.g.
"I think about how poorly I am doing", or "I think about
how often I feel confused"), others might be perceived by
performers either as positive or negative (e.g. "I think about my
level of ability", or "I think about what someone will think
of me"). Other items might even be perceived as motivational (e.g.
"I think about how I should be more careful", or "I think
about how difficult what I am doing is"). Therefore this particular
subscale was excluded from further analysis and requires investigation
prior to its use in sport in future.
The results for the 'task irrelevant thoughts' subscale
showed that certain items created problems ("I think about
something that happened in the recent past", "I think about
something that happened in the distant past", "I think about
something that might happen in the future", "I think about
something that makes me feel angry"). The fact that the errors of
these items were found to be correlated indicates that they might have
some additional characteristics in relation to the rest of the items.
What seems to be the hidden construct behind these items when compared
to the rest (e.g. "I think about other activities", "I
think about members of my family", "I think about
friends", or "I think about personal worries") is that
they refer to situations less approximate to the environment of the
individual, and therefore more distant in terms of memory. However,
these are simply assumptions and further investigation is needed to
better explore this aspect.
Finally, for the 'thoughts of escape' subscale the fit
indices were satisfactory. However, one item did not seem to fit
appropriately with the rest of the scale ("I think about how hard
it is"). The reason that this particular item was dropped is that
such a thought does not seem to be as clearly negative as the rest (e.g.
"I think about quitting", "I think about how I cannot
stand it any more"). Furthermore, this item revealed high
correlations with the items from the 'task relevant worries'
Overall, therefore, a great deal remains to be investigated about
the conceptualization and the measurement of cognitive interference in
sports. However, our approach allowed us to use psychometrically sound
sections of the original TOQ. Further work is, however, strongly
Goals and Cognitive Interference
Investigating the structure of the relationships between goal
orientations, perceived competence and the cognitive interference
subscales that were retained, path analysis revealed an association
between goal orientations and 'thoughts of escape'. Goal
orientation theory (Nicholls 1984, 1989) predicts that perceptions of
competence are important in determining behavior and affect for ego
oriented people, while for those with a task orientation these
perceptions are not influential. In accordance with the theory, task
orientation proved to be negatively related to thoughts of escape
regardless of levels of perceived competence. In contrast, it was
hypothesized that for ego orientation low perceived competence would be
associated with elevated levels of interfering thoughts, while high
perceived competence would have a negative association with such
thoughts. The patterns of relationship were confirmed for the low
competence groups, while a nonsignificant, although negative, relation
emerged for the high compe tence groups.
The results of the path analysis are informative as far as the role
of perceived competence is concerned, indicating patterns of behavior
that have been predicted and supported by Nicholls (1984, 1989) and
other researchers investigating the relationship between goal
orientation and learned helplessness (e.g. Diener and Dweck 1978, 1980;
Elliott and Dweck 1988). In particular, if a content analysis of the
'thoughts of escape' subscale is considered, patterns of
learned helpless behavior can be identified. Research has shown helpless
individuals are more likely to be less persistent and more prone to
withdrawing from a situation when facing difficulties. Moreover,
research investigating learned helpless responses has identified various
factors that lead to such performance disruptions. Ames (1984) and
Diener and Dweck (1978) have reported that low ability attributions have
been found to lead to a loss of belief about the utility of effort.
Moreover, Leggett (1986) and Nicholls (1984) found support for the not
ion that withdrawal may have a defensive character when continued effort
is considered to further document low ability. Finally, Weiner (1982)
has reported that negative affect, such as anxiety and shame, can
motivate escape attempts.
In relation to these findings, and considering the patterns of
cognitions concerning the role of effort, the importance of subjective
outcome, and the perceptions of success that have been identified for
ego and task oriented individuals (see Nicholls 1984), the present
results are in line with past research supporting the notion that task
orientation is associated with behavioral stability and persistence,
while ego orientation has been described as more 'fragile' in
relation to these concepts. The stability for task oriented athletes
might be attributed to the fact that perceptions of competence do not
seem to influence behavioral outcomes, while the fragility associated
with ego orientation might be attributed to its dependency on
perceptions of competence. Furthermore, even the perceptions of
competence for those high in ego orientation are, by themselves, more
fragile than those for the task orientation. Task oriented individuals
base their assessment of competence on oneself, by evaluating effort
input and levels of mastery concerning the task, and making comparisons
with previous performances. In contrast, for ego oriented
individuals' assessment of competence is based on performance
outcome, often win or loss, and social and normative comparison.
Therefore, when a task cannot be accomplished, or when the opposition is
better, perceptions of competence are lowered resulting in maladaptive patterns of behavior such as thoughts of escape from the task and actual
task avoidance.
The present results are in line with contemporary research and
advances in goal orientation theory, suggesting that ego orientation is
not unidimensional, but can be described as self-enhancing or
self-defeating. In particular, Elliot and Harackiewicz (1996) and
Skaalvik (1997), attempting to integrate goal orientation theory with
earlier theories of achievement motivation focusing on approach and
avoidance orientation (e.g. Atkinson, 1957), argued that ego orientation
should be examined in relation to the individuals' approach to the
achievement context, that is whether individuals seek to demonstrate
competence or to avoid demonstrating incompetence. Accordingly, Elliot
and Harackiewicz (1996) proposed a trichotomous variant of achievement
goal framework composed of a mastery (task) orientation and two
performance (ego) orientations, namely, performance approach and
performance avoidance. According to their predictions, for mastery and
performance approach oriented individuals achievement settings are cons
idered challenging and exciting, thus promoting affective and cognitive
investment which is translated into concentration and task absorption.
In contrast, for performance avoidance oriented individuals achievement
contexts are perceived as threatening and therefore anxiety evoking,
eliciting, in the face of failure, disruption of concentration, and
attempts of escape from the situation either physically, or mentally. In
relation to these predictions Elliot and Harackiewicz (1996) and
Skaalvik (1997) reported that mastery and performance approach
orientations were positively related to intrinsic motivation, whereas
performance avoidance orientation was found to undermine intrinsic
motivation. In line with these propositions the present results
emphasize that ego orientation is not necessarily connected to negative
motivational and behavioral patterns. However, it should not be
overlooked that task orientation was more directly associated to
adaptive patterns of cognitions and behavior.
'Task irrelevant thoughts' were not associated with goal
orientation nor to perceived competence. A careful look at the results
of previous studies investigating cognitive interference is revealing.
Since 1978, when cognitive interference was first studied by means of
structured questionnaires, research has mostly been conducted using
either the TOQ or the Cognitive Interference Questionnaire (CIQ; an
instrument evaluating cognitive interference as a state characteristic,
which also includes a 'task irrelevant thoughts' scale
identical to the TOQ; see Sarason et al. 1986). Interestingly, previous
studies in academic settings have not discriminated between the
different subscales, dividing their samples into high and low TOQ or CIQ
groups based on total scores. Though not erroneous, this fails to show
which kinds of intrusive thoughts can be predicted by different
variables, or which are more influential in terms of performance.
Hoffman (1993), however, found 'task-related thoughts' to
be associated with both ego orientation and performance, while the
'task-unrelated thoughts' were not significantly associated
with these variables. Similarly, Miculiner (1989), examining the
relationship between cognitive interference and performance in the
academic setting, found that 'thoughts of escape' had a
significant effect on performance, while the effect of 'task
irrelevant thoughts' was not significant.
Considering these findings, therefore, the results of the present
study are not surprising. Due to the very small amount of research using
the TOQ and CIQ instruments, and in particular in sport, it does not
seem appropriate to draw firm conclusions at this stage. However, a
possible reason for the results of the present study is that task
irrelevant thoughts are rather neutral in nature, especially in
long-lasting sports such as snooker and tennis where concentration
cannot be at its maximum for the whole of the event and participants
need some time to 'switch off' and relax their minds, having
thoughts that are not connected to the game itself.
Goals, Cognitive Interference and the Anxiety - Performance
Recent thinking in sport anxiety research suggests that cognitive
and somatic anxiety might be helpful for some athletes. In other words,
we need to discriminate intensity from direction of anxiety (Jones,
1995). This particular approach seems promising and has opened new
research avenues in sport psychology. However, research has to answer
how and why individuals experience anxiety as debilitative or
facilitative. Wine (1980) has support that for some individuals
cognitive anxiety is detrimental to performance as a result of cognitive
resources being consumed in responses irrelevant to the solution of the
task, while Jones, Swain and Hardy (1993) have suggested that for some
individuals elevations in cognitive anxiety, up to a certain level,
might have desirable effects by increasing motivation and facilitating
concentration. Furthermore, Jones (1995) suggests that affect,
self-confidence, perceived ability, and perceptions of control might be
some of the antecedents determining whether anxiety is experienc ed as
debilitative or facilitative.
The results of the present study indicate that goal orientations
and cognitive interference in the form of 'thoughts of
escape', may be important issues to consider in the sport
anxiety/performance relationship. In particular, if such interference is
considered to have detrimental effects on performance (as has been the
case in the academic setting), and if the facilitative and debilitative
directions of anxiety prove to be related to good and poor performance
respectively, goal orientations predicting differences in the nature and
frequency of cognitive interference might be one of the antecedents
determining why individuals experience (cognitive) anxiety in a
facilitative or a debilitative fashion.
It would be expected that task oriented individuals would perceive
anxiety as facilitative and would be characterized by a lack of negative
intrusive thinking, while ego oriented individuals, and in particular
those with low perceptions of competence, would perceive anxiety as
debilitative, experiencing amounts of interfering thoughts detrimental
to performance. This perspective seems quite appealing and should
encourage further investigation into how goals and cognitive
interference might be related to anxiety and performance in sport.
Address Correspondence To: Professor Stuart Biddle, Department of
Physical Education, Sports Science, & Recreation Management,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU, UK. Fax: + 44
1509 223 971. e-mail: Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis
is now also at Loughborough University.
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Confirmatory Factor Analysis for the TOQ
While performing I think about: 1 [*] 2
how poorly I am doing .389 (.921) .439 (.899)
what someone will thing of me .647 (.762) .711 (.703)
how I should be more careful .464 (.886) .535 (.845)
how well others can do on what
I am trying to do .524 (.852) .583 (.813)
how difficult what I am doing is .472 (.882) .483 (.876)
my level of ability .372 (.928) .353 (.936)
the purpose of what I am doing .303 (.953) .233 (.972)
how I would feel if I were told
how I performed .523 (.852) .448 (.894)
how often I feel confused .497 (.868) .349 (.937)
other activities .640 (.769)
members of my family .657 (.754)
friends .720 (.694)
something that makes me feel guilty .769 (.639)
personal worries .825 (.565)
something that makes me feel tense .747 (.665)
something that makes me feel angry .650 (.760)
something that happened earlier in the day .829 (.559)
something that happened in the recent past .830 (.558)
something that happened in the distant past .739 (.673)
something that might happen in the future .686 (.727)
stopping .725 (.689)
how unhappy I am .615 (.788)
how hard it is .475 (.880)
how I cannot stand it any more .793 (.609)
quitting .836 (.549)
running away .727 (.687)
taking something (e.g., pills, a drink) to make
it easier .741 (.672)
going to bed or to sleep .766 (.643)
While performing I think about: 3 4
how poorly I am doing
what someone will thing of me
how I should be more careful
how well others can do on what
I am trying to do
how difficult what I am doing is
my level of ability
the purpose of what I am doing
how I would feel if I were told
how I performed
how often I feel confused
other activities .641 (.768)
members of my family .664 (.748)
friends .726 (.687)
something that makes me feel guilty .771 (.636)
personal worries .830 (.558)
something that makes me feel tense .746 (.666)
something that makes me feel angry .651 (.759)
something that happened earlier in the day .830 (.557)
something that happened in the recent past .825 (.565)
something that happened in the distant past .730 (.684)
something that might happen in the future .679 (.734)
stopping .721 (.693)
how unhappy I am .596 (.803)
how hard it is .470 (.883)
how I cannot stand it any more .795 (.606)
quitting .843 (.538)
running away .726 (.688)
taking something (e.g., pills, a drink) to make
it easier .752 (.660)
going to bed or to sleep .761 (.649)
While performing I think about: 5
how poorly I am doing
what someone will thing of me
how I should be more careful
how well others can do on what
I am trying to do
how difficult what I am doing is
my level of ability
the purpose of what I am doing
how I would feel if I were told
how I performed
how often I feel confused
other activities .667 (.745)
members of my family .675 (.752)
friends .717 (.697)
something that makes me feel guilty .816 (.578)
personal worries .863 (.506)
something that makes me feel tense .765 (.644)
something that makes me feel angry -
something that happened earlier in the day .757 (.654)
something that happened in the recent past -
something that happened in the distant past -
something that might happen in the future -
stopping .703 (.711)
how unhappy I am .601 (.798)
how hard it is -
how I cannot stand it any more .784 (.621)
quitting .869 (.495)
running away .736 (.677)
taking something (e.g., pills, a drink) to make
it easier .756 (.655)
going to bed or to sleep .746 (.666)
Note. (*.)1. The initial analysis for the TOQ; 2. The analysis for
the 'task relevant worries' subscale; 3. The analysis for the
'task irrelevant thoughts' subscale; 4. The analysis for the
'thoughts of escape' subscale; 5. The analysis for the two
latter subscales after the modifications. The first numbers indicate the
factor loadings while the ones in the parentheses indicate the
measurement errors for all measurement models that were tested.
The Fit Indices for all the Measurement Models of the TOQ
Task-relevant Task-irrelevant Thoughts
TOQ worries thoughts(B) of escape(C)
of freedom 904/347 99.5/27 280.5/44 90/20
Non-Normed Fit Index .768 .625 .782 .867
Comparative Fit Index .787 .719 .825 .905
Goodness of Fit Index .735 .890 .775 .893
B + C
of freedom 115/53
Non-Normed Fit Index .936
Comparative Fit Index .949
Goodness of Fit Index .907
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for all Variables
Descriptive Statistics Correlations
mean standard ego perceived
variable deviation competence
Task 3.85 .59 .10 .42 [*]
Ego 2.80 .97 .30 [*]
Perceived competence 4.40 1.30
Task-irrelevant thoughts 2.98 1.40
Thoughts of escape 2.45 1.44
task-irrevelant thoughts of
variable thoughts escape
Task -.11 -.41 [*]
Ego -.04 .08
Perceived competence -.14 -.29 [*]
Task-irrelevant thoughts .40 [*]
Thoughts of escape
(*.)p [less than] .001
The Fit Indices of the Modified Path Models for the Two Perceived
Competence Groups of Each Sample
Low competence High competence Low competence
of freedom .473/3 3.758/3 3.241/3
Non-Normed Fit Index 1.157 .835 .974
Comparative Fit Index 1.000 .918 .987
Goodness of Fit Index .995 .960 .964
High competence
of freedom 3.360/3
Non-Normed Fit Index .914
Comparative Fit Index .957
Goodness of Fit Index .967
Fit Indices and Standardized Path Coefficients for
Final Multiple-Sample Analysis
Chi-square/degrees of freedom 4.280/7 6.703/7
Non-Normed Fit Index 1.112 1.019
Comparative Fit Index 1.000 1.000
Goodness of Fit Index .978 .965
Note. The paths between 'task' and 'thoughts of escape'
were constrained to be equal, while the paths between
'ego' and 'thoughts of escape' were free to be estimated.