期刊名称:Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
摘要:The qualitative researcher's ethical position is one of the most committed of the scientific field. On the one hand, as scientists we must satisfy the requirements of rigor, analysis and formalization of the field, i.e. we tend to objectify the studied subjects. In addition, we are compelled to respond to the funders of our research, especially the state and market, which inserts our work into strategies of power. On the other hand, the characteristics of our methodology, especially direct bonding with the subjects we study, difficult moral distancing, pushing ourselves to question our own methods, knowledge and the role of qualitative research. This tension between our moral duties and materials, our methods, knowledge and ethical considerations, prevent us from placing ourselves at the comfortable position of the intermediary: the modern figure which replaces the moral responsibility for the technical competence. This leads to paradoxes that are difficult, if not impossible, to solve for qualitative research. In this paper I examine the main ones and present some provisional solutions for them. In summary, I believe that this difficult epistemological and ethical position is the main feature of qualitative research and the engine that invites us to reflect further on our research practices.
关键词:Reflexivity ;Moral action ;Resistances ;Paradoxes of qualitative research ;Narrative ethics ;Dialectical images;Reflexividad ;Acción moral ;Resistencias ;Paradojas de la investigación cualitativa ;Ética narrativa ;Imágenes dialécticas