Influence of psychogenic factors during a prolonged maximal run.
Beaudoin, Christina M. ; Crews, Debra J. ; Morgan, Don W. 等
Several researchers (Benson, Dryer, & Hartley, 1978; Hatfield,
Spalding, Mahon, Slater, Brody, & Vaccaro, 1992; Morgan, 1985;
Williams, Krahenbuhl, & Morgan, 1991) have demonstrated that
psychogenic factors (e.g., hypnosis, meditation, mental strategies,
mood) can influence cardiorespiratory responses to an exercise stimulus.
One area that has received considerable attention in sport psychology is
the use of cognitive strategies or the manipulation of attentional focus
(e.g., association, dissociation) to improve performance or exercise
An associative attentional focus concentrates one's awareness
on bodily states, self-perceptions, and pacing or rhythm related to an
activity. Conversely, a dissociative attentional focus or distraction
diverts attention away from bodily self-awareness and self-perceptions
and towards external stimuli or factors not related to an activity
(e.g., words of a song, other people exercising). Studies have found
conflicting results as to whether association or dissociation is a more
effective strategy for improving performance (Fillingim & Fine,
1986; Goode & Roth, 1993; Morgan & Pollock, 1977; Pennebaker
& Lightner, 1980; Weinberg, Jackson, & Gould, 1984). Conflicting
results may be due to varying activity modes, differences in individual
fitness levels, and exercise experience. Crews (1992) summarized
literature examining the relationship between cognitive strategies and
exercise performance and concluded that experienced performers benefit
from associative strategies while less experienced performers benefit
from dissociative strategies.
It is already known that elite male and female distance runners possess unique psychological characteristics (e.g., less anxiety, less
depression, use of associative strategies) (Morgan, O'Connor,
Sparling, & Pate; 1987; Morgan & Pollock, 1977) that may
influence their [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] running performance.
Elite and well-trained runners may also possess similar physiological
attributes (e.g. aerobic capacity); thus for elite and well-trained
athletes possessing similar physiological attributes, psychological
factors may influence performance to a greater extent than physiological
factors. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the
influence of psychological factors (i.e., thoughts, feelings, and
perceptions of exertion) upon physiological responses during a prolonged maximal run at 90% [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max in well-trained
runners. Physiologically, well-trained runners should be capable of
completing a run of this intensity and duration (Daniels & Gilbert,
1979; Leger, Mercier, & Gauvin, 1986). Psychologic responses to a
run of this intensity and duration have not yet been examined.
Methods and Procedures
Eleven male distance runners volunteered to participate in the
study. Physical characteristics, running experience, and 10-km
performance times of the participants are displayed in Table 1. based
upon training experience, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max, and
performance times, these runners were classified as well-trained, with
the physiological capacity to complete a 30-min run at 90% [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] max.
An Institutional Review Board for the protection and welfare of
human subjects approved the experimental protocol and participants were
acquainted with all aspects of the study before consenting to
participate. After written informed consent was obtained, participants
completed a series of sessions. Procedures employed during each session
are described in the following section.
Session 1 (Maximal Oxygen Uptake Test)
In the first session, purposes and procedures of the study were
explained to the subject and written informed consent obtained. Maximal
oxygen uptake was determined using a modified version of the Bransford
and Howley (1977) protocol. Subjects completed a 1.5 min level treadmill
warm-up at 230 m [center dot] [min.sup.-1] followed by 1.5 min at 242 m
[center dot] [min.sup.-1] at 0% grade. Treadmill velocity remained at
242 m [center dot] [min.sup.-1] for the remainder of the test and
treadmill elevation was increased 2.5% every 2 min until the runner
reached volitional exhaustion. Heart rate was monitored continuously
with a 3-lead ECG and expired air was collected in meteorological balloons for 1-min periods after a heart rate of 160 b [center dot]
[min.sup.-1] was reached. Gas collections continued until the graded
exercise test was terminated.
Meteorological balloons were analyzed for oxygen ([O.sub.2]) and
carbon dioxide (C[O.sub.2]) concentrations using Ametek Applied
Electrochemistry [O.sub.2](S-3A/I) and C[O.sub.2] (CD-3A) analyzers.
Analyzers were calibrated before and after each run using gases of known
concentrations. Gas volumes were determined by evacuating expired air
samples from the meteorological balloons into a Rayfield gas meter
calibrated against a Collins Tissot. Oxygen consumption was computed
using standard equations for open-circuit collection methods. Standard
leveling criteria (Taylor, Buskirk, & Henschel, 1955) were used to
determine attainment of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max. In cases
in which a plateau in [Mathematical Expression Omitted] was not
achieved, the highest [Mathematical Expression Omitted] obtained was
designated as [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max.
Sessions 2 and 3
Two days after the maximal oxygen uptake test, participants
completed two sessions, each consisting of level treadmill runs at three
submaximal running speeds to determine the aerobic demand of running
(e.g., running economy). Each session was performed on a different day
and sessions were one day apart.
During each session, participants completed economy rims at 241.2 m
[center dot] [min.sup.-1], 268.0 m [center dot] [min.sup.-1], and 295.0
m [center dot] [min.sup.-1]. After a self-selected warm-up, participants
completed a 3-min warm-up at 241.2 m. min followed by the 6-min economy
run. Five-min rest periods separated each 6-min economy run.
Session 4
Using data collected in Sessions 1, 2, and 3, the running speed
associated with a relative intensity of 90% [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] max was predicted using linear regression. Following a short
warmup, participants completed 3, 10-min level treadmill runs at 90%
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] max and expired air samples were
collected from min 6-8. If the [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
obtained was markedly different from the desired 90% [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] max, changes in treadmill belt velocity were made to
achieve the desired exercise intensity. Runners were allowed a 10-min
rest between each bout of exercise.
Sessions 5-7
Two days following session 4, participants completed a 30-min level
treadmill run at 70% [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max. Air samples
were collected during min 13-15 and 28-30. Participants completed this
30-min run for 3 consecutive days. The purpose of these sessions was to
simulate a pre-race taper. No outside running was performed during this
phase of the study.
Sessions 8 and 9
On the two consecutive days following the 30-min run at 70%
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] max runners completed 10-min level
treadmill runs at 90% [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max. Expired air
was sampled from min 6-8. Data collected in these sessions, while not
germane to the purpose of the current investigation, were used to
determine the short-term effects of prolonged maximal running at 90%
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] max on running economy and running
mechanics. Data collected during sessions 8 and 9 was compared to data
collected during sessions completed after the fatigue run. These
sessions also familiarized runners with the pace they would be running
during the 30-min run at 90% [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max.
Session 10 (Fatigue Run)
Three days after completing the 10-min run at 90% [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] max, runners completed a 30-min level treadmill run
at 90% [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max. Expired air was sampled
for 1-min after min 9 of the run using standard open-circuit methods. A
second air sample was collected after min 20, if runners allowed.
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) (Borg, 1985) and Feeling Scale
(Hardy & Rejeski, 1989) responses were collected during rains 9, 19,
and 30 (or immediately before stopping). The RPE scale requires
participants to rate the total amount of exertion they feel during a
particular work bout. The scale ranges from 6 to 20 with verbal anchors
at each odd integer (e.g., 7 = very, very light; 19 = very, very bard).
The Feeling Scale is used to measure affect during exercise. The 11-item
scale ranges from +5 to -5 with verbal anchors at 0 and odd integers
(e.g., +5 = very good; -5 = very bad). Participants were asked to
verbally report their thoughts and feelings during rains 5, 9, 14, 19,
and 30 (or immediately before stopping). After completing the run,
runners completed a postrun structured interview. The postrun interview
contained questions related to the attentional focus of the runner
during the run.
Physiological Data
All subjects completed a total of 30 min of running at 90%
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] max, however, only 4 subjects
(finishers) completed the 30-min run without stopping. The remaining
runners (nonfinishers) ran an average of 21.75 + 3.19 min (M [+ or -]
SD) before stopping. Nonfinishers were allotted 1 (n = 5) or 2 (n = 1)
rest periods in order to complete a total of 30-min at 90% [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] max. Physiological data collected during the run are
presented in Table 2. Results of independent t-tests revealed no
significant differences in [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (ml[center dot][kg.sup.-1][center
dot][min.sup.-1]), % [Mathematical Expression Omitted] max, or
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], during the run between finishers and
nonfinishers. Results revealed that heart rate for finishers (M [+ or -]
SD = 173.25 + 9.50 b[center dot][min.sup.-1]) was significantly lower
than nonfinishers (M [+ or -] SD = 188.00 + 4.64 b [center dot]
[min.sup.-1], t(7) = 3.08, p [less than] .05) at 9 min.
Independent t-tests conducted on economy runs(241.2 m [center dot]
[min.sup.-1], 268.0 m [center dot] [min.sup.-1], 295.0 m [center dot]
[min.sup.-1]) revealed no significant differences in running economy
between finishers and nonfinishers.
Psychological Data
Psychological data collected during the run are presented in Table
3. Results of independent t-tests revealed that RPE at 19 min was
significantly higher for nonfinishers than finishers, t(9) = -3.48, p
[less than] .01. FS responses were also more negative for nonfinishers
than Finishers at 19 min, t(8) = 3.33, p [less than] 01.
Runners were asked to verbally report their thoughts and feelings
at 5, 9, 14, 19, and 30 mins (or immediately before stopping).
Runners' responses were recorded and later analyzed by two authors.
Responses revealed that finishers generally reported positive thoughts
and feelings such as being confident, in control, smooth, and relaxed.
Compared to finishers, nonfinishers reported more negative thoughts and
feelings and expressed doubt and concern about their ability to complete
the 30-min run.
Postrun structured interviews were analyzed and revealed that
Finishers reported an internal rather than external focus and focused
more on their body and rhythm rather than cognitions unrelated to the
Experiential Data
Independent t-tests were conducted to examine potential differences
in running experience (yrs), best 10-km time, and recent 10-km time
between finishers and nonfinishers. Results revealed no significant
differences in experiential variables between finishers and
A 30-min run at 90% maximal aerobic capacity represents a difficult
and challenging task for well-trained runners because they rarely run at
this pace continuously for this length of time. The purpose of this
study therefore, was to examine the influence of psychological and
physiological response to a run of this intensity and duration. It was
thought that psychological factors (e.g., thoughts, feelings,
attentional focus) might influence performance during a run of this
intensity and duration among a group of well-trained runners.
Of the 11 runners participating in the study, only 4 runners were
able to complete the 30-min run at 90% [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
without stopping. Results of the study revealed no significant
differences in [Mathematical Expression Omitted], [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], ventilation, or respiratory exchange ratios between
finishers and nonfinishers during the run. Heart rate for finishers was
significantly lower at 9 rain than nonfinishers. Because [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] was similar for finishers and nonfinishers, the
additional cardiac activity (i.e, heart rate) of nonfinishers may have
indicated that they perceived the task as more psychologically
challenging than finishers. This finding is consistent with studies
reporting associations between mental stress and augmented sympathetic
activity (Sims & Carroll, 1990; Turner, Carroll, Hanson, & Sims,
1988). Experientially, finishers and nonfinishers were similar in terms
of years of experience, and 10-km performance times. Thus, although
physiologically and experientially these runners appeared to have the
capacity to complete the 30-min run, they did not all do so; therefore,
psychological factors may have influenced running performance.
Psychologically, RPE and FS responses differed for finishers and
nonfinishers at 19 min. Results revealed that RPE was greater and FS
responses more negative for nonfinishers than finishers. Finishers also
reported more positive thoughts and feelings than nonfinishers during
the run. Nonfinishers reported more negative thoughts and feelings and
expressed doubt and concern about completing the 30-min run. Thus, from
responses collected during the run, nonfinishers appeared to have been
employing more negative self-talk and experiencing more negative
thoughts and feelings and greater perceptions of exertion than
finishers. Psychologically the nonfinishers appeared to have been
stressed by the exercise task to a greater extent than finishers were.
The association between negative affect and impaired performance is
consistent with research reported by Jones and Hardy (1990).
In terms of psychological strategies employed during the run,
postrun interviews revealed that finishers reported an internal focus of
bodily awareness and monitoring of rhythm, thus an associative
attentional focus. Nonfinishers reported an external focus (e.g., words
of a song, lab assistant's actions) and focused on cognitions
unrelated to the run, thus a dissociative attentional focus. Thus, the
attentional focus as well as thoughts and feelings of the runner may
have influenced running performance. The results of the present study
are consistent with results of previous studies examining associations
between cognitive techniques and performance (Crews, 1992; Morgan &
Pollock, 1977); that is well-trained, experienced, elite performers
benefit from an associative attentional focus. Practical implications
from this particular study suggest that well-trained runners may benefit
from an internal associative attentional focus for races that may be
comparable to the task employed in this study (i.e., 10-km).
In conclusion, results of the study suggest that psychological
factors influence running performance. Although runners in the present
study were physiologically capable of completing a 30-min run at 90%
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], it appears that there are
psychological factors in addition to physiological factors that
influence running performance. Although all runners appeared to have
been equally stressed by the workload physically, future studies might
examine muscle glycogen concentrations or blood lactates as differences
in these parameters might provide further insight to physiological
responses to a run of this intensity and duration. Additionally, future
studies may examine attentional styles or thought/feeling patterns
during actual performances (e.g., 10-km) as well as examine differences
between experienced and less experienced runners. Further systematic
investigations examining associations between psychological factors and
physiological responses to exercise are warranted as there may be
implications for enhancing running performance.
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