The effects of relaxation with a warning cue on pain tolerance.
Broucek, Mark W. ; Bartholomew, John B. ; Landers, Daniel M. 等
Ryan and Kovacic (1966) demonstrated that contact athletes have a
higher level of pain tolerance than do noncontact athletes. Since then
there has been a paucity of pain research using athletes. This is
surprising given that contact athletes are likely to be exposed to high
levels of pain, and much useful knowledge would be gained from their use
as subjects. This lack of research is also unfortunate in that, given
the demonstrated difference between contact athletes and others in pain
tolerance, it is unwise to generalize research using nonathletes to the
experience of contact athletes.
The bulk of research that has been done is based on the parallel
process theory developed by Leventhal, Brown, Schacham and Engquist
(1979). They proposed two competing components of the pain experience;
informational, and emotional. The informational component consists of
the sensory aspects of the physical, or noxious stimulus. The emotional
component consists of feelings of distress or fear, brought about by the
uncertainty associated with the noxious stimulus. An individual will
experience pain, they suggest, in direct proportion to the amount of
attention focused on the emotional rather than on the informational
component of the physical reaction to the noxious stimulus (Leventhal et
al., 1979).
With parallel process theory as a basis, a number of researchers have
attempted to increase pain tolerance through either "redefinition or "distraction" (See McCaul & Malott, 1984, for a
review.). Redefinition consists of focusing attention on the
informational component of the noxious stimulus, stressing its location
and sensory qualities and processing them in a nonemotional manner. It
is thought that by so doing, the uncertainty is decreased, thereby
reducing the perception of pain. Distraction consists of focusing
attention away from both the informational and emotional components of
the noxious stimulus. If successful, this will partially exclude the
noxious stimulus from processing, and the perception of pain will
decrease. For instance, an intervention strategy, such as visualization,
may be used so as to decrease the ability of the individual to focus
attention on the noxious stimulus.
This model assumes that reacting to a pain stimulus involves
controlled rather than automatic information processing (Schneider &
Shiffrin, 1977; Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977). In controlled
processing, attentional capacity is limited. Thus, focusing attention on
the informational component of a pain stimulus (redefinition) would
reduce the amount of distress experienced. Similarly, attention focused
on an entirely different stimulus (distraction) would reduce attention
to both the informational and emotional components of a pain stimulus,
also reducing experienced distress.
Both of these approaches are focused on the reaction of the nervous
system to a noxious stimulus; either attempting to redefine it, or to
ignore it. A person might be better served, though, by attempting to
intervene one step earlier and modify the actual amplitude of the
physiological response to the stimulus. One such response is an increase
in physiological arousal following a noxious stimulus. This increase has
been described as resulting from the novelty of the physical stimulus,
and the uncertainty about the meaning of the stimulus (Chapman, 1986).
It is this type of response which is often processed emotionally,
leading to a greater perception of pain. Thus, an intervention that
would lower arousal should also decrease the perception of pain.
This kind of intervention differs from distraction. Distraction is an
attempt to ignore the afferent reaction to a noxious stimulus. Instead,
when the level of arousal is reduced, one aspect of the physical
response to the stimulus is diminished. There is, therefore, a weaker
afferent reaction to interpret emotionally, and the perception of pain
is decreased. Reeves and Shapiro (1983) have shown that subjects trained
to lower their heart rates reported lower pain ratings on a cold pressor task. Also, Kaplan, Metzeger and Jablecki (1983) have demonstrated that
individuals trained in deep breathing relaxation reported lower pain
ratings on an electromyography exam, in which electric shocks are used
to stimulate nerves and muscles. Progressive muscle relaxation
(Jacobson, 1938), which has been used extensively in helping athletes
control their level of arousal in stressful situations, may be another,
perhaps more effective, intervention.
McCaul and Malott (1984) have argued that as the intensity of the
pain stimulus increases it demands more of one's attentional
capacity. Therefore they suggest using distraction with mild pain and
redefinition with more intense pain. High levels of pain intensity could
also compete for attention with the relaxation task. A high level of
pain would then render relaxation ineffective as an intervention.
However, if relaxation was implemented prior to the onset of the pain
stimulus, before there is competition for attention, it may allow the
subject to maintain a lower level of arousal and to experience a less
intense reaction to the pain.
Linton and Gotestam (1983) conducted a study which examined this
hypothesis. In their investigation subjects were trained in relaxation
through the use of three 8-minute tapes. Two groups of subjects were
then given a 1-minute signal prior to the onset of the pain stimulus, a
cold pressor task, and were instructed to either relax at the signal, or
after the stimulus had begun. A control group was given no signal.
Results indicated no difference in pain thresholds between groups.
However, there are three methodological issues that may invalidate this
Foremost is the method of training employed and the lack of
verification that the relaxation response was both adequately learned
and appropriately employed during the study. Linton and Gotestam (1983)
used taped instructions to teach the relaxation skill, and merely
employed a questionnaire to ensure that the relaxation response was
effectively employed. Borkovic and Sides (1979), in their review of the
relaxation literature, stress the importance of using live rather than
taped training sessions for a sufficient relaxation effect to occur. In
the study described in this report, 3, 1 hr progressive muscle
relaxation training sessions were conducted by the experimenter. A
physiological measure, heart rate, was also used to assess the
relaxation response. A further measure, electromyography (EMG) of the
frontalis muscle, was used during training to determine that the
relaxation response had been sufficiently learned.
Secondly, Linton and Gotestam (1983) allowed only 1 minute for the
subjects to relax prior to the onset of the pain stimulus. This time
constraint may have been severe enough to place undue pressure on the
subjects to relax. Such pressure would not have been conducive to
relaxation and could have hindered such a response. In the present
study, subjects were allowed 2 minutes within which to relax prior to
the pain stimulus.
The final problem concerns the device used to elicit a pain response,
the cold pressor task. There is an unavoidable ceiling effect associated
with this task. An increase in pain is only experienced up to the point
at which numbness occurs. Also, it is not at all uncommon in studies
using the cold pressor task for a number of subjects to reach the
ceiling level on the tolerance measurement. In addition, being exposed
to ice is a routine experience for athletes. Therefore, they may be
habituated to the stimulus in a cold pressor task. A gross pressure
device, similar to the one employed by Ryan and Kovacic (1966), has been
shown to be a reliable method of inducing pain without the limiting
factors mentioned above (Brewer, Karoly, Linder & Landers, 1990).
The gross pressure device was therefore selected as the method of pain
The purpose of the present study, then, was to examine the effect of
relaxation, taught using the progressive muscle relaxation technique, on
the pain tolerance of athletes. In addition, the effect of providing a
warning signal prior to the onset of the pain stimulus was investigated.
It was predicted that those subjects trained in progressive relaxation
and provided with a warning cue 2 minutes prior to the onset of the pain
stimulus would report a greater pain tolerance than identically trained
subjects without a warning cue.
A five condition, nonequivalent control group, repeated measures
design was employed (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Two conditions were
composed of contact athletes, trained in progressive muscle relaxation.
Athlete subjects were randomly assigned to either relax at the warning
signal, or to relax at the onset of the pain stimulus. Two placebo
control conditions and a no intervention control condition were composed
of students enrolled in physical education classes. Control subjects
listened to soothing music instead of receiving relaxation training, and
were randomly assigned to groups instructed either to relax at the
warning signal, or to relax at the onset of the pain stimulus. The no
intervention control group, received no training or music and no
relaxation instruction prior to the onset of the pain stimulus.
The ideal design for this experiment would have been a completely
randomized 2 (warning signal, no warning signal) X 3 (relaxation
training, placebo control, nonintervention) factorial design, employing
only contact athletes as subjects. The present design was made necessary
by the unavailability of a sufficiently large sample of contact athletes
to allow random assignment of athletes to all conditions. In this
design, the critical comparison of athletes' pain tolerance with
and without a warning signal, after relaxation training, is not
confounded with the athlete-nonathlete variable. The effect of
relaxation training compared to a placebo control is confounded with the
athlete-nonathlete variable, and any main effect of relaxation training
on pain tolerance could not be confidently interpreted. However, the
nonathlete placebo conditions do allow an assessment of the impact of
the warning period on pain tolerance, in the absence of relaxation
training. Although subject to some limitations, the present design will
allow a confident interpretation of the impact of a warning signal on
the effectiveness of relaxation training as an intervention for coping
with pain.
Subjects were 56 students enrolled in physical education classes at
Arizona State University. Contact athletes in the experimental group,
who were actively competing on the college level, were recruited from
EPE 348, Psychological Skills for Optimum Performance. The control
subjects were recruited from both EPE 348 and EPE 346, Psychology of
Coaching. All subjects signed an informed consent form approved by the
Human Subjects Institutional Review Board.
Pain Device
The gross pressure device (Ryan & Kovacic, 1966) consisted of a
flat, rubber coated, football cleat secured to a plastic, foam padded,
soccer shin guard. The cleat was placed midway between the ankle and the
knee, on the medial surface of the tibia. The sleeve of a standard
clinical sphygmomanometer was used to secure the device and induce
Upon entering the laboratory, subjects were informed about the pain
test and the general purpose of the study. The subjects then completed a
consent form, as well as a questionnaire stating whether or not the
subject's heart rate was artificially raised or lowered by drugs or
caffeine. The date and time of the session were recorded to allow the
posttest to be scheduled as close as possible to the time of day of the
pretest. A heart rate monitor (Heart Speedometer, an earlobe sensor
manufactured by Computer Instruments Inc.) was attached to the subject,
the pressure cleat was secured to the leg, and audio-taped instructions,
explaining that they were to attempt to endure as much pain as possible,
were played. Subjects were asked to count backwards from 500 by 7s, so
as to prevent relaxation attempts before instructed to do so. The trial
was then begun.
The sleeve of the sphygmomanometer was inflated at a slow, constant
rate until the subject asked the experimenter to remove the pain
stimulus. The level of mercury (mmHG) was recorded as the measure of
pain tolerance, and the pressure released. To ensure that maximal effort
was given on the second trial, the experimenter commented that the
resulting score was quite a bit lower than the average group tested. The
cleat was then lowered one inch and a second trial was administered.
Heart rate was recorded at the following intervals: (I) every 30
seconds for the 2 min alter the monitor was attached and before the
taped instructions; (2) immediately after attaching the pain device; (3)
every 30 seconds prior to the pain stimulus; (4) at the beginning of the
pain test; (5) at a reading of 100 mm/Hg on the sphygmomanometer (a
painful but submaximal level); (6) at maximal pain tolerance; and (7)
immediately after the pain device was removed.
After the pretest was completed the athlete subjects were given at
least three I-hour progressive muscle relaxation training sessions.
Frontalis EMG was recorded (Thought Technologies, EMG 100T), and a
criterion EMG level reduction to 3.0 ||micro~volt~ average was
established as a minimum requirement for having learned the relaxation
response. This level was established by Stovya (1983) as an acceptable
level of relaxation. Sessions were administered by the experimenter who
was trained in progressive muscle relaxation (Jacobson, 1938). The
placebo control groups listened to soothing music tapes which
corresponded to the length of the training sessions. The no intervention
control group received no training.
After completion of the training the posttest was administered. This
was identical to the pretest except for the instructions to relax. The
athlete and nonathlete relax at signal groups were instructed to relax
at the warning signal, which preceded the pain stimulus by 120 s. The
athlete and nonathlete relax at pain groups were instructed to relax at
the onset of pain, and no warning signal was given. The posttest
procedure for the no intervention condition was identical to the pretest
Six subjects were eliminated because they reached the highest
permitted intensity on the pretest. This resulted in a sample of 10
subjects per cell, equally divided between males and females. EMG of the
frontalis muscle was measured to assure that the relaxation response was
adequately learned. All athlete subjects reached the criterion of
reduction to 3.0 ||micro~volt~ with a mean pre/post effect size of 1.38
(all effect sizes were computed as standardized mean differences).
Therefore only the minimum three training sessions were employed.
Heart rate was taken to determine if subjects were relaxing at the
appropriate point. The dependent variable was the difference between the
heart rate change in the pre-pain period during the pretest session and
heart rate change in the pre-pain period during the posttest session.
The change score was measured as the difference between heart rate taken
2 min before the instruction tape (baseline), and the average of the
four measures taken at 30 s intervals before the initiation of the pain
stimulus (pre-pain heart rate). In the posttest, the first of the
pre-pain measures was taken when the warning cue was given to the
"relax at signal" groups. Table 1 shows that only the athlete,
relax at signal group evidenced a heart rate deceleration in the
posttest pre-pain period. A 5 x 2 (Group x Pre/Post) ANOVA with repeated
measures was conducted on this dependent variable, revealing only a
significant groups by pre/post interaction, F(4, 45) = 11.31, p |is less
than~ .001, ES = 2.15. A Tukey post hoc test on these differences
revealed that the athletes, trained in progressive relaxation, when
asked to relax at the signal, showed a significantly decreased heart
rate in the pre-pain period of the posttest session, F(4, 45) = 11.31, p
|is less than~ .0001.
The pain tolerance level was measured twice at both pre and posttest.
The higher of the two measurements was used as the subjects' pain
tolerance score. Table 2 shows that only the athletes, relax at signal
group evidenced a substantial increase in pain tolerance on the
posttest. A 5 x 2 (Group x Pre/post) ANOVA with repeated measures was
conducted on these measures, revealing a significant interaction, F(4,
45) = 26.49, p |is less than~ .001, ES = 1.44. A Tukey pest hoc test
revealed that the pain tolerance for the athletes, trained in
progressive relaxation, and asked to relax at the signal, showed a
significantly greater increase from pretest to posttest than all other
groups on this measure, F(4, 45) = 26.49, p |is less than~ .0001.
Table 1
Group Means and Standard Deviations for Heart Rate Differences
on the Pre and Posttests
Pre Post
Groups M SD M SD ES
Nonathlete Control
No intervention 2.73 3.74 .68 3.22 .55
Relax at pain 2.13 4.13 4.10 4.68 -.48
Relax at signal 1.76 2.91 2.70 1.86 -.32
Athlete Experimental
Relax at pain 1.48 4.10 2.35 2.48 -.21
Relax at signal 4.50 4.63 -5.45 1.10 2.15
Table 2
Group Means and Standard Deviations for the Pain Measures on
the Pre and Posttests
Pre Post
Groups M SD M SD ES
Nonathlete Control
No intervention 210.7 54.46 200.0 48.07 .20
Relax at pain 212.6 54.75 201.0 57.87 .21
Relax at signal 205.5 55.85 189.5 58.28 .29
Athlete Experimental
Relax at pain 234.5 57.61 242.0 56.58 -.13
Relax at signal 190.2 40.63 248.5 31.89 1.44
The focus of this study was to examine the effects of relaxation,
with and without a warning cue, on the pain tolerance of athletes. It
was predicted that the presence of a warning cue would facilitate the
use of the relaxation skill in coping with pain, yielding an increase in
pain tolerance for the experimental, relax at signal group. The results
supported this prediction. Athletes trained in progressive relaxation
and provided a 2-minute warning period during which to relax prior to
the onset of the pain stimulus had a significantly greater increase in
pain tolerance on the posttest than did either identically trained
athletes, who attempted to relax at the onset of pain, or untrained
students. These results indicate that a warning cue may be necessary to
allow relaxation training to serve as an effective intervention for
increasing pain tolerance.
The results from the control conditions allow this interpretation to
be made more confidently. Comparing the nonathlete placebo control
groups to one another, it is apparent that when the relaxation skill is
unavailable, a warning signal followed by a 2 minute waiting period
prior to the onset of the pain stimulus has no effect on pain tolerance.
It is remotely possible that the different patterns of results are due
to a difference between athletes and nonathletes in the ability to use
the warning signal effectively, regardless of the relaxation skill. An
effect of this sort has not been previously suggested by theory or
research, and could be invoked here only as a post hoc alternative
explanation. It is unfortunate that a sufficiently large sample of
contact athletes was not available to be used as subjects in the placebo
control conditions. However, in the absence of a compelling alternative
account for the pattern of results, the nonequivalent control group
design does allow us to infer support for the assertion that a warning
cue is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of progressive
relaxation as an intervention to increase pain tolerance.
Implementing the relaxation skill may require attention. When a
warning cue is available, attention is directed at the task of
relaxation and it can be effectively accomplished. Thus, at the onset of
the pain stimulus the coping mechanism is in operation. However, without
a warning cue, the pain stimulus and the relaxation task compete for
attention (McCaul & Malott, 1984) and the subject may not be able to
implement an effective level of relaxation. This analysis suggests thai
overlearning the relaxation skill may allow it to become effective in
the absence of a warning cue, as an overlearned response requires a
smaller proportion of the subject's attentional resources.
It is also possible that the relaxation response requires time to
develop to a level at which it is effective for coping with pain. By
using relaxation to counter the normal response to a noxious stimulus,
an increase in physical arousal, relaxation would be considered an
opponent process (Solomon, 1980). As such, it may lag behind the process
of attending to and experiencing the distress of pain. Thus, even in the
absence of a warning cue, trained subjects may show lower pain ratings
in response to a pain stimulus of longer duration at a level below the
tolerance threshold. In a recent clinical study, relaxation and imagery
have been shown to decrease the perception of submaximal pain in
osteoarthritic patients (Keefe et al., 1990).
If relaxation can be shown to influence an athlete's perception
of pain during task performance, it may prove beneficial in mitigating
the negative effects of pain on performance (Brewer, Van Raalte &
Linder, 1990). This however has yet to be shown in either athletic or
clinical settings. Although Keefe et al. (1990) have shown that
relaxation and imagery can reduce the perception of pain in
osteoarthritic subjects, it was not shown to effect task performance,
measured in their report as speed and ease of daily movements.
This failure to generalize to performance tasks provides an
opportunity for future research, especially in athletic settings.
Participation in contact and endurance sports carries with it the
experience of submaximal pain. Thus, the athlete's perception of
pain may be a mere fruitful area of research than pain tolerance. As
such, the relationship between relaxation and athletes' perception
of pain at submaximal levels should be examined. Similarly, contact
sports rarely provide a warning preceding the pain stimulus. This may be
a limiting factor for the use of relaxation as an intervention.
Therefore, the possible benefit of overlearning the relaxation skill
must be examined. Since overlearned tasks require less attention,
overlearning relaxation may allow it to be effectively employed without
a warning.
Pain perception and overlearning the relaxation skill are two areas
into which future pain research can be directed to examine these effects
in athletic performance situations. Because one of the most important
goals of any intervention is to improve performance, this is a direction
which pain researchers must explore. It must be remembered, however,
that it is not always appropriate to attempt an intervention to maintain
performance in painful situations. A noxious stimulus can provide
information about possible tissue damage and the likelihood of incurring
a debilitating injury. Thus, while many injuries are minor in nature,
the desire to maintain performance must be tempered with the realization
that further damage is a possibility. If used prudently, however,
relaxation training may enable athletes to reduce both the physical and
psychological effects of the pain they encounter.
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